Why can’t the MLB get actual celebrities for the celebrity game like the NBA does?

Literally only heard of Tyrese Maxey, Terrell Owens, Tyler Toney, Pedro Martinez, and Jennie Finch of these people.

  1. OP same I know only the ones you mentioned like …Who the fuck are these people?

  2. Easier to look bad. Most people don’t play baseball casually as an adult.

  3. Because baseball is only attractive to celebrities when their team is winning or about to win the World Series

  4. Just looked up the NBA Celebrity Game and I know the same number as here (7), though some from the NBA version was because some WNBA players played.

    Though I swear back in the 2000s when they televised the softball game after the HR Derby I knew like 75% of people

  5. I’ve legit heard of 3 people on that list.

    To me a celebrity is someone who most people would know when you mention them

  6. I went to the celebrity soft ball game when they had it in LA. They may not be paparazzi fodder but they had Brian Cranston and JK Simmons playing, which I thought was cool. I didn’t know who they were at the time but Bad Bunny and Jojo Siwa played too and they got a huge reception from the crowd. Maybe just an off year

  7. I recognize 3. Pedro, T.O., and Nicky Cass because I watch jomboy. Thats it.

  8. Exactly my thoughts too when we went to the celebrity game in Seattle last yr. I get it, it’s Seattle, not a major market. The most famous person we actually knew was Jojo, and that’s bc of our daughter. There were 2 or 3 latin musicians that looked EXACTLY like Bad Bunny, but clearly not Bad Bunny wtf.

    Wife and I loved the Workaholics show so it was cool to see Adam Devine, that’s about it.

  9. Tyler Toney and Garrett Hilbert are members of Dude Perfect but they are quite literally the only ones I’ve heard of 😭

  10. I think NBA has more of celebrity to it. You have fewer players. Theyre more seen. More of their bodies are showing than any other sport. Players can really develop a personal brand. Its more flashy of a sport. It draws the limelight more.

  11. I only recognize Pedro Martinez, Jennie Finch, Tyler Toney (Dude Perfect), and Kane Brown

  12. I know 3 people on that list and they were all were or are star athletes. Who the fuck are the rest of these “celebrities”? Don’t you have to be widely known to be considered to be one?

  13. I know three of the names on this list.

    And, besides maybe Terrell Owens I’d hardly consider any of the three a big celebrity.

  14. Cause anyone can dribble badly and throw up a brick . These celebrities don’t wanna look bad when they strike out 3 times and can’t catch a pop up

  15. You’d think there had been a more recent college softball player they could trot out instead of finch

  16. I got Terrell Owens, Pedro Martinez, Jennie Finch and Kane Brown> I only know Kane Brown cuz of some really annoying commercial from a few years ago done in a 70’s Soul Train style that I don’t even remember what was being pitched except I think it was a streaming service of some sort. I couldn’t pick him or his music out of a lineup though.

  17. Because baseball is about a billion times harder than basketball and every other sport. Is this a real question? Everyone played pickup hoops to an extent, but the number of people who can step on a field and perform at even a JV level for entertainment isn’t easy. Plus, people under 25 don’t volunteer, so any young celebrity probably said no.

  18. Ive never heard of half these guys and the ones I have heard of are way past their prime.

  19. I only know Owens.

    And Pedro. Thanks to u/ElectivireMax for bringing that to my attention. I’m not sure how i missed his name.

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