What Will It Take For Kyler Murray, Marvin Harrison Jr. And Arizona Cardinals To Reach NFL Playoffs?

What Will It Take For Kyler Murray, Marvin Harrison Jr. And Arizona Cardinals To Reach NFL Playoffs?

welcome in it’s the pnx Cardinals podcast live from Studio K presented by our friends at Circle K this is your Premier Arizona Cardinal podcast like And subscribe was a five star wherever you get your programming I’m Johnny venerable co-host on this OG’s flavoring Friday Mr B Brock Damon dog returns behind the mic on this very special 999 Eve episode of PHX Cardinals podcast we’re talking dogs we’re we’re hanging with our dogs and we’re having a good time that’s right we have uh we’ve got everything set up we’ve got the mustard packets set up with care we’ve got the beer put out like you would milk with Santa and and the glizzies like you would cookies it is absolutely 999 challenge Eve it’s very exciting you you can feel the nervous excitement in this room uh on this stream remotely way out in the East Valley in an undisclosed location with Johnny venerable and I think the chat is uh is feeling it as well you have to to become a die hard at go phx.com to have an exclusive look all things 999 challenge beginning tomorrow minana myself bul Brock damond dog espo will be there as well VP at content here at pH next Sports to make sure everything is copesthetic everything is fair and equal during the 999 challenge we are locked and loaded for a 1 pm first pitch and uh again Diamondbacks have a lot of good stuff going on tomorrow Damon dog yeah Allen back on the mound tomorrow and uh hopefully I don’t I mean I want it’s a huge dilemma right like I want him to be really good but also like we need as much time as we can possibly get here so it’s hard to like root against the Diamondbacks Ace but like we he needs to be like kind of average at least right here here’s where I think it’s gonna play to our advantage like he’s coming back he’s making his first start we sound like ph& XD backs but like he’s not going to go deep in this ball game like even if he’s mowing like we could see some give me extra warmup time with pitches in between Innings yeah let’s do it and I think that’s gonna play to our advantage um let’s see tomorrow it is there’s no bobblehead oh yeah it’s a bat flip catel Marte bat flip bobblehead tomorrow I forgot about that we’re probably gonna need to get there earlier than 45 minutes then okay be it’s gonna be pretty packed from like people stay out will will stay outside for like three hours I’m being dead serious in the heat I mean I just walked outside in my mailbox and legitimately my my skin peeled off my body I’m I won’t be doing any of that uh and we were talking about it off air like again like when when can we officially start to do this can we start right before first pitch like I I know that a lot of people are gonna poo poo that like I want to be able to get started the minute I go in as much as I love the Dbacks yeah and the anticipation of Zach gallon returning that my mind is in one place tomorrow when I step into that Stadium I’m like an athlete taking over I don’t I don’t want all the charades I’m ready to get to work business trip Blinder on I hear you man you’re you’re locked in um I’m like you like once I go to the concessions and I’m making my way through the Concourse to my seat if you don’t think I’m dipping and dabbling with what I just purchased at the concessions you’re crazy I’m already sipping my beer I’m already taking I’m I’m dressing dog and I’m getting ready to to M down on it uh I love this Super Chat to kick off a football Friday with OG’s Alex 199 Johnny’s gonna pull the upset against bow and Damon dog ah I appreciate your kind words I told my wife before Today’s Show I was I was shooting for six plus that’s my goal and she looked at me like I had three heads she’s like it’s not happening she keeps telling me she goes you’re a Seltzer guy and I’m like I I drink all kinds of different beverages but she’s throwing the fact that yeah it’s really hot out maybe I’ll have a Seltzer every now and then she’s putting that in my face which I don’t appreciate that I mean to just fullon deem you like we say hey what’s your identity as uh consumer what’s your beverage identity and she says you’re a Selzer guy that’s that’s an indictment I don’t yeah I don’t know what more she can do to me at this point where it’s just like I’m gonna have to go talk is cheap at this point I get it yeah yeah hey they just have they have we have to prove it now you know it’s it’s like all right we’ve done all we can we’ve we’ve prepped as much as we can everything’s in place now go out there and and just perform and um you know I was talking strategy with Damon today and I was blown away with what he’s already has in place tonight what is that for tomorrow well I’m not gonna I’m not gonna give away Damon Secrets it’s not my place to do so but I mean here’s what I’ll say I’m not going to be doing I’m just going to I’m approaching it like any other day wow and Damon is not so Johnny venerable who’s who already kind of Drew the Line in the Sand earlier this week against our our beloved award-winning producer Damon dog you’re on alert officially I’m about my business I am that’s I that’s all I care about I’m locked the [ __ ] in I want to see Damon’s recipe for Success uh and we’re going to get to some official lines as it relates to the nine n and n challenge later in the show the first recipe for success for the Arizona Cardinals because we do have football to talk today on this football Friday uh 2024 playoff recipe you know we’re GNA get to an article later in the show by the athletic um Mike Jones detailing why the Cardinals are underrated and I yeah absolutely who is he it’s my uh and I agree with that but I also think as much as we feel like this team’s being slept on there’s four to five factors that I would consider non-starters for this team team that’s still in year two of a rebuild to be able to reach the postseason Bowl I look at this list that we’re going to put up here on the screen in one minute that if these things don’t go right it’s going to be a very difficult time for the Arizona Cardinals to get where they want to be in 2024 yeah I think that the margin for error obviously is Slim right as far as who’s available who’s not available in the upcoming season and as far as just the the field of play as far as mistakes and you’re going to have a young roster and as much as we liked what we saw off from last year you’re still uh incorporating a lot of new pieces to this team and the expectations for them to perform right away they’re gon to be there but is that going to be how it plays out yeah that that remains to be seen But like I remember saying this last year with the Arizona Cardinals roster where it was then that they had like a negative margin for eror they were already starting like way behind the eightball like they they even if things worked out perfectly like we saw with with some of these games where they scratched and clawed and and fought to be in those contests like even when they played out perfectly and it was like the game plan was good they had you know play that we weren’t expecting from players like Joshua dobs um even then they they would come up short you know significantly short because of tough second half so now I think that they’ve obviously gotten closer to where they’re they’re at least starting at hey they have a slim margin for air as far as not starting in the negative let’s get to what we hear phnx Cardinals have deemed non-starters for the Arizona Cardinals the ultimate playoff recipe and again does it need to be everything not everything but most everything uh let’s start with this recipe here the ingredients love this graphic from our gu dog KY the Murray’s gota play all 17 games you can I do think can I say this though yeah I think it should have like been buried in a long like story about like how this recipe has been passed down from generations and like just how anytime you look up a recipe online you can’t find the ingredients or the cook time it’s buried within some stupid article about somebody’s life they talk about like the just the the dish for like five paragraphs they’re like the grilled salmon is an unbelievable food it’s the Preamble I feel like we just did that talking about it we did a verbal Audio Preamble right you’re you’re right we did We buried it now it’s like five star recipe that no doubt would equal 2024 playoffs uh for the Arizona Cardinals and again this is the most important ingredient which you add first and foremost it’s what the the cake is based off of it’s the flour right it’s Kye Murray Kyler Murray’s got to play 17 games like no more missing games no more missing time at the end of the year you know I I think you can maybe trim your ingredients a little