Cincinnati Reds Lose to St. Louis Cardinals in Painful Fashion in 9th Inning | CBox Reds | Game 82

Cincinnati Reds Lose to St. Louis Cardinals in Painful Fashion in 9th Inning | CBox Reds | Game 82

all right Nick coming in top nine could be the first time this season though that we have an opportunity Nick to um to win a baseball game live on air I like it I like the energy I mean we got our designated we got our designated hitter do up first I mean I like that bit I like that I like that that’s that’s a good one oh I I I what my my thought when espanol the first thought when he hit the Fly ball to the left field I was like I’m tweeting out Cincinnati Red’s designated hitter Santiago espanol and then it just died didn’t quite get there I was sad we had a home run uh in Great American Ballpark taken away and they got one taken away as well yeah all right let’s get on the old Twitter be child bearchild caught the one the uh one home run in Great American Ballpark like uh him and will Benson were just like looking at each other like who wants to catch it is fry I don’t know who’s available anymore Nick don’t ask they just they just showed fry in The Dugout we’re probably playing with like 20 22 guys tonight no they just showed FR and The Dugout like up looking like he was doing something that’s good news hopefully he can hit his second home run of the year I think I would prefer uh Frey if they get a runner on base I honestly think I’d rather have steuart F shot up if there’s two on two outs no one on I think you know what I mean with melee on Deck I think St gives you a better chance of at least accidentally running into one that’s a good really good at bat really good at bat really good at bat first pitch up and in pop out that a boy really good one nice nice I’ll tell you you know what standing evation for that nice job that’s a really good one really nice see if you can’t make a better at bat this time likes please I just uh this is where will Benson could just unleash on a baseball that would be fantastic that’s just praying and you know what I’ll give esman all credit he was just praying right there that was a that was a that was I’m going up here being super aggressive maybe he’ll throw me a first pitch fast ball and and it it just and it just wasn’t anywhere near the location that it needed to be what overmatched overmatched simple as that man oh oh oh oh oh what a ball buster that is what did steuart Fairchild do to deserve this F the St Louis Cardinal in their [ __ ] minus 38 run differential God bastards unbelievable I mean fairchild’s hit too balls incredibly well at the end of baseball games to tie the game and and and he and he’s I don’t know if Robin a home Run’s the right word to use in both of these instances but I mean let’s face it the ball was the balls were just incredibly well hit Nick he ran into one about as good as you can run into one man I I don’t know what else to say all right guys I I don’t know what you want me to do I’m going to do my best to do a show here we have a show we have a show to do what do you want me to say 14 ballparks yeah so at least it’s not like 29 of 30 or something I’m trying to be semi semi you know optimistic I guess is the right word to use there I we we just got to do a show I I I don’t know what else you want remember me okay I’m gonna I’m gonna do my best and and and this isn’t going to be a really great performance for me I’m going to be honest with you cuz it’s just going to be nothing but pure emot motion and that’s probably not going to be very rational High Drive left racing back to the world bah the RS are National League Central Division champions in the air left CER field he [Music] [Applause] [Music] he the right field J the with the game you believe it the air down the White Field wide go have a chance the have won on three run home opening day by Ramon Hernandez strike away and outway is Homer Bailey round ball to third Frasier gloves throw to first and H Bailey for the second time in his major league career has tossed the no oh the second player in na history to hit seven home runs in the first 10 game in the air the best wi what a dream beginning to the career J [Music] Bruce all right Nick I have a lot of things I want to say tonight I’m going to do my best to to to save it it’s gonna it’s gonna it’s it’s inevitably going to come like roaring out she can’t hold this emotion in that much longer there’s some things I’m really pissed off about yeah I am there’s some sadness from the standpoint that I do think that this team is just not great and it and maybe the thing I’m pissed off the most about before we get into the bosko recap is that we continue we continue to watch these guys throw unbelievable baseball games you can’t throw any better you can’t possibly be any better on the mound and we find ourselves time and time again basically wasting hunter green wasting in Nick Lolo and now welcome to the show Montas welcome to the party in Cincinnati and again we waste another one and it’s just frustrating because you can’t throw the ball any better you can’t possibly throw the ball any better how will you lose a game when you gave up two hits through eight Innings I’ll never know but I guess we’re about to find out why because there’s a box go recap presented by Nick Kirby and he’s going to tell you exactly how in just a moment and I got news for you if you watch the game um be prepared for some Deja Vu Nick do your best here buddy I don’t know how you do this I’ll be honest with you I wouldn’t even be able to make it through but you’re a pro maybe I’m not the end of the day BOS recap presented by Nick Kirby all right Reds taking on the St Louis Cardinals game two of four in St Louis Frankie montis was brilliant over six Innings the only only run that he allowed came in the third inning the Cardinal had Runners on the corners with one out when Alex Alec burlson hadit a very weak and shallow Fly ball both Stuart Fairchild and Ellie D La Cruz converged on the ball but Ellie ended up taking the catch with his momentum going into the Outfield Cardinal’s Runner Michael canani tagged up and scored as Ellie was unable to throw him out of the plate uh Red’s broadcaster Chris well said that he believed Fairchild should have made the catch but nonetheless a brilliant performance of Frankie Montes 6 Innings two hits one run three walks five strikeouts Red’s offense was dominated for a second time in a month by cardal starting pitcher Andre Palante he threw five and a third scoreless Innings Reds had several chances in this one against Palante in the top of the first Nick Martini hit a in