Zach Lavine STAYING… Report Reveals MASSIVE Lavine Trade Update | Chicago Bulls News

Zach Lavine STAYING… Report Reveals MASSIVE Lavine Trade Update | Chicago Bulls News

a recent report from Bobby Marx the ESPN Insider has come out and said that the Chicago Bulls could not even move Zack LaVine with a first round pick attached to him we’re going to be talking about how this absolutely crushes the Chicago Bulls as they move forward in free agency this is Rico greenhow and this is another episode of bulls digest before we jump into it want to let you know that 77.5% of you guys that watch the videos are not subscrib to the channel make sure you mash that subscribe button so you can stay up to dat with the latest news and happenings around your Chicago Bulls without further Ado let’s jump into the hot topic of the day guys which is uh LaVine trade market not good all right guys and so this is a tough tough bit of news for the Chicago Bulls and this is this is just I’m going call it’s not looking good okay so first of all to put this in context Bobby Marx is the ESPN um NBA um front office analyst that has been a GM in the NBA before most notably with the Nets so this guy definitely knows what he’s talking about here but um we’re going to break into the report guys and I’m going to say this with this LaVine news I think that this puts to bed any situation where the Bulls would go ahead and sit on him um you know and possibly use him for the long term rebuild I think that that is out the window guys and I think that what we are going to find out in today’s video would probably suggest that for sure Demar de rozan is probably gone and then we might there’s a world where we could possibly lose Patrick Williams for nothing too but anyhow let’s go ahead and jump into it guys and so look Chicago Bulls receiving concerning reports about Zack LaVine trade um this is from Joey Lynn a very good article as well guys so make sure you check it out but this is exactly what Bobby Marx had to say Chicago has been trying to move Zack leine forever they can’t find any takers just to get off his contract I don’t even think attached a first round pick teams would take him so that impacts Demar de rozan because you can’t sign D rozan because you can’t sign D rozan and keep LaVine now you go into the luxury tax guys and so look that is absolutely right on par and that is right on par with what I’ve been talking about throughout this off season guys and remember I had talked about what the Chicago Bulls could do could they do a kind of like a soft rebuild where they were going to rebuild around demard de rozan um were they going to do a tough rebuild which means that you would probably take everybody off the team but maybe one or two players guys and look because we allowed Lonzo ball to go ahead pick up that option and it looks like the team has no interest in moving on from him right now and then the fact that we did not do anything with LaVine this severely severely hurts us as far as signing players that we might have some interest in signing this includes trickling down to Patrick Williams guys so we are in a tough situation and I want to go back to what was said by Will goblet who was on on chgo it is a terrific article guys and he is breaking down what exactly the Chicago Bulls had to do in order to retain some key free agents guys and like I said he broke this down perfectly and the funny thing is this is the exact scenario that we are in and this goes into the frustration that I have how is it that people that don’t even work for the Chicago Bulls see what’s going on right and you have a CH to be proactive and once again guys we are going into a reactive situation guys so this is this is this is a tough pill to swallow guys and and like I said before it’s very tough so um again this is notably what was talked about with Casey Johnson to start off look we know about D rozan getting off of the two-year deal yada y yada um we know about for how much money but look at this this is saying with no LaVine trade no medical retirement of ball letting Drummond green uh you know Craig who just picked up his option b h you know all this right the Bulls would be over the 11.4 million uh tax luxury tax they would be 4.4 Million past the first a right and so this is before the roster is even said so by not moving LaVine going into free agency guys we are in trouble here all right in some serious trouble so look at this all right now here’s the deal that it was talking about timing is crucial finding a new home for LaVine and determining Ball’s potential to return before it’s time to resign to R rozan and Williams will be a challenge free agency begins obviously on the 30th it’s unlikely LaVine will be the primary target for any team which we do know and other dominoes will have had to fall before teams turn into uh taking a look at LaVine and so he’s talking about like Paul George Brandon Ingram this stuff like that by this time D rozan Williams they’ve entered free agency which is exactly where we’re headed to and the Bulls won’t risk getting stuck with an 11.4 million in the tax by signing demard de R Roan and you know also too without resolving the LaVine and ball situations guys and this is exactly where we are as we push forward guys and so this is why I’m saying that this does not look po particularly good for the Chicago Bulls as far as retaining a guy like Demar de rozan or possibly retaining Patrick Williams at this point in time guys we might lose Patrick Williams for nothing because the finances the I mean and this is what I’m talking about like you had to know that this was going to happen to us the fact that we haven’t been actively on the phone trying to get L LaVine out of Chicago like we should have been doing this probably at the start of last season like we had to know what was going to happen and on top of that guys we’ve already traded Alex kuso away which that was talked about as Alex kuso was the one player that a lot of people would probably accept with any other player on our roster but we allowed that deal to happen getting no trade assets and only getting a young point guard back which it could be serviceable for us in the long term um but it it might help us here or it might hurt us excuse me as far as trying to get off of a LaVine deal so um look I don’t know what we do with this I mean now if we’re saying no picks would interest teams and we’re going to have to wait until maybe the tail end of free agency middle of free agency you know by that time who knows what the team is going to look like at this point in time and and who we’re going to be able to sign and what not so uh you know I think that this is a tough situation um I think that this was nailed ahead ahead of time uh talking about what could possibly happen for the Chicago Bulls and like I’ve been saying before look there is so many um you know situations where the Chicago Bulls have basically put themselves not just with the back in the wall like they are behind the wall like they have to punch themselves out of this thing and I don’t know how they’re going to do that uh when you get news like this from Bobby marks now I’m not saying that lavine’s not going to be traded no no I’m not saying that he eventually will be traded but by the time we do trade him it could be too late because some of the stuff that we probably wanted to do with the roster we’re not going to have that Financial flexibility guys so let me know what you guys think in the comments I know I’ve been rambling on here and essentially you know kind of showing you guys like that we’re in a tough situation with this uh do you think at the last hour LaVine is going to be moved and we’re going to be able to take care of maybe some players that we want to take care of as far as signing them um mainly notable Patrick Williams I know what the situation is with Demar De Rose and how we feel about that but more so with Patrick Williams do you think that the Chicago Bulls are going to try to make something happen so they can get um you know the max offer whatever they need out to Patrick Williams even if they do not keep um demard de Rosen uh do you guys think that at the end of the day we are just going to have to wait this thing out some more we’re going to lose Patrick Williams we’re going to lose Demar and eventually we’re going to trade LaVine for a bag of chips guys uh let me know in the comments what you guys are thinking about this and it looks like uh we’re going to head into a bad situation and I’m going to say it’s the Margo round of the bad situation ah even though we don’t know what we’re doing guys I’m still saying go Bulls I’ll see you guys on the next one peace peace peace peace peace

