Dejounte Murray trade: Atlanta Hawks land Dyson Daniels, Larry Nance, picks in deal with Pelicans

Dejounte Murray trade: Atlanta Hawks land Dyson Daniels, Larry Nance, picks in deal with Pelicans

on today’s show an emergency podcast of the highest order jont Murray is no longer going to be a member of the Atlanta Hawks Dyson Daniels Larry Nance two first round picks coming to Atlanta we’ll get into all of what transpired what it all means what the future holds and more and all that is coming up you are locked on Hawks your daily Atlanta Hawks podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day Hello friends welcome to episode 1753 of the lot on Hawks podcast I am your host Brad Rolan coming to you on a Friday evening in emergency fashion and I want to encourage you at the top of the podcast to make lock on Hawks your first listen each and every day please check us out and subscribe to the podcast on Apple on Spotify on overcast and also if you are watching this podcast on video go ahead and like this episode also please subscribe to the podcast yeah we’re back I recorded a podcast not very long ago in fact I’ve been doing wall to–all in NBA Draft coverage for weeks and weeks and weeks I talked tensively about ree a couple of days ago when he was drafted earlier today I did an episode this is the second time that the Hawks made a trade in as many days but with apologies to AJ Griffin who I covered in depth yesterday and even some today on a podcast that I literally did about four hours ago as I’m recording this podcast the second trade in the last two days was a lot bigger so if anyone Happ to listen to the show that I did only again for five hours ago I referenced a report from Jake fer of Yahoo in that podcast about the Hawks and the New Orleans Pelicans not having talks or or at least real talks about Brandon Ingram that was reported by Jake when I discussed that I made sure purposely to note that it was very possible that the Hawks could trade to jontan Murray to New Orleans even if Ingram was not involved in that trade and I also said on that podcast I had heard some Rumblings about discussions with the Pelicans and the Hawks about Murray and yeah obviously I didn’t have it reportable to say that Murray was going to go into New Orleans today or I would have said that on the podcast but it was Buzzy the buzz was loud I will say in conversations that I was having behind the scenes while the buzz is not always right in fact it’s sometimes wrong for sure the buzz was right in this occasion and Murray is heading to the New Orleans Pelicans so if you’re listen to this podcast you probably know this already but the deal is as follows de jont Murray to New Orleans and to Atlanta is going to be Dyson Daniels Larry n Jr EJ Liddell and two first round picks one of those picks is 2025 first-rounder that New Orleans actually has from the Lakers and the other one is a 2027 first round pick from either the bucks or the Pelicans as part of uh some minations there uh trades previously Etc so basically the Hawks are gonna be getting two first round picks plus a lottery pick from two years ago in Daniels who was the eighth pick in the draft in 2022 who’s a real Prospect still and then a very competent solid maybe not sexy but certainly competent and solid role player in Larry ner who may not be a starter but certainly is a rotation level player still at this point in time I think Liddell is mostly a throwin he does have a guaranteed deal for about two million this coming season so he’s going to be on the roster unless he’s not and they’re gonna owe him money no no matter what happens there but um I think mostly the deal is Daniels Nance and two picks for Deonte Murray I will obviously unpack the deal a lot more as we go here but I’ll start here I think this is a pretty good value for the Atlanta Hawks now there’s a lot of nuance involved here if you’re a recuring listener you will know that I’m big on nuance and depth and actual details mattering here text Etc I was aware of a lot of different deals that the Hawks talked about back in January and February when they were pretty openly taking offers or always discussing deals for jonay Murray but unless there was an offer that I was not aware of this deal with New Orleans is better in my mind than what they had offered to them four you know four five six months ago at this point in time now a lot was made of the Lakers as a potential team calling on De jante back then and that definitely happened it definitely happened a a couple different times but they were offering basically two picks from the Lakers and some salary filler that was let’s just say much less appetizing to me than the combination of Daniels and n and yes you could say that these two picks coming to Atlanta are not incredible picks but here’s the reference point for you that I think people are kind of forgetting already the Pelicans had a chance if you were sort of a draft absor you might know this the Pelicans had a chance to take the Lakers pick this year in 2024 that was number 17 overall and eventually became D and connect but instead of doing that they chose to roll the pick over to 2025 after studying it for a very long time it is not protected it is unprotected so there is upside with that with that pick and noran studied it for a year and then made the decision basically to choose to roll it over versus taking the 17th pick in the draft this year part of that is that this year’s draft wasn’t great but by proxy they were saying and you have to trust them on some level here that that pick in 2025 had more value to them than the 17th pick did this year so yes the 27 pick is not the greatest one in the world it’s the worst of two picks it’s still the first- round pick it’s a real pick I would say but the first one 2025 is actually a pretty interesting upside play especially given that the Lakers yes they have LeBron and AD but they just were not particularly impressive this year and uh there’s downside risk there for sure so anyway Zing back out I’ve already seen