CHICAGO BULLS BREAKING NEWS | Bulls Signing Patrick Williams To 5 Year $90 Million Deal

CHICAGO BULLS BREAKING NEWS | Bulls Signing Patrick Williams To 5 Year $90 Million Deal

the Bulls officially resigned Patrick Williams on a fiveyear $90 million deal was that an overpay me and Pat going to talk about it also Tory Craig decides to opt into his contract with the Chicago Bulls and Adama sonogo what’s his future like with the bulls me and Pat gonna talk about all that and more on today’s locked on [Music] bulls you are locked on bulls your daily Chicago Bulls podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day thank you for tuning in to lock on bulls member of the lockon podcast Network where it’s your team every single day that’s Pat the designer host and creator of the windy city Breeze and host of the Chicago Bears podcast over at ESPN 1000 I’m hay host a creator of Chicago Bulls Central and Chicago Bears Central YouTube pages and podcast today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms do apply Pat the other Pat got resigned five years $90 million deal for your 22y old Ford how you feeling about the deal Pat listen this is this is a good deal I’m seeing people lose their mind over uh over the deal right now right oh my God 90 million we told y’all when the CBA changed you have to change your brain there only about think it’s a little over 133% of your cap it’s not really hitting you uh uh uh as far as long-term money it’s going to go down the other direction right I don’t know if there’s escalators or de-escalates on this contract if it’s front loaded backloaded I don’t know how any of that works what the incentives are we’ll see that eventually right but right now at $18 million a year for 90 million dollars over five you’re not in a bad position with Patrick Williams and that’s coming from the guy that doesn’t really like Patrick Williams right like that that’s coming from the dude that’s like you know he’s basically a role player and you hope for the best from him but basically I would say say like if you extrapolate this out this is basically like how we saw role players getting paid over time this like $10 million 10 years ago it’s not a bad signing by the Chicago Bulls here because I do think and and I’ve said this multiple times my faith in Patrick Williams has gone away based on him being the number four overall pick can he be a 15 to 18 point per game guy yes what are 15 to 18 point per game guys getting in this NBA about $18 million right you see some of those guys who are on the highend miles Bridges definitely a better player he’s about 19.5 million um so you know he’s kind of in that range of like this is what we hope you’re going to be this is not a bad signing by the Chicago Bulls in fact I think this is a pretty good signing by the team overall and it’s a smart signing because unlike Kobe white we’re not coming to the negotiating table for Patrick Williams anytime soon exactly yeah I mean this is not a bad so put this in perspective this is similar money to what Harrison Barnes is getting paid right now and it puts him around the 16th an annual salary for the power forward position yeah it’s not bad it’s not bad like when you and this goes back to what we’ve been saying literally a mid contract that’s what it is this is a little bit over the mid-level exception this will probably be mid-level exception money within the next two years cuz new TV contracts coming up so like this is not and I get it we so often we hear anything close to100 million we have for our most of our lifetime have thought Superstar that’s just not what it is did you see what quickly got did you see that quickly OG noi did you see did you see that do you see what people are making out here this is not a bad contract and I know people are gonna be knee- jerky about it but like the fact that Pat is telling y’all it’s not a bad contract to say a lot because he’s not even high on Patrick Williams like this this isn’t a bad deal this isn’t a bad deal no and I think here’s the thing right you youve still he’s at the end of the day I can also be logical with this right there’s still a 22y old kid that means that there’s probably a lot of upside left in his game there’s probably a lot of growth that he’s going to do throughout his NBA career and AK doesn’t want to let go of that I’m not mad that aspect of it my thing is it’s time to put up a shut up right now you got the money now it’s time like listen this is this is not small money and then like we’re making it sound like it’s small money for nothing but this is hey you got to produce money right Harrison Barnes for lack of whatever you want to say Harrison Barnes has been Harrison Barnes is 18 points a game Harrison Barnes is I think Harrison Barnes is average I think he averaged 18 points a game last year no he averaged 12 points per game my boy did he average 12 yeah 12 points per game either way over his career right about he definitely had Seasons where he’s where he’s averaged close to 20 points per game I’m sure of it I don’t know off the top of my head did drop off last year yeah 12 