Detroit Pistons Are Looking To Trade Isaiah Stewart?

Detroit Pistons Are Looking To Trade Isaiah Stewart?

the Detroit Pistons are evaluating Isaiah Stewart’s trade market so I wanted to know what you thought of this reporting and what your initial thoughts were that the Pistons are evaluating what they could possibly get for Isaiah Stewart it’s a it’s a tough one because I I know that I heard a lot about a lot of teams having significant interest in Isaiah Stewart at the deadline and I know the Pistons were listening obviously they didn’t you know make a move and I know now I’m hearing the same thing I I think the Pistons are definitely looking at acquiring a defensive big to whether it’s to take Jaylen Duran starting Place temporarily or you know like help his development whatever it is I know they’re that’s one of their pri prorities this offseason with that being said I truly think an Isaiah Stewart trade would be a mistake and it’s it’s a thing of I understand he’s a valuable asset and I I could understand wanting to maximize on valuable assets however Isaiah Stewart is someone who has so much switchability on pretty much every aspect of his skill set that I think giving up on someone while he’s what like 22 23 is a little too early and I know he’s his extension’s also about to kick in um which I think is about like $16 million going into the cap you still have a lot of cap space regardless and I I I just I would rather see them grow with Isaiah Stewart because if we want to talk about culture Isaiah Stewart’s one of the main culture guys I mean I remember talking to um a lot of the cruise players in the beginning of the season and they would get asked like you know who’s been a voice that you look to and who’s a voice that like you know has helped you with the transition you know a lot of especially the the two-way guys I remember at the time it was Malcolm cazalon and like um Jared Rhoden buddy beheim etc etc almost every single player I talked to mentioned Isaiah Stewart as someone that really helped him a lot with the process of getting acclimated in Detroit getting acclimated you know if they played on summer league like you know getting used to like playing with certain guys or knowing what to do Isaiah Stewart really took the time to get to know and work with these guys and like he’s what going into year five right year five that’s not normal for like Year Five Guys right like he’s 23 I think and already exuding that type of leadership I really think that would be a hit to of the culture I know Kade also is a leader but I think having them both together is a great Foundation if we’re talking about Foundation a great foundation for your locker room and for the culture you’re trying to build so I I understand you know the the trade market probably for isaah Stewart is is pretty is pretty good but if if I were traan Ledon I would probably hold on to it yeah I it’s I think it’s a very interesting conversation because I think when fans he evaluating the trade market they think that traent is going to fire off the first offer he gets which the way I took this reporting from Jake fiser was the Pistons they’re just seeing what the value is I don’t think they’re going to trade him because to your point focal leader I think Jaylen durran said the same thing on the Pistons had a podcast earlier this year um and he said when he first came in Duren or Stuart was very instrumental of helping him get ready for the NBA not so much vocally but on the physical side of the game of you know Stewart was basically like pushing him on on the ground like every time um I guess uh haven’t seen the footage but that that’d be actually really funny to watch I think fans when you talk about Stuart 5050 I think he’s very valuable to what you said switchable Defender very good Defender one of the team’s best defenders but he kind of gets put into his box because he’s starting right now and fans I think would be I think their opinions would change if he was off the bench getting 20 25 minutes a night versus possibly starting I I I think their tune would change if he wasn’t in the starting lineup each and every night you know this is actually something I talked about with coup on lock on Pistons is like I think the way some people perceive Isaiah Stewart would like you said if they were to just get him out of the starting forward position because I think the starting power forward position for Isaiah Stewart really limits the things that he can do on a basketball court I think they’ve he can shoot the ball and he’s shown a lot of progression with shooting the ball that’s great but at least this last season it really felt like he was pigeon hold into a role where he primarily had to be in the corner and primarily had to had to be a floor spacer and I think if you used his skill set to where he can space the floor versus he has to space the floor every single you know possession I think that would really open up a lot of things where you can get Isaiah Stewart to some back to the basket you know possessions you could get Isaiah Stewart on a roll rather than always you know fading or popping I think Isaiah Stewart even like and this is just on the offensive end I think his offensive skill SK skill set could really be maximized if you were to just let him be Isaiah Stewart rather than be it’s what felt like they were trying to make him like PJ Tucker right and like that’s just not his game um he can shoot the ball that’s great but make it where that’s an option not the only one of many options rather than the only option you know so I I I really would like to see Isaiah Stewart get to play more of his game versus the the the game that they’ve kind of molded him into yeah I I talked with Motor City Hoops about this about the Pistons drafting players and putting them in positions where they’re not fully comfortable in not saying that estu isn’t comfortable playing kind of a stretch four position but I think to your point let him play bully ball as a backup center I think he would Thrive like like a Nas Reed role if you will I think that would be a perfect role for him I that’s exactly like watching Minnesota in the playoffs this year I was like man the Pistons have this right here if they just knew how to use him and it it’s I know um during the Casey era a lot of things Pistons fans would complain about were like playing players out of position or playing players not where their uh their roles were maximized like I remember the seu years where you know looking back maybe Casey was trying to do him a favor but they would complain like seu is just standing in a corner right I kind of felt the same way about Isaiah Stewart at least offensively this year we’re like yes his shooting numbers improved and his volume improved that’s fantastic but why is he only seen as a as a floor spacer you’re putting out lineups where he is literally the only floor spacing Cade has and that’s just not that’s not good for Cade that’s not good for the rest of the team and that’s not good for Isaiah Stewart I know Isaiah Stewart can shoot the ball Isaiah Stewart knows he can shoot the ball but that doesn’t mean he only shoots the ball you know I I just I think you have to get a lot more creative and I think Isaiah Stewart is a perfect player of like if you were to just get creative and put him on a winning team people who say he’s not valuable or want him off the team their opinions would change just like that if he was on a Minnesota or if he was on a Denver especially Denver actually or OKC any of these teams Isaiah Stewart’s perception is completely flipped but people only see what’s kind of put out there and it’s unfortunate yeah what what they watch like when you we get a a new player in trade I I’ll use uh hamdu Dio for example when hamdu came to the Pistons everyone’s like who the hell’s that two two weeks later I love hamdu best cutter in the league like if you just watch one team and you’re not familiar with their game you’re going to have a different perception I think the perception that Pistons fans have is Isaiah Stewart’s just a a lowquality stretch for and I don’t think that’s part of his game I think he has a game where he can bang down low on the post I I think he has a game where he could put the ball on the ground and get to the basket I think he’s a very underrated passer they don’t really use him in those dho situations which I think they should I think they could do double dhos with him and dur that would just confuse everybody but that’s getting a little bit too creative probably um I think he’s a good player I think this reporting from Jake fiser was just kind of Pistons they seeing what they could possibly get see if norleans is still interested see if Dallas is still interested see if contending teams are interested because um he’s a good player I Know Jack Kelly put out a a highlight clip of him just being like the quote unquote Giannis stopper which was very well done by Jack shout out to him uh I think he’s valuable man I really like him and I know I’m I’m rambling a little bit but I think it would be a mistake to trade a guy that’s kind of like the culture Setter if you will yeah I I just I really think I mean and I I don’t mean any of this to take away from Jake’s reporting because I know like I I I I know that like that has been explored right like hearing what team’s value him as and I know teams around the league want Isaiah Stewart on their team because they see how switchable he is how how creative they can get with his offensive skill set but I think unless unless it’s something you just cannot absolutely under no circumstances turn down I really think keeping Isaiah Stewart is good both in the short and long term for sure yeah I I I think so too one of the next segments I wanted to get into was free agency I know I hasn’t started yet I’ve been asking G that I’ve been [Music] oh [Music]

On Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony was joined by Zariq from Bullyball. Recent news came out the Pistons are seeing what Isaiah Stewart market . Anthony and Zariq reacted to what that might mean for Isaiah Stewart and if there’s any truth to the report from Yahoo Sports.

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  1. In today’s game, the power forwards has to be able to play above the rim, and also stretch the floor consistently…

    Beef stew struggles against those type of players on a nightly base. Sorry Man, he has to go..

  2. The intangible benefits he brings are what they are. Fans have to acknowledge that Stew is heading into his 5TH year & the injury concerns over the last 2 seasons can’t be ignored 🤷🏾‍♂️

  3. Potentially yes Stewart could be a great player but he’s not and he doesn’t mesh at the 4 he needs to be a back up center or a small ball center in closing time

  4. This isn't something surprising. I feel like Stew has reached his limits as a player, even tough he's young. It's not like he's gonna add something amazing to his game.

    The pistons need a reset, and that includes almost everyone!

  5. he is definitely underrated especially w all his intangibles..but he would flourish w a winning team especially playoffs..his toughness, versatile, n leadership…also w him on floor theirs no better policemen, no one is gonna take liberties w star players on his team

  6. 64 million doallars too late. Weaver should have never signed him to that contract in the first place. At BEST, he's your first big off the bench. he's not a starter.

  7. Piston beat writers want to hold on to every1. This is why we held onto Bogie so long. We overvalue every1.

    Atlanta trading stars after actually having a winning season. We had 14 wins and we want to hold onto to role players.

    Its the Pistons culture. It aint jsut the team, its the fans as well.

  8. Stewart gets a lot of flak for problems elsewhere on the roster; his floor spacing as a big is excellent but he has the 76ers Al Horford problem of being asked to be the 3rd or even 2nd best shooter on the floor. I wouldn't be surprised if Stewart is traded because Troy Weaver is gone and Stew has an attractive skillset to other teams. But part of the valuation of a trade package has to be that losing him makes life more difficult for the developing talent; Ivey in particular was stunted this year by the way teams were already able to pack the paint. My top fit for Stewart is New Orleans, which needs someone to stretch the floor for Zion without being a defensive liability, and is a team that sometimes lacks competitive fire. OKC or Memphis would love to play 5-out with Stewart. The problem was never starting Isaiah Stewart; the problem was starting Ivey/Hayes+Ausar+Duren and expecting him to fix it.

  9. Tanking tesms usually have to trade their first good draft pick to get more draft picks.

    Cade might suffer the same fate.

    Stew shot 38% from theee. That's great efficiency. Plus he can defend big fours as well as small ball fours.

    Sadly most of the lical media doesn't understand that every contender needs a player with that combination of skills.

    If you want a stretch center Stew at PF isn't the problem.

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