some people maybe disappointed or vexed or confused by the return what I said immediately when the deal happened is what I’ll still say now for the most part is that this was always going to be in the neighborhood of the value that the Hawks got for Deonte Murray I would say now that does not mean that it is an absolutely overwhelming package because it’s not I wouldn’t say that it’s not going to knock you over I get that but it’s two first round picks real ones and some positive supporting stuff in the deal that’s an appropriate return for de jont Murray in the market I would say now probably six people have asked me how mckel bridges got five first- round picks and Murray went for this number one it’s not the same situation that’s the biggest Factor here um without going all the way into that one the Knicks and the entire league by the way agrees on this theck violently overpaid in that transaction the whole league knows that briges is really good but not six first round pick or whatever it ended up being plus Bridges has more value in the market than Murray does I think everyone would probably acknowledge that yes I know deont made an Allstar team and male did not but male is certainly I think viewed as more of a elastic piece more valuable piece on the market than dejonte at this point not by a ton but still he’s a two-way Wing versus a guard all that stuff but that’s worth noting that like it isn’t the same situation keep that in mind and yes it would have been sexier more interesting if there was like more that challenge trade aspect if it would have been Murray for Ingram two guys who are relatively similar in the league hierarchy I would say I get that I talked about it a lot in the end there is some worry I would say across the league I’m not sure about Atlanta but obviously in the end they didn’t do this about Ingram’s next contract because he wants the max are close to it it’s gonna be a lot of money for him and I’m not sure the Hawks wanted to be cornered into doing that trading for him with one year left on his deal anyway there’s a reason I said on that podcast earlier today that there was a path or a pretty clear one to have the Hawks trade Murray to New Orleans without Ingram backck and that was not really a thing that I I on the radar for the most part in recent days anyway and yes I I think that there is a disconnect on Deonte in some circles but here’s the way that I would put it on how the league seems to view Deonte and view him as as a trade piece number one he’s on a good contract that’s a big part of this now it’s not like an absolute Heist but if you said is Murray overpaid underpaid or properly paid I would say underpaid or at least closer to properly there’s no way he’s overpaid at this point on that on that contract and while I’m here the Hawks are really really fortunate that Murray agreed to take an extension that probably underpays him and also one that surprised everyone including the Hawks and including people around the league I covered it a lot at the time but the Hawks were limited on what they were able to offer to jeon legally in an extension because he actually signed for pretty little in San Antonio but basically the Hawks offered him the best deal they possibly could have legally under the CBA the basically said yes or no he ended up taking the deal and if he hadn’t done that he would be a free agent right now and the Hawks would have either had to pay him more than what he got I would say pretty confidently or or let him go for nothing and obviously getting two picks and stuff for him is way better than that yes they maybe they would have traded in Fe in February but they would have gotten less than this because it would have been an expiring contract let’s just say I know there’s been a lot made of the trade when it actually happened with San Antonio and I was on the record that day as not loving it because it was an overpay and I think everyone knew that and it only looked worse and worse but on the other side the Hawks are really fortunate and it worked out very well for them post trade obviously that Murray took the extension because if he didn’t they would not have gotten this back um number two Murray is not an All-Star now I know he made an All-Star team that did happen you can’t take it away from him neither can I but it was injury replacement in a different time and basically he’s not viewed around the league as as a quote unquote All-Star caliber player he’s in the next tier or maybe the tier after that as far as like maybe like 35 to 50 something like that in the league a good player for for sure but not an Allstar there’s a notable difference there and I’m not sure that matters in in this trade but like every reference where you want when you want to criticize this trade will probably be like all star not he’s not really that level of player at this point in time number three he is clearly a point guard preferably playing out of position in the last two years and I’ll probably do more of a look back at some point about this not today but it simply did not work with Trey and Deon the the way the Hawks hoped that it would the package there if you are just catching up now the Hawks were hoping that deante was going to both give them a number two option on offense which kind of happened I would say but also fix their perimeter defense and put of attack defense on on that side of the floor and without piling on because I’ve said this for two years he has not been very good defensively and that the theory of the case there if nothing else just did not work on either end of the floor but especially on defense and it just did not U work I mean this year we litigated a lot but I’ll just say this as the broad number now the Hawks were better with Trey on by himself and on by himself than they were with the two of them together and that just cannot happen so there you go so I’ll do more on the trade in a second but just to wrap this this first part up I’ll always say this but assuming the best offer they could get which you you kind