“Pure Excitement” | Buffalo Sabres Draft Pick Adam Kleber Talks Getting Drafted, Playing Style

“Pure Excitement” | Buffalo Sabres Draft Pick Adam Kleber Talks Getting Drafted, Playing Style

were uh just pure excitement uh so grateful for this opportunity and to be able to spend it with my family it’s just awesome what happened this season you were Prospect you from 6 um I think I just worked really hard you know through the whole year and um just try to make it my goal to get better every day and I think it was just kind of a natural progression of just kind of working hard and and just taking each day day by day and um yeah I think that was it I think in Lincoln especially we have great coaches and and great resources there Rocky Russo and and um like d coach Mike SEL I think they really helped me a lot and um I think just kind of showed me how to be a pro and and take every day you know take every day you know treat it as a pro and and try to make the most out of it how did your skating become such a um I think I just worked on it a lot over the summer um I think I kind of prioritized it a lot and just try to make it um something that I could make more of an asset for myself and um I just think kind of working on it in the summer helped me out a lot with it how would you describe your style overall uh I’m a two-way defenseman um I can shut down other team’s top players um I like to break out the puwell and can join the rush um it was fun it was good to see like old guys that you know from CHL that you know you played with tournaments when you younger like the brick and and just kind of see like old friends that you know from the ntdp and things like that so it was a good experience and I was happy I was able to go to it as a defens yeah I know they got a lot of a lot of great defenseman like Owen power and and doing and they just got by him so I’m excited to to hopefully join and have the opportunity to play for the Sabers one day I know they’re they’re a team that’s that’s ready to win and and is is going to win soon so um I’m just excited for the opportunity remember um not really no um uh no I don’t yeah got a lot of offensive defenseman on their team um I think that’s something I can learn from them to add to my game um I think I’m a really good defensive defenseman and I’m just trying to be more of a complete player and and be a little bit more offensive so I think watching those guys will help me out a lot um I think coach sandin he’s just he’s a very good coach he uh I think especially at delut they breed a lot of defenseman and they’re very good at developing those guys and um I think sandelin coach sandelin he’s he plays a really you know he has a really tight structure and and makes sure guys don’t cheat the defensive side I think um kind of refining that and making sure that I can play that side really well will help me get to the NHL and and hopefully kind of have that role of of Defending other team’s top players yeah yeah I know he’s a tough coach and he Demands a lot and the NCS a great league and college hockey so I’m just excited to kind of dip my toes into that league and get started are some of your fav um I’ve always liked um Ma and and Adam Fox and I know they’re more offensive guys but you know I’ve always liked watching those guys and um kind of this year I liked watching Faber a lot too I’m kind of a guy who went under the radar and and then this year kind of just exploded so in terms of offense and um kind of running the power play so I think it was really cool to watch him you said you prioritized your Stadium last summer what that look like in terms of I guess the routin or yeah I think just kind of working on mechanics a lot in the summer and um just kind of working on strength and um just kind of making sure that it was at your focus kind of not going through the motions but trying to make every rep count uh score a goal yeah score a goal um I think I can be physical I think uh it’s something I want to keep working on and um just kind of being harder to play against but um yeah I think it’s it’s a tool that I have and I’m just going to keep using it to the best of my ability awesome

The Buffalo Sabres drafted defenseman Adam Kleber 42nd overall at the 2024 #NHLDraft. Adam spoke with the media about his reaction to getting drafted to Buffalo, sharing the experience with his family, his playing style and what he brings to the ice, and more.

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