‘Minnesota Vikings 2024 results do not matter’

‘Minnesota Vikings 2024 results do not matter’

purple daily is daily Vikings entertainment you just want the Vikings to in a Super Bowl before we die I will ride with this group seriously man please and away we go all right Vikings vent line every Sunday on the purple daily YouTube channel in podcast feeds where we just want to see the Vikings win a Super Bowl before we die maybe you have uh recently stumbled upon purple daily or maybe this is the first time you’re watching this is vent line it airs every Sunday on the purple daily YouTube channel podcast feeds during the Vikings regular season uh we bring on as many fans as possible to talk about the game but during the off seon I still like to bring on a couple fans uh each week talk about what’s happened in the off season expectations for the upcoming year plenty of things so if you’d love to be on a future episode of Vikings vent line youve always wanted to come on the show or again maybe you’ve just stumbled Upon Us hit me up it’s Vikings vent gmail.com that’s the email I use to track listeners who want to come on the show so if you’d like to come on a future episode please feel free reach out we love to hear from you it’s Vikings ventline gmail.com purple daily is daily Vikings entertainment so hit the like button hit the Subscribe button we’re like What H eight weeks doing my math here on the Fly which is never a good idea about eight weeks or so from the season opener uh in New York against the Giants so we’re getting closer and closer to the offseason winding down training camp knocking on the door so plenty of great things to uh to get into but uh today’s episode I got my guy James and Jordan couple literation here I hopefully we not screw that up over the next 20 minutes we’ll certainly see though uh James you bought that JJ McCarthy Jersey the moment the pick was announced huh you were ready to rock with that thing absolutely I uh was at the Vikings uh you know draft party that you guys threw on and uh soon as we got that pick handed in I was like oh that settles it for me I know what I’m getting next yeah it’s too bad like we can’t we’re obviously not affiliate with the NFL but like we had had an NFL popup draft shop right there I think we would have made them a lot of money uh just on site there just stitching jerseys on the Fly why not um Jordan you just have a generic Vikings jersey it there’s no name on it just double zeros right that’s right and you know never retires so can uh pass it down for Generations so exactly exactly you know sometimes it gets a little weird sometimes though like you know the McCarthy one could be obviously generational great Jersey 2o but with the double zero like that is yeah that could be passed down to generations of Vikings fans from you know your grandkids grandkids for all for all you if you have a good say in it so I like I like what you’re doing there um well guys let’s get into some Vikings vent line here uh I try to ask Vikings fans periodically throughout episodes of event line you know their hottest takes and these can be anywhere You’ love to go with them James I’m going to start with you man um give me your hottest Vikings take going in into this season what is the hottest thing that’s on the top of your mind that you really want to make sure to get out what is your hottest take going into this Vikings season absolutely the 2024 season results do not matter at all I like that I like that so the results are you relevant because this is a building block I’m guessing to 2025 and Beyond is that kind of your your thinking here absolutely we know that the window opens year 2 three JJ McCarthy’s contract this year is just let’s get these guys developed put in place understand roles and get the the next bit of time going where this year is a stepping stone towards something that’s coming not here yet so in your mind then James does does this mean that JJ McCarthy probably doesn’t play at all in 2024 do you see a scenario where maybe he does play I think Kevin OK connell’s plan is to have him not play at all yeah and to that point we’ve seen it work with numerous quarterbacks previously that when you give these guys quality time to sit and learn from a professional why you brought same D Donald in for 11 million it’s exactly this let this guy figure out what the NFL’s like let him get used to the play speed slow everything down let him get his mechanics fixed and we’ll see you next year Jordan I’ll get to you in just a sec but sticking with you here just a bit more James so so Sam darnold you do trust him to be you know to hold down the fort and the results whether whether it’s a two- win season or maybe even like a surprise nine- win maybe even they sneak in as a wild card team you’re you’re good with Sam darnold as qb1 for the year I would uh I would say that he’s going to show his next employer why he should be a starting quarterback or why he shouldn’t be and what happens him getting 17 starts under his belt after the Jets basically ran him out of town and Carolina we know the quality of that franchise we we actually have a real car for him to drive I think that he’s going to perform admirably you know a very solid season but I don’t think it’s the next season with us and uh he gets to move on but I think this year is just let him show what he can do in the NFL now absolutely all right Jordan follow that up man what what is your hottest Vikings take going into this year yeah I’m gonna take the other side of the ball because I’m a big defensive guy uh EJ Henderson is my favorite Viking of all time so we’re going to stay in that linebacker room and you know I think uh two or more Vikings this season will have double digit sacks obviously uh Jonathan Gard got 12 and a half last year and uh I’m big on just look at the coach Kevin OK connell’s face and we drafted him Dallas Turner I think he’s gonna come in here and for his rookie season open up with double digit sacks sacks right next to his teammate and uh yeah we’re just going to get after it with those with those numbers so denal Hunter going away no biggie in your mind right like you love what the Vikings have been able to