Rams Have Their NEXT Rookie Playmaker Emerging

Rams Have Their NEXT Rookie Playmaker Emerging

[Music] [Applause] all right we’ve got an interesting update for the Los Angeles Rams this is the Rams team of course trying to build off of a momentum from 2023 heading into 2024 with a chance to make another deep playoff run and there’s one position battle that has kind of come out of nowhere involving the addition of a young rookie who’s really starting to make a name for himself and we’ve had a few reports this offseason going through the impact of Blake Korum on this Rams team he started off strong he continues to build momentum and now we’re really starting to see the fact he is really pushing kyen Williams Blake Corin may be the starter or at least forc kyen Williams to fight for his job let’s walk through the historical or the history of events here and we’ll break down what it means on the other side so first up let’s pull up the report this is Blake Corum earlier on this offseason talking about how he was being used with the ram so far he said I think they’re going to use me a little differ L than Michigan did I was more of a Bell cow back I was running the ball 20 plus times a game I didn’t really catch the ball much but you see how they use Kiren who is a great running back I think they’re going to use me as a real three- down running back a guy that can catch pass Pro and run the ball they want a guy that can do it all and I can do that for him right so this is corm saying hey Rams coaches want me to be a guy who can do it all including blocking and catching the football on top of running now let’s go to our next report this is Shawn McVey a little while later talking about Blake corm he said on the offensive side I’ve been pleased with a lot of guys but Blake korm has really stood out mature Beyond his years I love that he I love the way that he handles himself I love even more how when he’s there he when there’s been a couple things that didn’t go the way we wanted how he responded the next play the mental toughness that you see from him all right M you and I kind of talked offline a few weeks ago about this report and you told me said hey it looks like Blake corm is really pushing kyen Williams I said no not going to happen it just it it doesn’t seem like enough but when you go to this final report here this is Kiron Williams saying this I think this is really insightful he said according to NBC Sports I’m super excited that we went to go draft Blake corm somebody who can run the ball very well notice that right corm was talking about how the Rams coaches wanted him to pass protect and catch the ball on top of running the ball not just run the ball and then uh Williams goes on to say hopefully it allows me to get to the slot or allows me to just run routes out of the back field so that I’m able to really showcase my skills that I have for this game this came out just recently just a day ago kyen Williams’s comments what does this mean it means that through mini camp through OTAs we saw early on Blake corm saying hey the Rams coaches they want me to do a lot of different things including catching the football we heard later Shawn mcy say how impressed he was with Blake corm especially the Rams throwing so much at him the young player so early and now we hear Kiren Williams come out saying hey I’m really kind of glad they drafted Blake cor you know he’s only there to really run the ball he’s not there to take my job as a receiver even though the other two reports aren’t the obvious what does this mean it means Blake km is pushing kir Williams to the point where K Williams feels like he has to go publicly to defend himself feels like he’s kind of he’s a little unsure there’s a true position battle going on here and I have to go back to what you said a few weeks ago M there is a really solid chance Blake korm leads this running back position battle as we get headed uh closer to the regular season either way it’s a win for the Rams either korm is better or it pushes Williams to get better I’m curious what your thoughts are in this m but first Rams Fans in the comment section below we’re talking a little bit of a position battle here give us your favorite training camp position battle in Rams history there’s been a few interesting ones over the years but only pick one give us your favorite Rams position battle in team history put it in the comment section below and while you’re down there make sure you check out the description box below uh for links to all of our favorite football books some great summer reading to become the smartest guy in the comment section got a lot of different books we’ like to recommend make sure you check them out but M let’s go over to you now what are your thoughts on this latest development involving Blake corm and the Los Angeles Rams yeah I I think it’s interesting and when you put all three stories together you know mine my ideas were more speculation of just you know things we’ve heard around but now you tie all these stories together and you kind of look at it and say hey something’s going on and you wonder you know was there past like what what was the reasoning for getting Blake km there’s also stories that have popped up around the internet you know talking of to lesne and Les need’s thoughts on the draft and why they drafted PL Blake corm and I’ll read this quote to you he says it’s a tough League the 17 Game season plus playoffs it might go to 18 games one day so we always felt like we need to have as many quality Runners as possible we don’t want to totally run down Kiren there it goes some injury concerns they know Kiren Williams isn’t as durable as a back as they would like him to beat sne said and he says and we want to have one two even three guys can CH can tribute keep everyone fresh and let’s go out and let us go out and try to impose our will now I think at least at first Blake Corin might start out being the go-to guy on you know 100% run first downs I think Karen Willam will be out there in more you know kind of you know whether it’s some sort of option there’s an option route for the running back passing down situations and I think at first that’s how it’s going to be but I think the more opportunities Blake corm gets I think he’s going to work himself into that Bellow back type of player that he talks about and I think eventually by the end of the season this is bold take because I know a lot of people really like kyen Williams I think kyen Williams is going to be more of a third down type back pass catching type of back and Blake km is going to be the hard charger for this Rams team I think it’s going to be really good here but I think it’s a great problem to have if you’re the Rams got two great backs two very Dynamic you know Playmakers type players so it’s kind of a win-win situation no matter how it turns out but I truly believe Blake corm is going to surprise a lot of people you know I think he already has based on his performance so far this offseason I agree with you 100% it is definitely an iron sharpens iron deal and I think this is probably the best thing to happen to Kiren Williams right after the way he finished last season he was riding the hype train hey future star next great Rams running back so on and so forth now he goes through an offseason where all his backup has done is just impress everybody right and I think conin Williams I think he’s trying to come off a little defensive here right I think he’s a little insecure of himself because he’s seeing he’s in those meeting rooms he’s on the practice field he’s seeing the praise that Korum is getting he’s seeing the good things that korm is doing and look two things are going to happen this will either push Kiren Williams to compeer to get better which obviously benefits the Rams or Blake km being better than Williams in some aspects may take over some reps which is also good for the Rams this is what smart Drafting and quality player management development does for you right this is what the Rams do so well it allows the fact that no matter what happens in any position battle any situation the Rams as a team will be better because of it again another great selection another solid strategy by Shawn McBay Les need and the entire Rams organization

