Immediate 2024 NHL Draft Reaction After The 1st Round: Ottawa Senators Select Carter Yakemchuk

Immediate 2024 NHL Draft Reaction After The 1st Round: Ottawa Senators Select Carter Yakemchuk

on today’s show the first round of the NHL draft is over we’re back from sphere and what a night it was the AWA Senators selected with the seventh overall pick Carter yakimchuk so what can we expect from the big right shot defenseman and what is available potentially at 39 all that and more on today’s locked on sends I’m Jake Sanderson I’m Tim schutzler and you’re listening to the locked on Senator podcast you’re locked on senator your daily podcast on the Ottawa Senators part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome you are locked on to the Ottawa Senators the only daily podcast covering the SS from the Venetian in Vegas I’m Ross L alongside Brandon biller we were at the spear tonight and what a 4our event it was a sensory overload if you watch on TV the graphics were unbelievable and we’ve got a lot to get into for more you can follow us on Twitter at send Central you can find us wherever you get podcasts including on YouTube today is Friday June 28th and PSY Carter yakam Chuck is an Ottawa Senator Ross this certainly was a surprising pick for us with the way that the draft went you were zeve buam I was Zay Pere but cter yaken chuk clearly was the Ottawa Sanders guy and you can see why they like this player like there’s a lot of upside we talked about it in our draft profile with him he’s someone that scores goals 30 goals in the WHL on a weaker Calgary Hitman team and he plays a mean game so it’s very rare to find a goalscoring defenseman that also plays a mean style of game and you’re going to get that with Carter yakimchuk and what I liked when la fredman interviewed Steve stos after the pick stos mentioned this is a raw player with a lot of good gritty skills there’s a lot to work with here but the foundation and the skills that he does have are very impressive like this guy’s this guy’s stick handling and his ability to weave through opponents and tight play at the net for a defenseman is damn incredible so he was born in Fort McMurray but grew up in Fort tatula and we had the pleasure of chatting with his grandfather tonight and it was a really eye-opening experience just kind of the the path that he took in hockey and all those conversations were had and for me what happens when you get a guy like that into your system it’s how are you g to develop them and by hearing sto say raw he’s of the understanding that there’s some things to work on now I would Point everybody in the direction of our pre-draft Prospect profile of Carter yakim Chuck and by the way that is from the horse’s mouth Carter yakim Chuck is how we’re going to pronounce his name and I think you’re going to get a player who could potentially be a steel at seven or a guy we look back and say oh man Z William Zane per Sam Dickinson all on the board in the next four picks five picks were taken it’s going to be fascinating five years from now looking back but you got a 6 foot three defenseman over 200 pounds right shot the handedness the Scouts can say as much as they want that it doesn’t matter it does they needed it as a positional in the organization and I’m really I’m excited to he’s the s’s top prospect there’s no doubt about that easily it is Carter yakam Chuck a big drop and then name your top prospect there so I’m excited to see what’s gonna happen I hope he’s on Team Canada the world juniors in Ottawa that would be super cool and I also hope that the Calgary Hitman are a bit better of a team next year as a whole than they were this year he was asked to do a lot as a 17-year-old defenseman he was asked to play power play penalty kill five on five 28 to 30 minutes a night and I think that might be the answer to some of the questions about his skating where he might have just been gassed now look there’s a lot of things that we’ll get into in this episode and Beyond we got all summer to discuss what Carter yakam Chuck’s future will potentially hold with the Ottawa Senators but in terms of raw talent just go watch watch his highlight reel it’s super impressive and that’s the thing Ross or at least I’ll speak for myself I wanted the SS to take a swing here this was a swing this was a swing absolutely like I mentioned a goalscoring physical defenseman is very hard to find and I’m excited that the SS got a player like this because it’s going to be so much fun to follow Carter yakam Chu’s Journey like if he’s able to continue to fill out he’s already a big body Big Frame already if he can you know fill out a little bit more as he grows and if he can work on the skating Ross you mentioned it Shelley kettles let’s get going on that um obviously uh Scouts a lot of the time they’re worried about his play in the defensive zone so as a defenseman you’re G to have to work on that as well but what he’s not going to have to work on is his ability to weave through the neutral zone he’s one of those guys and we mentioned it in the prospect