Big O & Anthony Chiang – Looking Back at The Miami Heat NBA Draft

Big O & Anthony Chiang – Looking Back at The Miami Heat NBA Draft

this is the Big O [Music] show this is the Big O show all right let’s do it all right heat had their draft Anthony Chang from the Miami heral is ready to join us to talk a little basketball how are you doing my brother good morning I’m good bigo how are you long time talk very good very good you you you hear from old guys right and older ladies that have covered the uh the sports like you see how much more limited access is nowadays and then you’ll hear the older person say damn dude back in the day we had access to this that and now it’s very limited you you you you I don’t know you don’t hear too much but there’s got to be a couple Ira is still around so you know there’s a couple of of guys around I’ve heard stories from like Ira and other guys saying yeah we used to just get to the like go to the hotel bar and and sit down with players and have a couple drinks or sit down with the coach and have a couple drinks and I mean that’s obviously not the case anymore we stay at very different hotels than the teams these days so things have changed yeah no in social media you know uh at the the combine the senior bow and the East West the East West I can still get away with it because it’s it’s not the same media wise not the attention but Scouts will tell me hey oh we got to go meet somewhere over here uh I I can’t be in public because people take pictures and I got a drink in my hand and and just they don’t even want to take they don’t even want to be caught with a drink in their hand dude yeah yeah camera iPhones camera phones have changed everything they changed every dude I used to talk to Scouts and coaches and Personnel directors at a strip club bro yeah I’m not kidding you samies at the in in Mobile that was one of the places that I would hit and why because I I know Co I saw coaches go into the champagne room with two girls you know what I’m saying it’s like whatever to me I had to me I I got them in an environment where they could talk they’re comfortable yeah they were super com now you can’t get anywhere and you forget about those kind of establishments they will never be caught there again because camera phones were out and they’re done it just changed everything dude I get the I guess the only and it doesn’t make it comparable I rather have that situation where you can just you know have a meal with somebody have a drink with somebody but the one thing that’s easier now is you could text people which is it’s is you couldn’t really do you know 30 40 years ago so now you can just text somebody but it’s not the same you want that face Toof face kind of uh interaction as opposed to just texting somebody yeah dude it’s not the it’s not the same I um I used to like uh when I go to the combine I used to like smoke cigars every year with Tom k Lon who’s like one of the biggest NFL agents you know and and I would sit every every combine we always meet at the Olive and uh we sit there for a couple of hours and [ __ ] and uh enjoy a couple good cigars and the cigars was a great way in for me for a lot of stuff man back in the day that was uh that was really really good all right so are the heat lighting of cigars after their uh draft picks I mean they filled some needs right and added some different skill sets to the roster um you know they added obviously the seven-footer who could who’s athletic can shoot has a nice touch around the basket is a rim protector he added Kell and Kell wear second round they added a kind of an all-around Do-it all shooter that is a project as a as a quality three-point shooter in the NBA but also has athleticism think a 38 inch vert big hands um can get to the can you know if he has some space they close out on him hard he can get to the basket kind of like I don’t want I don’t like comparing players but kind of like a Max Shu almost where like he’s a shooter but he can do a little bit more you know bigger body can guard probably both guard positions maybe even some small wings um and then and then right away after the draft they got those two two-way contract players Kad Johnson who’s kind of a small ball four kind of in the J Crowder mold um big body can shoot can guard up and then they add um Zion pin from Florida the guard kind of a more of a true point guard uh you know can run an offense so and they’ll they’ll keep adding on drafted guys here over the next you know today tomorrow over the weekend to F out that summer leue roster but the one thing I like is obviously they added talent but they added different skill sets that really I think most fans would say this roster needed some infusion of that you know a big guy that could shoot a big guy that’s athletic can play with bam guard a shooter um and maybe a saw Ball Four yeah no I’m with you listen for me the way I kind of look at it none of these is going to help out this year so what what it does for me at least personally as a fan now I’m more excited about summer league yeah uh I trust these dudes you know I trust that they’re they’re pretty good at drafting and they’re exceptional at developing so for me that’s what I’m excited about when I see these names not that I know anything about these guys but I know enough about heat and heat development that I say okay now I have another reason besides alandis and a couple of other guys to watch coer yeah right right Cole schwier and uh and the other guy who’s the there was one more guy right that you guys even wrote about you wrote about it today Jamal Kane no yes