bit and get 15 16 games and still be okay Kyle Murray plays all 17 games here that everything else is second and third tier after K1 uh in his expectations Bo would you agree with that absolutely I mean what we saw from Kyler Murray in eight games and the team goes three and five nearly four- four uh even a you know pedestrian Kyler Murray kind of steadies the waters for an Arizona Cardinals team that kind of went through uh The Gauntlet before he returned last year so like Kyler Murray just being there knowing this offense now going into second season and then also having his playmaking ability uh for 17 games I mean I’m not expecting Kyler or any NFL player to be perfect in each and every one of those games but just to have consistency in every single contest next year would be at that quarterback position would be huge yeah no doubt again you can sprinkle in one to two games of a Joshua dobs and a Colt McCoy and still keep your playoff aspirations alive but and kyur is out to prove again this year it’s a war of attrition get through 17 games this year let the chips fall where they may how about some young pass rushers Darius Robinson Z Collins BJ jalari somebody within that group and maybe I maybe I missed somebody but I I think this is the core pass rush group from an edge rushing standpoint that needs to produce one of these three guys whether so Lauren your two zav and Collins Reclamation project and then of course the you know the 26 pick and Darius Robinson somebody has to put forth the kind of production not just from a stat standpoint from a pressure standpoint a presence for the Arizona Cardinals to stay we have an alpha on the edge that if we’ve got a lead with under three minutes to go X player is going to get pressure for us we can’t be sitting here in November and December and say we’re hanging on for dear life because the edge Rush the the pass rush help is non-existent Bo if oari or even zav Collins who I think is a longer shot even though I think physically you you can see him you could you’re not going to rule it out hey could he emerge could he make that big jump in his second season as a pass rush but more so BJ oari and Darius Robinson as rookie season like if one of those guys can become the alpha on this defense that can can be just an absolute just problem for opposing offensive lineman to make uh a left tackle Sunday just a living hell um I talked to Sam Monson you can find this interview up this weekend on phnx Sports YouTube channel and wherever you find podcasts but just basically saying how on the offensive side of the football Marvin Harrison Jr is an immediate kind of game changer and what he’s going to do in putting other players on that side of the football in that wide receiver core in a posi more of a a steady position for Success something like Michael Wilson it profiles more as a wide receiver too Greg dor profiles more as a slot guy and of course you know Tre McBride as their tight end where I think if BJ o jalari comes out and his absolute dog in his second season and is he coming off the edge consistently and generating pressure it it takes you know the pressure off of Dennis gek zav Collins and the rest of the the defensive front seven to perform and it puts them in more you know I guess conducive situ conditions to to just play their game and you know get get what we expect from those guys in of them having to overproduce uh just to make up for you know where they lack in the pass rush yeah and I agree with that and I think it doesn’t have to be one individual carrying the load I mean if all three of those individuals combined for seven or eight sacks and it’s consistent but you can’t get nothing out of that group you can’t have one guy get hurt one guy underperform another guy be average like you have to get a presence off the edge that this team can really feel comfortable with because last year man it just it felt like in last unless an opposing quarterback made an Aon throw or unless a running back put the ball on the ground like the Cardinals had no shot at getting off the field when it mattered most um so yeah number two ingredients it’s very much like if you’re baking a pie whether you want strawberry pie or blueberry pie or whatever pick your poison from an edge rusher standpoint but somebody has to produce can’t be a big mud pie if you know what I mean all right let’s get to some first off have you ever embarked on baking a pie in your life I’ve eaten plenty of Pies yeah I know we’ve all eaten plenty of Pi no I’ve never made a pie yeah neither have I and that’s why I mean I I I could sniff that out how about how about a pizza so doesn’t matter your ingredient pepperoni ham pineapple yeah maybe a loaded Supreme all right let’s get back to these ingredients here because this next one I think hierarchy standpoints pretty damn High Paris Johnson Jr not only has to play but he’s gota take a major sophomore leap we talk about pop candidates explosive you know trajectories for second-year players nobody has a bigger Target outside of maybe Michael Wilson on the team on the roster than Paris Johnson Jr moving from right tackle to left tackle continuing to be available that’s the number one thing and then also hey can we dominate Nick Bosa On Any Given Sunday can we can we dominate the the Rams defensive line can we put some people on on their ass in Seattle Paris Johnson Jr can he solidify himself as a top tier left tackle I don’t care about PFF grades I don’t care about rankings when I watch the Arizona Cardinals play football Paris Johnson Jr keeps for the most part Kyler Marie clean can he build off of that and take it to the next level if he does look out I mean remember last year’s DJ humph right I mean there there was questions about DJ early on and I know that he stabilized things and you know Bal even said maybe he was a victim of of poor left guard play yeah but I think Paris Johnson Jr going into his second season if if he takes a jump in any way uh it it’s going to really uh lock in that franchise left tackle spot more so than it it did early in in last season where you know I think DJ was was fine but like to to get that consistent play right there just like the quarterback position and and really kind of neutralize a guy like Nick Bosa and all the guy you know the new additions in Los Angeles and you look at the rest of the schedule you know Washington features a pretty stout defensive front as well like if Paris Johnson Jr can just kind of quiet anybody and he knows just like his rookie season where where people were going to attack him uh he knows that they’re going to do that as he moves over to even more uh pivotal position on the left side of the line yeah I he’s he’s such a good guy and such a promising Prospect up front on the offensive line entering last year it’s I’m just cautiously optimistic that this is the first individual that’s really going to take the Baton of the best homegrown offensive lineman the Cardinals have had since they moved to Arizona and it’s a low bar but I think it’s a bar he’s going to Eclipse he’s got the pedigree he’s got the makeup I he’s just going to be a steady player for the Cardinals for a long time and it starts this year like he put it on everybody’s radar here locally in Arizona big-time Prospect emerging young player and I think he he sets the national scene on fire this season speaking of national scene Marvin Harrison Jr it’s simple Mar’s got to be Marv the generational prospect that we expect right I don’t want to put a specific number on this whether it’s 1,200 yards 1,500 yards 20 touchdowns whatever I I don’t even I don’t even think we have to put a number on it it just when when this team needs a big play receiver there’s number 18 when this team’s down and they need a touchdown when they need a one-handed catch when they need that Alpha number one wide receiver even as what is he 21y old rookie entering the landscape the NFC West can Marvin Harrison Jr be that guy I think going to be but that’s that’s a mandate for this season in my opinion yeah I mean and look I mean he’s coming into a situation where we they didn’t have any really production from the X last year like outside of Greg dorge filling in at the x that was really the most and you know Hollywood Brown early in the year before he got truly banged up to the point where he just could wasn’t competitive and had to go on the IR late in the season but like Trey McBride LED this receiving court at tight end with eight 25 yards next closest was Hollywood with 874 and then Michael Wilson at 865 like he even like if he comes at the gate slow or if he’s just you know producing you know average to to above average performances it’s still going to blow away the production that they got from their receivers last year like it felt like especially when you think about the Chicago game or