The Penguins don’t own a first round pick, so what now?

The Penguins don’t own a first round pick, so what now?

tonight is the NHL draft and that means silly season is officially upon us and Hunter is back and we’re going to talk about plenty of things the draft Silly Season and more right after this you’re locked on Penguins your daily podcast on the Pittsburgh Penguins part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hello and welcome back to another Edition of the locked on Penguins podcast I am one of your hosts Patrick damp you can follow me on Twitter at synonym for wet joined once again from vacation he’s cooked he looks great he’s refreshed the one and only Hunter hodies you can follow him on Twitter at Hunter hodies you can give our shows account a follow at Lor penguins and we thank you for making this your first listener watch of the day because we’re your team every day and don’t forget that we are free and available where ever you get your podcast as well as YouTube Hunter welcome back to the show I hope the beach was great you got a nice tan going on there for all of our viewers on YouTube and just like when I had Jesse on yesterday to talk about how he dropped his draft mixtape on YouTube talking about some players the Penguins could possibly take in the second round with their two Quick Picks again as a disclaimer they still don’t have a first round pick but that could change you never know there could be some trades if there are we’ll let you know but just like Jesse did yesterday today you have finally finished your draft board so it’s time for us to keep the conversation going here on locked on penguins about some prospects that you think the Penguins could snag and there’s one I want to start with because it’s one that has already been discussed this week on this show and that’s the defenseman Cole Hudson Taylor and I spoke about him earlier this week she had her reservations about him as a defenseman some size issues some defense issues but still a very good player and I want to get your thoughts on him yeah Cole Hudson he’s top five on my board I actually have him number four of the players that I’ve really dove into for this year’s draft for the second round for the Penguins and 15 goals 15 one points for the US national under 18 team for this past season and what I really like about him is he really threads the needle for some passes that look like they have no chance of going through in the offensive zone he’s very much I think a bit more of a playmaking defenseman overall he’s also really good at jumping into the play I feel like that’s his bread and butter as a defenseman he can still walk the Blue Line pretty well but I feel like jumping into play is where he’s best at I do agree with Taylor I think he still needs to bulk up a a little bit he has had some issues in his own Zone in terms of Defending but he more than makes up for it in terms of his offensive ability I’ll also say this his shot is very deceptive I think goalies have had a hard time handling it a little bit throughout his career so I really like the upside for this player even though there’s definitely some issues overall again I have him number four on my big board for players that I looked at that could be available in the second round uh on Saturday yeah and I said this to Taylor I I understand the concerns I don’t even think they’re unfounded you look at his size you look at the inconsistency that comes with playing for the US development team you know it’s not like playing in say Collegiate or junior or even overseas you’re playing an unspecified amount of games year to year like one year you can play 40 the next year you could play up to 70 it’s very inconsistent how many games that you play so it’s really hard to get a serious gauge on him but you look at what he has and I kind of feel like we can thread everything together here from the conversations I had with Taylor as well as Jesse this week when it comes to prospects is when you’re in the position that the Pittsburgh Penguins are in you’re not picking in the top 10 of the NHL draft you’re not getting guys who are sure things so in instead you’re going to get projects the guys you’re going to pick are not going to be NHL ready for years they’re going to be years away from even maybe being ready for the American Hockey League let alone the NHL but you look at a player like Hudson and you see a lot of raw skill you see a lot of a good base to to work with and when you’re 18 years old you’ve played for the US development team which has turned out a lot of talent over the past decade or so you see what does and you think okay if we get this guy in the second round maybe the third round because I know that Hudson’s been one of those defensemen that has been up in down draft boards this year some see him as a second round pick some see him as a third round pick you look at what he’s done you look at his numbers you look at his game and you think okay we’ve got a good base here to work with this might be a guy worthy of taking a flyer on in the later rounds well that