In this video your host, Rico Greenhowe, breaks down reports around a Nikola Vucevic trade. Also talking about a possiable trade that has Nikola Vucevic headed to Golden State., Artūras Karnisovas had to say on a how he will handle a possible for each player. Are the Bulls going to make major moves this offseason?

0:00 Bulls news
1:00 Trade Market for LaVine not Good.
2:11 No first round pick with LaVine would move him?
5:02 Free agency going just as predicted?

Bulls Digest is a channel that breaks down all of the latest news, reports and rumors on the Chicago Bulls. This includes coverage on players such as DeMar DeRozan, Zach Lavine, Alex Caruso, Lonzo Ball, Nikola Vucevic, Patrick Williams and everyone on the Bulls Roster!
Bulls Digest is a channel that breaks down all of the latest news, reports and rumors on the Chicago Bulls. This includes coverage on players such as DeMar DeRozan, Zach Lavine, Alex Caruso, Lonzo Ball, Nikola Vucevic, Patrick Williams and everyone on the Bulls Roster!

  1. This Front Office Is Str8 Ass Completely Incompetent I Don't Know Why I Even Care Jerry Has Ruined Basketball And Baseball For Me In This Town Years Ago

  2. AK blew it. Ryan Pace was a much better GM. How he didn’t listen to most of the bulls fans who said don’t extend him to a max contract! 😮 he ruined the team…

  3. That 40mil isnt true bottom line its made up. And ak was doing lip service all season saying he wants to keep demar so the optics look good when he leaves and it seems like the bulls treat their players well becuase for so long theres been a bad stigma and may even still last. And demar is probably gonna take 15-20mil if he can from any team now if that if he wants to win now

  4. Idk where you lame YouTubers from but here in Chicago we love Zach!! We hate the Bulls front office and wants to trade them!! Zach is the man here💯💯stop repeating what you hear on ESPN

  5. We couldn't do anything about Ball picking up his option it was a player option correct? And I'm not sure to say we don't want to move on from Ball is correct. No one is going to take him.

  6. Y’all don’t have your own mind y’all just repeat what you heard on TV. You think the Bulls actually care about winning.. you a fanboi it’s all controlled and rigged if you smart you would know that

  7. My Opinion : Vucevic has to go, LaVine has to go, DeRozan need to stay. The rest I don't care, yeah I would happy if Drummond is still a Bull because I love what he can do for us on the Court. My wish is to sign Claxton from the Nets and get another Star Player to have a Reason for Demar to stay in CHI Town, that at the End he is not the only Ball Leader with Experience out there and the Bulls can play good Basketball and I don't watch losing Games again. 😇🙏🏻

  8. Rico, I wouldn't pay attention to anything Marks or Nick friedel says about the Bulls they probably still have a problem with those six championships. Zack could easily be moved to a bad team. He's an excellent offensive player they paid him The money though that you would pay somebody you expected to lead you to a championship.


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