the Houston game last year where they fell short where where did they where couldn’t they find production in that wide receiver Court you could you didn’t have the guy that was going to make a play When the offense just desperately need it like they were decent like between the 20s but when when it came down to it who was going to step up and make a play if Marvin Harrison Jr can provide that and like what Sam says in this interview coming up like I agree with like putting you know in a way better position for success in Mar in Michael Wilson not the pressure of having to lift up this receiving Court just play his role get open beat his man or Greg dorch doing what he does best and Trey McBride just parlaying last season success into continued success this season I mean I just it’s just gonna make this a better offense going forward and I I don’t think like I don’t think the expectations are too high like I I don’t like I think and I said this and I’ll maintain this about Marvin Harrison Jr he’s not just Pro Ready’s star player ready yeah he’s going to come in I don’t think this is going to be too big for him and like the extra targets that he’ll probably command is because it’s he’s undeniable out there on the field for the Cardinals and if if and I think that that’s not it sounds like it’s it’s a heavy expectation but like so far he’s checked the boxes as far as answering the hype with his teammates and his coaching staff and I don’t see anything kind of getting in his way that’s gonna stunt that come the regular season I was trying to look back because the the most recent comparison I think for Marv is Jamar Chase as it relates to prospect coming in Cen his can’t miss seen his big time and Chase he sat out his senior year because it was the covid season 2021 Jamar Chase like the consensus was around the NFL about the 20th best wide receiver for like a fantasy perspective right I think people certainly nobody expected him to have like 1400 yards but his season projection that year was I would I consider far less than Marv right now yeah so I I hope we’re not setting ourselves up for disappointment but like I have consistently seen Marv mocked in the top 10 for receivers for Fantasy Football we’ve got his projected numbers 1,200 yards I think conservatively Jamar Chase was right around 900 to a thousand yards and he eclips that and good for him and he’s been consistent ever since but Marvin is in a class of his own I think as it relates to projecting as a rookie yeah because I don’t I don’t think people are going to consider him a rookie ever yeah and that’s unfortunate but in a good way they didn’t consider Paris Johnson Jr at least uh once the season started a rookie at least within the walls of the of the organization like they’re like okay get your bearings find out like you know how you get to the facility on time and and and set up your process and your routine and then like once you lock in like we’re not going to consider you a first year player and I don’t think you know Marvin’s going to that get that luxury and I don’t think he necessarily wants that luxury either um so yeah I mean the the Jamar Chase numbers are absolutely insane like their their his rookie season numbers were better than any season that Larry Fitzgerald ever produced in his unbelievable seven that’s nuts yeah it is I mean just with the yardage 1400 yards and was it 13 touchdowns that that’s just a a massive massive season here’s where I’ll say like temper the expectations like week let’s say the first four weeks of the season and he has every ability to blow those out of the water like he he could he could be from day one a superstar but with when I look at this offense and I hear from Michael Wilson and I hear from Trey McBride and petting himself like the emphasis on timing that’s just something that comes and you can’t replicate on the practice field that they’re going to have to get down in uh in actual games played and I don’t you know I don’t know if he’ll get enough run in the preseason with Kyler Murray in order to lock that in could it be a little bit like the maturation between Kyler and Michael Wilson to where it’s a little rocky plays still can be made but is it gonna be like what you think oh right out of the gates like dehop and Kyler where it was like 14 targets and de Hop’s pulling down 12 and go over the sentury mark in game one well I mean Calvin Johns and Larry fero both had under a thousand yards their first year and it’s a different League then and and Calvin Miss time but I think about again going back to Jamar chase that first year I almost feel like was a little bit of an anomaly from a catch standpoint he averaged you know what his average per catch was that year 18 yards per catch I mean that’s that’s almost like Collegiate numbers like big 10 numbers for Marv a lot of that we didn’t have 100 catches That season a lot of it came because of the yak presence that he had where he would take a slant route or he’d take an underneath pass remember that game against Kansas City where he’d take something underneath and he’d house it for 60 yards yeah like so he did manufacture a lot of that on his own and I think Marv has that ability I know people dog like Marv’s Yak because of Kyle McCord and the you know Hospital balls he got last year but look what he did with CJ strad like that that’s what I’m looking back to is the 2023 or 2022 college football season because I I just feel like Marvel was put in a position to get a lot of yak last year the the last two guys though that have really just came out not come out of nowhere like they were both on that LSU historic team yeah Justin Jefferson and Jamar Chase they both go over, 1400 yards in their rookie season but like Justin Jefferson was was he wide receiver four or five in that draft yeah I mean he’s he’s 20 you know 22nd overall the eagles picked Jaylen rager ahead of him yeah and then you got Jamar that that’s that’s alltime War Room footage when they found out that the Eagles had pulled that move how Roseman can do no wrong though uh as far as Jamar Chase he’s I know he’s the fifth overall pick and they make that decision to take chase the wide receiver over pen Su the offensive tackle who a lot of people thought the Bengals should have taken that draft to protect Joe burough who just gotten injured with a knee injury but like Jamar Chase like he was getting crushed in in the preseason because of drops and stuff like that nobody like he didn’t have nearly as much hype as I’m sure Marvin Harrison Jr is going to have going into his rookie season and it’s also like a test to what those guys did and laid the groundwork for in the expectation for rookie receivers that are the top of their draft class we talked about four let’s see the fifth recipe ingredient here for the 2024 Cardinals to make the playoffs is pretty cut and dry it’s a non-player it’s Jonathan Ganon can he hang in the NFC West can he make it competitive in the NFC West they went 0 and six in the division last year and again I’m not here for moral victories probably should have beaten Seattle once you know the games against San Francisco and the and the LA Rams were not competitive now you can say that’s because of the roster and I I hope you’re right but you’re entering a division this is not the AFC South this is not the NFC South this isn’t patty cake football this is multiple head coaches that are I think in route for Pro Football Hall of Fame and Canon multiple Super Bowl appearances collectively I’m not a big Mike McDonald fan but he doesn’t seem like a buffoon John Ganon has to come out this year and say when you play the Arizona Cardinals we’re going to be physical we’re going to run the football we’re going to play good defense and we’re going to get some dubs sooner rather than later we cannot expect this team to go anywhere the rest of the games are moot all this stuff doesn’t matter if you’re not winning games in your division which are so key because it’s a double whammy the NFC West is in the NFC and those count in tiebreaker scenarios you have to be able to say sha McVey you are no longer our daddy Kyle Shanahan you are beatable especially early in the season with Brock Pie when we have Kyler Murray and then Seattle Gino Smith come on you can’t be Lo if you’re Johnny Ganon you can’t be losing to Gino Smith twice a year it’s just not an option for you so that’s that along with K1 those are the two biggest ones in my opinion and we again we bookmark it on each end Kyler Murray playing games John the Ganon proven to us what we hopefully already know is a real deal in the NFC West yeah he was able to elevate a roster that wasn’t up to NFL standards no doubt they they were competing in each and every every one of the games on the schedule last year and like Chris Sims says it’s like you take good coaching and you give them