REKAP: ⚾️ Chicago Cubs 4-2 loss to Milwaukee Brewers. ‘Counsell & the Cubs don’t do accountability!’

REKAP: ⚾️ Chicago Cubs 4-2 loss to Milwaukee Brewers. ‘Counsell & the Cubs don’t do accountability!’

welcome into the recap of the Cubs 42 loss to the Milwaukee Brewers Friday night at American Family field in Milwaukee Wisconsin I’m David Kaplan it’s brought to you by our great Partners at win trust the exclusive home of cubs checking click on the QR code on your screen or go to slubs for all the details folks no accountability by anybody have you seen a trade no they don’t believe in doing that right now and now the thing spiraling so far down into the gutter that Jed Hoyer spoke tonight before the game in Milwaukee and said there’s a chance we could be Sellers and rather than addon start getting rid of guys Yankees and Phillies are tracking Cody Bellinger you can have him absolutely take him this guy’s not a Difference Maker and tonight mental error again by Bellinger leads to another out on the bases let me tell you what happened fourth inning home run from zuzuki one- nothing Cubs tyion was pitching very well as was Ray for the Brewers the Cubs get a runs scoring single from Swanson in the same inning two nothing Cubs we go to the bottom of the fourth inning and here’s where the ball game was lost bottom of the fourth and they get a walk to ceras lead off walks always kill you Yelich hits a new a force out so there’s a man at first one away adamus flies out two away Christian Yelich steals second so you got a man out second two outs up two nothing freeli reaches on catcher interference on Miguel Amaya another catcher interference that’s his third in like the last three weeks will there be any accountability about it absolutely not because Craig Council and the Cubs don’t do accountability and it’s we can’t offend the players SC through the players put them on the freaking bench ree hosin singles off for Ty’s glove base is loaded cherio Homer to left field Grand Slam strikeout inning over now later in the ball game you get Cody Bellinger on first he takes off Fly ball the center field and I don’t mean a diving catch at the wall I mean can of corn in medium uh center field he doesn’t know how many outs there are he runs P around second has to go all the way back to First he out from here to freaking poell Idaho it’s and the manager does nothing about it I’ll tell you what the postgame press Garett will be as soon as I pull it up here well I thought J Mo pitch well and just didn’t get much going from the offense and made a couple mistakes liveing up get the guy some freaking adrenaline do something somebody smack him in the face are you alive how can you watch this team be as horseshit defend i l and as horseshit fundamentally as they are and you do nothing about it falls right at your freaking feet our player of the game brought to you by the Chicago land Chevy dealers I’m going to give it to seya zuzuki with the laser beam home run that gave the Cubs the lead but in the end two runs not enough to win anyway but guess what your manager one of the biggest disappointments in all of baseball have a great rest of your night I’ll see you tomorrow God I just so pissed that a team just doesn’t care they have no heart take that

  1. Where is Pete No-Show Armstrong? oooo he's fast!!!!!! he's Fast!!!!!!!! lol Doesn't help when he can't get on base. What happened to Matt Nervous? Where is this Highly touted farm system? lol Ok they're good at the triple A level. 35 outs on the bases this year. 1st in MLB.15 outs at home plate. Tied for 1st in that as well. 9-18 against division opponents. Belli!!! Belli!!!! LOL, look what he's done for ya. But, ya wanted him backlol. You were doin Cartwheels over Counsell when the Cubs brought him in Kap!!!! Ready to send him back to the Brewers yet? The only team Counsell ever beat in the post-season was the Cubs. Take that!!!

  2. 🤨 This team made the mistake of signing Councell instead we should of signed the Brewers GM. Think about this the Brewers are better without him and we are worse having him. ⚰🪦

  3. They need to hurry up and get swept so that even the biggest pollyannas in Cubs management understands that they need to find a way to start the major league careers of the best prospects. Just concede that a huge mistake was made in opening the checkbook to this collection of inept players and hit reset. Don't compound the mistake by continuing to run this pathetic bunch out there while blocking the young players.

  4. Perfectly said. No accountability, no heart. Not a single position player that you want to wrap your arms around. 11.5 GB, 8th in payroll. What a complete disaster. Another year of checking minor league stats in hopes for better days.

  5. I hate to tell you this, Kap, but the owners and front office don't care anymore (or so it appears). Unfortunately, we as fans are stuck with this for the rest of the season.

