Klay Thompson is Leaving The Golden State Warriors

Klay Thompson is Leaving The Golden State Warriors

what do you want me to bench me you just got to let the ego go when you think of coming off the bench and all that he wants to stay they want him to stay doesn’t mean it’ll happen I’m going to try to be as empathetic as possible because if you’re a Golden State Warriors fan if you grew up with the Golden State Warriors Dynasty this is going to be very difficult to hear we have very reputable sources that have been on the money all offseason long in regards to transactions that are being made in the NBA that are saying that it’s officially the end we’re going to bring you guys all the details man before we get to the content we are around 50,000 subscribers away from hitting 1 million subscribers on this YouTube channel so if you’re enjoying the news that we’re bringing to you guys take a moment to check if you’re subscribed and the notifications are on I want to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for the growth we’ve been having lately now that we get all that out of the way the intro [Music] [Music] mik check 1212 what’s going on everybody it’s very difficult when you actually watch the collapse of a dynasty especially if you happen to be a person that held that dynasty very near and dear to your heart and in the case of the Golden State Warriors they completely revolutionized the NBA we wouldn’t have the pace and space era if it wasn’t for Steph Curry and Klay Thompson and while Steph Curry is responsible for winning the the MVPs the Warriors offense wouldn’t be what it is today if it wasn’t for Klay Thompson if it wasn’t for Klay Thompson making 11 three-pointer during the 2016 Western Conference Finals they wouldn’t have made it to the NBA finals That season what about the game where Klay Thompson erupted for a career high 60 points in 29 minutes what about when Klay Thompson sunk an NBA record 14 three-pointers versus the Chicago Bulls or the night where he dropped 43 points on four dribbles there is no question about it the Golden State Warriors wouldn’t be the dynasty they are today without Klay Thompson and we finally started to see some of the cracks in the dynasty during their 2019 run to the NBA finals you see that season Golden State Warriors were going for a three-peat I mean how would they not three peat you have Kevin Durant Klay Thompson and Steph Curry on your roster for crying out loud it would make it all the way to the NBA finals before Kevin Durant would tear his Achilles tend in and Klay Thompson would tear his ACL that off season Klay Thompson was up for a contract extension and the Warriors had a decision make Klay Thompson was flirting with the idea of joining the Los Angeles Lakers and ultimately the Golden State Warriors relented despite Klay Thompson tearing his ACL an injury that would end basketball careers in years past the Golden State Warriors decided to bring him back on a 5year $190 million Max contract thing was the very next off season right when Klay Thompson was ready to return a few days before the 2020 NBA draft he would tear ailles tendon Not only would the Warriors be without one of their franchise cornerstones for another year not only were they paying Max money to one of their franchise cornerstones just so he wouldn’t play for another year but they also had a decision to make at the number two overall pick do you go with James wisman or do you consider taking lamelo ball ultimately the Warriors would remain faithful to Clay opting to select the draft bust out of Memphis with a number two overall pick you would think at this point that Klay Thompson owed the Golden State Warriors one he would return and would still be a pretty solid shooter from Beyond The Arc during the 2020 21 to 22 season he would shoot 39% from three on route to Leading the Golden State Warriors to their fourth NBA championship and it seems like the Warriors would never be able to recover from that type of Championship hangover last offseason they dealt with Bob Meyers stepping down and Raymond Green considering leaving but at least in the case of Draymond Green he was a little bit more realistic about where the warriors were whereas Bob Meers understood the reality of his situation saying this what is the path forward for Klay Thompson in Golden State well this is why I left first of all a lot of times people will say it’s just business but this is not a just business situation he was instrumental in bring in four championships so it’s not so simple as it’s money and years this is why it was hard for me you get relationships with these people especially if You’ succeeded with them and and that core has been together for 12 years and that’s just so rare now that just doesn’t happen and so this is a delicate negotiation from what I know and see he wants to stay they want him to stay doesn’t mean it’ll happen but it is a test it’s certainly a test this is probably the first real test this brings us to this past year Klay Thompson pretty much had to prove to the Golden State Warriors that he was worthy of a Max contract which already was a little bit of a stretch given the brand new CBA and given the last contract that Klay Thompson received from the Golden State Warriors I mean they literally gave him two years of a Max contract just so he could ride the bench and when he returned he was not really the same version of himself he was a bit of a defensive liability but it wasn’t like they were expecting anything less this is a guy that tore his AC L and ailles tendon the fact that he’s still able to give you 18 points per game off of 39% shooting is remarkable but unfortunately I’m sure we could all agree clay isn’t a Max contract player anymore and that’s