inning ending double play with two Runners on in the top of the third Jonathan Indy was stranded after a double top of the fifth Ellie De La Cruz grounded out the Strand the base is loaded in the top of the six maybe the Red’s best chance of the day the first two Runners got on base Al Marte worked a full count but then he swung it a pitch way out of the strike zone for a lazy popup designated hitter Santiago espanol hit a ball hard to left field but Brendan Donovan made a nice catch B was a home run in two ballparks including the two home ballparks that espanol has played in during his career Benson then struck out to end that inning the Reds would get Ellie De La Cruz to Third Base in the eighth Inning on a wild sequence of events but Noel V Marte struck out to strand him there and then the Reds looked like they were completely dead two outs in the top of the ninth uh the Cardinal dominant closer Ryan Hesley on the mound steuart Fairchild he h took one big swing at it uh he hit a ball 366 feet a home run in 14 ballparks but unfortunately Bush Stadium in St Louis was not one of them Carles left fielder Brendan Donovan made an incredible catch probably robbing extra bases probably not a home run but a brutal one way for this to end Red’s full one- nothing Hector Rodriguez Hector Rodriguez Hector Rodriguez of the Dayton Dragons is where we got to go for the Deep dve D of the day sponsored by DSC they are a leader in renewable Commodities Commodities is what I was trying to say specializing in biofuel production Ed cooking oil collection aggregation and sales visit for more information thank you to John you know John I really appreciate uh your support and I got to be honest with you uh on a night like tonight I didn’t have the script up you know why cuz there wasn’t a deep Drive of the day the only deep Drive of the day was me trying to bust my tail down here Nick and I literally busted my ass on the way down here I fell down like nine steps on the way down here and my foot’s all jacked up I can’t be more pissed off I can’t be more pissed off now some people might think why is he so mad because I have to stay up on a Friday night and watch that it’s one thing to watch a playoff game and be upset and be like oh damn we lost that hurts that sucks but no I’m spending my Friday nights literally making I can’t even hang out with my wife tonight why because I got to come down here I got to talk about esnol being the DH I got to talk about Levi Jordan being in a pivotal spot Who the hell’s Levi Jordan I gotta talk about I gotta talk about Luke meeley deciding that he’s gonna be a a safety squeeze with no strikes and then magically with one strike he’s Barry Bonds hell hell with the safety squeeze we don’t need that run hell hell with moving the guy to second base let’s swing for it and what’s he do he hits a popup and what do the Cardinals do they’re confident enough to to to have their short stop and center field or talk to each other so they don’t actually make a strong throw into home and you don’t score but no the reds don’t do that either I can’t possibly be more frustrated watching a team every single every single time you know what kill me I would rather just be dead Nick I don’t want to have resusitation every single series we start off we score 11 runs you get your hopes up and b boom they lay the hammer down they lay the hammer down I’m so pissed that that I’m hitting buttons I I can’t tell you I can’t tell you how often this happens because it happens every series I’m tired of it I’m so tired of it just just get swept at least make us all know you suck don’t trick us one night and then the next night here we go again I don’t know how we I don’t know how we’re going to do a show well let’s talk about Montas he’s great unbelievable I bet when he said he was going to win 20 games Nick he never thought in a million years he was going to have to win 20 games with an offense like this this I better stop talking cuz I literally might die feel like before we get to Montas we should remind you that you can call or text 988 anytime at all day or night the 988 suicide and crisis Lifeline is a place to get support for anything related to mental health whether in an immediate crisis simply wanting to find out how to connect with care or anything in between it’s a 100% confidential secure and Anonymous way to reach out for help when you don’t know where else to turn to connect call or text 988 or visit man therapy .org to get help it’s okay not to be okay if you are a veteran or service member or are calling about one press one what about a red span what about a red span add it to the prompter I don’t know what we did deserve this I really don’t and you know what it’s not it’s not even that they lose they lose in the most just painful way I mean hell with striking out last there Fair CH hell with that hell yeah just just graze the fence again let’s just watch one let’s get our hopes up and then boom we’re dead again I don’t know we could talk about realistic things yes uh I’m on down for that I think that there are some things that we can talk about that are relatively you know uh worthwhile but I got to be honest man I there a this lineup I I I don’t know what Fry’s problem is maybe he’s got a bruise um you know hell in fact you know what Nick I might be out for the next three I fell down the steps I might be out for the next two weeks to be honest I might not be able to do the show we’ll see I day to day we’ll see how I’m feeling tomorrow anyways Frankie Montage you get this show back on track Nick I’m trying but Frankie Montas he he he threw the ball really well right I he was great tonight yes uh Frankie montz it’s been a uh inconsistent season for him but it does feel like he’s been more consistent of late you kind hope that maybe he can translate this to um a nice run of success look the Reds offense I I think I a little more optimistic on them than the rest of the world but even me I would probably say they’re sealing this season with the the Personnel they have is maybe a League average offense so the only way the reds are going to make anything is with their pitching staff and guys like Frankie Montes have to step up and you know that’s a a very good sign for the Reds look today was uh I I don’t know I don’t understand how Andre Palante has the Reds number a guy with an erra over five Reds yesterday um beat much better pitching dominated much better pitching um you know sometimes baseball just absolutely makes uh no sense whatsoever I I like the Reds this week I mean the Reds hit miles michelis well they hit Mitch Keller well but Andre Palante