Klay Thompson & the Mavs Rumor: Real Deal or Smokescreen? | Dallas Mavericks Podcast ONE MORE THING

Klay Thompson & the Mavs Rumor: Real Deal or Smokescreen? | Dallas Mavericks Podcast ONE MORE THING

one more thing rumor has it that the Mavs and Klay Thompson are both interested in uniting in free agency but I’ll tell you why it’s probably just a huge dag on smoke screen on today’s one more thing locked on Ms let’s go I’m here because uh I have to be is going to get a seat at the table that’s it it’s the machine don’t let take away from can rest later you’re young I recover beer wait wait one more thing yeah welcome you’re still locked on in the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angstead media member and your best friend covering the Dallas Mavericks on the locked on podcast Network your team every day thanks for being part of the show being part of it listening every day like the video on YouTube comment below leave us a five star review all that today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account use that code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply and today we’re going to talk about Klay Thompson the rumor about Klay Thompson it’s growing the rumor is growing it’s like there’s actual smoke and smell anything Smokey there’s some smoke and there’s some there’s some fire behind this one so we’ll talk about it and I’ll tell you what Klay Thompson could possibly bring if this actually does become real if this actually happens what would Klay Thompson bring we’ll talk about that and we’ll talk about some of the other the uh you know the things that are going to happen with this with this deal I guess so we’ll talk about it all into the speculation of it but I’m going to start here because so Mark Stein reports this and every year we do the thing where we’re like all right there’s only a couple reporters you actually believe when they talk about MAV stuff Mark Stein probably the number one Mark Stein McMahon KO like if they’re going to report something about the Mavs it’s going to be right W Shams probably up up there too if they’re going to report something about the Mavs it’s probably going to be right markstein reports League sources tell the steinline that the Dallas Mavericks have some with some new found Financial flexibility after securing the Tim Hardway to Detroit trade our another team intent on exploring the feasibility of signing Klay Thompson once he makes it to free agency then later in the day amid a growing belief League wide that Thompson’s relationship with the Golden State Warriors is irretrievable strong mutual interest interest between Thompson and the Dallas Mavericks is expected when free agency opens Sunday evening so there’s mutual interest between the two this could all be real could all 100% be real we’ll talk about it if it is real like I’ll do the hypothetical all right if this is real and it actually happens what what does it look like all that kind of stuff we’ll do that in a second there’s part of me though that’s like does anyone smell anything smokey smoke screen season leverage play season everybody’s trying to get leverage over somebody else and to me this just screams leverage play for both sides of the coin here Klay Thompson isn’t going to get the deal with the Golden State Warriors that he wants clay Just Got Paid $43 Million last year Klay Thompson is now a free agent and there’s a bunch of teams with cap space we talked about them the other day when we talked about the possible uh Tim Hardway Junior destinations we talked about some of those destinations we talked about some of those teams with free agency the Sixers have like 53 million in cap space the Pistons had like 62 they got a little less now with the Tim Hardway Jr thing the Thunder have 31 million in caps space the Orlando Magic have 32 million in cap space the Jazz have 31 million in cap space and that’s cap space that’s not just space under the luxury tax and the apron like we’ve been talking about with the Mavericks so they have all this space and Klay Thompson is not going to get the deal with the Warriors that he needs but he needs leverage somewhere and all of a sudden they’re like all right well Clay’s agent probably goes you know what let’s let’s float that the Mavs are interested and so then that happens and then you’re like okay well then then the Mavs were like all right well then we can we can play with this because we as the Mavericks need leverage over Derrick Jones Jr because he could hold us over a barrel here in the same way that OG and anobi just held the Knicks over a barrel was like hey you guys need me you have no way to replace me what I do and so they signed him to a huge crazy like 40 plus million dollar a year deal for a guy that’s never going to make an All-Star team now great good move for them and all that they they made it happen they got their team together very talented Team all that but he got paid a lot he held him over a barrel he had the leverage Derek Jones Jr is in a very similar situation this is a chance for him to actually make a bunch of money remember when I just said that Klay Thompson made $43 Million last year yeah Derk Jones Jr’s made $26 million his whole career this is his shot and just like Alexander Hamilton he is not throwing away his shot just like his country he’s young I forgot the I forgot the words Young Scrappy and hungry and he’s not throwing away his shot I knew it would come back to me he’s not and so it also got reported today that as Derrick Jones Junior prepares to enter free agency after a hugely successful season in Dallas he’s made an agency move he’s now being represented by Rich Paul of clutch Sports Now Rich Paul is known for being LeBron’s friend agent bronnie bronnie Jr’s agent all that but he’s also known for making getting the most money he can from any situation Ben