Where Do The Los Angeles Rams Offensive Players Rank Among The Rest Of The NFL?

Where Do The Los Angeles Rams Offensive Players Rank Among The Rest Of The NFL?

[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey what’s going on Los Angeles what’s up ramley thank you all for tuning in to the ram skinny here on the lafb network live in the M year 1090 ESPN Radio thanks for making us a part of your day as always June what are we 27th skinny 28th 27th 27th yeah 27th at the time of this recording so almost to July training camp is I I don’t even I can say on the horizon yet but it’s it’s in the distant future it’s a it’s a dream thought now it’s coming up we actually will have some actual football to talk about but until then still a few weeks of uh the true NFL off season um which is always fun and interesting but I think we got a good show for you today I think we we’re gonna have a lot of fun we are going to uh Today’s Show and then next week’s show we’ll do defense we’re going to do off offensive positional rankings within the NFL we’re going to include sha McVey in that since he’s kind of the offensive coach and we’ll recruit include Chris schula next week when we do defense and see where these groups stack up so obviously quarterback will be just Matthew Stafford but everyone else will be the position group so the receiving core the running back room the offensive line tight end will probably be a little more just Tyler higgy um but it’s kind of a a mix of the group but you know tight ends usually it’s it’s one player there’s not like teams that have like a three-headed tight end monster or whatever so anyway should be fun we’ll get into it so uh but first and foremost I’ve talked long enough skinny T what’s up man how are you doing new location same great look how are you yeah new location I got family in town so they’re occupying uh the uh guest room as it were which is also the office that I normally record in but I’ve always wanted to have books behind me yeah uh so I got I got a few I got a few books back there so what’s that a map of well it’s um a Brooklyn naval ship yard Navy Yard yeah found it in a in a thrift shop in in Pomona and it was a great price couldn’t live without it so snagged that love it I’ve been to your house so many times and I’ve seen that I’ve just never even like thought to ask what it was until now when it’s in my view the entire time now it has no significance whatsoever I’ve been to Brooklyn but that’s about it speaking of Brooklyn I saw this random video today of this little like Italian deli in Brooklyn um and they’re making these I mean this isn’t anything like crazy different but for a meatball sub they basically had these like homemade hogy rolls and they would take out the inside so get all the extra dough in there and then stuff it with the meatballs and cheese it just it looked fantastic that is that is my language right there man I went up I had to go up to San Francisco for a doctor’s appointment and it was literally I flew in flew out the same day within a couple hours but I had a I had a chance to go up to North Beach if you’re ever in San Francisco molaris in North Beach oh my gosh just nothing like it yeah yeah I know there there’s a there’s good Italian food here in LA but like it’s one of the few cities that doesn’t really have like a A Little Italy per se right that I that I know of I mean there’s little there’s little areas all throughout La that has like more Italian cuisine I guess but like where’s your do you have a go-to spot like Italian food is my it’s my love langu I love Italian food I’m Italian I I I I don’t have a go-to spot yet we uh I went to muso and Frank I was down in Hollywood uh last weekend and that that’s an Italian place more of a steakhouse but uh yeah I don’t here I don’t have a an Italian joint yet yeah there’s a actually no that’s not true uh Cab biano in um in Eagle Rock that’s a great place there you go I’ve only been there once so it’s hard to say it’s my joint but like really well done old schol too yeah Eagle Rock actually has some good Italian spots right on Colorado there’s like three I think on Colorado Boulevard there um there’s one here in Pasadena I like a lot it’s there’s there’s a few good Italian spots here in Pasadena but there’s a little tiny hole in the wall called ardino Bros it’s literally like an alley it’s an alley that has like five outdoor tables inside I think has like two tables and in the kitchen it’s family-owned um the menu is pretty small really good though you can bring your own wine for a corkage fee um yeah little tardin Bros so that’s really good and then I you know I worked at I’ve said probably on the show I worked at a place called Roman cacina in Orange County for you know a lot all through college I left for a little bit they went back so um we had they had really good Italian food and cool my buddy owns it now so it’s a good do like a live show there one time I love that yeah Skinny Tea on on some Hefty you know Italian food perfect yeah so anyway show is always brought to you by our friends at bet online head to bet online.ag today you can bet on basically baseball or you got the the uh hot dog eating contest coming up no Joey Chestnut so uh we a little different betting that’s not I mean that was just the easy bet to bet on Joey Chestnut always now you got to actually maybe do some research but you can do that all at betonline.ag obviously NFL Futures prop bets MVP you just did an article today Matthew Stafford is the Dark Horse who we’ve been saying and you’ve been saying is our pick anyway to win the MVP this year Ram Super Bowl odds all can be found at betonline.ag tell me guys at the Rams skinny sent you last thing skinny before we jump into this uh full-on Rams rankings did you see that because I mean it’s ridiculous anyway that Chestnut got taken of the contest because he has like a a vegan sponsor or something did you see the Netflix special of kobashi vers Chestnut no see this oh dude it’s gonna be incredible a Netflix event Kobe yashi versus chess they haven’t like gone head to-head in like a decade and so it’s just them two like Netflix is the big winner here like the Nathan’s Hot doging Hot kicks out the one of the most famous athletes in like our time and now Netflix is like reaping the benefit it’s going be incredible yeah I I I think I could actually be a really good competitive eater um I think that’s a lost calling of mine that I would really like anytime you look at me and you say are you hungry I say yeah I’m I’m always hungry so I think I could put down uh you’ve seen me put down some food uh in the past but I think I could do it but yeah I think the Divide for kobashi was he’s a no bun guy like he wants to do it he wants to do the eating without a