2024 Boston Bruins draft recap

2024 Boston Bruins draft recap

lowquality fans of a high quality Bruins team and getting higher because the Bruins were part of a draft that’s right the Bruins were involved involved in the first round because as many of you know and has been covered adium in previous videos and live streams lenus omark is no longer a Boston Bruin it’s sad it is sad it’s a bummer we like ol mark But it happened this video is not about that that trade it’s not about that trade there is a trade that we’re going to talk about in this video and I’m actually going to start this video by saying like comment subscribe nailed it and then I’m going to say can we calm down a little bit a little bit there are people and I’m I’m if you’re one of these people I’m talking to you the off season’s not a bust the Bruins don’t suck all of a sudden it’s not over it’s not done it’s not even free agency time yet we’re not even to when free agents are allowed to be signed yet and there are people who are acting like it’s the offseason the offseason’s over and we’re going into next year and the Bruins screwed it all up I saw people saying this was supposed to be an easy offseason for Sweeney and he’s screwing it all up first of all this is not an easy off offseason for Sweeney or for the Bruins this is anything but having the money doesn’t mean it’s easy because I don’t know if you looked at the free agency class there’s not like excellent options and there’s certainly not all of them going I would love to pay play for the Boston Bruins so if we could take a little back step there just a little back step but what I’d really like to talk about calming down about is the Bruins made a trade today they made a trade today in the fourth round the trade was the Minnesota Wild send us Vinnie ler and the 110th overall pick for Jacob loo in the 122nd overall pick people are treating that trade like it was Loco forer it wasn’t because that would be a weird trade because lco is better than leri I’m agreeing with you you I’m with you man like I’m with you the trade was like that because we had to give up the better current piece so we could get the better pick because the Bruins identified a player that they thought was being undervalued in the draft was falling farther than expected and they wanted to go get him and we’re going to talk about gr Walt I love that you identified a guy that you really like and you moved an Expendable piece that fans loved I get the love for Loco high energy you would hear his name a lot totally get it we have right now like 11 guys competing for bottom six minutes currently L’s Expendable in the current situation he just is and he’s valued by Minnesota valued by a few teams off he goes I don’t think lco was had enough value that you would move into like the second round with him or anything like that but the amount of people who treated this trade a like it was a better player for a worse player and that was all the details is silly it’s silly I understand if you are initially confused about it and it wasn’t something that just immediately clicked with you totally get that it’s the people that are talking about how Don Sweeney sucks and this is just another failure of his and acting like this is a huge blemish on his record and if that’s your opinion about Sweeny fine this can’t be the trade that that I proves that that that’s not it can’t be this one this is a nothing trade you moved up 12 spots because you wanted to get the player there I just think that everyone’s a bit of a a live nerve right now and they’re finding things to react to to such a level and I’m not making this up there are people who have legitimately said on social media throughout all the social medias that sweee screwed up the whole off season it’s over it’s but it’s just a mess and he’s going to drive this team into the ground and you’re not even given him a chance for this year again if you dislike him you dislike him but let’s all take a second digest and talk about some pretty exciting prospects that we have now there’s a couple that I’m I’m pretty excited about I’m looking for forward to tracking them along their path and the first one we’re going to talk about is one that I admittedly was hoping we weren’t going to take because Connelly fell he fell all the way to I want to say 19 or maybe 21 Vegas took him just really high Talent guy Trevor Connelly bummer we didn’t get him didn’t get a chance to get him didn’t have a lot of assets to trade up in the first round and then soberg is right there we need more defensive prospects we really do the Bruins don’t have a lot in the pipeline that they’re thinking are going to be high value guys soberg was right there in Colorado I didn’t think they were going to take him at 24 of course they traded out of that pick but the pick before that at 23 Here Comes Anaheim they trade into that slot and they take him which I actually thought was real smart I think there was a really I think there’s a real player there bummer but no we end up getting Dean lerno I like it first of all I like the project piece the Bruins did something that I had previously said I really wanted to see which is take a highrisk high reward guy you’re picking 25th you’re not picking fifth you don’t have a guarantee anywhere in this you bet on the talent so who is Dean lerno well he’s a 6’7 right shot Center 18 years old 25 pounds he’s a big boy highrisk High reward because he played in the u8 AAA League the prep League last year and had 61 goals 66 assists for 127 points in 56 games played those numbers mean next to nothing because the competition is isn’t up to Snuff with that man that league is just not a highly competitive league although they’ve talked about St Andrews being one of the second or third best prep schools for preparing athletes for the next level hockey athletes for the next level so some nice things were said about St Andrews you like to see that but this kid has a ton of tools mostly physical so let’s do a little pros and cons this is we’re going to do the deepest dive on him we’re not going to do a pros and cons with all of them but we’re going to do it with him first first pro he’s huge this is the first thing you’re going to hear everyone’s going to compare him to Tage Thompson I don’t think he’s that similar to Tage Thompson outside of his size but there are some similarities 67 215 he is a man he is big and he’s only going to get stronger I don’t think he’s going to get much bigger than that he might hit the 230s but he’s just going to get stronger he’s expected to play at BC next year now KH following his size he’s not physically aggressive he’s also a center if you said that a defenseman at that size I understand everyone’s like well we wish Carlo was more aggressive you know he’s not physically aggressive he uses his size well but he’s not going to use