NJ Devils Draft/Free Agency Fan Drinking Session SATURDAY NIGHT SORROW

NJ Devils Draft/Free Agency Fan Drinking Session SATURDAY NIGHT SORROW

is this thing on I hope you could all hear me I hope you can hear me can you hear me can someone just type in the chat is the microphone working can you hear me can anyone hear me and someone confirm and you could see me too SE bones all right all right on a special edition Saturday night welcome back Devils fans it is your very upset host Ace here on running with the Devils where by now you know what I do New Jersey Devils everything talk discussion rumors specul and today I thought it’ be a good time for us to gather in light of the recent draft and maneuverings done by Mr Fitzgerald um and as promised we are everyone pour one out let me know in the chat what you guys are drinking tonight I don’t know why I was just feeling that the goose is loose so I went to the little bar cart area and I drafted the goose into commission here and uh the goose is loose here tonight so that’s what I’ll be drinking for the duration of the evening whoa that was a big one I spilled [ __ ] everywhere I spilled [ __ ] all over the place and uh wow so the day well I I’ll go back to last night a lot of people attacking me and that’s nothing new um used to that by now but with all of the Big Talk of the big game hunting and and Fitzy out there just talking real tough talk real tough talk was coming from Fitzgerald and I foolishly took the bait I think and and in other videos when I would talk about what Fitz was talking about I straight up said he’s saying the right things now I hope he actually does them I’m not gonna kill the Devils for not getting immediate help with the number 10 pick I would have liked to see it I thought that was the best course of action the reality is if no one wanted to give us anything worth making a deal for then fine you draft with the pick I like the kid I like the kid we drafted and that’s it but the reality is that’s another down the line move and how many years have we all been here talking about the future being bright and the team being good in the future and all these things and at some point I want to see aggressive moves be made to win now I thought getting Jacob markstrom was to win now but you know now a few weeks after we get markstrom it seems like markstrom was a Band-Aid to keep us competitive and keep Fitz Charles’s job if I’m being honest that’s what I think it is I do not think we are trying to win now and I think Fitz derald is trying to be just competitive just competitive enough to get into the playoffs and keep his job and I don’t think markstrom was coming here for that to be on a Soo team and make the playoffs and hope and wish for the best I thought Fitz was going to go out there and start kicking ass and taking names make some to improve the roster get guys in free agency and really try to make a run but as it seems right now a lot of you have pointed out oh you’re delusional you thought we were in win now mode when we got markstrom I certainly did and I think a lot of others did too and I don’t think it was crazy to think that we are now firmly in win now mode when you get a 34y old goalie in markstrom that’s the reality and no I didn’t want allmark a lot of you wanted to allmark this and that listen I I talked about that in depth in another video but I seven eight million bucks for five or six years I am a firm pass on omark and I’m fine with getting markstrom but I also thought that that was GNA be the first in a series of win now moves and I like this kid CER I like what he brings but I don’t think we needed to pay that price and I think there’s other guys we could have got that would bring that and possibly more Point production for a similar price his contract is great and it seems like a budget Type move and Fitzgerald just did not value Akira Schmid and Alex Holtz I would have never in a million years thought that we would see the day that they’re both traded for a fourth line Center that was healthy scratched during the playoffs for the knights and a third round pick I honestly didn’t see that coming uh let me see can’t drink I’m 11 look at the chat for a minute oh stepen Engle water sucks great movie love the Sandler I think we all took the bait we all took the bait and I’m a little depressed and I think as fans we have a right to be depressed I know most it seemed most of the fan base was rooting for Holtz he he so showed flashes of Brilliance people thought he could be that top six guy he was in Lindy’s dogghouse I think most people were kind of amused when Novo asked Lindy about him in that that Infamous postgame press conference where Lindy told him he didn’t watch the game very well and I thought that was a a very funny moment on the season and I think that was kind of like the official rallying cry or you know whatever you want to call it for the fans to kind of get behind Holtz and hope that he becomes the guy we all wanted him to be and I thought there was a good chance at Redemption for him going into the new season with a new coach I thought you know this could be maybe a very good thing for Alex Holtz maybe under Keef we’ll see a better version of Alexander Holtz and be the guy that we all wanted that we use the number seven overall pick on and now to just pull the plug at 22 years old at 22 years old pull the plug on Holtz and send them to Vegas it’s a tough pill to swallow it’s a very tough pill to swallow and I’m curious what other people think uh again I’m not trying to live in negativity I really I really as a New Year’s res ution as a human being I was hoping to be more positive and more you know just more positive in life and especially about the New Jersey Devils a lot of you here care about this team very deeply as I do and unfortunately I care too much because there’s not there’s not too many things where I get uh so angry or so you know bothered by as as some things involving the New Jersey Devils and that’s part of being a fan but at this time I would like to hear from some of you and what will be the first ever running with the devil’s live Callin show on Saturday night sorrow the day June 29th 2024 the day that Akira Schmid and Alexander Holtz met the end of the line as New Jersey Devils and so now I pass it on to you guys I would love to hear some of your thoughts we are taking calls live and the number I guess I’ll put it in the chat I’ll put it in the chat actually the number has just been dropped in the chat if anyone wants to call in say your peace oh come on Lou NJ you would all these people trolling me left and right you think I’m G to put my real number out there that’s obviously a burner obviously a burner if anyone wants to call in the number is there you guys are hilarious the number is there what is the most I would pay stammer I love stammer guys he uh my number one free agency want was stammer aside from Zadora stammer was like my pipe dream one and it seems like he finally is going to move on from the lightning and so you know I don’t know if he’s going for most money or chance to win a cup or maybe a combination of the both depending on what peshi Dylan and Mercer ultimately are signed for I imagine between the three of those guys you’re probably looking at something around 14 million bucks so that leaves us with you know roughly six million bucks to play with uh and there might be like another bottom six guy that may have to be squeezed in there but I don’t know without moving someone else out that that that six million bucks is going to be enough enough to to bring in stammer I mean the the lightning supposedly offered him something ridiculous like 3 million a year times eight years or something kind of crazy I don’t know how that’s not some sort of ser uh cap circum navigation type contract that’s essentially what we did with ilot Kovalchuk before the league penalized us even though teams were doing it for years signing guys with these front-loaded contracts where the the tail end years were nothing how do I spend the 20 million I lost it here how do I spend the 20 million if I’m the GM well definitely the two defenseman I would go for zadorov instead of Dylan so I would go zadorov I don’t even know have to look again at the right defenseman I don’t even know peshi would be amongst my list but I would try to get a grittier guy but essentially zadorov a guy for right d and then you know two two forwards if you can I like uh bruzi but IID defer to Keef on what he thinks about him I don’t know how much money he’s gonna want but I wouldn’t pay him a fortune listen at the the devil’s future you know Fitzgerald’s famous thing the future is bright and it it should be a very desirable destination for players to come if you you want to win a cup if you want to live in a decent area new jerseyy is a pretty damn good place to live we have beaches we’re close to New York City pretty decent place to live and a chance to win a cup for however many years you come here for I would think it’s an easy sell and for that reason guys have to just leave a little bit on the table you cannot come here wanting every bloody scent from the New Jersey Devils come here on a somewhat team-friendly deal add to the core we have here and let’s go win this [ __ ] cup and that should be the that should be the cry and I wish that guys on the team would kind of pitch the devils in that light I don’t know if they do or not you very hardly hear of it these days but I think your greatest asset in terms of recruiting is the guys you have here now they know guys every you know there a it’s a fraternity NHL players is a fraternity and so you gotta spread the word we’re trying to win this thing but I don’t know it seems like even back you know as I say in the Glory Days cuz I’m an old man I talk about the glory days it seems like a lot of players never wanted to come here in free agency I think a lot of that had to do with Lou larell but Lou is not here anymore the stupid rules don’t exist quite frankly Fitzgerald told the world we were a country club guys don’t even have to lift weights how much better does it get come to New Jersey and let’s win this cup and let me just see some of the comments here the phone number was on the phone number on late night TV when I was a kid in the 80s oh Ted we need the devil’s HR number if we get peshy Dylan and one of stammer mon amberi Mantra this is a great offseason I don’t know about great I definitely want Stam Coast uh Salvador it’s uh Salvatore salvator it’s hard for me to want to embrace adomi as well I honestly hate Tai DOI it’s crazy to me like Kenny Dano is great friends with him and I think a lot of other guys that have probably been on teams where did something really dirty you know have befriended him and somehow ta do is like connected to everybody I don’t know how you see him with like all kinds of crazy people celebrities he’s somehow in this like in the world of Hollywood and I don’t know how I don’t know how it happened it would be hard for me to see tyomi at Devil’s games in the crowd I’ll be honest uh it’d be very hard for me I do think Max do is a good player and I think he brings some of what this Devil’s group has been missing but seeing Ty Do’s bald dome in the credential Center stands would not would not be an easy thing for me to watch what are you guys drinking tonight love seeing neire last night I haven’t Robert I haven’t looked at the Devil Soul draft yet so it’s hard to say um I do find it odd that we were drafting multiple goalies with all these goalies in the in the miners that’s another thing I I’m troubled by like a second round pick when we move the Marino out and we use it on a goalie it’s just hard for me man it’s just really hard for me and then it’s like okay well then your scout your scout suck if none of those other goalies and I guess maybe they knew the Schmid thing was going down but at the time that that happened and when I made that video about Marino Schmid was still in New organization giving us five goalies in the miners and how is that not a very glaring kind of strike on the resume of The Scouting Department if we have five goalies in the minor leagues and you’re talking about drafting another one I I mean we missed on five goalies and now we’re going to draft another one it’s essentially wasting draft picks and I think the scouting department needs to be looked at because that’s pretty damning to me that we had five goalies and you went out and drafted another one so me see Louie marginal upgrade to Marino yeah I mean listen I think he is he is an upgrade to Marino but I wish he was an upgrade and and nasty man not just like oh he’s very sound position positionally and all these things that’s great obviously want good players especially on defense but I just want nasty guys everywhere and I’ve been saying that for months a lot of you are Neanderthals like me and you like the rough stuff and that’s how cups are won in my opinion it worked for the Devils during their Glory years and it works for tons of other teams over the course of hockey history that you need some of those sandpaper guys we didn’t have any but I would have liked to see a more nasty guy than peshi kind of put into that role I’ll take it I’ll take the upgrade but you know it left me wanting more I wish it was a nastier defenseman and that’s why I was like I could get behind peshi more if I know Zadora was coming in on the left side to replace ball then I would be like okay you know not every guy’s gonna be a neanderthal violent man violent gentleman it’s hard to see Violent not everyone could be a violent gentleman but if you brought in pesi with zadorov I would have been happy with that pair of defenseman as upgrades I love zadorov and it sucks that I haven’t heard one rumor about us remotely connected to zadorov and so for that reason I’d have to believe if there was some interest there would have at least been one person reporting about it maybe but that hasn’t happened and so I have to believe that we might be out of the zor of sweep staks outside of some completely ludic chrous contract I would have tried to pay him what it took to get him here now I’m trying to see some of these more comments yeah they’re just throwing I I do think he’s just throwing [ __ ] against the wall Kona Big Beer wave of big wave beer of choice tonight what’s up Michael Ellers Ador of Henrik and pesi I I I put out a video I don’t remember when now all these things all these weeks are blurring together but I think Henri could be a serviceable bottom six for us I think he might get paid more than we want to pay him uh and I don’t know how much of a Team friendly he would want to give to come back here or how he would view this team as far as what their odds are to go on and win a cup maybe he’ll sit back for a couple days and see what else we do or maybe we’re trying to yeah I don’t know henrik’s an interesting one I I could see him trying to find a balance of money and win whereas to me Stam Coast Stam Coast is completely Filthy Rich and so I would like to believe that Stam Coast would be looking for the best chance to win and not the money which is why I hoped he might see the Devils as a desirable destination but it seems like he’s headed for free agency and I hate to say it I will be very very nauseated if he signs a super Team friendly deal to go to Toronto his hometown team you know we saw we saw years ago John tarz leave the Islanders and those pictures of him and his [ __ ] Maple Leafs pajama surfaced laying in his bed and then he’s a maple leaf and that’s how these things happen so if we see a picture if we see a picture of uh if we see a picture of stammer in pajamas just know what’s happening I mean what what it really is too much money for zadorov by the way I’m curious I think I would pay him the Six Million Bucks guys I think ID pay him the six million bucks and just tell him he better go out there and truck people the Holtz news broke me is a door of six or 7even million I mean Seven’s getting up there Morgan Williams zorov asking for too much trust me I want him just as bad but don’t need to see him with a poot type contract yeah but for a guy like zador like especially on defense can can a defenseman’s contract ever be as bad as a forwards I don’t think it can just by by nature of the position right it’s like plot you know you want to see some points you want to see some production it’s hard I think for a defenseman to look as bad contractually speaking as it is for a forward fits his team area high in advaned stats and peshy 100% Louie I believe that um I was gonna in another video I have a lot of videos in my head that I want to do but one of them is I do think that the analytics team is driving the bus I really do and I a thousand per would without looking at anything in detail on the surface I would think that peshi is definitely an analytics driven move I’m sure his there’s probably some you know several different stats they have on him that suggests you know he’s the second coming of Bobby or and no one else realizes it yet because they don’t have these Advanced stats that we have and so he’s the must-have guy and zorov and physical defenseman be damned I could totally see something like that Rico tweeted money isn’t his motivator I mean that’s a beautiful thing to hear now where does where does he rank Us in terms of potential contenders well the chat’s going crazy here if Fitz whs if Fitz whiffs on zadorov and peshi then what it seems like pesh is a forone conclusion I mean I don’t see any world I mean I Anything Could Happen someone come swooping at the 25th hour but I just never have I don’t ever recall a player being so rumored to the devils in free agency in my entire life I mean does anyone let me know if I’m if I’m forgetting someone but this has been going on for like a week now that everyone’s saying the devils are going to get pesy and so at this point it seems like I don’t know how this came about or how everyone knows but I’d be shocked at this point if we don’t get him because of how much chatter there was around it Fitz will probably finish off the Taylor Hall tray by merer for Taylor Hall no thank you I think I six million bucks I’m paying zadorov I think over the Six Million is where I begin to get a little squeamish but at six million bucks I think I’m signing zadorov I really do and maybe even a little more maybe it’s irresponsible but I think we’ve been that starved of a nasty man like that that’ll scare the living [ __ ] out of people that I’d pay him a slight premium but again he’s he’s a Russian dude he’s been playing in in Canada for a while like there’s a lot of Russians I think in the New York New Jersey area these could all be contributing factors that people might not think of right away in terms of going to a location I think there’d be a lot of things for him to do in the area he may may or may not know some people in the area but he certainly knows Jacob markstrom and so if I’m Fitzgerald and I have any interest zador arrom make the call make the call because we want his violent violent ways on the blue line trouba I want no parts of trouba never mind the players why are we stuck with a worse than poor GM comes from Kevin Kevin that’s a very long and complex answer the reality is that Tom Fitzgerald sold the ownership group Harris Blitzer Sports entertainment a bill of goods at some point um in the past few years where they believe Tom Fitzgerald is this hockey genius Mastermind that he’s not but he got them to believe it and as as long as I think he’s playing nice with their analytics department and whatever other people that kind of overlap from the Harris Blitzer Sports entertainment world that all is well and as long as the team remains profitable and I do think that their primary motivation in owning sports teams in general is the bottom line and to make as much of a profit as possible and that is my biggest critique with them and I do think that some of the initiatives they have will come back to bite them the first one that immediately jumps to mind is you had a very rapid fan base after the 2223 season obviously everyone knows we had the franchise record in points we beat the Rangers in that beautiful series and what is Harris Blitzer Sports entertainment think to do after the year that followed up this past season 23 24 where the Devils [ __ ] the bed we had all these injuries what do the Devils do amidst the losing season where we missed the playoffs after a franchise record setting season