  6. Who b carin? Wirlin verlin breakdancer froms Crestwood IL do. He b crys causes da lovable losers b done. Dis b he breakdancein partner Ace. 🤘🃏🎸🍼🧃🕺🌪️😭☠️🕶️

  7. Furthermore Kap, For as bad as they are? the Rockies managed to put together a 7 game winning streak this season . This Cubs team couldn't put together Lego blocks! Take that too!!!

  8. Amaya should have been benched immediately after the 4th inning. Craig needs to start showing the players that consistent dumb mistakes like that are unacceptable

  9. Getting rid of Rossy is like divorcing your cute, loyal wife because you found out your college crush just got divorced and is single.

    Cubs deserve everybit of this karma. But not the fans…

  10. KAP: I remember how ecstatic you were at the “stealth” move Jed Hoyer made when he spent $40 million to get bullpen guru, Craig Counsell last November. What a difference a day makes, right? Now you’ve already attached a toe tag to him, and sent him to the morgue. Bellinger was a cast off from the Dodgers, injury prone, and should have been packaged with Stromer, Morel, Wisdom and others at trade deadline last year. But Jed, “The Vibe Listener” Hoyer, would hear nothing along those lines and here we are. How’s Counsell, Morel, Amaya, and Wisdom working out for you, Jed? I see Jed brought in another stud from the Mets, Lopez, to shore up the pen. At this point a move like that is just damage control for what is essentially gross negligence on Hoyer’s part and Chicago needs to look at his future relevance. Because the “Vibe Listener” is deaf. They probably should package up Steele who probably won’t win a game this year while they still can. Get some kind of value for him. Even he looks out of it at this point and I expect the Brewers will wait on his high fastball tomorrow. Season’s over, Kap. Again, good imitation of Counsell. Have you ever asked him why he continues to play Morel?

  11. Let me add. Happ , Swanson, Hoerner, need to pick it up on offense. Also PCA, Morel, Amaya, batting below.200 as starter's. Come on. Make a move. Get a dominant Closer and a Power Hitter. Boom back in business

  12. There's been an increase in catcher interference throughout the MLB. I hear it was due in part to coaches wanting the catchers to stand up in the catcher's box to catch a pitch earlier because supposedly it helps the team buy more strike calls. As the result of being closer there are more instances of catchers putting the glove in the path of the swing. Wilson Contreras on the Cardinals even broke his hand on a catcher interference. This is not a problem that is unique to the Cubs; although, it is frustrating.

  13. You seemed so happy yesterday nice dinner nice weather and then this I’m really sorry bro…. We need to bring back Phil brickma to help this pitching staff maybe bring back the floater pitch that made scuffy McGee so successful

  14. Kap, if you are going to imitate Counsell you have to remember to constantly run your hands through your hair. Err. Aah. Never mind.

  15. Brewers fan here. Yup, sorry to see Counsell go; he was (is?) a good manager. But money can’t buy you love or wins. Brewers have been doing more for less for last decade though even I am surprised by this year’s team. Pat Murphy gets a lot of credit but it is still players—and some luck doesn’t hurt.

  16. Again only scoring in one inning . I'm so tired of seeing Amaya and Crow-Armstrong taking up spots on this roster it's sickening . Neither one of them offer anything offensively with their sub .200 BA and you can throw Swanson in that bag two but they're stuck with him , and Amaya is a lousey catcher to boot . Any normal team execs would be working day and night to find a spark and eliminate the dead weight on their team . Why hasn't Hoyer shipped out Amaya and Armstrong and given someone else a chance to make a difference ? It's been obvious for some time now that those two guys are not MLB ready and might not ever be . Hoyer has done zero to fix any part of this team , from the bullpen to the hitters . All he's done is cheat the loyal fans that support this team and put millions of dollars into the Ricketts bank account . Since the beginning of spring training untill now there has been absolutely no effort to improve the talent . There is not one player within 30 points of a .300 BA and thats pathetic but yet nothing has been done . Are we really supposed to believe that their bullshit farm system is going to turn this team into a perennial playoff team ? When ? Next year ? Maybe the year after that ? Don't count on it , there's no superstars down there . Their big shot manager hasn't shown he can get anything going either . That was a waste of money . So the fans get screwed again .

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