Simmons Zack LaVine Fred vanley all guys making $40 million should they all be making $40 million probably not but he got them paid he got them money and so if they’re gonna do the same thing with Derrick Jones Jr they need to leverage they’re like all right we’ve got the Mavs over a barrel so what do the Mavs do on that side of it the Mavs go all right well we got this Klay Thompson thing where he needs some leverage somewhere over over some of these free agency teams like oh they need a scare like all right we need we need a team to come out and get all these teams with cap space to Pony up Pony up baby and so then the Mavs go all right well we’re we’re going to use this against Derrick J junor hey Derrick Jones Jr if you leave you know that if you go to a different situation it’s not going to be as good as it is for you here because you’ve been in other situations and they have not been as good as it did for you here you’re not going to get spoonfed these you know Great Looks you’re not going to just be asked to do the things on defense that you are good at they’re gonna try to make you do other things you’re gonna go sign with you know Orlando or go sign with Utah or go sign with Detroit and like all of a sudden they expect you to be a lot better and to be more than what you are because hey we’re signing you to 15 million we’re signing you to 20 million whatever I don’t think you’ll get that but we’re signing you to this money you better you better come in and do the things that we want you to do and and do more Ms are like you just come and do what we want you to do do the do the things in your role that work but you got to sign for our money and so the Mavs are like hey Derek Jones Jr if you want to go somewhere else fine you’re our priority but if you decide to do this if you decide to try to make a leverage play yourself we’ll just go get Klay Thompson we’ll just go get Klay Thompson and we’ll just replace Klay Thom we’ll just replace you with Klay Thompson you know him are you aware of Klay Thompson he’s won multiple championships one of the best three-point Shooters in NBA history you know how we were like trying to get you to be a better three-point shooter all season and like that was a thing that you struggled with and one of the reasons why you went up and down in the lineup and didn’t play that much and didn’t didn’t play in closing lineups and all that kind of stuff is because you struggled to hit the three how about we bring in one of the best three-point Shooters of all time to replace you talk about making somebody feel insecure right like hey we may replace you with Klay Thompson now there are probably ways and machinations and things for the Mavericks to do to keep Derrick Jones Jr and Klay Thompson I I don’t know what those are off the top of my head it would have to be some kind of sign and trade which I don’t think I don’t think that Warriors are able to do because they’re a second apron team I’d have to go look it all up that but it doesn’t matter for right now to me this just screams a leverage play from both sides clay needs leverage over some of these cap space teams hey we got to get some got to get a team that’s interested that’ll that’ll express interest to the public that will come out and go to a reporter and say Hey you can report this we’re interest this team is interested in us or we’re interested in them and all of a sudden the Sixers go oh we kind of wanted Klay Thompson but like does anybody else anybody else going to sign him he’s coming off those injuries after he had those really bad injuries a couple years ago he’s not really playing to the level he got benched a little bit at the end of The Warriors like we really need to Pony up for Klay Thompson oh dang the MBs are interested in Klay Thompson okay there’s mutual interest okay we gota we got to move guys we got to work let’s up our offer right I mean this is what all this is what it all is does anyone smell anything smokey smoke screen smoke screen look over here look over here look over here okay what’s actually happening over there now it could be real and we’ll talk about the the you know what would look like and what clay could bring to the team if it was real and all that but to me it’s just too much it’s a little too much little coming on too strong especially since the Mavs will only have like their taxpayer mid-level exception to sign him they’ have to do some kind of like it’s tough for me to see an Avenue for clay to make up make you know 20 plus million dollars with the Mavericks now especially now with Tim Hardway Jr gone it’s like how how do they make that happen is it Maxi and Josh that can they sign and trade I don’t know coming up let’s get into what clay could actually bring this is real let’s talk about what clay wants and why I kind of don’t want to do it I kind of don’t want to do it I’ll tell you why coming up I don’t believe you shouldn’t be here today’s episode is brought to you by game time to be honest I don’t get tired of talking about game time because I actually use it in my daily life I I use game time I’ve used it to go to Wings games all the time uh I use it you can use it to go to Texas Rangers games concerts movies or not movies theater shows all that kind of 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locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply again create an account redeem that code l c k e d o n NBA for $20 off download the game time app last minute tickets lowest prices [Music] guarantee thanks for hanging out with us on lockdown Maps being part of the show part of the raccoon Squad listening every day it’s the one more thing it’s the bonus episode of lockdown maps and no I have not replaced the intro music everybody asks every time I do one more thing somebody in the YouTube comments is like oh my god did he replace the Let It