Dejounte Murray trade fallout, Atlanta Hawks NBA free agency, Saddiq Bey, Bruno Fernando, Vit Krejci

Dejounte Murray trade fallout, Atlanta Hawks NBA free agency, Saddiq Bey, Bruno Fernando, Vit Krejci

on today’s show it’s been about 24 hours since the dejonte Murray trade happened we’ll have some Fallout of that deal plus the latest on contract decisions on sadik Bay Bruner Fernando and many more and all that is coming up you are locked on Hawks your daily Atlanta Hawks podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day Hello friends welcome to episode 1754 of loton hawks podcast I am your host Brad Roland coming to you on a Saturday evening into Sunday morning and today’s podcast sped by Folks at FanDuel Sportsbook this summer FanDuel is looking to hook up all of us yes all customers will they boast our bonus every single day that’s right something for everyone every day all summer long and the place to go is lockon to get started I also want to encourage you at the top of the podcast as I always would to make us your first listen each and every day please go ahead and subscribe to lton Hawks anywhere you might find podcasts on the audio side that’s places like apple and Spotify as well as overcast and on video on YouTube go ahead and like this episode and also please subscribe to the show on that platform and this is a rare Saturday night recording because there’s just too much going on in Hawks land right now I can’t really wait until Sunday night like I might normally because NBA free agency opens at 6 PM eastern time on Sunday and while the Hawks may not doing anything right away the league is active and there’s a lot going on here this is our eighth episode in about five and a half days or so so pretty crazy in terms of frequency right now if you missed anything at all I recommend checking out all those previous shows including and especially the emergency podcast on Friday evening about the Deon Murray trade that was a crazy one to cover and we’ll do more of that on this show later on in this podcast I’ll talk on the roster decisions around sidik Bay Berto Fernando v c Etc today plus a little bit of a laying the ground workor or so from the free agency standpoint because again free agency opens in less than 24 hours as I’m recording this podcast but first I got a ton of questions about the Murray trade so I want to answer a few of those at the top of the podcast as a note it’s not going to be comprehensive there is too much to talk about with that deal I talked about it for like 35 minutes on my own on Friday night there is more to come and I promise you’ll be talking about that the Fallout from that and Daniels and Nance and what Murray’s looking like a lot in the future but uh number one listen to that show that I did on Friday night and also number two good good chance here to H on some more stuff with your questions from the list listen so we’ll Dive Right now the first question comes from Jared who says I trust your analysis but I don’t understand how this is a good deal for the Hawks when they got less than they traded for DJ first I recommend listening to that show of course but my broad take if you did not hear that podcast was that I thought it was a pretty good trade for the Hawks not a grand slam but a pretty good one and a deal that I would have done if it was my best offer available as for Jared’s question he’s not alone in this thought process I’ve gotten that a lot on Twitter on YouTube Etc but what I would say is that the cost of the first trade is not actually relevant to what the Hawks had to do here two years later I understand why that’s the comparison I really do but it’s kind of a classic sunk cost fallacy thing where you kind of think about what you trade in it doesn’t actually matter anymore that deal happened it was executed the Hawks overpaid yes as I even said then like I of course liked the trade more when it happened than I would say that I liked it now but I was not super high on the deal when it happened because I thought the Hawks just kind of overpaid a little bit or at least maybe a lot of bit in that deal and honestly it looks worse now because not that Murray played badly individually but the theory of the case didn’t work out about his defense in particular and also it was a win now move like clearly a win now move and if anything they performed as a team worse in the next two years than they did in the previous years that’s a tough thing to swallow when you trade future assets so anyway just because you traded those picks and a swap for Murray two years ago does not mean you’re gonna get that same amount back in fact I would have guessed they never were going to be able to get that much back and of course they didn’t now I do understand people referring a more finished product like for instance Brandon Ingram is probably the name that I’ve heard the most I’m not criticizing that I did a podcast a few weeks and months ago that where I said I would have understood definitely a Murray for Ingram swap I would have been interested in that it wouldn’t have been a grand slame either but I like the fit potentially of that as a guy who’s bigger etc etc but the cost of the first trade is in the past I hope the Hawks didn’t think about that at all that that’s just PR at this point there’s actually nothing else going on there the capital was spent how do you want to put that but once it was fairly clear to me and to the Hawks I think that they were kind of just deciding