Houston Rockets Trade For AJ Griffin! Why Atlanta Hawks Moved On, Summer League Expectations & More

Houston Rockets Trade For AJ Griffin! Why Atlanta Hawks Moved On, Summer League Expectations & More

on today’s show the Houston Rockets trade for AJ Griffin from the Hawks why Griffin didn’t work out in Atlanta plus that wasn’t all the Rockets did the other day they also signed neali Dante to a two-way deal plus the summer league schedule was released and so much more it’s all coming up on today’s locked on Rockets this is Mission Control Houston ignition sequence start 6 5 4 3 2 1 what’s up and welcome to another edition of locked on Rockets your daily podcast home for everything Houston Rockets basketball as always I’m your host Jackson Gatlin native houstonian and credential media member I’m also the host of locked on NBA Mondays be sure to follow along wherever you listen to your podcast or on YouTube just search locked on Rockets be sure to like comment and subscribe it’s the best way you can help our show out just swing by the YouTube video comment anything below come say go Rockets come let me know how you feel about the AJ Griffin trade all that good stuff put it in the YouTube comments now today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code locked on MBA for $20 off of your first purchase terms apply and as always thank you so much for making locked on Rockets part of your day every single day whether it’s on your way to work on your lunch break in the gym thank you for being an everyday a lot to get to on today’s episode as Rafel Stone and the rockets front office have been very very busy striking up a bunch bunch of little deals and honestly really blown away by this one this was a a a a fantastic pickup for the Houston Rockets trading for AJ Griffin from the Atlanta Hawks so we’re going to get into we’re going to explore this a couple different ways first we’ll just present kind of what AJ Griffin brings to the Houston Rockets uh first off he was you know a highly touted Prospect coming out of Duke uh 6’6 forward great versatility uh he had a really strong season averaged about nine points per game about 20 minutes a night and shot 39% from downtown then unfortunately he want up kind of falling out of the rotation late in his rookie season When Quinn Snyder took over the Atlanta Hawks more on that and kind of why things didn’t work out in Atlanta here in segment two we’re going to get to uh a snippet from locked on Hawks host Brad Roland who talked about his perspective of the AJ Griffin trade and and kind of why it made sense for Atlanta why he didn’t work out uh with the Hawks and why the Rockets were able to get him for cheap the way that they were wow my goodness well this is incredible timing my uh my diabetes device decides to go off in the middle of the show anyways incredible production value as always all right let’s first off how did this trade come about well the Rockets traded their uh second round draft pick the 44th overall selection for AJ Griffin this was it for all intents and purposes it was a salary dump for the Hawks but I love this trade for the Rockets cuz this is a lowrisk high reward play uh right because AJ Griffin he is you know a strong Wing Prospect he’s still only like 20 years old uh he’s younger than a lot of players that that were just drafted in this 2024 NBA draft right so that shows that he’s still got a long ways to go that he has a chance to kind of maybe rehabilitate His Image get back on track because there have been maybe some off the court concerns and stuff as as part of the reason why things didn’t work out at Atlanta but he had a really strong promising start to his NBA career and if he can get back on track here in Houston which the Rockets have shown For Better or For Worse that they have been uh an organization that’s willing to kind of take on these Rehabilitation projects and try and help you know revive careers of certain NBA players now that you know sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t but I like this trade a lot I I think this is a great low-risk High reward play it adds another really young talented Wing piece to this Rockets roster not somebody that they’re going to have to rely on it’s not like they need AJ Griffin to produce at a high level for it to be a good trade right this is just something where if it works out for the Rockets then great you’ve just locked into yet another really young really talented Wing piece for your young core and it’s kind of funny when you look at kind of how this all I guess worked out in the sense that uh I mean in the 2022 draft you know AJ Griffin was taken 16th overall Atari e was taken right after him at 17 and I I very much vividly remember that pre-draft process and talking to members of the Rockets organization who were internally very very high on AJ Griffin and what he could potentially bring to the Rockets having multiple conversations uh and thinking that you know when it came down to it after that 15th pick and Griffin and tar e were both still on the board I remember thinking wow I’d be content with the rockets taking either of these guys and the Rockets were guaranteed to get one of them and now they have both of them on the roster so TBD on whether or not AJ Griffin uh will actually work out or kind of amount to anything or be able to kind of turn his career back around here in Houston uh I will say it’s kind of funny uh that Jeff so Jeff Green was actually teammates uh with AJ Griffin’s father Adrien uh during uh Jeff Green’s rookie season with the Seattle SuperSonics back in 20072 2008 so uh Uncle Jeff has been around the block for a minute I wonder how many times that’s happened where you’ve had a player who has played with the father and then subsequently the sun in the NBA or even on the same team in this in instance so that’s kind of crazy and I will say one more note here on the AJ Griffin thing because I do think it’s a really strong upside play um I love the use of kind of the draft assets that were that were able to be turned into AJ Griffin here but I want to point out something that’s kind of an important thing thing to note here and that’s the I guess kind