No one is talking about this but with KP out, we can have a JT MVP season

No one is talking about this but with KP out, we can have a JT MVP season

  1. Kind of a really stupid thought I’m having but for some reason this pic of Tatum looks like an AI-aged version of Deuce lol

  2. I hope he really focuses on his shooting in the offseason. He’s got everything down pat his playmaking took a massive step, his defense and rebounding. If he can up those shooting percentages a bit look out. He’d be a legit MVP candidate

  3. I don’t think we will have an MVP on this team because of the way Joe gets them to play. Each night, everyone does what the team needs to win. I think if we make it back to the Finals, JT will win FMVP.

  4. Yeah. I don’t care about that at all. If they are winning and it happen… cool. 

  5. Not unless he fixes his shot and is more consistent. Scoring consistently matter for MVPs.

  6. If Jaylen was out, I think he would have a chance. But I’m glad Jaylen isn’t out.

  7. I’m really excited to see post-nut Celtics. I want to see the next evolution of the Jays.

  8. I actually think this next season he will be in the discussion firmly.

    I feel like this season there was a lot of pressure for him to perform well and lead the team to a title and they did that.

    Now that the monkey is off his back, his confidence should be sky high, he’ll have shut the vast majority of the noise and criticism down while understanding that he may have underperformed in some areas. That gives him a goal for next year and avoids the “hangover championship” season some contenders have had. He should be more relaxed and a chill smooth Tatum is the best Tatum.

  9. lmao he wont jokic luka and embiid have bigger shoulders to fill with lack luster rosters compared to jt, jt can have another banner but he wont win mvp if he has this stacked roster

  10. Nah we don’t need him heaving away to chase Luka’s box score production. Just aim for HCA throughout the playoffs, all that matters

  11. That would be cool and all… But for me, I would rather our C’s just continue with the team basketball.

    We have the luxury of having a top heavy roster where any of the top6 can be the player of the game, yet some clamor for individual awards.

    Also, KP was out for 20+ games in the regular season. This team knows how to adjust cos of said team basketball philosophy.

  12. 1. He just have to replay Bronny cutting him to let da hate flow 🙂
    2. I want him to boom Bronny so we have a father and son poster 🤣

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