profile Ross very similar to Beck at seneki where they’ll just go at one or two players and just we’ll find a way to deak and weave through them and that ability is going to be so fun to watch when he’s able to do that and especially next year in the WHL Ross with the Calgary Hitman when he’s able to Excel and he’s matured and developed another season that’s all I wanted like sure you know we we talked about Sam Dickinson we like Sam Dickinson but he’s not going to give you that wow fact whereas Carter yakimchuk he could dangle through four players theama one was absurd spin as a defenseman he’s doing wrap rounds like he could do all that and then let’s say he doesn’t score other teams coming back the other way lay out a guy with a big open Ice hit as well in the same shift like that’s the type of player we’re talking about here and that’s the type of player the Ottawa senders need after some time to let this settle in you start thinking the zeve Williams the Zay PR the Sam Dickinson’s they don’t have that physical element and obviously that’s going to change as he goes from the WHL to professional leagues he might not be able to play with that physical dominance but having that as an aspect of your game is something that s fans and Scouts and coaches and players on the S are going to be very excited to have yakimchuk on their side of the ice and yakam Chuck also there’s no doubt about the offensive ability he’s an Oilers fan growing up and he says his favorite player is Jordan Everly it’s not a defenseman it’s Jordan Everly and that actually checks out the way dangles like yeah remember his early his his first NHL goal y Chuck probably watched that said I want to do that where he tow drag went back he flew in the air and scored that unbelievable goal I believe it was Battle of Alberta if I’m not mistaken as well like this guy has so much offensive upside it’s just how can you re him in a little bit and as Boyd said and as I said to Rachel Doner when I did my locked on hit at that spere and we’re going to get to our takeaways from the night that was but you’d rather a guy that you have to re in than a guy you have to push forward so to me this is going to be a huge opportunity for the S development staff yes to show that they have the right tools to get this guy to his potential and if his potential hits which that percentage might be a bit lower than some of The Other Guys in that range if it hits he could be the best defenseman in the draft yeah and it’s it’s not it’s not that prman he had him third Cory come on the show yeah yeah we’ll get Cory on to talk about that for sure um but you know I feel like a lot of people had leov buam maybe a couple people had perek as the top defenseman and then prman had yakimchuk and I think a lot of people kind of raised their eyes at that but when he start piecing together the the pack package and the tools he has if he can round out the rest of his game this is going to be an exciting player it’s unreal seeing the highlights of this player and we’re looking forward to watching him much more closely next season with the Calgary Hitman the Ottawa Senators got their guy and from the sounds of it there was no deliberation at the table well when the pick was was like on the clock once TJ ginla went six to Utah and wow all the talk about defenseman being so prominent in this draft five of the first six players were forwards yeah that certainly was surprising and I mean you want to talk about surprising just look at Beck at Sen’s face when he got drafted that was a guy that was not expecting to go that high happy for him though he’s a great player but yeah uh our guy Ian Mendes with the athletic total Pro already has his article out moments after and we’ll get to wheelers yeah absolutely he he mentions he talked to uh don Boyd and Don Boyd said there was absolutely no internal disagreement or debate now I want to I want to get into that a little bit deeper here Ross because that’s so fascinating to me because zeve buam Zan preck Sam Dickinson Anton salv were all available so for me it’s all like look if you if you’ve got your guy and you can take them don’t mess around take him sure but to have all four of those guys available and not even consider straying from yakam Chuck they got their guy that’s very interesting to me but you got to you got to stick to your principles you got to stick to all the work they did doing their rankings doing their lists and clearly they liked them and it was interesting too Elliot Freedman talked to stos after and he said were you considering trading back and stos kind of goes we had a lot of uh they the league calls for 60 yeah absolutely but it shout out Jimmy Hyde I think had that one it was clear that there was interest in trading back but M whether we saw it with the pick just a bit later yeah we saw a bunch of trade action which was a lot of fun to be there in the sphere they did a good job presenting it um but clearly Ross whether it was two things either they didn’t get the package or value they thought was appropriate for trading back