[Music] welcome to the winged wheel podcast here to talk all things hockey are your hosts Brad krisco Ryan Hannah and Evan lobsinger I want to start this episode for the record we are recording under duress because there is a trade that may or may not happen at any given point of recording Jacob trouba to the Red Wings is something that has been reported from multiple big names as well as various New York Rangers media specifically as trending towards happening with the Rangers retaining it was suggested that it was heavily likely that it was going to happen today if not tomorrow today is Saturday it’s it’s the draft wrapped up an hour and a half ago about it’s almost 5:00 p.m. we should be talking about the 2024 draft doing one of our biggest episodes of the year the Detroit Red Wings draft review all of that with a it’s it’s the most straightforward big episode we have because all the content is laid out for us who’ they pick what are the players what is the impact that kind of thing but this trade is weighing over our heads but we have a plan our next episode barring anything crazy happening is going to be Tuesday night after free agency starts on Monday we’re going to recap what has happened to date at free agency at that point so if the trouba trade happens you know let’s say tomorrow or Monday that’s where you’re going to hear the trouba content if the trouba trade happened today well then this episode’s going to sound a little bit different and there’s going to be some remote recordings and addendums before it’s published we’ll see how it goes we are at the mercy of Steve Eisman Chris jury in the hockey Gods overall with that said the 2024 NHL draft review episode the Detroit Red Wings have made all of their picks besides the fact that we might have an emergency episode and another major episode guaranteed to happen after this boys we’re in the home stretch doesn’t feel like it no it does not at all feels like we have I don’t even see light at the end of the tunnel yet I’m so glad that we don’t see light at the end of the tunnel yet that we’re at in the home stretch we are more than 50% of the way there in theory so we’ll see if we can actually hold that one welcome to the winged wheel pod here to talk to you about all things Detroit Red Wings in NHL 2024 entry draft overall maybe trades with Jacob trouba maybe some free agency talk and lots more I one of your hosts Ryan Hannah I’m Brad Chrisco and I’m Evan on this episode of the wind wheel podcast as we said we are going to be recapping the entire 2024 NHL entry draft for the Detroit Red Wings as well as other major storylines from the draft how the first round unfolded major trades that happened especially on day two with Utah going crazy what we think of the Michael brzeg knard pick how Detroit and Steve Eisman and Chris Draper did overall what this means for the system etc etc after recapping you know each player what we know about them so far what to look forward to we are then going to evaluate in a on a preliminary basis the other teams in the draft who kind of stood out to us as making some notable picks that kind of evaluation is going to happen over time though so this won’t be the last we talk of the draft of course we’re going to give updates on Patrick Kane and depending on what news has or hasn’t dropped Jacob trouba we are going to be talking about some other various pieces of news before we jump into overtime before all that I want to let you know that this podcast is proudly brought to you by our patreon supporters patreon.com wheel podcast if you want to support the show patreon supporters get access to some really great benefits like the bonus overtime episodes which record right after these main ones they usually post right after the main ones but on big episodes like this sometimes they take a little longer but we let loose have fun we talk about hockey content non hockey content we tell stories you get some blooper reals from the show it’s a really good time you also get access to the patreon exclusive Discord which is a fantastic community and you additionally are automatically entered into all of our giveaways for example we give away two tickets to every Detroit Red Wings home game the vast majority going directly to our patreon supporters and patrons today got the benefit of rounds 2 through S live coverage and hangout with us the host of The Wind wheel podcast so it really is a great Community to join and a fantastic way to help us if you’re looking to go above and beyond so again patreon.com wiedel podcast let’s start by talking about how the first round unfolded and as predicted the celebrating pick for San Jose was the least surprising of all and beyond that artum left shoa for Chicago even if some folks debated whether that was the best pick it was Pretty unsurprising Outside shot they would have gone demidov but Le shov was kind of known that Chicago that was their guy beyond that is when it got a little wild which was fun and it made things interesting if you were a Red Wings fan for for a hot second there that something crazy might happen so let’s start with pick three Anaheim takes Becket senica third overall with players like demidov Lindstrom salv others on the board what was that pick and what do you think well that was an upside pick for sure we’ve talked about the second half of his season how his very mediocre start turned around and he started putting up big numbers and he’s a big right shot forward with excellent hands excellent Vision can score you know big Tage Thompson Vibes coming from him and it didn’t come completely out of nowhere I think it was Scott wheeler reported Wednesday or Thursday that he was starting to hear some senica to Anaheim Rumblings around the league so I think the only person on Friday who was really truly caught off guard by senica at three was Becket senica and his parents cuz that was an alltime reaction best draft reaction since Mo cider hey we love Mo but that reaction was better we couldn’t read lips on What mo was saying we could with Beck and senica what the it was actually a really cool moment to see you know he was surprised and and obviously blown away but his parents were just so that was just Raw like happiness for your child like that was a really really cool moment and what I’ll say is like you know personally I think demidov was the higher upside pick I think he could be he could challenge celebrini potentially for best player in the draft like that’s not out of the realm of possibility but I don’t dislike the senica pick overall because like you said a lot of upside there’s certain metrics that maybe don’t paint him in the best light but I I don’t really subscribe to the predictive ability of those metrics in definitive way he’s a gamerman I would have loved senica but Detroit was just way too far out of range with how he was originally projected which was what like 8 to 12 at worst Anaheim got a guy and you can if you’re a Ducks fan I I could imagine that there are some who are disappointed that it wasn’t demidov but you could have done a lot worse in my mind well Anaheim you know we’ll talk about it later in this in the first round but then they got San soberg so they kind of walked away with two excellent pieces they clearly had a plan of taking Beck at senica top three and then get a defens spin see if somebody’s dropping move up if required but they had soberg waiting there and they made a great pick so Anaheim had a great first round the Columbus Blue Jackets followed up fourth overall with Kaden Lindstrom again you might have said oh demod off’s there for them but when you saw Rick Nash standing next to Kaden Lindstrom you’re like it all made sense it made a lot of sense a couple big boys and that’s what they’re looking for in Lindstrom we said when we mocked Lindstrom and we did our profile on him if you’re not concerned by the injury history he is a topof the draft pick for sure yeah but now we have to talk about that pick within the context of the tradeoffer because oh my God the I think it was Pier LeBrun reported that Chicago really wanted to trade for pick four from Columbus and as part of the trade offer was Chicago’s own 20 25 unprotected first round pick which is insane Columbus is nuts to pass that up yeah plus another pick no Chicago wanted demidov right I would assume that’s who they were going for I don’t know that Columbus is insane to pass that up but think of next year’s draft and think of the fact that there’s a very decent chance Chicago’s pick could be first overall at worst third or fourth I refuse to think about next year’s draft that might be their think too like they are that could be James Haggins or Michael Misa it could there’s a really really strong top three four in next year’s draft obviously things changed Cole Eiserman would have been in this conversation for this draft a year ago that and that’s that has to be the thinking there like if you’re in love with a guy like you know Lindstrom or if they were in love with demidov and you know what he is and you really believe in him are you willing to risk losing him for someone that you don’t know where they’re going to be in 12 months and you don’t know how good Chicago is going to be right what if they go on a te what if they add a ton because if you’re Chicago and you make that trade you then add a ton right oh yeah you have to start buying which they shouldn’t do but I mean if you’re walking away from this draft with lunov and demidov you’re probably in a position you can start buying a little bit and a couple you know 12th overall 15th overall picks aren’t going to hurt you going forward but from Columbus hey I love Kaden Lindstrom I don’t love him enough that I wouldn’t have taken that gamble Mont all for all the fans who really wanted mechkov and they passed over him for Ryan Bacher and they took Ivan demidov what did we say when he was drafted into the Atlantic damad damad Dam it is extremely tough from a Red Wing’s perspective to see the Good Fortune of these other teams and Rivals to land top end offensive Talent they got that is the best possible outcome for Montreal at 5ifth that’s what they were hoping for for months and months and months and they landed it Ivan demidov in the Atlantic is going to hurt but they got themselves a great pick yeah the only thing that can make this worse as a Red Wings fan when looking at a division rival is if somehow Michael hag slipped into the 20s and they ended up with him as well shut up Brad you you’re yeah you’re just as upset about it as I am don’t I know I know that was a great that was a great haul by Montreal Utah mixed things up T ainla they took te well before Calgary three picks later you know talk about needing defense which they took care of I guess the next day yeah they’re making moves that pick made a whole lot more sense when you factor in what they did today not an expansion team but Utah in terms of a new team how they’re acting acted much more like Vegas than they did Seattle the past couple of days they are going to sell a lot I think I said this in in a previous mock or something they’re going to sell a lot of Utah Utah’s tjig jerseys yeah first Ryan Smith coming to the podium and going why are you booing I haven’t done anything yet great opening line we all could see into the future so we had to get the booing started we talked we didn’t even talk about the MCH pick with Selen Dion oh my well because we would have to talk for an hour she took so long to spit it out I know which is a great it was a cool moment though yeah you bring out Seline Dion I don’t even care who you pick it’s an A+ pick but very Vegas of them yeah and then Utah comes out and pisses off the entire city of Calgary hey again was a perfectly justifiable pick there but this was also the moment in the draft where I think our eyebrows raised and went five of the first six players were forwards in this quote unquote defense loaded draft this was the first sign of okay weird things are happening because each of these individual picks was very justifiable it was just that five of them were forwards I don’t want to say it was possible for this to happen but as you’ll see every time we’d get to a team and we’d be like they could really use a defenseman they could really use a defenseman and they did start to go but the one name that kept falling spoiler was Z boam and we were like hold on a second because if you had to pick we knew leov would go second but if you had to pick a a defenseman who could potentially be one of the top players in the draft Z boam is on that list and he wasn’t the one to go the next pick was Ottawa at 7even I was actually like oh I hope boo doesn’t go there but they took Carter yakimchuk at seventh overall which is a perfectly fine pick but if you’re then if you’re Calgary you’re like TJ ginla and then Carter yakimchuk you know a couple picks before us seems like a sick joke like didn’t even get close enough that they had the okay we