points per game last year uh 16 18 has been in there 19 in there right like like listen that’s that’s what I want to see p will be right like like at this point that’s all I’m hoping for like because he’s a consistent style of player that every night you knew what you can count on now when the Dallas Mavericks went out there and paid him like he was the man that was dumb but that’s a whole different whole different situation in itself but I think that the Bulls that this is not the wrong deal here and it points to hey the youth movement is here let’s go yeah you got you got to make a contribution another sign that the youth movement is here uh the fact that this deal got done uh and we know nothing about demaro Rosen yet free agency officially open up tomorrow at uh 5:00 p.m. I believe Chicago time 600 p.m. Eastern um so we’ll be looking forward to all of that but like this is this isn’t a bad deal and I know and I know knee- jerky Bulls fans are gonna hate it there’s gonna be a bunch of think pieces and all this it’s not a bad deal I’m sorry it’s just not I think here here’s the thing too right you know how this guy already fits into the roster you know how he’s going to be able to go out there and contribute the biggest question for me on this money is health is he going to be healthy is he going to be able to go out there and give you the games that he gave or was it two years ago is the biggest question yeah years ago he played 82 gam games last season you know what I mean or last season before like like like that’s that’s what you that’s really what you’re hoping for right like that last season was a fluke that you’re not sitting here talking about Patrick Williams being a player who is often injured even though we’ve seen that be kind of the story of year two year four like okay year five is here let’s get the body right let’s get the health right let’s if he’s on the court all 82 games you know he can make an impact and and at this point the way that they’ve paid him the fourth overall expectation should be out the window with the rookie contract and and that goes to the funny thing is is that do you know how many bulls fans suggested we can go we should go out and sign people who do exactly the same things that Patrick Williams does the only difference is is that we didn’t draft them fourth overall like that’s it once you remove the EXP and keep in mind like I say fourth overall picks usually don’t turn out to be Stars anyway like if you just look at the history of it but once you remove the expectations that were there for him because he was drafted fourth overall you just look at him for what a skill set is he’s a player that can hit threes and plays defense I hate to tell you guys but guess what just those two skill sets alone combin into one player is going to get you at the minimum about $15 million yeah and and the fact that he’s still here listen I think that that’s that’s what this is what we knew AK wanted and to be honest with you it’s less than what me and you said he was probably GNA get we said he we were like don’t be surprised if he gets four for a 100 right that’s 25 M a year I was like listen like AK loves this dude he’s going to pay him he’s going to keep him around for at least four years 5 over 90 I honestly think the Bulls got to steal with this one and when you talk about long-term money when you talk about how the CBA how the Cap’s going to go up and all of that right like everything that goes into this and the contribution you know he can give now your biggest question is all right how does he fit in with giddy how does he fit in with Matas who’s playing the three who’s playing the four I don’t care at this point it’s a wing you see how they were doing that in the in the draft like there was no more like small forward or power forward literally it was a wo it was guard it was gcw I was like the heck is W are they just saying Wing right now so like that’s hilarious whatever it is at this point like th those two to me are are going to be interchangeable and and don’t put anybody in front of them don’t hold these guys back like the the biggest question mark on P will that the P will supporters still have is well you know what you drafted them fourth overall and then you put five dudes in front of hold on stop cuz you know I got to stop idiots first of all you’re you’re dumbass like let’s just be clear here saying that the uh uh got Bulls got to still also says he wishes the bull that does not make any sense you picked a certain narrative and you came in here and you’re looking like a goddamn fool because you thought we were going to come in here hating on P will and we’re all favorable on the deal you picked your narrative before coming in here thinking that we were going to be negative on it and when it doesn’t now you’re trying to backpedal and try to make yourself right stop it your mama didn’t put you here for you to look this stupid capping in in YouTube comments stop being stupid this respect your mother keep going this why we don’t stream at 12:30 yeah it’s like it’s idiots bro like it’s just stupid people petty