his size to wreak havoc like you may expect someone of his stature too another Pro for his size I feel like that’s an important part of this sentence he’s a very good skater and Puck Handler that doesn’t I mean he’s Elite in those categories but for his size he moves really well like surprisingly well and doesn’t allow some of the inefficiencies that most players his size have come into their game he just doesn’t allow it because they are big they look awkward they look like they struggle with certain movements certain agilities his acceleration deceptively good his agility allows him to keep his balance in tougher situations just overall he’s a surprisingly fluid mover for a guy who is massive it’s a really really important trait I think because if you’re going to struggle somewhere with that size and movement’s going to be your struggle feels like the NHL is right out right a con going along with that not being able to directly compare his movement to better competition on the ice because of the league he was in this feels like a weird con that shouldn’t really be knock against him more of knock against the pick if that makes sense but he was playing against people that really just weren’t expected to hit the next level right or be be highly touted in the next level so some of that movement might be overstated that being said Scouts seem fairly confident that even with dealing with higher speed he’s going to be able to use that agility and balance well and with how clean his footwork is there’s not a lot of doubt that it’s going to translate another Pro a deceptive shot when you’re that big and you have that kind of length and reach it allows you to create shots that others simply can’t to me it appears that Dean has recognized that he can Outreach opponents he can create those angles and shots that he wants I wouldn’t say that he has a quick release but I would say it’s deceptive it’s hard and I mean he’s got some real accuracy he can find the back of the net KH and this is actually one of your biggest ones with him there are some concerns that he’s too focused on a straight line approach offensively meaning he sees what he wants to do and he attacks it directly at an NHL level or even Collegiate level you’re going to expect defensemen who have really strong footwork and physicality to attack him directly to know that they can get up to him and not worry about him going around them because they trust their footwork their foot speed I’m not sure how he’s going to be able to develop past that it’s going to be one of his largest hurdles in my opinion because if he’s a straight line attacker a downhill attacker however you really want to say it he’s trying to aim for one thing defenseman will read this at a higher level and they’ll get in the way he’s going to have to be able to develop a way to either create more separation Beyond just using his reach or make a guy Miss he’s got decent hands he does his putt control movement is good not great but good I would consider this his biggest hurdle in becoming an impact NHL player through his development this plenty of stuff he’s got to work on but this one’s this one’s going to be a big one for him last Pro I just mentioned his hands are good not great he’s not an elite Puck Handler but his vision play recognition Puck protection it’s there he’s got that control he he has a strong ability to get his teammates Evol involved offensively he can Circle The Zone with his movement with his reach there’s a lot to like about his control of the offensive zone again not Elite in that handling through defenseman making them Miss shifting their weight side to side but he is going to be able to keep you off of him using his body and find looks for his uh for his teammates aan and most are going to hate this there are concerns that he can be a bit of a Drifter when the play isn’t going through him he can take his foot off the gas become a bit of a puck Watcher and that hurts him in transition defense uh that hurts him when he’s kind of standing still in the offensive zone that can hurt him in the defensive Zone if he’s not picking up his assignments cuz he’s just kind of watching so there’s a question about his motor that is something that the draft typically isn’t going to point out everyone’s a high motor guy to to the commentators but there’s a every report on him has a little bit of like um does does he have a high enough motor to continu his upward projection that being said there is at least a half glass full outlook on this that his competition at the last level was next to nothing maybe he just needs to be challenged a bit it’s a bit of a stretch but there a way to look at it in a positive lens which we’re all about right positivity so all in all I’ll give the grade of the draft pick itself a I’ll give it a b he’s not some crazy top 10 talent that fall fell all the way to 25 and again drafts are a crap shoot but you know what I mean uh but he’s a guy that was projected to go around there it’s a need for the team it’s a bit of a project piece but the top of his ceiling is a Topline Center of course the bottom the floor AHL lifer maybe fourth line guy but he’s not really that physical so you wonder is it middle six top six or bust there’s some questions there I’m really good with this kind of highrisk high reward Outlook because at this point in the organization you cannot afford to take the high floor low guys that’s almost a guaranteed third or fourth line forward no you have to take a swing at this draft position because your future in the organization right now is very much walking a tight RPP the odds of this guy becoming a Topline Center aren’t above 50% but there’s a chance there you have plenty of prospects who grade out to be bottom six guys you need to find some raw talent that might be able to take the next step I really like this pick I do was he my first pick no those guys the first second or third choices that I wanted none of them made it to us right he’s one of the better ones I thought was still available I’m pretty happy about it I know some people are going to talk about Green Tree pretty much right away because he was picked right after um green tree’s biggest knock on him is a skating ability if there is a trait that I don’t like betting on it’s their skating ability suddenly becoming NHL level that’s just a personal thing green tree is great in a lot of other areas can he get himself into a position to actually shoot to actually bury the puck creative has the vision can he get there I’m not saying green tree is not going to be great but given the knocks on each player I’d actually rather go with Dean personally next pick for us was 110 this was the loo trade one for Elliot gronwald he is a 6’2 left shot defensive defenseman 18 years old shut down presence but made for the modern game he’s not afraid of his using his size