Red Sox Prospect That’s ON FIRE!! Ready for HUGE IMPACT in MLB!!

Red Sox Prospect That’s ON FIRE!! Ready for HUGE IMPACT in MLB!!

is this socks Prospect ready to make a big impact on the big league club in the second half of 24 what is going on everybody welcome back to red seat radio my name is Corbin and right now there is a prospect in Triple A by the name of Nick sogard who’s kind of having a bit of a breakout season so far this year and I feel like not enough people are talking about it so we are in today’s video we are breaking down why Nick sogard has sort of broken out this year we’re talking to Nick sogard himself about his approach and his changes coming into the 2024 season and of course we’re talking about what kind of impact sogard could possibly have on the 2024 Red Soxs thank you all very much for clicking on this one let’s get into it okay so first things first let’s actually talk to Nick sogard himself we’re going to talk to him about what changes he made in terms of his Approach at the plate that is really working out really well in 2024 now there is one thing I want to point out here cuz I know people are going to say it I told Nick that he has less strikeouts this year than he does last year that is not the case it’s actually an increase of strikeouts by about 4% now I had memorized his walk rate and just did not memorize his strikeout rate I thought I had it was his walk rate that I was talking about so my apologies on that I’m a bit of an idiot but either way it’s a great interview so here is Nick sogard so we’re here with Red Sox Prospect Nick soard obviously you’ve been doing pretty well so far this year but I want to take you back a little bit towards Spring training and the first question I want to ask is it was your first Spring train of the big league club you kind of killed it you come into the season obviously those stats don’t end up on the bag of a baseball card but is there anything to in terms of the mentality or the approach coming into a season when you when you do well like that um you mean coming out of spring doing well yeah um I kind of treat treated it as just a completely new year so I felt like I had kind of a different approach to my game this year compared to the year before and it worked out pretty well in spring so try to just carry that over to the regular season this year yeah and then so you’re kind of you’re kind of like the most versatile Prospect in the Red Sox system you play everywhere on the field you hit on both sides of the plate is there anything that you would consider to be your standout attribute um I don’t really know if there is is one that stands out you know I think there’s some guys that have like a a like real carrying tool and I don’t know if I have one of those that’s incredible right but I think the the value in me is that I can do a lot of different things you know pretty well so that’s kind of what I like to try and take pride in absolutely and then sort of going into this season you’ve really done well uh increasing your power numbers you’ve hit more home runs right now than you have the entirety of last year was that something you tried to do over the offseason looking towards yeah definitely I think um improving bat speed and just general strength and that was definitely a big goal of mine in the offseason so it’s been nice to kind of see some of that show up yeah and then one of the other things you also improved on is your strikeout rate as well that’s gone down a bit is that also something you look towards or did that just sort of come with the new approach with the power um you actually just I feel like I’ve been striking out more so that’s cool to know it’s been less um so yeah know that wasn’t necessarily a Target I feel like that to balls and knowing the zone is a strength of mine so that’s cool that it’s less it feels like more but that’s good yeah um and then is there a favorite position you like to play on the diamond at all or you just sort of anywhere you want to put me I’m I’m cool with cool with wherever man I like playing Short Stop short Stop’s fun I like second and third I like sprinkling in the Outfield I’m I’m good to go wherever first base brand new yeah you tried it out what was the transition like going over to First Bas um I mean I’ve only had that one game and it went fairly smooth except for that little popup but um yeah it’s fun it’s good so we we’ll ignore the pop-up um and and then just to sort of wrap this up real quick so I don’t want to take too much of your time here just a couple of quick rapid fire questions David Ortiz or Ted Williams David Ortiz David Ortiz easy not thought um I mean growing up I watched a lot of the Red Sox games for me if I had to pick a Red Sox player it would I mean padro was obviously my guy but I would pick Manny Ramirez that’s my that’s my alltime favorite Red Sox player that’s a pretty easy pick to make um and then would you rather hit for a cycle in a big league game or have a three home run game at the big leagues three homers three yeah that would be a really cool thing to do and then finally would you rather have the best contact in baseball or the best power in baseball um you can keep the rest of your attributes they all say the same just one goes up okay then I’ll do power cuz I feel like I I feel like that I mean it’s been showing up better this year but I think the rest of my attributes cater more towards a contact style so maybe the best power with my play style would be a good combination yeah sounds good all right man thank you so much appreciate it thank you before we get into our breakdown here do me a favor if you haven’t already make sure you guys have hit that subscribe button we talk Red Sox content almost every single day also make sure you guys hit the like button on this video as well just helps these videos out a ton it’s the best way you can let me know you’re enjoying the content we are putting out thank you all very much for taking a second in doing so let’s break down what Nick sard’s done this year okay so a huge thank you to Nick soard for taking the time and talking to us they had just come off of a game where it was a 2hour rain delay we came in there and it was super crappy weather out so for him to take the time and talk to us was really kind of him but the biggest takeaway I had from this interview was obviously the emphasis he put on increasing his power coming into the 2024 season because coming out of 2023 he didn’t have a bad season at all he was just lacking a bit in the power Department he finished 23 with a 391 slug in 112 games a 370 on base percentage for a 97 WRC plus right around League average specifically 3% below League average production he’s still making pretty decent contact with an average of 266 but again you take a look at that slug number and sitting below 400 you were lacking in the power Department a little bit he finished the year with seven home runs 47 RB and 20 doubles in 112 