just need Seattle to not pick one of these guys and we’re golden but yeah Ottawa it’s understandable I liked zeve more than yakimchuk and I would say Dickinson and yakimchuk were at least comparable but Ottawa has Shabbat and Sanderson like they had a bigger need on the right side so to take yakimchuk while justifiable on skill was also justifiable because they they definitely needed a right-hand shot D Seattle you know ignoring what people thought they needed for position I thought they took one of the highest upside players they potentially could have at eighth overall they took Berkeley kton oh that was the best possible pick there because he was the best player available there do you take Berkeley K over zeve I look at everything through the Red Wings lens so yes but it’s close regardless I I think Seattle is looking at their offensive group and you know they want to address long term they don’t want to be a low-scoring team forever they don’t want to be a low Talent team and I’m not saying that they are but we’ve talked in the past and other people have talked in the past Seattle’s going to be adding a NBA team and they’re going to have to compete for you know market share and and they’re not the only player in town anymore really and so they need to be a draw and that makes sense Berkeley katton should be an exciting player for them there was like a a small tiny sliver of hope that that could have been a pick that could have fallen but it just didn’t shake out that way yeah we we said it was a pipe dream from the beginning I didn’t necessarily have Seattle to be the ones taking him but I I was was hard pressed to see him getting out of the top 10 and once again here we are eight picks in two defenseman which was the theme of the live stream because all of us are going what’s happening what’s happening what’s happening this was the moment for me sitting there looking at the Red Wings 15th overall pick and I think I’ve spent the better part of a year going they need a forward they need a forward take a forward first round pick forward and you see zeve and Dickinson and perk and all these guys falling going you know we could use a defenseman we could use a defenseman here next up the Calgary Flames I I can’t imagine that they’re too mad about this pick I mean they took him over Z buam I don’t know if they would have taken a yakam Chuck over him or TJ ginla is the obvious answer but Zan perrick it’s a swing of a pick high high high upside as you’ve talked about Brad offensive potential through the roof defense leaves a lot of concerns but if you can develop him into being serviceable then he could be a massive player so how do you feel about Calgary taking that swing on peric I love it where Calgary is in the very first days of their rebuild this is the best time to take swings because if he hits and you get a superstar hell of a good start to your rebuild if things don’t progress as well as you’d hope there’s lots of Runway here they’re not going to be a contender for a half decade at best so you don’t need to rush him you can put him through whatever path you need him to go through and at the end of it if you end up with a you know top pairing power play number one guy it’s a grand slam and again there’s no guarantee he’s going to be that but all context considered this is the exact type of pick they needed to make here the Devils had to be surprised that Sal was still on the board at 10 and thrilled that they were able to draft the 6 foot s massive Russian yeah and and thus began the Run of defenseman we had been waiting on the entire top 10 and yeah you look at New Jersey they don’t have any weaknesses in their organization they from markstrom and yeah they could take whatever POS whatever player they deemed best yeah we didn’t think they take a small forward because they have a lot of them but they could have taken a right d they could have taken a left D they could have taken a center they could have taken a Winger all would have made sense Sala you take this 6’7 monster who can skate yeah that’s a pretty good bet to make at 10th overall especially given his frame you got to think he’s not a guy who’s terribly far away from contributing in the NHL and the window is wide open for the Devils right now so makes a ton of sense this is one where I had the feeling I actually mocked this pick in our mock draft and I talked about it even though it wouldn’t have been a lot of people’s favorite pick I just felt like San Jose would want to go for what they would perceive as a bit of a safer pick and it’s not a knock on the prospect I like him I don’t I didn’t like him more than Z boam for for example but San Jose at 11 you know with the trade up they took Sam Dickinson out of London not the best defens been available but yes this was kind of what we hypothesized when San Jose made the trade up a couple days ago odds are one of the defenseman will fall to the top 10 and San Jose will be waiting there because they have a desperate and I mean desperate need for defense go look at their system right now it’s Shakir Muka Mulan and then nothing like with all due respect to the six seventh round picks that they got floating around there that was it and obviously they weren’t going to pass on celebrini at one so their next pick needed to be a defenseman I think they were probably pleasantly surprised they had a couple to choose from but but this this had to have been the plan moving on the the next pick there was a break because Minnesota ended up trading to move up one spot from 13 to 12 and when that first happened I think they panned over the crowd and you saw the Red Wings on the phone because we were all saying I agree with you Brad I didn’t really want the Red Wings to take a defenseman there’s like soberg would have been a perfectly good defenseman that I really would have liked but if you look at what this organization needs it needs top six forwards right now in its Prospect system and still with zeve buam falling that far I’m like ah he’s good enough where you don’t care as you said before like it transcends that is what true best player available like that is a dramatic example of it to the point where I would have happily moved up and that’s not anyone who’s been listening for a while knows that I’m a big fan of moving up in this draft with where the Red Wings are I think you guys were too but I was like oh my God if they make this trade I will be thrilled I’m still not mad you know that they didn’t or with who they ended up with but Minnesota ended up making the trade moving up one spot to take Z buam and that was a that like that single digit percentages that they would have thought they would have got him there right oh 100% they were you saw Billy Garren when he got on stage happy as could be he he felt like DB Cooper at that moment like he was stealing something like wait there’s no way this is right he gave up a third round pick to move up one spot because he didn’t want to risk it which was a brilliant move you see that much talent sitting on the board at 12 and you’re at 13 don’t risk it absolutely do not get your guy Minnesota’s system and team like they’ve been the definition of mediocre for two decades this is a guy who combined with Faber puts you in a position you could have one of the best blue lines in the league for 10 years that is one hell of a way to get out of mediocrity jet luchenko to Philadelphia 13 was in my mind the first reach you have to announce this pick like Michael Buffer well I can’t because our stream was buffering because at this point the worst thing that has ever happened to me while we’ve been live streaming happened which is the whole stream died so for all of you who joined the stream thank you for putting up with that and I think the worst part was like I was watching the CH I was using the chat to determine whether the stream was working and people were sending donations like fix the stream funds I’m like don’t we’re doing a bad job don’t donate to us right now please but thank you to all who tuned in and who are patient and who came back after I think we peaked at almost 4,000 of You by the time of the Red Wings pick so thank you and apologies again that personally blame Brad but that 30 second window of Philly trading out of Pick 12 then leading into the stream issues was the most chaos ever because we didn’t know if that was Detroit trading up and then the interet emotions were all over the place for about a five minute stretch there Michael Buffer made a pick it was wild and it was sorry it was Flyers it was a phenomenal pick too he nailed that he did great I would actually put it in here but he is very litigious with the use of his phrase and so I don’t want to get on Michael Buffer’s you know docket so to speak let’s get ready for jet lenko but jet lenko fine Prospect we actually talked about him as like an outside shot for a guy who we haven’t talked a lot about but could fit the Red Wings mold at 15th if they like him Philly it wasn’t a terrible pick but in my mind that was a reach at 13 based on who was there perfectly good player context matters who with everybody who is still on the board helenius MN heg Connelly eer you better be really certain that you’re seeing something everybody else isn’t which hey has happened most Ider like we we were in that boat and it worked out so I’m not saying it can’t work out for Philly I’m just saying I wouldn’t have done that the the thing is and you know what we’ll talk about this more at the NBN pick in the first round especially as you get away from like the top three in some drafts the top one you can’t get married to one pick if you’re you’re tuning in and you’re doing all this research whether you’re a pro Scout or you know just a fan you can’t get married to one pick because things can go way different and you’d be shocked at how different teams draft boards look than what public consensus is you are correct it’s not like there’s ever been a pick where us and every professional prospector in the sport would like mock a single player to a single team over and over and over and over and over and over again you do got to spread it out a little bit we actually but we did it all our predictions weren’t NBN we’ll talk about it so the the prediction and that’s a good segue leads into pick 14 because that’s where I thought NBN was going I thought he was way too good of a fit for where Buffalo is organizationally right now and I didn’t think he’d be there for number 15 constant helenus to Buffalo at4 transparently constant helenus my list I had like a tier of guys and it included helenius branz negard it included ha it included Connell provided that the team cleared him as a person but helenus if I had to pick one was the top of my list I’d like that pick for Buffalo i’ like the player and probably best player available there but Buffalo is trying to pull some wizard of O stuff because 90% of the people on set for them right now are 5’1 under what’s wrong with that hey Evan thinks everything yeah jeez if it were up to me but I digress they they are building a very interesting unique roster right now and again I like lenius I like the pick I think I’m a believer that if you have all small forwards you can succeed but then you better be elite elite elite defensively and they are not and it’s not even about oh you need people to to defend them or hurt you need people who can force the play like think about what Florida did this year they forced the play they made you scared to get hit they were dogged on the four check they were suffocating on the PK and not saying small forwards can’t do that like you think of guys who are who’s small but dogger on the Maro for example is one who’s been coming up a lot lately because a free agency but by and large you know the Trevor zises of the world aren’t going to be that way way and so yeah you need to supplement it with it’s a big man’s League the NHL whether you like it or not the Sabers and Red Wings being at similar points in their rebuild and having like the dichotomy between how they’re building their teams is going to be fascinating to see how this plays out over the next 10 years because this could be a good direct experiment for the rest of the league the Red Wings have not been maximizing skill with their picks and for agency but as we’ve learned they have a type those well-rounded 200 foot pain in the ass players to play against like the Red Wings are a team you even if you’re winning you’re going to hate every minute of that game because they’re going to be all over you they’re going to pressure you they’re going to hit you they’re going to be they’re going to make life hard on you whereas Buffalo has admittedly way more skill on their team and in their system than Detroit does like I don’t think it’s particularly close but who on that team do you hate playing against you know what I mean yeah yeah it’s it’s two ends of the spectrum yeah and the real answer to how to build a team