you get three hard hit balls in five in the third Innings against him you just throw your hands up I don’t know what you say about that yeah and I mean like I know we’re pretty much jumping right into Red’s offense here Frankie Montage last thing I’ll say he threw the ball I mean like I said at the beginning you can’t throw the ball better and that’s that’s that’s the most frustrating part about all this is like we can sit here and talk every night about how we’re excited about how the idea that this Red’s pitching the Reds starting pitching can keep us in games and and and and when you have that you know it’s it’s really it’s it’s it’s really hard to find yourself in a position where you might not have a chance to to to be to be competitive but I mean like this this this Red’s offense has got to find a way Nick to just to at least be to at least be Scrappy on a night in Night Out basis and like I guess my biggest thing is more or less like maybe it’s luck of the draw I know analytic Community might feel that way at times and that that that’s fair I’m not going to debate tonight on whether or not I think you you can have a clutch gene or you know um you you basically can find a way to get a big hit in a big spot and and then there’s times when you’re up by nine runs you get a big hit or you get a hit it’s not the same maybe it’s the same but it just feels like the Reds can’t ever find a way to get the big hit when they need it the most Ellie obviously had opportunities tonight uh meley had an opportunity tonight Levi Jordan had an opportunity tonight and it’s not like it’s not like the Reds didn’t have chances tonight to score runs they did they just couldn’t find a way to do it and the other thing too I’ll say is like you know ju one one inning for ex for example here is like you have Ellie De La Cruz on first base with nobody out Nick I love Ellie um and I and I and I and I know people would crush him if he got thrown out in a spot where he he let off an inning with nobody out and he gets thrown out of second base but like Nick and I know you can’t tell him to run 100% like I would have loved Ellie to be super aggressive right there and try to get to second base with nobody out and then let maybe steer maybe steer can find a way to get him to Third and then all of a sudden you manufacture a run like like like Ellie has done in the past where he was a oneman show and I know people are going to be on Ellie tonight they’re going to be frustrated by the maybe the popup we’ll get to that here in a little bit they’re going to be frustrated that he uh didn’t come up big in The Bases Loaded spot yes but but it does feel like at times this offense it’s just like you’re wishing upon him you’re wishing upon like a an un an unrealistic or an UNC consistent thing that they need to do in order to be able to score run and you know you find like you have first and third one out and I know we have the melee thing like you still can’t find a way to get him in it’s one thing for melee not to get it done which we’ll get to in just a second but it’s another thing than than than to not get the two- out hit after that so I don’t know I mean you score zero runs Nick of course you’re going to sit here and complain and be frustrated with the offense I think it’s just U it’s just uh I I I know it’s it’s a lack of words right now I know some of it’s just because I’m I’m I’m I’m upset I’m frustrated but um it just feels like they don’t have the goods and I hate to be like that but I just that’s what it feels like I don’t know if that’s the case or not but it just feels like they don’t have the goods they don’t have what it takes Man Simple is that um you have anything to add from this offense tonight I don’t know just wild week of offense from the Reds so Monday Reds put up five runs on bayy falter he entered with an RA under four uh Tuesday they score four runs off Mitch Keller I know some of that was after they were down big but still they put up four runs off Mitch Keller Wednesday they put up one run on the Pirates spot starter and maybe I had these days wrong maybe it was Tuesday Wednesday but you get my point Y and then uh Friday 10 runs off miles michelas and then today zero runs off uh a guy the Cardinal just threw in their rotation that probably if he would have had a bad start today probably would have been replaced like yes I don’t know that’s I I mean some of it’s you know an inconsistent offense some of it just baseball stupid and makes no sense right it’s probably a combination of both yeah I just feel like this offense in general they’re not grit they’re not they’re not gritty enough either like and I don’t mean like on an individual basis they don’t care I just I just feel like they don’t grind out enough at bats it just and maybe that’s just partly because of a game plan that they had in the lock you know in in the club House of of of of the way in which some of these guys go about their business they want to get ahead out they want to basically get it jump on guys early and that’s all well and good but if you’re not able to capitalize or execute then you then it just basically looks like a bunch of you know quite honestly lazy approaches at the plate but uh let’s jump into some stuff that I know people are going to be pissed about and or they’re going to have questions about or they’re going to debate about um the melee squeeze on my mind is is number one I know that there’s other things to talk about tonight that people probably have questions about with the Fairchild and and an Le situation but this one’s number one for me because it was an excellent opportunity to do a job to keep like basically keep momentum on your side because you had built momentum to get to first and third and then it felt like okay melee squares around a bunt no problem and I think if I remember right and don’t hold me to this but I think there was a ball so then we squared around again if I remember right and then we fou a ball off and then and then all a sudden when we got to a strike Nick we changed our mind and we decided we’re going to swing away first of all if if we all know if Luke meley hits a ball on the ground it’s damn near a double play automatically because his speed is just nowhere near close enough to make it to where he’s not going to have a double play so you already have that going against you and in my thought is like if you’re going to do a safety squeeze I love that if you can execute it and I guess that’s the thing that pisses me off the most is that if you decided Nick if he’ never squared around I would not be upset about this but if you decided that