BREAKING: Leafs make MASSIVE Trade… Leafs Acquire Chris Tanev from Stars | Maple Leafs News

BREAKING: Leafs make MASSIVE Trade… Leafs Acquire Chris Tanev from Stars | Maple Leafs News

we have breaking news is the Toronto map leavs have just made a shocking trade as they have acquired Chris tanb from the Dallas Stars free agency starts in a couple of days but what this trade means is that all signs are pointing to him being a Toronto mapa long term so going to break that down much more in this episode before we do a quick reminder to hit the Subscribe button we’re going to be keeping you up to date with every bit of Leafs news this literally just dropped two minutes ago as of recording so make sure to hit that button but Darius wow what a time uh Chris TV was not signed technically yet he was traded to the Toronto Maple Leafs from the Dallas Stars which means the Leafs now have his rights even though he is going to be a UFA on July 1st so we’re going to break all of that down it’s a bit confusing we’ll have another video dropping later with some more info as it continues to roll out because this literally just dropped so we don’t have tons of info yet but here’s the info we do have hearing Toronto will be acquiring Chris TV’s rights from Dallas so Darius break you can break this down for us a little bit here he got traded and for everyone who’s unaware he it was a part of the Stars he’s a UFA literally in 48 hours but they’re acquiring his rights to get a bit of a jump now to be able to sign him come July 1st multiple reports were coming out regarding the fact that he is going to sign with the Toronto Maple as soon as July first hits from various you know credible and less credible sources he is homed areas he is going to be a Toronto mate belief and uh they’ve acquired his signing rights from Dallas he is a Toronto Maple Leaf right now right but he does become a free agent again on July 1 I think all this does really and we’ll get into the specifics and you know what this all means shortly but um you know I think this just gives them like you said a head start to actually sign him because technically it never really happens but you’re not supposed to start talking until 12 o’clock on July 1 right so now they this gives them a head start to start talking to his agent which is coming out it sounds like they haven’t really spoken yet or at least that’s what they’re saying I’m sure they you know they’ve kicked rocks and stuff like that but he is a Toronto Maple Leaf right now but he becomes a free agent again on July 1 and the return in the trade is really nothing Max Ellis you know he filled in for the Leafs here and there he wasn’t uh you know a huge part of their team or anything like that and a six round pick or I thought I saw a seventh round pick this is all coming out at at the at the same time they we’re recording this yeah it just happened so um there’s a lot going on but uh Chris tanov is a Toronto mapela he’s back home yeah and that’s why I’m a little bit this is we expected Chris tanov to be a mapel Lea we kind of discussed it on videos we had a video recorded about that that we ended up having to throw away because it just literally happened but the fact that they traded for him was nothing that either of us thought was a possibility because you were thinking that okay let’s wait till July 1st maybe they’ll sign him right at the thing but then technically you’d be tampering if they sign him right at the but that doesn’t really matter because no one really cares but now they get to speak with him over the next two days and you mentioned how some reports are coming out there’s various different reports about how the Leafs now will be able to talk to him and potentially sign him and all these things and that they haven’t spoke to the agent I would be thoroughly shocked if he does not get signed an extension the second free agency happens or over the the first hour this means they would not give up you know a sixth round pick yeah it’s not really anything but with the amount of picks that the leaves have lost because of Kyle dubis every little pick matters we’ve discussed that in our video yesterday with the prospects and some you know the draft day two kind of just concluded here they matter and I think that and I know I’m very I don’t know I’m very confident that Chris tanip will be sign to a long-term deal which we’ll get into in a second but they would not make this trade without being almost 100% sure that they could resign him even if it’s just for the antics of the fact that why would you trade for him and they don’t sign him any signs elsewhere Chris tff has made it clear he wants to come home multi reporters have made it clear that the leaves intend to sign him and do anything it takes and that report that came out a couple days ago saying anything it takes here it is they traded for him they say hey we want you we give up assets for you now let’s go sign the defenseman and we’ll get into type of player in a minute but it’s h it’s wild I’m shocked complely shock and and a lot of the reports in the Insiders like you’re mentioning over the last couple of days right uh were saying that Chris tanv was only going to sign with either the Leafs or Dallas it was kind of down to Dallas or the Leafs now that he’s traded to the Leafs right I would be shocked like said absolutely shocked if he went back into free agency and tested the waters on July 1st he’s obviously going to sign with the Leafs the one thing that scares me here is the fact that this trade happened lends to that you know they can sign to an eight-year deal that’s the only thing I see here as to why they would want to uh acquire this player you know not via free agency and and trade for his rights they can offer him the extra year eight years the only thing that’s crazy if you haven’t been paying attention is he’s 35 years old or he’s going to be 35 years old that doesn’t make any sense so there must be you know at first glance there must be like an agreement they’re going to have to come to or at least Brader living just wanted to give himself the opportunity to uh make a deal where they can sign him to eight years right and then maybe he you know says I’ll retire after five or four years or something like that right and they get out from under that so that’s the only reason I see them doing that so they can lower the aav that would make a lot of sense for the leaf but it’s shocking this is like we don’t we don’t know the the fine details yet I don’t even think that sixth round pick is correct I think it’s a seventh round pick but just a lot coming out right now it’s exciting Chris tanov is is going to be sounds like a maple really exciting and this is a massive trade in the sense of the trade itself isn’t massive like the package are giving up but the fact that they are acquiring Chris tanev and for the sake of the rest of this video Let’s just assume that they’re going to resign him because we’ll have a video later probably later today once more info comes out because I assume the kind of real reason behind this trade is going to start to get revealed right like over the next probably over the next hour even as we’re speaking it’s probably happening but I’m pumped and again like I mentioned earlier this was a couple days ago the leis appear to really want T of a corner of the athletic and will do anything in their power to get him and that was from James Myrtle and mentioning it maybe instead of a foury year they gave him a five a six-year deal and then they went out and traded for him you have multiple reports here in not the most credible reporter but here in the leaf are ready to offer TV upwards of five years you have James Myrtle the same guy who reported this saying that they’re willing to offer him a long-term deal I don’t think eight years is going to be what happens I hope not what I do think is going to happen is that they’re now able to start the negotiation process officially show T of that they want on him and they’re going to be prepared to give him more than what the stars were anyway and maybe it was between the stars and the Leafs the Stars knew hey we’re probably not going to be able to get this guy and maybe they called up the Leafs and said you can have him for a sixth round pick and a fringe Prospect and you can guarantee that you get him and that we’ll be out of the sweep stakes in that front because if you think about it if you’re the Stars there’s no world where you trade him his rights away if you’re going to resign him so maybe it was the Stars waving the white flag and the leaf saying okay let’s just guarantee we get this guy because he is going to be crucial over the next two years when he’s still in his not really in his prime but given the way he plays very aggressive body flying everywhere he is one of the best defenseman defensive defenseman let me rephrase in the NHL and he fits this Leaf’s team perfectly I couldn’t be more excited for the player but maybe that’s why the reason and we that’s just speculation for me we’ll probably know in a couple hours we’ll know in a couple hours for sure as things start to unravel and we get some comments from him and his agent stuff like that and obviously over the next couple days because he’s GNA he’s going to sign with the Leafs at this point right all signs are pointing to that 100% so uh it’s fun like you said right shot defense this is exactly the guy that they needed they were looking at this guy during the season Calgary didn’t want to trade with them um this is exactly the player they need right I’m just worried about what that contract is going to look like and we’re going to find out very shortly and you know what for the time being we can be excited because this guy instantly makes the Leafs a better team and he fixes the defense uh but again it’s just one Domino don’t look for this guy to score look for him to play a lot of minutes in different situations uh it’s going to be a lot of fun to watch I guy like this play Under baru too um this is this is good this is a good move for the leaf I’m excited that we now have some clarity that he will be most likely a maple leaf after July 1 absolute perfect fit for the Leafs they got it done they showed him that they want them and now I think much much bigger moves are going to be coming and I mean let’s be honest here darus Chris tan is that’s a splash that is a splash signing trade whatever you end up calling it because it’s kind of a mix of both at this point it is a big move that the Leafs need to make they said they want to short up their blue line Nikita zadorov could be up next next in that pipeline which could happen sooner than later as well we’re going to have it all broken down for you but that’ll wrap it up let us know in the comments what your thoughts are news is going to continue to roll out about this trade specifically so just stay tuned for that you might want to turn on the the post notifications there well I’ll upload very soon another upload very very soon sorry for you guys and we’ll see you guys soon