we have the highest of the highs and the near lowest to the lows what do they do they raised the ticket prices on season ticket holders shame on you Shame Shame Shame and as a result of Fitzgerald’s hoping and wishing for the goalies to play better as a result of that and US missing the Playoffs they experienced a record amount of season ticket drop offs meaning people didn’t renew and that’s money out of their pockets and I applaud those people you should not not be extorted by your favorite sports team or one of your favorite sports teams for more money for a subpar product the devils not making the playoffs is the definition of a subpar product and so for PE for them to raise the prices while we had that year it’s absolutely disgusting I think it shows their true colors and I’m glad everyone’s Jumping Ship there is no market for your tickets I don’t know what they think they have here but I can tell you f hand during the dynasty years at Continental Airlines Arena yes it was a whole lifetime ago but the reality remained the Devils were competitive every single year under the Lou Laro era we went to The Cup finals three times in four years you 2000 2001 2002 was a dud and then back in 03 we went to The Cup finals three times in four years we had an exciting team we had three top 100 NHL players of all time Mar Broder Scott Stevens Scott NE so Cup finals in three or four years exciting team three Legends and they had problems selling tickets then and we’re talking about in a 2000 to 2004 economy where tickets were way more affordable than they are now face value I believe in that era in the the upper Corners at Continental I believe were 20 bucks 20 bucks for upper level and I think lower levels were maybe like 100 or or 95 you know it it was way more approachable for the the Common Man back then and here we are 20 years later them jacking already expensive prices for a team that wasn’t competitive for a team that wasn’t competitive and so I do think it’s an insult to the season ticket holders and unfortunately I do think the ones that continue to pay are a little bit foolish because I think a message needs to be sent from the fan base that it’s not acceptable I’m just trying to read can’t wait for the videos on Monday signing watching on TV is better my summer stick figs have you been doing your summer reading no I’m gonna start that oh let me thank you for reminding me where the hell is my thing um bear with me one second here I’m all over the place I’m all over the place okay so I am doing a little summer reading Series this is Marty’s book from about 18 years ago broer beyond the crease I’m going to do a little chapter review every week or so and I’ll probably be starting that up um in about a week or so in about a week or so I’ll be starting that up go buy the book on Amazon or wherever it’s online the hard cover book’s like 10 bucks most places and um it’s a very interesting book a lot of behind the-scenes stuff a lot of little Peaks into the thoughts of Marty from that era and you know from early on in his career a lot of really cool nuggets in there looking at this is Fitzgerald going to have a press conference for this very odd trade with I don’t think so Fitzgerald’s probably in Vegas right now getting wasted the other GMS are probably all trying to go out and get a drink with them to figure out who they could pry away for pennies on the dollar I mean I don’t there’s not too many extraneous pieces that I think people could Rob from us but you never know um I don’t want to find out analytics Geeks are definitely in control of the franchise 100% I mean I’ve thought that for a while yeah D I guess yeah Larry good one there I mean I was trying to think of one but PK does jump off the page as a a contract that was glaringly uh glaringly bad as it went on and if Cotter is the big game hunting that’s truly um that’s truly upsetting news truly upsetting news yeah peshi said fredman did say in 32 thoughts that was like a week ago that he thought it was a lock so you know and then more and more stories came out and I don’t think they were all just piggybacking off of Elliott fredman I think they were you know different sources that kind of were hearing the same thing oh that’s interesting I didn’t hear about peshi to the Maple Leafs you think Casey gets a chance at a spot no not this year I think Sheamus Casey on the Devils this year would be an epic disaster I think the kid’s gonna be a great player in the league but you guys saw last year you know nemit and Luke Hughes out there when you got two kids doing on the job training on defense not a good thing not pretty we saw signs of you’re going to be a good player and we also saw signs of holy [ __ ] get this kid to the AHL and everything in between and so for that reason to me bringing Casey onto the big club with nemit and Luke Hughes is just an absolute no no and a recipe for disaster and I’m hoping that they’re not even thinking of that as a possibility because if they are that’s that’s really troubling I don’t think Fitz D would go down that road again but you never know but you never know the issue isn’t sedor at six is there are a bunch of teams that offer him more I mean if if the zador price is going to get crazy and let teams overpay for him but I do feel like you know six million bucks to come play with your boy markstrom and on this on a stacked on paper New Jersey Devil’s team that should be in a decent position to compete for a cup if F Gerald wakes up um i’ would like to see it and I like Cotter I don’t want people to get it confused because I did make that video I like Cotter and I’ve been pounding the table for months saying bring in grip bring in snarl bring in sandpaper so yes I’m not I’ve never changed my stance on that that’s why I like Cotter I think he could do wonders for us I really do I hope the way he plays kind of infects the other guys to play similar or at least Play More Physical than they nor they normally do because a lot of them have zero physicality in their game the problem I have with the deal is I feel like we wildly overpaid for it I would have never thought in a million years that we would trade those two players for a fourth line Center that was scratched in his team’s playoff games and I thought that we would be able to go get a guy like that in free agency Maybe not quite as cheap I think his deal is like 775k but if you’re talking like a million bucks a million two whatever I think there’s plenty of guys that you could have brought in that are going to play with physicality but apparently nobody on the planet wanted Holts and I think a lot of that is I think there is blood on the hands of Devil’s organization as a whole the kid was I think mismanaged and then Fitzgerald you know the one of the the dumbest things I’ve ever seen from a GM in sports is that you know Fitzgerald openly bashed him in a press conference last year and it was literally like at the height of the rumors of Holtz possibly being part of a deal for um for markstrom and so I thought that was crazy like this guy’s rumored in all these deals and you’re out here openly bashing him in you know in a press conference if I if I was another GM and I wanted was interested in hold called Fitz Char been like oh I heard you I heard you ma talking Holtz for 10 minutes during a press conference let me just send you this fourth or fifth round pick for him a guy that we drafted number seventh overall you know so I can’t see why Fitz would do that and honestly I just think that’s a very damning piece of evidence in the overall presentation of you know Fitzgerald is not a good GM I mean who does that who does that I’ve been trying to get for those you um Joe stalia I’ve been trying to get Joe stalgia he’s been seething and sending random hate texts and things throughout the day he wants absolute blood right now I’m just trying to go through these things well BC it’s a good thing that we didn’t get goodro because imagine having Johnny G on this team right now oh my God it’s nauseating absolutely nauseating he’d be here getting paid big money and he literally just another copy of the other soft skilled guys that we have minus the production um and that would have been atrocious we dodged a massive Bullet by not getting Johnny hockey and it’s a damn good thing we didn’t and I agree with Alex peshi and Dylan seems like it’s definitely happening uh Dennis plot needs to get moved I thought there was a chance that we were going to look to move pilot maybe in conjunction with that number 10 pick or you know get creative with something like that without sending pilot with something appealing it’s going to be hard for a team to take him at least without retention now I believe if you start you know offering retaining chunks of his salary you could maybe find a home for him but I thought that going into the draft that Fitzgerald possibly was going to look at getting creative to get that contract out of here to give him more flexibility in free agency but it doesn’t seem like he is it doesn’t seem like he is let me see if Steve the maniac if Steve the maniac is uh kicking around let me see I figured some of you people either one’s talking [ __ ] or not that someone would have someone would have want to call in and be live on the air I feel like zidor of’s loyalty is to the dollar that could definitely be the case this is going to be the big contract he’s ever signed Lou also left our Lou also left our Pro Y oh [ __ ] Morgan Williams that’s hilarious Lou also left our Prospect pool drier than a Rags Fan’s girlfriend M he rung every drop of talent and Futures out of the team and set us up for 10 years years of rebuilding listen while that may or may not be true the fact is um L brought us three championships and so to me three cups buys you a lot of Goodwill and a lot of you know bad maneuvering bad drafting bad trades when you build up that kind of credibility it’s unfortunate I do think he made some really bad moves towards the end of his tenure but and we had three cups I can’t I canot say a bad word about the man how much is it going to suck when dude if Stam Co and zadorov somehow both went to the the Rangers that would be horrible horrible horrible Casey can play here when our first round pick is his defensive partner to protect his small ass yeah I mean that’s why I like loading up on the when you have big guys to kind of protect the necks of the young defenseman it’s um it’s nice flexibility to have and and James Palmer Stam Coast is third line Center uh stammer could play Wing as well and so to me if you could get Stam Coast here and it’s not some crazy bidding war and he comes here for a fair number I 100% want Stam coast and then you figure out between him and Jack do they want to play together do they think they’re best split up do one of does one of them want to move to the wing and the other one play center I just think having stammer in the lineup you have tons of flexibility and you’d have some absolutely filthy disgusting power play combinations with Steven Stam coast and New Jersey it’s honestly it’s fun to even think of the potential lines you could roll out for power play one and two but I just don’t know that fitgerald is even going to kick the tires on stammer I mean I certainly hope he will but I don’t know I don’t think Fitz is going to admit failure with plot yet I mean does he have to does he have to admit failure I mean you know six million bucks is six million bucks I don’t think that we need Fitzgerald to admit to it to know that it’s the reality we have a call in Jesse uh this is the first ever call in show I’m putting it in the chat it’s kind of hard for me to multitask I’m trying to do a couple things here I got I got the phone going I got the but the number to call if anyone wants to call in and speak their piece or tell me to go [ __ ] myself the number there it’s uh 973 370 5285 and it’s in the chat at the bottom it’s in the chat at the bottom and I’m going here SE bones Stam Coos isn’t necessarily grit but he’s grittier than a lot of the forwards we have and he’s a gamer I mean if you don’t think Stam Coast is a gamer you know I’ll take that I will take that with no questions asked I don’t need the berzi type gri if you got a guy in Steven Stam Co that guy wants to win and he gives it his all so you know Steven Stam Co would be high on my list and I think he would bring kind of a a new gold standard if you will to the locker room I think a lot of the guys are young and inexperienced and I don’t think they’ve been mentored properly by some of these old school vets and I think that does matter I don’t know how many of you watched my interview from a few months ago with Scott Gomez but he talks about in-depth at multiple points about the different mentors and the guys that kind of showed him the way when he came up into the league with the devils and he you know there was very experienced veterans in the locker room guys like Randy McKay and CLA demieux and Bobby hle and all these guys kind of took Gomer under their wing and kind of showed him how to be a pro I don’t think that any of the kids we have here really had that I just think that that’s been lacking and I think you kind of need a guy that’s going to hold people accountable and people are going to want to go through walls for and I think Steven Stam Co is that guy I think he could be that guy the guy has multiple cups gold medals I mean what more do you need he just needs to want to come here he just wants to he just has to come here and hopefully you know drag this drag this team’s kind of bar up where you know maybe more intense practices get more serious in the weight room conditioning all that stuff I think stammer would go a long way in fixing all that but the first the first step is the devil’s trying to get him and unfortunately I don’t know that Fitzgerald has even remotely thought about trying to get Steven Stam Co oh zebra zebra games what’s up little man what is asked is Akira was the backup for the Cavs game in the morning of the 22nd he got sent down our golden guy hero of the series versus the Rangers in the morning of the game of the same team after I I don’t think Akira got a a fair Shake personally but he did have little chances and it was rough last year the defense was bad and all the goalies looked bad all the goalies look bad and I think it kind of mentally broke Akira Schmid I mean I was hoping he was gonna go to UDA and like play lights out but he went to Utica he was pretty bad there as well so it’s hard it’s hard to it’s just a bad situation overall honestly I always thought you know after he got sent down I think the first time last year I did think that the the end of Schmid’s career with the Devils was not going to be like a it was going to be an ugly ending sort of and I would say that today not that it’s ugly but it was a you know kind of dumped off in an afterthought type of move I don’t know that he could feel good about it but I’m sure he’s excited to get the hell out of here I don’t know exactly what Vegas’s plans are for him or if he’s gonna be any happier there but well we all knew Brendan Smith wasn’t coming back I he was definitely a casualty of you know everything I’m just trying to the chats a little the chat’s a little wonky dev’s fan Josh yeah I mean listen Stam COA 100% be extremely beneficial to a guy like Nico I think he’d be beneficial to most guys on the team including Sheldon Keefe including Tom Fitzgerald this guy is a legend of the sport he’s a living legend he was a point per game guy last year he’s been around for a while he’s played with old school legends he’s been around them you know he’s been around Dave Ander chuk oh oh we have a brave first caller hold on he’s been around please hold one moment please hold one moment one moment please we have our brave first caller and whoa you there Dave Ander truck was a GM back in the day I don’t know what happened whoever called I’m sorry call back I hit something I fat fingered it I don’t know what happened there but and I think stammer could even teach Fitzgerald a thing or two maybe you know in terms of whether it’s you know I don’t know you team nutrition or services and amenities given to the players I’m sure that the team can get better in all those areas and a guy like Stephen Stam Co I believe could kind of come into an organization and take a look and say you know I don’t think X Y and Z is right and maybe you should incorporate some of these things and I would certainly be willing to take his feedback on pretty much anything involving you know hockey operations because I think having a guy like that you’d be foolish not to you really would be foolish not to he’s been around for a long time and he’s seen a lot all right I’m just trying to I apologize to whatever just happened um whoever just called just call back we had grro two rings ownership I think ownership only does care about the money yeah it’s a Perpetual rebuild I don’t know why people just can’t call it for what it is like how many years are we G to keep saying the windows just opening the future’s bright like enough is enough man we’ve been horrible forever we’ve since the 2012 Stanley Cup finals we’ve won a whopping six playoff games total and one round one round hello we have our first caller what is going on you there I don’t know what’s happening hello hey AB are you there I’m here what’s going on a we have Abe on the line Abe where are you calling from I’m from the controversial Central Jersey I mean why is it why is it controversial well people say’s a north and a South and you know forget about everything in the middle I think there’s a central Jersey what what what would you like to get off your what would you like to get off your chest tonight Abe well I mean we were going at it a little bit in the comments on on some of your videos but I just want to understand your your beef with Fitz a little bit oh boy where do I start I mean listen go ahead my beef with Fitz is that if you really analyze it this guy inherited a pretty good situation with all these high lottery draft pick players and it’s like he keeps preaching the future keeps kind of kicking the can down the road what has Fitz Jer Fitzgerald done for people not to want to hate him I mean the re you know guys keep aging out well not aging out but aging every year and last season was the final straw for me because I do have patience to some extent but when the entire league and every team we played broadcast and on all the segments on all the different shows across the media when everyone was like when the hell the New Jersey Devil’s going to to get a goalie and he literally had a press conference at some point where he said he hoped and wished that the goalies would play better and then he goes out and gets two goalies on Deadline day and essentially when it was too late and flushes a season down the toilet honestly that was that was the final straw for me because I do believe that seasons are precious you’re wasting years of kids careers or older guys in some cases and had you been a little more proactive and tried to get anything you know in December January or February we would have had a Fighting Chance to make the playoffs but he didn’t do that he admitted that he hoped and wished and then he goes and gets two goalies on Deadline day and I’m just kind of at a loss uh I’ll with you on that but from what I understood they did make an offer for marrom before the deadline he moved he waved his no trade clause and for whatever reason it didn’t pull through he made an offer for Jake Allen earlier in the season and he didn’t want to move his no trade clause so Fitz was trying things early on in the season but I mean last season was just it was a mess it was dead from the beginning the injuries and everything so I can’t really judge last season so much in F I feel like he’s made a lot of good moves he’s you know his Teemo trade was great he locked up Teemo he locked up brat you know we all would have been pissed if one of those guys would have slipped away he’s building the team and at the same time yes we’re entering the window now we want to go all in now I got to give him a pass on last year because of the injuries and and thing we can’t go in with you know we can’t go in with smid and do again we we got some goalies now he’s making a move all right so this what you about this is but this is where we differ Abe right you said he tried to get this guy he tried to get marrom he tried to get this guy trying is not