petty Roosevelt in the building ladies this why we don’t stream at 12:30 he can’t he can’t keep up contained anymore oh at 12:30 no at 12:30 no there no containing oh dog but no man listen at the end of the day um go out there and develop them go out there and turn them into the best version of of him that he can be I don’t think he’s going to be the number four overall pick I don’t think we’ll ever be sitting here talking about Patrick Williams as the the face of this franchise but at 22 maybe he can prove me wrong there’s plenty of time and he’s at least gonna be here till he’s 27 so we’ll see yeah we’ll see we’ll see but uh yeah so overall favorable on the deal I think this is good that gives Patrick Williams the opportunity and I always go back to that December uh that we had that he had this year and that was without Demar and Zack on the roster and maybe that’s what we see this year where he gets opportunities with a bunch of players that are able to move the ball around as well so we’ll see what that brings for Patrick Williams future here uh but as far as for our future here on lockon bulls we’re gonna start talking about Tory Craig opting back into his contract but before we get into that we got to get into a message from one of our sponsors and that is game time game time is an authorized ticket Market Place of Major League Baseball which means that getting tickets faster and easier prices on Game Time app actually go down closer you get to the first pitch with killer last minute deals Allin prices views from your seat and their lowest price guarantee game time takes the guest work out of buying MLB tickets uh save up to 60% off buying last minute for sports concerts comedy theater and more save even more with exclusive inapp 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was surprised like I was I was really surprised like did Tory Craig go out on the market and they were like we’re not paying you do like yeah I definitely did not think Tory Craig was going to be back in a Chicago Bulls jersey um I think this is a this is a good guy to have coming off your bench he he gives you everything he gave you last season except hopefully in more games only 54 games for Tory Craig last season want to see a little bit more out of them want to see him be a little bit more healthy but right like if you’re going to go from the starting unit that you D now definitely have where Patrick Williams is probably in your starting unit to a bench unit where you want to keep those players similar Tory Craig does just that and he he gives you that uh that level of contribution Off the Bench that you want to see the defense the the the and the other thing is that in the moments where he had to start this season in the moments where he had to step in for p will when P will was dealing with injury we saw Troy Craig be a very valuable piece at the Chicago Bulls when they ended up losing him to injury as well it kind of shook things up for the team we started seeing them going the other direction but a guy that whenever you have a guy on a cheap deal who can step in and uh fill in the shoes of a starter while also being a a solid rotational bench guy it’s not a bad thing plus he keeps that mindset that AK wanted here when he signed him and talked about how him and Alex Caruso and he also threw Leroy Carter in there uh have that same mindset have that same dog in them right two out of three ain’t bad uh Tory Craig and AC out well one out of two right now and it’s not good um Tory Craig has that mindset and I think with new guys coming in with Josh gy Matas billus coming in right you want to still be able to set that standard and I think he’s one of the he’s going to be one of the to me leaders on this team that helped set that standard along with Kobe white yeah and I mean and the thing is with this deal as well for Tory Craig he opted in uh because he did just opt into the deal and it wasn’t like the Bulls had to resign him he can be traded this off season so if they do look to move in it is it is a possibility and maybe you just never know the Bulls could have very well talked to him and like hey we feel like we got a deal for you to go to a contender uh as part of whatever and maybe he’s down for that I’m not saying that the case I’m just saying that him opting in doesn’t mean that he has to finish the season with the bulls I would go on and probably say if that Tory Craig plays really well considering that the Bulls are going younger there’s probably a high possibility that he is traded at the trade deadline I I would agree with that too and you you’ve got a solid weapon in in Your Arsenal that you know is going to show you some things during the season might increase his draft stock might help you get some draft Capital back right and listen look like if he plays well enough they trading people for stupid stuff out here now like five second round picks bro you know what I mean like they’re trading people for the dumbest things of all time at this point I there’s not been an NBA offseason the last three years where I haven’t gone he got traded for what