Drama in Dallas: #Cowboys Malik Hooker and Micah Parson exchange words

hey everybody and welcome to believe in the Dallas Cowboys with former Dallas Cowboy wide receiver Jesse Holly and me I’m just just Jeff Capal just a guy but it’s good to see you guys what’s up welcome to the show today uh we have things to discuss because there is drama in cowboy land which never happens it never happens and we’re shocked and we’re going to see if anybody in here could do some hating and maybe you guys could do some hating in the chat I don’t know this has brought to you our friends at bet online your number one source for all your sports betting needs this season baseball golf soccer top fights UFC MMA boxing every stat every match up live odds and spreads while games are being played and when that’s over you can go to the online casino blackjack or poker it up unwind with over 150 slot games go to the website today get in on that action promo code is believe bav that gets you a 50% Free Bet credit on your first deposit up to $250 bav bet online the game starts here hey Jesse what’s up brother you are a UFC fan um if it’s on and I am in somewhere where it’s already on I’ll watch it I think it’s kind of fun uh but I don’t like seek it out and keep up with it they got a good one tonight uh I’m not a big UFC fan you know you know who kind of got me involved with UFC is kind of completely random and squirrel moment Mike Dingus Mike Dingus did he really Mike Dingus yeah my former co-host your former co-host my former co-host remember I took over the fan jam after you left it’s still called The Fan Jam I’ll have you know on the fan on the weekends they still do the fan jam which wasam for Jeff and Mike like 12 years ago and no one on it starts with a J or an m and it’s but they kept it rolling yeah no you were the originator of it and then I I came uh behind you and and Mike Dingus was the one Mike got Mike also got me in trouble behind MMA with the whole Ronda Rousy thing oh because you said you could beat her up yeah well let’s not go there let’s let’s not let’s not revisit that uh thing because at that time he was like oh another former NFL player beating on women I was like wait a second no I never no I didn’t hit her I was just saying that if in a weird world they let us have a UFC fight gave me a bunch of money you know what’s funny because like after that like I had like you know the fan text would go crazy there was about like six or seven dudes that were like amateur MMA fighters they was like yeah come on down to the gym and show me what you’re really about I’m like actually no that’s not going to happen like I’m not coming down to the gym and I’m not going to get in the cage with y’all and I’m not going to spar against you guys because I’m not an MMA fighter and if you just so happen to see me out and about and you think that you’re like and you think for just one second that we’re gonna have this sparring thing happening like I’m not I’m not this is Texas and you know what comes along with being in Texas the I’m just saying like any I I listen if you got the cauliflower ears don’t do that I don’t mess around with you yeah I don’t mess around with you because you enjoy getting punched in the face yeah I don’t see I think if you have the cauliflower ear to me that signifies you know what you do it doesn’t mean you can fight it means you get beat up it doesn’t matter it means will mess you up just for fun on principle just because if you try me like that because I am tough I fight I want no it’s what I do I want no parts of it there is not a single person in the chat right now that I could beat up not I couldn’t beat up anyone ever never never beat up anyone but yeah it was funny it it was it was hysterical it was it was like it got all the way back home to my family because there’s a popular uh Radio Show in New Jersey uh New York um uh The Breakfast Club and one of their guys Charlamagne the Gody does Donkey of the Day and I was Donkey of the Day you was the Donkey of the Day still trying to be cracker of the day no oh okay Antonio Brown yeah I was dony of the day and like I wake up to my little brother calling me and if anyone knows my little brother my little brother is a senator no that’s my older brother okay the Hol are a very unique Bunch you have someone who’s in politics you have someone who Athletics and you have someone let’s just say Rough Around the Edges we’re gonna just say that we G just say little rough and so he calls me he’s like so what do you want me to do I’m like nothing nothing I want you to find Ron fighter no but he’s like you know Charlamagne hangs out in the clubs that we be atting around here I’m like no no no nothing it’s fine I’m good I’m good I’m good well Jesse I’m on a real good run of uh Cowboy fans tuning in for Cowboy news and me not getting to it for about five to 10 minutes so I’d like to apologize to them except I wouldn’t because you know what you need in your life fun okay have have fun okay have do the people laugh when you say what you say yes well tell the Cowboy fans I said have a Coke and a smile cocacola because some people these days might take that and run with it mik cooker and micel Parson’s they’re beefing actually there’s the first question because I love the uh like the aggregators and the bad writers who just all they want to do is get the shock in the headline like I believe it was Florio where like their opening segment is like there’s