to split up their guards and move on in some direction you have to make the best deal that you could possibly make that’s kind of the charge to Landry Fields was to make the best deal that he could make post that decision to split them up they did that I think it was a solid move and I’ll leave it there for now but I do understand look I I knew it was gonna happen before I even recorded the podcast on Friday there’s a large split reaction and look that’s kind of the nature of the Beast one with a deal that I even I said as someone who liked it is not a grand slam so there were always going to be opinions on opposite sides what I don’t think is fair and I’ll just say this obviously I like the deal more than a lot of people did but the nature of the the nature of the online discussion in particular but the nature like people think the Hawks got fleeced is a very silly construct that’s just that just didn’t happen you could also argue the same way the other way this is going to be a crazy thought I know I would argue that both teams did a pretty good job in that trade I know it’s not allowed on the internet you can have that levelhead of approach but I actually think I like it for for both teams I’m not a Pelicans podcast so I’ll leave it there for now on there their side but I actually lik it for them too so U yeah there you go all right the next one I’m not even going to choose a single question because I got it from like 10 different people I would say but it’s basically asking who the starting shooting guard would be on opening night if this if this was the roster right now for the Hawks one thing I always say and I’ll apologize to the everyday listeners who heard this all the time um I am not as interested in starting lineups as most people are I understand that they do matter on some level I care more about who closes how many minutes guys play the starting lineups there’s just an over emphasis in my mind on that topic but I understand it’s an interesting thing to talk about so here we are for one thing the roster might change so keep that in mind but I’ll say this people have seemingly forgot about bogy for whatever reason I saw a lot of like lineup tweets and lineup comments on on YouTube and no one was listening bogy which I find strange because bogie yes he’s been in a six-man role quite a bit when possible but I firmly believe and I said this a lot in March April Etc he was the best bench player in the league this last year in my opinion at a at the very least top five on that list and while that means he was coming off the bench he is very obviously a starting Caliber shooting guard I think he’s probably a top 20 shooting guard in the league right now um conservatively given the way he has played the last couple years he’s been durable in recent days knock on wood so if they want to do that it would be obviously pretty logical nothing weird about that whatsoever because bogie is a starter as far as like his caliber now if they don’t want to start bog ex to tr I do get that because the defense and all that stuff um they have other options those options would basically be Daniels who they just acquired Kobe buffkin who I think is probably going to be the backup point guard so a little bit of tricky stuff there and then maybe even ret in certain lineups at the two I think he’s more of a three but ret is someone who can shoot like a shooting guard and also defend guards potentially in the future so I’m gonna go short on this right now and just say like it’s a big TBD if you ask me who the best two on the team is right now it is bogey by a pretty wide margin but Daniel’s defense would be very would be very appealing let’s just say say um obviously I think there are essentially two guys on the team right now two guys and only two guys who are guaranteed to start opening that if they’re healthy and it’s Trey young and jayen Johnson the other three spots are somewhat fluid I think You’ probably see either a Kong W or capella with with this with with this current roster you would see either hunter or Reet if not both but you know there’s some fluidity there I think it’s going to be Trey Jaylen and we’ll see after that and also we can throw in as we get into later on Garis Matthews is still around I’m not saying he’s going to start just another guy on the radar for the Hawks who they trust so next question comes from Mason who says this is kind of a funny one so dot dot dot what does this all mean for Trey young that was the whole question thank you Mason for asking the question uh I’ll start here I won’t say that there’s a zero% chance that he’s traded because I know they they’ve at least taken calls on Trey in the last couple of months but as I said before I think the Godfather offer that would kind of have to be there for Trey is not there right now that I can find that anybody’s talked about around the league so far I think also there’s this idea that I’ve had many many have had in the past about surrounding Trey young with wing Defenders and size and shooting that’s coming together a little bit right now especially with the defensive side of the floor with Daniels even Reet Jaylen Johnson Hunter still on the team good Defender Etc so I’m fairly confident he’s sticking around at least short term I wouldn’t say 100% but I’m pretty confident in that at this point time I still think personally that he’s undervalued in League wide discussions but that’s for another day um also by the way on the court the Hawks