Ride music no not yet not yet so thanks for hanging out with us we’re talking about Klay Thompson I think it’s a smoke screen I think that it’s I think that it is Silly Season I think that it’s leverage play I think that both sides needed leverage for a certain reason and so this rumor comes out both sides are interested and all that kind of stuff I think it’s a leverage play but if it’s not if it’s not I’m also kind of like all right they gota you’ve gotta make sure to keep exactly what this team is so this is what Klay Thompson would bring Klay Thompson 34 years old going to be 35 in February he’s been back he’ll be back for like two like two and a half years removed from returning from Achilles injury and so you know how they talk about well the second year after being removed from an Achilles injury is usually better that was this past year I don’t know that we saw that I don’t know we saw like a much better Klay Thompson than the year before 17 about 18 points a game 39% on threes he can absolutely shoot he can still absolutely shoot he’ll probably be able to shoot forever 39% on nine threes a game in the offense that the Warriors are running like these are not all wideopen threes for him I mean still a sniper incredibly good on the free throw line he led the league in free throw percentage last year 93% incredible for Klay Thompson so incredible shooter he would absolutely come in and like help the Mavericks in that area like all the crazy passes that Luca makes and then he kicks it over to somebody in the corner and you’re like oh my God please just finish the clip finish the clip for Luca please and then they don’t go down imagine those going to Klay Thompson and imagine Kyrie Irving being the one on the other side like okay Luca has the ball he’s got Lively or Gafford as the rim roller he’s got PJ Washington in one corner he’s got Klay Thompson in the other and he’s got Kyrie like running around the top of the key hitting knocking down shots like will Luca ever be double teamed again like PJ Washington’s going to get all all the wide open threes and all the wide open shots ever because you can’t leave clay you can’t leave Curry you can’t or you can’t leave Curry Kyrie and you can’t leave Luca obviously and you can’t leave Lively or Gafford at The Rim the shooting is still there he’s still he’s gonna bring something that the Mavericks need a veteran a consumate professional type of guy guy that’s won multiple championships you know him and Kyrie being the two veterans on this team would be great four championships for for Klay Thompson he knows what it takes to build a winning culture he can help guy like Jaden Hardy omx drik Lively you can help them learn what that’s like hey you guys lost the title hey I’ve lost the title I know how to bounce back I know how to bounce back years after the fact and win in 2022 after we were completely out of it so that’s what he can bring I asked my friends from Lockdown warriors uh kylin Mills she gave me a great Scouting Report because she watched him all last year uh every single game and so this is what she said about about him um he can still space the floor you know incredible three threat obviously shooting numbers are a little bit down but a down year for Klay Thompson shooting the ball is uh 37% from three but that he shot 37% from three oh no in the playoffs sorry hold on uh 39% I was right the first time 39% is a down year for glay Thompson but he still was incredibly great um his shooting selection I called it I said is his shooting selection questionable because that was one thing that I saw when I watched him a couple times last year and she said calling the shot selection questionable is a nice way to put put it I think this is one thing that would be really great actually for Klay Thompson himself to come to an offense where it’s like all right just knock down threes man just do the thing that you do because in the Warriors offense it’s all about moving the ball and like getting a shot here or there and like creating advantages and Clay was trying to do all these like pullup jumpers and stuff and you’re like hey man that’s not your that’s not your your game why are you forcing all these shots and he didn’t he didn’t force a ton I started looking around some of the volume Shooters he only took about 15 shots a game last year it’s not like he was 20 shots a game or something like that he took five twos a game five and a half twos a game but the twos that he did take were not very good and he’s he took a bunch of bad shots and in the Mavericks offense it’s a much more refined role much more defined and I think that could help him at this point in his career what the Mavericks want to do on offense is much better for what Klay Thompson can do in his career this at this point on offense it’d be great she also said he forces it too much selfish at times rather than Mak you know playing simple and making the extra pass or the open pass or taking a contested shot off the dribble or something like that that the Mavs would limit a lot of those things hey you don’t have to do that clay like we don’t need you to be that other Creator the Warriors didn’t have that other guy like all right Wiggins isn’t doing it Curry’s getting doubled now what do we do all right Cay go cook mths aren’t going to do that to him attack off the dribble attack a close out sure he’s been doing that his whole career but take don’t take a contested mid-range shot take the wide open mid-range shot when you’re attacking off a dribble and Luca’s doubled over here and there’s attenti on Kyrie and the attention on the roller and all that I think that would help I think clay in this offense would be awesome I’m 100% in on that defense now here’s the thing Klay used to be a great defender clay made uh an all defensive team in 2019 he’s been known as a great great defender