yeah how much you trade for like remember they did the the Rudy go bear deal and I was like Kevin Durant’s still out there y’all gonna trade him for France like I remember was it was it was I can’t was it you a kid that was like yeah Rudy goar is probably going to be sold for low and I was like I don’t remember which one it was it was one of y’all probably probably I mean I was just like oh well I mean he didn’t get sold low at all he he got sold very high ridiculously high uh but no I think the the big thing about bringing back Tory Craig is that you start your season off with your young guy setting a standard and you hope that he like the hope is that he gets surpassed in a rotation not because of injury not because of guys struggling but because Matas buis or Patrick Williams completely proves like Hey listen I’m the guy we we appreciate you TOR but we don’t need to step in In This Moment yeah I mean we’ll see and I mean it’s good to have a veteran there as well because right now you look at our Ford rotation it’s it’s Patrick Williams and a bunch of unproven guys it’s Patrick Williams uh Mattis billis Julian Phillips and dalen Terry some it’s and Tory Craig right behind that so it’s good that he did stay and if the young guys show and prove that they are ready and he shows that he’s healthy like I said I would not be surprised if Tory Craig may start the season off on the Bulls roster wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t finish on the Bulls Ross no 100% I feel like he’s going to be a piece that a lot of teams will look at if healthy so excited by that excited by what we’re seeing out of Tory Craig man I I think the let me ask you this when you look at kind of how this rotation is going to work you kind of alluded to some of the forwards like who’s not getting the tick who’s is is dalen Terry the odd man out in this I know because dalen Terry can play also play some gu honestly I think everybody’s getting a little bit of tick I’m not saying much but I think everybody gets a little bit cuz like I mean at this point where our roster is is difficult uh to exactly figure out because if Zack and dear end up not being on this roster there’s going to be a handful of minutes also at that wing of two and three there’s going to be some minutes outside of Mattis billis and Patrick Williams at at the at the three and four so there’s GNA there’s going to be minutes to go around I think it just comes with maybe situationally maybe who brings it and shows the most most growth in training camp those type of things are the decided but if I had a bet to answer your question which one is going to leave them El out I probably bet dalen Terry just because he’s so raw still and julan Phillips before he went down with injury looked like he was starting to put it together yeah I think that’s the that’s the does he come back the same is he able to really I mean like it’s so funny because two years in a row we’ve drafted two young players who literally people were like now I don’t believe in them why don’t you believe in them well I didn’t like how he shot the ball last year and we saw Peter Patton how much he helped Julian Phillips Julian Phillips came in confident yeah and and the biggest change they made was like go back to shooting how you shot in high school why they try to change right like I really wonder if Matas melus kind of has that effect as well his senior year he shot really well although you know up to that point he wasn’t a great shooter so I wonder if the senior year was the anomaly and not you know the the other years that have been there but if if you get guys like that a shooting stroke how dominate how dominant they can be even just from a role players perspective on the court because of how they were able to attack the rim how they’re able to finish around the rim like they already have the like drive to the bucket and have a strong finish can you knock down the three ball we got some guys who are on the precipice on this bench so I’m excited about some of the young guys on this team we’ll see what it is long term though I mean that may be the thing that the brightest side of this season depending on how things shape up we could just be looking at development like hey hey Julian Phillips won three or five from three last night I mean he still H but he went three or five I mean it’s so it’s so weird because I don’t see this like I’ve seen the bad Bulls teams right and I’ve had to like try and hype them up I’ve seen the starting lineups where you got zipser lemon and freaking Cameron bear style on the floor all at once he like oh godar style wow H forever it was gross let me tell you and I was live calling games it was terrible um but Christian felicio don’t forget that no felicio was hurt so bear style was starting at Center yeah yeah I’ve seen some bad games dog I’ve seen some stuff I’ve been in these trenches but uh I think that lineup still floating around like a Twitter and all of that too surpris me but I I think the the thing is this lineup doesn’t feel like that this youth lineup doesn’t feel like that it actually feels