too but also the Penguins really need another good defensive Prospect in their system I mean Owen pcking I still like him I just don’t know what his long-term future is with the organization his development has just kind of been stagnant over these last couple of years in my opinion and I still feel like they need a Bonafide defensive prospect I’m not sure Hudson can get to level but I think he has the ability just based on the way he plays in the offensive zone he’s still again gonna have to bulk up he’s gonna have to play a bit better in his own Zone but he’ll at least have a chance of get you know just being at least their top prospect defensively in their system another guy who kind of fits that mold as well Harrison brunick he played in the WHL this year 10 goals 21 points in 49 games he’s a right shot defenseman he also kind kind of reminds me a little bit of Hudson in the sense that he loves jumping into the play he also likes going down near the blue line with the puck on his take trying to make some plays happen as well he can still again jump back into position with no problem but he’s not someone like off on fray who’s number one on my board who he likes so walk the Blue Line a lot more all three of these options Harrison brunick Cole Hudson and Alon fry they would be great picks for the Penguins if all three are available to them at 44 and 46 I prefer pry over the other two but it’s past time they get another at least legit defensive prospect in this system outside I think of Owen Pickering yeah and that’s kind of been a theme the last two days here on the show while you’ve been on vacation with Taylor and Jesse is that yeah the penguins have a ton of organizational need when you start talking about draft and Prospects because we know how thin the cupboard is but the consensus seems to be that they really need a defensive prospect in their system because it’s pretty much Pickering and that’s it you can’t really call Shay or sa IV any prospects anymore they need to become professional contributors whether it’s at the American League or consistently in the NHL you really can’t refer to them as prospects anymore I want to dig in a little more to Frey because you did this and I know I joked about it with Jesse we as hockey prognosticators love to do the whole well he’s like this player if you compare him to what he does he’s a lot like this guy very many Quinn Hughes Hunter hodies says about alons fry and I want to get thoughts on that what makes him look like a mini Quinn Hughes yes I want to stress to everyone very and I mean very very many Quinn Hughes Vibes when I watch alons Fray I was high on him a couple weeks ago when I kind of teased it a little bit when I was really starting my big board for the Penguins he’s number one on my board after going through every single player that I feel like could be available to the Penguins at 44 and 46 there’s some players that I didn’t get to I might discuss that a little bit later but he’s 61 195 but you really wouldn’t know it by watching off on freay he looks like he’s 5’8 out there 14 goals 33 points in 40 games this past season he moves the puck up the ice with such beautiful Precision he’s able to win battles along the boards he’s also great at strugging off Defenders when he’s trying to break the puck out I mean there was one play off a face off I discussed this with you a couple weeks ago where it looks like the puck is going to the corner it looks like he’s just going to do a chip play along the boards no he does this beautiful head fake goes the other way starts a beautiful Zone exit and then his teammate didn’t even know the pass was coming but he’s able to outthink you on the ice and again that just very much reminds me a little bit of Quinn Hughes as well I don’t think he’s gonna shoot the puck every time he has it he’s more of a playmaker in my opinion but I think you can get him to be a bit more shot happy as he continues to develop so those are the main reasons why I kind of at least see very many Quin Hughes Vibes with him and why I think he has the chance to be at least hopefully a good NHL defenseman one day yeah liked a lot of what I saw from him I was digging into a little bit of the video today as uh we were getting ready for this once you sent me over your board and I liked a lot of what I saw the last guy that I want to talk about before we head to break is Miguel Marcus you he is a right winger he’s last on your board but it’s again been a theme both this week with Taylor and Jesse as well as just a theme with me in general I look at a need the penguins have both in the short and long term because we see where the NHL is going we need some more guys who play a hard Style game and you look at Marcus’s game and not afraid to go behind the net not afraid to go into the corners can battle on the boards and while his ceiling likely is Middle six Winger still the more the better when it comes to guys like that and again when we talk about where the penguins are picking and where the Penguins are as a franchise everybody keep in mind that these are projects