of the relationship aspect of uh NBA transactions and Deals and how this all works out because I will remind you and we’ll revisit this um you know a year ago when the Rockets were approaching free agency and they were pursuing Dylan Brooks Fred vanet and Brook Lopez who ultimately didn’t work out if you’ll remember the Rockets had a bunch of deals lined up to clear the cap space required to go in outright sign Brook Lopez and a couple of those deals involved sending guys to the Atlanta Hawks and and the rockets gave up some second round draft picks to be able to offload that salary uh to the Hawks and and I I’ll be completely honest guys I can’t remember off the top of my head whether it was Tai Tai or garuba or Jacob I can’t remember who got sent to what teams right the Grizzlies were involved in one of these trades it was it was a bunch of different moving parts to make this work but point being is the Rockets had these trades lined up and when the Brook Lopez deal fell through myself and many others were actually kind of frustrated that the Rockets went ahead with these deals and kind of it seemed at the time that they were burning and wasting assets wasting second round picks to offload these contracts that they ultimately didn’t have to offload any anymore because they didn’t need the money for Brook Lopez now I will say that looking back on this now because Stone agreed to these deals in principle and because he followed through with them despite the fact that Brook Lopez didn’t honor his agreement with the rockets and turned around use them as leverage to get more money out of the Milwaukee Bucks I think it’s important to note that this is how quality relationships are maintained at the NBA front office level right where Rafel Stone went through with his deal with the Hawks he honored his agreement even though Brook Lopez decided to be decided to reneg and and you know was in bad faith in his you know upholding his end of the agreement for the Rockets I think that when it came time for Atlanta to do this salary dump you know that’s probably the first thing that popped in their mind is usually when you’re doing a salary dump like this you’re not going to be looking for the best possible deal available you’re just going to call up your buddy buddy GM or whoever you like the most be like hey we got this guy we’re trying to get him off our hands like do you want him and because of that relationship that raell stone has with the Atlanta front office the Rockets were probably first on their list of teams to to call them up and say hey like we’re going to get rid of AJ Griffin is this a guy that you would want to take a chance on and so I really like that from a relationship perspective angle because again I do think that Rafel Stone’s predecessor darl mury he had a knack for rubbing other general managers the wrong way because he was always always always and still to this day is always trying to pull one over on opposing GMS right he’s always trying to quote unquote win a deal instead of just hey I’ll scratch your back you scratch mine let’s let’s have a good relationship whatever and you can tell that by the way that this Hawks deal went down you can tell that by how Stone was able to have this kind of ongoing dialogue and discussion with Shawn marks and the Brooklyn Nets and how they you know have a good working relationship there so I do think from a like big picture perspective Stone probably does a much better job of harboring a decent a positive image and and maintaining decent relationships with his peers around the NBA than Daryl mury did um as well as maintaining right you know it was really early on when Stone first took over right it looked like he was kind of rehabilitating the Rocket’s entire image when it came to how they treated players how they maintained relationships with their players with their coaches all that stuff darl M treated everybody like assets if he could trade one player to even get 5% better you were gone in Daryl Mor’s eyes Stone hasn’t necessarily done that and that’s there have been some downsides to that maybe holding on to assets or players for a bit longer than he probably should have but this is an example of the relationships aspect of being a general manager you know controlling a front office whatever working out in his favor in the Rocket’s favor so I do really love this pickup for the Rockets I’m curious your thoughts how do you feel about the Rockets getting AJ Griffin what would you like to potentially see him bring to the team next year let me know about your thoughts in those YouTube comments coming up we’re going to get into why AJ Griffin didn’t work out in Atlanta as well as kind of envisioning what he could bring to this Houston Rockets team we’re going to get there in just one moment first today’s episode is brought to you by game time game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace 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AJ Griffin didn’t work out in Atlanta and the kind of player that the Houston Rockets are getting their hands on so many people have asked me this question broadly like how does a guy who goes 16th in the draft two years ago get traded for for the 44th pi two years later and it was all basically about this last season so he wasn’t great at Summer League a year ago last July he wasn’t great in October or November it was a little bit strange he wasn’t awful awful but just wasn’t playing very well and then he had the lengthy personal absence so um he was gone away from the team for several weeks kind of um under the cloud of mystery we didn’t really you know Hawks and look this is AJ’s right for sure it was deemed to be a personal absence the Hawks respected that privacy of AJ really release any details about that he did one interview when he came back but not a ton of details there was family stuff that was reported out there um mental health stuff potentially was speculated on all that stuff but we’ll never know the full details there I wouldn’t guess but he didn’t play basketball for quite some time and was clearly struggling personally on some level he came back but was basically completely off the radar for