he’s still solid defensively not a liability so he’s still not a liability defensively which which is helpful going to be 35 in February how long does that last he is not Elite anymore because of the the injuries and he’s lost some lateral quickness due to the injuries and age and all that you’re asking him you’re probably gonna ask him to do a lot defensively hey Kay we got luuka and Kyrie they’re making your life so easy on offense you’ve got to you got to bring it on the defensive end can he do that at this point questionable defense and one of the things that the Mavs learned I I said this the other day with Reggie on the show you’re talking about lessons the Mavs needed to learn from the finals and one of them is they you got to stick with the Dirty Work Wings it worked for you in 2022 it worked for you in 2024 both in the playoffs you got to have the Dirty Work Wings the guys that’ll do the extra stuff the guys that’ll do the the you know that come up and set a screen the guys that will come and get rebounds the guys that will you know defend the best players and switch and like help Luca and Kyrie when they get into bad situations and all that kind of stuff can Klay Thompson do some of those things I’m not sure that 30 gonna be 35 in February I’m not and coming off those bad injuries and all that I’m not sure you’re asking Klay Thompson to do that will the advantage they get on offense offset some of that probably yeah probably some of that but the Mavs had you know they need a more they need more of an advantage they need more offense and this could help them so like I’m I’m really torn on this one I don’t I don’t really want to do it because of the money that it would cost I think it would cost more than 20 million a year and so then you’re like all right he’s not just going to take the taxpayer mid level C but if he does I mean would you just straight up replace derck Jones J with Klay Thompson is what you’re losing defensively enough defensively and hustle plays and all that kind of stuff is what you’re losing defensively and all that get offset Enough by his three-point shooting honestly Pro probably but I’m torn I’m so torn I I don’t I don’t think I want to do it because I think it’ll cost more than the taxpayer midlevel exception which is like 12 it’s like almost $13 million the first year just made 43 and the other thing one of the other things that was in Stein’s report is he’s seeking a three-year deal at a minimum he’s going to turn 35 at the end of that deal he’s going to be 38 how many 38 olds we got in the league right now not many especially ones with that have had terrible injuries like he’s had it’s tough that’s tough um I’m concerned about about that to give him a three-year deal you can give him a three-year deal on the taxpayer midlevel exception here are the 38y olds by the way uh PJ Tucker just picked up his option I don’t think the Clippers were very happy that he picked up his option they expected it but Taj Gibson barely plays Chris Paul who the Warriors maybe wish that he didn’t he’s not going to pick up his option but he will LeBron James doesn’t count Jeff Green is 37 Al Horford’s 37 Kyle Lowry’s 37 Wes Matthews is 37 our old friend Garrett Temple that’s it seveny old so unless he’s one of those guys at the end of his career which he could be that’s a top that’s a tough ask for a three-year deal so to me I think it’s a leverage play I think that the Mavericks are are trying to get leverage Klay Thompson’s trying to get leverage they’re both using each other on that on each side of it but if not ah you got to hope that what he brings on offense offsets what you’re going to lose on defense cuz I don’t think you can bring back Derrick Jones J without giving up more assets to go get off of you know some contracts Maxi and Josh can you trade Maxi and Josh and do a sign and trade for can you do that if you well here’s the thing if you do a sign and trade for Klay Thompson then you get hard capped and then I don’t think you have the exception anymore lot of question a lot of question marks it’s a lot of order of operations things that’s why I haven’t spend too much time like digging into all this and all the machinations of it because sometimes you think you have it all figured out and all of a sudden the Mavs are like hey guess what we’re actually going to do step B ahead of Step A and C like sign sign this guy trade for this guy do this guy the Tim Hardway Jun trade hasn’t been officially announced yet that means it’s not done that means they could open this trade up for a three- team trade with the Warriors and then dump some of the you know dump the contracts dump more contracts to the the Pistons and send them more assets like they did with the Grant Williams trade slightly I were texting about this and he was like why don’t they just do the same way they did the Grant Williams trade Grant Williams trade the Mavs dumped Reggie Bullock to the Spurs so the Spurs took that contract and they got the pick Swap and then the Mavs got Grant Williams and that’s how it worked because the the Celtics couldn’t take on contracts they had to get rid of contracts it’s complicated it’s complicated the order of operations matters depends on how they do it but to me just comes down to the big picture seems like a leverage play but if it’s not you got to hope that that offensive bet really pays off really pays off there you go guys thanks for hanging out with me on lockdown Mavs we’ll be back tomorrow with more stuff I may do something on Slovenia I haven’t decided yet they just played an exhibition game I’ve got it I may go back and watch it but we’ll see guys thanks so much for hanging out with me on lockdown Ms we’ll be back throughout the offseason breaking it all down every day here on lockdown Maps appreciate you every want to you checking out the show peace out boom

