LATEST Detroit Pistons News, Trades and Draft Picks

LATEST Detroit Pistons News, Trades and Draft Picks

Detroit Pistons made a trade today they did acquiring Tim Hardway Jr and three second round picks I’m not mistaken three second round picks in exchange for Quinton Grimes yes straight up straight up how you feeling shiny I mean I it’s a good trade it’s a good trade you get rid of a guy that you weren’t going to extend because you’re worried about his injuries and what he’s going to be going forward you bring in a guy that has over a 100 more three-pointers made than the best three-point shooter on your team last year that’s fair and you get some trade asset or some draft assets I think it’s an overall win for a trade you needed a shooter you got a shooter you wanted some more draft assets you got some more draft assets and you got rid of a guy that didn’t play for you last year yeah so a guy who played six games on a 14- win team is not this you know commodity that needs to be held on to sha ban was talking about it yesterday with the uh with the Jake wman trade like oh I forgot that Jake Walman won six Norris trophies in a row like the way people were freaking out about it can I tell you what though oh I forgot Quinton Grimes was six-man the year and won three MVPs like he was a net nothing for this team last year Quinton Grim is a part of three Detroit Pistons wins Yeah Tim Hardway Jr is going to be a part of more than that they’re going be way better I am not worried about that at all like I said hey shout out to my guy M Matt s the building Tim Hardaway Jr had almost double the amount of three-pointers made as your best three-point shooter last year and he is a guy who’s hit over 200 three-pointers in his past two years so yeah it is a welcome addition to the Detroit Pistons yeah it’s not one you could harp over I’m just going to be honest with you guys it’s not it’s not one of those situations I did like Quint Grimes I believe we both like Quinton Grimes just cuz he brought a little bit of Defense as well as that three-point shooting I think I think the True Value here is the three second round picks to come along with yeah deal they’re they’re falling out of your pockets like nickels these days by the way if I haven’t mentioned it before dispo free food truck when you purchased what’s it called Brady he doesn’t know you have yeah we got to shout him out yeah we do he’s right now they gave us free food just what Windy City Wings ah Windy City Wings I mean we don’t like Chicago around here but most fries are good I love Cajun Fri regardless though I think the value is in the second round picks um I already saw a report from Vinnie Goodwill of Yahoo who mentioned Detroit piss is already trying to shop around those three second round picks in exchange for a first uh he also came out outright and and I think we played the clip on our show yesterday that he’s looking for future assets specifically future assets so um that’s that’s the win of this and yeah you know Quint Grimes I did like him he’s also going to be a free agent so maybe if if you really liked him that much like you can go reacquire him you’re going to have the cap money to do it yeah he’s not going to command any crazy market and then you yeah also you get a guy in Tim Hardway Jr who can still shoot threes I did look at a a interesting stat and I don’t know if this means to you or not spinny but on catching shoot threes he’s really only 30% yeah how I almost didn’t want to buy into that cuz he’s still shooting better than everybody else on our team like you mention don’t care yeah don’t care he hit 211 three-pointers last year also as a previous relationship with K cyam due to their Texas connection but voice in the sky it sounds just like Nicholas Koloff what do you have to say the voice in the sky um I think it’s good to have a proven vet in here compared to all these young guys and I think Tim Hardway Jr obviously played in the championship game last year he has that proven like ability to actually perform in this league so getting that for a young guy like Cade I think it’s going to help out this team big time and this is what I wanted you take on the assets you get a actual proven vet in this locker room that can help this team develop and I think that’s what Tim Hardway Jr is hey Jeff you were Sean got get on the mic at some point we got to talk about the that Drake stuff yeah hey Drake hey Drake I heard you like I’m young I guess my next question for you guys and for the chat as well does he start you should he started Jaden Ivy yeah a lot of people were throwing fits over that last year I’m just saying he should for sure start over Jaden Ivy no he’s an actual two guard he’s a two guard and like I said he’s hit 200 threes his past two seasons in a row I just went down you said 300 didn’t you no oh last year he hit 21 the year before that he hit two no number changing last year more last year he hit 700 threes no he had 211 last year he he had 212 the year before that he should be your starting two guard yes Nick he should be will he will Jaden Ivy even be here all signs are pointing towards that I don’t know if he’s going to return that’s where I’m at whoa Jaden Ivy microwave Nick with the hot D I don’t I don’t think that’s that hot of a take I don’t well he said he wants to try him out he P he said jayen Ivy specifically no he just said young guys right no Drizzy I think they’re going to try I already said this before too if you guys missed it then you’re getting it now I think they’re going to I think they’re going to follow through and sign Tobias obvious got Tim Hardway Jr you have a respectable five I was so down and out today that I watched us get swept by the Cavs again back in like what was that 2017 or 2016 whenever it was you’re just crying watching it but it was stepen Blake was our starting or second stre cour point guard after regie Jack it wasn’t like a great team no so this team is like it’s it’s going to be better it’s more experienced but I think with that especially if you sign Tobias you have fonio who’s going to come off the bench with Ivy build his value and get maximum value out of jayen Ivy versus just cashing in on them right now you know yeah I don’t I would I would still give it a go I mean I’ve kind of been the ivy guy on the show to be honest that says that we should not give up on it yet but I just don’t know with the moves that they’re making