Jack Pridham’s first interview as a Blackhawk | Chicago Blackhawks

Jack Pridham’s first interview as a Blackhawk | Chicago Blackhawks

learned through your father and being around the sco bank yeah I think um you know a moment that comes to my head was I was the runner at the 2015 draft for the Leafs in 2018 so um it’s come kind of come in full circle now and you know to kind of be able to be around them and um meet the team like the Leafs back when I was little and continue that throughout it’s helped so much who’s your favorite player growing up favorite player was oetkin um I was always number eight growing up just s away he uh scored so your dad give you any extra tips to help boost your draft stock or you just kind of leave you be no it kind of just let me be how would you describe your game yeah I’d say I’m a skilled forward with a good hockey sent shot and skating you say oetkin is your favorite player is that how do you who do you try model in your game now you study yeah I like to watch Adrien Kee and Jack eel obviously I’m neither one of those players but I think both of them have very strong assets in regards to skating hockey sense and can make plays and want to help their team win so like to watch those guys what do you want to improve yeah I think the biggest thing for me is continue to get stronger I think you know that’s going to come with time obviously and I’m contining to work on that but I think the biggest thing is just continue to get stronger you feel like you have some other int like Puck pressure uh Puck position things like that yeah I think that you know I could use my skating when with and without the puck um like to Hound pox on the four check how much how much do you know about the behind the scenes stuff of how the Le operate just because of who your dad is conversations about salary caps and that sort of stuff yeah obviously I know a bit not not too much in depth as they know but I’m sure uh definitely you know grown up here and around the house and stuff so it’s definitely really really cool to come in Full Circle what’s the offseason Plan Summer plan yeah so um I was actually training with um the leaf development staff I was allowed to do that so just uh probably continue to work at that with them and uh continue on the ice as well too what’s your plan for next year where where you playing I’m going to go back to West Cola for one more year um and then following year go to Boston University

Get to know Jack Pridham, the Blackhawks 92nd pick in the 2024 NHL Draft.

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