bun that that was the dividing line because he was he was always the favorite yeah contest before he won it like every year and then out of nowhere out of the Flames of Phoenix was born and Joey Chestnut and then he just like took the mantle for a decade and and now uh they’re they’re barring him for having a vegan sponsor or whatever so that I was I was hoping it was GNA be some sort of doping like OIC kind of challenge some some Bic thing or something that like like stapling a stomach or something weird yeah he he he artificially increased the size of his stomach on a on purpose yeah the least controversial suspension ever just a vegan sponsored with that anyway Rams rankings offense this should be fun here we are in June draft though is over free agency is over you know little moves probably here and there will happen around training camp for a lot of teams um we’ve talked about some maybe the Rams could do but um as it stands right now roster pretty much set heading into training camp so let’s start with the offensive of line skinny T obviously we know the um the big addition in Jonah Jackson the big reigning in Kevin Dodson the big move in moving Steve Avala from guard to Center and the big question is laric Jackson the left tackle the future I like tied that I tied that all together nicely I like to say Pat myself on the back where do you rank this this Rams unit among the 32 NFL offensive lines you are you are a true professional I’m putting the offensive line fourth I I am a big believer in what they’ve done they’ve made a big bet on this uh on this move bring spending a whole bunch of money on two guards um you know getting a good deal in aleric Jackson he’s just making a couple million dollars this year less less than his uh counterpart uh Joe Noteboom who is the the most expensive backup in the league at that position and uh and then you got the stalwart there on the other side Rob Rob havenstein had coming off one of the better one of the best uh care years of his career so I think that I think they made a good bet here um and they’re they’re behind uh for me the Lions the Eagles the Browns and the Los Angeles the other Los Angeles team the Chargers they have they have three number one picks of the five positions I I didn’t see them anywhere high on anybody else’s rankings but I think they’re they’re kind of being overlooked because they’ve been poorly coached over the last couple years but got John Harbaugh or Jim Harbaugh in there and uh he’s no line guy yeah yeah look at that so uh Chargers fans Rejoice I mean the talent’s obviously there we just saw them kind of drop off but you mention it they definitely have the talent to be uh definitely one of the better offensive lines so yeah I I think I definitely have this Rams you know I I was going back and forth for sure obviously I think top 10 I saw some out there when I was kind of looking around that that have them even outside the top 10 which I was a little little surprised by um some of that I’m sure stem from theic Jackson question mark and then just obviously moving a Avala from guard to Center even though he did play center in college um but I’d probably put them I’d probably put them at like seven so a little lower than you um mainly just for those two reasons you know the the Lions you look at you they lose Jonah Jackson but they get Kevin zeitler I mean what a what a great you know offseason for them at least on the offensive line and who they’re able to retain in proven Commodities and you know py Su and Frank now and yada yada y the Eagles are I think kind of the the gold standard right now for offensive lines and and what they’re able to do um the Browns as you mentioned really really good unit got better there uh I think also the Colts have been really good as of late obviously Quint Nelson Ryan Kelly and kind of the Interior there uh and then got to give you know the Chiefs some love as well I think you know when you look at their big signings in FY a few years ago Creed Humphrey y fans still hate to hear that name Creed Humphrey obviously one of the best centers um and you know it’s a little different job when they’re they’re protecting a guy like um Pat Mahomes but I think that’s it’s a really good unit and what they did after losing that Super Bowl and then rebuilding it to what they are so I have R I don’t know if I counted enough there but I have the Rams right about seven um I think that’s a fair spot going into the season I think they have the talent to get higher than that if you know Avala looks like a true NFL Center which I think think he definitely can be if Kevin doson can play at the same level as he did last year because you know there’s always that question of here’s a guy that was kind of a Cast Away couldn’t make it and then all of a sudden like broke out last year was that a fluke or was that a true sign of how good he can be at the position in this system with these players around him like I think it’s the ladder but got to see it proven it’s kind of that Jordan love Theory right like show me a little bit more before we Crown you one of the greats Rams already crowned him with the contract as they needed to do to keep him um and then you know the allic Jackson question of how good he can be he was definitely I think serviceable last year you know you’ve brought up the the stats many times like by far the worst on the line in terms of pressures and whatnot but but wasn’t by any means an absolute like atro atro atrocity at left tackle I think he really surprised people in how well he was able to play in that and I think if he’s given the opportunity to truly be seen as that guy and and have the another year coaching with Wendell and whatnot so yeah I think Seven’s a good spot for him yeah I mean I think I didn’t put him I didn’t put the Chiefs over him just because of their tackle situation Joan Taylor uh definitely not a household name there and then on the other side they’re drafting uh Kingsley Su Matia I think I got that um and W Morris you know that that’s why that’s why I put the the Chiefs ahead of them but you know like they have a much easier job I guess uh just because of who Pat Mahomes is uh in and outside of the pocket so yeah I think you know I I like that you’re in in the top 10 here you know we kind of looked at national rankings and like even even when they’re being critical of the offensive line um like there there wasn’t a lot of reasoning behind it it was like these guys played well but uh you know now now it’s a new year and and and there’s certainly questions there like definitely that one about doson where it’s like can we trust what we saw and um you know that that that’s definitely a question you know questions about Jonah Jackson coming off an injury as well Torin