wins net front battles can rip a punck off the boards but wouldn’t consider him overly physical this feels like a very Bruins S Type of Guy where oddly enough not somebody who’s going to absolutely murder the opposition physically but is going to use that size to win the important battles and still get the puck where it needs to go he’s an excellent opportunistic Defender uses a strong hockey sense to time out opposition’s plays and then jump the line as soon as he gets a chance disrupts plays really well he accurately intercepts Puck and get pucks and gets the puck moving forward quickly he has a real intelligence when it comes to defending he seems to communicate well with his line mates he allows everyone to do their assignments without breaking down the defensive structure there’s a lot to like about a guy who feels kind of quarterback esque of the defensive unit just really understands how the game is supposed to flow when he’s on the ice there’s a lot to like about him intellectually and defensively he has Puck Talent he can make a good pass he can see the The Ice well that being said if he’s going to be an impact NHL player he’s really going to have to improve his skating and his first touch because there seems to be a little bit of disagreement about his skating which is fine we we’re all looking at these guys and through different lenses and whatnot but he’s an okay skater I don’t think he’s an NHL ready skater most these guys aren’t at this level but there seems to be some debate about whether he ever will be the first touch kind of gets me because he can hesitate in the defensive Zone a for check can kind of eat him alive if he’s not feeling confident and and getting that puck up quickly and that is one of his bigger weaknesses is he’s he’s going to have a bad defensive turn turnover every now and again it’s something that really needs to get ironed out of his game not a lot to get excited about in the offensive zone either he’s not afraid to jump up and give himself a look he’ll he’ll blast it from the Blue Line make somebody pay the price to block it but he’s a defensive defenseman and those guys have their value end of the day he was considered a third round Talent the Bruins traded up to get him and I feel really confident in in their ability to pick guys out like this so I feel good about this pick another kind of B pick at number 100 154 left shot Center 6’3 192 lb 17-year-old Jonathan Mel 25 goals 32 assists and 50 games played in the ojhl 12 goals nine assists in 11 playoff games that year 200 foot center plays all three zones plays power play plays penalty kill Smart Vision excellent putt control seems to understand the game well uses his size to disrupt opposition in any facet of the game is not afraid of mixing it up physically this is a classic has a lot of tools but will it come together and translate to the next level kind of guy I think he’d be graded highly in his shot accuracy uh his playmaking his willingness to be physical and aggressive but more than anything the Bruins are betting on skating ability here and I love a gamble on a good skater he’s an excellent skater fast as hell that’s a lot of stuff being complemented for a fifth rounder there’s a there’s a lot of things there you go fifth round and he can he can have some accuracy with a shot he can beat guys with his speed seems like he should have gone you know way farther up and hey there’s a lot of reports saying that he was considered a top 100 talent in the ’90s but still top 100 to go 154 there are others who did not have him on the board at all there is probably the biggest question mark about this guy right there’s plenty to work on there’s plenty to work on but one of the biggest question marks is is he dedicated enough to keep advancing the reports are all pointed out every single report points points out one thing he can be a bit of a Houdini disappearing for large stretches of games missing defensive assignments not pursuing plays Until the End etc etc how fast how hard is his motor running not the best thing to hear we’re betting on Talent we’re betting on skating speed at his current level I’d say if he puts the work in becomes a bit more focused on the on the details his ceiling may be as high as a middle six center third line probably but middle six that might be a ceiling it also could be a low of he’s not even sniffing the NHL that’s a fifth round pick that’s how fifth round picks are supposed to work I really love finding a guy with this kind of skating ability at this this spot in the draft you can bet on that and see how it goes from there and he’s big hell yeah so you’ll see if he can hit that next Gear with his motor and then start raising his his recognition of plays on the ice kind of thinking the game at a little bit of a faster speed things of that nature but but uh there’s certainly there’s certainly some hesitation with with that motor uh we’ll see how that goes betting on skating though not a Bad Bet to make the last pick for the Boston Bruins in the 2024 draft was 186th overall 18-year-old Lok Johansson 6’3 215 lbs left shot defensive defenseman he is big he’s physical he he’s big he also is physical but the thing that the Bruins like the most about this sixth rounder is that he is big and he is physical this is a kadinsky pick just like last year two years ago shoot I’m getting my years mixed up either way guy doesn’t really have it anywhere skating play recognition Puck movement literally any offensive attributes he’s a project piece that’s what a sixth rounder is but don’t do not forget he is big and physical so that’s your sixth rounder what do you want from this pick come on big physical take it or leave it you’ll take it because you’re a Bruins fan and you’re going to root for that guy because why not why not have some positivity especially about a guy who’s big and physical go bees go be and of course we have to say a big old thank you to the high quality inspectors who happened to all be 10 out of tens not sure if you guys knew that we’ve got our Topline tier inspectors GD Viper Works Tiffany Hegel Chris and Erica Len Cruz moonlighter TV the bugman Brock nope Han slomo coach D the atomic lizard Bradley Johnson Aaron Adams just Aaron Darren Woodbury Brett Arie pinent and Nick Zulo absolute stud 10 out of 10 I’m not kidding every single one of them and of course there’s the highest of high quality inspectors the allstar tier 12 out of 10 can you believe it so hot we’ve got the Mad Marcus Adrien winter Tyler mccort tupon D Tashi John Kirk Jacob Pratt Hy E coyote Michael depalo wolf Warrior Vinnie Adam Ella Bruin smash Joel abaxion da kinger the only noes a tasty snack dutes 42 and Jeremy you guys are stallions you’re all legends and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you and your help with keeping this channel going thank you and go bees

