Mark your calendar, it’s on sight when Chet meets him at the rim

Mark your calendar, it’s on sight when Chet meets him at the rim

  1. To be fair, he had a lot of time to craft this comment while he was waiting for his name to be called at the Draft.

  2. Did you get permission from your wife to post this Kyle? Funny how you put on 30lbs and went from a lottery pick to a 2nd rounder.. worry about yourself asshole.

  3. Filliphowskii and Utah 😭😭stfu bro ya old lady gonna restrict your online privelages

  4. Flip is maybe the softest big ever drafted. Hilarious he thinks his weight makes him strong/tough

  5. What he said is whack but I don’t like the fact people are so happy to make jokes about a kid getting groomed. Like if the gender roles were reversed would you be doing the same? It’s just fucking sad tbh

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