the Hawks as far as basketball was concerned for most of the season after that he did go to the G league in February um showed some signs I thought he played better there and showed some physical stuff that was better than he was early in the year playing with a little bit more confidence um but I was hearing even back then like pre deadline in February that he was potentially going to be moved by the hwks at that point in time it didn’t happen but that has never really stopped and look there is basketball stuff too so AJ functioned much better and much more naturally I would say for his skill set and his Tendencies under Nate McMillan so that doesn’t mean that Nate is better than Quinn in fact he’s not in my opinion but Nate ran a much more methodical they didn’t really run as much it was not as based on Tempo and quick decisions Etc and AJ kind of plays at his own speed right now he’s not a fast twitch guy never has been he’s a processor that’s kind of a little bit slower more plotting Quinn likes to play faster again AJ didn’t really take to that immediately saw that even last year when Quinn came in mid-season the previous year and um basically fell in a rotation by the end of the year and you know I I talked about this a lot at the time because everybody was healthy at that point in time which is a far cry from now at least has been recently for the Hawks uh Quinn wanted to play nine guys and he basically had to choose between Jaylen and AJ and at the time it seems crazy now because of jaylen’s a sent but that was a real decision AJ had been playing more and um you know was probably a little bit ahead of Jaylen for part of that season and then Jaylen came back anyway um he fell out rotation a little bit there it was the same this year even before the personal out since he was not playing a lot which was kind of surprising but not totally shocking and look AJ is still a very talented guy the shooting is real the wing you know being wing wing who could shoot it and had that pedigree as a former top five Prospect in his class that’s all interesting he’s also very young he’s younger than a lot of guys who were drafted in the last two days for instance but for me I think he needed to change his Senator I think AJ if he was gonna kind of fix his career and get get back on the right track it might have been needed to go somewhere else just to have a change of scenery different coach different situation all that stuff um I’ll be rooting for AJ to succeed I got to say I think he could revive his career in Houston but the react okay so that was Brad Roland from over at locked on Hawks shout out to Brad for his Insight his analysis uh you know does a great job with the locked on network uh really fantastic dude and uh I I reached out to him and asked him for some thoughts and he said he had you know really good segment on AJ Griffin said I was more than welcome to kind of share some of that Insight on our show over here so that Rockets fans can get a little bit better perspective on exactly what went wrong with AJ Griffin in Atlanta and again we don’t know the severity of the off- the court stuff with AJ Griffin we do however know that uh again the Rockets have have in the past taken on some of these kind of reclamation projects of players and you know tried to turn around their careers and whatnot so we’ll see what ultimately happens with AJ Griffin but you know if he’s able to get back on the basketball court which for as it looks right now uh it appears that uh AJ Griffin and cam Whitmore will both be taking place in uh or both be participating I should say in Las Vegas Summer League alongside uh Reed Shepard and neali Dante who the rocket signed to a two-way deal uh out of Oregon uh more on Dante here in just a second uh so the Rockets should have a very very exciting uh summer league roster out there uh and they they will not so no no participation from uh Amin Thompson because Amin Thompson and Jabari SMI Jr were both selected to the uh the USA select team so they’ll be practicing with the USA select team I believe practices start a little bit before like right before Vegas summer league takes place so that’s why amen Thompson isn’t back at Summer League uh and it’s just cam Whitworth if Amin Thompson hadn’t been um selected for the USA select team then I’m sure that he would be playing in summer league again as well it’s a little disappointing because I was very curious to see how Reed Shepard and am Min Thompson would look playing alongside one another but we’ll still get a ton of exciting some highflying basketball with um cam Whitmore AJ Griffin Reed Shepard out there and then neali Dante holding it down in the middle so I do think AJ Griffin has a chance if he can turn things around right again 66 forward can shoot the lights out of the ball uh good size capable Defender uh again really strong rookie year just you know kind of fell out of the rotation a little bit maybe with the way that the Rockets kind of run things offensively um a little bit less high octane a little bit more methodical with some of the the offensive schemes and approach with Oka instead of Quinn Snyder who does really or at least in Atlanta has been really prior prioritizing pushing the pace with Trey young and Deon Murray obviously the Hawks moving on from Deon Murray now uh so we’ll see how things look over in Atlanta but uh I just wanted to you know share some of the Insight from from Brad Roland over there I do think that you know AJ Griffin’s probably going to be buried a little bit deeper on the rotation he’s a fringe pickup uh and maybe he’s able to work things out right and if he is if the Rockets were able to get AJ Griffin who still has you know a couple years left on his rookie deal uh you know so he’s on a relatively Team friendly contract the same timeline as the contracts for Jabari M junr and tar een if AJ Griffin’s able to turn things around then I mean he’s the kind of guy that could very easily you could Envision being a part of the Rockets kind of forward forward rotation for for years to come right again a knockdown shooter good size decent Defender and you could do a lot worse than having a forward rotation of