or they were concerned that yakimchuk was not going to be there and they weren’t clearly from what and Mendes is saying Don Boyd said they weren’t even interested in the other four guys like if you’re going to trade back you have to have a group of players you’re interested in I think it’s pretty clear that the otwa senders were going to select yakimchuk whether it was at seven eight nine 10 11 that was their guy and nine was Calgary Flames and everybody just made the immediate assumption that was Tia ginla obviously he was off the board but if there’s a team that got to see yakam Chuck most it was the Calgary Flames The Hitman plays in the same yeah the same building right under the same roof so could you have risked moving behind Calgary if that was your pick they take a right shot defenseman Zay Pere so would they have taken Carter yakam Chuck beforehand that’s a question that we’ll never get the answer to but we’ll try to find out but we’ll see it’s got to feel good though for Carter to know that this team wanted him they wanted him wherever the draft and we got to meet him briefly not many people make you look small Psy yeah absolutely I I was rise Carter didn’t go py you’re taller in person that’s one of the most alltime things that is said to py when we see people in person we had a great sense uh meet up at the ven uh Venetian right before the game or game it felt like a game the game yeah I didn’t even I didn’t correct you there it felt like a game got the jerseys on we were stoked about it it was awesome really cool atmosphere got to see Steve Nash walking in the hallway like we’ll get more into our experience at the sphere and then third segment we’ll look ahead day two we’re going to be back at the sphere at8 it is right now 10 p.m Pacific time and we are red light tonight because we got work to do tomorrow 39th overall the Senators might get their second Prospect in their entire Prospect pool there’s a lot of good talent left on the board we’ll get to what’s available and our experience at the sphere that’s next you’re listening to locked on Senators it’s your team every day today’s episode is brought to you by our friends over at eBay Motors passion drive and patience that’s what brings home the winning Trophy and it’s also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance you want superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights they got you at eBay Motors so whether you’re into speed power or style eBay Motors has got you covered with over 122 Million Parts to choose from You’ll Always Find exactly what you’re looking for and with eBay’s guaranteed fit your part is guaranteed to fit your ride every time or you get your money back it’s that simple guys because with eBay Motors you’re burning rubber not burning cash with all the parts you need but at the prices you want it’s easy to turn your car into the MVP and 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like going to a concert or a movie would be like there at the sphere but the NHL you know people make their jokes about how they go about things but they nailed this like I I don’t think Ross there it it met expectations and exceeded it like the draft at the sphere was absolutely incredible and we had an amazing time and it was so much fun we met so many different people and that’s what you want and you it’s cool being there Ross and then when a guy gets picked you you know where their family sitting because the family goes nuts we was the best EJ family the coolest is those kids who it’s like it’s so close and they get it and we saw a lot of disappointed kids too yeah couple I told s’s a 39 yeah we didn’t we weren’t even sure the were but they were disappointed players and like hey don’t worry has got pcks um and yeah especially Ross like a guy like the Andrew baser clamp I said boy somebody’s getting a steal tomorrow and we like Basha for sure yeah um best available we’ll get to we’ll get to best Avail let’s keep our experience going because that’s a bucket list item even not the NHL draft it is very very cool I don’t need we don’t we didn’t even have to go outside to get there the Venetian Bridge right here I don’t think I’ve been outside since I got here which is good because it’s hot here it is um but yeah the the NHL kudos to everyone I I’m sure a lot of people put a lot lot of hard work into this and it went great Pro honestly Ross and I know this is lock on Center’s podcast but the only blemish I would say was the Leafs highlight pack half of the highlights were from the 40s and half of them were upside down so joh map Leafs take another L there classic and then they trade the pack after we had to watch that whole debacle gross gross that’s where I lost my voice tonight by the way that’s why a good game too I was gonna okay I was gonna lead you up to that question Ross how did you lose your voice booing the Maple Leafs twice was how Ross lost his voice up until P 23 I was golden yeah you were doing good well maybe I thought you might Lo lose it on the Habs pick but you through that was good Habs again