okay when you’re going into your age 34 season off of a torn and a torn Achilles tendon and throughout the year you just saw boneheaded plays from Klay Thompson like this poor foul against the Clippers towards the end of the game where you can see his teammates getting actually frustrated at him he was feeling so insecure about his play that he thought a reporter was suggesting that he gets benched when the reporter didn’t suggest anything of the sort Kurt talks a lot about believing in his guys especially the starting lineup having patience letting guys kind of you know find their game how aware are you of that kind of patience and how much do you value it what do you want me to bench me I don’t know it’s like that’s want bench wigs I don’t think I said that I mean you can suggest it it’s fine but I mean thanks Steve I guess like I don’t know sometimes you earn these things like patience and time to find yourself and I think history will uh is on our side when it comes to that stuff you say that do you have you heard people say that or no I don’t care what people say and then as some foreshadowing eventually clay would be brought off of the bench now to Clay’s credit he did take the benching very well you know you can do two things you can pout or you can go out there and respond and I thought I did the ladder very well tonight more importantly uh I realized I’m going to play a ton of minutes so just got to let the ego go when you think of coming off the bench and all that I mean I embraced it and I think that really let my guard down let me just be myself out there the moment you worry about what people say or what headlines will be written about being benched or the streak being broken is when you go out there and you don’t play with that love that compassion for your teammates and that freedom that has got me to this point so and things were looking okay for the Warriors until the end of their season against the Sacramento Kings in a playin game play Thompson went 0 for 10 I mean this was such a bad game that it became a meme in NBA culture I made videos on the Lakers the heat the NBA draft and usually there’s a top comment saying don’t forget that Klay Thompson went over 10 against the Sacramento Kings in a playing game and the reality of the situation is this is probably the last game that we’ve ever seen from clay in a Warriors jersey now following the game Steve Kerr himself said that he wanted Klay Thompson to return it tough it tough I love clay so much I mean what he’s meant to me um in the 10 years we’ve been together um I’ve watched him the last couple of years you know fighting the feeling of Devastation from the injuries and I’ve watched him this year really flip his season around with his approach and play with a little more freedom a little more joy so tonight was tough to to see him struggle uh but as I told the guys in there it’s all part of being an athlete and being an NBA player there’s incredible highs and and really tough lows and this was a a tough one uh for clay just and for the whole team and hurts so it’s all part of it but the problem is is when you’re the Golden State Warriors and you’re fully healthy this past year yeah of course Draymond Green was acting out multiple times over this past season but you have to be real with your situation Steph Curry is still playing MVP caliber basketball he could be one of those Players whose Prime extends until this age 38 or age 39 season I mean the man shot 26 points per game off of 41% shooting from three while averaging about 12 3point attempts per game there’s still a window of opportunity for the Warriors to compete with Steph Curry you can’t waste this final window of opportunity by feeling sentimental with Klay Thompson and offering him a Max contract which brings us to the topic of today’s video so on Saturday Shams told us ahead of free agency that Klay Thompson’s future is certainly away from the Golden State Warriors tweeting breaking the Golden State Warriors are preparing to lose four-time NBA champion Klay Thompson in free agency an expected parting of ways between a legendary Dynasty and a legacy player League sources say we’re going to go into this article in just a sec guys but Shams would also tweet out that Klay Thompson and the Warriors are braced for the end of an era now three teams have emerged as strong suitors for Thompson with Golden State open to sign in trade deals to Aid in his earning potential elsewhere so here’s what we know from Shams and Anthony Slater’s article Thompson and the Warriors have had close to no communication since the negotiating period opened for incumbent free agents nearly 2 weeks ago and no offer has been made team and League sources said the Warriors after other business have wanted to Circle back and negotiate with Thompson but he isn’t expected to be there waiting as a willing secondary priority in their summer plan with his side feeling that the Warriors interest in a reunion has been disingenuous the five-time All-Star guard is determined to find a new home Elsewhere for his 14th NBA season and Beyond with both sides believing their 133-year run together is over League sources said now we have to do a little bit of detective work because originally we thought that the Golden State Warriors plan a was going to be Paul George and to be honest it’s a remarkable plan a I understand if you’re looking at this and thinking Mike Paul George is washed but no matter what you think of Paul George he is absolutely an upgrade over Klay Thompson he can play the two the three and the four position he’s 6’8 he is a two-way player and he shot better from Beyond The Arc than Klay Thompson has so it was certainly an upgrade to pursue Paul George over Klay Thompson the problem is is in