[Haynes] Free agent center DeAndre Jordan intends to re-sign with the Denver Nuggets on a one-year, $3.6M deal, league sources tell @NBAonTNT, @BleacherReport.

[Haynes] Free agent center DeAndre Jordan intends to re-sign with the Denver Nuggets on a one-year, $3.6M deal, league sources tell @NBAonTNT, @BleacherReport.

  1. DJ for the good vibes and those couple of random double doubles in the season lol

  2. I love that he is on the team. I am unsure if this signing will prevent us from signing someone useful on the court.

  3. Cmon we can’t do better with a vet min? Let him join the coaching staff

  4. There’s just no roster spots for guards.

    Jokic Deandre Nnaji Holmes

    Gordon Vlatko Tyson

    MPJ Watson

    Braun Strawther

    Murray Pickett

    Only 2 roster spots left.

  5. We really could’ve used this spot with someone younger who would conceivably contribute more. Just give him a coaching spot

  6. Can’t believe we’re going into the year without a true backup C come on man Jokic is going to be dead by the playoffs again

  7. I love DJ and will never be mad he’s on the team but it feels like open roster spots are getting slim and we still haven’t addressed some big holes. Won’t make my final judgement until we see the final roster but so far this doesn’t feel great overall

  8. Love DJ. One of my favorite players. A monstrous black dude singing along to nirvana and queen… having a great time on the sidelines…. and being an overall great teammate… what’s not to love. Thanks DJ for being you!

  9. Honestly I think it’s more likely at this point for KCP to stay. Even with Booth’s comments, Nuggets don’t have a lot of wiggle room now. I doubt the Sixers offer $25M unless the Clippers decide to offer him something.

  10. I’m confused – is this the vet minimum? Does this constrain us any more than offering him the min?

  11. This is insanity. Jokic is approaching 30 and needs a real backup. Especially as the rest of the NBA makes developing bigs and stocking up on them a priority. Make DJ a player coach if he’s that important to the locker room.

    It’s sincerely starting to look like the Bruce Brown signing was a fluke and the we have a completely inept GM

  12. Somebody has to push Jokic around and make it somewhat interesting at practice. Dont underestimate that. Jokic gets better with playing against him. They need a young and lanky pogo stick to be a lob threat and screen setter on the second unit, and spot duty w the starters as an awesome cutter and dunker spot finisher.

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