Jamal Kane I love I don’t know if Jamal’s playing in Summer League this year that’s I know Cole and alandis are Jamal has played the last two years in summer league with the heat I’m not sure if he’s gonna do a third year that’s still I I love Jamal Kane bro I love Jamal Kane I love his DNA he is he is cut from a heat cloth he is a tough son of a [ __ ] uh I like that kid there there’s there’s an edge to him you know what I’m saying yeah so for me I get to watch summer league and watch all these new guys and see their development and I’m G to now watch sou Falls now yeah because that’s where these guys are going to be though you know with sou Falls and all that so that that that’s where it gives me some some you know some some fun that I can actually extend my heat watching I always watch the summer league I’m always glued to the summer league but yeah if you got somebody I can watch over on uh on Sue Falls that’s kind of the way it is because that’s what this is all about these are developmental players for down the line for the most part I agree with you I think Kare might get some minutes this season right because they do need to get bigger right I know Kevin Love likely will be back but like we saw against Boston Kevin Love can play in every matchup and kle we has a big body if he could shoot if he could just rebound if you know maybe he’s not going to shoot three threes a game like he did you know college but they could block shots rebound get some points easy points around on the basket maybe you play Big with him and Bam together for certain small situations where you know a couple minutes here a couple minutes there I I think Kare is a guy that could get some playing time as a rookie well let’s see first right let’s see how he does first sure you know I’m not I I I don’t want to put those kind of expectations on the kid plus he’s be an Allstar bigo I’m kidding little minutes here or there in the NBA does nothing for him actually he really needs to play and develop and develop his body too because I’m sure he’s gonna have to sure he add some weight yeah yeah he’s gonna have to add some weight you know in the process all right let’s get to the meat of the matter Jimmy Butler he made a statement not signing the extension with the heat or anybody else and gonna go out to play a great year and all that kind of stuff uh when when I when I like cut through all the [ __ ] this is what I’m seeing uh I’m seeing a guy that is going to take a very big risk and so is the heat by playing this year out because I don’t know if he can you know last and it’s almost like you’re killing yourself to get that big contract so you can Coast the rest of the way like you’ve been coasting in the regular season for the last two years because once you give him the guaranteed money you’re done you you can’t control them anymore and so to me what Jimmy Butler said the other night puts the heat in a terrible position and if I’m the heat I’m moving off of Butler as soon as I can move off of Butler I think keeping him is very risky and I think it’s not going to work out well because he knows his that’s why he has paced himself the last two years because he knows his body can’t hold up and so all of a sudden we’re going to expect him to go balls out in the regular season and have enough gas for the the postseason next year I wouldn’t take that gamble if I’m the Miami Heat so where do they go from here and what do you think they’ll end up doing I mean it’s tough right because the fact that he says he’s not going to sign an extension obviously with the heat or any other team now he’s an expiring contract pretty much right so what are teams goingon to off if the heat and we have no evidence that they’re shopping him actually I’ve heard they’re not shopping him in a trade but if they were let saying talking to teams about trading Jimmy Butler what would a team give up for an expiring contract right probably not much if you if you don’t know he’s GNA if he’s going to be a free agent next year and wants to test free agency and test the market you’re probably not giving up much so that hurts his trade stock actually the one positive that you could say for the heat of all this is you’re probably G to have a very motivated Jimmy Butler right because he’s going to have to play a lot of games he’s going to have to play very well Allstar level to get a Max contract next summer if that’s what he wants and opts out um so you’re going to get a motivation B but the you know the information that we got a few days ago of him saying he’s not going to sign an extension with the heat or any other team again that basically means he’s an expiring contract and okay but hold on a second hold on a second yeah so Philadelphia as you know our boy Pompei I’ve had him on the show and and they he’s reported they’re ready to give him the extension they’ll give it to him so if Philly calls and Moray says no I want him Moray is a crazy son of a [ __ ] he’ll trade he traded for James Harden but but what if but what if Jimmy says well that’s fine you could trade for me but I’m not signing an extension re I want a test for agency oh yeah and there’s going to be so many teams lined up ready to give Jimmy Butler $150 million at the age of 36 years old I’m not saying you’re not wrong I’m just saying that’s what’s that’s what the stand I’m trying to talk reality yeah I’m saying I’m just saying there’s a lot of hot air in the in the room right now and it’s coming from Jimmy Butler’s Camp so if you’re the heat do you take a do you take a Gamble and say well fine if you want to opt out and try to get