of have to assume this because we we’ll never know all of the offers we just cannot know all the offers but assuming that there’s some level of trust there and this is their best offer I would have done this now I’m not saying that it would have been a slam dunk it wasn’t an instant yes for the Hawks it’s not a grand slam trade there are very few there are very few of those well actually you know know the Net’s trade for Mel Bridges was actually a grand SL for them I would say it was not that but for me it was time to break up the guards and that might be too simple or too broad and I I’m doing that purposely but the Trey plus the jante pairing does not work I’m convinced by that over two years if it had been if it had been one year you could have waved it away as like all right it didn’t go well for one year let’s see but two full seasons it just did not work and I think when you know that the the thing to do is break them up personally I’ve been on the record about this I’ll say it again now I would have pursued trading Deonte over trading Trey it doesn’t mean that Trey would have been Untouchable because he’s not been Untouchable but in the end I would have preferred trading Deonte to trading Trey and I think the Hawks got a pretty good return here yes they have work to do they have more work to do I promise you they have they there’s money stuff involved here they probably have another shot Creator theya they probably need because deante for some of his faults does a really good job of lifting offensive floor because he can get his own shot whenever he wants it the mid-range game all that stuff he’s a Hooper that does matter on some level but my broad takeaway is that the deal makes organizational sense for the Hawks and where they’re going now you can argue that this makes them worse than the short term maybe it does because Jon is obviously better than the guys are getting back but given the sort of negative returns of the try plus the jant thing the way it hasn’t worked where the Hawks are going not necessarily rebuilding but trying to focus and be a little bit more balanced for the future they will definitely miss D Jon in certain ways he’s a very good player but I would have done this deal I think it subs with the Hawks up pretty well and could with other stuff that they’re going to have to do in the future what they’ve already done now with re and other stuff on the sides but uh yeah overall I like it for Atlanta I don’t love it I’m not throwing a parade but I would have done this if it was the best offer and I’ll leave it there for now but we’ll have much more I promise you in a second about this trade and the what the Hawks are getting what the money stuff is the r situation and more but first work from our partners on today’s podcast Today Show is brought to you by game time game time is off ticket Marketplace at the NBA that makes game tickets basketball or baseball or anything you’re looking for faster and easier they have killer 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own picks back which is which would have been even better of course but uh restocking the cupboard is an important thing here because um it would it’s the combination of being not very good like the Hawks for this year and also not having future picks is the disaster Zone in the NBA so having picks in the future to restock the cupboard is a big thing anyway Daniels and Larry n Jr I’ve always liked that that’s Daniels I talked him I talked about him a lot in the draft two years ago he was a fast Riser he got to where the Hawks were not going to be in his range but he was on my on the radar a lot that draft cycle in 20122 he’s only 21 years old turn 21 in March he’s a 67 perimeter player has played some point guard but mostly is kind of a hybrid Wing player good passer good feel on offense took a step forward as a player inside the arish year shot 55% on twos and a had a lower turnover rate this year some steps forward for sure the big question though on offense I can’t sh Rec code it is his perimeter shooting he’s a 31% shooter from three-point range in his career and not great at the free throw line so the mechanics there are not great that was the pre-draft worry for him it still is now that’s going to determine his offensive upside if they if they can make him into a solid enough shooter there is so much to like with Des Daniels but I’m certainly willing to admit there’s some downside there but look even with that shooting he’s been a rotation caliber player already in his career this year on a pretty good Pelicans team so he’s already proven he can play it’s just whether he can actually like stick as like a starter or like a you know top seven guy on a real team if he can not knock down shots with that said the major appeal for Daniels is his defense he is very very good already as a perimeter Defender with real size at six 667 with length um he was 88th percentile this year in defensive BPM that’s only one metric but he’s really really strong across the board in advanced defensive metrics he has a 92 92% steel rate he’s F great hands really good athlete good rebounder for a per perimeter guy like checks a lot of boxes defensively and it’s really exciting to have that um honestly there’s real Lottery Talent here I would say for danels and while the Hawks I’ve been ranting about this for basically two years now that the Hawks number one problem and they had more than one was Primer defense and point of attack defense now yes you still have Trey who’s not great on the end of the floor very clearly but they have Kobe buffkin who’s already good on that end of the floor Dyson Daniels who is excellent on that end of the floor R profile that way as well so like they are obviously taking steps to address that major issue and Danel doesn’t help the shooting but Nance might and resarch they should and then we’ll figure out the rest later but um yeah notable there I like him a lot the shooting is a question but he still has two more years of rookie contract that’s very valuable and for me he