take guys I like geez yeah yeah we don’t have to get into that we’ll get into winners and losers of the draft here um winners Ottawa centers obviously but yeah the the whole experience was incredible I’m excited for day two it’s going to be interesting to see how they um follow this up here but Ross that draft did not go how I thought it was going to go we nailed double picks Michael BR said knard to Detroit so you have a tight duh uh and then we told we had a Vegas gold night fan subscriber now yes shout out shout out that guy he was in front of us and all he could tell we knew our stuff and all night he’s like who’s Vegas taken and then P would go and we’re like still Trevor Connelly he’s like there’s no one like no one better available like no there’s better people available but there is no yeah definitely there’s no more golden night player than Trevor Connelly and sure as heck Trevor Connelly so we nailed a couple picks one of my surprises though Cole isman to 20 I thought I can’t believe I well no wait let me rephrase this you got to think that the San Jose Sharks were targeting Co aan but when Sam Dickinson was still there they’re like uh we got to take excuse me yeah that was awesome too we what else did we nail not a whole lot not a whole lot I’m trying to look through it like Berke good cat and I’m happy he didn’t slide he didn’t deserve to slide he’s a heck of a player um all in all like obviously the draft started at three the pop in the crowd zeve boam was the biggest surprise draw but by far what made sense at least was that Minnesota was like we’re giving up I believe a third if not a second late second I think it was the third to to move up one spot yeah to get their guy and it’s interesting because then Philly follows with the next pick and goes jet luchenko Jerome buub said he’s going to go higher than we had him 21 22 around there got it right here uh that’s our rankings let’s see in our uh in the uh where we put storm guy and uh luchenko his family was there and they were wearing like inflatable airplanes on their head that that said air luch or something so that was kind of cool to see yeah I mean look they had a lot of options they could have gone where did cona helenius end up go going uh well he went to Buffalo right after boam lenko and then helenius in Buffalo yeah that’s a good pick for them man there’s a like there’s so little separation of I think probably pick 10 to 30 maybe 11 because s Sev deserved to be a top 10 pick I believe he was awesome by the way with with all the kids after yeah he was taking pictures kissing babies like it it it was awesome to see all the prospects kind of mingling afterwards uh in in the draft floor we got to see our guys Brock Aon was cool we got to see the checklist guys a little bit as well um just overall it was a cool experience to be in in the hockey Universe because when you go to a a game there’s two teams represented more or less yes so to be in an area like this where the the highest percentage of jerseys is like 4 per. you know what I mean like it’s not dominated by anyone team we saw people from Winnipeg came in with their jet gear they had their their airplanes on their head they were buzzing with the The Fighter J helmets we saw Lea fans Habs fans with their Mickey Mouse Stanley du their Mickey Mouse Stanley Cup P good laugh out of that the San Jose Sharks and I mean geographically not too far first overall pick we saw Joe thoron getting juice at the hotel this morning we’re like what’s he doing here that of course the first overall pick makes another first overall pick that was so cool and that’s a moment that mlin celebrini will never forget yeah yeah uh the the Sharks certainly did well uh taking celebrini and then dude how about Edmonton getting into the first round right in the nick of time yeah yeah the Sharks getting celebrini and Sam Dickinson is huge uh sorry do you want to do uh like winners and losers now or surprises or how how do you want to lead lead this off Rost no I think for me yeah surprise what was the most surprising pick for you I I’ll stick to it I’ve already said it so no Z well a little bit but Z boam going toce like we at we even we had a Ducks fan in front of us and he was like where do you guys think this is going and you and I both were like they’re probably taking Z here or demidov like they got him and then they took senaki and we kind of heard inklings that that might happen but yeah boam uh going there I’m not a big Adam year check guy so him at 16 to St Louis I wouldn’t say I love uh that pick but certainly the teams that picked twice really I think there were there were some big Winners I it pains me to say Ross but Montreal leaving this first round with demidov and Michael ha is is pretty impressive honestly uh this is one I was thinking of Utah coming away with TJ ginla and like they’re building a culture there of hardworking you know dude how about Chicago at three first round picks they go with a high upside swing with Merck vanacker with the last one they get one of our favorites Sasha Bo and