[Kirschner] Juan Soto was scratched from today’s game with a right hand bruise after sliding into home plate, Yankees say. He will undergo imaging in Toronto.

[Kirschner] Juan Soto was scratched from today’s game with a right hand bruise after sliding into home plate, Yankees say. He will undergo imaging in Toronto.

  1. Of course a guy who never gets injured starts getting injured as soon as he starts playing for the Yankees

  2. I’m guessing precaution, but how injured can it be when he got two hits (including an absolute bomb) after he injured his hand? Adrenaline or not you don’t do that if your hand is broken.

  3. I mean he hit a home run a bit later and felt good enough to be placed in the lineup initially feels like this could be another forearm situation where they are just being careful. Couldn’t come at a worse time though.

  4. Clearly we are cursed lately. Anything good that happens is immediately followed with bad news to even the scales.

  5. Why didn’t they image it last night? He was waggling it around after that slide

  6. I do recall him shaking his hand and grimacing after the slide but he looked fine moments later and then obviously hit a bomb after

  7. He hit a HR after the incident that caused this, it’s almost certainly just precautionary.

  8. Ban Pete Rose sliding! Truthfully, the number of freak injuries this team suffers is crazy. Last week, Stanton injured his hammy just running the bases. Now a bruise sliding home. It’s crazy.

  9. I’ve bruised my hand before after slapping a wall when I was pissed off. Not my proudest moment. I would think this is precautionary.

  10. Soto injuring his hand and missing a large part of the season in his first year with us would be the most Yankees thing ever

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