miniscus in the knee several kind of smaller injuries you know can can he can he hold up for uh 17 weeks that’s always that’s always a good question to ask and that allic question there allic Jackson question um you know what’s great about a guy like allic Jackson and Steve Avila is that uh they’re cheap yeah and that’s that allows them to pay Jonah Jackson and and uh Kevin doson really high salaries uh so this is one of the most expensive offenses period and their offensive line is also right up there too so and it’s it’s those three guys it’s not Aila and aleric Jackson so that I think they’re gonna kind of live with that and see see where that see how far they can they can take it before the wheels fall off yeah yeah they kind of have to to make the other the other pieces work and the other you know contracts be able to work so the other interesting team I think and I had them I believe and that’s how I got to seven I think I only listed five teams um the Atlanta Falcons I think are another pretty strong unit you know rahee Morris there also um you know formerly of the Rams Zach um Robinson and so um you know that’ll be a familiar looking offense and you got to think too Kirk Cousins who was a free agent who chose to go to the fal he’s not gonna go to a team that has like a bad offensive line the guy’s had coming off an injury he’s had I mean if you watch the the Netflix special quarterback back where he was on it like taking hits and shots and at his age it it shows you it takes a toll and so if you’re picking your team yeah you’re looking at money yeah you’re looking at who gives me a chance for the Super Bowl but you’re also looking at who’s G to help me get hit the least and when you look at the likes of the Falcons you know with some of those great players they have and and Drew Dalman at Center Chris Lindstrom Caleb McGary Jake Matthews at left tackle I mean it’s a pretty it’s a pretty solid unit as well so let me let me ask you this one last question before we move on are we not uh accounting for the loss of um oh I’m forgetting the center from how could I forget his name center from Philadelphia Jason Kel kelse Jason Kelce are we not are we not knocking them enough for having to move on from him his retirement it’s a good question I mean they also I mean Jason Peters also has been on their offensive line for a long time I know last year he was you know not as I’m trying to remember if he played a little bit and then left or came back I’m you know he’s like 57 years old so I can’t remember no it’s a good question I mean I mean they’re good everywhere else but it’s I mean he was the number number one Center probably yeah it kind of is the same question of like you know losing Aaron Donald on the defensive line in terms of just what they meant to that unit um so you know I think uh what cam Jurgens is going to be their new slot in center and he’ll have big shoes to fill I think why they’re still there is they just have every other position is like Pro Bowl caliber so it’s like you you think the center is going to be a drop off but they were still that much ahead of like everyone else which is crazy yeah yeah that’s a great Point crazy I mean that team should be the drop off they had the eagles drop off last year which obviously they had a huge coaching turnover now because of it it’s pretty wild when you look at that roster yeah it’s kind of amazing they didn’t go further just you know well you know we’ll talk more about them but AJ Brown you know I mean now now they’re now they’re adding saquon Barkley is that right yeah yeah so I mean if Jaylen Herz is an MVP candidate it’s time to have that real conversation like is he actually good or not like everyone jumped on that really quick early and last year obviously was a little bit of a a regression but Pro proof for all those Jordan love uh lovers out there yeah Jordan lovers Jordan lovers yeah like Believers lovers yeah exactly that’s an easier one though okay moving on uh uh so from line should we go tight end yeah okay this is good the bad news out of the way yeah let’s well Titan is so interesting right because when you really think about it I mean there’s really not that many good tight ends I mean it’s it’s like three and so Tyler higgy you know when you look at just truly production wise nothing really pops off the page but in terms of just where he sits in line with his peers on production it’s really not that crazy low after you get past those like Elite three guys so but anyway uh that being said kind of where do you have him fall because there is a lot of young talent coming in as a tight end and so I think that’s gonna knock him down a little bit when you look at this draft class last year’s draft class plus when you look at some tight ends that are getting some new coaching that you would think would Infuse them and their numbers up so so how low I guess do you have hiby well this is more out of a uh I don’t really know what’s going to happen this year this is I I he’s going to miss time I don’t think he’s going to be back in week one so then you’re kind of factoring in other guys early on you know what what is he gonna look like but the great thing about Tyler Higby was always a consistent guy good blocker um not a huge part of the offense but a good enough part of the offense where they felt like they could uh you know Look to Him pick up first downs here and there um and and he was always open in space which you got to you got to uh look to McVey for for for what that was so I put him at 16th just because I don’t really know exactly what what it’s going to look like you look at Co kobby Parkinson does you know they bring him him in and does that does mean they’re going to run a bit more 12 Personnel is he going to be involved because he was not really necessarily much of a factor in the offense either I think 336 yards was his his high water Mark um in Seattle um and then Davis Allen as well it’s you know played well in in limited in a little limited sample size so I’m just I’m very I’m very confused as to what is happening with the with the tight end position uh this year so I’m putting him just smack dab in the middle just because I you know he he had been so consistent and such a good player in in his role that he was fulfilling he fulfilled it exactly what they needed H but the last couple years he’s kind of he’s kind of regressed and then you got this injury thing which is not going to be easy to come back from especially at his kind of age that he’s at right now he’s not super old I think he’s he’s getting close to getting close to 30 though yeah getting there yeah you know what’s funny is you know when you look back statistically like in terms of I know fantasy is you know a different conversation but you know a