good enough and so yes he supposedly had the marstrom deal on you know almost almost at the goal line they couldn’t get it done you need to Pivot and move on it didn’t have to be Mar robust furthermore the proof is in the pudding when on Deadline day we get Ken and Allen neither one of these guys are World beaters but had we got them in January I think there was a decent chance to make the playoffs with either one of them and then before you tell me the story that oh Allen didn’t want to come here this that and the other thing that story to me is is beyond um you know bewildering because why if you talk to Allan or his agent and explained the situation that we are drowning we have no goalie we want you to come here and play The Lion Share of the games and try to get us into the playoffs why would he have said I don’t want to go to the devil’s midseason when we still had a fighting chance but then on Deadline day when we were on life support he decided to come here that made no sense to me ever and then what what was the story with Kenan San Jose was so desperate to hang on to kinan and then you could just go down the list of tons of goalies literally almost any goalie in the league would have presented an upgrade for the New Jersey Devils at some point in Jack January or February and so for me it’s hard to believe that he called every GM about every single goalie and not one goalie was available to be brought here to try to save us and instead he said he hoped he and wished and a full season went down the toilet and so for me that is an unforgivable sin of the highest form you wasted an entire season granted the team don’t get me wrong had tons of other problems they did but the the easiest one button fix or Improvement in my opinion was to bring in the goalie and it didn’t happen and so when it’s so obvious to every other teams fans commentators and all these things I have to say that you’re terrible at your job I have to I hear you but I I really think last season was dead before it even started like when douge went down the season was over at that point you know because we took the risk of letting grav and seon walk we want to bring in you know Luke and n so we’re going to rely on douge to hold it together he goes down first month this season you know Nico and Jack were going down like flyes coming back and going like how can I judge him from based off last season there was this they weren’t going anywhere last season anyway from the injuries another year I agree with that my problem is and I didn’t I don’t even use this as as a point to criticize him but the reality is because if people think I hate Fitz I know a lot of people that really hate fits okay so if you want to go down that road what they would tell you and this is not me because I was I was kind of on board with this myself so I can’t kill Fitz for it is that he did let Severson and Graves go and he was gonna gamble on kids at some point now I he wasn’t planning on Luke and Nemitz that kind of happened as a function of the douge injury but you could also say once douge was out why didn’t he do anything to try to replace you know a veteran defenseman you could say that too and I’m I’m I’m gonna let all that slide my my biggest gripe again will just always be that despite all of that and all the injuries you could have brought in a lowcost goalie option to at least give the team a fighting chance I mean what do you think what do you think the Hughes brothers were saying on their way home from the arena at many nights when we clearly lost games because of tragic goal tending you don’t think these young what they you know 20 and 23 you don’t think they were in the car like what the [ __ ] going on here on the way home you they’re kids man they’re they’re humans all the fans are thinking it you don’t think they are so what kind of message does that send to your franchise players I don’t think it sends a good one yeah I I agree I’m sure it sucked for everyone it suck for us it sure as hell probably suck for them but you know from what I understood fit did everything he could with the goalie Market that was available and there’s a whole league couldn’t get marked there’s a whole league and then someone else just put in the chat so this is another thing I have a gripe with but I think this is more of the owners and I made I said this in videos during the season they said you know Fitz didn’t use the ltir money early enough um when you know douge went down I don’t think they actually even put him on ltir for so long after he was hurt but I think that’s more of a a function of ownership but that money was there for the to be spent I don’t I do think that’s more of an ownership thing than Fitz because I don’t see why Fitz wouldn’t have wanted to use it but for me it just boils down to at least if you’re not going to do any you know substantial crazy huge moves like I’m not saying go try to find a stud defenseman to replace douge like just get any goalie that gives us a chance and it doesn’t deflate the team and I do believe that these young kids went home many nights deflated thinking they lost the game because of a goalie and what’s when fit’s gonna do something and so for that literally that one reason is the one glaring one where it’s like I just it’s hard for me to take the guy seriously and then and then after a day like today you know are you happy with bringing in Cotter at the price of Akira Schmid and and Holtz um I mean I wasn’t happy about it I think I said in the comments like I don’t love the trade but I I see why they gotta do it because like you said we’re in a win now mode right are we in a win now mode people are telling me in the comments that I’m crazy to believe that and now I’m starting to believe that they might be right wh win now according to who is Fitzgerald trying to win now it doesn’t seem like it just seems like he’s trying to do good enough to hold on to his job we’re not in like a classic win now mode of like let’s say the Bruins or the Penguins where they got one or two years and they just got to trade every draft pick at the deadline we’re in a win now mode that we could be contenders but our window’s going to be there for the next five six seven eight years because that’s what our core is under contract it’s going to have to we’re going to have to patch in the goalie thing during our win now window like we’re going to have Mar for the next two years and then we’re going to have to assess it after that we’re going to have to see if one of these kids develop or we’ll have to go back to the market and get another uh you know stop Gap goalie for a year or two but our window’s gonna be open it’s not it’s not closing in the next year or two just because marks only here for two years no it absolutely isn’t but these are precious years that are taking by douge going be now coming off an injury he’s 31 years old I mean I don’t think I don’t think it’s crazy to expect as for for all the Devils fans that are optimistic that this group will eventually win a cup I’d imagine that you would think douge Hamilton is part of it correct yeah what has he got another six years I don’t know this is what this is this year coming up he’ll have might be four left think it’s gonna be his third third year with us or four year with us let see what seven yeah but now I got to double check my let’s just double check to make sure I’m accurate here yeah you’re talking about douge is under contract through the end of the 2728 season so we have this season coming up and three more I mean listen you know that that is that’s four years it it does come and go quicker than people realize and and it’s not to say that we couldn’t win a cup without douge Hamilton but you certainly with all the kids with the Hughes brothers and all the guys we have Nico brat you’d like to think that douge Hamilton would be a big part of a cup a cup run yeah and he will be but what’s unique about our situation is even the couple years after that we’ll still be contenders because our our top six core is still going to be there hopefully we resign Nico and Jack at the end of their contract um our defense will will have progressed with the with the kids that we have now hopefully you know between Luke and them and Casey and the kid we just drafted today those four will step in so you know doy will will eventually be replaced like this window can be a seven eight year window now we gotta find and I don’t I don’t disagree I don’t disagree however even if you say let’s just say for to make it easy right for an analogy let’s just say the window was eight years and last year was the first year of the eight right there’s eight slices in a pizza pie right right so the first one’s gone and we’re out here [ __ ] starving and there’s eight pieces of pizza one is gone this year the second one’s gone the second piece is coming out of that pie and that pie year by year it goes quick it really does so I I appreciate the fact that you’re saying you know the window could be this eight-year window but it goes quick and if you never really turn the heat up and put all the chips in in any one of those years you know you you need to go deep and lose sometimes before you finally get the cup and so I it’s hard to be like oh we just keep looking to the Future and at some point the pressure has to be like we need to try to do it this year and then you just need to keep doing that because otherwise we’re just gonna consistently talk about the future and I feel like that’s kind of where we’re at with this guy right now right so I think Fitz is trying to juggle these two things he’s trying to still put out the best team possible but at the same time build a team that will have the eight-year window we could easily put all our chips in for the next three years and then we’ll be screwed after that but we want to have the window to go as long as possible now we got to find a way to keep this window going but at the same time compete for a cup every single year of the next eight year and I think Fitz has been trying to juggle that he’s been doing it that’s what the uh the Sharon goic move for to FY I like that move at the time obviously suck looking back now because we lost him for nothing and and again as a f as a fit uh hater at the moment or or probably not for the moment it’s probably forever I um some people like to pile on and throw that out there and I did say to me I I can’t go back on it and say I was mad at the time or kill him for it now yeah the deal aged terribly for many reasons but at the time to me that was like okay we’re going for it right you know this is a win now move but after after that didn’t pan out like that was a win now move for last year what are those moves going to be for this year was it trading air smid and holds for cter was that was that your taish move because I thought that was kind of okay when that happened I said maybe Fitz really is trying to get a little more aggressive and trying to get this team over the hump but now because we missed the playoffs last year people are just back to like this psychotic thinking that like we’re just a trash team and we should be lucky to get into the playoffs like everyone forgets the 2223 season and believes last year is like the team we have and granted now a million guys are off the 2223 roster but hopefully after the summer most of them have been either replaced with a comparable player or upgraded across the board um there’s no reason why we can’t have another season like that and hope we go further in the playoffs yeah so I’m not a full fit supporter I’m 5050 I haven’t you know sted in you know his fate yet now there’s moves he made I like there’s moves he make I’m not like it Fly trade you know I liked at the time now I hate the deal because it couldn’t Reign it so I’m I’m definitely on fif on this move on this move on this trade today with Holz my assessment of what I think Fitz is Fitz realized is that Holtz is Never Gonna become that top six guy that they drafted he could get you 2025 goals but he’s not gonna he’s not gonna fit in with this team as guy they can easily find we pretty much have four or five out of the top six sets we just need one more Winger for let’s say Jackie us his L I think it’s pretty clear that Holtz is not going to become that guy this is already two different coaching staffs and he’s just not earning the trust with the team and he just doesn’t have it he can score goals but like the guy looks lost with the puck sometimes so I think Fitz just is trying to get a player because like we said we’re we’re sort of in a win now mode SO trading Holtz for a first round pick or a prospect for another three years is not going to help us so he’s like let me trade low in his value get a third or fourth line player but someone that can help us actually right now who’s also in the same timeline meaning a guy that’s NH already which is what it seems like what cter is you but there was you could we could have got we could have got a cter like guy Elsewhere for cheaper I mean that that’s my biggest gripe with it and they help Drive Hol value but all right it was good talking to you I have to go mix up another drink appreciate the call I will see you in the comments and I appreciate the uh the feedback but as far as Fitz goes if we don’t see a lot of stuff on Monday I’m gonna be very upset and you will see that reflected in a multitude of you you have a great weekend man all right brother see you later and there it was AB the first ever caller call-in caller and running with the devil’s history so you know he’s not killing fits but he acknowledges that there’s there’s certain things that you definitely can can gripe about uh wow I haven’t the comments have been getting just taking a look here we need a beef and cter bring some of that I definitely think that could have been down for yeah true patriot I was thinking the same thing like I I was like you’re telling me that Holtz or Schmid wasn’t enough to get this guy that they scratched in the playoffs like were their teams lined up bidding for this guy I that’s why I thought it was crazy that it was both players for him and a third pick like I you know I just you know a guy you dra draft seventh overall like I would have just given him one more year give him a year under Keith if I was Keith I would have tried to kind of fight Fitzgerald to keep Holtz and be like let me take him under my wing I’m gonna take this on as like a personal project obviously the entire roster is my project but like I I specifically want to get this kid game to where it needs to be but that wasn’t in the cards and Holtz has gone to Sin City and hopefully he stays out of trouble on that strip because that Vegas strip boy you got all the trouble in the world out there if anyone else wants to call in the numbers out there um the numbers out there to call the Running With The Devil’s hotline just trying to catch up here on some of the chat Fernando no one wants M stop it nobody wants M oh we have another call we have another call coming in zebra zebra games to accept press one oh this is my man zebra zebra games hello no it’s zebra zebra games zebra zebra games what up man how are you hi I just wanted to talk about uh our situation with dougy and last season and go ahead let me well tell tell the tell the listeners how old are you uh I’m like I’m 11 I’m like 11 oh man I have a nephew that’s a little younger than you so this is this he’s 11 years old so you people calm down and be nice he’s been a long time Watcher of some of the videos on the channel and he’s here to talk to us about douge Hamilton so tell us my friend what do you have to say about doggy um bu season if you look at the standing or F he played 20 games and he had 16 points so basically we had him on the blue line being like one of the best defenseman this at this season he was fourth in points he only played 20 games and that’s just ferocious defense for us for points it’s a lot that’s a lot of points for only 20 games it’s herocious what the um f did like oh my gosh my kid um we Luke H first in points a rookie if if they have Nei come back next season with Luke they might be a good pair but you have to test nuke and doggy too together I think I think you’ll see I think you’ll see a lot of different maybe combinations depending on who we get in free agency and then some someone in the chat wrote that you only knew Devil’s pain and that the Devils need to win a Stanley Cup so you have a good memory I mean my dad went to games five and game seven of the 2003 Cup finals and I got him to talk about it at least I I was at both of those games as well that is long before you were born and back when the Devils were a great team every single season you should definitely watch if you haven’t watch has your dad showed you the devils like cup they used to be on VHS do you even know what VHS tapes are that’s way before your time but back in the day B the big fat tapes and you put them in the the VCR and uh you’d see the highlights and the the 200000 Devils one is very good to watch that’s on VHS and the 2003 was on DVDs which you may or may not remember but now all of the stuff is on YouTube so you could look it all up but I would highly recommend watching it on YouTube great highlights from great teams and your father was lucky to be a devil’s fan at that time as was I because in your lifetime unfortunately it’s just been tragic Devil’s teams but hopefully Tom Fitzgerald can uh turn that around I mean even the year before me the um the 2012 run I love to just watch the Henry it’s over I watch that that’s awesome man I thought I watched that 500 times I was at that game too that was that was an amazing game and an amazing night in Devil’s history as well but Isn’t it past your bedtime I don’t care is that one of your parents in the background my dad isent with me right now your dad’s probably like why do you watch this crazy guy on the internet talk about the devils and yell at Tom Fitzgerald I got what Tom too I mean you can’t be talking all right buddy you have a great night tell your parents I said hello and uh I’ll see you out there in the comments and maybe on the next show when we do Callins thanks have a good weekend bye that might be the youngest um the youngest Devils fan on the page on the channel zebra zebra games poor kid Only Knows pain and misery but he lives vicariously through his parents as do a lot of the youngsters in my life when I show them the highlights of when we used to not be terrible and um hopefully Fitzgerald or his successor when he’s inevitably fired will get us back to that point I was nice Rusty I was nice I’m just reading some of these comments here I might have maybe one more drink and we’ll wrap this up here Jeff Ace loves the kids Jeff Ace loves the kids I all the kids love Ace I don’t have any kids but kids love me I’m good to all my friends kids my nephews strangers kids Ace is for the children for the children let me see what we got here um if anyone else has anything else to say if anyone wants to defend Fitzy or or kick his back in we’re we’re taking all types of calls um both ways salvator kids in this economy it does seem a little irresponsible right I mean but look look I mean people have been finding a way to do it for eternity I couldn’t have kids for a variety of reasons um economically might be like the the smallest reason of all of them I mean but yeah shout out to all the parents out there having raising kids is difficult I definitely feel that I see it firsthand with kids in my family and some of my friends kids it’s definitely not easy but you gota we got to build the fan base that’s right Alex you got to keep the kids in there and uh you know keep growing the base oh wow 03 playoff frez was different gravy you’re damn right it was Jeff freezen where yeah what when when you guys start talking about the old days and I start thinking about it it’s really what fires me up it’s like who is our modern day Jeff freezen who who is our Jeff freezen tell me tell me last meaningful goal before Rangers series last year Rico in 2012 uh yeah yeah I mean that that Henrik series ending goal will forever go down as one of the biggest ones in franchise history um yeah let’s should we call Joe stalia let me call Joe stalia real quick he he uh he’s gonna be fired up did someone else just try to call in oh my apologies I don’t know what happened whoever tried to call in call again oh here we go we got we got one one second while I while I patch them through hello hello y what’s