is probably in the middle of what these two teams are doing but you also need to be drafting where Buffalo did to do the one thing uh exactly the Red Wings did not have the opportunity to get a doing or an OM power but I digress I think it’s going to be fascinating and I would have liked Buffalo if I was a Sabers fan to have taken someone like a Brin seg neard because they have such a need for it but they didn’t and here we are okay what we’re GNA do now is talk about the Red Wings pick do a full analysis on the player before we then cover the rest of the first round so 15th overall the Detroit Red Wings go up on the stage Steve eisan Chris Draper and Nicholas lrom and I even said on stream when I saw that Nick lrom was making the pick I was like oh this is going to be Solberg but when he said the words Michael brzek knard we were all like it was the the truth that we were ignoring not ignoring but when we were making our predictions we were like let’s just try to let’s think outside of the box a little bit I think you and I predicted Connelly I think Evan you predicted Eiserman when we said you know gun to the sphere what’s what’s one player you have to pick but Michael brzeg negard fits the bill more than any player fit the bill for a pick other than celebrini to San Jose at one so first who is Michael brzeg neard as a prospect talk about you know his development path who he is as a player his ultimate upside you know likely rang just all of it who is mbn noreg sorry first ever Norwegian drafted in the first round this is Monumental but BR negard is again the joke going around the hockey world for the last month which proved true is the most competitive 200 foot forward in the first round of this draft full stop the absolute defin definition of a Red Wings type and here we are but the pick being boring doesn’t mean it’s bad and I think a lot of people are misunderstanding that cuz we were making the jokes all along please mock someone else to the Red Wings for the love of God this is getting ridiculous oh my God iserman can you step out of your type just once in your life prove to us that there’s another dimension here and of course he doesn’t the meme of it all is hilarious yes but it doesn’t mean it’s a bad pick it’s was legitimately just I want to feel something yes it’s more honestly the the the Eiserman having a type that was less it for me it’s more the mock drafts like let’s just get some good content it’s like I think we all like ice cream but if you ate nothing but ice cream every day for three months you’re going to get a little sick of it but ice cream is still good yes go on yeah so he is that well-rounded highly competitive 200 foot player that’s the triggering words for everybody listening even though those are good qualities to have he has a top five shot in this draft the dude can score you give him you don’t need a lot of time and his release can be a little slow but man can this guy shoot a puck and because he’s such a competitor and because his skating is average to maybe slightly above average at the NHL level he’s going to get chances and he doesn’t need a lot to put them in the net and because of his amazing for checking ability he’s going to get a lot of pucks other players wouldn’t one of the highlights that I think it was Red Wings prospects on Twitter was throwing up today was just a collage of his Steals and dare I say it was D suian not to the same degree nobody’s going to be paav but he could get pucks that he had no business getting and you know hockey’s a game of possession the more you have it the better and he is very good at getting possession of the puck and when he has it in time in space it’s a I think his playmaking is okay I wouldn’t say it’s a strength of his game there’s just enough there to keep the other team honest to the point where they can’t just sellout on him shooting every time they defend him but it kind of like a de Brink in that sense you wouldn’t consider de Brink to be an elite playmaker but every once in a while you see a pass and the defense goes oh okay he sees it we got to watch for it yeah that that type of playmaking ability Eiserman himself referenced the goal scoring and that he’s very versatile you can play him in multiple spots on the power play you could slap him on the left half wall as the triggerman I think he could play netfront with how good he is on pux and how strong he is I think he could play the bumper with how Twitchy his shot is so there’s a lot of flexibility there the fact that he shoots right always a plus because there’s not a plethora of those going around the NHL I think he’s a really really good pick I don’t think his ceiling is super super high but his floor is very high again and I know everybody’s wincing when I say that it’s a good thing I think the reality for him is probably 20 to 25ish goal scorer 50ish Point player is what I think the likely outcome is but I don’t think it’s super out of the realm of possibility that he’s a 3030 guy for a bunch of years in his prime a couple things before talking about the player zeroing in on how Eiserman talked about him Eiserman didn’t say a lot of the things like like you said BR people who would have you know almost shuddered when they heard it like you know compete 200 foot game he talked a lot about his offense it really looks like they believe in his offense driven by his super high-end shot like that Rel like he can score and it’s not just like the dirty areas goal like he can score from mid distance long range sometimes also it’s a hakan Anderson pick like if you’re coming out of Sweden a Norwegian player playing in Sweden that’s a hakan Anderson pick and for all of the for anyone who is like you know set on Eiserman or set on heg or set on anyone else like there is something to be said about this guy who is prolific across the NHL for how many years now for when he bangs the table for a pick at the end of the draft or at the start of a draft his hit rate is Untouchable so the fact that hakan Anderson and team have the confidence to bypass guys who maybe had perceived higher end offensive upside in certain areas like an Eiserman for example or like a heg that in instills a lot of confidence what I’ll say about the player is I I fully agree with you Brad like there’s not a lot that you don’t like about his complete game I think he’s the most projectable in my mind of the guys who are still there as in this guy is going to be an everyday NH I think top six forward is fully within the the range of possibilities and I don’t even think that’s like ultimate ultimate upside I agree I think with how he forces the puck and how he forces the play and the way he can make the play turn on a dime by forcing a turnover or laying a big hit or just being hard on the puck like I think you said this on stream Brad an extreme example but we just watched the Florida Panthers do this all year and that’s how they won the cup we watched Detroit get dominated by the Florida Panthers and other teams who are hard on the puck Detroit really struggled against those the Red Wings path to the cup is not not going to be the Tampa Colorado model it can’t be because they they didn’t win the lottery they will not have that Talent they do not have that talent and it is UN unless they trade for it which again very unlikely yeah Florida had barov the Red Wings do not have one of those in their system but they were a well-rounded team built by a small Foundation of good draft picks and then they supplemented with trades waiver wire claims free agency for higher end players to round out the roster and then they played that oh my God we are going to suffocate you type of game and you can even go back to St Louis for the more extreme example of that they didn’t have many superstars that’s probably the most likely path for Detroit to get to a cup and also since you referenced it when you were talking there little funo for me do you know what was significant about the 2017 draft for the Detroit Red Wings h that’s the last time they didn’t take a European in the first round yeah that’s that’s how much Faith they have in aan Anderson now I know zida was playing in North America but they still would have got looks at him before he came over every year since 2017 a European in the first round so overall like mbn you’re going to be hard pressed to find anyone you know professional scouts or otherwise who would say this was a bad player again I I think it’s perfectly fair and it’s it’s a Fan’s license to do this to say I preferred a different player but in my in my opinion I just don’t see how you could be that disappointed in the pick even if he wasn’t your favorite pick I had a range of like I think five or six guys where I’m like this I would be very very happy with and mbn was towards the top of that for me we only slightly alluded to the fact that he absolutely blows guys up when he can’t directly take the puck from them so he might to me he might be one of the best hitters in the first round and that’s going to translate exceptionally well if he never hits his high-end goal scoring ceiling he’s already like 200 plus pounds 6’1 like he is a big kid already yeah like I know people were probably banging the table for a for a heg a Connelly type player but he’s another guy that can fit immediately into the middle six and we’ll see what his overall long-term ceiling is I I still think he’s an excellent Prospect if you’re if you’re drawing the Silver Linings here or the positives versus negatives and again I say this in the interest of just looking at it objectively the negatives would be you know the the dynamic abilities or the super high-end attributes there were probably other guys there who could offer a little bit more in that space and let’s do away with the false dichot of complete 200 foot player means no offensive output but to some degree Ajman and Draper and hakan Anderson and lrom they basically looked at him and said we are taking the gamble of this guy is going to make a bigger impact on the ice overall even if a heg translates and becomes a a big offensive producer or an iserman for example although with how he fell I’m not quite sure or Connelly depending on how they felt about the person they’re essentially saying the totality of his game is going to have a bigger impact that’s the statement they made with 15th overall so though it’s you know some people might say boring I think it’s just the Red Wings community over scouted him he’s a great player and something else I’ll offer is if he ends up being a top six Winger or let’s say second line Winger for 15th overall that is a that’s kind of all you can really hope for like I know we have Dylan Lin on the team but he was an aberration he is like an alltime pick from that position yeah go back through 15th overall there’s a couple huge hits Eric Carlson Dylan Lin but they’re not common if you get a second line Winger at 15th overall you’re doing well that’s what you want now again everything matters in context because if we’re sitting here in five years and you know Cole Eiserman and Michael heg are going absolutely nuts in the NHL it’s like okay good player but they bungled the pick but again it’s risk versus reward I still would argue heg Connelly Eiserman have higher upside but there’s no denying they’re also bigger risk there’s not as much guarantee in translatability in their game like there is with BR s neard and if none of these four hit their ultimate offensive ceilings there’s still a role for brand s negard where I think those other three would really struggle to establish a a prominent role on a good team because what’s negard floor I I would argue his floor is what rasm is now yeah like low end floor I’d say was what raspon is now yeah and I mean any any Prospect can pet her out and like we’re not saying he’s guaranteed but in all likelihood yeah yeah you don’t you don’t speak in the extremes and the outliers there’s a a 100% range we talk from the 30 to 70% range because the 80 to 100 and the 20 to zero are so rare in occurring they’re not worth discussing but you always understand in the back of your mind the possibility is there all of a sudden brand Z neard discover some playmaking next year oh crap is this guy going to be an 80P point forward yeah possibility is there but it’s such an extreme it’s not worth divulging a lot of time to I don’t think anybody would be upset if his the entirety of his career he was just a 20 goal scorer who was just an absolute bully and an absolute fiend off the puck that would be a great selection out 15 so that first of all the the name the arch name on the back of the Jersey shout out to the equipment manager for getting that done it looks sick that full name like all those letters on there with the branz knard pick the Red Wings I mean for me watching Florida all year did make me that path that you outl I should say Brad like that is pretty much what the Red Wings are married to they’re going to have to add the