[Dreger @2:25] The Vancouver Canucks tried to keep Zadorov, but they came in (with an offer) late, and went as high as 5m AAV.

[Dreger @2:25] The Vancouver Canucks tried to keep Zadorov, but they came in (with an offer) late, and went as high as 5m AAV.

  1. We already know Zadorov wanted term. This was likely a 5×5 or a 5×6 that was offered, and Zadorov said no.

    I think we dodged a bullet.

  2. Holy shit. 5 by 6 ???????? Thank god he walked !!! We just dodged a huge bullet !!!! This would have been an epic epic failure 😣

  3. Ya if he wasn’t willing to take 5mil then it’s best he looks elsewhere. I think fans would have been pretty suspect even at that number.

  4. I’d be thrilled if we actually kept a significant portion of our cap into next season.

    Seasons can evolve and having available cap space is one of the hottest commodities around. Should a team flop next season and want to re-tool, having cap space available can give us considerable leverage in negotiations.

    I know we want to plug all our holes ASAP but keeping some dry powder may be beneficial.

  5. This sounds to me like another Klingberg case. It would be funny if he gets lowball offers now that this leaked.

  6. That is a solid offer… even more than I expected from the Canucks. Huge bullet dodged if true. Good luck to whoever wants to commit 5-6M a year for him on a lengthy term.

    I’ll say this again, if Zadorov is around $1M-$1.5M less than a legit top RHD in Hronek, then that is ridiculous.

  7. 5 aav for zad? Wow we got so lucky zad was greedy. That’s a big overpay for the role that he would play on the Canucks.

  8. Yeah Zadorov wants all the money he can get. More power to him. Good luck big Z.

  9. asking for a Benning-ass deal. I’ll miss Z but not on that kind of contract.

  10. Management was willing to go to 5M and Zad still didn’t sign? I’m so good with walking away from this. 5M was already an overpay. Let him try to get more than that on the open market.

  11. To quote Steve Miller to Zad, “…o-o-o, take the money and run…” Gonna miss your swagger and physicality but bro, you’re gonna miss Foote, Gonchar and Tocc’s system that took your game to the next level. Sign with the Leafs or whoever is gonna give you a blank cheque but your game’s not going to be the same as in Van. Dak, Meyers and Blueger understand- take the discount and win with a team that’s headed towards the cup in 25 or 26.

  12. What does it when they came in with an offer late? Other teams should not be allowed to negotiate before July 1. That would be tampering would it not?

  13. This team won’t be the same without him. He intimidates players in the playoffs.

  14. I’m interested in knowing the number of years that the Canucks offered

    I’m guessing Zadorov thinks he can get more term or a NMC from another team so he’s testing the market

    this could potentially be his SIXTH team and I’m sure he’s not too thrilled to be relocating his family again…

    (this is also just copium on my end and i hope he circles back and re-signs lol)

  15. Hope we can find another big and intimidating 3rd pairing guy who can skate, that won’t cost more than $3.5mill. Maybe won’t be this offseason, but soon.

  16. Walking away was the right thing from us then. I wouldn’t have gone up into the 5m range. But damn I will miss Zadorov and im pretty sure he’ll be missed in the dressing room.

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