games now again that isn’t terrible numbers at all it’s nothing that’s going to be like man this guy stinks right but it was good for about 3% below League average production well he put that emphasis on power coming into 2024 and right now it is translating incredibly well because so far this season he has a 294 average with a 409 on base percentage and a 467 slug which is an increase in Slug of over 70 points this is also good for a 130 WRC plus about 30% more productive than the average hitter in tripa not only that but it is currently the highest WRC plus of his entire career so far and it’s a jump in production of about 33% he already in 67 games has nine home runs 39 RBI and 15 doubles which puts him on Pace to blow pass his totals from last year and easily on Pace to set career highs in all three of those categories he’s on Pace right now over again we’ll say 112 games cuz that’s what he played for the wo so last year that would be 15 plus home runs 65 plus RBI and 25 plus doubles now again and I’m the idiot that looked at the walk rate instead of the strikeout rate so he is sacrificing a little bit more swing and Miss for that power production but it’s nothing super crazy it’s an increase of again just under 4% jumping from 17.2% in 23 to 21.1% in 2024 he’s still not striking out a ton and that strikeout rate is still looking pretty pretty considering how much emphasis he’s put on power but what has really been impressive so far this season for Nick so guard is the fact that he’s also been able to increase his walk rate he went from a 13.7% walk rate in 23 to a 15.4% walk rate in 2024 being able to increase your walk rate while also increasing your power is a fantastic sign right because obviously most players when they go in and they start to hit for more power they’re sacrificing swing and miss and they’re sacrificing more strikeouts while Nick sogard is doing that he’s also increased his ability to get on base looking back at those on base percentages year toe he went from a 370 on base percentage to a 409 on base percentage which is an increase of almost 40 points on the season that’s really impressive if you consider how much emphasis he’s been putting on Power and when I talked about him being probably the most versatile Prospect the Red Sox have I really wasn’t kidding this season not only is he increased his power numbers he’s increased his walk numbers and that contact ability has also increased as well and this is coming from both sides of the plate Nick sogard is a switch hitter meaning he’s producing for the Red Sox is both a lefty and a righty this season and defensively I don’t think it gets more versatile than so far this year having played first base second base Third Base Short Stop left field and right field he’s quite literally doing it all right now for the Worcester Red Sox and for me looking at what kind of impact he could have on 2024 this is why I start to get a bit excited about Nick soar because the Red Sox are starting to enter the dog days of summer right heading into the allstar break coming out of the All-Star break there’s going to be some really tough stretches here for the socks and to have a prospect in Triple A who could fill in and serve basically any role you want him to fill or need him to fill is going to be incredibly valuable that’s why to me I’m sitting here and I’m saying man Nick sogard if he continues to produce at this breakout pace could be a guy that we see make impact at the big league level in the second half of 2024 now the other part of this too is that he’s not only increasing his value to the big league club in terms of how he could impact this team he’s also increasing the value of his worth in terms of Trades now I want Nick sogard to make an appearance with the Red Sox but because he is a rule five draft pick by the end of 2024 the Red Sox are going to have to make a decision here as to what way they want to go and it could be possible that the Red Sox is Side by this year’s trade deadline he’s more valuable to this team and by way of trade than he is by way of promotion which again would still have a big impact on the 2024 socks now I’m not sitting here and saying that if Nick soar gets called up let’s say mid August with a Romy Gonzales hamstring injury or something like that that he’s going to blow the roof off of the Boston Red Sox but I am really high on who Nick soar could be and the reason for that is because his potential right now especially with the added power and the vers utility he brings to the plate is that sort of everyday Swiss army knife type bench role player right sort of similar to what we saw from Prime Brock Hol where Brock Hol played basically everywhere on the diamond and was able to impact the game at the plate as well if the Red Sox were able to get that type of production from one of their bench bats they could be in a really really great spot and that’s why I’m so high on Nick SAR and that’s the biggest reason why I think there is a legitimate chance he makes an impact at the MLB level in 2024 and it’s not like the Red Sox need to give him a full season in Triple A before they decide whether or not he’s ready he’s already played the full season in triaa last year this will be his second full season in triaa this year and I think in terms of development wise 2024 feels very realistic to see him make his major league debut I’m Allin on who Nick soar could be at the plate I think it’s really impressive that he came in to the 2024 season was basically able to fully turn his ability to hit the ball Gap to Gap and over the fence completely around to the point where he’s already surpassed what he was able to do in 112 games last year in 67 games this year and I’m really excited to see what the rest of the season has in store for Nick soard again this to me is a guy you should absolutely keep an eye on as we get into the dog days of summer for the Boston Red Sox but that is just my opinion so let me know in the comment section down below what do you think what do you think about what Nick sgard has done this year and his Approach at the plate what do you think of the interview and what do you think his impact on the 2024 Red Sox could look like let me know all your thoughts on Nick soard in the comment section down below as always if you made it to the end of this video do me a favor make sure you guys have hit that subscribe button if you haven’t already if you’re new here we talk socks almost every single day also make sure you guys have hit the like button on this video as well just helps out a ton and it would mean a lot to me don’t forget you can always get these episodes available anywhere you get podcasts whether you want to listen on Spotify or apple podcast which the links to those are in the description down below or head over to your favorite podcasting app and look up red seat radio thank you all very much for clicking on this one and I will see you all in the red seats [Music]