that Max contract good luck yeah or or or maybe he’s gonna have to opt in right but you know from from what I’ve heard at least this offseason next offseason is another year later another year older for Jimmy Butler this offseason there are teams interested in giving him that Max extension not just Philly there are other I know Golden State and the other one there’s probably a handful of teams out so next summer could those could that list be shorter could that list include no teams I guess it’s possible but and so you’re the heat you’re gonna take a risk that he’s going to go injuryf free the entire year in the postseason so you can then resign him or if he does break down again he won’t get the contract you won’t get any compensation and then he Ops in in the year and he screws you over for that final year you know if you’re the heo how many times are you going to get screwed I mean LeBron and Bosch want to come and it’s like no we want to go but you got to trade for us and give up first rounders you screw your own team Bosch and LeBron because you could have come over just with the money straight up but no give up the first rounders those first rounders could have helped you out and built the team around you which you didn’t have in 2010 then you’ve got Chris BOS who then takes a deal from Houston for less money but then he says in order for me to come back to you guys you know the team that set me up for two titles no no you got to pay me more I mean you know how many times if you’re the heat you got screwed with the Whiteside contract with the Dion Waiters contract I mean I could just go on and on and on and on and talk about the disasters that have happened in the last 10 years it’s kind of amazing you add more to the disaster bro by the way Kyle Lowry you traded for that dead beat ass contract I mean how many more mistakes are you going to make Danny Granger Josh McRoberts Josh M Roberts I mean it just bro it’s Eric spola is you know it shouldn’t have been Will Smith playing the genie it should have been Eric spoler playing the genie in the movie okay because he’s the real magician in the Miami Heat organization it isn’t the front office they have dropped the ball many many many many many times in the last decade I love Riley I love the heat I love the I love the Arison family but I call it like I see it on this show and they have been a stumbling and a bumbling and a fumbling and if it isn’t for Eric spola saving their asses on a continual basis they and by the way I found out he’s not even the highest paid coach in the NBA that’s disgusting he has the biggest contract total value of a contract but I think he might be the second highest behind pop third third he’s behind Kerr and pop dude Kerr now okay because Kerr signed after him um I guess so what would you I mean it’s a tough situation right like dude I would have traded him last year you’re you’re all behind me a year dude you’re all behind me a year I’m sorry I would have traded xaven Howard three years ago after the 10 interceptions you must get off the gravy train like Tyreek Hill he has another 1500 yards this year Papa me AR over get out last last off season it was about Dame adding Dame to to Bam and Jimmy obviously you’re not trading Jimmy in that situation because you’re trying to build a right Trio that could win a championship right right right and Jimmy’s coming off that you know that run that historic playoff run where they made the finals he was turning to Michael Jordan for a few rounds like was great I understand you saying and I I I know you said that in the moment you did say in the moment I’m not saying you didn’t say it you said it but that is a tough that’s tough to trade him then right then and there but this is what belich used to do for many years right he would trade play basketball’s different basketball’s different no where one player one player in the NFL doesn’t have as much value as as one player in the NBA I get that but but the idea of getting out on the top is is a a art for sure art yeah and you’ve got to know when the hell to say when you know what I’m see and and right now I do know this the front office is terrible at poker terrible at poker they don’t know when to get out they don’t know when to fold them and they and they have been stuck with bad contract after bad contract contract and this is this is a bad contract by the way it’s already a bad contract it was a bad contract this year it was a bad contract last year too it’s just you just said it he had a two-month run he didn’t have a whole year run he doesn’t help you in the regular season he puts you into the playin that’s not that’s not a star dude Stars playing the regular season and in the postseason yeah and he wouldn’t have gotten injured if he actually would have tried during the regular season he doesn’t get hurt right there in the postseason and maybe just maybe you can surprise Boston again you never know but you know my point is dude it the wheels are falling off at what point do you they have already every time they try to get off it’s too late with the player are you gonna do it again so well that’s why it appears the heat is non I mean there doesn’t seem like they want to give them the extension right based on what Riley’s comments were so I think they might be with you at that you know with what you’re saying but I don’t know what you do in this moment because again like I said he’s basically an expiring contract are you just trading Jimmy just to get off of him at this point because you’re not gonna get much back for one year of Jimmy I I don’t believe that I