The Los Angeles Rams have made a number of great draft selections over the past few season. And it looks like the LA Rams have made another one. Rams coaches, players, and everyone has realized that another young star is emerging. Fans of the Los Angeles Rams should be really excited by this news.

Nick and Andrew’s Must Reads:

The Genius: How Bill Walsh Reinvented Football and Created an NFL Dynasty
Paperback: https://amzn.to/4ecF43b

America’s Game: The Epic Story of How Pro Football Captured a Nation
Hardcover: https://amzn.to/3XcN4Ll
Paperback: https://amzn.to/3VonLnk

Swagger: Super Bowls, Brass Balls, and Footballs
Hardcover: https://amzn.to/45edUVv
Paperback: https://amzn.to/3VxsGU5

Madden: A Biography
Hardcover: https://amzn.to/3VBLfXn

Gridiron Genius: A Master Class in Building Teams and Winning at the Highest Level
Hardcover: https://amzn.to/45og9Ws
Paperback: https://amzn.to/45eg73j

NFL Century: The One-Hundred-Year Rise of America’s Greatest Sports League
Hardcovder: https://amzn.to/4e8Ih3T

Playmakers: How the NFL Really Works (And Doesn’t)
Hardcover: https://amzn.to/4baUbYl

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  1. Corum is going to get A LOT less playing time then people are expecting. McVay always says the right things during the preseason about how well everyone is doing but come the regular season, he rides & dies with his starters. The #2's don't get much playing time. Corum will spell Williams for a blow here and there but the playtime distribution will be something like 85% Williams, 15% Corrum. Blake will average less than 8 touches a game (4-5 carries, 2-3 targets).

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