have been pretty darn good with Trey on the floor and no dejon the last couple years and pretty good before that obviously they needed to make a move to support Trey with a number two option and right now yes it’s fair to say they don’t have a great number two I know jayen might be that this year Etc but they’ve always been pretty good with Tre on the court basically as as long as he’s been there um at any rate I think that he’ll be surrounded by interesting lineups I think that they’ve had big success like I know I had somebody in my mentions pull this number and I had I confirmed it but um according to play byplay play byplay stats Trey on and Deonte off the last two years Trey is averaged about 29 and 11 per 75 possessions which is about a game’s worth of possessions on about 60% true shooting and the Hawks have a plus four net rating in those minutes so like it’s not like the Hawks are G to Crater the idea that the Hawks are GNA crater without the Jones I don’t really believe that anyway we’ll sa that for later as well um I’ll have more questions in a second um and then we’ll kind of pivot to the news of the day which which is regarding sidik Bay which is regarding Bruno Fernando Garrison Matthews Etc more of that to come I promise but first I a word for my friends at FanDuel Sportsbook Today’s Show is brought to you by FanDuel Sportsbook in summertime means baseball basketball and much more you can bet it all on FanDuel FanDuel is America’s number one sports book and this summer they’re hooking up all customers with a boost or bonus daily that’s right something for everyone every day all summer long at FanDuel bet on all of your favorite players and your favorite teams with quick bets live same game parlays exclusive props and much more the app if Sportsbook is really easy to use as well they have all stuff you’re looking for across the sports betting space they have over unders and point spreads money lines player props future bets and much more the app is safe it’s secure and they cover the whole range of sports as well at FanDuel that includes the NBA of course WNBA NFL college football MLB golf 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Hawks in Vegas I was actually there I was Courtside for that it was scary didn’t look great um he’s come back since then but it took him a while to get back um we will see basically on whether the Hawks are going to hold on to him or not he has some shooting Intrigue as an undersized big man he’s only like 6667 as jumper didn’t go in last year in the G League he would definitely be the last guy on the roster right now for the Hawks as far as guaranteed confs are concerned and he is guaranteed so the Hawks will have to keep him on the roster else they trade him or pay him to go away which they probably won’t do so it’s hard to tell if the Hawks actively like Liddell or if he’s just kind of a Thro in that the pels insisted on in the trade it’s kind of hard to know that right now I’ve asked around haven’t got a clear answer and there’s a lot going on but that’s the short answer I wouldn’t like prioritize him again I think he’s kind of the last guy on the roster right now but he’s on a guaranteed contract so we’ll keep it eye on him for sure and the last thing is Austin says how much did the Trey kicker have to do with the jante signing his extension which eventually allow the Hawks to trade him so this doesn’t really matter at this point to the Hawks but Murray has the largest trade kicker in the entire NBA so basically he gets a 15% bonus on his contract if he is traded and since that’s actually happened now before the deal even started it’s 15% of about 80 million so it’s about $12 million total over three years because the player option does not count but $12 million or $4 million a year in bonus that’s a lot of a difference in a single moment for jonay Murray now he’s allowed to wave that or negotiate it down that’s a New Orleans thing so we don’t have to worry about that on Atlanta side but to the question I do think that his reps that clutch knew that a trade was possible to probable at some point in the in some point when he took that contract so sure I’m I’m sure it was at least discussed on that side of things now I’ve talked about it before but the Hawks were limited in what they could offer to Jon they gave him the entire thing that they could offer him which was basically a three-year deal plus a player option at the most money they can offer plus the trade kicker and all that stuff they gave him everything he wanted and but but MoneyWise they were limited but one of the ways it could push up MoneyWise was a trade so it obviously makes the player side look better now that he’s been ated it makes the team side look worse but for the Hawks doesn’t matter to them for the Pelicans they’re obviously okay with it and uh it’s still a very good contract I think not quite as awesome as it was two days ago but that’s what it is right now he’s still you know again just add four million a year that changes the value of any contract but not by Leaps and Bounds and notable there for sure okay that’s it for the mailbag but there’s lots of contract decisions to get to so we’ll start there today I’ve tweezed this a few times in the last couple of days but June 29th was always going to be a big transaction day for the Hawks contractually so there were five guys to keep an eye on at some point in the day and I’ll start with sadik Bay that’s the biggest one by far so