order for that to have happened Paul George needed to opt into his contract so the Warriors could trade for him but unfortunately the Golden State Warriors are officially out of the Paul George sweep Stakes because he is not picking up his $49 million option with the Clippers so Paul George is becoming a free agent and we’re going to make a separate video on that but now that Paul George is going to be a free agent you can’t really upgrade from Klay Thompson to Paul George so this is kind of like a double whammy for the Golden State Warriors but you might be wondering what teams would want Klay Thompson throughout the entire off season we were suggesting maybe the Orlando Magic but the top three teams that are interested in clay Services aren’t the Orlando Magic at all the top team is and yeah I know this is becoming a trend on this YouTube channel the Los Angeles Lakers are the first team now for the Los Angeles Lakers we heard earlier today that LeBron James is opting out of his $ 51.4 million play option does this mean that oh my God LeBron James is going to leave the Los Angeles Lakers right after they drafted his son oh my God no it doesn’t mean that at all apparently LeBron James wants to give the Lakers as much flexibility to pursue other free agents as humanly possible so he’s willing to take a pay cut in order for that to happen the reason for this is the new CBA changed everything you can’t just automatically give players the max now the new CBA punishes teams that overspend so and it seems like some players understand that like LeBron James and other players not so much like Klay Thompson I expect LeBron James to return I mean the Lakers drafted his son and hired his podcast partner as his head coach for crying out loud and the Lakers are also looking into James Harden possibly but we’re going to save that for a more Lakers Centric video speaking of James Harden the second team that could be interested in Klay Thompson is the LA Clippers which in my opinion the Clippers don’t really make much sense for clay right now they are so handicapped by their salary cap that in order for clay to join the Clippers it would have to be as a result of them letting go of Paul George and with all due respect that’s a colossal upgrade if you’re the clippers but Steve Balmer might do it anyway because he has a brand new stadium opening up and he needs the Clippers to be competitive for that new stadium the final option and I think the most likely option for Klay Thompson would be the Dallas Mavericks the Mavericks already have some amazing pieces in that locker room they have the young Derek Lively the legendary Luca donic Kyrie Irving who’s won a championship and now they could bring in a shooter that has stepped up for them in big games and also has Championship experience but this doesn’t solve the problem that they had against the Boston Celtics that’s the fact that they leave a lot to be desired defensively but through the Tim Hardaway Jr salary dump Mavericks have already generated enough room to offer the full projected $ 122.9 million mid-level on the market the Lakers have the ability to generate the same depending on where LeBron’s next deal lands and other business whereas the Golden State Warriors are operating in the marketplace as a full not taxpayer mid-level exception for the first time in approximately a decade due to the anticipated departure of Thompson and the potential departure of Chris Paul’s $30 million non-guaranteed deal which sheds $ 73.2 million from its books The Warriors are open to participating in a sign in trade with Thompson to Aid in his earning potential this split is a major stunner across the league given the Deep history between the Warriors and Thompson but it’s been trending this direction for a couple of Seasons as Thompson’s extension talk stalled his role shifted the team failed to make the playoffs the Warriors drafted Moses Moody Brandon Pensky and even extended Jordan P for trading him of course and he never felt reciprocated love for management about his firm place in the franchise’s plans from Klay Thompson’s perspective I mean I really think he’s asking for too much in this particular case I mean at this stage of his career Klay Thompson brings shooting which obviously is very valued in the NBA he has Championship experience which again awesome but at the same time he’s a bit of a liability defensively asking for Max money especially when you were injured the first 2 years of your max contract with the Warriors to me it just sounds like you’re asking for too much but in the case of the Warriors it seems like there’s no situation where you win here you’re either overpaying just so you can feel sentimental with Klay Thompson or you’re letting Klay Thompson walk away without really a clear contingency plan in place if they pursued Paul George I would have said okay at least you’re going to get Paul George but they’re not even getting that at this point let me know in the comments section down below if you’re a Warriors fan how do you feel about Klay Thompson leaving the Warriors we’re probably going to find out what his new team is going to be within the next two days when that happens I’ll bring you guys an update video but believe me until then we have some crazy updates for you guys one of the worst trades in NBA history went down yesterday with dejonte Murray not even getting traded but donated to the New Orleans Pelicans and the return that the Hawks got is embarrassing on top of that Kyle filipowski dropped in the NBA draft because teams were too creeped out by his girlfriend I’ll leave link to both of those videos in the end screen and I’ll catch you guys there aside from that I’m your boy Mike and I’m dropping our mic until our next upload

