What’s Next in the TUA Tagovailoa and Miami Dolphins Stalemate 062824

What’s Next in the TUA Tagovailoa and Miami Dolphins Stalemate 062824

[Music] [Music] all right all right so would you uh would you pay Jimmy Butler um I I would write out this one year and uh I I just don’t think but you ride out this year and he has a player option so you write out this year there is no tag this is in the NFL you lose him I might be prepared to do that um and then get and get no so you don’t trade him now to get compensation big I’m the dolphin reporter I I follow along on the heat [Laughter] but man I wasn’t prepared for all [Laughter] that yeah well I’m the all sports guy and I get off the gravy train like X like Tyreek after this year you know that’s why maybe I’m gonna pay Tyreek a little extra money or something give him a little extra money this year to keep him happy and say yeah yeah no we’ll talk in the offseason and then after he gets another 1500 yards I’m gonna say hey thanks for everything appreciate because if you think the 1500 yards are going to continue as he gets older come on bro and so you have had to get off of X three years ago you had to get off of Butler last year and you need to get off of Tyreek next year uh one of the tricks of this whole thing is being able to get off the gravy train at the right time before the wheels fall off like they did for X that the wheels fell off and then you no longer have the player that you were paying for you know at this point and that’s the Dilemma that the heat are going to be in in a year from now and that’s the Dilemma that the Miami Dolphins are going to be in a year from now that you’ve got to understand we’re in a fork in the road we if we go this way there is a high risk now with the age the wear and tear on this player and so do we go in that direction so with Tyreek I ask you since you are the Dolphins reporter are you paying him are you extending him are you saying ah I’ll give you a couple you know couple million now to guarantee it and then moving on how are you viewing it are you intoxicated enough that you you will take the chance to then extend oh you’re you’re just leading me right into the the answer that you want huh no I’m I’m trying to I’m trying to set up what the real scenario is going on what you’re really facing so you got to face that D just like the whole Butler thing if you write it out at the end of the year he has a player option he can say hey you know what I’m going to go here instead and leave and then you get no compensation that’s the risk of playing out the year and he could get injured during the year and then all bets are off he won’t get the contract you’re definitely not getting compensation and everybody loses you know in that process so that’s what are you doing with Tyreek this off season or going into next year are you gambling that he’s going to be a three or four year player instead yeah and in the NFL even more so to to your point that you want to move off a player before uh that dip in production happens um comparable to actually like like how in baseball they try to get the pitcher out of there out of the game before he’s about to blow up that third time around the lineup or whatever it might be uh so kind of the same thought process there as we continue to just cross Sports here but uh yeah I think more so in the NFL so Tyreek Hill you know it’s got to come at some point uh where a player that is uh very much dependent on his uh athleticism and yes great route Runner too and he can do a bunch of things but uh where he stands out is that speed is uh and he’ll eventually lose it it’s just father time comes for all so um as you get into he’s 30 going into deeper into his 30 s uh down the line then yeah you understand there’s going to be a dip in production but there won’t be a dip in how much he wants to get paid so it’s still going to cost you a premium but then he won’t be producing at some point like the rising Justin Jefferson and CD lambs and then maybe even jayen Wadd uh gets to that point who you’ve already locked in so I think there’s going to be a transition period uh probably after this year where there’s no guarantees maybe there’s a way where they work it out where they if if all go as well this season that they get it to to uh to that next year that’s on the contract but uh at some point it’s going to break down where it will be Jaylen W as the number one and you Mo on from Tyreek Hill and uh you either draft that next receiver or find one in a free agency class or a combination of the two have someone develop uh behind them and have a a veteran uh be a number two so at one point it will that shift will occur what do you you do what do you do if you’re if you’re if you’re the general manager how do you handle it yeah I would play it out this year and then I need the results from from the upcoming season beyond that but Al so you so you’re saying so you’re saying you get a great season you give him an extension you can’t go too long term at his age is is the one thing so yeah but you know how it is dude the signing bonus you have it’s got to be at least a three-year deal at least that’s what he’s going to want signing bonus you know that that’s what he’s gonna want yeah yeah he still has a number with the the Dolphins now there’s just no guarantees Beyond this year so um you could ride that out U and maybe he’s unhappy and he might if he’s already wanting more money right now then yeah then probably next year he would be unhappy uh again so uh there’s a lot to factor in there uh but I wouldn’t I wouldn’t love yes or no David yes or no all right no I wouldn’t go go to a long-term commitment no there we go are you are you worried you’re not gonna get a call back from Tyreek agent or something oh come on no Drew is great