higher end scoring Talent elsewhere but all in all I’m happy for the pick true or false between Danielson and Casper I would put BR zeg neard right in the middle closer to Danielson than Casper in terms of the level of the prospect coming into the team even though Casper was a higher pick agree or disagree oh I would agree fully yeah yep me too Michael brzeg negard the Red Wings are obsessed with drafting players with long names three name names and giving Mickey Redmond all he can reckon with while on the broadcast but no doubts that Redmond a spring chicken will handle it just fine is that why they didn’t take Leo Salin wenus in the second round they just couldn’t do it to him yeah they’re like one is enough we already hit him with Axel sandine pel ASP mbn we’re going to work with this one UPN NBC ESPN okay we are going to take a quick break and come back and cover the rest of the first round and of course the Red Wings picks but first we want to let you know that this episode of the winded wheel podcast is proudly brought to you by laat Blue Light created in 1983 this premium light Canadian pilzer is a delicately balanced beer brewed with Cascade hops and a blend of malt it’s fresh crisp and brewed to the highest quality standards there’s a little bit of Canadian kindness in every sip of labat blue light how did it get in there they’re Canadian that’s how you can spread the love yourself by sharing a leat and when you do share a lebat you’re not just sharing a beer you’re sharing an experience that’ll pair with with anything from hockey to a ho down so next time you’re watching a hockey with your buds be sure to share a leat because while you might not all root for the same team although we on this podcast do hope you’re rooting for the Red Wings you can all enjoy a laat blue light we honestly love going to games in Detroit and seeing laat being the beer that fans clamor for all over the arena it’s a reliable beer and great to have in your hand when celebrating a goal so head to the link in the description of this episode or the one you see on your screen to find leat in stores near you today you must be are older and as always enjoy responsibly welcome back covering the rest of the first round after the NBN pick at 15th overall St Louis right behind Detroit took Adam Ur defenseman Washington surprised some people including the player by taking parisek at 17th Chicago at 18th took Sasha bav at 19 Vegas got a super high upside pick in Trev Connelly so we’ll see how that one plays out it was gonna it was always gonna be Vegas right you should have known that yep I don’t know how that that team is going to they’re going to stay good for a while they should stay good for a while I should say I love that they lean into the evil empire Vibes they give off and I’m not saying connell’s not rehabbed or you know done good work and is genuinely a good person now I’m not saying that but I’m saying if he’s not of course it would be Vegas at all well at the absolute worst they just trade him away for some sort of Superstar level player and make another run they think absolute best yeah yeah what are the actual he ever wears that Jersey on the ice like 50/50 yeah the take whatever the average is that a draft pick will play for you and cut that percentage in half if you’re being drafted to Vegas right after that is Cole Eiserman who fell to 20 and you know I was saying to you on the stream Brad if Cole Eiserman is falling it kind of tells you that the teams who interviewed him and scouted him they are leaning more towards yes he has a elite shot but the rest of his game leaves concerns where it’s not necessarily guaranteed we were hearing Philly and if Philly took jet luchenko over Cole Eiserman it’s a little bit of a signpost for me I still have a hard time buying into that because yeah the Islanders themselves have struck out on two of these types of players with kefir bells and Oliver walstrom but when it comes back to these very gifted onedimensional goal scores there’s two that fell in the draft that I remember because in both drafts I seen MOX as high as top 10 and MOX as Lis late first round one of them ended up falling out of the first round Cole Coffield and Alex De Brink everybody knew the deal with them yeah the the rest of their game’s okay there’s not a lot to love there but man can they score and I’d say it’s worked out pretty well for both of them moving on right after that Montreal what a hul for them they draft Michael hag at 21 I hate how much I like their draft I mean it’s hard to hate it when you draft demidov first now they could have drafted me one of not good as a fellow team in the Atlantic no now sometimes there’s just stories that even if it’s not good for your team you have to love you know Michael heg lost his father last summer and we didn’t know this until after the pick was made and he was in his presser turns out Michael hag and his family grew up Montreal Canadians fans and his we should have seen it coming there too and his dad was the Forefront who was leading the family in becoming Canadian F so that was it gives you Tangles the the reaction of him and his family when he got picked especially his mom you could just see how much it meant to her that I’m soft I’m going to cry just hearing this yeah it was it was truly truly one of the Feelgood moments of the draft and then listening to him talk after you could tell like that meant a lot to his family so that was just super cool to see Nashville at 22nd took eigor Sirin at 23rd Anaheim took the other Norwegian in the first round styan suberg speaking of teams that had a great first round you walk away with senica and soberg man that’s a good haul for a rebuilding team Utah takes Co dwne Boston with their reacquired first round pick takes Dean lerno Liam greenre goes 26 to La you know from Windsor La as we joked on the stream natural transition those two cities Merrick vaner to Chicago 27th 28th Calgary Matt V greeden 29th Dallas Emil Heming 30th New York Rangers EJ Emory and he actually said he one of his role models is Keandre Miller so that’s cool for him Ben Danford to Toronto at 31 and 32nd overall to round out the first round to Edmonton Sam O’Reilly to end the night let’s now talk about the Red Wings picks after that their first pick after day two started was 47th overall so 15th pick in the second round and they took left Winger Max pla from the US ntdp I think he’s listed at about 511 175 180 pounds but who’s Max plant as a player how did you like the pick and where does he fit in the system first of all Derek plant his dad notable Buffalo saber from the 1990s scored one of the most heartbreaking goals in Ottawa Senator history Derek plant scored a game seven OT goal for Buffalo to knock Ottawa out so immediately love that family bloodline good that’s that’s good jeans right there yeah we’ve got a decade of pissing off the sends coming up so good start I liked this pick when they made it and The more I’ve thought about it the more I love this pick I will put out there Teddy stego would have been my preferred pick here but again we’re splitting hairs in the second round so it’s not worth you know going through the three or four other players that you also liked because we’re well into the dart throwing territory Max plant is exactly what this organization is missing stylistically this guy has I would argue one Elite trait and only one but it’s playmaking this guy sees the ice with the puck he finds Lanes he finds his teammates at the right time and he’s he’s the type of playmaker who sees stuff that you don’t see from the stands like he’ll be Wheeling around the ozone all of a sudden he’s got a guy wide open far slot on his back shoulder and he sees it and he hits the lane it it’s remarkable what he can do with the puck stop me if you’ve heard this before he is a responsible highly competitive 200 foot forward he played center for the ntdp which is a plus I don’t know if that’s going to be his role in the NHL we’ll see he’s an okay skater his shot leaves a lot to be desired but that’s also kind of a projection because he doesn’t use it enough so you don’t really know and as we’ve talked about shot is not easy to develop but of all the skills it’s the easiest to develop I really really like this pick because it’s a high upside swing and it’s at a spot in the organization that was sorely lacking so I I really really like this pick it’s the exact type of pick we’ve been begging the Red Wings to make in the second round for the past five years and the only one they’ve really done that Fitz this at all would have been buchelnikov no we we say this every draft season but don’t get married to a guy at at the first round for example we just said pick five or six because it doesn’t go the way you think it is you don’t have to get too far away from the first overall pick to think that in the second round throw it out the window throw it out the window because you would be so so shocked by how team’s draft boards look there are guys who aren’t even on there there’s guys that they didn’t really do any extended viewings on because the first one didn’t impress them they would just be relying on EX JN information like if you think you can plan A team’s second round draft picks and predict them go make a ton of money in Vegas and I don’t mean at the draft I feel like I could accurately predict Carolinas at this point yeah that’s fair enough that said with Max plant I agree with you Brad his ability to be a playmaker and specifically his skill in passing the puck is fantastic that is a swing on upside he’s from a program that turns out really great players they have a lot of looks on the guy with the usntdp you can trust the program and how they develop players obviously they’d been watching for some time to take him with their second pick in the draft I agree the finishing is is something where would that be a problem not sure but to have that kind of maybe like really high-end maybe even Elite level passing or playmaking and vision the Red Wings could use that that’s a big reason why I loved helenius I thought he not so much the skill side of it but the way he thought the game I was like that would fit really well into the system so for me Max plant really really like the pick he’s got really good two-way defensive Acumen as well like in the viewings that I was able to see after the pick like he’s very responsible defensively he’s a great back Checker so he’s got lots of projectable skills he’s not going to be a goal scorer that is incredibly obvious I think to everyone after a brief look into max pont’s game but if he can if his passing can translate to the NHL level he is going to potentially become an elite playmaker and that’s when you starts surrounding him with triggerman he’ll have no problem being productive in the NHL and there’s a big qualifier on that he’s a second round pick the size isn’t going to guarantee that he’s going to make it so it’s a big if if he makes it but yes I I do think he has a ton of upside yeah make the upside pick and again you look at the Red Wings organization they still lack at forward although they did a really good job in this draft of addressing it but seg neard merer de Brink it those are finishers those are Shooters and now they’ve got a forward who can get them the puck if he pans out and that’s a huge huge plus because right now last year it was Kane that was it Danielson also has a bit of that in him so we’re starting to see some balance start to finally come through the forward pipeline in this organization and again we talk about this all the time we know picks outside of the first round they don’t hit nearly as often as they miss but if you take enough swings and one of them hits you’re laughing yeah a lot of the Scots kept saying that Max Pawn’s game has really continued to grow this year and he’s been making improvements in the you know the creativeness of his playmaking and his skating so this is a great sign if you’re a Red Wings fan it’s not like his skating and and creativeness has stayed the same throughout the whole year Scouts were saying that they have seen vast improvements in both of these aspects of his game and he was well over a point per game and he wasn’t the go-to guy on the usntdp which is noteworthy because that was kind of the bill and Larin when he was at the ntdp plant’s production mind you the NH the game of hockey I should say is a lot different now than it was back in you know 20145 but his production was better than lens at the ntdp high upside pick and lo and behold third round so their first picks like Andre Becker was their 80th overall pick in the third round another high upside pick this is a a player from cheze about playing in the WHL for the Prince George cougars and year-over-year from last season to this season in the WHL he multiplied his points by over two and a half in five fewer games 38 points in 22 23 with the Cougars last season 96 points in 58 games played this