Jabar M junr tar een and AJ Griffin for years to come you know depending on what ultimately happens uh with Dylan Brooks a little bit further down the line but let’s get some quick thoughts on uh Oregon Center neali Dante uh who the Rockets decided to sign to a two-way contract immediately after the conclusion of the second round of the NBA draft uh this dude is is pretty big he’s 22 years old he is 6’1 260 lb and in about 32 minutes a game at Oregon he averaged 17 points on just under 70% shooting from the floor 9.2 rebounds and just under two blocks and two steals per game uh this kid I have not had a chance to watch any of his film yet but at least as far as what I understand he’s got great length uh I’ve seen a I’ve SE I take that back I’ve seen a little bit of him like there was like a couple different like Twitter you know YouTube highlight reels or whatever he’s got great length great arms um he has had some knee issues unfortunately that’s been kind of the major knock on him but there is a chance for him to make it as kind of a good switchable Defender with with great length and he plays Above the Rim so guess what he is a lob threat so uh there’s a a strong little addition for the Houston Rockets it’ll be interesting to see how he plays in Vegas summer league for sure now more on that here in just a second as the rocket schedule has been released for summer league we’re going to talk about that the competition that they’ll be facing uh and some expectations for what we want to see out of the guys in summer league we’re going to get there in just one moment first today’s episode is brought to you by eBay Motors passion drive and patience the formula for winning championships is also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and so much more whether into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 120 2 2 million parts for your number one ride or die you’ll always find exactly what you’re looking for and with eBay guaranteed fit your part is guaranteed to fit your ride every time or your money back because with eBay Motors you’re burning rubber not cash with all the parts you need at the prices you want it’s easy to make your car the MVP and bring home huge wins keep your ride or die alive at ebaymotors.com eligible items only exclusions apply eBay guaranteed fit only available to us customers and final segment here at locked on Rockets your daily podcast home for everything Houston Rockets basketball all right we have the Las Vegas summer league schedule for your Houston Rockets again the NBA wastes almost no time in getting out the official Vegas summer league schedule once the NBA draft has concluded got to get all those Marquee matchups those head-to-head matchups against each other and speaking of Marquee matchup the Rockets actually tip off their Vegas summer league against none other than Brony James and the Los Angeles Lakers uh that is the first game on Friday July 12th it’ll tip off at 6:30 p.m. central Time which means it’ll be 4:30 p.m. in Los Vegas the uh the West Coast times on there I’ll actually be in attendance it’ll be my fourth year in attendance for Vegas summer league I highly recommend checking it out if you’ve never gone before um it is a ton of fun it’s a great experience um both from a media perspective because I go there as media I’ve gone there the last few years as media but my first year at Vegas summer league I went as a fan and it’s honestly a ton of fun you you can buy tickets and they sell like all day ticket passes for like 35 40 bucks and you get to go to all the games on one day uh they’ve got the two gyms back to back the Thomas and Max Center uh and then the uh The h&p Pavilion right next door so they’ve got games that are staggered by 30 minutes so you get tip off and then 30 minutes later there’s another game tipping off in the next gym honestly I highly recommend going to it if you’ve ever gone this might be the last summer league for a while where the Rockets have a lot of young Talent participating in summer league so if you’ve never gone and if you’ve been on the fence about going I I definitely recommend trying to check it out this will probably be the last year again for a while that the Rockets have a you know a good competitive summer league roster where you’re going to want to see Reed Shepard and cam Whitmore and and and AJ Griffin competing and playing together it’s going to be a ton of fun uh so if you’re going let me know if if you’re going I’ll try to maybe put together like a little uh a little Rockets Meetup hangout session maybe we’ll grab some food or just meet up at one of the games and and kick it and hang out uh should be a a a lot of fun honestly uh their next game so they they tip off they have the Lakers game first their next matchup is going to be Sunday July 14th and that’ll be against the Washington Wizards tipping off at 5:00 pm central time so the Rockets will be taking on Alex SAR and the Washington Wizards should be a really great match up there also worth noting that the Lakers did get um uh why am I blanking on uh connect’s first name Dalton connect there we go sorry they got Dalton connect who complete sidebar uh chose the jersey number four and his his nickname is now going to be Connect Four absolutely Elite NBA nickname right there so uh bronnie James and Dalton connect for the Lakers uh Washington Wizards on Sunday July 14th then the Rockets actually also play again Monday July 15th so usually there’s a there’s a spot Somewhere In Summer League where you play a set of back-to-back games just so happens the Rockets got their back toback a little bit earlier in the schedule which is nice because I’ll be able to be there for all three of those games uh so then Monday July 15th they’re playing the Detroit Pistons uh 5:30 p.m. tip off Central Time and then Thursday July 18th they’ll be playing the Minnesota Timberwolves um so that’ll be uh really great to see Rob Dillingham uh there and then who did the Pistons wind up taking why am I blanking on who the Pistons took with their draft pick I’m like completely blanking and now it’s actually really upsetting me uh who draft board uh Ron Holland there we go why was I