[Malik Wright] There is talks of Jermaine Burton possibly switching his number to 3. So I’d hold off on grabbing 81 jerseys for the time being .

Should be able to change numbers once after the preseason/when roster is finalized. Leonard Williams wore 62 in the preseason before switching for example. But unsure about rookies though.

  1. Also I do not consider this a fact until we hear it from a more credible source.

  2. As much as I like MW’s content, he is absolutely NOT an insider. Wait until you actually hear it from a reputable source or top-down.

  3. Reason I think this is false:

    * Bengals media day already had him in 81
    * Why didn’t he just get 3 to begin with?
    * If there’s already a production run of jerseys with 81, he’ll have to buy ALLLLL of them to switch numbers (there is some rule to this they have to remain the same number for X number of years, it’s why Tee waited to switch to 5)

    Reasons I think this could be true:

    * Why wouldn’t he be #3? It’s his college number, and no one else on the Bengals has/wants it (based on new additions this year and their prior numbers)
    * I don’t see his jersey for sale on the Bengals shop (I do see Mims, didn’t see Jenkins, so I don’t know if we only see Mims because he was first round…)
    * His agent better be whispering in his ear how many jerseys he’d sell if he was three, pretty much every Bengals fan in Cincinnati wants 5-1-3…

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