Drew Drew Ros is is is great with every blur out your face on this one David they won’t even know it’s you right all right dog what’s going on with Tua um you know for I I was talking about this this one I you know as I thought hey they were pretty close and maybe they are close in the Dolphins mind they have a number that they want to spend and all of a sudden the Trevor lawren stuff and all that kind of you know blowed it up and uh and the dolphin looked around and said hey man we we got a team that we’ve built around you this is this is what we’re doing and so you know go ahead and mul it over if you want um what do you think about this whole stalemate yeah I think uh so we last spoke after the the Darlington uh report and then Adam shf kind of had a segment right after that so I think between the two we we sort of got a lot of the uh the TU aide on one end and and his representation how how they’re feeling and then uh on the other end uh what what the Dolphins are feeling and it was sort of and and we we’ve mentioned this how uh once that Trevor Lawrence uh deal took place then okay when when Jared gof was one guy who got his money then you could say well that’s how the Detroit Lions operate uh we’re not going to do that and then now two teams although those two teams are the Detroit Lions and Jacksonville Jaguars then well now the teams are stacking up that are are operating this way that are pay pay the these quarterbacks top dollar uh so now it just becomes more difficult with every team that is willing to pay their quarterback that much money to then turn around and tell Tua but again we are not moving off our number and this is what we feel the market should be and then to was go coming to them and saying the market is the market I’m looking right at the market and it’s 53 for Jared gof and then now since then it’s 55 for Trevor Lawrence and I’ve outperformed Trevor Lawrence so how come you are just so hard-headed in giving me what I want that what Tua would probably be be feeling so it’s uh some’s gonna have to give I think at this point and I think now it’s just become tougher they were probably closer as we’ve we’ve mentioned on this program but uh now I think it became more difficult now that you’ve had those two contracts take place is he going to hold out I don’t see him holding out um and it maybe early on there might be that 11 on 11 thing holding in the not not participating in 11on 11 like he did during OTAs in mini camp uh but that would be very detrimental uh if you go deeper in a training camp but I think at the end of the day I feel like in this next month we’re we’re we’re now all right a little bit we’re within a month now when training camp starts when they report I still believe they’ll get it done in these next four weeks we’ll call it U so whatever needs to happen for the for the the negotiations to reach a compromise where it’s the Dolphins budging a little bit to us saying okay I really like the situation here and I will understand if I don’t get the the uh the glitz of the Trevor Lawrence contract but it’s just such a good situation here something will happen where uh the two sides will come together so I I don’t think it it comes to that if training camp arrives and the Dolphins and Tua still haven’t agreed I wouldn’t see a hold out but I’d see maybe early on the 11 on 11 hold in and if it continues to go I think then Tua will still see the value in performing To His Highest ability this season and participating in all team drills eventually and so they’ll reach something similar to Christian Wilkins he wanted to make sure he was in a good position to uh to play to the best of his ability last year so he stopped with the uh sitting out team drills had a good season and got his contract elsewhere so um yeah it I want to see a hold out yeah I don’t think so either I’m with you there I don’t think there’ll be a hold out but I don’t think he’ll also Dodge the 11 on 11s uh I think he has to understand that one way or another he has to play because um he in order for him to get that big money he has to kind of put another year together to kind of really com because he’s got a whole bunch of people he hasn’t convinced just cuz I’m a I’m a homer for Tua and I’m a Believer In Tua that doesn’t mean there’s a whole ton of people out there that don’t believe in the kid you know so he has a lot of people to convince still and and if he has a difference right now with the issue he’ll have a lot more of a difference if he doesn’t have a good season so I think he’s smart enough he’s not going to get hit or anything like that he’s not really at risk that much in Camp so I I I think eventually he does not hold out at all actually but I think he’ll show his displeasure you know in the process but in the end I think the Dolphins give up a little bit and then he gives up a little bit and then it’s not exactly the Trevor Lawrence deal and you know it’s somewhere closer to golf or something or you know something like that but you know I think they’re trying to explain to him hey man we’re we’re we’re trying build a team around you here you know we just can’t give all the money to one person because then it limits to what we can do you know and we got to go pay you know Javon Holland after we’re done with you you know that kind of stuff so I I think there’ll be a little give and there’ll be no hold out I think there’ll be a little bitterness and all that kind of BS that normally happens but then after that I think they get it settled yeah that’s why that’s why I’m saying it would only go uh at the start of Camp I because I think that would create the disturbance imagine the first practice we cover Tua is still not participating in 11on 11s and maybe the first two or three whatever and then maybe he he go goes