Nick Gosse and Darius Domingues break down the Toronto Maple Leafs making a shocking trade with the Dallas Stars acquiring Chris Tanev.

0:00 Leafs News
0:45 Leafs Trade For Chris Tanev
4:08 What Will The Contract Look Like
6:35 Exactly What The Leafs Need

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  1. He can't be signed to an 8 contract according to the CBA. This is actually a good thing though! It's a max 7 years for him, doesn’t qualify for a 35+ deal where a retirement would keep his AAV on the cap. Basically, they can give him a longterm front loaded deal to drop the cap hit and let him finish it on LTIR. Or he can retire and it disappears.

  2. This is all about getting his deal in the bag and focusing on the 1 other guy they need that will be frantic process at 12 Noon on Monday July 1st. Brandon Montour or Brett Pesce or Matt Roy as Right Shot Defensemen or Nikita Zadorov.

  3. Aren't teams allowed to talk to a player a week before FA? Means they already talked to him and have a deal already in place. They don't need to wait for July 1st.

  4. Can't sign him to 8 years only 7 or less. He would've had to be on the Leafs reserve list at the last trade deadline to qualify for 8 year contract.
    Yes, it's a 7th round pick and Max Ellis.

  5. Even at his age he's an elite top 4 D. I suspect they'll give him term to get him signed then simply bury his salary possibly through LTIR in a few years.

  6. Back home..??

    Where have we heard THAT before?

    Oh yeah…John Tavares

    And what did that get us? ..Jack and $hit.

    Let's stop worshipping at the alter of humans who grew up in metro Toronto, and focus instead on building a team capable of winning more than one round of the playoffs.

  7. Imagine Leafs content outside the main media that is logical and not spastic freak outs 🤔
    Keep it up fellas. Enjoy the videos, important few days. Happy Canada Day 🫡

  8. This would probably mean we are signing him. Im ok with the signing but at 34 he will probably turn into Brodie or Gio in 3 or 4 years. Brodie was really good in the first couple of years but struggled in the last year or two.

  9. Treliving is a WAY better GM than Dubas was. he's done nothing but good things since he took the job….even while handcuffed by Shanny and Dubas' prior bumbling. Excellent sign. RD to play with Morgan

  10. Hardly a massive trade. Unless the Leafs offer eight years (which no sane GM would), Tanev can just wait till July 1st and get offers from multiple teams. Why do folks believe anything in this "titles"

  11. Tanev is a 14 year veteran who turns 35 in December. Treliving had signed him to a 4 year deal in Calgary. ($4.5 Million x 4) Stay at home R Hand shot.

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