immediately becomes the best Wing defender on the roster or always perimeter like you know guards or small Wings defender on the roster plus he you know he’s versatile he’s physical Etc I like him quite a bit and we’ll see what that looks like in Atlanta from there lar Jr is a lot less flashy than Dyson Daniels he’s 31 now I actually just saw a tweet a minute ago that um I think it was from Larry’s wife they’re putting their kids down as he was learning about the trade Larry is an adult he’s been around for a long time um very solid Defender he’s consistently been a part of good teams on defense as a key cog not not a dominant Defender by any means but a solid one he can shoot it a little bit a very low usage player overall he’s the epitome of a role player not going to create shots for you but shot it well at The Rim this year he finishes around the rim effectively 70ish per the last two years rebounds the ball very well quality passer for a big man good steel rate like just a rock solid professional rotational big like he’s not gonna probably be your starter nor should he be at 31 but I think he’s G to be a quality backup um we’ll get into it more in a second the Hawks do have kind of a I won’t say Log Jam but they have a lot of guys let’s just say in the front court right now but um he fits very well I would say in Atlanta as a veteran as a death piece plus the Hawks might move on from okong Wu or capella I would say in the coming days if they do that having n to kind of provide some death will be huge so that’s my kind of mini Scout I will obviously admit I don’t cover these guys at least I haven’t until right now but I Do cover the whole league and I’ve watched these guys play a lot so I don’t have the same Hawks level expertise on other players but I have asked around I will probably Endeavor to have someone from New Orleans on the podcast to talk a little bit about Daniels and Nance in the future but for now that’s the synopsis and we’ll have more in a second when it comes to um the rest of the mations because before we get out here I to talk about kind of what the RHA looks like and also the money side of this because undeniably part of this trade some of it a portion I don’t know how you want to put that might have to do with the fact that they’re saving some money so there’s that and we’ll get into all that in more than a second but first the work from our partners on today’s podcast all right I’m gonna try not to go an hour so I’m going to do this kind of quickly but uh just want to reset a little bit on what the Hawks look like roster wise coming out of this I did a segment on the podcast again earlier today about roster decisions that have to be made around sadik Bay and be cree and Garrison Matthews BR Fernando by literally tomorrow by Saturday uh Seth Lundy it was reported on by MOX SC actually heard the same thing that he actually got his qualifying offer so that’s notable but he he’ll not be be restricted free agent it might be on a two-way but um could be the minimum we’ll see and we don’t know yet about Jurish coming over this year um if you listen to that podcast earlier share it’s some audio from Landry Fields there’s some uh we’re not really sure what’s going to happen there with him short term but um noting all that here’s what the Hawks have on their roster right now today Trey young and Kobe buffkin are really the only small guards on the team like pure guards Trey and Kobe smaller Wings slash guards like two guard siiz guys bogy of course Daniels the new guy maybe Garrison Matthews maybe jich those guys have decisions Garrison’s on a team option jich could be stashed overseas we’ll see forwards Jaylen Johnson ree aay Don Hunter and Muhammad gay are still on this team and then the bigs they have three really strong centers capella Aang and then Nance and then maybe brw Fernando’s on a non- guaranteed contract so um yeah lots of names there uh one thing I’ll just say plainly for you I will be pretty surprised and this is without a ton of Intel right now it’s very early since this trades actually happened I’ve been scrambling the last hour or so I was out when the deal happened but I’ll be surprised if capella aono and Nance are all on the team in August it’s not impossible but Nance played Almost 100% of his minutes this year at Center for New Orleans about 80% last year at Center he could play a little bit of four but I think he’s mostly a center at this point maybe with a Kong Wu and Nance together might work but of course you still have Jaylen you want to see moay etc etc um so I think that it’d be wise if the Hawks did not have all three of those centers on the team if I had to guess um and look I said this before I’ll say it again they probably need one more shot Creator on this team in the absence of De Jon now you got Jay Johnson who will probably do a little bit more this year I’m not sure he’s a number two just yet on a good team offensively Trey is still the lead guy you would imagine um they got bogie Bogie’s obviously a guy who can scale up a little bit but you want to watch his minutes a little along the way you got Kobe buffkin can run some pick and roll stuff um we’ll see and then you got dejon so not not Deon s Deon did run a lot of offense I should say is what I have my notes here and have a plan to mitigate that so maybe re a little bit tiny bit but I wouldn’t recommend that a ton as a rookie on ball uh yeah so there might be one shot Creator short at this point bogie is a nice guy to have in this situation obviously he Andante are very different players but bogie is a guy who can scale up when he needs to but uh just an area to kind of circle in the coming days now that’s the roster um contractually so Deonte is starting a four-year extension for about 25 and half million this first year going up to 31 by the end he also has a massive trade kicker in that contract so we don’t know for sure right now um whether this deal is gonna happen now pre July 1 or as far as like this league year or next League year the addition of Liddell makes