lot of people the fantasy does obviously compile the stats so it doesn’t look at blocking and stuff like that which I think Higg is an underrated blocker which is a good part of his game and makes him a a you know a tight end why the Rams have invested in him it’s not just you know the touchdowns and whatnot um but when you look at when he’s healthy I’m trying to remember top my head but like almost every year he’s been healthy he’s been like a top 10 tight end in terms of Fantasy Point production um which I don’t think a lot of people would think what’s hard with Higg is he’ll have one or two games where he like blows up and other games where he’s like you know two catches yeah just and that’s more so just the offense in general not necessarily him so but you know in ranking I probably honestly and I like Higg I think he’s good for this offense and what he brings when healthy but is based on everything you said based on coming back from the injury based on the infusion of kind of younger talent and based on I think I said a few episodes ago my belief in kind of Davis Allen and and really his growth so if whether we want to rank this as maybe I can change my ranking as a room but just as higgy I’m probably going like in that 25 who range way low um I know but when you look at you know Dalton King Kade is a a young pup who was a rookie last year who’s going to be just get better and better with Buffalo Brock Bowers obviously draft this year um who joins a room with Michael Myers in in with the Raiders so they have both those two tight ends that are both extremely talented you look at Kyle pittz who’s probably gonna get utilized a lot more now in Atlanta with Zack Robinson running the show instead of Arthur Smith and and and guys like that so I just think Tyler higgy by himself with the injuries with the change in the offensive philosophy potentially and with the growth of Davis Allen I drop him down forther 25 as a room I put the room now probably top 15 because if you combine those two plus Kobe um Parkinson am I saying that right that sounds wrong for some that’s right think Parkinson’s and I’m like wait is that right um the combination I like the room a lot in what they’re able to do but just as a singular player I think Higg is just you know can’t you can prove me wrong absolutely but as it stands right now I’d put him in like that 25ish range that way too low no I mean I I you you make some valid points and just to clarify he is 31 and a half years old next month so he is he is over the 30 30 Hill who’s next what what what position is next 30 Rock over 30 Hill over 30 Rock yeah um where would you rank last question um well I’m like drawing a blank all of a sudden who’s the the charger starting is it Hayden Hurst is their starting tight end this year coming in I know they got rid of Gerald Everett yeah they brought in two they brought in Hayden Hurst and um dley will dley also Dy that’s right yeah yeah yeah the other Seattle tight end yeah I have no idea what to make of that room uh you know Jim Jim Harbaugh has always had kind of stud uh tight ends so I’m kind of curious if he tries to turn Hayden Hurst into into that we’ll see it’s crazy that Hayden Hurst was like the first tight end taken in his draft class like he there was a lot of hype surrounded by him and there there’s a ton of of kind of chatter about you know you you heard it like going in in into draft season like should you be taking tight ends as high as some people are and you know there’s like there’s pretty interesting reasons as to why just because they they have they participate in so many aspects yeah of the offense you know they know the blocking schemes they know what the running back is doing they know what all the wide receivers are doing you know so yeah I mean there’s people out there that argue that outside of quarterback the next hardest transition from college to Pros is a tight end just because they have to know so many different jobs and said that but I’ve heard that yeah you you kind of see it with some of these first uh you know it takes him takes you know TJ hackinson he was really highly drafted and then just you know he’s only finally kind of finding his footing I guess yeah and like no a fan same draft class of T.J hackinson and he’s you know he’s shown some stuff here and there but you know neither here nor there um all right let us know what you guys think if I am I being too harsh am I too Brut or does that seem fair Skinny’s taking the the safe route going right in the middle 16 you know plug them in the middle it’s a push really all right let’s go uh running backs shall we let’s do it so we’re going room not just single player yep so you know this looks Kiren Williams Blake Corum Boston Scott Ronnie Rivers uh Zack Evans they won’t have all of those guys in the roster after training camp uh for sure like the most they’ll have is four hopefully you get keep one on practice squad there may even only be three depending on how the rest of the roster shakes out so for the purposes of this exercise skinny who are we taking as rb3 are we going Boston Scott yes they signed him you think you think that’s the safe bet going into year two and Ronnie Rivers is kind of that waiver guy they added that’s you know obviously been running back two because of injuries sometimes but boson Sky You’ got to think they signed him to be rb3 right yeah absolutely you gotta think you gotta think that’s the case for sure okay okay so for the sake of this argument it’s Karen Williams uh Blake Corum rookie and Boston Scott so where are you putting this Rams running back room you know for all the talk about running backs you know doing this ranking really illuminated that there are some pretty good running backs and I’m I’m actually I think I I I’m I’m ranking the Rams running back room uh much lower than I I thought I would have after looking at at at some of these rooms I’m I’m going eighth okay that’s fa uh you know I got San Francisco number one Chris mcaffry just pulls a lot yeah um you know so then I got Miami Detroit the Ravens again Derrick Henry I got ATL next yeah with bejon um uh Green Bay and then the Browns and a lot of these are just waited just because that number one back is so good um so that’s that’s that’s where rall yeah I think no I think that’s uh pretty fair I have them I think at like seven um and so and I always say this so this is I guess people can say I’m H being hypocritical or not but like I always spec mainly quarterback wise but like rookies I always have to like downgrade just because they have yet to play a down and so I’m like I can’t rank a guy who I’ve never even seen play in the NFL guy above a guy that’s done it before like I just can’t do it like you know if we’re when we get to quarterback