beef between Malik hooker and Micah Parsons because Malik hooker was on a podcast let me just Rogers what’s up Ben sorry hey Ben and somebody mentioned the dumb Zone in here he said Jesse you got to get on the dumb Zone they’ve talked about you a few times in the last couple episodes all good things and I think didn’t you say somebody had you blocked or something or you no don’t worry about it oh oh no the dumb Zone I have uh I had Jeff Kent block Jake you had Jake blocked I had Jake blocked excuse me I had Jake blocked you do have you need to go on and you guys need to dig into where where it went down and how that needs to happen basically we were together you I you me Jake we were all together at uh SMU right remember oh yeah for the talk with Jamie newberg’s class yeah yeah walking out he was like Hey you blocked me I was like wait what like he was like yeah you you made a comment about Romo a couple years ago and I was actually agreeing with you I said I’m sorry I got unblocked him on the spot like I’m sorry you probably got caught in a wave of stuff like I thought the joke was incredible I laughed hysterically I don’t know why you blocked me you had me blocked for like six years I was like I’m sorry I I can tell people right now I block people now and I am trigger happy so we’ll come up with an appeals process if you think you’ve been wrongly blocked because I’ll go on a run yeah so if you feel like you’ve been wrongly blocked figure out a way to appeal I don’t know Daniels in Super Chat Jeff when you go into cowboys Camp so I can send you something on zel boy I like that uh tentatively July 30 to August 8th I believe and I believe I will be hanging out and doing things with the dumb Zone while I’m there I believe so if you don’t know what that is look it up it’s Dan mcdal Jake Kemp Blake uh formerly on the ticket now doing their own thing K that’s the baseball player I’m sorry Jake Matt km Matt km I’m all off sorry yeah just stop screwing up anyway let me get the exact quotes before uh Jesse see if Jesse wants to do some hating he was on a uh Malik cooker on a podcast with kesan Johnson he said my advice for Micah would be just make sure we’re all right because if we’re at work and the Run game’s terrible but you’re doing a podcast every week and you know the Run game’s terrible then what are you really caring about are you caring about the crowd that was watching the podcast or are you caring about the success of our team in the Super Bowl that we’re trying to reach so that is the quote that everybody pulled and then Micah Parsons had a social media post that he deleted but it said just wish you said this to me but instead on some podcast and you got my number Family them’s fighting words at Malik hooker tagged him too and you’re my locker mate so you could have said that any day and you do realize I shoot the podcast on our off day why ain’t we talking about everyone preparation and focus so Jesse are we beefing are we beefing or are we just well I have my theories but you’re the guy who’s been in the locker room how are we doing are we beefing no there’s no beef there is Micah has become defensive in every literally and figuratively right like he’s a defensive player but Micah has been on this Crusade this offseason some guy started talking about Micah and this stuff a while ago we won’t mention who that guy was selfishness and all that kind of stuff we won’t mention we won’t mention those guys um and he’s been on this he’s been on this he’s been chill ch ch he’s been on this crusade to defend himself in these different circles in different spaces he’s very online he’s very very very online and he reads all the things and he hears all the things and he goes oh he literally tweet to skip Bist twice a day like I heard what you said oh god he has the Rabid ears and there’s there’s a couple things that that I laughed about when I when I heard this one and for those who say that I I hate on Michael Parsons because I don’t I’ve been one that has said Michael Parsons like I don’t mind him having a podcast I really don’t I’ve never said anything about him having by the way M Kooker said that too we just we they everybody only pulls the one that can turn people against each other he started with like like you do whatever you want on your time off it’s cool yeah um the biggest thing for me is there it’s twofold it’s it’s one when Micah says you got my number fam you could have hit me up you have Malik number two like you don’t have to make this a social media thing like if you felt offended you could have done what you wanted Malik hooker to do right like and this is the part this is where I get into that point of when you say things of about about being a leader right because now you’ve made this Malik whether you think he’s right or wrong for saying what he said I don’t think he was wrong I think nothing he said was wrong all he’s basically saying is make sure we good first make sure make sure home is good if home is good you can go out there and do whatever the heck you want to do that you know doesn’t involve you getting yourself hurt or anything like that but make sure we good I I don’t have a problem with Malik said but this is goes back to the part of the leadership thing and if you publicly come out which Micah has on many occasions and talks about you wanting to be the leader well the way you could have knit this in the bud instead of making this an even more of a story because