Le so they got their defenseman but then they still were able to get a couple talented forwards so I think Chicago came out of this they made the trade too I think they C came out of this looking pretty good even though I still think that LE shov at to leaving demidov on the board when they could have gotten that offensive punch with with Bard maybe I think Le shov makes sense right like yeah the right shot defenseman you you pair him up with kinsky or at least have uh two cornerstones on each side there I think that works but yeah I mean Bard and Tam would have been absolutely nasty and then Montreal doesn’t get him so that’d be nice too okay Emil hemond at 29 to me was a surprise shoter does he have much else to his but Dallas is like the best scouting team so exactly what we honestly that’s a good point yeah for us for us to be sitting here in s’s Jersey’s dog in a Stars pick We’re not gonna we’re not about to do that he was lower on our list we will say that we different list so they probably got the right guy honestly the way they’ve been going um another note for me was uh ter peris 117 was pretty interesting where it was just kind of like not that they left a huge Talent off the board I probably would have gone Michael ha or with Cole asman there with that pick but all in all just like I can’t say it enough that experience was so cool and it liter we got back from the hotel to the hotel like 10 minutes ago we just got back and it’s like I’m still trying to process all we saw it was not only like such a cool experience seeing all the families and seeing all the fans and we got to see lenus alar Slash the vzna trophies same all the trophies were there the Stanley Cup was in attendance and just a 10 out of 10 experience I know they’re decentralizing the draft there won’t be as many Executives and all that but the draft is one of the coolest experiences that the NHL has to offer and that’s the disappointing thing about decentralizing at Ross is the draft was kind of the one thing that I would argue the NHL did better than any of the other major Pro leagues in America like uh you look at NBA unless you’re really into the LeBron James Brony story me uh NFL MLB is irrelevant that that draft so like the NHL draft was the one thing where they held it over all the other ones so it’s a little disappointing but at the same time I do understand the logistics of it but uh I I’m so glad we pulled the trigger on this Rost because it was incredible we certainly did for more draft coverage again every prospect that was drafted tonight we did a profile on every single one so go check those out for more on tonight’s draft now now next we will talk about what’s left the Senators will pick at 39 that’s the seventh pick for now of the second round so will they make the pick who’s the best available who are we hoping for and what does the Senators Prospect will need after adding a right shot defenseman in Carter yakam Chu that’s all next you’re listening to locked on Senators your team every day today’s episode is brought to by our friends over at FanDuel I love sports I love them so much I never want them to stop I love I love sports so much one of my favorite sports event is picking players that will eventually play the sport I want to watch at draft and you could have bet on the draft at FanDuel they had the first five picks available and Ross we were tracking the Becket seniki uh odd throughout uh the day and the the rise of how certain people were as it got closer the odds got Tighter and Tighter and Tighter so it’s fascinating and playoffs are done so the draft was exciting get your futures in and FanDuel is the spot where you got to go because FanDuel lets me keep the 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his ranking so no doubt he feels like the s’s left Talent on the board you would have known if you listen this morning and such that he liked Zane per and Z Willam however this last sentence I think does a lot of what we covered in the first segment the SS are taking a calculated gamble that yakam Chuck’s feet and decisionmaking reads defensively will progress if they do he’s going to be a raw with some risk though I just want to make it clear before we move on to day two that this is in no way a way off the board pick he might not be no the best available on every board but this is far from the situation before we met a guy Derek with mckin and he’s gonna come on next week get based out of Calgary he says he’s watched yakam Chuck 60 times that’s a lot so we’re gonna rely on his expertise so you can catch that in the next couple weeks on locked on Senators but py there were some surprises at least off of our board in this draft Ben Danford going at 31 to the Toronto Maple Le Sam O’Reilly although he had a great playoffs with the London Knights he goes 30 two to the Edmonton Oilers after they trade up to get their guy and that means that there’s some players who are high on our list who are not selected so that’s where it becomes what are the best available remaining players on our board and it starts