talk like all six rookies are going to be the bottom six in my rankings to start the season that’s just the way I do it um that doesn’t mean in my head I don’t think Caleb Williams is gonna be better than some of the bottom tier veteran quarterbacks but to start I’m gonna put them all bottom six you know he’ll be number one of the rookies but now running backs is different because I think running backs have a much easier transition I we’ve seen rookie running backs fly out of the gates every single season um and so I say all that because Blake corm is going to be a a rookie I don’t have any fear of him like having a a rookie wall or whatever to get to like I think he’s going to compliment as we’ve talked about many times Karen Williams very very well so the idea of of Kiren Williams and Blake corm we’ve I don’t need to dive into why we like that we’ve talked a ton about it if you guys want to hear more look at some of our past episodes or just hit us up we’ll then we’ll tell you why but I want to bore the people that heard it say it over and over and over again love them compliment I think Boston Scott was a nice addition even if it’s just for special teams reasons he does add a nice change of pace and some veteran leadership to a very very young room so um yeah I have them I guess one spot ahead of you very similar teams in there uh Niners obviously won because mcaffrey um you look at the Ravens and did you have the Eagles in there I didn’t put the Eagles ahead of them the Eagles are interesting because the saquin going there now yeah um I don’t know if I’d have them ahead of the Rams just but you think of saquin in that offensive line like that’s a recipe but definitely Falcons with Bon um and definitely you know some of these others you mentioned I think are are very very strong but I I think right around seven is a good spot for this Ranch running back room it’ll be interesting to see how the usage really affects this because I think the Rams are probably going to run the ball quite a bit um you know just based on what they did last year with Kiron towards the end of the season end of the season layering on uh Blake corm there uh you know um ky’s on the record he’s saying that uh he’s going to be in the passing game a lot more too which you know you got to consider that when you’re considering running backs just because a guy that can do both really unlocks a whole bunch of stuff and we just have not seen that um since you know Peak Todd Gurley years you know where he’s catching 700 500 yards um he kyen Williams was actually the the leading pass catching running back uh for the Rams um since that Gurley season um so it’s been a while since and he only he only caught 206 yards I think was the was the number and um that’s a lot I think that’s that was 30th Place so you know they could climb up these rankings really quickly if if all of that starts clicking you know the two the two kind of backs back there if they can really you know champion this this running game and then add add in that other factor of a catching pass catching back that’s this is that’s this is what gets me excited about this season for this offense is the potential of this room and they could rock it up you know yeah we got we got to see kyen Williams stay healthy and we got to see Blake corm do it in in the pros but yeah yeah that’s what I was just going to say like if if they put all together and stay healthy um there’s a lot to be excited about with this room and that offensive line um and what they’re going to be able to do so totally agree I think seven seven eight I think 10 is like the floor for this unit and that would be you know anything lower than 10 would be injury written so I think 10’s kind of the floor I think they can get much higher um depending on performance and how involved as you mentioned they are in that passing game which which we saw spurts of Kiren Williams in it but you mentioned it never like came full circle like there were couple drops in there or times when they maybe didn’t look his way so if that if that changes this becomes a really really dynamic dynamic room so um real quickly just because it it broke right now I just want to say it I know this this will be airing after the fact but Lakers just took Brony James shocking okay shocking shocking in the NBA second I mean I this shows how little I’ve been paying attention to basketball just because we’re so laser focused on football like when did the NBA split the first and second round over two days and why is the second round happening at 2:30 on a on a Thursday you know you think about you know how awesome the NFL is just scheduling out the off season after the Super Bowl it’s just there’s like they just got to dial there and then then you look at the NHL in the NBA and you’re like what are you doing like like at least at least the NHL their draft over the weekend like yeah the second round at 2:30 pm. on a Thursday like but the Stanley Cup just finished anyway yeah I I root for chaos uh in most sports especially basketball I was H I was hoping bronny was gonna end up someplace you know so that LeBron would get traded or you know he would you know request a get getting cut or something so that something crazy would happen but can you imagine we were obviously talking about the NFL draft a lot and Caleb Williams you know I got my USC ha us C because he shared on um all this chatter right about Caleb Williams which was never even true but the rumors of him and his Camp saying he’d only play for these certain teams and and everyone’s like oh is he a bad apple is he a cancer is months of these storylines right just tearing apart this kid’s uh because he wouldn’t play in Chicago we all know that’s false obviously how it is and then you have bronnie James here the day of the draft his agents calling I don’t know if you saw the story calling teams that are not the Lakers or the sons and saying if you draft bronny he’s gonna play in Australia it’s like that’s the MB that’s just basketball that’s like normal that’s like part for the course yeah I mean so Maverick Carter I think that that’s his agent probably uh Rich Paul is his agent which I think is the same it’s that agency Rock Sports or whatever yeah uh yeah he he said if um if we want if we wanted the Lakers to take him in the first round the Lakers will take him in the first round it’s it’s just it’s funny how the different sports like you can’t say that to Jerry Jones no well because the NFL like it or love it but I mean there’s there’s obviously a lot of powerful people but there’s a lot of powerful people the NBA is like it’s driven by like 10 people like yeah LeBron himself is a player and has more power than probably 20 GMS yeah he’s he’s fired more coaches than than uh uh the