Full Details on and interview with The Most VERSATILE PROSPECT in The Red Sox Farm System, and why this Red Sox Prospect could have a HUGE IMPACT!
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The Boston Red Sox’s prospect Nick Sogard is ON FIRE right now. This Red Sox Prospect is one of the HOTTEST hitting prospects in the entire country right now. Today we are breaking down why this underrated Red Sox prospect has done so well in 2024, interviewing Red Sox prospect Nick Sogard, whether or not This Red Sox prospect will be getting CALLED UP soon, and what this success mean for the FUTURE of The Boston Red Sox!

  1. A rough couple of games for the Sox. They need to get another starter. Not enough depth and Pivetta and Bello are struggling.

    But in the bigger picture, exactly 1/2 way through the season, they are on pace for 91 wins. Not many people, myself included, predicted that going into the season.

    Love your minor league interviews.

    So what do you think? Romy has played well, and may be out of minor league options next season. As good as he has been I do not see the Sox resigning him. Do you sell high on Hamilton? With Sogard, Lugo, and Yorke rule 5 eligible what do you do?

  2. Very thorough analysis, as usual. Great interview–gets into important specifics instead of just the generalities most interviews do. And this does sound like a potentially very useful player, a possible superutility gem. Good of you to spot the potential here. I would have missed it.

  3. I like Nick Sogard. I think they would call him up before Chase Meidroth because he is rule 5 eligible. I also think this is a big reason you will see some deadline trades. What ever trades they do make will have an eye on 2025. Think like a GM and look at the big picture.

  4. Great interview! Thanks Corbin! Trading him seems pretty likely. I lot would have happen with guys like Story, Grissom, Valdez, Hamilton, ahh Dalbec and Gonzalez to clear a path to Redsox now or in the future. Also, how close is Mayer?

  5. Corbin…I’m down here in South Florida. I run a media consulting business. I’m in between the Mets and the Cardinals spring training. If you ever need an interview of players, with me off-camera I can probably make it happen. No charge.

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