kind of reload with the other defensive weapons to kind of replace Den’s numbers in production hey you know nothing but respect love denil Hunter um thank you for all the contributions and I wish you nothing but the best but um you know it’s hard to lose a weapon like that and get better but we did it you know so uh I’m pretty bought in with the with the Improvement here with the sack production that we’re going to see so Dallas Turner when he fell to 17 and the Vikings trade up to get him you were blank you were estatic you were shocked were you were you in love with the move for them going up to grab Dallas Turner who was one of the big guys top 10 guys on the big boards at the draft listen I was when we did that I think I echoed Kevin oconnell with really wow uh yeah no I I thought it would be a win if we could get JJ McCarthy and still at our first round next year nonetheless get somebody who I thought wasn’t even going to be there when we picked JJ you know so I I mean I I’m a little biased but I think A+ Plus on the first round of the draft here absolutely yeah I I think they’ll be okay even with losing to Neil Hunter I think I’d rather they have more you know they now have a quantity over quality you know obviously denil Hunter’s the best of the players the Vikings have placed him with but but can you get similar production at lesser cost right with grenard and Van GLE Dallas Turner Etc so I understood why they moved on from him and he’s probably going to have a hell of a year in Houston the Texans look like they’re loaded for next season but uh I I kind of agree I think that I’d rather them have the you know the quantity over uh over the quality James do you uh do you see what do you see from Brian Flores I should say going into year two with the Vikings as DC the Vikings have never been able to keep a defensive coordinator around at least one that is of his caliber of Brian Flores in back-to-back years what do you think about Brian Flores what will he do in year two with the Vikings I think this year he’s going to show why he should have gotten more head coaching interviews than he did uh he is a person that I think you know coming from 34 ranked last year and then getting to 16th ranked he’s gonna creep into that top 10 with the defense that all the narrative is that we don’t have a defensive line you know this is going to be a rebuilding you know unit that’s been bad for a long time I think that he’s going to take just like uh Jordan said these guys off the edge that we now have three or four of with the makeshift line that we can have the cornerback room that’s got a lot of questions but has some optimism with the potential that we’ve drafted and that safety group I think we’re going to see a top 10 unit yeah I mean it was in thirds right for the Vikings defense last year were like it was a slow start but then in the middle of the season they were legitimately one of the best defense is in the NFL then Wheels kind of fell off the bus um towards the end of the year but I I think Brian Flores is just too good of a coordinator to have like a a bad defense like appending injuries and just complete ineffectiveness which again I think he’s too good of a coach he can look what he did last year you guys’ point of with with defenses with a defense that still was not as full as this one um I think under a full year now that he’s here you replenish some of the cupboards there are some holes I mean are you still worried about stopping the Run James do you think that gets seed up a little bit or are teams probably going to still be able to run up and down the Vikings defense Harrison Phils is your nose tackle is a little tough to you know having the five teexs that we have it’s not you know super great but when it’s a committee everyone that’s bought in these guys know hey you know this is Harrison Smith’s last ride we’ve got this coach that can put us in the best position to win they’re going to Rally the ball everyone’s going to be playing together and that’s the type of defensive unit that can really start to ascend uh so Jordan you’re a big defense guy said that in your hottest take so you you love Chad you love uh excuse me EJ Henderson great name great name to throw out there so Vikings defense expectations what do you expect Brian Flores to do here in your two as the DC yeah I’m a big a big Brian Flores fan um and I think the fun part is you know a lot of is we just don’t know because he’s so unpredictable which is great you know in football you don’t want to be predictable if you want to be success successful but if I had to guess you know I I think uh this defense is going to be adaptive I think it’s going to be multiple I think he’s going to be up in your face with pressure left and right uh I think this the quarterback should uh get used to taking a seat on the grass because that’s where this defense is going to be putting him and uh you know I’m excited to see what uh he does with his chess piece I mean uh Josh matelis I’m a huge fan do um you know and I don’t I don’t think Josh Mattel’s plays the safety heck I don’t even think he plays the Rover I think his football position is the fixer so I think wherever they need him if they need him to cover they need him to Blitz to stop the run get a tackle in space you just put Josh matelis over there and he’s gonna fix that play for you the fixer I like it I think we coined a new phase for uh for Jos because he was Queen of the chessboard right that’s what Jud I think kind of somewhat dubbed him last year as well um what about Blake Cashman too I mean you excited for that addition with Ivan Pace it looks like the vik have also looked at an improvement at that position group at linebacker as well yeah you know I I I like that addition um I do uh think Ivan pace is gonna make a big step forward here so I think he’s really going to be the star in the inside of that but yeah I I mean the way our Lineback core is constructed I think it can be you know up there with the discussion of our safety and wide receiver um rooms just of how deep it is and how much of a strength they could be for this team so good on and just eating on leis seen and Andrew Booth like at this point to you