it double over Ager so there’s a risk here and that’s why you see him fall play center whether he’s Center or wing with the left shot at the NHL level not sure but this is a player with a ton of upside and you’re you’re never going to be mad seeing that kind of Point production and jump in the WHL became one of the most potent offensive output players in the entire league the third round is truly where it gets to yeah this probably isn’t going to be much so take a swing I like the swing I was watching a bit of his highlight reel after the pick two just to go back through it man he’s got some sick goals on that high his shot is definitely underrated by scouts because his release is higher than what I think a lot of Scots were saying and his onetime is exceptionally powerful and accurate and yet the two sickest gools I saw on his highlight were breakaways where he threw like what you would consider a change up or like a I know exactly which play you’re talking about it’s like that I love those those are so nasty the feel for the game and the confidence you have to have to pull those off is insane because if you screw those up it looks awful because oh yeah I just lobbed it at the goalie and he caught it but when they go in they’re nasty it’s like what’s the baseball the ephus yeah it’s like throwing that and then just gets dinged out of the park pretty much the same thing but yeah he’s got a one-time his straight line speed is actually impressive his his Edge workor isn’t bad his compete is really good I would classify him as a 200 foot player like there’s enough there that you can you can put him in that bracket I mean the Red Wings picked him so it goes without saying his playmaking is pretty good I I get that he’s two years older than everybody else in this draft and that is the risk man I like this player a lot so I’m I’m hoping this translates fourth round pick and I I like what you said Brad at this point you know you’re you’re really now in the weeds by the time you’re get into the fourth round this is you’re going to be picking based on what you think organizational need is you’re going to be picking based on what players you have a hunch about but you’re getting into these darts are being thrown with your eyes more and more closed every pick so fourth round is the first goalie pick and only goalie pick from this draft that we saw from Detroit but giant goalie from the Sue Greyhounds in the OHL I think listed at 65 depending on who you ask Landon Miller so that was with the 126 overall pick they got from Dallas I feel like every goalie picks an upside swing because that’s the nature of goal tending so we’re four for four you know we say goalies are voodoo and what we mean is goalies are they have the widest range of outcomes and it’s really hard to predict it’s not a first round goalie there’s not a lot of insight as to what they’ll be the Red Wings are adding more to the pipeline I’m assuming this is with a thought in mind of you know one of Koso or Augustine will graduate hopefully within the next few years and you want to keep feeding the system so it’s kind of standard fair but they added a goenda early on not crazy early but fourth round means they liked the goalie enough well here’s the weird thing about this draft this has been advertised as a weak goalie draft I think there were what 11 or 12 off the board by the time they picked him there was a run a big run on goalies in the second and third round so I wonder if they picked him there because they just felt like if they waited another round they weren’t going to get anybody on their list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 goalies off the board insane would have never predicted that with the lead up to this draft Landon Miller in the fourth round was the fifth goalie in that round taken so I actually think that is a really good call Brad they were probably like you know what let’s get our guy yeah we like him we want him let’s make sure we get him fifth round this is a pick that might seem familiar John Whipple out of the US ntdp again they went back to that well left shot defenseman who’s John Whipple as a prospect in the fifth round 144th overall now did you really think the Red Wings were going to go a full draft without taking a good mobile physical defensive defenseman did you really think they were here he is he’s good at it not an offensive producer at all gets around the ice well really good Gap control really good Defender off the rush doesn’t do a lot with the puck that’s not his thing he’s okay with it and yeah it’s fine he I think the hockey IQ is high enough that if all goes right he could be a bottom pair defenseman in the NHL and again I prefer the high upside swings but you’re in the fifth round if you get an NHL out of that at all you’re doing great almost akin to what I said about goalies like you you do need those guys and if you get lucky and they pan out in a big way or maybe he develops an attribute that you know wasn’t initially present before great wonderful but you’re happy to see those picks taken at the fifth round and not the second or third round right exactly yeah at this point in the draft you’re basically looking at a guy and you’re finding a really good trait and then you’re just praying something develops around that and with Whipple I’d say that’s probably his Rush defense he’s really really good at that so they’re probably looking okay we got a guy who can defend off the rush if this guy learns to move the puck a little more efficiently we might have something here he’s not everybody can be the number one defenseman Superstar running the power play like you’re going to need these meat and potatoes type guys and usually it’s their skating is terrible whereas I think John Whipple skating is actually fairly good so it can easily translate up to the NHL level I think he needs to improve on his hockey sense a lot his hands are not great he gets his shots through but his shots not great either but at this point in the draft you’re looking for those big physical meat and potatoes guys sixth round 176 overall Detroit picks a project player from Sweden who has he’s a big frame big body and could have surprising offensive impact not guaranteed to make it but if he does could be a really unique offensive player and that is Elmer sod I mean Sorry Charlie forsland out of Sweden smaller than sod Blum he’s a poultry 63 212 so you know not not as big as the Colossus that is Soder blown but Charlie forsland I am very intrigued by that pick by the Red Wings again in the context of it’s the sixth round statistically speaking not going to make it but hey you want that you talk about hakan Anderson pick playing not in the first or second league in Sweden Charlie forsland that you can you know hakan Anderson in the Swedish contingent of Scouts in the European Scouts had eyes on him and if he makes it I I like the guy two things to start first I’m glad you made the soda Blum joke before I could mhm not that they’re the same player but there’s enough similarities to this is kind of the point in the draft you know how in the NFL draft when you get into the later rounds they’re like draft someone from coup college cuz you know the big college guys have been scouted to death at this point and all the good ones have been plucked up so now you’re going for the outliers and praying that’s kind of what this is he hasn’t really played at any challenging levels yet but he’s dominated the ones he’s been at again 6’3 with skill w shot that is a tremendous starting point for a sixth round pick again probably not going to turn into much but if he does you got a real player there Elite prospects talked a lot about his you know he’s a a dual scoring threader could be but his shot especially yeah Brad that’s a good point like that is what his weapon is you know the part that makes my project is how much of this is using his frame to generate any offense to move up through the Swedish ranks he does disappear a little bit in in the consistency is what makes him fall far down the board is why he’s not higher up in the Swedish leagues yet but again like Evan said you’re in the sixth round picks you’re not you can’t ask for more than that so this eyes closed full swing try to knock it out of the park yeah why not what I can’t tell you about Charlie forsland is that this kid is clearly working his his butt off to try and improve and try and play professional hockey like he went from the jh League to playing in a men’s league this year that’s not nothing so he’s having a great rise on the backs of hard work and hopefully that can translate even further for the Red Wings and if I’m not mistaken he made a pit stop in the j20 along the way and speed bagged the competition in that league so right 13 goals three assists in seven games yeah that’s a great start moving on with the Red Wings picks after Charlie forsland two seventh round picks will first start with Austin Baker another usntdp player left Winger 203rd overall seventh round thoughts on Austin Baker depth grinder on the US ntdp doesn’t seem like there’s going to be a whole lot of upside there sounds like a seventh rounder to me he’s going to MSU next year so he’ll be right in their backyard and they’ll be able to really watch his development closely so a good pick for the seventh round you know I thought this about Max plant and to a degree John Whipple as well but again the US ntdp is a fantastic program with they probably maybe the best reputation on depending on who you can ask in terms of you know you’re drafting out of this program and and knowing that they’re getting a quality development experience if you have any sites on guys who are falling down the board but they’re from that program that’s actually worth something and yeah great Point Evan they’re going to they got a lot of looks on him and they’ll continue to be able to and the last one here is a guy with a last name and then a first name fiser Scott eighth overall seventh round pick Detroit’s second seventh round pick 6’2 out of USHL who is fiser Scott that left-handed defenseman plays for debuk which is why I like the pick because I get to say debuk just a fun word to say unimpressive numbers for I think his third season in the USHL seems like he’s fairly strong defensively there’s a foundation to work from it’s the seven seventh round the seventh round picks are almost guys you’ve rarely if at all ever heard of and it’s the team going yeah let’s see or one Scout likes him a lot or whatever it might be but by that point like if you were trying to project anything with any degree of confidence with a seventh round pick you’re you you’re lying or you know something that no one else in the world does which just doesn’t happen anymore so that is the Detroit Red Wings draft class Michael brzeg knard first round pick 15th overall second round pick Max plant 47th overall third round pick Andre Becker or is it beter 80th overall fourth round pick Landon Miller 126th overall fifth round pick John Whipple 144th overall sixth round pick Charlie forland 176th overall and the two seventh round picks 203rd and 208th effectively are Austin Baker and fiser Scott whether you want to do draft grade or overall impression you know qualifying this by saying it is impossible to grade a draft right now by and large because you don’t know how these guys are going to end up but all that considered First Impressions great however you want to qualify of the Detroit ratings 2024 NHL entry draft class I really like the philosophy of this draft cuz that’s basically all you’re going on this point because every draft grade is I understand it’s going to get clicks it’s going to get reads it’s going to get listens and there’s it makes sense but it’s basically where what players did this team take relative to my board which is always an exercise and futility I’ve been harping on the Red Wings for years about their draft philosophy being terrible like really bad this year they broke that mold we we make the jokes about brand s neard but there’s a high upside swing there Max Plant High upside Andre Becker High upside a goalie possible upside Charlie forsland High upside hell even Whipple as like you know maybe turning into the benro type defenseman possible I I really really like this draft for the Red Wings I wish they would have taken this approach in the drafts where they had 10 11 picks rather than just starting now but I think between mbn plant and Becker they they could have three dudes here like guys who can contribute statistically one of them is probably going to pan out and it’s probably NBN but if one of those other guys turn into what they could be this draft is a grand slam so I I love the fact that they took a lot of upside swings here if I had to assign a letter grade to it I’d be somewhere between a B+ and an A minus yeah I was I was going to land somewhere around a b plus as well as I was thinking about it on my way over today you know mbn