up hi I just had hi my name is Miriam Miriam said Miriam that’s my name how are you Miriam you are live on running with the Devils Saturday night Sara what’s going on Miriam hey I was just watching thinking about last season because it was obviously super disappointing um but you know until around the time when we started losing people to injuries we were always like at that like 15 16 spot in the overall standings what do you think like really went wrong other than injuries I know the goalies weren’t great and like obviously there were problems everywhere but it always felt like we were right behind a playoff spot but we never really got there and towards the end we like free fell so to be honest like you said I mean I think douie was a demoralizing loss to the team and then eventually shortly after we had both Luke Hughes and shimo Nemitz playing as 19 and 20 year old with very little NHL experience in a man’s League combined with the goalies playing nowhere near as good as they did the year before so overall injuries our defense was young and inexperienced our goalies played bad and then looked even worse behind a bad defense and then the injuries just kept piling on and I think it was just kind of a snowball effect of you know me at that mental weakness as well when players see their goalie struggling our defense getting lit up and then you see over the course of the Season Jack Hughes and Nico and Teemo all miss a lot of time I just think it was a lot for a young group to overcome and we just couldn’t get it done and we just couldn’t get it done and I think sadly had we had goalie as IAL I don’t know if you heard me the previous caller e had we gotten a competent goalie much sooner I think we could have at least clawed our way into the playoffs but it was an uphill battle from the beginning last year and they just never could kind of get their footing and then we had add a no word loss of McLoud I think that was devastating to the locker room not some people point it out but a lot of people forget McLoud was a do-it-all kind of guy I think a fan and locker room favorite and that whole thing kind of happened out of nowhere and now mccloud’s gone and and I think that was kind of another physical kind of hit to the the group psyche and then it was just trying to chase constantly Chase in the standings and they just never could get it done and and that’s all she wrote it was a wasted season that I will forever blame Tom Fitzgerald for but you know hope hoping for somehow brighter days ahead yeah I agree um just a quick question though do you think we need to add like more depth to top six I know we already have the guys kind of but like you feel like there’s a possibility to maybe trade or acquire someone that could bring depth to our scoring because I just saw a comment that was talking about Jack um SC like if Jack didn’t score people kind of got demoralized I don’t know maybe someone who’s gonna score more goals more consistently thought I thought we did I thought we had a good chance of maybe getting a top six player before the draft because we had that number 10 now that the draft is coming and we’ve used the number 10 and it seems like in free agency we’re going to sign two defenseman Brett pesy and Brendan Dylan and we have to resign merer there’s not going to be much money left so I I don’t know that we’re gonna see a big splash kind of sexy name forward brought in I’m still holding out a sliver of Hope for Stephen Stam Co I know a lot of people have told me I’m psychotic but I’ll always hold out hope for a player like that just because he’s a proven winner and I think he could do wonders for the team on and off the ice um I don’t personally have any expectations of them bringing in a top six guy like I said I would love to see Stam coast and I would consider him you know he’s the type of guy that could play up and down the lineup and so he would figure out what the other guys and the coaching staff where exactly he would play if we were to get him but outside of that I just don’t see it I think in terms of forwards in free agency we might see you know a bottom six guy or two um brought in you know the guy we got from Vegas today cter he’s a bottom six guy so that’s kind of one spot penciled in and I think potentially on one or two more could happen but I don’t think it’s going to be anything that particularly excites people but with that being said we didn’t for the most part have problems scoring goals last year it was preventing goals and so I do think with a healthy Jack and Teemo all year long Nico brat I think guys firing at a full healthy capacity we won’t have any problem scoring goals and just be make sure that the defense and the goal ending gets tightened up and I think we’ll be a much better team but I would like to see at least you know one or two more forwards brought in but it’s tough there’s not a lot of money left and I think we’ve already you know shipped away some of our guys for free in Holtz so I don’t know how any more trade pieces we would have I would love someone just put in the chat Anthony declair he’s a guy I would love in free agency as well no I I think the return that we got for hols was like I don’t I don’t know if like they needed to trade him I felt like they were just kind of getting rid of him like you were saying before yeah I I would have held on for another year see if he could turn it around under under Keef but they decided to go another Direction and here we are so now we’re down one roster player um from him and hopefully they find a way to fill the holes let the couple more places we have available in free agency and hopefully next season we’re a much better team but with everybody healthy and now we have markstrom I would be I don’t even want to say this because it’s kind of like a jinx but I would be Aston if we did not make the playoffs I believe next year the New Jersey Devils are firmly a playoff team and hopefully we can go deep I don’t know if Tom Fitzgerald truly is in win now mode he’s definitely in at least make the playoffs mode which is an improvement but time will tell and uh I will hope that we maybe get a surprise on Monday yeah I’ve only ever seen the devils in the playoffs twice I’m only 19 so hoping for a good season this year and thanks for having this live stream because been wishing out all my anger in the chat awesome well thank you for your call have a great weekend and definitely check out the Stanley Cup highlight videos on YouTube so at least you could see when we were good yeah of course have a great weekend man you too take care bye and that is Miriam another younger fan who doesn’t have firsthand experience of the glory years and that’s rough it is hard for me being an old guy you know all this [ __ ] is all mostly old old school stuff uh I can’t fathom a world where the only New Jersey Devils team I know is is pain suff suffering and misery it’s pretty hard all right so if no let me see let’s see if we could get Joe stalia he’s gonna come in hot though Joe stalia is gonna be Joe St is fired up I can’t share his text anymore he got he got very upset he got very upset that I I put his text in a video without telling him so I can’t do that anymore but let’s see if he picks up stammer would be stammer is great for everybody from ownership on down everybody could learn something from a legend like stammer Legends don’t grow on trees stammer is one of the biggest Legends left in the game right now he’s he’s just probably below the you know Sid and ovies there’s not too many Joe stalia didn’t pick up Joe stalia didn’t pick up but I think a lot of people could learn a lot a lot of different lessons from a guy like stammer and I would love to see it I don’t think it’s gonna happen oh man is that is that really the price on duclair I haven’t looked at his projection I didn’t realize he was going to be that much if that’s World World’s Worst Gamer 5.5 to 5.7 if that’s if that’s the price on duclair I think I’ll probably take a pass um that seems to be kind of high but I guess everyone just getting paid money now money is just basically worthless just every random guys you never heard of making four and five million so David uh Davin I prefer prefer Zadora over Dylan as well Joe stalia Walter I know you really want to hear from Joe stalgia he’s definitely gonna come on at some point he didn’t pick up the phone true patriot I don’t think Stam Coast is happening with Fitz at the helm hold on Jo ston might be calling in one second and I’m not trying to be negative oh here he is everybody not live but live on the phone Joe stalgia we got a lot of fans in here a lot of them Fitz fans a lot of them not I told them all you’re going to make your triumphant return to the studio but what would you like to say um preliminar preliminarily speaking to the devil’s fans tonight we’re live I’m guessing you’re we’re we’re totally live talk loud because I you know I got a whole situation over here you’re live live live live live live yeah I’m very uh disappointed I’m very disappointed I’ve made that uh very clear to you I made that very clear to my other devil fan friends um I’ve been disappointed for a long time with this man as I said this is season number six and um yeah there doesn’t appear to be any any real concrete plans uh that upper management has moving forward dude this is very timid I I expected a lot more fire and vinegar what’s got what’s up nothing just my my son’s birthday I didn’t realize you were calling me to throw me on live I was texting you were ducking me all day I I wasn’t that my I’m just catching up now I mean obviously I’ve been a breasted for what the Devils have done over the course of the last two days yeah it’s very disheartening I’m not I’m not GNA get animated falsely I’m gonna have a genuine sincere um reaction and you know I I’ve known that this isn’t the right that this isn’t the right guy uh for a long time with some of the moves he’s made with the trades with the free agency with the draft now let me be clear this is a great player that we got he’s a big boy he’s gonna be a great defenseman but he’s gonna be a great defenseman in three four years from now and you know I saw your last video you gave a poll to your constituents are we gonna see him play his first game or we GNA see uh Fitzgerald fired yeah I mean that’s that’s a real that’s the real answer I don’t think the really uh really has any some of them I don’t want to say all of them I’ve seen some crazy crazy stuff you know talking about an eight-year window 10year window people are delusion say that you almost wonder when you read those comments standup comedy a 10-year window this is a two-year window with this uh with with this front office um I don’t think they’re going to move away from Fitzgerald un fortunately if the season goes left I think he’ll get next season and that’s unfortunate but yeah there’s no real there’s no real plan there’s no real plan here that’s for sure do you think sending Schmid and Holtz to Vegas for cter in a third rounder was an excessive payment I know you’re you’re you’re a bigger Akira guy than I am yeah I’m a big believer on him I’m a big believer that he’s going to go and have greener pastures uh over there because that’s the track record we spoke about this the other night you and I Sharon govic you can keep going on and on we don’t need to have the lit me we don’t need to have the list everyone that leaves this organization does well zaka Wedgewood for crying out loud so yeah why should I believe anything different why should I believe anything different that Holtz and air Schmidt aren’t GNA do very well I believe in air schmi uh very very much you know you touched on how we jerked him around um absolutely yeah I I I think he’s GNA do really really well with Vegas Holtz he never really got a fair Shake here I don’t think it was really Lindy I just I don’t know I Andrew Bernett he didn’t mesh well with the system he didn’t do well with green when he became interm um for whatever reason Fitzgerald didn’t like him either but yeah I think they’re going to they’re going to be great players we traded two young players for a guy who’s got what 40 points career going into his fourth season it’s it’s head scratching it’s absolutely head scratching anyone that’s trying to spin this you you have to blush you have to BL you must there’s no way you can you can try to spin this with the straight face you can’t I like the guy Cotter that we got I just feel like we just paid through the nose unnecessarily where we could have got the same kind of player elsewhere but I do think he is going to bring some of that grit in that oldtime hockey we’ve all been desperately looking let me ask you this hols for cter even swap one for one would you be happy with that no and and that’s how egregious I think the trade was I if it was Holtz for him I would have been I think I would have been sh I would have been like well that seems like an overpayment but the both Schmid maybe not so much because there’s a lot of other issues there at hand with him but the fact that it was both of them for him and a third I just thought it was if it was one for one you would look at him and say wait a minute Holtz is 22 years old cter drafted seventh overall which essentially is a very big indictment on the on the The Scouting team turning 25 in four months he that’s still young and it is it’s still young but he’s three years older than than Holtz one and and one for one you wouldn’t be happy with that deal the kids going into his fourth season as I said he’s got 40 career points he’s a healthy scratch in the postseason even swap cter for Holtz one for one you wouldn’t be happy with that deal throwing in air Schmid as a kicker it’s lunacy man it’s it’s it’s absolutely it’s bananas it’s bananas all right Jo stall I just wanted to get some um initial thoughts from you I’m sure you’ll be back in studio with a more passionate rant it seems like you’re I’m going to be back yeah I’m gonna be back I’m sorry that my thoughts sworn has collected uh as perhaps you I think a couple of the people were looking for more you know more of the fire but we’ll get that next impr promp to Oh They’ll be fir it’s late in the day for Joe stja he’s an older man than I he’s might be he might be in his bed right now for all I know with Mrs joia now I just uh there needs to be there needs to be something pretty big that happens for July 1 they’re really really I’m expecting and again I I I shouldn’t say this because why should I expect anything from from these people I I I they’ve shown you more often than not they don’t know how to build a team my expectations are super low if I may the nucleus of this team and and this needs to be established to the fans the nucleus of this team was was established drafted and built by the previous general manager who in four and a half seasons four and a half seasons has a playoff Birth has had a playoff birth here Fitzgerald this is his sixth season and you don’t know what direction they’re going in I have no clue none they make trade signings and draft players for three four years from now and then in the next breath they go sign a goalie and Mar who I like that’s turning 35 that’s a win now move and I I I said this to you also I wonder what the players because they text I wonder what you know Nico and Jack and and everyone feels like you know they must feel like all right yeah great great player great defenseman but how does this help us for now how does this help us for today how does this help us for this season so all right Joe sto we’ll see you in the studio soon and we could only all just hope that uh you know Monday is uh there’s some some miracles on Monday for us if Tuesday comes and there’s nothing then then there really needs to be then there really needs to be a mutiny by the fan base I don’t want to hear oh Joe you’re negative no no the fan said no problem having a mutiny for Lindy Ruff they had no issues there chanting fire lending two times two times so nobody called the fan base out as being negative at those occasions they had no no problem no qualms having a mutiny for Lindy Ruff and if they didn’t have a problem calling for his head I want to see everyone everyone collectively the entire fan base if nothing happens for Tuesday this is year six enough’s enough the Lindy Ruff apologist I will talk to you soon Jo stalgia you take care my friend goodbye goodbye Joe stalgia that was a whole another argument I had with Joe stalia about Lindy Ruff I mean he he thought Lindy Ruff was was all that in a bag of chips and that the Devils really messed up when they fired Lindy went on to tell me that once he got hired that Lindy was GNA win the Jack Adams in Buffalo which I honestly cannot see happening and I think think you know it’s a nice reunion nostalgic type of hire for the Buffalo Sabers I don’t know that Lindy Ruff is gonna push them any closer to being a competitive team it might be more of a a lot of people speculated it was more of like a marketing type move to sell some tickets and and get some asses in the seats I don’t really know but I thought for sure that um that Lindy definitely unfortunately needed to go last season and that the message was kind of lost on the group and that we needed to just go in a different direction I mean and all in all due respect to Lindy he couldn’t even count in the end I’ll never forget Jack waving to the bench for another skater yeah I mean listen brunette probably was the guy that got away that that’s the reality of it but just think about it if you’re Fitzy and the owners how were you gonna tell Lindy to step down or step aside after we had a historic year where we had 112 points and beat the Rangers in seven games and went to the playoffs for the first time in a long time and won a series for the first time in forever I mean how do you have that conversation with Lindy and so a lot of people at the time kind of thought that it was the bad move and a lot of people did say you know they should have kept brunette and either demoted Lindy or fired him or put him in a different role but it is a little crazy to be you know coming off of a franchise record setting season with 112 points and then tell the head coach that he’s not gonna be the head coach noo how you gonna do that I don’t know how you would do that it’s a very a very interesting situation you know with hindsight maybe Fitzgerald should have went to brunette and said listen we want you to be the next head coach we know that teams are calling you now Lindy’s only going to be here another year or two just wait wait in the wings on the bench as the assistant and when Lindy’s gone it’s your job I feel like that may have been a path they could have went down but you know maybe not maybe not John said that incarcerated Bob also reported Devil’s still aggressive on Brady kachuck too I I’ve actually been meaning to look into this it’s been such a whirlwind day for me between um all these things with with the trades and the draft and trying to keep up with the comments with a lot of you guys here on on the channel I’ve been trying to kind of keep with the comments and Shout Out shout out to all you guys that comment by the way I love you all um part of my reasoning to W to even pop up here on the channel in general was just because I enjoyed talking Devil’s hockey with so of my closest friends I don’t have many Devils fans in my life but Joe uh Joe stalgia and Steve the maniac are two of them and we have a Non-Stop text thread all year long about Devil’s hockey and um and I have a couple other friends that are devils fans as well but I thought you know it is nice to connect with other Devil’s fans and especially with the Adent of the internet you guys are from potentially all over the the world and I know some of you in other countries and so it is pretty cool that I get to come on here and [ __ ] with you guys talk about hockey talk in the comments once in a while do these lives because this is what me and and some of my friends have been doing for years via uh text messages as well as in person either go to a bar or someone’s house have a couple beers yell at each other about hockey sit by fire have a cigar and so this is kind of all an ex an extension of that to some extent and so thanks to all of you that do participate it is really cool um I never anticipated any of this I never thought I would go on camera um I’ve been adamantly against appearing on camera for other things in in business world and um other