the Yankees Guy what’s his name yeah Stein brener yeah Steiner yeah yeah I mean Rob pink has got to be the biggest like puppet in all of Sports the Lakers GM but anyway catching Strays that’s yeah that’s we’re not we’re not talking basketball here so okay moving on now to receiving room right all right receiving core so this will be an interesting conversation because and we’ll just do it like this to make it simple We’re not gonna do like ranking the six receivers we’ll do three okay um so obviously Cooper cup puka AA and Demarcus Rob Demarcus Robinson that’s who I would put as wide receiver three yeah I mean that’s my death chart right now yeah I think I mean I just wrote about you know is Tutu Atwell going to be able to find a place for himself to fit into the 53 man roster so I’m not even I’ve I’ve I’ve cut off my belief in him now he’s dead to me poor guy poor guy we poor little guy we called we called the Ben scronic cutting we didn’t think it would happen as soon but we called and a week later he was cut yeah and so I guess this is uh siren ARA Tut to outwell now thanks to you I’ve got yeah most influence podcast out there Rams podcast anyway um can we can we now start calling ourselves uh everybody’s favorite sure self-proclaimed yeah what was the one guy we were talking about a self-proclaimed self-proclaimed uh disruptor disruptor yeah so in the podcast industry we self-proclaimed podcast disruptors I’m gonna I’m gonna put that in my email by line now self self-proclaimed anyway yeah uh so yeah I have high hopes for Jordan Jordan Winnington and Drake stops making making the final 53 that’s kind of my uh that’s kind of my big bold prediction for the final 53 um it but my the Rams group I’m R ranking at five regrettably I’m putting the San Francisco 49ers one Miami Dolphins two Philadelphia three and Minnesota four with Jordan Addison and uh and Justin Jefferson come in I mean it’s tough It’s not the top three but those guys are great so yeah so you said five you have the map yep number five yeah that’s five okay I have them at sorry I’m like reestablishing my math here um I think I put them at seven okay so I have the in similar teams one addition obviously I have the Dolphins at one with Tyreek and Wadd um as the as the top two I’ll put the um Eagles at two AJ Brown Devonte Smith and I don’t know if you do G Dallas goeras three or or one of their other guys at three um putting the Bears at three the Bears the Bears were an interesting one for me I didn’t I didn’t keep them high because Keenan Allen just can’t stay healthy over a long period of time but yeah that’s the big and you know it’s a rookie quar there’s so many what what ifs but just on it’s June on paper DJ Moore Keenan Allen romad dun like plus Cole K and Gerald Everett as tight end again we’re talking receivers but DJ Morin now and Roman dun like that’s that’s a dynamic one through three like we’re talking even the three the three or the two I listed above them are just top two guys and the third guy is just like a guy right like these are all three and Ruan de is a rookie but you know a top 10 pick so I’ll go Bears three Niners four um Minnesota five and RAM six did I say Ram seven originally yeah I meant six okay see how bad my math is that’s why I’m trying to like time these all up so so um yeah I think I got that all right so Dolphins Eagles Bears Niners Vikings Rams Rams at six with cup gotta stay healthy pukan AA let’s see it again and Demarcus Robinson yeah no I it’s hard for me to disagree with that uh ro ro Romo dun was myy Romo dun was my guy as wide receiver he was my wide receiver one not that I think he was gonna he’s the best uh but he’s like he’s like the the Ryan Anderson skinny T pick of the pick of the Century lock of the week nice just because I like the way he plays he’s physical dude so yeah I I can’t argue I can’t argue with that with those rankings at all yeah and him and him and Caleb Williams seem to already have a a pretty tight Bond so uh yeah I mean that’s it’s just a it’s a fun room I mean you know I know they’re in the NFC I’m not saying but you know Caleb Williams plays her now like the Bears you know you kind of root for it why not there’s no rivalry with the Rams so yeah not yet they’re playing this year though they are yeah I’d love to go in Chicago one of the Great American cities yeah um all right so let’s move on let’s however what do you guys think so you five me six so I think that’s you know no matter what they’re top 10 I think when you have the two the two of cup and AA um it’s just kind of like where you like them fitting within the top 10 Detroit’s interesting obviously Alman Ross St Brown is fantastic just it’s always you know a little less to be desired on wide receiver two and three after him so um that’s the big thing so all right done with receivers QB quarterback Matthew Stafford we’ve talked about it with some guests a lot we know our guy Trevor sikma puts him at seven which I think is a pretty fair ranking among National reporters but disruptor in the Rams Community skinny te where do you have Matthew Stafford I have four four okay I tried I tried to find reasons to knock him down just to like check myself like is he like but like when I was looking at it with the fine Toth comb he kept rising up you know a lot of rankings are going to put Joe burrow ahead of him y some rankings are going to put uh Justin Herbert above above him for me those two guys still have some stuff to prove uh that they’ll that they can uh rise above Stafford at this point at this point Stafford has a has a Super Bowl ring he’s a he’s he’s he’s a 24 2024 MVP come on guys Goods here so you know I put I put momes number one Allen number two uh and Lamar Jackson and you know they those three guys just have a element outside of the pocket that just adds it something else to their game that Stafford is just never gonna be able to to to match but you know what he does with his arm uh what he does in the pocket uh you know it’s it’s really Second To None um you know and I people just got to watch him you just got to watch him and and and last season we saw the switch I’ve already talked about it uh he went from kind of this Gunslinger this real like push it down the field guy and he just became a much more nuanced passer he just can’t you know you look at those passes to to pukan nakua a lot of them are are tough passes over the middle um and you got to put it in pinpoint accuracy otherwise you’re going to put your your receiver at risk or you’re going to have to or you’re going to end up uh turning the ball over and he didn’t do that last year um so really just really Fant fantastic play um you know it’s it’s funny to find a new level of maturity for a guy at 36 years old but I think he I think he