[Dane Moore] The Wolves pursued Joe Ingles last offseason, but were ultimately outbid by Orlando.… I mention this because, as I understand it, this is kinda gonna be the Wolves’ free agency path — see how the market for shooters shakes out, and take the best one who will sign for the minimum.

I pulled this chunk out to make the title fit, but relevant for sure.

Ingles is now 36 and likely to sign for more than the minimum. But if he is in that minimum contract range, I’m sure the Wolves would again pursue him.

  1. Our priority in free agency should be re-signing Slomo. Don’t really care what else we do as long as that happens.

  2. Hope the Grizzlies decline Luke Kennard’s option, I’d rather have him right now. I know beggars can’t be choosers but I can hope.

  3. Joe Ingles is so washed but he would be a good addition. One of the best shooters and passers in the NBA. Good ball handler. One of the best BBIQ in the NBA.

  4. If Jingles will come on the minimum I think that’s pretty great

    He’s fairly washed but he comes with an amazing 3 point percentage and 6 hard fouls, which is not useless in the playoffs.

    Like, maybe the chance to play with Rudy and Conley for a title tilt is worth a slight haircut.

    Dude is also a legendary teammate and community guy and is quite funny. Him + Ant has potential

  5. I’d take Slowmo because slowmo can guard anywhere between joker and Luka. If slowmos gone I’d try my chances with batum. If batum retires I’d consider jingles

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