you bring in Tim Hardaway Jr you know we’ll see how it goes but I would give it a go I would give it a go with Ivy but what the crazy old guy next you just say oh you know what stick has to say STI start Ivy over everybody just put Ivy out there one V5 let us go work all I’m saying is when Ivy was our starter we had more wins than we had last season yeah hey hey you know facts is facts we can we can all play games we can say who’s better what team was better but when Ivy as a rookie was in the starting lineup Pistons won more games when Kate has a rookie in the starting lineup he won more games than Ivy did as a rookie in Star lineup vers 17 when cave was a third-year player he set the franchise record for losses as a starter that’s cuz was there Hing no that’s because Jaden Ivy was on the bench Killian Hayes started the season well they went on a two1 stretch when Ivy’s coming off that bench Killian Hayes it’s true two in one stretch I hate you it’s like 13 worst team in franchise history of their win yall think the leader is the best all right I’m just saying he’s the best player on the team it’s not even close 21 wins cage rookie year draft iy and every year this down been slowly declining down just saying I just I think that wait so you think fonio is coming off the bench so who’s your starting five if they sign Tobias um you know I disagree on the Ron stuff I think Ron’s are four you can’t damn you can’t shoot that well I don’t think R’s a four maybe they’ll try him out a little bit of wing there’s no way R’s a four he’s a four I think I I think it’ be a four well I think starting lineup uh you’re going to have K cam at point guard K’s playing this way you’re good you’re fine you’re fine says you came here to meet uh Thomas did you know that he was Fort why are you here right now did you come here why are there condoms in your car Kate conm Mar Jun assar Tobias well Tobias is not here yet so I guess I can’t really do that no if they sign Tobias they okay four Duren five you’re starting AAR yeah what I don’t know I’d start Holland over s honestly I mean I guess I would try it I would start holl if if you resigned to buas my starting five would be Kade Timmy Holland Tobias Duren and then Off the Bench you got Ivy assar Stu fono St play yeah he’d have to play five yeah so yeah Ste your back up five right now you don’t have another Center on your on your roster that’s a piece I think is gone I think Ivy will be here I don’t think steu will I don’t know it just work shout out Megan shout if you guys think lady Jan’s got a roster yeah disos roster it’s not like dude it’s like uh Pistons vers the Celtics no that’s no that’s way too far there fellas M Celtics MAV Celtics Celtics Celtics Mavs yeah yeah it’s definitely a final series but one team but one team yeah is leading they’re stacked they’re stacked for sure everywhere you look they’re deep roster’s deep for sure yeah I mean I we’re we’re going to have the conversation obviously about him at a wing or him at a power forward and we’re just not going to know to season starts it’s like why do you think he’s a wing over a forward because he is not he’s not a power forward he’s not going to play with his back to the basket ever you literally just said the other day nobody plays with the back the basket any more so I I guess if you want to put him at the four sure but he’s not like any time I hear power forward I think of like Al Horford like that’s not he is a wing think of think of like a modern power forward he is a wing he is not a power forward he is a wing so right now you get two guards you get two wings and you get a center I think of like start the G League Jeremy Grant or like a Tobias Harris when I think of a four in the modern day like fonio is a four Ron Holland is is a three why can I spell I think I would flip-flop those personally you think fono is a three yes because Ron Holland has the potential to guard the four Ron holl I think it’s all about who you can guardo can guard threes yeah I would not a chance dude what are you saying cuz he can stretch the floor no because he can’t move cuz he is not a three when it comes to moving and playing on the perimeter defensively you’re right your position relies on who you can guard Ron Holland can guard one through four osar Thompson can guard one through four like those are wings they’re not power forwards trying to find fonio can guard fours like he can’t guard a three he can’t guard a two he’s not a wing he is a forward Holland and assar our wings I guess I look at it different with that like modern NBA it’s kind of hard to put like a number on a guy you know it’s position L basketball position basketball what you can defend like I said assar and Holland are wings they can guard one through four fanto can guard just force he is a forward he is a power forward I believe he was a I believe Ron was a power forward and ignite yeah but he’s playing in transition and handling the ball at the top of the perimeter break guys down off the dribble that’s not a power forward was Yiannis a power forward he is a wing yes jannis is a power forward he handles the ball in transition yeah cuz he’s a gump and he’s just running dunk man H was also by far the best player on that team another reason why he probably handle that ball in transition because also he can do it like I fono you’re not giving fonio the ball up and down the court fonio is not breaking guys down off the dribble at the top of the key like he is a forward Ron Holland is a wing by the way fonyo is a four I do agree to that part yeah Ron Holland is a wing I you’ll see what he’s playing the four he can play the he can be in the fourth spot but he is not a power forward he is a wing if you label him as a power forward that’s incorrect he is a wing player that is not incorrect when he’s playing the power forward position what are you talking about he got drafted as a wing it literally said W he is a wing yeah cuz Pistons are only catching W’s these days alland can guard the four Aur can guard the four is Aur a power forward I don’t know but can Nick tell us about the morning show every single morning [Music]

Spencer Raxter, EZ and the rest of the Heavyweights crew discuss the Detroit Pistons draft decisions in the first and second round, as well as their trade for veteran Tim Hardaway Jr. Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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