ahead and says all right I’m coming back to pract that first practice that’s open to fans uh that uh that Sunday something like that where then uh you you’ve already created that disturbance for a couple of days and then um you go ahead and say first one that’s out there with with fans in the stands and then uh everyone’s kind of there’s a lot lot of excitement in the air that’s when you go ahead and show all right I’m I’m rejoining the team an 11 on 11 um because of exactly that because he values this season how important it is how the Dolphins have a roster it’s built to compete and then go from there with the with their starting quarterback but I think that would just create enough of a disturbance and this is just a a tremendous hypothetical um anyway of course but you know a lot of things need to happen for it to even get to there but so we’re going deep into the hypotheticals but yeah if all we can do yeah we can do right now because we it’s not like we really know exactly everything that’s going on but obviously there’s a difference of opinion right now and so we’re just kind of entering the psyche of it all you know from the front office side from the player side just like I was just telling the listeners before that on the front office side you know they have to feel like Yo dude we took you when you were injured you know we risked it and then you know if you’re the front office you’re like yo um we even got rid of the coach that hated you uh we actually got a coach that knows who you are and we’re building the offense around you you’ve been in the MVP race the last two years so you know we feel like we’re giving you a fair number and at the same time we’re trying to build the right team around you we just added Odell Beckham and we added you know jnu Smith and we’ve added a whole bunch of you know other slot players to kind of go with Tyreek and and waddle and and so he has to also understand that they are building everything around them and they’ve catered to him and they believed in him when many did not at that point and were willing to take him at number five so if you’re the front office you almost feel like yo man we’ve sacrificed a lot here we’ve done a lot for you so you know you got to work with us here too in the process yeah in alternate univers verus the Dolphins could have uh chosen Justin Herbert and had him him be the quarterback they they chose Tua uh so that’s one instance where they chose to in an alternate universe they could have had a Brian Flores uh sticking with the franchise combination with deshun Watson uh they they did not they chose Tua got rid of Brian Flores and brought in Mike McDaniel so they have a and Mike McDaniel has since optimized to his play and then brought in Tyreek Hill and and Mike McDaniels helped a lot in making uh this organization a uh a desirable one for uh outside players for free agents and uh just look at how many veterans want to come here um I know it’s been somewhat true uh in the past but now I believe it’s just reached another level with how many well they’re coming now to win instead of just coming for a check now that’s the difference yeah right right instead of just coming for a last check or like um I’m halfway retiring this is going to be my last stop it’s going to be a sort of a vacation stop on my way out it’s you know the way like Miami Hurricanes recruits that uh aren’t really considering um that much they’ll just take a free official visit to to check out Miami but you know some of them aren’t really considering it that much um but uh but here now it’s it’s real with the with the dolphins and how players want to come here uh just not only to uh be in South Florida but also to win in South Florida with the dolphins yeah I’m with you there uh by the way Welton ra 954 966 4646 folks we are in storm season and uh I know a lot of you went through some storm damage and some of you might be already dealing with the insurance companies which are in absolute pain in the ass uh because they’re not really looking out for you you need to call the Bulldogs that are welt and ra they are the left and right tackles that you need 954 966 4646 homeowner property damage condo damage criminal defense business owner claims bankruptcy commercial litigation personal injury call Jeff wel or Daniel ra they will take care of you I promise you 954 966 46 46 all right so have you heard anything on the Holland front no I think Holland is still on the back burner uh like like he had mentioned so um yeah he said if if two is deal hasn’t been done then my deal damn sure ain’t getting done so uh I think that’s where it stands right now he’s uh sort of he would be at the next step after that but um I certainly didn’t expect all these deals before the twoa deal that’s the other thing yeah that’s the other thing I was CRA man so that’s the one thing that could uh indicate maybe that something gets done with Holland uh beforehand but uh then you you start getting to a point where you show out a lot of your future money before you get the the two deal done so and by the way this also puts this is a nice PR playy on the on the front office part because okay dude so we signed the whole team so you’re going to hold up the team yeah fair you know so it’s like uh it’s up to see the problem to also the the part that we also have to look at again you have to look at all sides if you’re Tua you go hey I’m demanding 61 62 million that’s not going to be a good look for you because you already got a whole world of people that are against you as it is you know what I mean if you hold out and then the whole team is ready now you’ve got the fan base pissed off because it’s like yo bro whatever 55 56 53 58 it’s all let’s go who cares the team is there let’s go and and so there’s a lot of bad PR are