these aren’t guys who you’re going to hear their name called this weekend and they’ll be ready in a year or two these are guys you might not see for three four years if at all yeah I think that’s the big key here Pat these players aren’t going to be ready until after Crosby malan and leang are done playing you’re not going to see any of these players play with the big guns at this point and with Marcus yeah he played in the WL this year 28 goals 74 points in 67 games sneaky good release especially his wrist shot I think of all the players I watch leading up for my draft big board he might have the best release out of all them especially his wrist shot that is sneaky and I mean sneaky good I think placement is key with him he knows how to pick the corners where he’s coming into the offensive zone he can also win the battles along the boards he’s not afraid to get his nose dirty while battling for the puck below the goal line his stick handling off the charart good man he makes countless Defenders look really silly with the way he stick handles I kind of got very very many Matt barzel Dives when I was watching him stick handle in the offensive zone I also see him as a middle six Winger if he can make it to the NHL but he does have all the tools I think he could work on some defending a little bit more as well but if he makes it to the league it’s going to be because of his sneaky good wrist shot and his playmaking ability overall and just to put a bow on this I do want to shout out Nikita art onov he’s number three on my board and if he is available to the Penguins in the second round if I’m Ka dubis a company I am running to the stage Pat his ranking it’s so different everywhere you look some places he’s top 15 to 20 others he’s top 25 to 30 others he’s a bit below that but in my opinion if they’re able to get him at 44- 46 he is a Flatout steel when you first see him play he is towering and he plays like it on the ice big body at forward he can for check extremely well I think he would be a fan favorite very quickly he played in the KHL this past season seven goals 23 points in 54 games I know some people look at those stats and be like well that’s that’s not that good but trust me people for someone who is only 18 almost half a point per game in the KHL is pretty good especially when you’re going up against pretty solid players on an every night basis and his two-way game I think is also improving throughout each year I think his defending in his own Zone could also take off a little bit this here but it’s his playmaking ability that really shines out when you watch him both at five on five and on the power play he was getting second power play time throughout this season for his team and he also brings a lot of energy each shift which brings me to my final point I kind of get Brandon Tanana Vibes off that but he’s capable of so much more I think if he’s able to make it to the NHL he’ll be a real good offensive threat again energy wise Brandon tanv that’s my comp for that but skill Wise It’s Way Beyond that I think yeah and half a point per game in the KHL is good for just about anybody because it’s not a highly offensive league so if you’re able to put up those kind of numbers it’s a solid indicator of your skill level it’s not like the NHL is so that’s not bad at all for him but that is going to do it for this segment NHL draft kicks off tonight at 7 pm Eastern Standard time it is at the sphere in Vegas you can watch that on ESPN here in the state Penguins as of now do not have a first round pick so they will not be a part of tonight’s festivities but they do have six picks two in the second round one in the fourth one in the sixth two in the seventh six picks overall but when we come back we’re going to talk about the NHL draft and I’m gonna throw Hunter for a little bit of a loop because as much as I want to talk about the awards I got something else I need to talk about but we will do that right after this because we have to tell you about our first sponsor and that is eBay Motors passion drive and patience the formula for winning championships is also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you’re into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die you’ll always find exactly what you’re looking for and with eBay’s guaranteed fit your part is guaranteed to fit your ride every time or your money back because with eBay Motors you’re burning rubber not cash with all the parts you need at the prices you want it’s easy to make your car the MVP and bring home huge wins keep your ride or die alive at eligible items only exclusions apply eBay guaranteed fit available only to us customers all right we’re back here on the Friday edition of the locked on Penguins podcast I’m Patrick damp joined once again by Hunter hodies as he’s wrapping up his vacation before the NHL draft and Silly Season gets underway and last night was the NHL awards and no real surprises on the winners other than maybe you could make a case for McDavid over McKinnon but that’s small potatoes they’re both absolutely incredible and