2024 NHL Draft: Daniel Briere

2024 NHL Draft: Daniel Briere

welcome to Las Vegas 2024 NHL draft I’m Brian Smith along with Flyers general manager Danny Brier we are here at the sphere early first impressions of this place this is something different yeah pretty cool just walking in with something else and you see how steep it is um sounds like a great place to watch the show H how’s your day been you guys have been putting your final preparations on everything here for the next two days yeah very busy um that’s the way we like it it get probably gets me that’s the closest I can get to a hockey game uh as far as the intensity goes uh we’re on the phone a lot lots of phone calls and uh negotiating so uh you know most of it gets done on the floor when when a certain team is about to pick or when we’re about to pick so um we’re listening in we’re looking at all options we’re going through all kinds of different scenarios and and uh to see if there’s something better on the table for us um and hopefully it works for both teams last year obviously was your your first uh kind of Drive in the ship here you’ve had a a year behind you now in the role what’s the differences for you this time around definitely a little bit more comfortable um you know I have good people around me Bren Flair uh managing the draft he does an excellent job knows where where everything’s at where to look at uh these guys are prepared they’ve seen all these players and they have many viewings on them so I have no worries there um for myself it’s just you know trying to find what uh what the best uh trade up or trade down option is with uh with other teams and then I’ll share with the group and see if uh you know we feel it’s better sometimes to uh go after a player we want or sometimes if there’s a cluster we can move back and and still feel comfortable in terms of the picks themselves are there priorities that you guys are looking at are you just looking best player available a little bit of a mix of both well early on we want to focus a little bit more on uh on the best player uh but if it’s you know close uh we might um you know Target a center if possible um you know you look at the organization uh coming through the miners or the prospect pool it’s an area that we’re um you know a little starved for so if we have a chance uh they’ll be a focus on on centers and and if we don’t have the chance to take him early as the draft goes on we’ll probably have a little bit more of a focus on centerman all right well good luck with everything tonight and tomorrow enjoy it we’re going to catch you on the other side for sure sounds good thanks Brian Flyers general manager Danny Brier with us stay with us throughout tonight and tomorrow for more here from Las Vegas

Hear from Flyers General Manager Daniel Briere ahead of round one of the NHL Draft.

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