good players and you should see some results there but now you know I think that you know Ganon there wasn’t as much pressure in his first year especially in year one of a rebuild to win football games and and and obviously like there wasn’t you know the ingame situations like the the stakes weren’t that high where I think that that luxury is gone and Jonathan Ganon like we’re going to learn about a lot about him as far as an in-game coach but I thought he did a really really great job last year you look back in hindsight about some of the you know bold moves that he made uh you know whether it’s he challenged One play his entire season in the finale hit on that um you know as far as the the kickoff against the Eagles that seemed to be the right move seemed like you know it wasn’t like Dan pulling out all stops as he’s been known to be like this huge gambler but I think Jonathan Ganon did a good job as far as when to risk it when not to when to play it safe when to challenge when to not when to call timeouts I don’t feel like there’s anybody pulling their hair out about like what we used to see with Cliff Kingsbury just wasting timeout after timeout because you know the offense couldn’t get set in time it just didn’t it was a very disciplined team and and that’s that’s a testament to the coaching so far and we’re going to learn even more about JG as far as what he is as a head coach and how he’s a leader of men when he’s got you know more Talent on the roster he held Seattle to what 20 points per game this year and losing both those games it’s unacceptable now and if you can replicate that in 2024 you’re winning those games I think we would agree with that like they gave up 21 in the finale lost by one point because Matt Prader missed two field goals thank you for that Matt and then in the game in Seattle I think they lost like 20 to 10 or 20 to 17 dobs was egregious that day well you don’t have Joshua dobs anymore you got Kye Murray and Marvin Harrison Jr so again I I I think Seattle itself you have to be in a position to sweep those games and you got to be in a position to win one of the other two games against San Francisco or la like you you do not need if you’re G to be taken seriously this year you gotta win one of the four games against the Niners you got to be able On Any Given Sunday to go into Santa Clara into LA or host one if not both teams and put an L on them because again like I saw last year the LA Rams with all the momentum they have lost Aaron Donald Matthew Stafford’s a year older if Jonathan Ganon we have not seen this from anybody in Arizona and I love Bruce arens he couldn’t do it either can Jonathan Ganon out scheme Shawn McVey can John can we have a coaching Advantage like I watched Cliff kingsbery be Kyle shanning in now has anybody consistently out coached Shawn McBay for this franchise never never like put a game play plan together when sha McVey comes to town how you’re going to stifle their offense and put up 27 35 points on your defense with which has lost your defensive coordinator your generational Hall of Fame level defensive tackle that’s what I want to see first and foremost because again it’s a talent disparan with the ners it’s not a coaching disparen I Kyle Shannon’s a good coach but he got swept by Steve wils Once Upon a Time in the 2018 season we have a coaching disparen historically with Shawn McVey and I need Jonathan Ganon to correct that this year for all the past ghosts that have haunted this franchise right and it’s about I think that this is that’s going to be one of the things about this season is is changing the narrative that has kind of haunted this this organization for far too long yeah especially within the division like just take care of business beat some teams that you haven’t beaten in in consistently in a long time and and even the playing field as far as you know the the coaches on the sidelines especially when you’re playing the LA Rams I mean that that just has to happen um like trying to look back if there’s if there’s any if if Ganon has has matched up against Shawn McVey and even in his his Eagles tenure and how that went um 2022 in their Super Bowl run doesn’t look like they matched up uh did they match up in the previous season in 2021 looks like no it it doesn’t doesn’t look like he’s faced the the Rams and Shawn McVey outside of during his Cardinal tenure I mean Bruce arens had a really tough time with McVey I mean he lost to McVey in the playoffs out of Jeff fiser it felt like every time right and who who didn’t I mean they were pretty physical team with fiser when they were going perennial eight and eight but right I the only team that consistently has success against Shawn McVey I think I feel like it’s San Francisco because of a Personnel you know Advantage like I I just think that ners have better players than most teams so like they’re in a little bit of a they’re cooking right now but I I this is the perfect time to announce yourself if you’re JG with the Rams team that you know I’m ignoring the outside noise I look at that team they’re in transition like I think they’re gonna contem for the division they might win the division outright but it’s not an unbeatable team like I Cooper cup to me is an aging player puka Nuku is fantastic All Pro and they have a good running game but you’re Jonathan gon your job as a defensive head coach with Nick R is to say okay how can we make them uncomfortable can we hold them to 24 points and then on the flip side can KY Murray go out there and help us win and put up 30 points against like enough when is the last time the Cardinals either get one win against McVey about every three years or they are blown out by that team those games aren’t even competitive I hate it I hate it right and what they do you know offensively is simple but they do it and execute it at such a high level and I I don’t want to sit here and break down you know the strategy against the Los Angeles Rams but it’s like you got to take the Run game you have to make them onedimensional and like people will push back and say they got Cooper cup and they’ve got puka in that passing attack but if you if you just put you know the game squarely on the shoulders of Matthew Stafford at this at this point I think that’s your best bet but if if they’re setting up and it’s Kiren Williams and it’s Blake korm and you know what they did in the second half of both those times they matched up you know just running the ball down your throat and imposing their will on you at the line of scrimmage like you’re just you don’t have a chance it’s gonna it’s gonna be another lopsided Affair and I think that you know they they’ve seen him now twice in person and I I I would I would bet that Jonathan ganon’s got something up his sleeve when they face off week two of the regular season we got something up Our Sleeve minana tomorrow the 99 in nine challenge again I uh I’m gonna give my Affairs in order B I’m gonna make sure I’m good to go just in case I want to make sure my family is financially secure just in case this day at Chase Field uh is takes a toll on your boy and I’m I’m wandering the streets of Downtown Phoenix but in all seriousness uh my money’s always tight with our friends at Desert Financial Credit Union that’s because desert Financial Credit Union the credit union the Arizona Cardinals phnx Sports and 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the East Valley and more rep the Red Sea right now with the Arizona Cardinal Visa debit card go to Arizona excuse me go to desertfinancial.com Cardinals to get started could I have a little 999 peeds in my friends over at OG’s I mean that could create quite a hunger right or could create just an incredible experience at the Ballpark it’s a flavoring Friday it’s always time to have yourself a soft bouncy delicious cannabis gummy from our friends over at OG’s we love OG’s and look Illinois they’re coming soon they’re going to be uh in your local dispensaries Eli MCG look out my friend you’ve got uh the CV CBD enhanced that’s right Eddie look out always in the chat pegs RSO you got the fruits you got the creams you got the Sleep Time gummy you got a full product line that you need to know everything about because OG’s they’re all about it and uh it’s delicious it’s the experience it’s unmatched with what you’re looking for from your cannabis gummy go to OG’s brands.com that’s ogz brands.com follow them on your socials as well at OG’s Brands and check them out in your local dispensary got to be 21 years or old to indulge and we also asked when you do you do it responsibly uh we’re fired up here on an OG’s flavoring Friday uh Richard 199 Super Chat Johnny V JV use the force in the 99 in N challenge absolutely I will be hearkening all the Jedi to help me tomorrow and get extra nerdy so B has to endure both my hot dog eating and my uh