personal aspects of my life where I was like I’m not going on camera I don’t want to talk or see people or take pictures but it is cool that um you know the Devils my love for the devils and our shared love of the Devils to some extent has kind of made me or allowed me at least to do things that I haven’t been comfortable with traditionally and so I thank you guys for that because it’s fun this is fun right now I’m half in the bag drinking uh Gray Goose I had an 11-year-old call in shout out to zebra zebra games he’s still in here zebra zebra games go to sleep bro this guy’s 11 years old 1048 good for him living his best life in the summer um I’m just trying to look back at some of these comments here but yeah it’s really cool to connect with devels fans from all over the world even though some of you guys are just blatant trolls shout out to Tyler I think Tyler lives in my area don’t put anything specific in there Tyler some of these people are nuts on the internet I remember you Tyler though I don’t forget Tyler lives local to me Tyler if I’m not mistaken if I’m not mistaken and this is hilarious um a quick little side nonsense story about about doing things on the internet probably the first time someone approached me was probably I don’t know sometime midseason I was walking around a devil’s game and you know I don’t remember what the you know at that time there wasn’t tons of subscribers and like the views weren’t crazy so like you never think that someone’s gonna like recognize you or approach you and I was at a devil’s game and someone came up to me was like he you’re the Running With The Devil’s guy and I was like oh what’s up like definitely caught me up and a little freaked out and kind of from that point forward as the channel did get more views and more subs and things like it did become more common that at Devil’s games obviously this is a devil’s Channel at Devil’s games I would see people uh that that occasionally watch a channel would approach me and [ __ ] and you know give me a high five whatever cool totally cool I will tell you T so that’s at Devil’s games though because this is a super Niche channel for Devil’s fans Tyler lives somewhat close to where I live and if I’m not mistaken Tyler tell me in the comments I’m right Tyler approached me in a convenience store totally unrelated to the devils and scared the [ __ ] out of me because he came up to me and like kind of looked at me and I was like I don’t know you know I’m not that scared because like I’m kind of big like so I’m not too afraid like that someone’s gonna attack me nothing like that but he kind of looked at me and he was like are you the guy that do you have a YouTube channel and I was like yeah man not not expecting to see people in what I call the wild like that outside of Devil’s game so shout out to Tyler Tyler I see Tyler all over the local area Joe stalia should made his own channel and you guys should do a weekly show Joe stall just too lazy to um to make his own channel at one point I thought about doing a weekly show with Joe stalia and we’ve talked about it but like Joe stalia has got kids and ACH of [ __ ] going on so shout out to you for calling in Abe Jo St has a lot going on and people don’t realize it is a lot of time effort and a lot of nonsense a lot of times with trying to have a channel that you’re actively involved in I mean you could have you know it’s it’s up to you you could make a channel upload or put up videos at your own pace so you can do it once a month if you want but it is a lot to kind of do it um in some ways I kind of wish I never ever did do it to be honest with you guys because it is like very time consuming and very and very um I don’t know how to describe it but it’s very it’s very consuming sometimes and it feels like you can’t do some things it’s it’s hard to explain but it is very it’s just very involving and it’s very taxing in some ways but it’s awesome and I love it so I’m happy that we’re here but some sometimes it does Charlie Fitz had a press conference I’ve been I’ve been responding to comments and watching clips and some other things so I haven’t seen so fit did Fitzgerald have a press conference I’m waiting to see did someone did Fitz have a press conference uh I’m waiting to see Charlie if if Fitz did have a press conference but um what contract do I think peshi gets I think from the projections I was looking at people hadn’t projected anywhere from well actually I’ll tell you right now there’s there’s a great site um and I put this in a previous video It’s called AFP analytics it’s called a AFP analytics and they somehow I don’t know exactly what they do but they have this this Google doc with like all the players in it and they somehow calculate um projections based on a bunch of things so let me just let me just uh I’ll put I’ll put the um I’m actually gonna put the link in the in the chat in a minute because it’s awesome so they have peshy oh this is a crazy Google doc oh boy so they have they have peshes and again this is not exact science or gospel but they have peshi signing a five-year deal at nearly a 6.3 million capit 6, 283,000 I’m gonna throw this link in the chat and I know and it’s a lot this is the chat so you guys check that out this a really cool company I threw I um I put some screenshots of their [ __ ] in a previous video I don’t know exactly how they do this but it’s like definitely some some uh some deep calculation that they do and you could see on there they have peshi projected at five years at 6.2 million you know so I don’t know you know they go back I think and see how accurate they were after the fact but I believe it’s going to be somewhere in that number I believe it’s going to be somewhere close to that number and that’s why when the rumors first came up I was like I just think we could do better as far as an upgrade for that kind of money but again I’ve said I do think the analytics team is in fact driving the bus probably for the 76ers and the Washington commanders as well because they’re all owned by Harris Blitzer Sports entertainment HBS and I think they rely heavily on analytics I could be wrong but I don’t think I am yeah Michael I would I’m not thrilled with peshy at 6.3 million either Charlie when can we get serious Sean ther is still on our top pairing it’s not beneficial I’m sure Fitz tried to trade him weeks ago I said in a video that I fully expected two of the three of Kevin Ball Sean ther Marino to get traded I fully expected two out of those three to get the boot and to get two Replacements I was hoping it was gonna be SE ther and Marino because out of the three ball would have been the one that I would have liked to hold on to in hopes that he developed a nasty game used his size started really crushing people and kind of you know got to that level that a lot of people thought when you see his size on paper but the Flames obviously saw a lot of value in him and he was a necessary part to send to Calgary to get morst here and so you know I can’t I can’t cry over too much and a very Team friendly contract and if somehow Fitz is able to send out seen thaler and upgrade him as well I mean that would be phenomenal that would be absolutely phenomenal if he was able to basically get rid of the three weakest links or at least the three Expendable links on defense and improve them all but I just don’t know how realistic that really is at this point analytics and hbsd is separated from all the teams I don’t know what that means kler SE THS are detriment to our team need a lock down reliable resilient Dem man what are your thoughts on my last comment I can’t okay just subscribed asking for a friend who is the Devils fan that doesn’t really watch a ton of YouTube he’s wondering do the Devils have enough Capital draft or prospects for Aaron eblad no no they don’t definitely not and I would love a guy like that too but he’s uh he’s not going anywhere he’s not going anywhere and I expect him to retire Florida panther I suppose anything’s possible but I do think that’s the type of Team where you might see guys over time start taking a little less money to keep the band together to win a cup maybe I’m dreaming and and all these guys want the most money they could get but you have seen it in sports um at different at different points to try to keep a championship caliber team together and I know for a fact at some point in Marty broder’s book I drop it if you haven’t that I’m doing the summer reading series on shout out to Morty for this because I remember when it was happening Mary took a lot less than he could have got elsewhere in a lot of his contracts because he valued playing on the New Jersey Devils he valued playing behind Hall of Famers and and the Scotts Scotty Nimar and Scott Stevens and he wanted the Devils to have as much cap flexibility as possible to field a great team around him to keep the Devils competitive shout out to martan broer for an being an absolute Legend taking less money than he could have got elsewhere to keep the team to keep the team competitive trying to just look at these comments here I don’t think Brady’s a possibility till maybe next summer and it’s unfortunate because we had so many pieces to try to really push them to get the deal done within number 10 being a big part of it now that that’s coming onone you know the the the Senators went out and they got Omar as a kind of a desperation thing try to keep Brady happy try to hopefully make the playoffs and keep happy but the kid was just on the ice with his brother with the Stanley Cup I do firmly believe that the Senators missed the playoffs this year with Omar under new head coach New Jersey Devils interim castoff Travis Green that he will want out I think this is the last year for the Senators fans I hate to tell you all if they fall on their face again and miss the playoffs I firmly believe Mr Brady kachuck walks into stos office and says I’ve been a good soldier I’ve rotted here my entire career and now it’s time for me to get the hell out of here trade me to a competitor because I’m done Tom classy that’s called it’s called GM speak the autta GM can say all he wants that he’s not trading Brady kachuk and I believe that he doesn’t intend to or Want To Bra to trade Brady kachuk however if they miss the playoffs next season and Brady kachuck marches in his office and says trade me before I go public and they do it behind closed doors you best believe Brady kachuck will be dealt for a Whopper of a pack and I could only hope it’s to this New Jersey Devils Club because as you all know Brady kachuck is a True Unicorn as is his brother Matthew and I do believe the kachuck single-handedly turn a franchise around and I I firmly believe that Sean ther for I don’t know what that i’ rather Marino I’d rather have Marino for him then peshi at six plus it’s a fair point Mike I mean you could make the argument peshi worth the $2 million extra I can’t say definitively yes or no I probably could make the argument for both I I would like it to more be like peshi at like 5.4 5.3 then I could easily say yeah 1.3 more than Marino I like that I I so World’s Worst Gamer that’s what I thought I I didn’t have it all in front of me I’ve been looking at that document a lot and shout out to those guys I might try to have them on a show just to try to get their background and kind of what they’re about I might reach out to those guys because AFP analytics is a very interesting it’s a very interesting site and what they do is very interesting I haven’t like done a deep dive but I’ve been constant looking at this document and yeah in my head I thought it was duclair around four million bucks I think duclair at four million I I that’s a guy I definitely consider definitely consider and I think he brings some more of that element that we need listen word on the street is no one wanted to pay the price for a top 15 draft pick draft pick no Market no trades do you pick yeah uh Tom a that I mean that’s fine with me um in terms of the pick I would have liked to see immediate help it wasn’t it wasn’t there for the taking and so we we did take what I guess they had on their board as the best player available in salv and that’s fine I think he’s gonna be awesome in years from now it’s just hard for me in the moment dealing with the pain of last missing the playoffs after the the beautiful season we had before to get excited about pieces for down the line because it’s just more of the you know the future is bright stuff and it’s hard for me and some of you guys have been fans for not that long all you know is the [ __ ] of the future is bright and it’s painful it’s I don’t know if it’s more painful for you guys or for me maybe because youve never you’ve never really been part of like the actual cup win so it’s like just like elusive thing that you’re willing to I don’t know it’s interesting interesting an interesting psychological experiment but I’m over the looking down the looking down the road the time to win is now the time to win is now and I’m tired of the [ __ ] I don’t want to keep hearing about these young kids and I do think Salia is gonna be a beast and it is exciting to have them I just like I said My Future Self is excited for it it’s hard for me to get excited for it in the moment because I’m looking for win now pieces because I’d like to see markstrom lift the cup um Debbies had another draft bus they’ll be out of the playoffs come who is this guy Mike Mike’s a clown yeah Morgan Williams I saw some articles and things it said you have with contract inflation Luke should be signing eight years times 8.5 mil can we get him on a team-friendly deal at less than Jack I’ll tell you this and I almost made a video about this actually because I saw some Rumblings and things online um a few days ago if Luke Hughes in fact gets a contract like more than his brother’s long term I don’t really know what I would say honestly I mean listen he had a fine year you know as a young kid he put up some decent points but he also looked terrible in his own Zone quite often and so if he believes in his heart of hearts that he should get paid more than his brother Jack I I might have some really Choice words for him that he might not want to hear because I I’m sorry but in no plan it now or in the future unfortunately do I anticipate you being more valuable to this team than your brother Jack or any other team for that matter assuming your brother Jack is healthy I think that is insan for you to think you deserve that kind of money Insanity to be paid higher than Jack anytime soon Charlie Borg 4.3 is too much for our depth guys we’re not paying over 2.75 for bottom six could maybe declair get swapped out on the top six potentially situationally you know maybe maybe he is a expensive I got to go look at the list again but yeah it does seem like Owen power got 8.35 and Luke is better it does seem like guys are just getting paid for I don’t even know like what type of you know it’s just almost like GMS are gambling now they’re like this guy should be good just pay him and to some extent we did that on with with Jack Hughes he honestly got that contract before he honestly deserved it when we signed him I was like holy [ __ ] this is a gamble I hope he becomes the player we think because he just got paid a ton of money and if he flops that’s brutal over under on McLoud returning next season Jonathan there’s no chance of McLoud returning next season I don’t know why people still keep talking about this there’s no chance of McLoud returning zero the time is now I don’t know what people need to believe that but the time is now Tom a I am 37 senior all we waited a decade to fix post 20134 another year is not that big of a deal we are like the Avalanche post marar we need fits to not pull an Uncle Lou Tom if you were here for the glory years what are you talking about another year is not a big deal how many years does Fitzgerald get he had one good season and we went in that season we took the step forward and then last season we took five steps backwards how much time does Fitzgerald get my patience is done it is absolutely done Ole I do think that um Brady kachuck would want to go to Florida uh obviously to play with his brother but the thing I think about that is while I’m sure it’d be awesome for him to play with his brother in Florida does he want to kind of ride the coattails of his brother on a team that now has already won the cup right so it’s like you know almost you know you jumped ship and went to an already proven winner or do you kind of want to make your own Mark and find your own team and pave your own way I would like to think he would like to make his own way do you really want to just be riding shakun with big brother and listen maybe he does maybe he does but I’d like to think that maybe he wouldn’t and outside of Florida the next most logical team I believe for Brady kachuck to want to go to would be our beloved New Jersey Devils and you all know the reasons if you’ve been here for any sort of time and that is quite frankly let’s just run down the top three number one one Tom Fitzgerald is Brady kach Chuck’s cousin insane in itself number two Brady kachuck in an interview last or two seasons ago said that he loved the Hughes family like his own family so we have Fitz the GM as his cousin we have two Hugh boys and he’s close with their whole family he loves them like his own family and number three Mrs kachuck AKA Brady’s wife is a Jersey girl what more do we need here my friends than your cousin is a GM your close family that you love like family friends in the Hughes are on the team and your wife is from New Jersey oh and I forgot she has a bun in the oven we have a young one on the way a little one on the way and what better for a mother of a newborn to have the support and love of her family nearby and this this all there for the taking in New Jersey folks the Garden State did you guys know New Jersey is the blueberry capital of the world or Hamington New Jersey is the blueberry capital of the world did you guys know this I found this out a couple months ago but Brady to the Devils makes all the sense in the world it just sucks that Ottawa was trying to hang on for as long as they can and it makes sense I mean listen why would you want to trade why would you want to trade um Brady kachuck for the senator I mean it makes sense it makes sense and yeah I understand the cap keeps going up but you know you still have to get respect the money at some point put some respect on this money because you’re gonna have other needs that arise you know over the years a lot of people want or or or actually a lot of people I take that back believe that Quinn Hughes is a million percent coming here in free agency when he becomes a free agent which is actually let me just double check my my let me double check my facts here a lot of people really believe that that’s like a foregone conclusion and I’ve tried to tell people that um you know at that point do you believe we’re gonna have we’re GNA be able to fit three brothers two of them being defenseman on contract of approaching nine 10 million bucks and uh let’s see Quinn has next year and two more so he becomes an unrestricted free agent after the 2627 season who knows if he wants to sign a Team friendly I wouldn’t say I’m not interested I certainly would be he’s one of the best defenseman in the world I hope Luke can somehow develop into a fraction of the player that Quinn is shout out to Quin Hughes just want a Norris Trophy the kid’s a beast Tyler I like Dylan I like Dylan I really wanted zadorov that was my number one want in free agency for the left side I really wanted zadorov I think Dylan has a nice constellation prize and it does seem like peshi and Dylan are going to be the guys that replace ball and um Marino but I I would love for it to be zadorov damn Mercer projected for four four million for two years or 6.5 for six that’s interesting I do think the whole Mercer contract is a huge wild card I have no idea what to think on that um as long as you get him for not a crazy number I mean I listen I liked Austin Mercer I thought from a few years ago he was gonna be an important part of the core and I still think he could be he was kind of rumored in a lot of Trades as well um but it’ll be interesting to see what he finally he finally does sign for would you take Lou over Fitz oh boy if you’re talking about present day that’s tough Lou over Fitz oh man I mean my quick answer is yes present day but it’s hard it’s hard