it a little bit closer but there was I was trying to figure out how this is going to work MoneyWise because Jon makes a step forward with his extension MoneyWise and then has again lit according to Bobby marks the largest kicker in the entire league for trade kickers so we’ll see but this deal is going to happen I’m not sure if it’s going to happen like officially I mean in the next couple of days or maybe they’ll wait till July I don’t know yet just keep that in mind um Daniels this his third season of his rookie deal he’s making about $6 million this coming season about 7.7 in his fourth year the Hawks will have to very likely pick up that team option by October I’d be surprised if it didn’t do that obviously but uh notable um and look this deal does save money you know lar Nance is actually an expiring contract it’s about 11 million or so for this year um but it’s expiring so both Nance and capella combined for like $33 million or so but it’s coming off the books after this year after this coming season I should say so this move saves money for the Hawks this coming season so I’m not breaking any new ground here but if you are a regular listener or you’re even if you’re not uh the belief is that the Hawks do not want to pay the tax this year I have gone out of my way to say that it’s not a total zero percent chance but most people in the league just don’t buy it that they’re gonna pay the tax and now with this move they go from over to under at least for now before today they had about $167 million in guaranteed contracts including Reet now that number is about 161 and they have two more players on guaranteed contracts between basically a three for one deal then if you throw in Garrison and Bruno you’re still like 5 million or so below the tax line now that does not include anything for vit nor sadique Bay keep that in mind plus there are decisions to make on Bruno and Garrison um also if they want to keep Liddell which is I’m not sure about that then they have a roster spot issue potentially especially when you start factoring in jurich um if they want to bring back everybody there’s some mations to be had there especially with Bay because B I think V’s gonna be relatively cheap I think B has more Nuance so we’ll see how that all goes but that’s the card situation um so look that’s enough for now on all of these things I’ll have much more in the future when we have all the uh T’s crossed and eyes dotted but overall the Hawks did lose the best player in the trade today which is a little bit scary I understand that but they do restock the draft cover I said it before they but they now definitely have a pick in 25 they could have two picks in 25 they have a first 27 they didn’t have before they still have their own pick at 2 2 not their own pick but they have a pick it’s it’s swaft they have a pick at so right now the Hawks suddenly went from not controlling their draft at all they don’t they don’t control their own draft but they do have at least a pick in the next three drafts that’s something after losing what they had lost in the jonte trade plus they get the real prospecting Daniels they got a reasonbly priced beton Nance so I would say overall they’ve really improved the last couple of days when it comes to defensive personnel and overall size now it doesn’t make the better overall right now because the Jon is the best best player on the trade but bringing in re who look I’ll be the first to say I’ll probably say it a 100 times rookies are not always great in the NBA that’s what I always say but he does have real positional size and defense potential Nance is a good quality defender in the front Court Daniels might be an excellent Defender I know he’s good he might be excellent so and more Kobe buffkin you presume on the court and I think that will be a plus for your defense especially a point guard so we’ll see but to wrap it up I still don’t think the Jon TR perum is going to work long term they Rectify that with this move they tried it they tried the big big big swing over the objections of some people including maybe Travis schink um but they overpay for D jante they gave it two years it just didn’t work they had to break it up they made a solid trade here now we’ll see what happens but they do have more work to do for sure pressure is not off and I know just by my comments that I’ve seen so far on YouTube and on Twitter Etc that not everybody lives the trade and I totally get it because if you’re just like zooming in from the outside and you don’t know anything about the context you’re trading a really good player and not getting a great player back and I understand so there’s Nuance here I am the captain of the Nuance context train but it won’t be it won’t be 100% beloved I’m sure that Landry and Company know that in the front office and how they handle this moving forward will be very interesting all right that’s all I have on the emergency podcast I will have more I promise you coming I don’t know if it’ll be tomorrow we’ll see what happens with the bay decision and the C decision Etc I will have new content in in the next couple of days for sure but this is the seventh show in the last four or five days so I’m going to try to not have one hopefully tonight no more big trades maybe until at least tomorrow but please please please if you’re a new listener subscribe to the podcast like this video on YouTube and also subscribe there but also check us out on Apple and Spotify and overcast five star RS and reviews very much appreciated to help us be boosted up there follow the show on Twitter lockon Hawks follow me there as well at BT Roland also if you want to follow more of my work on the Hawks and sometimes the Braves as well I am at BTR Roland I very much thank you for listening to the podcast hopefully this was out as fast as I possibly I promise you folks I was not home when this happened I got it out as fast as I could so hopefully you were patient enough and you will enjoy this on your Friday night enjoy the rest of your weekend we’ll see you all next time