with Russian eigor chernishov we had 19th on our list he played the whole year in the KHL do you think he’s the first player selected tomorrow well let’s see who’s got that uh first pick tomorrow is not San Jose or did they trade 33 no they got 33 33 I believe is the San Jose Sharks i’ I’ve got it right draft order here I got it yeah it is the Sharks okay so it it Remains the Same the first it’s sharks Chicago anahigh and Columbus and then Winnipeg’s got Montreal’s pick and then Utah then Ottawa um yeah I San Jose got got J would be a great pick for them there yeah because they go C Alini and Dickinson so that would be a great pick for them Ross um certainly my guy is still available Charlie ell so it’d be interesting if the send went double right shot defenseman Ross wow I I’m into that it’s maybe not uh what you would expect but hey we said we wanted to leave the first round with the right shot defens we’ve already done that so why not double down with another one in the second round I’m down um so certainly chernishov and Alec would be the guys we’re looking at here Ross I’m also going to keep an eye out for Cole Hudson y Nikita artamonov forward out of Russia as well so a couple Russians there falling and I was a little surprised because he’s a spark plug type player that rder Richie slipped out of the first round I thought he was going to Edmonton uh for with that last pick that’s who I had there uh Henry Muse obviously ottaa boy with the 67s he’s available and dude yes he pulin in I know an over Ager but he was so nasty left shot defenseman I think he’s off the board early tomorrow Y and then a a guy we already talked about Ross uh you saw the basa crew there and Andrew basa I think is going to be gone pretty soon because especially if a team is looking for a forward we just mentioned a bunch of defenseman there so if you’re looking for a forward bash as a guy there um there’s a lot of talent left on the board here for sure and not not because the first round was full of reaches but how talented this draft is we talked about about it so many T times the the top 40 you could fit 60 players in there and all those players feel like they belong and that you can make a case for all those players to be in the top 40 so the first half of the second round is going to be fascinating I think we see a lot of uh trade movement just like we did tonight and uh Steve stos was asked after the first round of the draft about trades involving NHL players we’ve heard the rumors about Jacob Chron about Eric branstrom about switching up the defensive core and free agencies coming on Monday very quickly big turn around Steve stos though saying that today they were focused on round one of the draft and we mentioned like it would have been fun but as you heard every trade once the draft started was just about picks yep there was no NHL players not single roster player moved traded today and Steve sto said sometimes these conversations continue so we’ll see what happens with the 39 overall pick Center drafted 39 three years ago zacka stop truck was the pick and that one’s working out I think pretty well so far obviously there’s some more development for a stop truck but he’s already gotten a taste of the NHL so it does kind of give you a timeline where it’s like this player they get at 39 is not going to step in next year probably not the year after but the Senators need depth in their Prospect pool and I think that they can get that with 39 now Don Boyd said an interesting thing today when Ian Mendes said yeah you’ve got some picks to tomorrow he said we’d like more that’s just a scout I was gonna say yeah but could you see a world where the send trade back from 39 no I don’t think so uh I I think that’s a good spot to be especially after you traded 25 Ross if they had kept 25 I probably have a different answer for you but the movement I would see is Jacob chcken being moved and acquiring a second rounder this year and then Futures moving forward want to take care of that before Monday I think you certainly do yes but if it goes past Monday then you could do a sign and trade and get the extension right involved yeah although I’m I’m not sure that that’s necessarily what teams want yeah yeah it’s gonna be fascinating to see what happens like do they want picks do they want a 2025 first round pick that’s what I’m saying I think maybe you get a late second rounder and then a 2025 first round pick we will find out tomorrow pillsy any final thoughts what a day let’s let’s do yeah it’s been an incredible day we’ve been grinding but having fun there’s no better job than covering the red light tonight for me red light I’m not going out yeah Pro I’ll probably take it easy too although I’m the air in Vegas is uh it’s always noon in it get it gets you fired up um we got we got to do it Ross official prediction for pick 39 oh my goodness I gotta pull up I just had it up our list right now I’ve got it here if you want to take a look oh my goodness I’m going to go off of my list whoever does not want to see my list well no we might list