sadik basically the Hawks had to decide whether to give him a qualifying offer by today and because sadik uh is a highly paid player his qualifying offer was $8.4 Million so essentially the Hawks have to offer him that to make him a restricted free agent and on the on the player side once that’s offered they’re allowed to sign it right away it’s unilateral now it was not a clear clear clut decision I would say I’ve said that numerous times I thought the Hawks might offer it I thought they might not offer it once the ACL tear happened unfortunately that threw everything into uncertainty and I said this before I’ll say it again now it was brutal timing for sadik I feel awful about that because I think everybody likes sadik including me personally from what I know about him what the team said about him the timing was awful for that um before the ACL tear yes he was struggling this year for the Hawks but he he’s still a rotation level player like at the very least and I think it would have been an absolute no-brainer to offer the qualifying offer to Sadi that was going to happen before the injury unfortunately for him now all that said he’s gonna be out for a little while which is gonna hamper his market and that’s why we’re here basically but crucially not offering the qualifying offer does not mean it does not mean that he’s gone from Atlanta he could leave but in fact he still very much could have returned so I saw some people that are kind of like misreading this or um misappropriating it he’s not gone for sure by any means he could re he could still sign now the big change is that he’s gonna be unrestricted now so he can sign anywhere he wants to as of 6m on Sunday and the Hawks no longer have match rights that’s the difference he can’t just the Hawks can’t can’t wait can’t just sit back and wait for Sid to bring them an offer sheet if he signs somewhere else he’s gone but the Hawks do have sadik’s bird rights so they can still sign him for any number up to the max if they agree obviously they won’t do that but they can they can give him any the cap doesn’t matter in this situation it’s all about just years and dollars for sadik obviously he’s not gonna get a massive deal at this point but if the Hawks liked him enough a year and a half ago to trade for him and they did I know he had a rough year but he’s still a rotational LEL forward Quinn CER likes CID quite a bit that matters on some level and teams tend to want to retain their solid players if they can for a reasonable price with that said that price is really up for debate I’ve asked people around the what they think sadik might get and the range is incredibly wide because of the injury he might miss this entire next season I’m not sure he’s going to play at all and if he does it’ll probably be like in March or April so what does that cost you what does that mean for the team if you’re gonna sign to a one-year deal it doesn’t really do anything for you if you if you g a discount for multiple years obviously you would like that so the Hawks as I’ve heard the Hawks were still talking to sadik even as of today I don’t know if it’s active right now but it will not stun me if he’s still back in Atlanta but it will be for a modest cost I think and um I’m okay with them not not offer the qualifying offer because eight and eight and a half million for this year only if the threat is sadik signs that qualifying offer and he can’t play and then he actually goes out and and at the end of that just to throw this out there if you sign a qualifying offer you then become unrestricted the next year so there was the there was always the risk of you present it he signs it he can’t play most of the year and then he leaves again and that was obviously not be great for the Hawks so anyway that’s where we are right now we’ll have more of that but he can talk to anybody who wants to as of Sunday along with other fre agents around the leek um the other one that I would say was truly up in the air coming into the day was Bruno Fernando and spoiler alert it is still up in the air as I’m recording this at about 9:30 or so PM eastern time on Saturday night to set it out for you uh Bruno Co has two years left but this year is coming up is non- guaranteed for about $2.7 million barely over the minimum but slightly over the minimum for his 5-year service time it’s also non- guaranteed for the last year which is 2526 at about three million-ish I was told by a reliable source about an hour ago and I said this on Twitter already I reported it but the two sides have agreed to push back the guarantee until sometime in July now I’d like to know what the date is at this moment in time of reement I don’t know what the exact date is at the very least it is pushed back a few days into the month of July I may know more by the time I post this but we’ll see as as I’m recording this now the dates been pushed back to July and that’s a very fresh thing they had to decide by today and they did as of you know 9 o’ or so tonight um die hards might remember this but a year ago the exact same thing happened with Bruno he was non- guaranteed and they agreed to push the date back at that point to July 10th last year which is about you know similar to what could be this year and of course they ended up keeping him at that point in time um of course when I said this on Twitter and reported it there was speculation as to why the Hawks might do this it’s not always cut and dry on why things things happen obviously