Star Wars references it’s all right now since you uh you you forced the Star Wars culture onto my family by giving my son a Darth Vader doll uh I’ll take I’ll just take all that information and then I’ll I’ll I’ll give it to him so was not a adult it was an action figure know the difference between the two uh we’re fired up here uh to talk about tomorrow tomorrow I feel like are you you said you don’t you’re not changing your routine tonight you’re not changing anything tomorrow my my fast has already begun by the way I don’t think I share that you’re not going to eat anything between now and then maybe I’m going to have some rice cakes I’m going to try to get a little bit of spinach down a lot my mindset is and a lot of people are like don’t fast because you’re gonna hit a brick wall yeah my body needs to be empty of everything okay the amount of calories that I’m you take like a laxative or something he just gonna clear the clear everything out I think I need to share that portion with you that’s private with something me in my medicine cabinet but I think right now it’s like it’s simple math I want Less in here so more can come in here that’s that’s where I’m going all right yeah you’re just gonna fill your your face whole with Gizzy Galore tomorrow um you think Chase Fields know knows what’s coming do you feel like they know can they anticipate Damon dog this this absurd Challenge from what’s the word on the street what’s the word on the on the deback streets it’s the biggest story in in all of Diamondbacks land the postgame show we did yesterday we just spend most of the time talking about the 999 challenge the entire time I know you’re just lying to us but I want that to be a real thing I’m sure Jesse’s Fielding questions in the locker room the clubhouse as they call it in uh baseball about who are these three who are these three special gentlemen coming into Jesse who are these field tomorrow yeah who who is this guy curveball uh Jason $5 Super Chat thank you so much my guy damn it feels good to be back Happ a Friday jent # phnx it’s just a a nice Super Chat level of support we appreciate you Jason it feels great to be here on an OG’s flavoring Friday can’t beat it you can’t beat it uh I think you this is this is how I’m sure momes felt before you know hoisted another Lombardi trophy uh the eve of greatness I don’t know that’s just that’s kind of the vibe around here how about is it loo five thank you for the $5 Super Chat Kyler’s been injured every year in Miss games last three you’re not wrong there 2020 was his last uh real full season and what the finale he he went out for basically the entire game we had to endure Chris strer for loo like you bring that point up it’s a valid point that Kye Murray would agree with it’s this it’s the points that people point out that they try to make that it are not football related or have no tangible evidence to impacting the game like steady habits and video games deduction like the biggest knock on Kyler Murray locally nationally should be and to his credit he’s owned this he’s got he’s gotta play more games but again that you play more games I think the winning really takes care of itself B yeah look if he just gets on the field and he’s you know I’m sure everybody’s dealing with little nagging injuries and stuff like that but if he’s close to as close to 100% as he can be and you get you know what you expect from Kyler Murray I mean it’s just going to put the Cardinals in a in a decent spot more than likely each and every week that guy Angelo 187 for 10 bucks thank you my guy Spotify listener love the show I’m getting mhj and I have Trey McBride who should be my third Jersey who should be my third Jersey I can’t do Kyler my fi um let’s see fiance has Kyler to my mhj I’m thinking the first DB to get two picks hash Hold the Line so he’s got he’s getting Marvin he has TR McBride there’s already a Kyler Murray jersey in his household I would say man that’s a tough question I think I would T I would rock the mhj and I would table it and check back in October or November and like I I would hope like 16 Max Melton goes hard but again like yeah you know you gotta see him play same thing for I think I think a Trey Benson Jersey this time next year is going to be the play for a lot of people do not buy that now because I think he’s going to change his number to six if James Conor leaves or Buddha Baker leaves he’s going to change his number to three so I Trey Benson’s number this year is not GNA be the same next as next year man that’s some that’s some in-depth thinking there that’s a decent that’s actually some decent advice there he’s clearly thought about this Trey McBride or Tre Benson wor three in college he’s wearing that next year if boot is gone I’m thinking tip Ryman you want an 87 I think I think big 87 is the way to go come on it’s not that think Angelo’s last name what about a big five6 Darius Robinson what do you not like about that I like it I like it fine not the best number it’s not it’s not a great ath not a sexy number I like 56 as a as a defensive front seven player to buy front seven player you got to be a Chandler Jones and michah Parsons for me I need to see need see a little bit mhj Kyler McBride are proven entities mhj I know has not played but Chandler Jones was 55 he’s one digit off 56 I know but he was a proven entity like I I need to see a little bit from Dar Darius I’m excited though I would wait player off the draft board is that not enough for you to see Josh 499 if JV buys me a beer in Miami I’ll take down the real picture I have on my uh profile picture all right he’ll take this one down that says you hate is it that you hate mhj is that the which of course shows JV hating my sugar pump Prince mhj Josh you do you my guy you can keep that up as long as you want this boy’s got thick skin uh but I’ll buy your beer regardless if you’re in Miami anybody who becomes a part of our true fan travel Miami trip we’re buying your be beers anyway like that’s happening um what about Michael Wilson what do you mean number four oh is a number oh that’s a pretty good you’re double dependent receiver but still like I I told my son recently because we’re waiting for Marv to become available I said what about a 14 goes hard I’m I’m a big proponent of get a jersey that when that player leaves you still feel good about it so I think Buddha is still a good option there because I think that when he go con too yeah but Buddha in particular like that’s a that’s a franchise Legend James Connor you know he’ll go down as a great player for the Cardinals but I think there’s a that’s a little bit different to me at least about this toic 64 199 Super Chat a big 34 Jersey would be dope 34 Jaylen Thompson I don’t disagree with that well JT I like that number 34 at a breakout year topic 64 if you weren’t on the show the other day we had bold predictions my bold prediction Jaylen Thompson the NFL in interceptions in 2024 I like that I think some good options man have we come a long way since this time last year remember like who who were we telling people that they could go get a jersey for Larry Fitzgerald Pat tman that’s what we were telling people play the hits it’s like hey Johnny Bo Damon the Cardinals have new uniforms new jerseys who should I what Jersey should I cop like put your put your own name and number on the back get a custom do a custom I I one of my favorite jerseys from uh this this past season they had the custom new I think white jersey and it was days sober number zero that GNA be us tomorrow all right the athletic put out some interesting information on the Cardinals I Almost Do We holster this until Monday now we’ll talk now let’s get into it Mike Jones who seal tippen Mike Jones yeah great track uh the Athletics put out a a list of overrated and underrated what do you know about that Damon I mean i’ I mean I know the song okay but it’s got one of the greatest violin hooks of all time Damon in that track Damon was probably like give me a little still crapp in his diapers when that show me a little bit Johnny you’re Midwest I can’t I can’t I’ll cringe to death before I I just stuff my face to death tomorrow here are the lyrics you ready for some lyrics oh no should I not do this is this yeah please don’t uh still tipping on four fours fux repped in wrapped in four V I don’t know what that means four too many heyo come on I like this Slim Thug has the first verse of that song and it’s the best verse this is making me so remember it now look who creeping look who crawling falling in the mix and then there’s a bunch of words I can’t say Mike Jones has the middle verse and then Paul Wall wraps it up a lot of good stuff happening that’s a great song by the way it’s it’s an alltime Aussie’s completely correct this is cringy I agree it’s 20 years old that song came out in 2005 we’re old all