your comments you deleted it but this is the social media this stuff is never ever deleted you could have hit Malik hooker up and been like hey fam like I know you was on The keam Joint but you ain’t have to say that and then y’all could have handled that like men behind the scenes instead of you now responding to Malik hooker publicly and now we’re all like oo Locker M beef in but then what you also do is in your comments Micah you opened up another Pandora’s Box because if we’re reading the tea leave you say oh but I can talk about other people’s preparation who wait a second now so there are people who aren’t preparing right because now I’m now I’m intrigued you have my C you have my attention now I’m intrigued who else isn’t preparing right you see what I’m saying and as a leader why haven’t you checked that if you’re the leader of this team not that we said that you were the leader but you said that you were the leader then if there’s other people who is going to not properly prepare as the leader then that should be addressed by you that that should be a standard in which you set for your defensive players hey guys hey let’s go we’re not you know what I’m saying like that that that should be the standard so and I get people like like Brandon said on the chat he said if you call me out publicly I’m going to I’m going to address you publicly that’s not leadership Brandon that’s not leadership that’s Child’s Play That’s not how leadership works because you do something wrong I do something wrong no leadership it says I’m GNA take your wrong and I’m gonna make them right I’m gonna address you the proper way as a leader and say hey dog listen you could have said that to me whatever whatever whatever I get what you’re saying on the pod and you hash that out like men this is the part that I think people are are missing but it’s 2024 and we live in this social media Age and and and that’s what that’s what we have to deal with here that’s what so one of my things about it was welcome to 2024 where what happened was a Cowboys veteran defensive player is on a podcast and being asked about a teammate’s podcast what like what are we even doing we it’s like hey welcome to my podcast let’s talk about your teammate who has a podcast whatever it’s 2024 people have podcasts people like to do that stuff and it’s fine the only thing I think for our listening audience all you got to do is sure Micah said things about being a leader etc etc just accept that he’s not and none of this even matters but that’s the thing here’s what’s happening Micah Parsons is an awesome football player 100% he is awesome 100% really really good him up let him go quarterback in trouble that’s it like that’s it like was there some to back in the day our buddy Shan Sharie did a radio segment on the air of something that I think you had hinted towards and I had hinted towards to people that yeah Micah is not the most beloved dude in the locker room like everybody doesn’t look up to him he’s not a leader he’s an awesome player and they all know it and that’s great so you let him go be awesome uh I we were just never quite as direct as I think sea did a segment where he’s just like everybody hates him but no like yeah that’s a real thing he’s an incredible player yes he is immature in ways he is sensitive uh he will fire back at things perceived or real he doesn’t always take accountability for his part in things and he will deflect blame that’s just the way that he naturally does things and he’s very young he’s an awesome player that’s not a leader and that’s okay like he and yes we’ll always Circle back to it because he kind of put himself there say that he is he’s not that’s okay that is the only but I’m saying like you can’t you here’s the thing Jeff you can’t come to me and say oh I’m a devout vegan and then I see you eating I see you at I see you at you know what I’m saying I see you do that to me and I won’t care but but but that’s what I’m saying is like people be like oh you heard so and so as a vegan and I’ll be like well they’re not but whatever right you can’t be like hey I’m a vegan and then I’m like I walk in the full go to Chow and I’m like you have a section I’m like wait wait a a second my guy like this is not the place that you want to hang out if you’re a vegan so it falls into it falls into the line of this might be just a cowboy thing Jerry says things that we probably shouldn’t listen to but we do when he goes I’m all in and we’re like he’s all in and he does nothing all inish right and he’s not and that’s fine and all we have to do is understand that he’s not right I think I think we’re coming to the point of the like we all have to graduate to the point of Michel is one of the top three to four best play defensive players in all of football that’s where the sentence ends yeah super good that that’s it he is not going to be the leader that Dak Prescott is he’s not gonna be the leader that you’re looking for to stand up and take on whatever needs to be taken on handle in a mature way Maybe not maybe not now maybe in a couple years or whatever what have you but I think sometimes when you’re faced with when you’re faced with the fact when you’re faced with what an actual leader looks like right when we see every day throughout the year Dak Prescott yeah not not as physically gifted at what he does as CD or Micah correct but it’s the off season and what’s D gonna do invite people to his backyard to get