you thought that that was the right play with no strikes then why did you change your mind or why would you ever change your mind with just one strike like that that fundamentally doesn’t make sense now again I don’t know if there’s reporters in the press conference tonight that are going to be uh high enough baseball IQ guys to ask what why would you make the change from from no strikes to one strike but I would I don’t know if it’s meeley making that decision or David Bell but I want that answer man I need that answer answer because that answer is not going to be logical you can’t possibly give me a logical explanation as to why you changed your mind from zero strikes to one strike because if Luke mey puts a bunt down Nick you got a guy at second base that’s the go-ahead run and then on top of that you tie the game it it is not that complicated but you don’t execute you hit a popup you find yourself now first and third two outs you don’t get them in and you can say whatever you want but that’s part of the that’s that’s the difference of the game and not looking for a suicide squeeze Nick to be clear the safety squeeze was perfectly fine I don’t want to put you in a bad spot of of of making you have to get it down just square around if it’s a strike lay the bunt down if it’s a ball take it simple as that I don’t know if you have anything to add about the melee situation I know we got some more stuff to get to on the back half but I I honestly didn’t even see the play I was feeding the baby then did the defense did the do you know if the defense did it come in like significantly more no they didn’t make they didn’t really make an adjustment because I mean that was first and third so the first baseman has to hold the runner on they’re not going to let him just steal second base cuz then at that point you put the gohe head run a second base you get rid of the double play ball and you let at that point you let you probably bring the infield in is my guess or you at least would play halfway in some areas so that so they have to hold the first base they have to hold the Runner on at first base which is why a suicide squeeze is perfect it’s a perfect Play Just bunt the ball to first base so but to be fair to your question they did not run like a wheel play where the first basem crashes the third basem crashes and the two middle infielders run to the corner positions they didn’t do that um so I don’t know the answer and I don’t think there’s a good one unfortunately and I I would love there to be a reporter to ask that tonight I just I doubt it happens yeah I know I’m horse tired but I feel like that’s a reasonable question to ask we shall find out all right folks uh the game time app uh tonight’s tonight’s a tough tonight listen I know Nick that we’re probably supposed to get excited blah blah blah if they want to get mad at me I don’t care Nick just read the script please tell people why game time’s great all right the game time app is now an authorized ticket Marketplace at Major League Baseball that makes getting tickets even faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets 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sure that you uh you follow through I I I know people are going to think I’m wild for saying what I’m getting ready to say and I know I’m usually the guy that gets on here screams and yells that was a tough play that was a tough spot I do think Fairchild should have taken control and screw screamed and yelled at the top of his lungs that he had it but I’m going to say something that I think is a little counter counterintuitive to what I’ve said before is I think Ellie changes things sometimes for this team and they rely a little bit too much on him at times and I think that’s what happened with Fairchild I I I don’t want to say Fairchild wasn’t ready to take it but I also think it’s it’s it’s going to be a long-winded answer Nick so bear with me I think that Ellie has shown in the past that he wants that ball and not only does he want that ball but sometimes he doesn’t even he doesn’t even give ground to the to the outfielders when they even call for it so it’s kind of like the boy who cried wolf here a little bit with that now again to be clear I don’t know the situation that happened tonight but I’m just saying like it’s reasonable to expect steuart Fairchild to think that Ellie’s just not going to give this ball up because he’s underneath it he can make the play he can catch it at least Ellie has an unbelievable arm yes but at the end of the day we all know what the right play was Chris Welsh even said it in the broadcast it’s a center fielder coming up full steam ahead but I also will say and you all can’t you you all know where I’m going with this as well maybe is that just the other day Fairchild had an opportunity to do similar of the same thing from 225 feet and and it wasn’t a good result so I don’t I don’t blame I guess to a certain extent I don’t really blame Ellie for thinking you know what I’m going to take matters into my own hands here I don’t know if that if all that went through Ellie’s head or not but at the end of the day it’s a play that should be made you’re a major league team you got to find a way to make sure that you don’t you know you can’t tag up there but to be fair Nick the the uh who was it it was um who was on third base canani canani and so’s C’s got good speed at the end of at the end of it all it wasn’t my point is like I don’t think it was as easy black and white as some people are going to make it out to be yeah I watched that play several times because I knew that was clearly going to be a big point of discussion I did notice at least at least from from what I saw it looked like Fairchild hesitated a little bit um coming in and I they probably misjudge the ball and as good as steuart fairchild’s been it catches around around the uh the wall and make an incredible catches I do think he he is not the greatest Fielder at maybe um first step um obviously his arm things like that so he’s a little bit limited um coming in on a ball he might struggle he might I don’t know if analytics show this yet Nick I don’t know if it’s enough sample size but he might struggle coming in on balls more so than obviously him going left right or back yeah yes I think that that that just that small hesitation then it was kind of like I kind of just have to give it to Ellie because you don’t want it you don’t want to be a situ he was probably worried it was going to be a situation where oh no we could screw up and not getting out here the ball drops something like that so I think that was you know my my