looking back the HS trade was a big FU by fit the entire organization to the fans yeah pul pul Mystic I mean I think the team was kind of annoyed that you know Novo and the fans it kind of seemed like they they were well aware that everyone wanted to see Holt succeed and see him given a bigger opportunity and it didn’t happen in you know a lot of BS a lot of BS went went around and maybe they just got tired of it and for whatever reason they were sour on the kid but for me to pull the plug on him at 22 years old um I thought it was a little premature but again I wasn’t against trading him but just get value don’t don’t give them away don’t give him away they may be cousins but I bet they can’t believe he’s an executive in the NHL that’s probably true probably like how the did this guy get this job it is it is astonishing what do we have to trade for Brady give them Sean ther plus plot retain on plot oh Charlie oh Charlie Charlie Charlie I don’t think you’re prepared for a conversation on realistically what it would take to land Brady K truck maybe someone in the comments will um will put you on the game there but it’s it’s it’s a lot more than you’d ever imagine and i’ imag imine you would be in a State of Shock if you saw what the realistic package would be and you might possibly faint you might possibly faint P Mystic yeah but do we want another offensive defenseman pulp Mystic one of my buddies blew up my phone texted me last night like we’re gonna regret this day because I don’t even know how to say this guy’s name um but he was the guy we should have taken but like listen guys at some point and I don’t know when it became as prevalent as it has now back in the day back in my day you people want teams wanted defenseman to play defense and the role of the defenseman is to stop the other team from scoring goals in recent times people have become obsessed with the offensive defenseman and it’s like these guys are all frustrated forwards that are playing defense you need defenseman that actually play defense to win to win and in my opinion you know we have Nemitz and Luke and Sheamus Casey in the pipeline and those are all offensive defenseman and so I do value if we are going to draft a pick get a shut down nasty guy because it seems like most of defenseman nowaday want to score points they want to be the next Eric Carlson and win a Norris Trophy with over 100 points and like a minus was like a minus 40 ridiculous that they give the Norris to a guy like that let me see silv is nice player but his years away yeah pul Mystic the only thing is like even if you say this other dude is NHL already I don’t want another kid on defense with Nemitz and Luke Hughes I’m sorry that’s just a very risky proposition and we already saw last year what that gets you and that gets you exposed that gets you exposed and lit up it gets you exposed and lit up and another kid is just going to be more of that more of that but um yeah it’s perplexing I mean listen people are going to make that comparison because of that pick for the rest of time for the rest of the time and I and my bud body actually pul Mystic almost sent me exactly what you’re typing right now he like this guy’s going to win a Norris we’re going to regret this I was just too much in in shock and pain not quite shock and pain but to get into the nitty-gritty of like who I wanted to pick I was more upset with the fact that we actually picked versus um that we didn’t get the immediate help that a lot of us thought we were G to be a 10 pick I was just kind of like you know it was going to be an equal thing for me whether if we drafted it was like I didn’t have too much of a preference and I read about both of them and a lot of people thought they both should have been picked higher but I have no interest in trying to regardless of what people say put a young defenseman into the fire on the New Jersey Devils with shimo nemit and uh and Luke Hughes it’s just we just have no room for more youthful learning on the job while we have those two guys please uh I haven’t done it in a while I made a note to myself like comment subscribe hit the like button a lot of you are super stingy smash the fraking like it cost you nothing more than three seconds of your time there’s 109 people in here and I don’t know I can’t see the metrics on this I don’t it’s in another screen I’m like in a it’s like a stock broker uh I got a lot of screens going on but smash the freaking like button you guys are stingy as hell damn damn smash that that like button hit the Subscribe share with a friend share with your mother uh I’m trying to catch up on these comments here people don’t understand we had to lose the Rangers in 94 to win 95 and I also believe if we beat the rags at 94 win the cup back to back and seones I agree with that sentiment and I’ve said it time and time again that’s why I value every season so much this group has to get to the playoffs and lose and battle and Claw and fight and scratch and they have to go through that to keep building on it and that’s why I personally freaked out so much that we threw last season away and we didn’t make the playoffs it it you know was a lost year and it would have been a year that really would have served the kids well if we made the playoffs as a group and yeah I see that like on come on smash more likes 100 of you in here there’s 65 likes stingy bastards um and that is important that losing is part of the learning process and the growing process and I also do believe if the Devils beat the Rangers in that 1994 Eastern confer final I also believe we would have beat the Canucks in the Cup Final and that is pretty powerful stuff there SE bones living living in the old days uh and the window does shut fast I’m trying to catch us here yeah I definitely think we would have beaten the Canucks I think I completely forgive Fitz for the holdz deal if he can go out and get us the door off oh Max you’re setting the bar low I’d be thrilled if we got tooro but that’s not erasing any of his sins any of his sins and then we get to Walter here if you’re the GM would you trade brat Mercer and a pick for Brady that one I’m torn on Walter because listen I um I want Brady more than the air the air that I’m breathing right now that’s how much I want Brady and how much I believe he truly is that super rare unicorn player that will do things and and make things happen for this franchise I personally would try my hardest to keep brat or nemit out of the trade if it came down to it and there was no way around it like I would try to you know in that trade where you have brat Mercer and a pick I would be like what could I sub in for brat can I sub in other prospects other picks because the reality is in my opinion Sheamus case was also a big part of that deal and I think now so it’ll be even more true because there are all these defenseman in free agency right and and the same reason why I don’t want salv or the other kid in the lineup anytime soon is because we have two super young kids I don’t think people realize how young these kids are in Luke Hughes and Shino Nemitz super young super inexperienced I cannot add a third so I’m trying to insulate them with all the veterans I can and I wouldn’t wanna I wouldn’t want Casey to be in the lineup almost anytime soon really and so I would try to include him in the deal for Brady I always thought that Sheamus Casey would have been a logical piece as one of the cornerstones of a potential trade to bring Brady kachuck here and know so if you if we could sub out brat for like you know let’s just pretend that we had a 2025 first round pick which we don’t let’s just pretend we did you know I would try to put something in there like Sheamus Casey a first round pick Mercer and maybe something else Sheamus Casey has has great value he’s gonna be a great player it’s just that I don’t see how he fits in with the Devils because of the youth we currently already have on the blue line and that’s why I think his best or most the most value to the Devils he really has is as a trade ship but with that being said if he ends up playing on the Devils I’d love to see him but I just think you know I I really expected him to maybe be explored as a potential trade piece in a deal to get someone who’s a win now piece and Brady kachuck is that ultimate win now piece and Brian wats a lot of us are begging for zadorov um it seems like a forone conclusion that Brett peshy and Dylan are going to be the two guys on the blue line and so I just don’t see zadorov Tyler why are you so adamant that zadorov won’t be a devil I don’t think he will be either but I’m curious why you’re saying that Tyler hates fun they aren’t gonna pay both zador and pesi it’ probably both be yeah 12 to 14 million yeah yeah yeah Tyler I want Sor more than anything as well and I would love to see it happen there’s been no rumors zebra zebra games how are you still awake this kid is a legend 11 years old after 11 o’clock I mean it is the summer but damn I have some friends with kids that age and I know at 11 o’clock the only way they’d be in some YouTube chat live at 11:15 would be like if they snuck the iPad into their bedroom which they’d be like no no no no screen time go to bed Akira Schmid will probably wind up getting a vzna I don’t know about all that Dogzilla I mean listen I think at worst case Akira Schmid becomes a very serviceable backup somewhere and maybe could be a legitimate number one guy but I think at worst case he becomes a decent 1B guy in a tandem situation and maybe you know has a a swell career in that capacity but I wouldn’t have given up on him so easily and for so cheap I don’t know he’s going to get a vzna I think that’s a little bold and I probably K Kil I don’t know kler you would give up too much for Brady maybe I would but I do believe I do believe Brady kachuck is that dude and I think he makes this team better he brings a Swagger he makes the team ballsier and I just think a guy like that just look at his and again not to say they’re the same guy but if you look Matthew kachuck went to the Panthers brought them to The Cup finals the first year they lose to the knights and then what happens this year they make it all the way back and win after almost blowing a three nothing series lead I mean these kids the kachuck boys are Throwbacks and they don’t make many like them they have NHL Legend pedigree DNA big Walt was their papa love that guy when I was a kid one of my favorite non- Devils players in the 90s and you see the Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree I mean both of his kids could potentially go on to have a better career than he did which is absolutely crazy because he’s like a borderline Hall of Famer I believe he should be in the Hall of Fame but he’s been passed up thus far he eventually hopefully uh hopefully eventually gets in but it’s crazy that both of his kids may go on to have better careers than him and uh I started talking about giving away brat just because someone posed the question in the chat Casey will never play NHL at 58 169 I’m a bigger guy than him listen seones I like the the size I like the violence I’m a violent I’m a violent gentleman but he’ll bulk up man he’s still a kid he might grow another couple inches and he’ll gain some weight a lot of these lot these little Shifty Guys these little Shifty fellas they’re going to put them through a program put some Sid on him and um you know keep it moving as much as I would want Brady I don’t know if I’m ready to give up brat Plus for Brad is the most underrated player in the league and I agree I was willing to and I think I mentioned it in comments or videos months ago uh if it came down to it I would be willing to move brat to get Brady 100% would but I would try everything in my power not to I do believe brat is one of the most underrated players in the league he’s been our most consistent player for the past couple Seasons he finds a way to stay healthy for the most part and he produces and so I’m a big brat fan I just know that we do need to diversify our skilled forwards because you know brat and Jack and Nico are you know not to talk [ __ ] but they are you know softer finesse guys versus a guy like teimo a little bit more of a bull a guy like Brady kachuck that’s a little more multifaceted and and physical in their game and you guys all saw in the playoffs people are playing for keeps people are Playing for Keeps and Brad Marshon told the whole world in a in a locker room to like 12 reporters that teams are trying to injure guys and I’m I was so glad he said that because when I would talk about stuff like that people would tell me I was crazy this that and the other thing and for one of the star players in the game during the playoffs to tell the entire world that teams are trying to take guys out oh it was beautiful it was beautiful and that’s why I want a guy like zadorov Jack Bratton Mercer hands on the best leave the kids alone I’m still mad at fits about Sharon goich I love to F wanted to work out but it was obvious that’s not what the team needed at the time yeah Mike you’re you’re not wrong I just was so desperate for a win now moved that at the time I did applaud it and I’m a Sharon govic guy I like Sharon govic a lot and I said to a lot of my friends I think with more opportunity he would do a lot better and I I expect him to do a lot better but it wasn’t happening here he was kind of the victim of our incredible depth at the forward position and so he went on to Calgary and he’s doing bigger and better things I’m not going to kill Fitz for that deal because at the time I did like it why wouldn’t Brady want to play with two of his best friends and Jack and Luke yeah Tyler that’s what I’m talking about play with two of his best friends that he loves like family and Jack and Luke under his cousin Tom Fitzgerald the general manager and bring his wife back to her home state let those in-laws take care of this baby let him watch and love on this baby and see him all the time we really there’s so many just the the the web is so weaved between Brady kachuck and the New Jersey Devils and the state of New Jersey that it’s kind of wild to me that Brady’s not begging for it and I think he’s loyal to a fault I think you know he’s proud to be a senator he’s proud to wear the C it’s the team that drafted him but when it comes down to it that ain’t that ain’t getting you closer to a cup my man I think Carolina gets the door of oh boy no more tan of hopes who loved that Stadium Jersey yes SE bones The Stadium Series Jersey is the sickest Devil’s Jersey of all time in my opinion and um absolutely beautiful absolutely beautiful I would have loved to have seen a similar Jersey to that as our alternate instead of the Jersey Jersey I don’t know how old some of you guys are in here or what you remember but for years back in the I think it was late 90s there was a black starter like alternate Devil’s Jersey it was a black starter is anyone else drinking tonight or is it just me um a black starter Jersey that was super cool and I think Lamar freaked out and like starter had to pull it from their shelves or something I can’t remember all the details of it but um they’re kind of hard to find now they’re super cool I had one as a kid and I always remember like talking to my friends and we were always like why don’t the Devils just wear this as one of their jerseys like it was just so beautiful it was basically nothing different than the regular Jersey except the red was black and then the stripes kind of matched the uh the whole theme and it was sick and I always just wanted that to be the jersey that and then for the real old heads I remember the Devil’s Den catalog I always wanted that crazy devil skating or the devil face to be one of the uh to be one of the either like patches on the shoulder or the main Crest but it’s a super sick Jersey but that’s just I just spent $200 on a jper brad that’s that jper Brad is the best player in the NHL Maran to be the last guy to say that knowing how dirty he plays no Marton he was just telling the world what I already knew and is that this is a violent Sport and guys are playing for and in the playoffs they’re trying to knock your guys out period period I know this is a complete pipe dream considering that Calgary can’t retain another contract but I would all I would do unspeakable things to get Coleman back 50% retained and Rico yeah Max I like where your heads that I’ve had that conversation with a couple of my buddies as well and Coleman’s one of those guys that you never wanted to lose but it was just like a necessary evil at the time he just makes too much money now but you ever get him back at 50% retention I th% agree that um that would be a beautiful move Coleman back with 50% retained I would love it fit’s been drinking since last night I think so who is Ace’s favorite current player and who is his all alltime favorite do we get to learn in this episode you guys could just throw out any questions if I see him I’m gonna answer them I’m not you know I’m always trying to Entertain Entertain and whatever else you guys are looking for out of so my favorite current player my favorite current player it’d be hard for me to pick one um my favorite current player would probably be I’m assuming you’re asking for the Devils um my favorite current player is a tie between teimo Meyer and Curtis Lazar love both of those boys and I think they’re just you know I I personally will always gravitate to the guys that are Throwback players and I think teimo is a little bit of that and I think Lazar is a lot of that you know hits will do what they have to do to win get in people’s faces little face wash Teemo Teemo has had a you a rough season last year with all the injuries shout out to Ritter engine greay Goose the goose is loose baby we’ve been here for a while I don’t know if you just got here I’ve been trying to keep up with the chat it’s been kind of moving a little bit and hard to stay on top of but so to know to answer your question uh Deo stennis Deo Dennis deenis I’m just going to call you Deo demo yeah current favorite players Teo Meer ctis laar and my favorite all time I thought everyone knew at this point I I definitely thought everyone knew my all-time favorite demo my favorite my favorite all time is the great martan bro dur I mean you see all the [ __ ] behind me you can see the pads a little bit better when I move out of the way that’s all game War pads game War glove blocker growing up with Marty in the net was was an ERA and I’m glad that you know I grew up the time I did I I would consider myself extremely fortunate and spoiled I grew up in an area in New Jersey where the players lived very close by The Practice Facility was very close by and you know I had a lot of interaction with these guys over the years I’d see them out and about in town at restaurants they were very approachable this is before the era of the stupid [ __ ] smartphone and and what I call the the social media era where I think everything’s kind of ruined and um in-person experiences aren’t quite what they used to be back in the day but back then you could go to practice at South Mountain Arena where they practice in West Orange I would often cut school shout out to my ma love you Ma I would randomly tell her my senior year I was like yo you need to call to school and tell them I’m sick and she’d be like why why are you sick I was like I’m going to South Mountain watch a devil’s practice and this is this is I graduated high school in 2003 this is literally the year we won the cup so imagine being 17 years old having your license and then making your mom call you out of the school so you could cut school and drive 12 minutes away to go watch the future Stanley 2003 Stanley Cup champion Devils practice with like two or three people there no one gave a [ __ ] that was a better time in the world and uh I’m better for it I’m glad that I lived during that time and I’m glad that I grew up in the time I did it’s so everything is so different now and I’m just super fortunate and thankful and grateful that I did grow up the time I did where I did with the timing of the guys in the organization because that’ll never be replicated again it really never will be and it was it was quite the era in some of the most fond memories of my entire life fit is a sellout Coleman wants out of Calgary listen if Coleman if someone’s gonna if they’re gonna retain salary on Coleman I’m all about it I’m definitely all about it am I getting a Paul