Brad Rowland (@BTRowland) hosts episode No. 1753 of the Locked on Hawks podcast. The show reacts in emergency fashion to the Atlanta Hawks trading Dejounte Murray to the New Orleans Pelicans for Dyson Daniels, Larry Nance Jr., and two first round picks.

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  1. Why the Hawks didn't want the Lakers trade ???😂 Both DLo and Riu are waayyyyyy better than Larry N and Daniels. The Pelicans screw the Hawks.
    The Nets got 5-6 first for MB and the Hawks got 2 first and 2 role players for Murray 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  2. Dyson with an improved 3 pointer can very easily become the next Herb jones. Larry does some dumb shit and also amazing stuff. He’s a great vet too. Hawks didn’t get fleeced. This coming from a Pels fan. Still rooting for Lakers to lose lol.

  3. Still, the toxic Ice Princess is here to keep the narrative all about himself. This team is going NOWHERE with the ball in ISO -TRAES hands.

  4. As a Pelicans fan, Dyson Daniels is arguably a top 5 defender in the NBA.

    He’s just super passive/shy on offense… if y’all can get him to play loose offensively, he’s a real player in this league

  5. I agree DJ didn't work here. I'm sick of these crap trades. We are a worse team today than yesterday. Hawks don't need picks in the 20's because they will F it up. 😢🤬

  6. I can't WAIT to see Trae take ALL the shots in the 4th quarter and make NONE of them! In fact – just take the other 4 guys off the floor! Trae's gonna beat the whole NBA by HIMSELF!

    Translation: Either SELL the Hawks or MOVE them. I've finally reached my limit.

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