the the Hawks have some interest in keeping Bruno or they would have just waved him today at the same time they didn’t just keep him and guarantee him so using that logic there is a chance they wave him and a chance they keep him at this point in time right now Bruno is the fourth Center on a team and that’s a lot of teams don’t carry four centers now there is still a chance as we’ll get into later on in the podcast probably a little bit more that they make a move at Center involving one of these guys whether it’s capella aong wo Nance or even Bruno they can trade him if they want to but he’s cheap everybody loves Bruno and I think that he is a perfectly fine third Center probably pretty good third Center if he’s your backup you not you’re not thrilled third guy it’s fine said that many times so it could be that they’re hoping or potentially gonna trade capella Nance a Kong Wu could even be traded I’m not gonna rule that out so um there are machinations happening here to the point where they mutually agreed and look this has to be a two tight of thing so if the Hawks want to BR and said we want to push it back and Bruno said no the Hawks would have probably just cut him and then Bruno would would have been a free agent which he might have preferred I don’t know but they came together they pushed it back and uh while I don’t have a Smoking Gun here certainly is not a huge leap to think that the Hawks are at least thinking about trading one of their centers and if they do that they might want Bruno around for a third Center to provide some depth and again Everyone likes him which probably helps on the margins all right more to come in a second on Garrison Matthews be cree and mor first to work from our partners on today’s podcast okay and more of the decisions on the contractual side the other three were pretty easy I think um I said that before but you know bay and Fernando were real decisions I wasn’t sure what was going to happen there the other three were pretty straight ahead one one of those was Garrison Matthews so the Hawks had to decide on his team option for this coming season on Saturday they chose to pick it up it’s about 2.2 so barely more than the minimum for his service time I’ve said it before but again really really easy pickup for me Garrison’s not a starter anything like that I understand that but he was a very very useful rotation piece he has an elite skill as a shooter and that’s a cheap contract plus and here’s the big thing even if you don’t love Garrison that the option is still non- guaranteed he is still non- guaranteed right now until January 10th so if the Hawks decide that they don’t want him anymore they can cut him that’s obviously cruel way to say that I think Garrison should be on the roster at $2 million it’s a very useful piece they could also trade him if they want to but this is a instant pickup for me once he’s hurt which he’s not so if they want to cut him if they want I would say they can um I will say this briefly I think he’ll play less this year than last year because of all the injuries that happened last year and I think with buffkin hopefully healthy with Ray there with Daniels there bogy of course he’ll play less I think but the fact that he’s able to play as like a tenth man and be very very reasonable and be able to shoot the ball in particular is useful and by the way if they want to extend him which is not I’m not expecting it but they probably they could um for a cheap deal they could do that as of July 7th sorry July 6th um I’m not sure where they are as far as how much interest there is on both sides but notable there that they could do that if they wanted to Seth Lundy is reported Yesterday by Mike Scot who I am good friends with over at Hoops hype M Mike does a great job um the Hawks offered londy his qualifying offer that was expected he finished the year on a two-way contract so his offer is just another two-way so he’s not restricted and if he wants to just come back on a two-way he can or or they can come to an agreement on something else or he could sign an offer sheet with somebody else if somebody wanted to come in and get him and the Hawks could match it if they wanted to so basically there are three paths with Seth either he signs the two-way and he’s on a two-way again or they can agree on another deal probably for the minimum if I had to guess but that could happen or number three is offer sheet with another team the Hawks would have a chance to match that and there you go I would say it’s likely he’s back in some capacity TOA maybe the most likely we’ll see but I like Seth and I’m in favor of that and the last one is beat CI there was no doubt at all after just talking to people around the team about them giving him a qualifying offer which happened today because V controversially ended the year on his two-way contract it’s the same thing as Seth Lundy where all they had to do to make him mrict the free agent was actually offer him another two-way which is an obvious decision yes um the difference here is that I think everyone that I’ve talked to expects V to sign a probably a multi-year deal with the Hawks um for some level of security Beyond a two-way um they’re already talking I’ve heard uh it won’t it won’t break the bank but I think that hopefully more security from V somebody asked me why why it hasn’t gotten done yet I would say this if you’re V C’s agent you don’t just take the first offer he showed some flashes at the end of the year um