better at Football go to the tight endu with Jake Ferguson and throw footballs him like yes that’s a leader he is he is the leader of the football team whether you think that he’s whatever you think about him dep on how good he is as a player if you’re looking for setting an example busting your ass and displaying leadership traits that’s stack he will do that he’s gonna do that and I think that’s the part that we sometimes we we we look at that and we go wow that’s a leader those attributes that came into the league with those attributes now you can go back and say hey this is what he studied in college this is what he has a master degree in and all that kind of stuff right and and sometimes we try to compare that to we have to just come to the realization Micah can say it from The Mountaintop that I’m a leader and we have to just say dog you just a you’re just a damn good football player like that’s just what it is like that’s and that’s and that’s okay right we we have to come to accept that that’s not a role that you’re actually fulfilling right now but as long as you just do what you do between the 53 by you know 53 and a half by 100 we gotta just live with that yeah and it’s fine it’s fine I really like the Mavericks and I watch Luca play all the time and you know what I would say about Luca donic man he’s super good at basketball and then You’ ask about other stuff and i’ be like we don’t have to talk about anything else he’s super good at basketball just give him the ball yeah he’s great and look he’s so good at basketball that you get to be better at basketball too so congrats let’s just worry about that and the rest of it you hope as you get older and older stuff gets better and better and that’s that there you go party on Party People yeah and and these other these are just the hiccups in the road that you have to like right you talk about Luca and he saying he’s the one of the top five b best basketball players in the world wherever you want to put them one two three four five whatever but there’s moments of immaturity you go hey dude we’re we’re we’re in the NBA Finals now it’s not a good time to argue with the refs even though you’re G to give me a 35o triple double get help get off get off get off the floor snap reaction to a ref is Micah’s snap reaction to hit reply on Twitter yes it’s just where their brain goes immediately where it’s like hold on gotta go just like okay you know we’re gonna get you with the sports psychologist eventually we can process these things slower maybe maybe not I don’t know we’ll see and I want to reiterate this because I know sometimes are you hating no I I didn’t say anything hateful um just want to say that we’ve maybe you guys have just come in or maybe you guys just decide to um intentionally Miss words that we say oh we’ve said on multiple occasions mik is a damn good football player Mike is one of the best football players in the world like he is he is he is that that we’re not like I’m I got no problem with Micah Parson the player like that’s never been a like you can if you could find a place where I’ve said that Micah wasn’t a good football player please find it if you could find a place where I didn’t praise Micah for being one of the absolute best please find it because you when you find that you’ll find what the the the the you’ll find Jimmy hafa you’re that good you’ll find where they bury Jimmy Hof at uh because I’ve never said it I’ve always said he’s a he’s a damn good football player it’s just the other stuff and we have to just come to this we have to come to the realization that he’s just a damn good football player and we have to just appreciate that and love that we’re all on the internet 20 or 25 hours a week and Mike is on here what one hour boy you might want to check Mike’s timeline if you think Mike is online for an hour a week you were mistaken he is online a lot and and that’s okay stop acting like anything that we talk about means that we’re attacking the man he could be on the internet he can do a pocket do whatever he wants when the Eagles were going one and seven Jason K Kelsey was doing his podcast Malik cooker said there’s nothing wrong with doing a podcast we never we’ve never said that there was again y’all can’t find Clips we said that we had a problem with him doing the podcast no no this is about what Malik hooker said and Malik hooker was literally also said I don’t have a problem with him doing a podcast at all but there is the honest realization of perception right correct so like I promise you Jason Kelce especially with Philadelphia fans when you’re doing a podcast every week while your team’s going one in seven I bet his social media comments were a lot of fun I bet that was a lot of fun because yes it’s just the reality of how will things look if things aren’t going well and we’re not accomplishing our goals and you give people the ability to look at something else and be like why are you doing that instead of doing this because we pretend that everybody out there’s job is their whole life and if you’re a football player boy when you’re football cyborg we do love it it’s great if you eat sleep and breathe it that’s awesome and that’s how you can be the best that you can but if you’re just really really really good at it that’s cool too that’s fine it makes you a human and and that’s the thing listen and in in professional sports I have had the unique privilege in life to just be around some of the