guess as to what happen but yeah I mean you should make an out on that play um I mean and hopefully that’s a learning experience you know you have super Fair hasn’t played a ton of center field throughout his career um you have Ellie De La Cruz who’s this kind of unbelievable unicorn talent to where the reds are literally saying get the ball to Ellie you know as you’re in in unnatural cut off situations yeah you’re right because of his arm so you you are trying to learn on the fly with a new center fielder and a unicorn player at shortstop and unfortunately you’re probably going to have some some things like this that happen but you hope you know the longer you play with LED the Cruz the longer you figure out how to maximize him defensively because he’s got he’s got the ability to do things no one else can do you know year two three four with Ellie you’re going to be able to do some really cool things that you couldn’t do with anyone else defensively I I also think that it would take and again I’m not suggesting for a single second that I don’t love steuart Fairchild in the manner in which I think he belongs on a team I’m not here to act like Fair steuart fairchild’s an Allstar or something like that and I think sometimes on this show people try to paint us you specifically but basically paint us out to be that we’re you know in love with Fairchild I just think he plays for for what he’s asked to do and what he should be asked to do he does a he does a more than surfable job but I do think with ell De La Cruz at some point he’s going to need to get a gold glove caliber type player behind him center fielder maybe to even ease his mind a little bit on some of these balls that he’s got to go back for um you know not trying to defend Ellie but he’s got guys like freaking you know Spencer steer playing Left Field where he’s trying to go make catches and fly balls speaking of Spencer steer one thing I did tell myself when I was watching the game I wanted to do because I think if it went the other way no one would bring it up and sure enough no one in the chats brought it up I’m thankful that steer picked that ball that Ellie threw because otherwise it would have been hate on Ellie everybody would have been calling calling for Ellie’s head I don’t know if you remember it but he got a ground ball uh in that same exact inning that happened with the Fairchild situation and he short hopped it over there to uh to steer and steer picked it out so shout out to Spencer steer for that but otherwise I I I again I don’t want to make too much of this Nick I thought it was it was a tougher play than everyone wants to act however it’s the major leagues man that has to be sorted out it’s got to be sorted out fast and I do agree with you you have a unicorn at shortstop and to be fair to what you said the Reds have decided you know what we’re going go against baseball traditions and do some things with Ellie that they wouldn’t do with anyone else Allah he’s basically the lead cut off man on almost any ball to the fence I don’t know if people have noticed that but if a ball to get hit gets hit to Right Center down the right field line Ellie basically Sprints in front to get ahead to be the leadoff cut because they know inevitably they want him to make the throw so it is a tough spot and people don’t want to hear that but at the end of the day you know what the red scored zero runs like that’s the story sit here and make fun of the the the the fair or the Fairchild Ellie situation that’s not the problem um another another guy that’s not the problem I don’t know if you want to talk about it yet but Jonathan India just just adding again I I’m with you I don’t think the play was an atrocious defensive play I think there’s been 50 worst defensive plays we’ve seen from the Reds this year um but defense matters and the St Louis Cardinal won the game on the defensive defensive side I like to see the red at some point win some games on the defensive side yeah they’re going to need a new team well team or or roster to be healthy or Matt M no that’s fair okay that that’s what I that’s what I meant yeah that’s what I meant I don’t want to I don’t want to make it sound like I don’t believe in the future of the reds or anything like that but but the thing that they’re running out there right now is I’m just hoping that they can survive in advance man and you get an outing like tonight from Frankie montage and it’s just you just you just can’t waste that man it just uh Nick it reminds me of the situation like where you look back at the end of the year and in order to overachieve Nick what needs to happen you kind of need to win some games you’re not supposed to win or you’re supposed to just barely win these one-run games unfortunately these one run games have been uh they’ve just been Killers this year and it’s uh it’s probably going to be at the end of this season unfortunately you’re going to look back at the end of this year and just be like yeah if they could have won you know just half of those one-run games they would have found themselves in the position to to maybe make the postseason a lot of baseball left Nick so maybe that’ll turn around but we shall see uh India stays hot I fair I mean this guy’s been unbelievable I don’t know how I don’t I was gonna ask you I was gonna say something about India playing second base tonight in espanol dhing but he’s been so hot Nick that I thought you know what I can’t even say that because you don’t want want to mess with this guy you just got to let him go right yeah I think that’s ex exactly it now maybe what David Bell should do I again I I I’m with you I don’t really have a problem like don’t mess with Jonathan India right now the way he’s hitting I pretty much put him on the rundown just so I could say that in the month of June he’s hitting 386 with a 465 on base percentage and a 1,043 Ops I just wanted to recite that that for the podcast tomorrow so people know just how good he’s been because he’s been unbelievable but yeah I’m with you maybe you should use espanol to give Ellie day La Cruz a day off in the field I know you don’t want to take Ellie day La Cruz out because he is so good defensively but maybe give him a data DH maybe that would be a way just so it doesn’t look so stupid having Santiago hital dhing right I mean like it’s almost just it’s almost the principle more than the actual like you know result of it because again what I don’t really know if the Reds have a better option if you playing men down man if you don’t want to sit India because you’re worried about messing with it and I I kind of get that I really do