yes the Hawks have the leverage because they have because they have his rights but you don’t just sign the first offer you’re could probably want level of Security multi-year deal we’ll see what it looks like it’s not going to be huge no matter what I like V but it’s not like he has a huge huge huge Market I don’t think from what I’ve heard but it’s quite early still I know it’s literally still June right now it’s not weird at all that he hasn’t signed yet but uh I think that will happen in the relatively near future and I think V will be back and the Hawks are talking about him like he’s already back he’s already been you know it’s it’s two-way qualifying offer yes but he’ll be around and the only question is what he actually signs for in the near future all right before we get out of here again free agency begins on Sunday at 6m Eastern and to tee that up a question I got from Vance is are the Hawks done other than bringing back vet or sadik sorry and or sadik my answer is I don’t think so I would bet on there being another trade or signing of some kind maybe both that does not mean that there’s gonna be a huge deal coming but something else I would imagine with a guy who matters on the Hawks roster for instance I said this yesterday but I’ll be a a little bit surprised if they keep all three of capella akang Wu and Nance that’s one natural spot they probably are one guard short whether it’s a backup point guard behind Kobe or next to Kobe um or maybe maybe another shooter another creator also you know it is what it is but they’re up against the tax line there’s some wiggle room there potentially I don’t know what’s going to happen on on the financial front but so there’s more business to do I think plus just signing be but anyway um there’s that stuff now I know a lot people understand this already but I get questions about this all the time I’ll just remind folks what the Hawks have access to in for agency and what they don’t so I I I got this even today about do the Hawks have cap space the answer is no the Hawks are nowhere near cap space there are 20 million over the salary cap so Cas base is not a thing that’s probably going to be used by the Hawks right now for reference the salary cap is projected about1 141 in terms of million dollars for this coming season at the moment the Hawks have 12 guys on guaranteed contracts for about 16.9 so 20 million over or so that’s 12 guys on guaranteed contracts I won’t list them all but the guys you have to think about that you don’t don’t necessarily think about is EJ lell on guaranteed contract as is lar n Etc Matthews and Fernando are not on guaranteed contracts they’re not included in that so they have 12 guys on guarantees plus Bruno and Garrison are non- guarantees that’s 14 V is 15 if they do that so that’s they could just stop right here they just sign sign V sign SE to a two-way jich we’ll see but like they could theoretically stop I wouldn’t think they’re probably G to do that uh by the way the tax line is about 10 million over where they are now on the guarantees if they throw in Bruno Bruno and Garrison on their current deals they’ll H like five million short of the tax after those deals they made obviously the Jon trade and the AJ trade cut money in both of them notable there so but they’re even even still they’re a lot closer to the tax line than they are to the salary cap even without anything for Bay who they again did not offer a qualifying offer to if they sign sadique it’s going to be a few million dollars at least so that’s that’s notable V could be something that in that neighborhood too we’ll see there are weird signage right stuff like that you can do but they can’t just sign a player for big money without anything else they don’t have c space they do have exceptions that they can use to sign guys um they have the non- taxpayer midlevel at this moment in time which they could use up to 12 .9 million in year one they would have to cut some more salary to use all of it and stay under the tax which I think the Hawks want to stand on the tax not breaking news there unfortunately if you believe in that anyway that’s the belief that are on the league but you can also use part of it last year I ranted and raed about this but the Hawks finished the season about n million under the tax line so they could have used their mle and they didn’t to sign a rotation player for like $8 million last year and still stay under of attacks and if you follow the team a year ago you will know this another guy who was useful would have been very very helpful for all of their injuries and depth challenges and they just didn’t use that exception that was kind of inexplicable to me still now but same thing again the Hawks could use the mle to sign someone I don’t know if they’re going to but that’s that’s something that’s offered to them also in the new CBA you can use the mid-level exception to trade for someone it’s now a trade exception in addition to a sign a sign a signing exception notable there also um from what I can gather and both John Hollinger of the athletic and Bobby marks of ESPN reported this the Hawks might be using the John Collins exception trade exception in the Murray trade and creating a new one for like 18 million that’s less than the colins one was for so something that you can possibly use at some point if they needed it I’ll save the long explanation for later on but you can still trade for a player or players into that without matching salary but