that can come out of this for two or2 you know at the same time because it nobody’s going to look at the team as greedy they’re going to look as at the player as the greedy one and if you know if you have several hold outs or the team isn’t that good or anything like that then there’s other factors that kind of cloud the situation but the way you look at it now dude the whole team is there ready to go and all they need is their quarterback to kind of get it going that that that puts him in a very difficult situation pr- wise well I think it’s both sides I think U because also you could say the same thing for for the Dolphins side where uh it’s it’s going to be sort of like this division of the fan base where because some people are going to ride with Tua and say that uh you know pay Tua just get it done and then because he’s he has his fan base and his hardcore supporters and then there there’s going to be the the team oriented side that they’re saying man you know to a exactly what you’re saying to is holding this up and um you know everyone else is agreeing to to their deals and and they’re on board with TOS the one that’s holding holding us up here uh because he wants so much more money than than everyone else so I think there’s two sides to it and then you’ll start getting things like sort of like like we saw this week like uh tua’s side his representation is going to be uh giving uh some national reporter uh what what they feel and then uh and then all of a sudden there’s there’s going to be like the uh the push back from the Dolphins side uh that you know either like Adam shef is going to get it or I rap report’s going to get it and then it’s it’s always going to get be sort of like that that Clash of uh you know okay well we’re not securing the deal at the negotiating table now uh we’re trying to to win this at at the pr level and uh and then you know sort of Feed the fan base our perspective and and then let people decide which side to be on so uh yeah it creates a little bit of divisiveness between the fans and until this gets done uh on which side you’re on are you paay to a side or are you no like the Dolphins need to hold their ground here and and stick to their guns and just pay to what he deserves but not go a dollar more oh the haters will definitely ride that wave oh yes all the way to the end that’s for sure dude uh there’s no doubt and you’re right uh I talked about it earlier that this is just going to create all kinds of division and it’s just an Avenue for people to complain about all kinds of stuff we got an important question here from Chad for you says bigo hear me out my handicap is a 17 you think I can run for [Music] president wild how how it came to that I didn’t watch much of the of the debate but then uh oh you didn’t see you didn’t see that part where the two idiots were well then that part is on social media all over the place so they like like like two guys that are like completely unathletic like really guys don’t talk about athleticism like you know one’s a fat slob and then the other one’s too old to barely walk I mean give me a break you can barely stand and you’re gonna be swinging a club are you kidding me you you swing that thing that’ll throw you off balance and you’re gonna fall you know so give me he’ll throw out his shoulder if he does that he’ll throw should I do want to see I do want to see the two of them on the golf course the next next debate don’t even do it just put them on a golf course and then uh we decide the winner of the debate uh on that not the one of the presidency of course you you need to have an election a free and fair election for that but but uh second debate should be held on a golf course uh I think at this point Biden has canceled that second debate all right what do you got going on in the herald so folks can check you out yeah in the sun senel um I mean I’m sorry in the sunet I’m sorry I know you just said Anthony CH had Anthony CH yeah I saw I was in the waiting room um yeah uh I’ll write about the o line so uh I’ll I’ll delve into a conversation I had with Butch Berry and um uh got several topics in there so um you know I may save something for later uh go ahead and and write something now and then uh uh I go on a vacation for a week so uh but you’ll still be hearing from me I I still make time even on vacation for you big I appreciate you my brother thank you sir follow him on Twitter at David ferronis catch his exceptional work there at the South Florida Sun centino David as always and by the way you’re blessed you don’t have to cover the parade right yeah I get out of town Saturday so but uh yeah I’ll see all the viral clips and all the celebrations no but you’re lucky don’t have to cover that that that’s that’s that’s a blessing trust me that’s good for you bro you don’t have to cover that craziness and Fine Parking and all that all that stuff oh God that’s good stuff enjoy it like I will on television my brother and enjoy your uh your vac yeah thank you you got it my brother there you go Welton rail make sure you give him a ring 954 966 4646 even if you don’t need them now just save the number on your cell phone because God forbid you have some water damage hurricane damage something storm damage 954 966 46 46 [Music] [Music] this is the big old [Music] show this is the big old show [Music]

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  1. Miami has offered him a contract. Make him ride out 5th year. He still needs to prove that he can be a FRANCHISE QB… Look at the team around him. Look at what miami put atound hin and he crapped out November the past 2 years. Remember what the first 2 years looked like with tua without reek. We wanted to get rid of him. Yea, tua needs to play out

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