According to Shams Charania, The Golden State Warriors are preparing for Klay Thompson to leave their franchise.
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MUSIC BY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5CEQDOtEb9UftqMWwoJXrL

  1. Lifelong Dubs fan…but still…bye Felicia. Klay got paid 2 years while doing nothing for the team. He wants a team-handicapping contract that he DOES NOT DESERVE. Paying for past performance is not a thing that should be done. So we will take that monmey and put it elsewhere. His fragile little ego was a serious problem, as I have no doubt he was part of the problem with our lineups early in the season while he was looking like he was gonna cry when people questioned whether he should be starting still. Yeah…Klay WAS great. He is no longer great. Period. Thanks, Klay. But this is BUSINESS. DEUCES!!!!

  2. Ngl, warriors don’t necessarily owe klay big money right now seeing as they did pay him

    But they dropped the ball not drafting Lamelo smh

    Also….PG13 to the Lakers ? 👀 👀👀

  3. EVERYBODY is coming to the Lakers according to Mike. Next Video. Wilt Chamberlain will come back to life and Play for the Lakers, Laker Honk.

  4. He’s a good player, formerly great, definitely great all time, but him needing more money and respect to validate it just doesn’t make any sense at this stage in his career. He shoots set shots and can’t defend well anymore. Great career man, but this is the end of it.

  5. If you honestly think the biggest weakness on the Mavs is defense, then this isn't really a basketball channel. The Mavs played lock down D throughout the playoffs. What they didn't have was anyone who could consistently score outside of Luka and Kyrie. Now is Klay that answer? Who knows? But you gotta watch the games a little closer.

  6. The nba has changed. They changed the nba with small ball 3 pointer barrage. The nba changed. The celtics lost a championship trying out 3 point The greatest shooting team ever. It's over. So many bad choices. Jordan Poole played his part in the championship, then the next season just jacked up 3s with the 2 best shooters of all time. Bow out gracefully and be proud that the nba had to change because of you

  7. Klay should have signed a 1+1 deal with Golden State.
    I'm not a warriors fan but it would be odd to see the splash bros broken up.

  8. Sorry to say time for Klay to dip! He isn’t same player that he use to be, he’d fit better the way he is now on sixers or the lakers sorry to say. He will always be a player that use to be important on gs but not anymore

  9. I've been a die hard Warriors fan since like 91or whenever bulls vs Blazers and the NBA playoffs came out! Tim Hardaway sr is my all time favourite player. I love the warriors! But if Klay does leave I'll be heartbroken but also grateful. I can't be mad at Klay at all!

  10. The Golden State Warriors did signed Klay Thompson to a max deal even after suffering a knee injury. So you can’t get mad at the Warriors Organization for this one…

  11. Dawg your straight up LYING!! Literally nothing has been announced yet! These idiot content creators think they're a real insider like Woj or Shams 😂😂

  12. As a Warriors fan, I’m really bummed out at the possibility of losing Klay Thompson. He is one of my favorite NBA players of all time. No matter the outcome of this, whenever I am on the court in real life and the ball is passed to me behind the arc, I will always remember to shout “KLAY” at the top of my lungs❤

  13. Tbh klay gotta accept he’s not a max player I feel the warriors are making the right choice cuz klay is asking for too much knowing he’s a shell of his former self

  14. Klay is waaaaaaay too insecure to play with LeBron. Going 0-10 on a Bron team going to hit different when he gets throw under the bus. Better take his a$$ to Orlando where nobody will notice his offgames and chuckin bad shots.

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