kind of get that but maybe give Ellie a day off from the field to at least use some of espanol’s value yeah I hear you kind of feels uh it feels kind of crazy when you look at this lineup and you see Espanol daging that’s where we’re at though I guess man I don’t know it’s a tough spot to be in um all right let’s do some quick things here uh let’s jump into Red’s MB we’ll get into who want when we why I know we got plenty of supers to get to and we’ll we’ll have some fun with the chat here right before we jump off but uh it’s been a tough this was a tough night for being completely honest we doing supers or uh Let’s do let’s do the let’s finish the show off here so let’s do uh Red’s in my lb unless you want me to buy some time you can buy some time everything’s in all right love that I love that night Baby Oh wrong one though that’s okay chat wait until you hear about the Lookouts you’re going to get excited yeah God Almighty uh good news though Lille bats they H swept a double header good stuff uh they beat Toledo that’s the Tigers affiliate 4-2 in game one they were actually taking on a former first round pick Matt Manning in that one and then they uh won the second game six to five so these are numbers from the combined games Jacob heres was just one for eight but uh did make that one count it was a triple an RBI triple resigns two for eight with five strikeouts um Conor capable two for six a triple A Walk for him and then a whole bunch of pitches in this one uh worth mentioning uh Julian agar tough start for him just got promoted up to Triple A he gave up four hits and four runs did strike out six batters um Christian Roa gave up an a run in his inning of work Zack Maxwell looks like maybe he’s got things figured out another perfect inning for him or not perfect inning just a one hit inning no runs two strikeouts YZ ver zuleta his first game back at Triple A just picked up right where he left off um he hasn’t allowed a he’s only allowed one earn run over his last 12 games at Triple A it’s a 05 ER so he’s pitching really well Tony sanon threw two innings didn’t allow an earn run and Alex Young he threw a perfect inning as well Chattanooga oh man I I’ve never seen anything like this these poor guys they were up 8-2 going into the top of the ninth at home and they lose 10 to eight they gave up eight runs in the top of the ninth um Dominic patelli looks like he’s come back down to earth a little bit he was 0 for six Austin Hendrick was one for five did steal a basees ninth Bubba Thompson’s heating up though two for five double three rbi’s also stole a bag Avon Johnson walked three times and then Ruben abara had a big day three for five hit his sixth home run of the season and then down to Dayton the dragons they won 4-3 over Fort Wayne they scored three runs in the final two innings including a go-ahead home run in the ninth inning by Hector Rodriguez they win their fourth straight game dragons now 38 and 35 on the season and more importantly four and three in the second half cam Collier two for four at the Home Run 13 of the Season he homered for a second straight day as mentioned Hector Rodriguez homered for a second straight day two for four also had a double he’s seven for 17 five extra base hits over his last four games and then uh Carlos Jorge Ethan odono Leo balcazar Victor a Costa and Kate Hunter all 0 for four uh the Daytona Tortugas they were postponed Tortugas will play a double header against Jupiter starting at 5:00 pm on Saturday and then in the Dominican can summer league DSL roas beat up on the DSL Padres gold 13-7 Mulo Sanchez the top guy did not play but nebal nabal Mariano uh two for five with a double three RB’s and then Gervin Moralo he stayed hot two for four double walk and an RBI that is your redm ilb all right and uh as always it’s baseball and in baseball more times than not they play every single day now sometimes you might think that’s great sometimes it’s not who what when where and why Nick Ah that’s not the right time it’s a 2:15 start time that’s okay we can all wish Nick we can all hope we can all pray all right so 2:15 um on Saturday it’ll be Carson spers up against Sunny gray Sunny gray having a great year 9 and4 2.81 ra and even better 2.6 60 FIP this will be the first time that Sunny gray has pitched against the Reds since they traded him right before the 2022 season last time gray actually pitched against the Reds was all the way back in 2016 Cardinal signed gray to a three-year $75 million deal uh this off season gray strikeouts are up um in Minnesota strikeouts were below nine per uh nine strikeouts per nine innings he’s up to over 11 um this season last time out there’s just a lot of ugly things I got to read here last time out seven and a third one hit one run against the Giants didn’t walk anyone and struck out eight he’s gone seven plus Innings and three straight starts only three active Reds have ever faced gray they’re one for 13 jamer calaro is 0 for seven with four strikeouts Santiago espanol is 0 for one with the walk and Luke meley one for five with four strikeouts Sunny gray has 11 three- pitch strike breakouts this month for the Reds Carson spes 1 and one 3.45 ER he’s got a 2.32 FIP though um this will be SP spy actually made his first career start you might remember last year against the Cardinals um and then he also three shoot through three shutout Innings at the end of the year that last series he only allowed one hit that was actually finished off the Reds 19-2 win against the Cardinals um active Cardinal against spers are just three for 14 uh William Wilson catras is two for two with a homer Norman Gorman’s one for two and then burlson Ferman goldmouth and wi are all 042 all right folks um we’re going to do some supers here and I just want to say thank you for watching this show I don’t know how you did it tonight man I’ll be honest if I were you I seen that probably hit the power button and hit the pillow but you didn’t do that because you guys are nut Cutters we appreciate you and uh tomorrow we’ll be back better than ever and uh before we get off here I want to uh say thank you to all the people that support us and uh Kyle Kowski dropped a Super Chat didn’t say anything I think he realized after that he needed to drop another Super because he wanted to say something uh Kyle in the future if that ever happens you can just say hey here’s my here’s my uh super I forgot to put in but he chimed in again said watching will Benson joking around and laughing moment after he squandered yet another big bat absolutely sent me there is no urgency from David Bell let’s just get back out there