like there is some uh um some some talent in this lineup it feels like there’s some hope in this lineup it feels like not to say that they’re going to come out and they’re going to win 60 games next season like I don’t know if they’re there yet but could I see this being yeah 100% but could I still see this being a 30 plus win team I kind of do even with just the young guys on this team yeah so we’ll see what it ends up being man but uh before we get into this final topic where we got to talk about one of the other young guys who’s definitely trying to make a name for himself and y’all know I have a big believer in him uh we got to tell you guys all about eBay motors eBay bringing passion Drive patience the formula for winning championships is also what keeps your Rider die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up the Peak Performance superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you’re into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 million parts for your ride or die you’ll always find exactly what you’re looking for and with eBay guaranteed fit your part is guaranteed to fit your ride every time or your money back because with eBay Motors you’re burning rubber not cash with all the parts you need at the prices you want it’s easy to make your MVP your car the MVP and bring home huge wins keep your Rider dial live at eligible items only exclusions apply eBay guaranteed fit only available to us customers are you not going to press the banner I I got it I got it I was still on the read I had to get back listen it’s almost 1:00 in the morning Chicago time it is almost 2:00 in the morning your time it is what it is when it comes down to it uh Pat last topic of the day snogo gets a qualifying offer I like this deal for a couple of different reasons right now we have no idea what our Center position is going to look like we have no backup center we don’t have right now this could change ability to resign Andre Drummond and here’s what I’m going to tell you guys for those that are still holding out hope that the bull sign resign Andre Drummond if they don’t find some clarity on the Zack LaVine trade or Demar signs elsewhere within the first day of free agency yeah drum is probably not making it past that time he probably will be with another team so you lock in adogo on at least a qualifying offer gives you uh it makes him a restrictive free agent I’m pretty sure they’ll work out a deal keep in mind he was the number one undrafted rookie in that draft and AK said that if they had a second round pick that’s who they would have targeted so how do you feel about the uh extending this qualifying offer to Dam sonogo listen I think it’s a good move you keep the young guys on your team that you know that they can play especially with the era that you’re entering into right mataz bazus to me is a not I don’t know if I’d say he’s a question mark but I think he is somebody Who You’re like okay there’s something key that he does but if it doesn’t if this part of his game doesn’t work that part may not matter right and I think the shot blocking is really what you lock in on with mat buus and his ability to get to the rim with adogo he just knows his game already right he he played four years at uh at Yukon he he won national titles he comes into the NBA and we saw literally the same player in the g-league dominating players who just was trying to figure out their game they brought him up to the Chicago Bulls a couple of time didn’t get a ton of minutes with the bulls but in his time out there it was literally just like oh look what he does he grabs offensive boards he grabs defensive boards he throws the ball to the point guard he gets down and tries to put the ball back in the hoop he six offensive almost six offensive boards and six defensive boards per game last year in the G League he understands his game like you said I think what over 60% maybe almost 70% shooting from the field because he ridiculous he was ridiculous he just understands what he what what and where he needs to be like he doesn’t could been G league and BP yeah the Woody City Bulls won more absolutely so but yeah listen I’m a big fan of Adama sonogo and I he reminds me and this is why I love the four-year players now I don’t think he’s as good because t was able to come in and do that but he reminds me a little bit ofaj Gibson who Taj just stepped on the floor and was like what do you need me to do it was like go out there and block shots and grab rebounds and don’t get killed by the other guys on the floor all right I got you like it was it wasn’t like this this gradual growth process where Taj Gibson became the player we hoped he was going to be he like had by year two it was like I think this is the peak of him and this is great and that’s what it was like that’s kind of what we got out of Taj he added a jump shot later on but but it was like this is all I really need you to be and that’s kind of what I see for ad Dam sonogo where I’m just like I I don’t need you to be the greatest big man of all time I need you to right now the the goal for him should be