right so you were born in 99 Damon my God that’s in that that’s crazy that’s so crazy um all right so not Mike Jones from uh still tipping Fame but another Mike Jones from the athletic uh put out a list and it was favorable for the Cardinals so we’re going to talk about it now uh this is the athletic it’s a pay wall you know they know their stuff underrated says the Arizona Cardinals Mike Jones for the athletic let’s check it out Damon dog uh here’s the first bit uh it’s easy to see uh it’s easy to get overlooked when you’re in the same division as the San Francisco 49ers approach Ral Contender and the ever intriguing Los Angeles Rams but back back to back four and 13 Seasons don’t help but the Cardinals have reason for optimism and might take a leap forward this season Mike Jones continues on for the athletic get to the this next piece here uh secondy year head coach John and Ganon and his assistants have enjoyed a healthy Kyler Murray throughout the offseason after Murray was restricted to eight games in 2023 while rehabing his surgically repaired ACL Murray worked with his receivers this spring during team sanction sessions and on his own the addition of mhj should make lives easier for Murray and should support from another improve and should support from an improved defense so you’s just taken some logic here like KY Murray’s healthy he’s not rehabing he’s around the team they added Marvin Harrison Jr they added some solid players in free agency in the draft they were competitive last year despite Talent deficiencies it’s just like you’re putting together the puzzle here it’s not hard to decipher why the Cardinals are underrated like you can have a stigma against this bird and that quarterback but if you put the facts out there it’s like they should be much improved and thankfully Mike outlines that yeah it’s it’s refreshing uh I mean I was reading I think the 33rd team today and they were ranking you know teams that need the most help roster wise and I think the Cardinals were fourth you know only behind the New York Giants and the New England Patriots and and maybe one other team where you got they’re saying like the Carolina Panthers are in a better spot than the Arizona Cardinals which is it’s it’s unbelievable that that people could come to that conclusion and Mike Jones in this the little two excerpts that you have there I mean he’s preaching to the choir there I mean and it’s not it’s not hard you’re not going out on the lims like Kyler Murray is in a good spot he’s probably the most comfortable he’s ever been in his Cardinal ten he’s going into the second year of an offense that you should be really encouraged from just what he did coming off of a serious injury and learning the offense on the Fly essentially like and just from the the what you liked about the coaching staff to the players that they decided to move forward with to what they’ve infused this Talent with this roster talent-wise with it just makes sense that they would be a team that’s going to continue to rise and and be one of the more underrated and less talked about teams uh instead like they’re they’re lumped into this group where it’s like hey they’re still they’re still one of the worst teams in football which I I just don’t understand that I don’t know how you can can do that I think people feel like Kyler Murray missed his window like he was anointed after that second year and the Cardinal started hot then it all fell apart under the injuries Kim and Cliff and so people are like yeah you can actually never return from that you you’re never going to recover we’ve made up our mind about you but I think like again like I think Kyler Murray is far more talented than Baker Mayfield when Baker Mayfield’s making NFC divisional rounds and winning divisions all be in the NFC South like and you’re giving up on Kyler Murray come on I think he outlines it well like you’re playing a division with two consistent contenders for a Super Bowl like you’re gonna be an afterthought until you’re not right again I think we we’re expecting this team to take a huge leap including we talked about it earlier the divisional games this year you can’t do one without the other and then it’s intriguing like he outlines later in the article why the ners are overrated and a lot of it has to do with again contract disputes they got to pay Brock pry but their defense they lost their starting linebacker in the Super Bowl he’s not playing this year they lost Javon kinlaw defensive lineman in free agency and Armstead up the- middle defensively you ought to be able and the Cardinals did this last year when the Niners were loaded run on San Francisco now can the Cardinals keep up offensively go shot for shot that remains to be seen but I mean like the ners erosion has begun like if you’re if you’re blind to that I I don’t know what to tell you the team is not going to be as good as last year you don’t come from an inch of winning a championship losing an ot to being like we’re good this year we’re running it back like there’s erosion there there’s erosion in the LA then Seattle lost a Hall of Fame head coach the greatest coach in their franchise asked them how they recovered after they booted Mike holgren and kicked him to the curb like there’s there’s change everywhere in the division but Arizona right everybody’s like nope you’re car Ina of the NFC West right and I think with the top two teams the ice isn’t as thick beneath their feet as as it once was right it’s it’s thinning out and when you look at San Francisco I I absolutely believe their window remains open for this season but beyond this things get a lot trickier and that’s the what the deal is with a cap League when you do draft well like sometimes heavy as the crown the product of that is having to player P player pair players and uh also just figure out you know who’s the the guys that you move forward with and some if you don’t make the right decisions or you don’t follow it up with as strong a draft class before that you know you like you said you see the it kind of thin out as far as your talent so like the Niners this is this is a big year for them yeah going into next off season topic 64 this is why we love you 199 Super Chat Vogues are tires rims we’re being educated on the lyrics from Mike Jones still tipping thank you topic 64 look at this low your tires and rims thank you for that I didn’t know that is that still are do people still call them that though or was that like an early 2000s thing I don’t know it’s just a magazine I saw on Johnny’s coffee table V that’s right uh all right let’s talk your name on it not your wife’s that’s true that’s true I ride a bike I ride a bicycle uh here’s what we’re gonna do we’re gonna talk N9 n and nine we’re gonna get some lines set aheed tomorrow um but I’m gonna tell you what I’m gonna do before I go to Chase Field tomorrow I’m gonna go to Circle K and I’m gonna get hydrated I’m gonna get some water in me maybe some iced tea and I’m not GNA pay very much for it maybe 79 cents because I’m a member of the Inner Circle I’m G to fill up my car and pay three cents less than everybody else because I save that per gallon every day my first five Philips I save 25 cents per gallon so I don’t wind up lost and alone during pregame of the 99 and N Circle K like I’m not gonna feel safe when I go to Chase Field I I’m gonna feel safe tomorrow at Circle K it’s gonna be my safe space before the 999 Challenge and can it can be your third stop it’s America’s thir stop right now download the Circle K app for free the Inner Circle app is the place to be terms and conditions apply they’re going to hook you up again for free you like free stuff I do polar po or froster now through September 3rd here in Arizona for just 79 cents any size you want they will hook you up terms of conditions apply at participating locations visit circlek.com for more details I can’t wait to get to the Super Chat after this live read but uh look Circle K is the place where you can do the 999 challenge the home game version you can load up on dogs and and maybe some beers yourself and participate while you’re in the exclusive member Discord with us while we’re out there uh on the field of battle at Chase Field tomorrow um also want to tell you about if we weren’t just putting down a bunch of glizzies and beers tomorrow we’d cash in on a legal Pete sound check deal it’s going on once again find any illegal pets location if you’re going to a concert you’re going to stand up uh standup comedian you’re going to any of the sporting events take your ticket stub to any ticketed event you get a draft beer and house Margarita for just a penny legal pet wants to celebrate with you whether it’s pregame or postgame uh they got you covered with all your game day needs you got to purchase an adult entree to redeem illegal Pete sound check deal but it