[Le’Veon Bell] this man used to block 300lbs nose guards ALONE ..

[Le’Veon Bell] this man used to block 300lbs nose guards ALONE ..

  1. Joe thomas also lost a lot of weight…its funny how skill positions gain a lot of weight after they retire and lineman seem to do the opposite

  2. That’s wild but good for him. Obviously a better weight for his health long term.

  3. I’m glad he got out before he could have done some serious damage to himself.

    The other side of me misses him and can’t believe he hasn’t been anchoring the front of the line for 3 years now. Retiring at 30 is crazy and I didn’t realize he came in when he was 20/21.

    I will always die on the hill that missing him is the reason we lost SBXLV. I also contend PI on Wallace on the last play of our drive, but Legursky killed us. Maybe Mendenhall doesn’t fumble if the line is sured up and someone could peel off to get to Matthews. I have no idea, but I never thought I care about a center in football as much as Pouncey made me. Defines the importance of the position.

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