I don’t think there’s an incorrect answer there either way but this gets into something that I have talked about out on this show a lot the NHL stinks at marketing its own product now I understand us hardcore hockey fans we like the NHL awards simply to argue we don’t like them to watch them it’s not a show tailored to us it’s a show tailored to Casual fans it’s a show tailored to people who only have a player on their team nominated for an award you want to see if they win so you can have your bragging rights however I think it’s pretty obvious Hunter and I are pretty DieHard hockey fans right we host a show about the Pittsburgh Penguins we talk about the Penguins five days a week we text about the Penguins seven days a week we tweet about the Penguins every single day and I said this on Twitter last night until I started seeing Awards roll in I had no idea the NHL WS were last night none whatsoever and that’s a problem because like I said I’m one of the biggest hockey fans in the world I obsess over this sport I watch this sport anytime it’s on no idea the award show was last night and not that I would have you know carved out time to watch them but I should know when an NHL Marquee event is and I had no idea the only reason I knew the NHL awards were last night was because Jeff mer and Elliot Freeman were discussing it on one of their 32 thoughts podcast episodes earlier this week they were like oh yeah the awards are on Thursday I’m like wait they are I had no idea that they were and you saw I caught a little bit of the awards I was mainly watching the US soccer team just embarrass themselves against Panama just because I can’t wait for Greg B bhal Tri exes me to hopefully be fired but I caught a little bit of it and some of it was just so cringe man I mean I saw people getting mad at Nik COV in the audience really who cares like he obviously doesn’t want to be there so why are people getting mad that he’s giving short answers when not gonna lie the jokes that were coming at him just weren’t that funny so I don’t know why people are that mad about it I mean I only really care about the awards just because I like seeing who people vote for but I like seeing who actually watched the games this year versus who did not watch the games and most of the awards I was fine with I mean here’s a hot take for you I would have given COV the heart over McKinnon I I mean I’ve had that take for the last several months I don’t know where that Tampa Bay team is this season without the play of Nikita COV my top three would have been COV McKinnon and then McDavid I know again that’s gonna be a hot take to some people but I still have no issue with mckinon winning he was Dynamite once again this year for the Avalanche but I just think kucherov was I guess more valuable to his team overall again I know McDavid also had an incredible season I could have seen him winning it as well but I still would have given it to coov but that’s just my main thoughts on the NHL awards as a whole I mean again I tune in a little bit but I’m not gonna watch that entire thing there’s just no need for it yeah and like I said you know not putting aside the show or the the marketing of the show itself the show itself again is is not for diard hockey fans it’s for casuals it’s it’s for people who like award shows and and that’s not me talking down to any of these people like I’m a very big Live and Let Live you like what you like I’m Not Gon to judge you for it but the fact that this is another moment where the biggest stars in the NHL are going to be in one place and this is a chance for the NHL to say hey look these are the best of the best in our league you should want more people getting eyeballs on it rather than just being like he the NHL awards on Thursday and then we have the draft on Friday so just like it’s absurd and for those who may not know if you didn’t catch it last night like I said McKinnon wins the heart Connor heluk wins the vzna again no surprise there all three goalies very worthy of the the award I don’t think there’s a wrong answer there but brovsky and Demco were the runners up that makes sense and then Norris Trophy goes to Quinn Hughes I think he won that in a landslide this year there was not a better defenseman during the regular season Conor Bard wins the CER again he was the oddson favorite and had a great season he’s gonna be a superstar for years to come Nathan McKinnon wins in my opinion the most important award the Ted Lindsay Award that’s the MVP is voted upon by his peers again don’t think there’s a wrong answer there between him Matt Matthews COV and even though he was not a finalist McDavid and then Rick toet wins the Jack Adams which well-deserved great turnaround for Vancouver they were great this year and he had a large hand in it and then Jacob slaven wins the lady Bing whatever and then barov to no one’s surprise wins the sky so not a lot of surprises not a lot of weird picks everybody who got the award pretty much deserved it yeah there were really no surprises for me again I have my preference for the heart but I have