find his way back to this Bulls team take whatever you can with the qualifying offer uh or get as much money as you can I guess at this point do get your money right your goal should be be the consistent backup center on this team because there isn’t one and I’m not even going to sit here and tell you that there’s not an opportunity for him to find his way into the starting lineup at some point because there’s not a lot of big men on this team now Billy’s probably not going to play anybody that’s anywhere near a centers height but that’s neither here nor there listen like we got listen Billy centers he’s played centers we just haven’t had a bunch of them on this roster like we’ve had Vu Dr Tony Tony Bradley Tony Bradley uh Tristan Thompson that’s not really a center but I allow it and and and Andre Drummond that’s all we’ve had during his tenure it’s been ugly bro it has been ugly at the center it’s been ugly I’m not no I’m not cutting him no slack though because we have had drum and healthy and he put DJJ out there in Center was DJJ playing Center when drum was healthy I thought that was drum yeah no we had drum sitting on the bench and it was like uh no no no because the time that that DJJ was mostly playing Center was the year before we got drum and then the year that we got drum DJJ wasn’t playing for real to start remember because he was getting dmps and then he started playing so it’s still gross oh yeah it’s it’s gross either way it’s ugly it’s ugly stop playing shooting guards in Center hey DJJ was out there he was like I get the guard guards this year wait a minute when they start doing this yeah D this is this is new this is new you sure don’t want me to line up in Center you I can play center if you need I got power forward too I can play power forward minutes starting consistently a power forward no man I think uh sonogo like do whatever you can and find your way on this team and just prove your name I think that’s all he needs is a chance honestly and and I think this year he’ll get a chance because I don’t think we’re resigning drum yeah drum ain’t coming back I I don’t think we res jum said I gave y’all that one extra year because y’all treated me right I’m up out of here yeah yeah and that’s fine I respect them for also drum probably can go get a bag like he got to be looking at some of the bags out here and just being like bro come on dog like literally literally drum’s like y’all just drafted Zack Ed number n overall where’s my bag where is my bag the Zack Edie hate will never die for ha and Zack Ed actually made it into the league Zack Ed went all the way from being like not in the second round to be in the night like I said he earned it I even even with my my my hate of him and how he’s going to translate to the NBA game how he played in that NCAA tournament he absolutely earned working himself out how he how he performed in the draft combine he absolutely deserved to make an NBA roster but nine overall my brother nine overall nine is nuts is crazy hey hey you weren’t even there you I was trying to get you into the chat I needed help I was having it was it was just me and Joel and Joel said can’t even say it it’s so disrespectful he was like you know how he started late in life and how he’s really going through college and stuff like that he this kind of reminds me of Tim Duncan I was like Joel I will punch you in the face bro like like BR I thank God I wasn’t in that stream bro I was trying to get you in the chat bro I was begging I was like please somebody find ay man that’s crazy I need help he said he said no I’m not saying he’s Tim Ducket I’m just saying it’s kind of like that same storyline I’m like as the greatest other than them both looking like they wore helmets in Middle School bro that’s that should never be put in the scene Len that’s never zachie got a long way to go before we start getting Tim dunk in comparisons bro I I won’t allow it uh hey man listen not a bad day for the Bulls even though tomorrow on Twitter is going to be a mad house uh but appreciate y’all for tuning in showing love hit that like button subscribe to the page lead a five star view y’all know what to do and uh hey Pat will get your money man he got it uh you guys can follow me at CEO a man we thank you guys uh make sure you check on lockon bulls we are free and available on every podcasting app and platform of your Choice as well as YouTube for path designer I’m Hayes it’s been locked on bulls and I’m sleepy I’m tired forget sleepy I’m dead bro oh God you think you think big p will is somewhere crying right now cuz Petty Roosevelt cook him who’s big p will is that that name that was his username yeah [Music] P you do look like you sell baguettes bro what

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  1. Tbh. If bulls get hartastein from knew york! 👌Giddey-Coby-Pat-Buzelis-Hartastein 🔥🔥
    Lonzo-Ayo-Terry-Phillips-Sanago 🔥🔥 tbh that’s a squad .I want the bulls to tank this year. But with that 5 they’ll prolly be fighting for a play in spot 😂 we can’t give up that spurs pick tho…

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