still remains Elite with the one penny that’s all it’s going to cost you for an adult beer or Draft House Margarita patio season also means patio beers get out there cool down with some ice cold cold ones legal pets margarit is the strongest in Arizona and of course you can find a full menu of delicious bowls tacos salads burritos and nachos of course that piping hot queso find the closest illegal pets location near you legal pats.com time has come now the last segment before the 99 and9 challenge which by the way you have to become a die hard at go phx.com we’ve welcomed a lot of new die hards this week we appreciate that everybody’s picking up free gear from the merchandise Locker dare I say that’s the appetizer to the main course tomorrow which is myself bu Brock damond dog heading to chasefield for a 100m first pick we will attempt to do the nine N in N challenge nine bruskies nine hot dogs nine innings you won’t want to miss this and again it’s not gonna be on YouTube it’s not gonna be on social media it’s not gonna be on Twitter X or whatever tweeters it’s going to be one place the phnx Cardinals Die Hard Discord it’s going to stay in there we’re gonna ask everybody our die hards this is for you this is event that that we want to put on and again keep the content videos pictures vibes whatever keep it in the Discord because this is it’s a special day for this podcast we’ve been building this up for what seems like two months now there’s some people who’ have been in our comments like will this happen already so these idiots can stop talking about it no never no uh you think it’s gonna end once we finish it on Saturday we got a show to do on Monday uh and I think three more weeks once that comes up if it’s anything like St Elmos in Indianapolis have 500 EXC that me and that was not a competition I was thought I was enjoying a nice meal with Friends by the way I who enjoy a nice meal you had like a quarter of a steak how do you even enjoy that who got that reservation smart asses I did I wanted to put I got us that private table goes online and select makes a couple clicks and he’s got us a seat at Sam Elmos thank you Johnny thank you you’re welcome you’re welcome you’re welcome uh tomorrow’s a war tomorrow’s a war zone I have no friends tomorrow only myself because I can only count on myself tomorrow and I’m going to be looking across the aisle at this man to my right our producer fraud extraordinaire and it’s it’s go time now we will set lines for the 9999 challenge betting lines over unders Damon do you have some preset lines or do we need to set them here collectively on the show no I I made a couple you wanna yeah reluctantly let’s see what you have what who’s would we like to see first let’s start with Bo because get some drama going on I want to continue this uh there it is there’s my all right Damon you came up with these on your own I did all right n my 999 challenge odds the over for me is seven and a half and it’s plus 150 so all right so my total is seven and a half yeah the way I see it you’re basically betting on you to finish or not I think like the the difference between 8 and half and seven and a half is not going to be that much different I think essentially this is this is a bet is Bo going to finish or not and the odds are I think a little bit against you because it’s a tough competition but you know it’s you got the best odds out of anybody seven hot dogs is a lot bro like that’s a lot of hot dogs but here here’s how I view it like I think I’m gonna cruise to to four or five okay and then it becomes tough and like I think when it’s tough I can easily squeeze in like two or three more three like just casually eat three more hot dogs yeah think about if you were to go to somebody’s house for a barbecue and you hadn’t eaten you’re like man I’m really hungry and you get some chips and some potato salad but the main thing that they’re serving are hot dogs you don’t just casually say excuse me ma’am could I have seven hot dogs I’d like to eat seven hot dogs probably done it with slices of pizza before that’s I feel like that’s different how is it different the the meat Factor the stuffed sausage casing of a of a hot dog compared to like a little slice of pizza oh yeah plus you can stack pizza slices like this is this is a different game it’s it’s it’s animals stuffed in a shell with with bread around it that’s what in seven about these size hot yeah I’m rooting for you I’m not but I am one of these be that W be screen capped all right so collectively Damon let’s see it one more you disagree with seven and a half you think I know I have no problem with that what you what are you taking here Johnny over or under on B I’m taking the under I don’t think he gets past seven hot dogs I think he probably gets right at seven but I think you think I’m at seven if you think I’m at seven after what you’re saying right now and I don’t push myself to eight you’re wrong I think he I think he has to push himself to seven I think I don’t think that you finish with eight I think there’s a z% chance finish with eight eight I think he finishes I’m taking the under I’m going minus 205 I’m putting $500 on that and I’m making roughly what whatever that is 300 or whatever I I’m taking B Brock to eat seven hot dogs and drink Seven beers tomorrow and nine innings and I think that’s I’m I think that’s a compliment seven is what I’m predicting I don’t think you’re cruising to seven than you’re like oh I’m full but I got a mash and two more hot dogs in my face I think you’re having a tough time getting to seven I think the wall hits after like the third or fourth one and then you have to kind of crawl to those last couple Innings say I’m just giving you my opinion your nay saying it’s fueling me good this this is not a friendly competition this I don’t want anybody to be friendly during this what’s the chat saying I think most people are saying so we got correct we got aie saying I’m taking the over flash smash the over Eli says Bo is not finishing he’s like the eagles all talk no bite Mr fat gangster take that over okay aie saying I feel like Bo can get to eight okay what’s the deal with Bose’s uneaten stake where where’s the uh does the username live on if uh he’d be surprised if you make it past the fifth all right you’re wrong I feel like seven and a half is a line for most people that are confident going into the N I think that’s a chalk line you shouldn’t be offended by that line Damon do we want to table yours for last or do we want to show it now table Johnny’s for last is that even a question keep in mind Dam set these lines we didn’t set them as a group The Cutie Damon dog over under five and a half minus 130 he saying he’s going to get to six and then under is plus 110 for Damon dog I think I think four is going to be easy yeah I think four is no question about it and I think I can push myself to six but I think that’s going to be around my cap and we can work ahead too like I think that that it’s possible I yeah I’m taking the I’m taking the over on this especially on the beer side not worried about the beer side Damon you think you’re going to be able to to Johnny dogs in two hours two and you see this as you see this this total for for Damon dog five and a half where where does that put your confidence about you beating Damon I well first of all these lines mean nothing to me I look at what Damon has right here I’m I’m guessing I haven’t seen any of these Graphics I’m guessing he put mine about three and a half set these lines Johnny I don’t know why he think mad at me who did Shane did Vegas did oh Vegas did I I think Vegas Vegas Damon thinks he’s two hot dogs better than I am which is ridiculous uh I’m taking the under again I’m I’m I like this I can get plus money I parlay this together I think Damon is somewhere around four four or five parls I’m parlaying B under I’m parlaying no problem you’re under with it as well let’s take a look at Johnny’s 999 challenge there it is I called it three and a half I said three and a half there it is didn’t see this graphic ahead of time you plus money plus 120 under three and a half I feel like this is a good line yeah I do too I thought about doing I might I might tease it to four and a half tease the under yeah yeah get it at likeus 150- 80 or something I I thought about doing the disrespectful I almost did over over under four and a half and I was going to set the under at like minus 260 and the over at like plus you know 180 but I decided I decided to go down to three and a half and give Johnny the the minus odds on the three and half I think most people put me right at four tomorrow so I agree with you I don’t like this may be disrespectful in my eyes if I ask most people Han you know Han shot first at the competition last week and people in chat most people feel like I’m a four hot dog four