A HUGE TRADE in the Works!? San Antonio Spurs News

A HUGE TRADE in the Works!? San Antonio Spurs News

D jonte Murray trade it to the Pelicans Devonte Grahams contract deadline extended Spurs fans like many of you I think something huge is coming GI what is up San Antonio Spurs fans welcome to TSR Sports oh my gosh the rumor m is flying around right now why was Devonte Graham’s contract deadline extended a lot of people think it’s because we’re going to make a trade and it’s going to be a big trade but talk about that in a moment let’s let’s get into this article I found from Sports not this morning that’s going to talk a little about but what’s going on here the San Antonio Spurs continue to be linked to Blockbuster trades with the NBA off season now in full gear and yes the rumor whe is going to be flying the next two weeks reports indicate that San Antonio wants to find a running partner for youngstar and franchise Cornerstone Victor reming Yama of course they do San Antonio has a ton of cap room I don’t know about a ton last I checked a little over 20 million give or take ton of draft assets yes and we added in the 2030 and 31 pick from the WS I wasn’t crazy about it when it happened not so much the trading of Dilly for that but just the trading of the Ace Pick you know what I’m I’m going to try to trust the process like you guys saying hopefully it works out and we have expiring contracts that could entice teams looking to start a rebuild of course our Spurs have been linked to Trey young of the Atlanta Hawks and remember if you forgotten San Antonio Spurs controlled the Hawks first round picks in each of the next three drafts all unprotected first round pick in 2025 and 2027 and then we have a pick swap in 2026 if you’re not familiar with the pick swap the Hawks draft 20th or sorry the Spurs Draft 20th and the Hawks draft first we can swap the picks kind of cool huh perhaps the team sends one back to Atlanta as part of a package for Trey young so yes the Trey young rumors are going to be in full force for a multitude of teams I’m sure over the next few weeks until something actually happens the Hawks dealt away to jeant Murray yesterday potentially sending that they are blowing it up the Hawks by the way in this trade acquire Dyson Daniels Larry J EJ Liddell the 2025 first round pick from the Lakers that must have been part of the Anthony Davis trade back of the Pelicans few years ago and then a 2027 first round pick from the Pelicans going throw something here the Hawks blow it up are they trading Trey young could they possibly have drafted Zachary orace for the Spurs to try to make a trade for him it’s a player the Spurs R wanted right I said my perfect draft would have been castle and race could that happen I’m not seen reports on this but just just a thought can Atlanta say hey we got the guy he wanted we’re blowing things up we want our picks back according to ESPN’s Andrew Lopez San Antonio is pushing back the deadline on guard Devon Grahams contract to July 8th a lot of fans are speculating myself included a trade is coming up what I don’t know let’s talk about here the Spurs are looking to use Graham’s contract as part of a broader trade over the next week or so it’s valuable in that his contract is expiring us of that cash can help match salaries in addition to Trey young the Spurs are said to be be interested Milwaukee Bucks big man Brook Lopez the idea would be to get a front Court partner for the or forementioned W and Lopez no he’s going to be 36 next season I don’t think that gets us to the next level as far as Trey young if we’re starting him and starting Castle are we going really small ball Wendy soan Bell Castle young I mean the worst one with small ball maybe I don’t know our own version we’ll find out soon enough what general manager Brian Wright and Company have planned not soon enough because this leonte Graham thing does jamy Murray getting traded again third team in four years kind of feel bad for him now and the Devonte grah situation really has to open your eyeballs that something’s going to happen I don’t know what is it Trey young could we see something crazy like the Spurs make a trade for Zachary rash what would you give up for rash I wouldn’t give up that 200 2 first round pick by the Hawks but would you give up the 2020 first round pick by the Hawks and maybe one of those Timberwolves picks for race I don’t know I’m just brainstorming it’s going to be very interesting to see what happens I truly do think something is going to happen I’m just hoping it’s not something that disappoints us like and the Spurs make a trade four some guy that’s usually a backup I don’t know who so I’m hoping this is hoping this is a start of something start of the master plan by Brian Wright I know a good portion of us myself included aren’t happy with some of his recent draft picks looking at prmo a lot of folks didn’t like the soan pick there but you know what you can’t please everybody as a YouTube content creator I I I see it all the time uh but Juan Nunes is a perfect example let’s talk about him for a second I appreciate the passion for the Juan Nunes pick you guys are comparing to mon Jing I want to pause there jomi was a one-of aind type of second round pick so let’s not get our hopes up but when look at Nunes he’s a point guard and I look at the point guards out our roster not including Devonte Grim because I expect him to be gone you got Trey Jones who needs to work on his shot and Asis because he got better from the three from fre Point land after the All-Star break but I need to see that this season too before I label him you know finally a good shooter Jones needs to work on a shot Blake Wesley needs to work on a shot Stephan Castle coming to the team needs to work on a shot and then an and Juan Nunes who probably won’t play one minute for us next season but this is another point guard that needs to work on his shot plus the other guys on the team that need to work on their shot we as fans complained All Season about the constant double teaming and triple teaming on wemi it’s because there were non-shooters around him so you just drop coverage back on wemi and not worry about Trey Jones taking an open shot Jeremy San taking an open shot at this moment you would not worry about Juan Nunes taking an open shot and I think that his lack of speed and defense would really be exposed in the NBA and I hope I’m wrong I do I still don’t like the pick yes I have seen his highlights but you have to take highlights with a grain of salt too because they are highlights I haven’t seen a full game by him admittedly no I haven’t seen 20 minutes of him play I’ve only seen highlights and highlights are always going to give you the best presentation for a player he’s a great passer yes no doubt actually readyy might be one of the best passers in this draft class that’s great but if you can’t shoot and you can’t play defense is that going to get us to the next level I really really hope I’m wrong about him and one thing I’ll say here is I hope I’m wrong about everything that I’m negative not negative but just um you know you guys are the passion you guys for this kid has actually been really cool I’ve enjoyed it but any pick any player that I say you know maybe I don’t want them Trey young is not really a guy I want if Trey comes to the Spurs I’m going to be the first to put him my Trey onap and be like I hope he kills with us I hope he’s a an Allstar every time he’s here I hope he wins some championships with us I’ll R whoever puts on the silver and black I might not like the pick I might not like the trade but once you’re a Spur okay and Juan Nunes I hope you kill it overseas and when you finally come over here if you come over here and play with us I hope you provve me wrong he’s either an excellent backup point guard or if you’re a starter someday then I’ll be happy to eat my words do a reaction to that previous draft pick and be like man I was wrong we wanted Fury Fury sucks and we got the nunz so that’s in on the nunet stuff but I it’s I am so excited to see what happens the end of this month which is really just about that month going into July I I feel like we’re going to make a move I don’t know what that move is it seems like it could be Trey young but I’m G to throw it out there just you know my hot take I’m going to Spur try to make a play for Zachary s then our starting lineup is going to be wemi soan race Mel and eventually Castle Jones will probably start the season I can’t see Castle starting right away at point guard but eventually castle that would give us a big lineup and if Castle can get a shot down and soen can be the three-point sh he was before the All-Star break and not after the All-Star break it should have at least decent floor spacing I’m rambling I hope you’re having a great weekend and that’s all I got thank you for tuning in drop a comment down oh I forgot my little closing drop a comment down below your thoughts is this is all smok screen stuff with the Devonte Graham contract uh being extended your thoughts on the JY Mari trade Spurs fans you think like now with what the Pelicans gave up do you feel like we we kind of fleed Hawks even more especially since he only lasted two seasons and wasn’t a productive two seasons wi Atlanta hit the thumbs up like support the channel and subscribe become part of our awesome Spurs Community thank you and as always go Spurs go [Music]