Mavs Rumor: The Dallas Mavericks and Klay Thompson are reported to have a mutual interest in NBA Free Agency, is this just an agent and team leverage play? How would this affect the Derrick Jones Jr. situation? How would Klay Thompson help Luka Doncic & Kyrie Irving?

Nick Angstadt dives into the swirling rumors about the Dallas Mavericks’ potential interest in signing Klay Thompson during free agency. Nick breaks down the speculation, discussing the financial flexibility the Mavericks have gained and the possible mutual interest between Thompson and the team. He explores the implications of such a move, including what Thompson could bring to the Mavericks both offensively and defensively. Nick also touches on the strategic leverage plays at work and the broader context of the NBA free agency landscape. Tune in for an in-depth analysis of this intriguing possibility.

0:00 Klay Thompson to the Mavs?!
3:34: Klay & Dallas’ Leverage Plays
12:21: What Klay Thompson Would Bring to Dallas?
17:58 Dirty Work Wings, Did the Mavs Learn?
19:00 Concerns About Klay Thompson’s Fit

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  1. MavsCBA tweeted like an hourish ago. We can S&T for Klay & keep the full MLE & BAE as long as the outgoing salaries we trade allow for us to stay below the 1st apron. This could mean bring in Klay for ~20-23M, S&T Maxi + JG. Sign DJJ for full MLE. Sign Dinwiddie for full BAE. (Theo Pinson prophecy fulfilled).