kind of like stepped into a new a new spot after that really tough 2022 season uh you know I I can brag all day if you want me to love it love it I know it’s um you know it’s funny remember going into last year when there was I think it was because of Kelly Stafford again remember there’s that story that like he couldn’t connect with his teammates and there was like yeah obviously that was bogus like cool like they seem to be doing they seem to do just fine last year um I think the big thing with Stafford 2o and you mentioned the maturity when you look at just his play on the field like 2021 when they won the Super Bowl that year there were specific games I know it’s a team sport you win as a team lose a team but there were specific games that Stafford kind of threw them out of like lost them the game if you want to blame one player I mean you look at the Tennessee game right like pick six two two interceptions like inside the 20 yard line and they lost that game like pretty close um the the Green Bay game like he had some some faulty throws uh last year I can’t think of anything offand where you can say yeah Stafford lost in that game like he he changed his game from still being that Gunslinger wrist taker but not being that Gunslinger wris taker was gonna cost you everything and so it kind of like we we talked about it in his in 21 and even 22 of like this herob ball mentality from coming over from Detroit that he had to play and now three years in with McVey he’s kind of found himself and like okay I know I have this ability but I also don’t have to do it all I have this great team around me too and so I think that’s a great thing to see if you’re on radio we’re taking a quick break we’ll be right back um after this and you can continue the show over on laf network.com but I actually have him ranked exactly the same as you we did not plan this ahead time but I have the exact same ranking I have Mahomes one I have Josh Allen two I have Lamar Jackson three sometimes I want to Mar knock Lamar Jackson down just because he cannot win the playoffs but just based on Talent on skill level on what he can do in all aspects of the game I got to still have him that High um and then I have Stafford four and I put Herbert five and burrow six burrow I just he just can’t stay healthy yet like I love he’s so good and his clutch Factor might be one of the best in the game period outside of MBE Mahomes it’s it’s 1 a 1B but in going into what his Fifth Season he’s missed almost two of them so it’s like it’s it’s hard to like put him that high when when you miss that much time so I gotta have him at six but yeah Stafford at four for me as well perfect yeah lovely yeah yeah um another guy that just the rankings on him are just all over the place all over the place yeah I’ve seen as high as three and I’ve seen as low as in somewhere in the teens I can’t remember like 19 or something and I can’t think of a guy that that swings that that much only in his career he’s only had four uh MVP votes cast for him and they were all last year that’s wild yeah that’s a good stat really yeah his whole career only four and they came last year yeah wild well he’s never even been to a hasn’t he never even been to a pro bowl oh I can’t imagine that’s true but I I don’t know there’s it was something let me before we move on yeah because I remember like seeing it was something like that and I was like wait what that doesn’t seem right um but that was such a great great point of like him kind of settling into an offense where he doesn’t feel like he has to take over because in that 21 season it was all him and Cooper cup I mean there’s a reason Cooper cup won the the uh triple crown that year was just because he was getting peppered constantly I mean obviously he’s a great receiver and he did what he did with the ball after he got caught the ball but uh yeah yeah any Pro Bowl last year was his second Pro Bowl ever he had one Pro Bowl nod in 2014 with Detroit and then won last year he’s he is the Rodney Dangerfield of quarterbacks it’s it’s wild like the dude the the 21 season and obviously he had the 17 interceptions which is probably what knocked it but in the 21 season he had almost 5,000 yards passing and 41 touchdowns and didn’t go to the Pro Bowl I’m gonna look up Brett faves what what how many interceptions did he throw well I mean John Elway was up there too I mean you look at those Gunslingers Elway’s sometimes were in the 20s yeah what was Brett Favre at you look up Brett Favre I’ll look up John Elway here all right Brett Favre 1996 season he run a back toback um in 1996 he well he only threw 13 that year okay good for him okay okay so that that that was a fail anyway but another interesting statistic over the last 10 years um all quarterbacks have won uh MVPs and all of them have had won at least 11 games which interesting yeah okay which U uh so maybe that plays I mean he won 10 last year so I mean but but he only got four votes but yeah it’s it’s it’s tough out there for quarterbacks right now yeah mean and Lamar Jackson you we talked about it a lot last year so I don’t want to belabor it but you know Lamar Jackson I’m not saying he was not earning of the MVP but I just think what Stafford did with this team like he he had my if I was one of the the voters which I’m not I would have been the fifth on that ballot to add to the four so I just think what they’re able to do with this team and his leadership but anyway maybe this is the year batt online. a this is the Year Matthew Stafford for MVP gotta make shirts I love it yeah put that up on the website everybody buy one of those yeah Stafford for MVP let’s make it happen all right lastly Stafford for president can we get that MC for president Stafford for MVP yeah all right perfect yeah that’s or we needed to just get a free McVey like with jail sign over him that’s good that’s a good one be a good sh too so yeah all right yeah no no one steal our business ideas here just make sure to come buy them from us when we launch them um at the at the lfb locker room finally offensive coaching so you we could do this as a coordinator but we’ll do it as McVey as an overall head coach because he calls the offensive play so this is obviously him ranked with other head coaches um lot of great head coaches a lot of new head coaches where do you put McVey in this all there’s there’s always fun debate between two of them but uh overall I think everyone agrees he’s probably I would say lowest I’ve seen is top six um but where do you have M so I I have to clarify something here because I did rate him among all head coaches are we are we ranking him among offensive head coaches or just all head coaches all head coaches oh okay all right yeah yeah sorry I made it confusing by saying the