no problem with McKinnon winning it just because I think he was very deserving this year I think this is one of the first years that I can remember in at least a few that every award that was given out was given to the player you know or the coach obviously with greig toet that deserved it the most you know G give or take overall yeah and I will say one thing that is really cool to see uh the NHL award all rookie team named on that Arizona now Utah’s Logan kolie West Mifflin Zone Pittsburg native he had a very solid season for the coyotes and it’s really cool to see the growth of hockey in Pittsburg and to see someone like kolie not just make it to the NHL but do very well I think he’s gonna be a great piece for Utah in the years to come he is a very very very good hockey player and I’m excited to see where his career goes but that is going to do it for this second segment when we come back gonna be a little bit of a poery final segment we’re going to talk about some things Hunter missed while he was on vacation as well as get you ready for the draft and Silly Season which is fully fully underway but before we do that we’ve got to tell you about our last sponsor and that is FanDuel I love sports I love them so much that I never want them to stop but as the playoffs wind down we get fewer games and the sports aren’t sportsing like I want them to but FanDuel lets me keep the sports going 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Final incredible game I love the way the Panthers played especially in the third period I don’t think Sasha barov left the ice that entire third period it felt like he was out there the entire time and you know shout out to the Panthers for the job they did on McDavid and dry sidle in that game especially McDavid the Panthers were giving No Quarter to McDavid every time he was out there and honestly McDavid it looked like was out there for the entire third period as well I mean you can’t blame Chris noblock for that I mean you live by your star players you’re going to die with your star players and especially in the final five minutes of that third period I don’t think they left the ice at all but back to the Panthers they were the better team overall just when you look at the body of work in this series by the slimmest of margins I know people are up in arms about Conor McDavid getting the con smif I’ll say this I get why people are a bit annoyed I have no problem with it man I think when you look at the playoffs overall he was the best player in the S the Cup playoffs yes he struggled in game six yes he didn’t do that much in game seven but I’m not going to let a two game sample size dictate who you know should get it overall I think when you look at the numbers look at the impact that he had especially in that series I mean to get the Oilers back to tying the series after being down three nothing overall he just it felt like he had nothing left in game seven that that’s what it looked like man it looked like he was gassed in that third period just because of everything he did in that series and everything he did in the prior three series as well so I really had no problem with it if it did go to barov I would have been totally fine with that as well and that was my prediction at least but the fact that it went to McDavid I know some people are annoyed by it I’m not one of them I’m totally fine with it going to Conor and I’m right there with you I I’ve said it on the show before especially when we’ve talked about excuse me the um Penguins championships especially 2016 when everybody debates oh it should have been Phil not Crosby that won the K Smite we often forget it’s not a Stanley Cup Final MVP it’s the playoff MVP and far be it for me to defend Gary bman but he said as much when he presented the con Smite to Conor McDavid even though McDavid rightfully didn’t go out and accept the trophy it’s not the MVP of the Stanley Cup Final it’s the MVP of the Stanley Cup playoffs and there was no better player in the Stanley Cup Playoffs than Conor McDavid was than Conor McDavid so again I’m with you but I can also see both sides of the argument I understand people’s trepidation over it but at the same time when you’re breaking and sniffing Down Records in the playoffs that were once thought to be Untouchable I think that makes you a great candidate for MVP now if they would have gotten swept or gentleman swept and he still won it I might have had some issues but he was so great in games four and five that I think that cemented his victory even if you can bring in games six and seven but yeah moving on here we know that this is about to be a big time silly season for the penguins at the draft and going into free agency Kyle dubis has a very full plate I talked to Josh a little bit about this on Tuesday the biggest development this week has kind of been more smoke has been developing around Tristan jari while we had our game theory after they resigned n delovic like oh what does this mean for Tristan jari like could they move him that was all us just playing armchair general manager now reports