Accusations surface from a woman claiming Craig Monroe sexually assaulted her as a minor

Craig Monroe has been absent from television for a while along with radio (someone in the comments could probably give the exact dates)

Bally Sports and the Tigers released a statement last week that read

Craig Monroe is addressing a personal matter and is not on the broadcast schedule. Any further questions should be directed to Craig.

Instagram and Twitter users the past few days found a post on Instagram from June 11th of a woman claiming she was sexually assaulted by Craig when she was a minor while Craig Monroe stayed with their family during Spring Training in Florida

Link to Instagram Post

Screenshot of Instagram Post

Edit: As pointed out in the comments, it is a slideshow of text. There is another former Tiger mentioned in the text, Joel Zumaya.

Someone made a vague post overnight talking about this information, but I removed the post as the OP was being very vague and not citing where they found the information they were talking about. This post is going to be the "megathread" on this topic until further information/official statements come out.

Please remember that all of this is alleged and remember that if this is true, the victim was a minor at the time. Any trolling/victim shaming/etc in this thread will get you banned.

  1. This could very well be the end of C-Mo here in Detroit if these claims are thoroughly verified and investigated.

  2. Fuck. She names Zumaya too and mentions “former colleagues”. If true he belongs in prison.

  3. Does MLB have a pedophile problem? Wander Franco vibes, wtf. And the parents are always seemingly complicit…. Also, not passing any judgment yet.

  4. Based on the person’s claims Monroe would have been 20-21 at the time and they were 12. But age is almost a moot point as, based on what was said, it was a “nonconsensual” (for lack of a better term, minors can’t consent) assault or rape.

  5. Wow. For some reason my mind went to alcohol issues when I tried to come up with a cause for his absence.

  6. I wonder what made her come forward now. Was Craig doing something off camera that “triggered” her?

    Goddamn awful thing. Poor woman.

  7. So interesting timelines that were hard to understand for me. Maybe others would like to see them laid out. Per her statement:

    Monroe was in Port Charlotte with the Rangers 1997-1999 which would make her born 1985-87 as she was 12 then.

    Then she came to Detroit in 2011 at age 24-26, a year+ after Monroe finished his MLB career.

  8. Lets not drag Cmo through the mud over an Instagram comment. If actual evidence comes out that’s different but for now can we at least give Cmo the benefit of the doubt?

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