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  1. Every single con for Letourneau is very easily fixable at BC this year. Those are things that are gonna make him sink or swim at that level and only make him better. Excited to see him on the ice

  2. Everybody needs to simmer down and remember that this team is our team, and the offseason is the offseason. Players get moved. Trades are made. Oh yeah, and by professional front office executives who have been thinking about this way harder than we have and for way longer. Remember not so long ago, we lost 2 of the best centers to ever play the game…and made it to the second round. This team is our team. And each year we get to get excited about new things. Can't wait for the season to start. GO BSSSSS!!

  3. Not the Laukomotiv!!! I will stand with saying he's built for playoffs & would be a great bottom 6 for any team that makes it.
    But I totally get the trade. Gonna be watching these drafted guys with great interest

  4. Breaking: Bruins trade all 1st round picks through 2045 to the California Seals for their 13,767th pick in the 2089 season and 3rd line phenom Billy ‘Bilbo’ Bunderson.
    Bunderson has debatable skating skills and has never won a face off but is a grinder. His diminutive 5’2”, 109lb. frame will need to be bulked up.

  5. The reason why I’m calm is cause I have zero enthusiasm for this team and I have no trust in the higher ups. I really hope I’m proven wrong but everything around the Bruins feels so negative and off.

  6. Hopefully anyone we get can win a face off. Can’t wait to see Letourneau on the ice. 6’7” 215 lbs, hell yeah. He’s 18, going to dare I say as a UMaine guy, the best hockey college in the world at BC. He should only get better.
    Build back bigger.
    Now the real question we want to know is who’s going to replace Jack Edwards.