absolute most dominant football players and I’ve been around some of the greatest athletes you’ve ever seen in your life and there are some who comes with the god-given ability and the other good stuff and there are some that just comes with like dog you just you just good as hell like you just oh you just got it like that huh cool you know like like God Rest his soul I was around Aaron Hernandez horrible human being horrible human being boy he was good boy OJ was good well hor like you I was you know what I’m saying I was around some hor trying to find the worst felons and talk about their talent no I mean I’ve been around some pretty Ray super talented and not even like but I I’ve been around like um ooo I was around ooo not a good leader my favorite person ever not a good leader at all hey he’s not hey he’s not damn it let me believe put him on the football field I was a contrary to popular belief I know I’m I’m I’m I’m well we know he’s de yes but like even Jason whon I know everyone’s goingon to say oh my God what a leader he was I bet he was a leader to some people who were very much like him maybe uh no um you as hat other tight ends you was you asked anyone in the tight end room who he was like come on little brother let me help you out with this thing no he was just like hey stand back there right by the coaches and just watch me do it but he was a damn good football player when he was doing it you know what I’m saying this so there there isn’t this thing of you know we we’re looking for the best players to always have to be the leaders it’s I’ve been around dudes who’ve been Tom Brady right who’s been the best quarterback but a hell of a leader you know what I’m saying I’ve been around you know now the head coach of the New England Patriots coach Mayo gerro Mayo he was a really good football player and he was like a coach in the locker room like that’s a he just comes with all those attributes again that’s the that’s what you get you get into this professional sports stuff and you’re gonna have people who are just insanely blessed by the Lord above or whatever guy that you want to believe in um and then you have some that just saying like you’re a freak athlete like even with Dez like I used to watch Dez get up don’t stretch don’t eat breakfast don’t even tie his cleats and go out there and Route you the hell up and just be like throw me throw it up here and you know it’s coming I know it’s coming they know it’s coming and there’s Absolut and he didn’t even stretch we’re in stretch lines and he’s having a conversation that’s just what it is you got to just deal with that you know what I’m saying I do love that one of the names you pick is Chris is in the chat because it’s my fault for following you down that road where he said Micah in the same sentence with OJ and Aaron Hernandez like you just happened to pick a guy that was really talented that was also a felon we’re not Mike is Vine he seems very sweet we’re just saying man like sometimes you have to just accept people for just being acceptional athletes and let them just cook in that Arena and say you know what no matter how many times he says that he wants to be a leader he’s just all he really is is a damn good football player and there’s nothing wrong with that at all Jesse have a W day sir I I I like to believe that I’m a decent football player and I’m an amazing human being yeah yeah yeah you got it you had it on the other end of the spectrum you got all yeah my attributes are really high my skill level just wait did you just call Micah a terrible human being no okay uh everybody have a great day Cowboys Nation what a day well you said I have an amazing human being and I was like I mean you’re saying Mike is a terrible human being no I was saying I was saying my skill level I was comparing myself like I had all the attributes I was a good leader showed up on time that everything right was always I just wasn’t as good yeah as they told you have a nice day wish I had 53 of you of you but the one of you remember you have no idea what anyone’s going through be cool to everyone we love you be easy eliminate the

Welcome to Bleav in the Dallas Cowboys. This week Jesse Holley and I can’t avoid talking about what Malik Hooker had to say about Micah Parsons and his podcasting and Micah’s (deleted) response.

That and all of your questions and comments makes for a fun day of Cowboys football talk.


  2. Yeah don't go on a podcast and talk about your teammates unless it's good. Micah's response wasn't good but Malik should have never, ever been on a podcast throwing shade on a fellow teammates podcast. Think about that statement for a second. Anyways this situation isn't good but it can be fixed and it will be, I hope. Love the show Jeff and Jesse! Let's Go Cowboys!!

  3. That’s why I love old school football there was no social media blowing things out of context there was no podcasts dude shut up stop the videos nd focus on football nd only football ur being paid how much money focus on that podcasts nd all that do after u retire like bro micha could have 20 sacks a year but u fall off in big games nd not even mentioned nd end the year with only 13

  4. You’re supposed to be one of the best defensive players in the league if not the best why the fuck you declining as the season goes on? And why the hell are you not showing up at the most crucial games explain that to me

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