beer guy tomorrow so if you’re going minus 150 that means halfway home Johnny I’m not saying I think that I’m saying I think that the the consensus that people have been brainwashed to think on this show by my co-host my producer are I’m only going to eat four hot dogs tomorrow Chase is asking are you allowed to eat more than one penan yes I’m counting on it so you’re gonna get so we’re gonna go to the concessions before first pitch tomorrow yep and we’re gonna get two glizzies two beers and you’re gonna have those and then and then you start the sweat I the minute I’m allowed to have them in my my capacity my hands my my person I’m eating them Jack Smith saying Johnny won’t reach for it Jack just find Jesus my friend because it’s happening tomorrow I’m football Jesus because I’m taking it down I’ll make a prediction right now again I’m I’m going to beat Damon tomorrow I’m beating Dam and I and Bo is not reaching how will how far are you willing to go brother to do that far as far as it go how far are you willing to go to make sure that doesn’t happen there’s not a worry in my mind b i I am not I’m not worried in the slightest I I’m going to sleep like a baby tonight I’m going to wake up tomorrow feeling fresh with a smile on my face this is easy money I’m putting a frown on your face tomorrow my friend a big clown frown because I’m gonna tell you right now when we turn these mics on again come Monday Monday afternoon not Monday morning Monday afternoon my two predictions Bo is not finishing and I’m beating Damon are going to be right remember who was right about Isaiah Simmons remember who’s right about Joshua dobs don’t bet against your boy when I go in when I dig my heels in okay PE I don’t lose people who bet on me to lose lose we lose every time I I think that we’re gonna look back at this and probably by the end of the challenge tomorrow I’m gonna be like what was the big deal what was the big deal with the the 999 challenge no chance no chance gave you a prop bet on Johnny and it was I had to give you either or hot dog SL beer yeah that was the reason that he stopped even odds minus 110 on both sides which one you taking it’s the it’s the beer I think that’s this man has been sabotaged multiple times by the beer I think that’s a good bet it’s gonna be jugging capacities not SI not in a sitting and chugging you might there’s there’s gonna be a time in the game tomorrow it’s inevitable your back’s going to be up against the wall you’re going to have to put down some beer are you prepared for that it’s not kiding me what I’ve been asked to do as a part of this company you know this is like literally my all my you know 401K purchase agreement or my um team member agreement is basically you have to be able to chug heavy beers at will on camera or we will shame you for it that’s not what tomorrow is we are gonna have water down cheap ballpark little cup Dixie cup beer that’s what it’s gonna be 12 bounces man it’s it’s a beer it’s a full beer 12 oun what how much is that about this yeah can of beer foam there’s gonna be foam in there I’m gonna take that foam right off I will I will be just fine with that piece Sports hero says JV we believe in you brother I I have more support in the chat than I think people realize yeah let’s get some of these super chats here um daa I hope I’m pronouncing that name uh correctly big fan from the Bay era thank you so much we need more car cards fans in the Bay Area my friend but I gotta sign up for the membership for the 99 and9 challenge Johnny Boy love you but we’re taking the under little little my friend um I I hope to see you in the Discord tomorrow and I you we are friends but I’m sometimes like I’m going to do to my two friends in this show you got to prove people wrong d d dow we’re gonna see you in the Discord tomorrow enjoy your free t-shirt from the merchandise locker and um I saw the mhj in the wild today espo is wearing it that is a goodlook shirt why does he have it before you know mine at 900m tomorrow mine was delivered to my old address and it’s being forwarded to my new address so I’m I don’t feel good about it I I walked to the mailbox with my son before the show to see if it was was there to put on it wasn’t there uh Dow again that teaser parlay of Johnny under plus five and a half cannot finish beers is gonna feed now is a great addition to the chat I think you can get that around plus 100 probably yeah I think so too I think so too is that would you consider that a prop bet that’s under the props it’s the same game parlay it’s the same game parlay God I missed those swiping those and getting those live sad this offseason is you’re teasing prop B something uh topic 64 will anyone be videoing the spectacles so topic 64 it’s not gonna be live stream what it will be we will have we have Graphics ready to go we have updates we will have segmented clips of video exclusive only to the DI or Discord we may go live at some point I don’t know but we will be at Chase Field and the it’s going to be a community event engagement all all three of us are going to be active in the Discord yeah there will be plenty of media content throughout it but only as a die hard right well it’s gonna start like the the footage begins when Johnny rolls up to my house and then we start to make our way to when I wake up in the morning we’re gonna Uber you want to get one of those uh driverless Ubers risk it on our way over to the ballpark no I don’t want to do that I might hit up BG and see what he’s doing see if he wants to tag along and make fun of John the whole time no Britain would be supportive of me Britain is my friend unlike you you too I don’t know man like Britain was don’t turn Brit gold piled on when you didn’t finish your steak he he had some fingers he was just doing one of these hey buddy hey we’re good buddies that’s what different we’re bullying Johnny that Britain and JV were just they were just chilling that’s just guys being dudes Jos I Love This Owen JB gonna shock the world like dorch absolutely dorch and I are very similar in that aspect you know Damon’s Rond Del more I’m Greg GRE Greg dor has a track record overachieving every time he had an opportunity performed every time you’ve been on camera and you’ve had to like chug a beer or do anything like this you’ve you’ve shrunk I yes you have dude Johnny is Zack SZ and I’m Trey McBride and I’m coming for the crown I want I am not Zack hers come on I’m better than you I’m I’m gonna look you in the eyes and tell you that Damon I’m I’m a competitor I don’t think you’ve seen that I mean you see it how I grind for this show on our audience here and how we grow this show I compete in that aspect this podcast is number one as a result however tomorrow we go into a different realm a different octagon and you are my prey tomorrow every time I take a bite of those sweet sweet glizzies I’m G to be staring directly at you in the face you’re not gonna be tomorrow’s not going to be a comfortable for day for you on any front it’s a it’s a business trip for me tomorrow bus there’s comfort and being uncomfortable Johnny that’s the thing yeah D think he’s got home Advantage because he’s the Diamondbacks producer and he knows all the players BL I’m gonna tell you right now tomorrow walk we walking we’re walking into hell on the cell my friend tomorrow me and you tunnel vision over here I’m just thinking about the dogs all Damon’s looking at is outs it he doesn’t care anything about what’s going on in the game I know that keep you better keep your focus on your business Damon and not what’s going on in the field you’re gonna get caught up in the spectacle and you’re gonna be excited about the diamondx game and then I’m gonna be over there and I’m gonna have a two blizzy lead on you you’re gonna be like what’s happening that’s what’s gonna go down tomorrow I’m too busy watching The Legends race t-shirt T-shirt cannon over here hey Damon you may want catch up hey is that Jesse up in the in the Press box let’s wave this is me it goes down tomorrow you got to become a Die Hard go phx.com the biggest event of the offseason we’re excited hashtag hit that like hold the line we will see you in the Discord for B Brock Damon dog I’m Johnny venerable we’ll see you tomorrow friends peace we all sitting like the May sh

What will it take for Kyler Murray, Marvin Harrison Jr. and the Arizona Cardinals to reach the 2024 NFL playoffs? Can Jonathan Gannon fye for league Coach of the Year? Will Monti Ossenfort make any free agent additions ahead of training camp?

Join Johnny Venerable, Bo Brack and Damon Dawg on Friday’s PHNX Cardinals podcast!

0:00 Intro
0:40 9-9-9 Challenge Eve
8:00 Recipe for Cardinals to make 2024 NFL Playoffs
14:30 Will Paris Johnson Jr. take the leap?
17:20 Expectations on Marvin

An ALLCITY Network Production

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