offensive part but just that’s why we’re not doing leflour but we’re doing um right the DC next week but anyway okay so I’m put him in I’m putting him in third among all head coaches if it was just offensive-minded head coaches I’m putting him second behind Andy Reid only okay uh so I have I have John Harbaugh ahead of him there’s only there’s only four active head coaches that have Super Bowl rings Sean McVey is one of them um and Andy Reid and and John Harbaugh are the other two um and you know those two guys have just had such uh longstanding success um had over multiple teams and multiple quarterbacks um which you look at a guy like uh Mike Tomlin um it’s one thing to win when you have Ben rothberger uh but now we’ve seen he’s still great head coach uh you know getting to eight and8 season n Nine and8 season with Kenny picket hats off to you but uh you know um yeah so so yeah that’s yeah number three love it yeah I think that’s fair I have at two um okay I go Andy Reid at one the Big Tuna I go sha McVey 2 I go John Harbo three and then probably Kyle Shanahan Mike Tomlin in that like four or five whatever order you want to put um and yeah I I just think everything you said I think McVey not just for his offensive Ingenuity but um leadership is you know the winning I mean it’s been only one losing season his entire coaching in head coaching career missed the playoffs twice but the first time they were still a winning record on this play only one losing season and it was just a weird 2022 and then the bounceback that last year which we’ve talked about is being kind of the the piece to resistance of his coaching what they were able to do um with that roster and that turnover the Ingenuity and you know obviously lesne is the GM but he’s very vocal and very part of the whole roster construction process and what they do in free agency and what they do in the draft you know how many coaches can say they literally had their first first round pick in their seventh season coaching and have had a Super Bowl win two Super Bowl appearance appearances and a very very strong winning record uh probably none he’s probably the only one literally he had his first first round pick two months ago that’s crazy I never really put that I’ve never really thought of it like that in 2016 Jeff fiser was still the coach when they took Jared Jared Goff so um yeah his first time ever dra in the first round um so just the roster construction dealing with you know the all the moving pieces of being in La different facilities moving to Sofi playing in the Coliseum all that stuff then obviously just what they’ve been able to do winning wise and his his playoff record and resume um yeah I just think you know the only reason why Andy Reed’s ahead of him is because you know he’s obviously won three of the last four Super Bowls so and Andy reads in like his what like 35th year coaching So Pro probably yeah I mean to kind of round out the rest of my list I I do have uh K Shanahan up next at number four yeah I’m going to put uh I’m going to put Jim harau number five already already yeah yeah I have Matt laflor serani and then Tomlin let me ask you this though um if balich and um Seattle Pete were still coaching Pete Carol would would that bump them at all I mean with what what we now know about bellich is you know Tom I mean all time that’s a different conversation which I know you’re not asking um going into this season no that would still have yeah I mean but I I love Pete Caroll obviously um bill belich I respect I don’t even know if if they were both coaching I don’t even know if I’d have either of them in the top 10 right now just based on the last couple Seasons how it’s in I mean Seattle still was was definitely you look at the 22 season so when the Rams had of their downfall season that I think was one of Pete Carroll’s best coaching season right like trading Russa Wilson Gino Smith they end up making the playoffs like everyone thought they were gonna be terrible so that showed like oh Pete still got it last year was kind of a mixed bag they were still a decent team um but I I would probably put him Fringe 10 and bich if we’re strictly based on heading into 24 belich might not even be top 15 which is crazy to say yeah which why he’s not coaching anymore no one wanted him and and rahee Morris got hired ahead of him so yeah there were eight open jobs and no one wanted Bill bellich arguably the greatest coach ever like that’s wild wow ouch yeah yeah it’s why it’s you know they say it’s good to pack it in sometimes at the top and not wait till you you fall down the ladder to say it’s time to quit yeah he seems like he’s doing just fine though oh yeah he’s I think U new young girl friend did I see that yeah like a 24 year old so yeah yikes well that’s what we’re in this show okay that’s a good ending point there so sha McVey I have two you have three I think based on these offensive rankings the Rams uh if we were to weit it all out add it all together I’m just doing this in my head Computing you know it’s a top seven offense I think basically right certainly that sounds about reasonable when you wait them all together so they’ll be a good spot we’ll do defense next week that’ll be a much more interesting uh interesting ranking probably because there’s a just so much newness um so that’ll be kind of fun to see where they and then hey we’ll have to wait them together to see I know we said we think we kind of have them power ranked in that top 14 range we’ll see after we do these weighted rankings if uh that changes a little bit or not um we shall see but everyone thank you for tuning in this is the ram skinny on the lafb network I’m Ryan dard that skinny T everyone have a great weekend we’ll talk to you all next week [Music] n

On this episode of the Rams LAFB Show, Skinny T and Ryan discuss the Los Angeles Rams offensive rankings. We compare the following groups:

1. Offensive Line
2. Tight Ends
3. Running Back Room
4. Wide Receiver Room
5. Quarterback
6. Head Coach

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Sean McVay is the Los Angeles Rams Football Head Coach for the 2023 NFL Season but after the 2023 NFL Draft the Rams could have more trades and free agents and rookies come in with highlights from 2023 NFL Draft prospects. Matthew Stafford, Cooper Kupp, Van Jefferson, Puka Nacua, Kyren Williams, Tutu Atwell, Cam Akers, Tyler Higbee, Ben Skowronek, Tutu Atwell, Joesph Noteboom, Rob Havenstein, Brian Allen, and Steve Avila should be playing great for the rams offense highlights. Ernest Jones, Aaron Donald, Cobie Durant, Derion Kendrick, Akhello Witherspoon, Jordan Fuller, Kobie Turner, Russ Yeast, and Quentin Lake should get Rams football defense highlights.

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