people can say it’s a boring pick I am certainly one of those types of people I was very much banging the board for take the guy who will give you the ultimate Boomer bust at that pick but ultimately this is a guy who will very easily fit into the middle six High chance he could be a top six productive forward at the NHL level and then the rest of the draft is all high upside picks which we’ve seen from the Red Wings not do in the last how many drafts so I I like the change in philosophy you know if Becker doesn’t pan out it does he become a strength piece down in Grand Rapids like does he become a regular there so there’s organizational strength throughout this draft that I really liked from the Red Wings I think you guys qualified that all well and I’ll start with Michael brzeg negard and we talked a lot earlier this episode about you know the pick and how people might feel ultimate upside versus his upside and you know disagree with with how optimistic any of us are though you may I think you know for example Evan I’ll use you as an example you wanted to swing for the moon you wanted the highest Boomer bus potential because you’re thinking of the boom and I don’t think that’s a bad philosophy I love thinking that way and I think that’s why you know I had other guys who would have fit that philosophy in the same tier as mbn but you also have to consider look at eisman’s job we just SC done talking about and will continue to talk about until the end of time they don’t have Tampa’s luck Buffalo’s luck Colorado’s luck to Montreal’s luck to constantly land these high-end players where they’re picking and so yeah you want to swing for the fences but if the margins are perceived to be fine between nbn’s upside and another player or not too crazy can you really afford to not get a top six forward with your 15th overall pick it it sounds crummy and like the team’s in a a bad position but I don’t think Detroit could they had to consider minimizing risk of the player not Landing which is why I think you go with a guy who’s a little bit more projectable do you sacrifice upside I think they did a little bit but it’s easy to be an armchair GM or you know sit in front of a microphone or or behind our Twitter accounts and saying yeah ultimate upside and I’ll probably keep doing it but I don’t know that the organization could afford the bust side of a a true Boomer bust pick and that’s something that I’ve if the Red Wings had some booms like the demidov type ultimate highend players already in the system it almost makes it easier to do but they they almost can’t afford it so that’s why despite branz negard not fitting my and our preference for ultimate ultimate upside the pick is still really well-liked and yeah I think you guys phrased it well the upside and plant in Becker in forsland philosophy wise I think the Red Wings did really well they didn’t have a a wealth of picks like they’ve had in the past but all in all I think they added a reasonable amount to the system guaranteed to make it Beyond BRZ knard not necessarily but if it hits it hits so yeah I think the the grade range that you gave Brad is perfectly Fair the Detroit Red Wings 2024 NHL entry draft class let us know your thoughts as well it kind of went fast the draft this time it was going pretty Qui God bless the NHL I haven’t said that ever and it it did seem cool at the sphere if not a bit cramped it did look really cool they they did a good job with it having the live pick feed on the outside of the sphere as they were happening very cool was super cool they the graphics they were actually using for within the sphere during the draft were awesome the trade graphic where the big puck with trade comes and it looks like you’re sitting inside the net looked super cool like I I think they actually did a great job with it I was super pessimistic that they were going to waste the sphere but I don’t think they did I don’t know what they’re going to do next year there was a cryptic message kind of sent out I think wasinski tweeted out like he he related it but I thought they were going for sure offsite like remote maybe it went so well that they want to go back I’m not sure Jim Dolan’s in the interested like U Bill garen’s like please no more Bill Bill Garren they might have to go back to collect him next year he’ll still be there yeah what do you mean Bill gar please no more he’s GNA set up his War Room in Vegas maybe even at the spere he’ll just residency at the sphere I think yeah all right other teams in your mind who stand out to you and and we’ll go over this over time as well but let’s start with Montreal they walked away with demidov and heg and for both of them they’re players who I think heg that was about his range but demidov could have gone second and went fifth they have to be thrilled they had a really good draft I really like what Anaheim did it’s easy to say it with teams that had multiple first round picks because they do anything special not necessarily but you walk away with a top end forward and a top four potential D you’re having a good round San Jose locked right into Sam Dickinson even if they didn’t pick the most ideal pick there I I think the big winners of day one as far as teams with one pick go Minnesota you’re sitting there at 13 going into the day you think there’s any chance in hell they were getting Z buam and all they had to do is give up a third round pick to move up one spot to get him yeah they’re thrilled can I say I’m not so thrilled if I’m a Chicago Blackhawks fan leov is a guy like he is a he is a stud I really like leof wouldn’t have been my pick but they needed a defenseman and he fits the bill but they walked away with leinoff w and vaner I don’t know oh I feel like they could have done more I like vaner that was okay for where they picked but the way I look at that is you don’t want to reach and and go through a million hypotheticals but if you’re Chicago are you happier if you’re walking away with lunov and b or demidov and soberg that’s what I’m thinking right that’s where I’m at and it was right there for them I’m not sure they would have projected soberg to go down that far but even then you’re a chick like I I would have HED one of them would have made it yeah and then just the talent in demov almost makes it irrelevant and hypothetically soberg and Y Che are off the board at 18 for you that means a hell of a lot of good forwards fell and are you really that upset if you have to settle for an mbn a helenius an eer a heg a Connelly like you could have W they could have walked away with a lot more especially with the context of the traded up to pick 18 weeks ago and then just used it to take B who I would have almost guaranteed would have been there at 20 no question we get every year and I actually got it again before we hit record is someone said you know you do draft grades but you never really see a pluses what would Eiserman had to have done to get an A+ and that is either through an act of the hockey gods or through trading up you land a demidov abam or a topend player that you were not likely to get coming into the day at 15th so it’s it’s it’s not really likely to to happen very often if ever Kon probably would have got an A+ for me yeah Kon yeah he just went too fast though yeah I don’t think I think the best the Red Wings could have hoped for in a trade-up scenario was 10 if if you got to 12 and Katon and boam were both still there then I’m like I’m trying to find other GM’s phone numbers myself and negotiating on behalf like that with those two just land either one of them I’ll clean your house for a week I don’t have any money to offer but like I’ll do what I can yeah like what would an a look like really the Red Wings move up get Eve boam I think that probably pushes me into an a because I would have said there’s no way he makes it outside the top 10 and then maybe the Red Wings keep their second round book that they recently traded and move back up into the first round somehow and someone like they take a Liam green tree for example maybe that’s what gets me to an a for the Red Wings all right more on the draft in the coming episodes I’m sure let’s jump into the world of Trades INF fre agency it’s an over an hour later and trouba still hasn’t been traded the confidence level that it’s going to happen today seems to be waning but it still seems like the that trade is in the works I think you can qualify it as anything can happen and Deals can fall apart I’ve heard you’re reading noise about oh Tampa cleared all this cap space and and that might affect how other teams think but trouba and Detroit the thought was coming into the day that this trade was likely to happen trouba at you know maybe $2.5 million retained which would put him at approximately $5.5 million to Detroit and the return is indeterminate so in your mind the fit for trouba with whatever retained and what would the return have to be for you to what would you think of the deal for example because it’s it’s not a clearcut picture no there’s a lot of moving part so let’s get the obvious out of the way tro was playing with a bad ankle injury through the playoffs so some of those mem worthy bad moments probably were overblown because he was playing on almost one foot that’s the excuse I’ll give him even if he ends up on the Red Wings it’s not going to excuse the fact I think he’s a dirty player I don’t like the fact that he chicken wings everybody however he does have the exact element the Red Wings are sorely lacking he is a player that would put fear into the opponent he plays a very aggressive physical style I saw I think it was blastr had a great tweet if for no other reason Jacob trouba would be worth it because he would kill whatever player went through with their annual assassination attempt on Dylan lurin yeah that was like that’s a hilarious tweet but also yes it’s real like how often how often is LIN injured in through its no it’s no fault of his own yeah and trba probably would be the first guy to step up he plays on the right side he plays usually big defensive role which maybe eases it up on moider of it I don’t think he’s going to do it nearly as well as mider so what would the ultimate result of that be I don’t know if that’s a net positive but he’s done it and obviously the Red Wings have a glaring weakness on the right side of the D so fills that for me it comes down to what’s the deal and what’s the retention the report was 2 and a half retained so you’re getting Jacob trouba for 5.5 do I think he’s a slightly better version of Ben shot yeah yeah I think that’s fair so you pay a million dollars more than Ben shro yeah that sounds about right I do think shot’s overpaid so I would still think trouba is also slightly overpaid but that’s palatable I don’t think 5.5 for trouba is is unreasonable the big thing for me is it’s only two years and I think that’s a perfect bridge to the next wave of whatever this Red Wings D is going to look like that could be your stop to Axel sandine pelico right there hypothetically would I give up any premium Assets in a trade for that no I’m kind of hoping this is just a cap dump and we don’t give anything up at all because I think that’s what the accurate value of Jacob trouba is right now if they want a mid- round pick just to be like we’re paying $2.5 million you got to give us something for that sure fair I I would I would totally understand that from the ranger standpoint I have concerns I have more concerns than I have optimistic Outlook right now but once we see it all together if it happens if it happens I get it and I I think the Red Wings defense would be better with with him then without him as it stands right now we’re not going to relitigate the wman thing he’s an upgrade on at least three defenseman on this blue line right now I know I know that’s not saying much I can see you all running to your phones right now I know but it’s still a point that is worth mentioning it is just going to be a lot of money and you look at it and you’re like why now is really my question well this team like it or not they’re not interested in moving backwards I think if they can what they want to do is they want to move forward into the playoffs I think what’s most likely based on everything that’s happened unless fre agency goes nuts we’ll talk about Stam Coast in a second they’re probably going to stay in like the 91 to 95 Point range and then it’s a toss up what the the Wild Card pitchure looks like and so trouba is a stop Gap like Brad said they lack the snarl and who’s playing on the right side behind cider they seriously lack guys who can defend I think trouba could maybe take those second like four or five defenseman minutes I think there’s an outcome where trouba is just as unviable on the second pair on the right side as Petri was for example Petri slot is very firmly the third pair and that’s where he did a lot better so it it’s not a certainty and so I I think what you said Brad about I have more