ESPN: Minnesota Vikings Will Get “Money’s Worth” Out of Sam Darnold

ESPN: Minnesota Vikings Will Get “Money’s Worth” Out of Sam Darnold

[Music] what’s going on jeromes we are back we are tanned we we are certainly not rested uh but we are back from the undisclosed location ready to get back after it and something that the Vikings are going to get after is replacing Kurt Cousins so they signed sling and Sam darnold one-year $10 million deal uh as well as a signed up J or drafted JJ McCarthy the highest drafted quarterback in franchise history uh number 10 overall and and yes a lot of people on their mom more interested in JJ McCarthy because he is the future WIS he going to take over but the present the the present could indeed be slinging Sam darnold now you know darnold for former number three overall pick certainly has his bonafides and certainly has that draft pedigree and quy and Kevin okell love them the mama I can change him type players but I believe in Sam darnold and for all the reasons why it could work out with JJ McCarthy it certainly could work out uh with Sam darn as well and even that $10 million deal which he’s the 21st highest paid quarterback in the league that’s a damn good bargain and with McCarthy on his rookie deal frankly the Vikings do have that uh competitive advantage of having their starting quarterback composite uh on a very cheap uh on a very cheap deal so Vikings can take advantage of that by weathering the storm of some dead capets this year as well as going big game hunting for agency next year whether darnold’s here or not I’m pretty excited and ESP German Fowler also has some thoughts on the Vikings and darnold and his $10 million deal uh this is from on three uh ESPN Jeremy Fowler reported darnold who signed a one-year deal with the team for T Maran is in line to get all the opportunity to lead the Vikings this year essentially the Vikings uh will make do on their investment uh so while that’s going on McCarthy will be developed behind the veteran quote now you got the Vikings a little bit different situation because they got Sam darnold they believe there’s untap potential there uh and he can let it rip in 2024 followers said on Center never had a Supporting Cast quite like this the talent is there uh quote so they can develop J.J McCarthy behind the scenes incrementally giving uh give him more and more in a high volume passing attack will be the long-term starter but darnold I mean they paid him 10 million a year they believe they’re going to get their money’s worth so that that’s that that’s key now I am a you Buffet adjacent value investor you know make sure you get that last puff out of that cigar that you find on the ground although I always found that a little bit weird H uh but that’s more Ben Graham stuff but uh yes the Vikings gting their money’s worth uh I I think that the Vikings do plan to red shirt uh red shirt JJ McCarthy and you know Kevin McConnell like he’s got a lot of faith uh in uh Sam darnold I mean he’s been there like he was he was also ruined by the Jets uh and also Josh maau uh got to see him up close and personal uh in New York as well and it hasn’t worked out but going back to USC like he was seen as a potential number one overall guy I mean that year Baker went one Josh Allen went seven Josh Rosen went 10 Lamar Jackson went 32 but other than that obviously didn’t work out with the Jets obviously didn’t work out with the Panthers I I do think that his one year uh of a backup role in San Francisco a very competent team with actual weapons and grownup uh adult coaching I think that will do wonders for him and I I I do believe in darnold this year and I I I do think that the Vikings will get their money’s worth because you know coming into camp like it is going to be McCarthy’s uh McCarthy’s going to get all the highlights and all the hype and all the fan interest but it is going to be darnold’s show and hell it could be Nick Mullen show as well but I I I think as of right now like darnold’s probably what 90% to be your week one starter uh because obviously there’s stuff that happens knocking on all the wood hopefully not but absent McCarthy just coming in and you know during this six week interregnum you know break before training camp he just digests the entire Playbook and just comes out slinging piss missiles all over the place and Rising Like a Phoenix absent that I think it’s going to be Sam darnold’s gig and I think it’ll be his throughout the season and even though the Vikings yes I mean they they do have a a a tougher than average looking schedule especially at the beginning you know absent darnold just looking like ass thank you I I I don’t think that you’re going to see JJ McCarthy and hell it could even be a spot too where they’re so committed to having McCarthy sit and they don’t want to put him into a bad situation if I mean how if the Vikings start out very poorly it’s not all going to be Sam darnold there’s going to be other dysfunction because his team is too talented but if that’s the case why would they want to just throw uh McCarthy to the Wolves if the offense isn’t uh performing as well as it could be due to various reasons and uh you know letting him David car himself for lack of a better term right so I I think that H even if even if darnold is ass than maybe it’ll be Nick Mullins for JJ McCarthy who who really knows but I I actually don’t think that would happen and I think that darnold would be in the running for comeback player of the year on the the old parameters not the new ones so I think that he definitely has a chance to be the most improved player and I I think that he does have a golden opportunity here to really pan out on that potential and the Vikings may have gotten a steal for 10 million bucks and best case scenario darnold plays well enough where there significant trade interest uh in him next off season the Vikings can franchise tag him and then flip uh turn around and trade him uh for a little bit of something something so I think that’s the best of both worlds especially given right now the quarterback class coming up doesn’t doesn’t really look up to the caliber of this year’s class so we we’ll see what happens but like I said I I think that there’s reason for optimism with darnold and Beyond just my own you know purple Kool-Aid purple Kool-Aid purple Kool-Aid I I think legitimately uh Sam Darnell is going to do some very good things and 10 million bucks hell yeah that’s right baby but your thoughts are thoughts uh why the Vikings uh going to be getting uh crazy value out of Sam darnold uh let us know your thoughts and our thoughts in the comment section below subscribe for daily Vikings takes want support the work put a little something in the venmo but next time skull production value

ESPN’s Jeremy Fowler says the Minnesota Vikings will “get their money’s worth” out of $10M free agent quarterback Sam Darnold.

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  1. As a niner fan im not broken up by this guy leaving. Yes he can throw the fast ball but hope you dont have to start this guy. Whenever he was in a game the niner offense stalled, one of those meh signings

  2. I've got zero expectations for this year. Just gonna enjoy the show. I hope for Sam's sake it goes really well. Other than last year, he's never gotten a fair chance.

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