tomorrow tired KY I understand man I don’t know it’s it’s a it is a some people do handle like adversity in weird ways I know some people try to laugh about things when they’re really really frustrated and mad some people obviously don’t talk to anybody I don’t know what the right way of doing things are certainly I know one thing that that that uh that has changed and at least I feel like an old person at times is uh you know Little League Baseball a kid hits a home run and people around the infield are giving him high fives like he’s you know playing for your team nothing pisses me off more than that but hey they’re kids so I didn’t yell at him maybe that’s the same case for these Major Leaguers maybe that’s just you know is what it is uh aay says absolute Banger content what about a Reds fan I’d like to see trac’s energy in David Bell zombies out there then laughing around around and joking about it yeah I don’t know guy I mean I get what you’re saying I I get what you’re saying and I’m not saying the way that I act would would would would would win or be appropriate or whatever but yeah I mean I don’t know I mean I do think that there’s a psychological factor that David Bell tries to exude a lot which is hey let’s let’s steady the course let’s let’s ride the wave let’s not get too high let’s not get too low let’s let’s make sure that we’re supportive of our players we don’t throw any end of the bus all that um I think that that you know um I think that’s fine as long as it’s not getting abused now whether you want to argue it’s getting abused or not I don’t know Ryan Carroll jumps in says uh Spencer steer is looking really good at first base yeah I mean he looks good at times it’s just it’s just inevitably over the course of a season Nick I don’t know if you don’t add anything but it’s just uh he made one really really nice play today um I I don’t think the numbers really show that but he also in his fairness to to him has not had enough time to make any numbers really um mean anything um so to be fair just like I’ve kind of said you know Jonathan India this season you know the outs above average number I think it’s too small of a sample to make anything substantial the same would go the other way for Spencer steer Ryan also then jumps in and says uh Sunny is due for a bad outing Benson’s due for fourth home run fourth home run or four home runs that’s four home runs cuz he’s got eight yeah four four home runs how about two how about two Ryan can we just two how about a how about how about a run you guys are freaking you guys are guys are getting ahead of yourselves how about we can just lay a bunt down that’d be cool Otis uh I’m telling y’all the Reds will make the post season Otis I don’t know hell yeah Otis I tell you what man oh Otis there’s a joke right now that I would love to tell but I just think I can’t do it people would get too mad at me Otis you’re gonna be my first thought when they clinch brother my first thought I’m like you know what this is on Otis he put the energy out there for the world yeah that’s what it was I I can’t do the joke God I want to do the joke so bad I just can’t what up I’m disappointed in myself for not doing it Otis Kyle Chim it are you sure Otis hasn’t just Reed Tred to keep morale I can’t do it like you guys I’m so close to just crying and I’m crying I’m close to crying because it’s like I’m I’m being serious I want to enjoy my Friday night you know I I do I like I like to enjoy the summer I I could be hanging out upstairs and I got to I come down here for 48 minutes to talk about a freaking team that has Santiago espanol and the DH spot zero runs zero runs I might add on a night in which our pitcher uh our starting pitcher uh you know I don’t know through unbelievable so there is that all right folks um I’m going to hit the outro this is one of those nights where I try to give a motivational speech I’ll just say keep me in your thoughts and prayers tonight uh because I got news for you if this happens again tomorrow and Sunday gray just straight shoves I might decide I’m going to spend every every every hit the Reds get tomorrow is is a is a is is five minutes I’ll do 10 minutes actually 10 minutes from me okay they go out there tomorrow and they get two hits I’m on air for 20 boys and gals that’s all I got that’s all I got they get no hit I got news for Nick he’s going to have to find a way brother I won’t be here that won’t happen though why cuz uh because of the Reds they’re going to get your hopes up that’s what they do they’re going to score 12 tomorrow and by God we’re going to be fired up ready to win a World Series why because they come easy around here you know what I’m saying we love you we appreciate you we’ll see you back here better than ever tomorrow or at least we hope take care everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] Nick we missed the Super Chat oh now I don’t know if anyone’s here but I’m just gonna say I’ll do this again tomorrow in case Ryan’s not here Ryan says are they good enough to trade for a bat or two who will be available or should they just be patient pitching has been good need a right-handed power uh I I’m just going to say this uh Ryan I don’t think that they should try to stretch this year this this team is not good enough to be doing that and if we want to get upset that they didn’t make a move last year that’s fine uh you can get upset about it not going to get mad about anybody wanting their team to win but I’m not I’m not I just I don’t see it there’s too many holes in this offense to to to say oh you get this guy that’s going to fix the problem I think and I assume I think my thoughts on what the r should do probably line up with what they would actually do I think that if they’re within a couple games I think whatever the Sam mole equivalent of a bat is I think that’s what they’ be looking where they’re giving away a prospect that’s a lottery ticket like Joe boyo was or you know you know maybe a guy that they have given up on as organization there one that I think of I’m not gonna say yeah his name’s Conor Phillips I’ll say it okay I mean if they just if they think that there’s no chance of reclaiming that and he needs a change of scenery I think something like that I I but I don’t think they’re going to give away one of the they’re like top guys that they believe in for a short-term fix I think something like that like they did with Joe Bole last year to get Sam Mo that’s probably the only thing I see happening yeah all right folks I’m not going to run the intro again or the outro I should say but we love you we appre appreciate you take care