concerns than I have optimism but that doesn’t mean you can’t see the fit the return if the deal does end up going through will dictate a lot of it I don’t know I think anyone who argues there’s literally no point of spending this kind of money on on these guys and save that cap space for other things that have more long-term impacts I think those people are objectively right but it’s it’s almost a moot point unfair though it is to say because the organization is just not going to think that way right now it also is worth pointing out what the defense Market INF fre agency is going to look like Toronto just traded for the rights that Chris tanv and the rumor is they’re going to give him a 5 to 8year contract he’s turning 35 this year I would much rather I understand Chris Tanana is a hell of a lot better but I would much rather only two years of Jacob trouba versus having to give a 35-year-old that kind of term and if you don’t think Matt Roy’s getting big money and other defenseman of that ilk are getting big money I I don’t know what to tell you like I man I shoot right and I play defense I should just I should have called up Toronto yeah last episode I spent a good amount of time talking about I would rather Eisman give out 2 to threee contracts right now for weaker players than give out 5 to sixe contracts for okay players because the window is what I’m focused on and how much she Li aized Lind Ryan I’m aware I’m GNA be hurt on Monday okay I am aware I like getting these opinions out ahead of time so that when I’m whining and bitching about it in the moment people can’t say it’s reactionary not Brad not Bradley we can get Troy stetcher back either way bring back The Vibes I know where I stand on what I want the Red Wings to do and I know I’m going to be upset about whatever they do on Monday and I know I’m going to find glimmers of optimism in it while still being upset we’ve been through this before yeah multiple times but yeah two years of Jacob trouba I think is better than a lot of the Alternatives out there because of the snarl and because of the it’s only two years well you guys were talking I looked up ufas who are right-handed defense guess what the top amount of points is for the ufas 32 I hate Brad so much did he get it right on no 33 but oh my God that’s close enough if we’re talking in age that’s like a massive Gap but yeah so you know and that’s Brandon Montour by the way who could be going to Market could be so there’s not a lot of High Point producing defenseman there so you have to explore the the trade opportunities as well and I think one people aren’t talking about as well is you know Jacob trouba played at the University of Michigan you know how Detroit is with those sorts of things from Rochester Michigan and he’s got a lot of leadership qualities whether you think they’re good or bad that’s according to Mark Messier according to Mark Messier he’s he’s an award winner so you have to explore those opportunities and you wouldn’t be doing your your job as Steve Eiserman if he didn’t Steven stos I can’t believe we’re doing this again however many years later it feels like the winged wheel podcast has come full circle but Steven stos is reportedly not coming to terms so far with the Tampa Bay Lightning and as it looks right now he’s going to Market even though Tampa Bay cleared a ton of cap today and we’ll talk about that in a second I expect Steve Eisman to go aggressively after him maybe Kane affects things why not both he signed Stephen stamp goz a UFA once before why not do it again again fool me once cuz he’s going back to Tampa we’re doing this again doing we live in a simulation I we use this phrase too much on the podcast but I’ve been hurt before Steven Stam Co outside of the fact that we all know we’re just gonna have a rug pulled out from under us let’s let’s not talk about him in the context of Kane coming back or not coming back well Kane update in a second here but bringing in the player 34 years old 40 goals scor recently like he’s still doing it has lost a step and I don’t say this like I don’t want to knock it down and say it’s easy to score 40 goals but on Tampa Bay with the talent he had a lot of power play production people joke power play Merchant whatever but five on five production isn’t where he thrives at this stage in his career that said still a bit younger feels like he can play a lot longer five more years whatever it might be I’m not I don’t hate a you know three-year deal for Stam Co we’ll see what the cap hit is that he’s looking for because I don’t know what Tampa is offering that’s making him insulted enough to leave a his team forever in a no-income tax state but especially if Kane goes like Stam Co is a way to keep like prop up the offense even if you’re not talking cup window years what was the one projection for his contract 3 by 6.1 I’m doing that all day that feels so low like he’s getting more than that I feel like he’s probably getting four years in the seven mil range which gives me pause I don’t know if I would do that you the fit for Detroit is obvious they have enough 200 foot forwards that they can shelter the fact that he’s not going to be super effective at five on five but again 40 goals he’s still lethal on the power play who’s going to get him that puck great question I don’t know Max plot it might be I I’m I’m okay with it again I’d rather give someone old like stamp Co or Kane a three-year deal than give someone like aias Lindholm or Jake gensel an eight-year contract seven-year because that’s all d Ray could do but Point still stands the least amount of goals stos has scored in a full season is 23 which would put him fourth on the Red Wings this year in goals it wouldn’t hurt I also want to speak to like we have a lot of conversations about you know think of the cup window and sign guys for that window and don’t overcommit I will say I I don’t a big part of me doesn’t disagree with the organizations want to not step backwards let’s say the quiet part out loud a lot of that is business driven ownership wants it it’s not a secret you want butts and seats you know if you’re listening to a hockey podcast a Detroit Red Wings podcast twice week you’re keeping up on social media about it you’re a heavily invested fan and you’re going to follow the team likely no matter what the Casual fans or fans who you know follow a bunch of sports like those are the people that they’re trying to bring in and that’s what makes Arenas full so they don’t want to now go backwards after the excitement of Raymond’s emergence and cider’s emergence and Kane and what he did for hockey Town last season there’s no interest in that business wise excitement wise as a fan I’m not even talking about like oh we want good content as a fan I want more of last season I understand like really what’s what are you looking at in all likelihood as a the best case scenario a Playoff round win or two that sounds amazing to me I’m and you know anything can happen of course you think St Louis Blues LA Kings blah blah blah but we’ve watched the Red Wings suck for so long and we also know process of building a team-wise winning be gets winning Talent be gets Talent there’s a transfer of information skills that kind of thing we saw that with Kane and and probably Raymond and others this year and how Kane’s effect you know permeated through the team I think Stam Coast like if you can do that back-to-back years I think there’s value to that and I don’t hate that the the team doesn’t want to move backwards because I think it sucks I think it sucks for the fans I think it sucks business-wise although I don’t really care but I also think it makes the team better to at least slowly get better over time there’s a way you can do that two to four year contracts you can have both yep it’s not easy and you might not get a choice we’re talking about Sam Co he might say piss off Nashville looks way better and I’m going to go there that’s the risk in free agency yeah that’s why I’m on board with Kane marsho stamp Coast even trouba two three foure stop gaps from hopefully a majority legitimately good players that gives you time for the young core to establish himself get acclimated hell these guys can be mentors for those guys you want an elite shooter like Brans sag neard to learn from an elite shooter oh boy let me tell you about Steven Stam Co is shot like there is so much value in that my whole concern and I’ve beat this to death is I don’t want the Red Wings To Go overpay mediocre players even good players for seven years because then you’re getting the worst years of those contracts at the most important time for the Red Wings you want to be comp they should be competitive there’s value in that I don’t want to see the Red Wings pick fifth overall again because that means holy hell did something go really wrong go sign a few good free agents to 3ish year deals leave enough of a gap on the roster so that Edinson Johansson merer Casper Danielson pick whoever the hell you want gets their ice time and they’re competitive and the Red Wings are winning games and hopefully the go tending holds up yeah there there’s a way to do this properly let’s move on to Patrick Kane because we’ve talked about him a little bit here Patrick Kane the story hasn’t changed it there’s still a chance he comes back to the Red Wings and I don’t think it’s like you know as a last resort he likes the Red Wings like the fit there he’s at an impass in terms of what he wants he he really wants the three-year deal and right now that offer is not coming from the Red Wings what I’m hearing based on what our understanding is it’s that Eisman is really keen on one year I don’t know if he’s gone to two years I don’t know if Kane has gone to two years I whether that’s where they meet eventually that’s hard to determine right now I don’t get the sense right now that there’s a big market for Kane at 3 years in unrestricted free agency but maybe once July 1 hits that could change maybe you know he signs in Detroit before that there’s no certainty in that space But the door hasn’t closed on the Red Wing and I don’t even think it’s shutting I don’t think anything has moved in terms of someone coming in with a competitive enough offer to make Kane forget about the Red Wings I do think he likes the idea of going back to the Rangers and I do think he likes the idea of Buffalo but Detroit is firmly in that mix as well so you know maybe a team swoops in and offers the term that he wants or more and it it he goes to a market that he wasn’t necessarily considering but he the security and the money is too much to ignore but that’s where the Red Wings are at on Kane I get it like he performed well this year but maybe you still have concerns about when the drop off is happening I see Kane and for the same reasons you said about Stam Coast I’m fine with a couple years or a few years personally yeah wouldn’t it be hilarious if the Red Wings trade for trouba and give the New York Rangers the cap space required to sign Patrick Kane I just I haven’t really heard that the Rangers are keen on the term either though I think they’re saing the cap space for different things you mentioned on the stream just Durkin yeah they they’re going to need the cap space space for a lot of things but I don’t care if it’s Kane I don’t care if it’s stos I don’t care if it’s Marsha so get one of them please the offense has to come from somewhere on this team and again I have my preferences in term in terms of who to sign and I’d rather risk giving someone like Kane an extra year versus giving Elias lindol four extra years or whoever so I I Elias lom’s catching way too many Strays from he’s a good player yeah he’s a good player he’s catching way too many Strays from me on here but he’s just the the most egregious example that comes to my mind immediately oh man if you don’t want to take a step backwards and you don’t want to sewer your future I’m sorry you’re going to have to step up and give an extra year term to one of these guys you’re just going to have to do it okay for the sake of time here we’re going to move on just quickly cover some of the bigger moves that happened Utah how to build a Decor in 24 hours or less what are you talking about it was 15 minutes Tampa Bay dumping cap which we all thought was for Stam Coast at first but then came out that they might be going hard at gensel and trying to swoop him out from Carolina which interesting but Utah acquires male sergachev in exchange for JJ Moser Connor geeki a 2024 seventh round pick from this year and a 2025 second round pick so that’s one defens from to Utah jeez I wish I knew Ser was available whether you think he’s overpay or not he’d be an addition and then they also added John Marino in a fifth from New Jersey in exchange for a second round pick and a 2025 second round pick that belonged to Edmonton so the first one belonged to Washington originally and then Edmonton so they added Marino and sergachev like back