Charlie ell Ryder Richie Cole Hudson and what about Teddy sta Teddy sta could be a sneaky pick at 39 I think that he was a guy who could have snuck into the first round even and also our guy will skan still on the board but they got their physical defenseman you think they stay away from that now I don’t know like obviously if you guys have been following along you know I’m a big Charlie ell guy so that would be my my number one choice but that not not necessarily my prediction Ross I think they’re going to go with the forward here I think Ryder Richie is a is a great option I don’t think he’s gonna be on the board yeah it’s gonna be close because yeah like I said I thought he was gonna get picked that last one yeah I’m I’m sticking with it though Ryder Richie is my official prediction Ryder Richie for you and I’m gonna go with Teddy Ste as a for okay I’m gonna go with Teddy sta I like it I would love that pick um other than that Andrew Bash we talked about that could be a nice pick for Ottawa and uh I’ve got Leo salenius in that range too captain of Sweden’s Juni system left shot defenseman but at this point you’re just looking for guys to get in your system that you think in three four years can develop into that guy and you you talk about best player available versus positional need they got the positional need yeah right so there’s like there’s literally no other positional need uh so they’re all equal need them Fair they need a player yes yes but they’re all equ that’s a good point no goalies in the first round sad no although we did bump into our guy uh fry the goalie Guy De fry the goalie guy I chatted with him for uh for a minute there and he mentioned that Carter George the only goie we profiled is one of his guys uh and he he showed me what he was working on with Carter George very interesting stuff obviously with Pete fry so if if they were going to look at a goalie that could be the guy but I don’t think uh that’s going to happen in the second round Maybe later on though because I am a big believer you should take one goalie every single draft every single draft y there’s some good ones out there in terms of like some late blo that Nabokov guy no relation to have getting Nabokov I don’t believe but he’s 21 years old so it’s like you know there’s a bit because goalie’s 28 29 30 but it’s good to have some in your system and Ottawa got one last year with Nikon they’ve got one in the pipeline with help me out Swedish goalie Kevin readler Kevin readler and marine and the year before so they have been drafting goalies almost every year so don’t be surprised if maybe with those three fourth round picks then you use one for the Ottawa Senators uh do you have their picks up can you grab oncap friendly we’ll just let every and know obviously they’ve got 39th overall the Ottawa Senators do not have a third round pick in this draft then they have their own fourth round pick they’ve got Detroit’s fourth round pick and they’ve got tampas for fourth round pick so they’ve got a fourth rounder they’ve got a fourth rounder at the the start middle and end of the uh fourth round not even at the very end Tamp was probably like mid to late at that point so uh we’re going to leave the sphere after the fourth round we’ll come back we’ll do a second third or a second day recap and then Monday’s free agency like we’ll have time throughout the summer to go back and kind of rehash the draft but we’re on to free agency py got any final words we’ve done a lot of talking today yeah go sends go uh it’s great seeing s fans atmosphere we we met up with a bunch of absolute Beauties out of everyone we saw though Steve Nash I was not expecting to be walking in the Venetian Casino yeah yeah that’s uh he’s like one of the greatest Canadian athletes of all time absolutely an MVP okay Mount Rushmore of Canadian athletes outside of hockey okay yeah yeah um okay Bobby or Gordy how yeah that’s the thing we we’d be here forever Steve Nash definitely up there Thomas Shabbat well we’re doing non hockey I know Steve Nash is right up there I don’t know who tops him I can’t I can’t he won the MVP yeah in the NBA before it was like yeah let’s leave it at that St n let us know in the comments that’s actually fun and we if we remember to do it on Monday if people reply what they’re Mount Rushmore of Canadian athletes outside of hockey are we’ll do our list on Monday after we actually put some thought into it because that just came off the top of my head Steve Nash hit me with the little Shake shimmy swish Auto senators get Carter yakam Chuck and tomorrow they’ll add another Prospect to their pool a lot more but to me 39 will be the second prospect on the Ottawa Senator rankings for tonight we say goodbye hope you enjoyed the draft experience for more check us out s cental on Twitter lots of content there hope you enjoyed thanks for watching listening engaging with the show for Brandon Piller I’m Ross Levitan this has been another edition of the locked on Senators podcast your team every day

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