come out that while Kyle dubis isn’t actively shopping Tristan jari he’s kind of putting The Feelers out there that maybe for the right price we trade Tristan jari so Hunter what are you thinking about possibly trading Tristan jar yeah I mean we’ve had this discussion I feel like a lot over the last couple weeks I don’t really think my view has changed I think if you’re not at least seeing what the market is seeing what you can get for him I don’t think you’re doing your job as a general manager in the NHL so I’m sure they’ve probably told a few teams hey we have them on the market what do you think what would you want to pay for this golender we know it’s a long contract just what are you thinking overall and you know you we’ve seen the markom trade we’ve seen the W Mark trade which I mean I thought he was going to be the goalie that gets quite a bit back I was kind of underwhelmed by the return that Boston got but you know I think there are still some goal tending needy teams like for example Detroit I mean I it feels like they’re in on basically every goalie that’s available right now I mean there’s been some smoke there with Jo there’s been some smoke there with John Gibson so I don’t really think much has changed but at least they’re starting to contact maybe more teams and saying like hey he’s available you know the goalie Market’s going down a little bit just what do you think overall yeah and and again it’s it’s what you and I have discussed if nothing else it’s got to be a cap move you can move him to free up some cap space which they so desperately need and one last thing that I’ll add before we wrap up the show here and I just kind of want to get your thoughts on this because what I’m going to say here this is based on Vibes this is based on nothing that I’ve heard nothing that I’ve sourced or anything but I was reading one of Rob rossy’s kind of offseason primers this week and there was a small little nugget in there that stood out to me I’m sure a lot of people probably just read right past it but Kyle dubis has been in Vegas since Sunday he went out there clearly very early now obviously he’s a little bit hamstrung lot of lot of big money deals on the penguin books right now Ron hexall handed out no movement Clauses like candy but I just get the sense that he’s digging in he is going to try if not make some big moves this weekend and into next week yeah I mean he’s got them man I mean they only have 10.7 million in cap space right now I understand that people I guess are a little bit impatient right now but it’s still only June 28 The Thirst round of the NHL draft has not happened as of this recording it’s about 4:45 right now overall but who knows maybe he does have some business business excuse me to take care of tonight in the first round even though the Penguins don’t have a first round pick maybe he does move a Riley Smith maybe he does move a trist and jari or something like that I think you’re G to see him be very active over these next few days even though he really hasn’t done much this offseason to date but I mean time’s ticking the the team right now it’s a bit stale he’s got to make quite a few changes heading into next season to I guess bring some much needed you know enthusiasm energy whatever word you want to call it heading into next season for this team and also we should shout out Sydney crwby and Eric Carlson being named to the respective countries four nations faceof teams today the first six skaters were announced for Sweden Finland United States and Canada Cindy Crosby making Team Canada of course Eric Carlson making team sweet and congratulations to them overall with that yeah very excited to watch that I I know that a lot of people haven’t been all that excited for it but I’m a sucker for international hockey and this is obviously going to be an Olympic primer it’s not just going to be some arbitrary like the 2016 World Cup of Hockey even though that ended up being great this is going to be a primer for the Olympics so that’s going to be a ton of fun to watch but that is going to do it for the Friday edition of the locked on Penguins podcast thank you all for tuning in Hunter and I will be back with a fresh episode on Monday but if there are any big moves or any big trades we will hop on here and do a quick episode breaking them down but for Hunter hodies I am Patrick damp thank you as always for tuning in and we will be back with you for a full episode on Monday

Hunter returns from his Locked On Penguins vacation and is back with Patrick talking about the start of silly season in the NHL! In the first segment, Hunter breaks down his draft board for the Penguins and who he sees them taking with their quick picks in round two. Then, they discuss how the NHL really dropped the ball in making it known that the NHL Awards were on Thursday night as well as the winners. Finally, they close out the show with some thoughts on the Stanley Cup Final, the Four Nations Faceoff, and what Dubas might do between now and the opening of free agency.

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