  2. I don't want Klay. When he goes cold it looks exactly like THJ abd he's going to want a bunch of shots with no defense to cover Luka and Kai. yea no thanks

  3. I wouldnt take Klay for free. Finding a 38% 3-pointe shooter is easy these days and he doesnt play defense, why the hell would we want him

  4. I swear to god… if the Mavericks are using Klay, who fits this team SO WELL, for leverage to sign a guy who’s been a bench rider in the league for 8 years I’m done. Please mavs fans… he had some good games in the playoffs and some VERY bad games. If his price keeps the team from improving, thanks for a helluva season. Go get paid big dawg

  5. Klay has been a great player, a star, but he has suffered significant injuries and is 34 years old. For the same price you can get Jerami Grant and Thybulle and you get points and defense.

  6. It's smokescreen with Klay. I believe the KCP stuff more. And my god, Denver would be fools to let him walk for nothing. I know they're afraid of making a contender stronger but the Mavs have got to be the ones able to offer the most. I can see SOME of the teams wanting KCP offering Denver a sign & trade offer. But I doubt it's as much as what Dallas could offer.

    I've seen a Green, Hardy & Powell offer. I would like to see if maybe they'd be interested in a Green, Powell & 2 firsts with a 2nd. But you could probably talk me into Green, Hardy, Powell & a 1st.

    But if they keep Hardy this roster would be SICK!!!!

    Starters – Luka, Ky, KCP, PJ, Gafford
    Bench – Lively, DJJ, Grimes, Hardy, Exum, Maxi
    Reserves – OMax & Lawson

    Seriously, that's a lot of defense with better 3 point shooting. KCP is miles better than DJJ at the 3 ball. And Grimes is a MUCH more complete player than Hardaway ever was. Like 6 of your top 8 players are known for their defense.

    And maybe if you need to tinker at the deadline there's Maxi & OMax. And of course Nico wouldn't be scared of trading Grimes or whoever if something bigger came along.

  7. The more I think about it, it's just not a good fit. He's a volume shooter with not much defense. Maybe even a 6th man. Didn't we just get rid of a guy like that? I mean he's taller than Tim, but still.

    Plus he's 35 once the season gets going. I just think we're better off exploring other S&T options. Plus we can dangle our 25 or 31 unprotected first in a deal. As well as Hardy (plus Green and Maxi but meh).

    Sign DJJ (assuming he's willing to accept the full MLE), and wait to see what other players are available.

  8. Some of the Mav’s fans here In this comments section clearly haven’t watched Klay play recently. The guy looks to be on his last legs and is OLD. He most recently went 0-10 in a must-win game and his defense is no longer good…not what I’m looking for.

  9. No Thompson. Noooooo. This is another THJ, just this one is even with an even bigger ego. He will throw brick after brick and that Dallas commentator will masturbate on him SHOTTERS SHOT. Thompson is old and out. Do you think Warriors would just get rid of him and brake trio if you would not obviously see he is not Thompson 7 years ago? You need to do proper scouting and WATCH the Warriors game carefully. You will see terrible player!!!

  10. The Klay talk sounds like leverage. If he comes he will have to take a pay cut. The money aspect makes it difficult for Klay and DJJ

  11. Mavericks fans act like Kyrie is 25. He’s got MAYYYYYBE two years left of being an actual second option on a championship caliber team. If not Klay, then who? What exactly are we waiting for now? You can’t just run it back

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