Cotter Jersey absolutely not as of right now if he does something spectacular I’m always you know I’m a little stupid with stuff like that you know any particular guy could always be maybe one play one sequence one game away from me getting getting a jersey so I’m not going to rule it out I have a lot of silly things in my collection um from silly events oh man Marshall Marshall tell him Marshall [Music] they don’t even know Marshall about rock and roll part two man that was core childhood memory Rock and Roll Part Two I mean I know I don’t know the whole story I think the dude Mo molested kids or something but then I heard that because of a lawsuit or something he wasn’t getting Royal for the song so like I me I hate to sound this way but straight up like if it’s playing the song is not putting money in his pocket and benefiting him I don’t give a [ __ ] what he did play rock and roll part two he’s not financially benefiting off of it run it rock and roll part two after the goals core 1,000% core childhood memory and I would go back to that song in two seconds if I had the choice whatever non the stupid [ __ ] we play now there there’s man for all you oldtimers it is crazy I sound like the grumpy old guy but like literally nothing will ever be the same or as good as the old times it just won’t I swear the number 20 jersey for the Devils say something about it Ryan Carter Blake home and Michael McLoud just give Carter 20 and we take home a cup that is interesting huh the power of 20 that fourth line with Carter berier and Steven gont was was crucial in that 2012 Stanley Cup final run before we ultimately fell painfully in six games to the Los Angeles Kings but um I love Ryan Carter and he was and Coleman and McLoud I love all those guys because they’re gritty hockey players they’re all throwback kind of guys that do some of the not so pretty stuff and Ryan Carter was actually involved in the line brawl in 2012 that we saw some clips of um after the more recent line brawl this past season and that was only a three on threee line braw but Ryan Carter was there he B Pickle’s face up if you watch Carter hits him with a shot cuts his face wide open blood everywhere beautiful stuff Teo time this coming season could be crazy also didn’t those were game word pets oh yeah Alex I’m not playing out here I got I got all kinds of Morty [ __ ] bro I’m gonna start to I I’ve been slacking in that series I was supposed to do memorabilia or usan Monday where I show like something cool um from the collection on Mondays I’ll try to get back to that but I have some really crazy Devil’s items I think people would enjoy looking at but yeah no back in the day it was great you could go practice at South Mountain and get autographs no one gave a [ __ ] I have pictures with tons of guys from the old school I got a couple on my desk right here on the old school disposable cameras pre- digital camera shout out to I don’t know if you’re can be a to see this this is a picture of me and can anyone tell who that is camera kind of sucks that’s at South Mountain Arena and then we got one of my other favorites at South Mountain Arena our Go song is terrible guys who do we got here these are just all on my desk that’s a funny face funny facial expression there yeah no I got I got I have end endless momentos and tokens and all these things from the glory years of the boys and it was a great time man I mean I like I said I couldn’t be happier that I am the age I am and grew up where I did at the time I did loving this Devil’s team and all the cool [ __ ] that I was able to be a part of and I’m here you know talking to people half in the bag off the goose on a Saturday night you know hit that like button you stingy people 93 people in here and 70 likes it’s pathetic I’m gonna get punished by the algorithm I think the dude that did Rock and Roll Part Two had pedo allegations they did they did but I don’t think he gets I think he’s in jail and he doesn’t get royalties from it so who cares play this s Clarkson was awesome always loved clarky really nice guy really nice guy clarky and you know he got paid big time he had a 30 goal season here left in free agency and then Toronto kind of set him up for failure and they proclaimed he was the second coming of bundle Clark on the front page of the Toronto son and he kind of never lived up to it it’s it’s kind of unfortunate for him but he got paid his bread he got paid a lot of money so good for clarky tell them about the old arena parking lot where Devil’s Rangers hand all the way to the parking lot yeah that [ __ ] happened especially you know you saw some things Tom in that that Ricky old the cattle walk the Rick the old one not the not the newer one with the pav I’m talking Boardwalk one where you thought you were going to die where You’ look down and there was like this much space between the planks where you’re like oh [ __ ] don’t miss that because you might end up on whatever that highway there is 120 or whatever you might fall through the crack and end up a road pie I remember after they originally changed the songs the fans still chanted you suck I hate that you suck Chan I think it’s dumb I’d like the Devils to fire fits and hire the gym from Vegas listen they’re doing it right out in Vegas they’re trying to win every single year they’re using every drop of ltir money and they’re not playing they’re not playing I trade fits in a third to get that song back so would I so would I all right guys I’m gonna finish this drink I don’t have anything else interesting I’ve been on here for entirely too long I appreciate you all coming to either have a couple drinks with me or just watch me drink and participated the chat um shout out to all the callers thank you guys who whoever called in I appreciate you all um does anybody else have any any parting words of wisdom questions or anything else jviation where are you at bro we’ve been here for a long ass time for some reason I think I’m like uh I think I’m like I’m invinc to Grey Goose I mean I feel it a little bit but it doesn’t um shout out to Marty B Devil’s fan from Canada thanks for watching bro where where in Canada are you from we had a couple callers I had the first the first ever first I’m slurring a little bit the first ever running with the devil’s calling show is mdl is that you mark for some reason your [ __ ] shows different than your name on the thing and I I just remember that it’s you well Stanley I don’t know about that but I pre appreciate the support and thanks for watching yeah I don’t know why in the chat it shows mdl I don’t know how any of this [ __ ] Works guys I’m not that old but like when it comes to technology I feel like I’m [ __ ] 90 like yeah Mark your [ __ ] shows us mdl in here on the thing it’s traveling devil I think 76 but yeah I don’t know why there’s a difference some of them are exactly the same names I don’t know how it all works it does make it a little bit confusing for me especially when I’m having adult beverages in the live free agency looking for us like not a lot man Charlie it’s looking like we’re gonna get peshy Dylan and maybe uh bottom six guy or two potentially but it seems like most of our remaining cap space is going to be taken up by peshy and Dylan being The Replacements for Marino and ball and then we have to sign Mercer on that money and it’s not going to leave us with a ton left I am holding out the tiniest sliver of Hope for stepen Stam Co personally really want Stephen Stam Co but I’m not exactly optimistic about it does anyone have anything else yeah Charlie Over overall I think it’s going to be another year hope I’m wrong but uh Fitz and needs to hear about this new update yeah I don’t know I mean I can go down a whole bunch of T um tunnels of conspiracy theories but I I don’t think the owners were willing to let them spend the ltir money I don’t think everyone realizes this so when you get LT money right it’s it’s just basically cap relief but it’s not free money it’s just it’s just cap relief so if the Devils wanted to put douge on ltir when they were able to and spend all that money that’s still real cash money dollars out of the owner pockets and I’m pretty sure Fitzgerald probably approached them and was like we could put doggy on ltir and we could go spend this8 eight million owners were like the [ __ ] you will you’re not spending eight million additional dollars and I honestly believe that’s what happened and I’m not looking to make excuses for Fitz Gerald because you guys all know I’m a very big critic of his I am no fan of his and I will celebrate his eventual firings that will happen at some point but I do believe that the owners were like you are absolutely not spending an additional 8 million over the salary cap with this ltir money and so I think he was kind of handcuffed I hate the a Schmid trade so do I I like the player but I hate the price what could Fitzgerald do to redeem himself self I don’t think anything at this point win a cup bring us Brady nothing realistic Kate who’s your top three free agency wands in no particular order 100% Nita’s Ador the guy’s a throwback absolute animal hit will fight can score from time to time I just think he’s a high energy guy I think he’ll get the boys pumped watch his highlight videos watch uh just put it just look for his highlight videos his hits his hits highlights are crazy so zadorov is up there Steven Stam is heading for free agency so I have to put him on the list and then another one would be probably Anthony duclair I think he definitely brings a little heavier grittier grinder game and I think we need I think we need that in the lineup but if not declare a guy like him but 100% zorov And Stam coast and then the third would either be you know declair bruzi or some sort of other power f but that would definitely be my list um Charlie I think it’ll be hard to dump lot without retention I was hoping we were gonna get creative with the number 10th overall pick and maybe use you know the pick and plot and a package for you know essentially a later first round pick and a player or something like that but I do think there was an opportunity to potentially get poot off the book with the 10th pick and now that’s just one kind of less bullet we have now that we went and drafted and so it’s hard but I do wish we did find a way to dump plot listen I like Andre Plott as a guy I think he could be a serviceable player but at $6 million I’m trying to get him up out of here ECE just joined how did you feel about Erica’s interviews last season something were hard to watch but she brought great energy I mean Jacob let’s be honest right no one was relying on Erica for like hard-hitting questions she’s a a very nice bubbly young woman who was kind of you know working for MSG she was a fan of the team and yeah she just kind of became like an extended family member uh after all these years of watching games and and her on our TV you know everyone gets used to her and she’s kind of like an extension of the devil’s family and everyone’s comfortable with her and so I don’t think she was doing any award-winning journalism I thought a great personality in fit for the team and she will be sorely missed and I think that’s just kind of you know over time when you get accustomed to these people on the broadcast and things they become part part of like the function and the routine and it sucks when they’re gone just like some of you guys are probably getting a little bit attached to your boy Ace a little bit not like Erica I can’t compete with Erica let’s be serious guys I mean come on I have no shot it’s an unfair competition but it’s a similar type of thing you know you just there’s like a a fake report where you feel like you know her but the reality is for her she’s more of a an actress because everything is sort of scripted there is a little bit offthe Cuff Stuff but she is kind of acting to some extent but I I do think she was good for the role and she brought something to the broadcast and there was some nights that we were just terrible where you’re like you might crack a smile or laugh because of something Eric did it’s fine hopefully they replace her with someone good but I I don’t have any faith we such an afterthought MSG um they don’t give a [ __ ] about the Devils I want off that Network so bad I second over to The Sopranos theme song for The Goal Song wow wow the soprano song for The Go theme song that would be something that would be certainly something parting words patience is a virtue be nice to each other and the difference of opinions is a beautiful thing keep it tight I’m not mad at that that’s kind of similar I think like Jerry Springer’s parting words I think his were uh what the hell did Jerry Springer say he was like I can’t remember it was some [ __ ] like that I’m gonna look it up I’m gonna drop that in another video The Jerry Springer closing is very similar I’m hoping for the best of what has transpired today my expectations are on the floor right now if we get peshy Dylan and and two forwards of any kind I guess at this point I would consider that a win I don’t know that it constitutes what I would call big game hunting but peshy Dylan as upgrades on defense and then then we got like Clair and maybe some other guy in conjunction with cter like listen is the team better yes like am I super ecstatic and jacked up for next season no I’m not I really am not and I and I don’t feel bad in saying it listen I love this team I’m on here I’m talking to people on the internet about this [ __ ] on a summer Saturday night I could have been doing something much cooler than this but instead we’re all here talking about hockey because we love this damn team we love this damn team Charlie dumping plot is going to take a Monumental effort and giving up other Talent picks or something something I don’t mind the makeup of this year’s team we have a lot of potential yeah but you know every team has potential Danny my biggest complaint about Fitzgerald is constantly looking to the future show some balls and make a tough trade and and then aside from that is um you know he sat back with his hands in his pockets last season when we desperately needed goal tending in the entire universe knew it every other team fans broadcasters everyone knew he did nothing to address it we drown and then he gets two goalies on Deadline day and for what it was too late at that point and it was just it was just a sad case it really was a a sad case and I don’t know why other people are more forgiving or forgetful of everything I just don’t know but I I will never forget and I’ll never forgive him for it Jackie Redmond is a smoke show oh I can’t say you’re wrong I cannot say you are wrong she’s on NHL Network I think she does some stuff with WWF so I think there’s no chance of getting her and I’d have to believe that MSG is probably looking to pay pennies for whoever this Erica replacement will be and so I don’t think that you’re gonna see someone like a Jackie Redmond or someone you know I a lot of people thought that Anna do a girl could have possibly been um that DOA could have been in the mix she’s like 12 years old but she was on a couple Devil’s broadcasts and uh no one really knew why so maybe it was kind of like an audition or like a to throw her out there to kind of see how people would react and the the sad part is I don’t know you know the brass at MSG I mean I can tell you how people are gonna react to anything for Pro Sports if you put out a good-looking female the major the overwhelming male audience will respond kindly I mean that’s just the reality I don’t know how much more proof of concept that teams or or networks need but this has been the tried andrue formula for probably the history of mankind in television so you know I think they’re maybe trying to see how people responded to Anna Dua and I think she could be on the short list possibly of Erica Replacements um Tom he bro we are Jersey Boys tell each other off and get a beer nice I like it be kind is that no so pass on Jackie redond she isn’t good imagine everyone saying woke up this morning got yourself a gun I don’t even think they could say gun on the radio I think they they bleep it in like songs if it’s a gun they they do like the the bleep I thought we looking at zador listen Ryan um you know a lot of us were looking at zor is Tom Fitzgerald looking at the door off F’s big game hunting is different from or version of it I guess they probably wouldn’t do the correct javiation they’re not they’re not talking about guns and there it is kler until next time take care of yourself and each other something like that that’s very close to what it was I used to love watching that [ __ ] when I would when I would stay home from school when I was younger like the midday trash television shows with like Springer cherry cherry cherry that [ __ ] was phenomenal that was like WWF meets like I don’t even know what it was phenomenal television back back in the day and then they had the big ball guy Steve Steve Steve Steve he’d come and break them up when the paternity test came out mustc television great stuff and I think if I’m not mistaken oh my God that was already over a year ago go rest in peace Jerry Springer holy [ __ ] man I remember yeah died over a year ago one of the legends of Television for sure Jerry Springer fire fits I would like to we have 19 mil to play with our goalie has been acquired everybody is healthy and we’re add some pieces come Monday next season should be good Jeff I mean listen Jeff you’re hopped up on the happy pills maybe I hope to to eventually get to where you are with that statement but the majority of that money in my opinion or belief I should say is going to be spent on the the trio of peshi Dylan and Mercer I think that’s about 14 million bucks right there which might leave us with like an extra five Millie to play with which is not a lot yeah the Soros extension was less than I thought I thought he was goingon to get paid more than that but you know he he took he took that deal and he’s set for life baby Soros has got this got that cheddar got that cheddar Danny I like Fitz Dr at first but I’m starting to think he’s a terrible GM Oh I thought he’s a terrible GM for a while I thought he’s a terrible GM for a while welcome to the club M I only shows M so I don’t know what your whole thing is there do you think keth has had any influence on the decisions this off season I do I think Fitzgerald is completely lost and I think anyone that he values as a hockey mind he will pick their brain and ask for input and kind of conversate with within the organization and so I believe he definitely um you know picked the brain and talk to Keef a bunch I don’t know to what extent you know he’s had an influence on the decisions but I’m sure they’re in close contact and I believe that ke was definitely giving his two cents where he thought it was worth interjecting to try to help Fitzgerald maybe make the proper Personnel decisions with the input from Keef as a as a head coach and maybe an outside um kind of perspective as he’s coached against a lot of these guys with with his time with the leavs you don’t want Zadora for the price he will be seeking to be paid Mark tell us what do you think he’s looking to be paid I think if it was 6×6 I would I would give it to him I honestly do I’d be like here’s your 6×6 come Crush people and put the fear of God into their hearts Alex I don’t know what trade you’re talking about but this the it’s not like there’s some overwhelming amount of cap space now as a result of uh of these moves it’s not like all of a sudden we now could go do all these things we couldn’t do before it’s um you know it’s looking like like I said before peshi Dylan and Mercer are going to take up the the bulk of that money G take up the bulk of that money and you might be able to get one or two other guys depending on who they are under the cap I don’t know who Fitzy may have his eye on the rumors have been pretty low I I’d like it to be an impact that guy but I I can’t say that I’m very confident in it James I did watch a 94 and zel pukin tied that up mad late that was crazy completely crazy historic all and Devil’s history for sure it’s a shame that um you know that game ended the way it did Kate I’ve been so bogged down with making videos and responding to comments I haven’t really had a full chance to even look at some of the other deals like I’ve literally been at this desk or I have another computer where I kind of run back and forth