blanking I don’t know why I was thinking okay anyways R they’ll be taking on the Pistons and Ron Holland uh in that uh Detroit matchup and then they’ll have uh Rob Dillingham and the Mota Timberwolves in their fourth matchup and then they’ll have one more game uh on either the 20th or the 21st uh opponent and time TBD because they always wait to decide those and then maybe they will get a sixth game the uh the championship game if they make it far enough into Vegas summer league or if they have you know the undefeated record or whatever I it’s always a little confusing how they kind of stagger the schedule in Vegas summer league but uh my expectations for summer league right and this is kind of the same every summer league but the Marquee players for the Rocket summer league team so obviously Reed Shepard cam Whitmore and AJ Griffin right those are kind of the headliners those guys will probably play two maybe three games each um I’d be shocked if Cam Whitmore played more than two games he’s going to be this year’s version of Jabari and tari essentially AJ Griffin might get a little bit more burned since he basically kind of fell out of the Hawks rotation and the rockets are trying to learn and see what they might have with him uh and then Reed Shepard they don’t want to I mean they they let cam Whitmore push and play the entirety of Summer League last year maybe they let Reed Shepard play all five or six of the games this summer uh maybe they shut him down a little bit earlier it’s always a little uh you know gray area as to how they treat their uh their prospects when they attend Vegas summer league but I’m honestly really looking forward to seeing how Reed Shepard runs an offense he’s going to be given the ball and he’s going to be given a lot of responsibility right out of the gate to run and initiate and orchestrate that Rocket summer league offense right and he’s going to have two really lethal weapons next to him and cam Whitmore and AJ Griffin on the wings guys who can absolutely fill it up but guys who maybe don’t necessarily need somebody to set to set up their own to set up the offense for for them but guys who are very like deadly uh catch and shoot players you can kick it out to off of drives off of little offensive sets so I’m really curious to see how Reed Shepard kind of responds to that challenge in Vegas summer league um how he responds to different defensive schemes probably being drafted up to try and slow him down and then for cam Whitmore I’m really interested to see how the end of season version of Cam Whitmore translates to Summer League we know that last summer when Jabar and tar played after their rookie Seasons we saw Jabari SM Jun at Summer League be tasked with doing a lot more offensively than he’d done pretty much his entire rookie season with Steven Silas right we saw jabarus SM Jr walking the ball up the floor we saw him initiating offense we saw him getting into dribble penetration moves and basically like really stepping outside of his comfort zone as a player so I’m very curious if we’re going to see cam Whitmore be tasked with doing the same thing right because Reed Shepard can’t play all 40 minutes of the summer league contest right he’s not gonna play he’s gonna have to get a breather here and there so when Reed Shepard is resting or potentially even because Reed Shepard can play off ball I I want to see how many on ball reps cam Whitmore gets where he’s potentially running the offense handling some pick and roll actions trying to create for his teammates right getting downhill attracting a double team collapsing the defense and then seeing how his playmaking how his processing ability uh has continued to grow and develop because at the end of the season right he started looking really good as a playmaker right he was he was racking up the assists there at the end he was really kind of letting the offense come to him instead of forcing things offensively instead of tunnel visioning uh like he had at points throughout the earlier part of the season so really curious what happens with Cam Whitmore in summer league how good he potentially looks and if the Rockets try to experiment and make him maybe get a little bit uncomfortable right force him to handle the basketball force him to create for his teammates that kind of thing uh and then with AJ Griffin just seeing what he can do right because again he’s he largely F of the Hawks rotation uh you know wasn’t you know looked at favorably with Quinn Snider unfortunately and I just want to see him go out there and just you know knock down the open shots that he gets not try to do too much uh just prove that hey like I’m a good player I deserve a spot in NBA rotation and the rockets aren’t going to regret you know cashing in a second round draft pick for me again we could be looking back on this trade for AJ Griffin you know a couple years from now 5 years from now whatever thinking my goodness what a mistake by the Atlanta Hawks getting rid of this young man uh because he has all the to all the skill set all the tools in the world to be a really highquality NBA player uh just TBD on whether or not he can turn things around here with the Rockets but uh those are some of my expectations those are some my hopes for Las Vegas summer league what are you looking forward to what are you hoping to see from the Houston Rockets in summerly what do you want to see out of Reed Shepard cam Whitmore and AJ Griffin and then neali Dante just give me some good lobs give me a few good lob passes between Reed Shepard and neali Dante lob threat and I’ll be perfectly happy but with that that’s going to do it for today’s episode as always thank you so much for checking out the show if you haven’t done so yet please consider subscribing wherever you’re listen to your podcast or on YouTube just search locked on Rockets be sure to like comment and subscribe and if you’re listening on Apple podcast a festar review helps us out a ton but as always thank you so much for watching thank you so much for listening and we look forward to having you back right here at locked on Rockets your daily podcast home for everything Houston Rockets B basketball [Music]