you can’t combine the exception with something else there you go also if the Hawks want to go a little bit cheaper they have the biannual exception only used every two years but last last year they didn’t use it it’s a two-year deal or up to a two-year deal that could start about $4.7 million so they want to add like a depth piece that’d be a way to do that without going into the mid level Etc and by the way you can always sign players to the minimum if if you do that the minimum exception exists so there’s that so I know that’s a lot of nerd stuff there but the Hawks can still add to their roster at this point in time they can’t just go sign Paul George for instance who’s the big free agent they they don’t have the the ability to do that cap rules wise but they do have a pretty full roster right now I’m not saying that they’re again they’re not done I don’t think but they do have I won’t say a roster crunch but literally at this moment they can’t just keep every guy on the round the roster especially if you include V if you include jurisich who we don’t know about yet if you missed it yesterday on the show two shows ago on Friday morning did not commit to him coming over he didn’t say he wasn’t coming over either but that’s notable too second round pick um so yeah a lot of moving parts I’ll say as of June 29th and by the way that is typical it’s still very early free agency opens in about through the math 21 hours as I’m recording this podcast so there’s a lot more more to happen there but the Hawks not probably GNA be a team that’s like at 601 signing someone for big money they don’t have the ability to do that okay I’ll sign off now but here’s what it could look like for the Hawks in the next few days for agency wise I would say the trade option is very possible I think they’re more likely to make a trade involving a key piece than they are to sign a key free agent but we’ll see if let’s just say hypothetically if they were to trade hunter or they would have trade Clint and save real money or if they were to trade Larry and ants for no money back they can then turn around and use the mid level on a player in for agency that’s a very possible sequence of events um without going into the tax which is notable too but like I said also as far as like guys to Target I’ll save my here’s a list of players thing for them to Target but what I’ll say this is they can and should go try to find as much shooting as possible Wing depth is never a bad thing to have um I think another shot Creator in general maybe a third point guard um to complement Kobe who’s kind of more of a one but can play a little bit of two like a like a veteran maybe kind of boring point guard I know Andrew Kelly thr Monty Morris I wouldn’t mind that somebody like in that mold somebody could dribble the ball I would say and then uh we’ll see TBD on the center spot obviously at this point in time with with those four guys still in play the three prominent guys plus Bruno so a lot of work to do hopefully that was an instructive podcast on a Saturday night into Sunday I will have more I will not commit to doing a show tomorrow night because I’m not sure what’s gonna happen if the Hawks do nothing tomorrow I’ll probably take the night off because I’ve been doing a show or two every day but I will have more contsct this week I can assure you of that um probably some guests to talk about what’s going on what’s already happened what’s going to happen in the future uh summer league stuff as if missed it on yesterday’s show I talked about summer week schedule that is we are less than two weeks away from the Hawks opening up in Vegas and I’ll be there for that so we don’t slow down at all for a little while here on on podcast so pleas go please go ahead I should say And subscribe to the show if you’re watching on YouTube go ahead and like this episode I very much appreciate that and please subscribe to the podcast across the board if you’re an audio listener thank you for doing that as well by the way you can be both it’d be the best possible way to support the show is to subscribe on multiple platforms and download Etc but Apple Spotify overcast you can also follow the show show on Twitter SLX lock. Hawks you can find me there as well at BT roll I also write about the Hawks on a regular basis at BT Rolland thanks L everybody I I very much appreciate it we’ll see you probably on Sunday or Monday we’ll see stay tuned for that enjoy the rest of your weekend we’ll see you all next time

Brad Rowland (@BTRowland) hosts episode No. 1754 of the Locked on Hawks podcast. The show focuses on the fallout from the Atlanta Hawks trading Dejounte Murray to the New Orleans Pelicans, contract decisions on Saddiq Bey, Bruno Fernando, Vit Krejci, Garrison Mathews, Seth Lundy, and Atlanta’s upcoming free agency landscape.

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  1. Landry just made Nola a contender and the hawks one of the worst teams in the NBA ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. I think it was a good even deal, DD is the a good defensive guard/wing. Hawks are still making moves, Zachh needed some touches to open up for him anyway. Its like ppl keep forgetting we have the #1 pick who has to touch the ball at some point this season.

  3. Hawks literally have 4 undersized centers. Iโ€™d love a trade for Walker Kessler or Brook Lopez. Also, maybe they can get someone like KCP in free agency

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