and I’ve pretty much been kind of between both of those Stations between making the videos and trying to keep up with the comments and all the [ __ ] um I haven’t even looked I haven’t even had my TV on yet because it is it is loud and it’s a little bit of a distraction when I’m recording and um I haven’t had it on so I’m going to do a deep deep dive when I get off of here and kind of catch up with all the news the signings just check out some things and decompress and I will be back you know tomorrow and Monday are going to be two big days for this team and two big days for this channel um you know this is kind of the acquisition Super Bowl if you will for hockey is you know the typically the draft the day or two leading up to the draft then the first couple days of the draft the two days of the draft leading into free agency there’s typically a lot of [ __ ] that shakes out and it’s happening right now I was like damn this morning when I saw the Marino thing I was like oh boy here goes the first step and I figured more would be coming and then I did the Marino video and then I was you know I have a lot of Devil’s fan friends so my my phone’s kind of crazy and I’m trying to keep up with comments and then the whole thing with the kishman and Holtz I was like oh [ __ ] I was like Fitzy got me running around heavy today I got got to really um stay on top of this and shout out to all you guys that comment by the way the comment section’s great I mean a lot of trolls in there too but there’s a lot of valid points and and kind of debates and I I encourage you all to kind of jump in there now um and participate because it is it’s a great it’s a beautiful thing to see amongst Devils fans I am looking into potentially doing a Discord a few people have contacted me about that I don’t know all the stuff though it does register as like like taxing work type stuff but um I do I do like typing stuff so I do think uh the Discord the Discord might be coming soon relatively soon James isra like and try to team around I think a lot of people would be better than fits um good night Mike I like I like Martin oook from Carolina he’d probably one of the guys I was higher on from Carolina he brings a little bit of that a little bit that chippiness I like guys that have been part of playoff teams and part runs I mean experience matters and especially the physical guys I um I’ve been talking about it for months you know I I just want I just want gritty dudes that want to [ __ ] win man and the team right now I just feel like is a bunch of young children I think a guy like martinook he could be possibly infectious on the group as well not not as much as a guy like Brady but cheers to you guys is anyone else drinking tonight by the way damn I don’t even I saw a couple drinks thrown out there early on o o That’s warm with the uh oh God yeah without the ice is brutal take a few shots that it burn in your chest douge coming back is like another big signing the mesit team last year had more wins than the Islanders the week left in the year playoffs are right there yeah but there’s a difference between making the playoffs and really being a contender and you can see you know who was the real and who were the fakes last year Washington made the playoffs they look like [ __ ] the Islanders didn’t look great I like Brendan Dylan I think he’s a solid guy would still prefer you know zadorov because I think he’s big and nasty and really will just intimidate people and hurt people and like Fitz said heavier edgier more violent give me those guys zorov is that guy and I suppose to some extent Dylan could be but not as much as zorov I want Reinhardt or Stam Coast Reinhardt might be 10 million a season though after PES and Dy not enough money yeah reinhardt’s gonna definitely get paid I’m curious to see what type of discount if any he would give to the Florida Panthers to stick around try to keep keep kind of that nucleus intact and try to win more championships because in my opinion they’re built pretty well to last for a while and as long as Matthew kachuck has a heartbeat I think that team is gonna be something fierce and they could kind of swap in and out some of the more depth players but I do think with barov kachuck eblad couple other guys that they’re really set up to be to be something special for a while I I think a minor trade in two big free agency signings are on the way don’t overreact to the hold steel give a time you might be surprised at time lit that Lit bubs little bubs lit bubs um listen I I like I like Cotter I do I like that concept and the idea of what cter brings I just feel like we we drastically overpaid I feel like we drastically overpaid you know I think that type of player was available Elsewhere for cheaper I do I’m sorry and so it’s gonna be hard for me to get excited about it I just hope I hope he comes in here and he tears the world on fire and he looks like a [ __ ] animal and everyone’s like oh my God that trade was worth it and more and kind of helps ease the pain but even if that happens I would still think that we shouldn’t have traded what we did for him at the time so very I you know I I get caught up on some of these things it’s not the end of the world but and any time you you trade a number seven overall pick who showed so much promise who the fans kind of rallied the fans almost like the fan base rallied around Holtz like everyone wanted Holtz to do good and kind of stick it up the ass of everyone in the organization that was kind of keeping him down everyone wanted the kid to do well and we got the plug pulled at age 22 and it just seems kind of messed up um and then we kind of gave him away so we will see there is a lot of encouraging things about CER heavier edgier more violent the three things on the Fitzgerald’s checklist I am a violent gentleman I love violent gentleman and so I like I like him being brought in I just hate the price I just think we drastically overpaid and uh demo with the K of big wave cans I don’t know what that is I’m not a huge beer guy I situationally drink beer I’m more of a liquor guy but Kona big wave I have to check that out the Panthers are G to be good for a while I really do believe that just read F fit statement on the Vegas trade dude as a clown I wonder how many other GMS are bumed because I lost Conor sweep Stakes night all from Winnipeg peace and let’s go Devils let’s go Devils good night Marty B JV that tra big F to the fans it did it really did I don’t care about Holtz leaving too much drama around him the team does not need it yeah really made the drama like I I guess I mean listen I’m I’m a guy that doesn’t like distractions and the [ __ ] but um everyone just wanted the best for that kid and everyone did kind of buy into the notion that he could be a top six guy he could be a 30 goal guy like we get him out of the doghouse and live with his can we can we give him the same slack and kind of origin for error that a lot of the other players on the team did and I do think a lot of other people quick to point that out that there was a different set of rules and expectations for different players on this team some guys got away with murder and stupid mistakes and turnovers and nonsense while every single one was put under the magnifying glass when Holtz did it and he was bed and it was all [ __ ] and it’s a lot of stuff for whatever reason I have to believe there’s more than what beats the eye with him and maybe he pissed off people behind closed doors I I don’t know and we’ll probably never know unless OLS just in an interview just kind of opens up but all right guys wrapping up here the ice is melted the drink your boy’s a little bit staggered but not that much I mean wow the weight and uh the weight and tolerance goes a long way it goes a long way I’ll answer a couple more questions here on the way out what were your thoughts on the 2012 team from Ross good question man I love that 2012 team and it’s honestly devastating that we couldn’t find a way to get it done that to me was like a cup that was like a potential cup out of nowhere like we weren’t this Juggernaut team yet we still had Marty we still had Patty um we still had some other great guys in know py Koval Chuck clarky but it wasn’t like a team on paper that was like overwhelming we’re like wow and so the expectations weren’t that high we were expected to be a competitive team but once we won that game seven in Florida in the first round with Henri and was a triple overtime I forget triple or whatever overtime to win game seven it was like let’s go and then we kind of just got rolling went on to the next round beat the flyers then we beat the Rangers Henry it’s over then got to The Cup finals it was a magical run and I will say you know that nine years I go to a lot of games and I pretty much go to Every important game so let me throw that out there kind of as a disclaimer I went to every single home playoff game of the 2003 Stanley Cup run except game one against Boston I had a scheduled conflict and I forget why I couldn’t go to game one but I went to from then I went to game two against Bost game five which was the series Clincher then I was at games one two and five was the Clincher against Tampa and then we didn’t have home ICE against Ottawa I was at game three4 six and then I was at games one two5 seven of the finals and I was at a lot of the 2012 games that time period of nine years between the 2003 cup win in 2012 cup run those nine years honestly seemed like an eternity and I’m now talking about that from we are 12 years removed from the 2012 run which is three years longer than the time between 03 and 2012 so it is kind of a mind to some extent that that all these years go by I’ll always love that 2012 team it’s unfortunate that we couldn’t find a way to win one of the first two games at home in the finals lost them both in overtime if we had just got a split at home I think the whole series goes the whole series goes very differently and we might have that fourth cup Banner in the rafters but that was a early on team of that kind of Kings Dynasty with Dustin Brown Kopitar quick dowy like they were just destined to be a great team and they got their cups and that they were a great team and that one will always sting because I just do believe we could have just got one of those one of those two games at home in games one and two that you know the whole series could have played out differently and we may have been able to find a way to win but they were just super close you know we made an interesting after going down three nothing we won the game four on the road came back beautiful Marty performance to winning game five and then bery had that penalty in game six and it was lights out just you know thanks for coming thanks for playing game over terrible penalty by Bernier it shouldn’t have been a major but shame on him for even giving the refs a chance to screw him like that and shame on the refs for giving him the major and again that that you’re right Jeter choker that was Mor at age 40 and I constantly used that and brovsky this playoff run as an example to the fans that were like aram’s 34 he’s ancient people talk about 34 like it’s you know decrepit like you’re in a nursing home like dude I’m I’m 38 years old like you know not to like pump my tires but I go beat the [ __ ] out of some 20 year olds right now some mid 20 year olds who wants some so like people think 34 years old you’re not dead you’re not dead and so for people to act that way our own goalie at 40 in 2012 Marty was 40 40 years old a 40y old man brought that team to the finals that didn’t Belong by all you know measures they didn’t belong getting there and we almost we made it a series but we almost really pushed it to be a real series and that does hurt I’ve talked to you about this Mark you know Mark always says the 2012 hurt more I I I could I could understand it I can’t cosign it but I can understand where the sentiment comes from and it’s tough It’s really tough more white girls looking where you shout out lung yeah 2012 was a great is a great year of my memories as well I went to a lot of games at whole run I was at the Henri over game I was at some of the other games in earlier rounds and it really was uh a phenomenal run and you know that team is just because they were they were Eastern Conference champions kov the Koval Chuck era and I love Zack pzy man Zack pzy was one of my favorite players of the time and you know way he left and all that stuff he he’s a legend in his own right but that 2012 team was was special you know the Clarks and goal against the Flyers where ended up this on top of the net there was so many things the Z Jack overtime P rovski overtime Henrik overtime against Florida Henrik overtime against the Rangers obviously and it was a fun team to watch it was a fun team to watch and I love I loved all of it they’re right there as Eastern Conference champions right under the cup winning teams alongside the the 2001 Eastern Conference Champion New Jersey Devils who also failed to win in the Stanley Cup Final when they lost to Patrick wall and the ABS and that stupid uh you know Ray Bor 16w nonsense that we will probably never Escape as a fan base unfortunately I mean the the memories will give me you know Tremors forever I don’t like Ray bour to this day and I’ll leave this last story um when I I had went to the Great martan broers Hall of Fame induction weekend and I guess it was was that 2016 I can’t for I can’t remember but the great martan broer was ducked into Hall of Fame I made the track to Toronto went to all the ceremonies saw all the stuff super cool awesome moment as a devil’s fan a lifelong Marty fan Marty being my favorite player great time and the day I was flying home I’ll never forget this I was the day I was flying home I’m in Toronto Airport and I had gotten through security I think I was getting like a sandwich or something feeding my fat face and who do I see walking by me as I’m waiting for my flight other than Joe sack like [ __ ] I was like Joe and it’s funny no one no one recognized him or at least I couldn’t tell anyone remotely recognized him when he was walking by Me by me and he turned around I was like Joe and he turned around I was like Joe I was like you were one of my favorite players as a kid until 2001 when you defeated my New Jersey Devils and he just had a [ __ ] eating grin and like put up his hand and that was it my brief little exchange with Joe sakic did love him loved using him in a lot of the video games um but that 2001 devil series really really just kind of put a pain Point kind of on anything remotely Avalanche for me going forward and especially Ray Bor I mean the 16 W thing with Ray Bor was just painful um there’s no getting over that you know the the exit at the metal lands was 16 W and you have to win 16 games to win the cup so the whole thing oh Ray Borg 16 W the guy demanded to be traded from the Bruins to go cup Jase and then he finally got one it was painful it was painful and it is what it is he got his cup everyone other than Devil’s fans seemed like Hockey World is rooting for this freaking guy and he got his cup yeah I have his jersey on my wall that’s my guy I live in Florida now one of my jobs at a golf course walked I had to hold on to something was dizzy already hit a hole in one Ross I mean Mike Mike barbado um there was a very very anti-evil sentiment for a while I don’t know if it went back to the nonsense of like oh they played the Trap and they ruined hockey I don’t I don’t know what it was I just feel like we got so much unnecessary [ __ ] hate during all those years and it was just it always seemed like it was Devils against the world and like I don’t know why and people would be like oh you’re paranoid but like is it like the fact that Marty broer didn’t win the 2003 con SMI Trophy and this this is the last thing then I’m gonna get the hell out of here because I can [ __ ] about hockey all night to even if there’s two people in here um Marty played lights out and when people were crying the other night that uh Florida panther did not win the K SMI you this was a rare time where I thought where I thought that it was justified to give it to someone on the losing team in in Conor McDavid his stats really were otherworldly especially compared to the guys um on the Panthers there was no clearcut there was no clearcut guy who stood Above the Rest and when you look at the 2003 series like had an amazing playoff like I don’t want to take away anything away from him but Marty had a better playoff Marty had seven shutouts in the playoffs three of them were in the Cup finals including one in game seven I did I mentioned this in one of my cup recap videos his goals against was something stupidly low 1.7 something 1.8 something seven shutouts in the playoffs three in the finals like what are you [ __ ] kidding me like what did he have to score a game-winning goal to get it like I don’t know why to me that was that was the fin straw I think for me when people said oh you’re why do you think that there’s an anti-d Devils bias in the league I was like yo did you just see the gem of a performance Marty had through the whole playoffs and he didn’t get the con spite to me that’ll always be the forever answer is it was no chance that Marty did not deserve that c Smite and they gave it they gave it to Jager on a losing team it was [ __ ] stupid and I I still get pissed off thinking about it to this day honestly I really do but uh shout out to all you guys for coming thank you so much it’s been fun I’m gonna finish my beverage here um oh it’s so bad without the ice and all warm and [ __ ] um thanks for watching the videos thanks for commenting thank you for your continued support I look forward to the season I look forward to whatever happens tomorrow and Monday I’ll be back here with tons of videos and and whatever else you guys know how I get down and um that’s pretty much it hopefully Fitzgerald redeems himself from what I would consider a sad Saturday a sorrow fold Saturday and uh I do think we gave away Schmid and Holtz for nothing I really do but I’m gonna I’m gonna be optimistic and hope that this kid comes in here and lights the world on fire and bashes skulls opening for zadorov in free agency I don’t think it’s gonna happen if it is going to be peshy and Dylan I hope that we get duclair or somebody like that for the forward group and and overall it would be improving on on the roster going into next season I I just hope I now have to go on a deep dive I I might not sleep for the next couple days guys so if I look like a crackhead um in in any videos in the future if I look like an absolute crackhead I apologize I might be tweaking off of uh espresso and and Monster energy drinks I have a lot of Articles and text that c my phone’s lit up here I got to you know catch up on text and on social media and the X and this that and the other thing but that’s it for me tonight it’s been a long time here a little more sober than I thought I’d be thank you all for watching thank you guys all for everything comment on all the videos I’ll be back with more if you haven’t hit hit that like please hit the like there’s still 7even to you in here you’re stingy stingy with the stingy with the likes yes select I’m gonna probably be looking crazy on limited sleep so I don’t know whatever you might think I look like but I’m gonna look I might be looking crazy I might be looking crazy that’s it you guys are awesome tonight has been great like comment subscribe and all that jazz until next time friends let’s go Devils I don’t know how to end

The New Jersey Devils have been active making moves at the NHL Draft.

I am bewildered by some…

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  1. Ace, I appreciate you're passion and knowledge for Devils hockey! There's definitely nobody else out there doing what you do. I've been a die hard Devils fan since 1992 so I feel your pain as of late. Like you I'm anxiously waiting to see what we do on July 1st. As an optimist I think they make some moves and we make a deep run this season! Keep doing what you do, your insights are greatly appreciated! Let's fucking go Devils!

  2. I'm looking a little bit at the big picture….with these trades, right now Devils have a smidgen under 20 million in cap space this year on 7/1. With that 20 mil you can potentially sign Pesce, Zadorov and Marchissault… Or Pesce and make a strong run at Stamkos

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