to back right then and there wheeling and dealing I don’t ever want to hear oh it’s hard from an NHL GM again Tamp approving Hey cap troubles we can fix that in 15 minutes cuz we’ll get to the Tanners you know as well cuz they unloaded him today and Utah ah it’s hard to build a defense today alone they acquire sergachev they acquire John Marino they resign youo alaki all of a sudden their defense isn’t terrible like it’s t tidy piece of business yep the Kevin Hayes contract was dumped with a second round pick somehow Pittsburgh keeps getting older it’s truly an accomplishment is it are we sure it’s Kyle dubis there I truly have no idea what they’re doing over there at this point Tampa Bay CAU their losses on Tanner Jan know again really trying to cut cap you can laugh at them for how much they overpaid for him like a first second third fourth fifth Cal foot was it something like that and they didn’t get all of that back to say the very least but I have respect for a team that knows when to cut their losses so they La got Tanner Jano Tampa Bay dumped the contract and they got a fourth round pick and a second round pick back so hey no one to avoid the sunken cost fallacy right enough moves happened where made day two especially very interesting there’s other trades as well but for now we’re going to wrap this up and head into overtime again trouba may have ruined everything by the time you hear this and that deal has come through and we have I’ll check checking not stop re-record things and so depending on how this podcast sounds to you we’ll see we’re going to jump into overtime overtime is brought to you by our patreon supporters patreon.com wheel podcast if you want to join the dubdub club and get access to Great benefits like day two draft cover rounds 2 through 7 live hangout with the hosts the patreon exclusive Discord the bonus episodes which record right after these main ones the giveaways we automatically enter all of our patrons into all of our giveaways and for example we give away two tickets to every Detroit Red Wings home game all of that and lots more and for those of you who joined from the live stream we can’t thank you enough this is why we can do those live streams and hopefully one day get better chairs for the studio and lots more so again patreon.com wied wheel podcast questions from our patrons let’s start with this one from kof’s punch to foot’s head great name says if second round selections have such a low chance of seeing 200 plus NHL games why not trade them every year at the deadline to get a piece of contending players to shed a bad contract or to move back into the first risk first reward when you’re in your contention window you should a lot of people do NHL teams also they don’t like if you’re trading into the first that’s a draft floor thing and NHL teams don’t trade a ton relatively speaking I’ll say and when you’re not good you need to make a lot of these picks because you need a million darts because you need to build the core of your future somehow like every good team’s had some mid to late round picks pan out that ended up just being found money that other guy says no one congratulated the Panthers for winning during the speeches was that odd so there’s two theories one everyone’s pissed off at the Panthers because they were so annoying to play against and that is the theory I subscribe to because it’s funnier second I think the NHL actually told people minimize the speeches everyone is sorry for the passing of this person everyone congratulates Florida everyone thanks Vegas for hosting blah blah blah blah blah yeah there was none of that it was actually great and there then there’s two theories as to why that happened one the NHL recognized it’s not a good product to keep doing that and waste all that time people don’t care but two the theory is well to rent the sphere you’re renting it from James Dolan and he wasn’t giving you a discount so you really had to make sure you made time on rent it would be the most James Dolan thing ever to charge by the hour I believe it we said the joke on the stream was yeah he gave the NHL a 30% discount but he gave him 50% of the allotted time listening to Ryan hannet in the shower says is it just me or is it insane that Zetterberg didn’t get drafted I get that he’s 5’8 and all that but still isn’t he like 40 am I missing something but actually for the people who don’t know the zberg in than the draft he’s 5 foot s i do not need to explain it beyond that it doesn’t matter how skilled you are when you’re 5′ s you are going to scare the ever living hell out of every team in the draft it’s not a popular thing for small players to be taken and that’s I don’t want to say it’s changing but the pendulum’s kind of swinging back the other ways Sean Shapiro tweeted there were only three players under 5 foot 10 drafted there were five players 6’7 drafted to give you an idea that’s all you need to know I know we talked about it but from Samuel sod holes says what is your take on why Eiserman fell during the draft seems like most predictions had him going before 15th also thanks for all the content as always Oliver walstrom and Kei rellos say again explain to people Elite goal scoring with so little of a Bame that it can’t translate to the NHL because you can’t keep up at the NHL for the record I don’t think that’s going to be an issue with Eiserman but that is what scares teams off this one here is I think an interesting one it’s going to make you feel old Brad udali says some fun trivia when was the last time Detroit hosted the NHL draft 19 81 When Brad was a young man back in 1987 bonus question when was the last time Detroit hosted the All-Star Game 1980 When Brad finished high school in 1980 I remember that that was Gordy that was gord’s big moment yeah yeah we’re going to transition into our patreon exclusive overtime folks thank you so much for tuning into our draft coverage this might not be the last time you guys hear from us before the month of June ends we’ll see how this goes but this has been a wild ride but genuinely we have enjoyed every second of it though we may seem a bit dreary for lack of sleep can’t think you all enough for tuning into the live stream for joining the patreon for your donations it really does mean the world us we are thrilled to do this year in and year out and the content’s Not Over Tuesday night planned is the free agency episode beyond that we have a lot of great content planned so thank you all so very much like to thank leat blue light for sponsoring this episode of the wind wheel podcast to all of our patrons again thank you we could not do the show without you if you’re a new listener welcome to the show we are usually I will say that the episodes aren’t this long and we are usually a little bit more alive but hey this is part for the course this year but we really appreciate you tuning in hope you enjoyed the show and if you’re a listener of old best time of the year for riing fan we yearn for the day where this doesn’t matter as much yes we do but for now best time of the year and to all of our name level supporters on patreon we can’t thank you enough Argent Shanker EES Bartells on behalf of the Sarah gr Foundation AER Samuel sodol icon Alexander Hansen brand new name level supporter welcome Victor Zetterberg ghost of osbp Glenn braam konner’s left knee Ashley vanc conet SE lion Keno Donnie Brad is wrong and plays like sprong Matthew M rice Admiral Matt s of the cheese bag Navy Carl bruten and anoi car provy citizen high five clip clop n Connor scovi Craig kibble Denny’s gamergirl Jerick enam cider K Dickens formerly Marlin Winchester DJ Denton Eric Hill brand new name level supporter welcome Eric to the dubdub club everyone looking at their phone right now is a lovely and kind person God creatives give blood fight Probert Goose Looney drinking Club hockey Town love hockey Town Matt ham alasm Jake gum Jacob Jeff pridemore Joel Miranda Jonathan Miller kayin wood Marcus Marty Matt Keeler Matt McKay Michael edland ra R PUD Riley Enright brand new name level supporter welcome Riley to the dubdub club pleasure to hang out with you on the live stream Ryan Britt brand new name level supporter s kleene Scott Martin Sid dutler Skeletor scre and Lube stoly 70 Wingnut that’s what I appreciates about you the eyes are type believe or that’s just a changed name but maybe new name level supporter wallman’s Elite dancing D AER PL Sten General Andy Bohan and the cheese bag army Sam bankson a Aon AB Adam Rose all hail the sphere all motor No Hands Axel Sandy pelica Bellingham MD balls beo Mami that’s a throwback Chim Kim Nets Chuck buff chest the tar goon Commander Ben Baron the cheese back space force Connor Leon and Cory PR Darren Fick datsuk dirty deck datsuk dangleberries Debs Eric Nance Frank Stanley Jean suiv griffy boy Ian who’s a brand new name level supporter James Pridmore Jeremiah Doo JM rapsy Joey Jojo shabadoo John Evans derogatory John Engles Josh yelton Kevin McCracken quas Les Grossman’s ungodly Firestorm Linda Hull Michigan boy in ABS country o ofilia Salt Lake sugar Gurley Steven the hodeg the hat1 123 throw the road puss Trent thorough brand new name level supporter Wings fan in St Louis Scott and your second favorite Patron so many new supporters welcome thank you you we’ll talk to you soon the craziness is not over thanks for tuning in to the winged wheel podcast be sure to check out winged wheel podcast.com where you can subscribe to the show on iTunes Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts you’ll also find links to other ways to support the show such as patreon official podcast apparel and more and don’t forget to follow the show on Twitter at winged wheel pod and of course the hosts Brad Chrisco at Ryan Hannah wwp and at hockey Town Evan

The 2024 NHL Draft in Las Vegas’ Sphere is over, and Steve Yzerman, Kris Draper, Nicklas Lidstrom & Co. have selected the newest crop of Hockeytown prospects for the Detroit Red Wings.

Tune in as we start by discussing the craziness at the beginning of the 1st round, with Celebrini and Levshunov going as expected, Sennecke going way higher than thought, Demidov to the Canadiens, Utah snatching up Tij Iginla, Zeev Buium falling to Minnesota, & more (4:40).

Next, a full assessment of the Detroit Red Wings selecting Michael Brandsegg-Nygard 15th overall: prospect analysis, how he stacked up to others like Hage, Eiserman, Connelly, etc., where he fits in the Red Wings core next to Raymond, Larkin, Seider, & Co., how he measures against previous picks like Danielson & Kasper, strengths & weaknesses, ultimate upside, & LOTS more. Also, a review of the rest of the 1st round (27:00).

After that, we assess all the rest of the Detroit Red Wings’ picks: Max Plante (46:50), Ondrej Becher (53:20), Landon Miller (56:10), John Whipple (57:50), Charlie Forslund (59:55), Austin Baker (1:02:50), & Fisher Scott (1:03:45), then give our overall assessments of the draft class, grades, Yzerman’s performance & philosophies, & more (1:05:30).

We then turn to notable draft performances and NHL moves (like Utah trading for Sergachev & Marino) (1:10:45), before discussing the Jacob Trouba, Steven Stamkos, & Patrick Kane rumors as they relate to Detroit (1:15:50) before we take your questions and comments during our Overtime segment (1:36:10) – enjoy!

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  1. Nygard, bigger version of Stankoven? Trouba better be at 40% retained or take Holl, I still think Copp to CGY for picks, that is, if we are wanting to 'accelerate' (which I don't want yet) Better be getting Stamkos, but I bet he goes to Dallas.

  2. Draft was underwhelming

    Trouba is washed, Rangers would have to give up an asset to dump his contract to a team that wasn’t as desperate as Detroit. D was better with Walman than they’d be with Trouba.

  3. It's been reported or rumored that Kaapo Kakko could be part of the return included with Jacub Trouba with a cap hit at 5.5 million to Detroit. I'm wondering if Justin Holl and/or Jonatan Berggren could be part of the package going back.

  4. Cool, more 30+ year old retreads.

    I really love Steve, but wtf is this team? We're gonna MISS Larkins prime. He's the real victim here bc this team WILL NOT win during his tenure at this rate… and that's tragic

  5. The sharks might claim Jacob off waivers for free if waived but Stevie said it was hard to move money but sharks are claiming worst contracts.
    Andrew Copp and Berggren for Jacob and kakko this deal helps NYR to save around 5 million and we get rid of 3 year of Andrew contract and with the Walman trade the money is about even and we flipped shot handiness.

  6. Brad severely under rates the talent level on this team and the prospects to come. I love you Brad and I agree with you alot, but you couldn't possibly know how these kids are going to turn out and you make it sound like you do sometimes lol.

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