  7. We have the Celtics to enjoy during the rebuild.. as much as I’d prefer it to be bruins at least Boston isn’t a losing city 100%.. we always have something cooking.. give it time.. before we know it the Bs will be back in contention 👌 that 6’7” forward learns a thing or two and he can just bully his way to the front of the net and clean up rebounds we have a brighter future than it seems on paper.

  8. Sunshine, Rainbows, and Unicorns nailed it. Lauko not bad trade. We have so many bottom six options. Good pick. Commentary spot on. Can't wait for your full Free Agency Trade Preview. Soldberg was not a Sweeny issue, but I wish we could have grabbed him. How far did Greentree fall?

  9. I think we should have traded Frederic or Geekie to get in to the 2nd. Lots of good players like Cole Hutson and Nikita Artamonov we missed out on due to not having a pick. Also annoyed we didn’t take some guys who profiled really good analytically that were available in the later rounds. Overall I think we did ok tho.

  10. Jonathan morello might be interesting… like skill of Charlie Coyle ( average) but higher speed.. maybe see this in 4 or 5 years.
    Also.. that picture of leterneau at draft ( profileSide shot) if he had a mullet he almost could look like a young jagr.. if he could harness part of that…

  11. Damn. Was really hoping Bs would draft Ritchie, him and Geekie would have made an elite first line combo. Would only need to pick up Foligno to create the new perfection line.

  12. Dean is an athlete who plays hockey. His entire family is athletic. He'll have all the resources that an 18-year-old hockey player could hope for in Boston…College and Bruins and fans. Ya gotta take a chance and draft talent like this early. (The Bruins took him in the 1st because they would not have gotten him after that.) The Bruins went for it. I like it.

  13. I have no confidence Sweeney is capable of making a decent 1st round selection, let alone a 4th rounder. Even though I liked Lauko, I won't get bent out of shape over losing a 4th liner, I thought this trade stunk. Not as bad as taking Korpisalo's contract back in the Ullmark deal, but still pretty bad.
    So far, IMO, Sweeney is 0 for 2 in the dealing department. Come Monday, if he pays Elias Lindholm over 8M per season, he will be 0 for 3.

  14. I'm not freaking out like some people, but we are now worse than we were last year. I can't help but be upset watching a team like vegas add every good player, while Sweeney can't do anything except dump a vezina goalie for crap players and a low draft pick that didn't even wind up getting the player they wanted. It's frustrating.

  15. It may be my bipolar acting up, but I am fucking blissful right now when I look at what will be happening in this team in the next couple years. These very young and highly skilled forwards, of which one is massive, and the other (Poitras) that will be the new and improved version of Sergei Samsonov. I had a difficult time to explain my opinion here, so I apologize for a fragmented paragraph. I agree with 100% of what you said here. This team is going to be a fucking force to be reckoned with. Sweeney is CLEARLY well aware of what the holes in this team are, and he's already filling all of these holes and it has only been a week since the season ended. The average age of this team has dropped substantially in the past year. I'm really excited for next year.
    Imagine the feeling for an 18 year old center at the latter 1/4 of the field, and as you slowly start to doubt yourself of getting drafted, then suddenly the Bruins pick you to play center for a team that has no legit first or second line center… like…. ''Hey… welcome to the Bruins. By the way, we want to mold you into the next Patrice Bergeron, David Pastrnak to your left and Brad Marchand to your right. And by the way, the second line will also have another rookie the same age as you, and we want our offense to dominate the league for the next 15 years… backed by the possibly legendary Jeremy Swayman. He'll save every puck they throw at him, pretty much, so then 6 of you can focus on offense and annihilate the other team's goalies.''
    From what I've seen over the years, the Boston Bruins are in the top 3 choices for every player in the NHL. Who the fuck would not want to come here and play for a bunch of crazy fuckers from the entirety of New England cheering for them.

  16. Am I the only one that is dying to get Bertuzzi back to Boston, where he belongs???! Pay him what he wants. If he wants 6 million, pay him 6 million. Don't leave him behind again for a million or two. He was born to wear the spoked B. Every time he was on the ice in a Bruins jersey, he was smiling. Every time I saw him in a Leaf's jersey, he was either pissed off, sad, frustrated, depressed. He looked like he was about to cry so many times.

  17. I like our draft picks, especially Letourneau. Fun fact: both David Pastrnak and Dean Letourneau were selected 25th overall in round one of the NHL draft exactly ten years apart!

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