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Story we are following from ESPN:

Cincinnati Reds (38-43, fourth in the NL Central) vs. St. Louis Cardinals (41-39, second in the NL Central)

St. Louis; Friday, 8:15 p.m. EDT

PITCHING PROBABLES: Reds: Frankie Montas (3-5, 4.48 ERA, 1.36 WHIP, 53 strikeouts); Cardinals: Andre Pallante (3-3, 5.23 ERA, 1.62 WHIP, 26 strikeouts)

: LINE Cardinals -129, Reds +108; over/under is 8 1/2 runs

BOTTOM LINE: The Cincinnati Reds meet the St. Louis Cardinals leading the series 1-0.

St. Louis has gone 22-17 at home and 41-39 overall. The Cardinals have the 10th-ranked team slugging percentage in the NL at .379.

Cincinnati has an 18-20 record in road games and a 38-43 record overall. The Reds have a 20-36 record in games when they have allowed a home run.

Friday’s game is the fifth time these teams square off this season. The season series is tied 2-2.

TOP PERFORMERS: Masyn Winn leads the Cardinals with a .288 batting average, and has 15 doubles, three triples, four home runs, 20 walks and 27 RBI. Brendan Donovan is 17-for-40 with three home runs and 12 RBI over the past 10 games.

Elly De La Cruz has 15 doubles, four triples and 14 home runs for the Reds. Jonathan India is 17-for-36 with eight doubles and a home run over the past 10 games.

LAST 10 GAMES: Cardinals: 6-4, .265 batting average, 4.58 ERA, even run differential

Reds: 4-6, .256 batting average, 4.30 ERA, even run differential
Story from CBS:

It was always a stretch to include Noelvi Marte in the Prospects Report. He’s a prospect only by technicality, having yet to accumulate 131 at-bats in the majors, and the only reason he was in the minors was so he could hit the ground running when his 80-game PED suspension ended Thursday.

The Reds confirmed as much by having him join the team for its flight to St. Louis even though he had yet to find his stroke at Triple-A Louisville, going 8 for 53 (.151) in 12 games total and 1 for 22 (.046) in his final five games. It’s like nothing could have led to him being optioned rather than activated.

“He’s doing great. The reports are all positive. Physically, he looks good,” manager David Bell said last week, adding that the team is less concerned with Marte’s performance than his process. “We get process grades on every at-bat he has. I’m reading those. Everything has been right on track.”


8:15 PM
Busch Stadium


Frankie Montas
3-5, 4.48 ERA, 53 SO

Andre Pallante
3-3, 5.23 ERA, 26 SO
CIN Lineup
STL Lineup
Jonathan India (R) 2B
Elly De La Cruz (S) SS
Spencer Steer (R) 1B
Nick Martini (L) LF
Noelvi Marte (R) 3B
Santiago Espinal (R) DH
Will Benson (L) RF
Stuart Fairchild (R) CF
Luke Maile (R) C
Brendan Donovan (L) LF
Willson Contreras (R) C
Alec Burleson (L) RF
Paul Goldschmidt (R) 1B
Nolan Gorman (L) 2B
Nolan Arenado (R) 3B
Matt Carpenter (L) DH
Brandon Crawford (L) SS
Michael Siani (L) CF

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