think Mor will give it to you because Mor knows he’ll give him the contract see once you trade Jimmy to to Philadelphia and Jimmy knows that Philly’s gonna give him the money he’s not GNA wait a year for that money and risk his his failing body again there’s a lot of air in the building and it’s coming from Jimmy Jimmy Butler’s Camp he’s he’s full of [ __ ] okay is what he is at this point in time as a as a as a fan absolutely full of crap that he’s not signing extension you trade him to Philadelphia and I guarantee you within a week he signs that extension and everything is changed and he’s all good and happy and all that he’s about the money dude at this point come on man as a fan bigo because Philly really can’t give you many players at this point like with based on the capit rules and all that it’s it’s picks and basically they can take them into space so You’ get a lot of you cut off a lot of money off your salary C basically you’re okay I mean you’re taking a step back Tak a big step back no no I’m good with see okay I’m I’m tired of our spoiled heat Nation okay because for 25 years Pat Riley and Company have been except okay and even in his b game right now which is what I see the last 10 years it’s his b game not his aame spola has made wine out of water okay I mean it’s just you know he’s just absolutely amazing but I think you’re at a point now and you have a group of young players but you have no Capital so go get the capital with this trade and reset your team over the next year or two and okay don’t get the you’re not going to get the Superstar right away but now you have the picks to now put it together over the next year or two and in the process you’re developing all your young guys your yoes right and then and then and also the young kid you just drafted who will be more of a player next year with you in the process so when you bring that star on now you’ve got everybody around them and you bring a younger star in so you could have a longer run with the guys that you do have right now I I I truly think that the heat nation has to learn that we need to take a couple of steps back in order to take three steps forward but the only way to do it is capital and the Heat have killed their capital for 10 years that’s what has stopped them and now they have this whole they’re all drunken like I I had one of the sales guys well we’re gonna trade for Donovan Mitchell I go dude you don’t have enough ammo to trade for Donovan Mitchell and so tons that’s been the same story for the past three years basically yeah it’s gonna exactly that’s my point yeah I I don’t disagree I think they do need to make whether Junior B or something else they need to make a move to to get more Capital they they obviously don’t have enough I mean you look at what um who’s the one that just got traded right now uh Mel Bridges yeah SC like six picks for him I mean he can’t compete with that obviously you know so they do need to somehow reload on picks because after after the after this year’s draft I think they have unless they lift protections and other picks and all that they have one unprotected pick they can include in the trade right now one unprotected first round pick that’s just it’s obviously not GNA get it done for a guy like Donovan Mitchell or any other star so and I I don’t understand Heat fans that come up to you and tell you oh we’re gonna get Donovan Mitchell bro what what drugs are you smoking what what what is wrong with you how drunk are you are are you hanging around with Joe Biden or something I mean what is wrong with you you know what I’m saying so it’s it’s just it’s nuts and this is our heat nation that they think these these nutty things and so that’s why for me I would move on from Butler right away if I can and Philly Mor is the crazy SOB that would do it well we’ll see let’s see what they do with their cop space right because they can’t get Paul George they can’t get other other guys then it might might call my and be like if sure you don’t want to trade Jimmy Butler right you know so we’ll see yeah yeah and by the way nice nepotism there in uh in La Land with with uh with bronnie that is that that was that’s just that guy wasn’t even draftable that is just that that’s shabaz Napier all over again draft them for me that’s a that’s a testament to LeBron and the power he has uh has earned in the NBA has anybody learned that he’s a terrible GM seriously dude all right anyway what do you got going on in the herald so folks can check you out yeah obviously we have stories up a ton of stories last few days on all the picks um K we a couple stories on him and it’s how he fits the Heat’s vision for him P Larson just more about him and what Adam Simon had to say about the pick yesterday uh there’s going to be an introductory press conference for kware today so I’ll have another story on him this afternoon and also just updating throughout the day all the undrafted guys signing with the heat uh for summer league which starts in about a week and a half so busy time you got it there you go Anthony Chang follow him on Twitter at Anthony SC Chang catch his work there at the Miami Herold Anthony as always thank you my brother appreciate you thanks so good catching up with you you got it baby appreciate you all [Music] [Music] right this is the big old [Music] show this is the Big O show for

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  1. Not mad at the draft but they better not bring back this roster and preach championships. They’re happy just selling tickets at this point

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