The Graham situation changes everything!

#spurs #sanantoniospurs #wemby

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  1. I wouldn't even answer the phone if Atlanta called. There's nothing we need that they have. We should keep all the draft picks unless they trade for a Kevin Durant caliber player.

  2. A small part of me wonders if the Spurs are still monitoring the Darius Garland situation in Cleveland and seeing what happens with that. Whatever the Spurs decide to do, I just hope there's a plan that makes sense in the end. I also love that we drafted Castle too, I have a feeling he's gonna be a DOG!

  3. The Spurs STILL need great outside shooters. A couple of them at least. One thing about Boston is that all of their starters are great defenders AND outside scoring threats. Current Spurs are working on their shots, but so far our outside shooting has not been good enough to make opponents respect it and spread the floor.

  4. What this trade what at work which would make since fack Washington just extended the guaranteed contract date to be kicked in for one of our top players Landry Shamet what think this idea wizards trade Shamit jones and Kuzma and kisper to spurs for like 3 first and 2 second and graham or another player

  5. The Hawk's just fixed the backcourt chemistry issues by trading DJ, and they can't enter a rebuild because we have all their picks, so I can't see them trading Young at this point. I DO think a trade is incoming, but I don't know if it it will be big. Garland…maybe, but is our future to start Garland, Devin, and Castle? That doesn't make sense to me. I think a 3nD forward of some value would be targeted if it's a big trade, or a vet if we are going for a smaller trade (probably still a forward). I could see a trade for CP3, to mentor the young team, if CP3 is willing to give up on title chasing (unless he sticks it out for 3 years where we might be legitimate contenders). Or Demar. There could be a promise to trade SloMo back to us as part of the draft night trade with TWolves. I just think the Young thing won't happen and doesn't make sense for us.

  6. This may seems off the norm but look at the flip side of the coin , imo vassell /sochan /champagnie /collins /braham /kj will not make wemby great ,if we could trade them for trae young,capela bobby portis/christian braun ,imo we are better off

  7. Spurs hit on Castle! Will be defensive juggernaut with Sochan, Wemby and Castle. Coyld have really benefited feom Rob's breakdown ability. I think they are stacked on D but could have really been something with a pick and roll involving Rob and Wemby. Who knows what '30 and '31 picks will produce but i think they should have given Wemby as many O options as possible. Dude is frail and might only have 4-5 years of peak performance. He needs a fascillatater NOW! Not in '30 or '31. He will push his way out of SA in the next couple years because they will continue to draft defensive upside while ignoring offensive skillset. Ohhhh how i wish they would have held on to Rob.

  8. About Juan Nunez : why do you keep saying he can't shoot ?
    Last year in Eurocup at 3pts => 36%
    And concerning his speed : Luka and Jokic are slower than my grandmother and they walk on the NBA. (Of course I'm not saying he's gonna be as good)

    If he indeed joins Barcelona and plays la Liga + Euroleague, it's the best possible school. Let's keep an eye on him next year, he has potential. 👁️

  9. With next years draft there’s no reason to give Atlantas picks back. There’s like 6 guys next year that would have been first overall pick this year. If we wanted a small guard that can shoot and can’t play defense we would have kept dilly.

  10. OK, you guys are thinking about a trade idea. I have a kind of deal with the kind of either two part trade for you between the Spurs and the wizards the Spurs would get we have our own player we just extended and Shamet Kuzma. Sign and trade for jones , possibly Corey Kispert in exchange for 3 first 3 second round pick or maybe this instead of kisper maybe carrington and wizards would get 3 first and castle

  11. Everyone and their mama knew that Atlanta’s Murray experiment is a huge F. What is really shocking is they ended said experiment after 1 season, and gave him to the Pels for bag of popcorn and Coke.

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