Houston Rockets Trade For AJ Griffin! Why Atlanta Hawks Moved On, Summer League Expectations & More

Host Jackson Gatlin (@JTGatlin) reacts to and discusses the Houston Rockets trading their 2024 second round draft pick for forward AJ Griffin from the Atlanta Hawks, why Griffin didn’t work out in Atlanta, how he possibly fits with the Rockets, GM Rafael Stone harboring positive relationships around the league leading to this deal, Rockets Summer League expectations and more.

#Rockets #NBA #Trade #AJGriffin

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  1. Good point on maintaining relationship w Atlanta and keeping prior trade after agreement. I am super critical of Stone but credit where credit is due on that

  2. This was a good trade AJ had a solid rookie season but due to Quin not playing him and he had some personal issues he didnโ€™t do some well in his second year.

    This is a low risk high reward move we got another shooter and if AJ is right mentally he could possibly get some minutes off the bench

  3. There was no one to pick at that point anyways. Aj griffin is a better gamble than anyone in the draft that far in the second round.

  4. I love the addition. AJ is a nice player. I think he was drafted one or 2 picks after Tari Eason. he had a great rookie year, guy can shoot and is physically strong. Only problem we have is we have too many forwards. Bari, Cam, Eason, Jeff, Brooks, now Griffin….we got minutes for everyone?๐Ÿ˜…

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