Jordan are you just probably gonna say goodbye this summer and cut your losses while you can you know I I don’t want to be unsensitive but I think I’ve seen enough scene uh to say that uh unfortunately um might just be a role special team player or maybe off the team altoe at this point but um you know we’re fortunate that we’ve been able to get some other guys really step up in those spots you know whether it be you know Blackman’s played really great I got huge um hopes for Kyrie from this year’s draft and uh yeah unfortunately I just I I don’t see anything that has me thinking that they’re gonna turn around this year but who knows you know a lot of players like you know Garrett Bradberry looked horrible for seasons and season and season and now he’s played pretty serviceable the last couple years so I’m not saying it can’t happen but I I wouldn’t uh I wouldn’t wage anything on it if you know what I’m saying so absolutely yeah tough look uh it was qu’s first draft I think he you know he’s made up for it with Jordan Addison and maybe this draft class two obviously the JJ McCarthy pick will basically cement or you know force him out the door to a degree but I I think that draft class was a little bit of a Miss that’s okay I don’t hang it over quy’s head uh you’ll learn from it and hopefully he’s better from it going forward uh on the offensive front James do you think the Vikings should go out maybe find a third wide out here I know JJ and Addison are great but there’s obviously a big gap there at wide receiver three is there someone internally you’d like to see kind of take that opportunity and run with it what should the Vikings kind of do with that third wide receiver position for all those that uh hold on to hopes for Adam Thelen I think that uh that is probably the only option outside of the internal free AG internal players that we have um I’m you know wait and see let’s see in training camp let’s let’s hear some judge Camp notes about who’s stepping up who’s actually like showing that they can actually be available jayen Naylor uh and also capable of having that sort of role I know that we’ never seen a few of these guys actually produce at a like sustainable 6 700 yard like Brandon pow’s never had more than 500 plus yards in a season n has never been there so if we get some of these guys that can actually show something give them the opportunity and if no one does then it’s time to hey Carolina what do we have here so trade uh in maybe a perfect world if you were helping quacy run the team James by the trade deadline do you see a scenario where maybe the does come back here I prior week one I think actually would be the the ideal okay right right at the end of training camp get get everyone in get the team together and say hey let’s let’s get get this thing rolling and uh I think Adam th’s probably the only guy $6 million you know it’s not unpalatable with the salary that we have and you know we come in and be professional and get the job done at 34 still uh Jordan how about you man wide receiver three do you want to see the Vikings make an external move here is this something that just there’s a lot of bodies you know to James’s point and Brandon Powell Jaylen Naylor are there internal options you want to see just someone take the opportunity and run with it what do you what should the Vikings do at the wide receiver three position yeah I think as long as we’re not spending too much you know I think more competition is always a good thing for training camp but if you know honestly I think the best options on the team already um you know you mentioned Brandon Powell jayen Naylor I really think they could step forward hey even lucky Jackson I think’s got a real opportunity uh to fight for that spot in training camp um so I I think the best options on the team uh free agents wise you know I I wouldn’t mind bringing Michael Thomas in here see if he’s got a little tread left on the tires I don’t think so but you know bring him in for competition as long as the understanding is you know this is uh you know it’s not a coronation it’s a battle right if he’s coming in he’s not guaranteed that third receiver spot he might be fighting for fourth receiver I don’t know and uh lastly you know I wouldn’t mind seeing a little more eye formation or heavy formations you know now that we got Aaron Jones throw Josh Oliver in there for some blocking and you know if they’re stacking the box and you got JJ and Addison on the field to you know take the top off I i’ I’d love that so um yeah I think the the best wide receiver three is already on the team I like that yeah they have to be better at running the football maybe this forces their hand um because they don’t have the you know they they love the 11 personnel Hockinson is also still injured for probably the first month plus of the season so does that mean you know you can run the ball more effectively I think Aaron Jones is obviously a better running back than anyone they had last year even though he’s still up there in age and has some miles on the tire but I I would be shocked if the Viking if if he if the Vikings can’t figure out how to effectively run the football I do think there is a ceiling on what KOC can be as a playmaker cuz he’s really yet to show he can run the football and run it effectively and now personnel has to do with that but I think it does come down to coaching so maybe there is some more eye formation some big some big uh more running plays to throw guys in there to make make the running game a little bit more effective uh James for wrap up here any other last hot takes any other shout outs you’d love to give here on Vikings vent line the uh floor is yours well uh you know thanks for having me first things first thank you guys to you know all the work that you guys put in every single week to give uh give us guys has some something to hold on to in the offseason even when it’s you know eight weeks before the starting season and uh you know specifically on the results don’t matter I think that this is an eight win football team so I’m still hitting the over on the actual over under for the season but we know that JJ McCarthy and with our two basically you know head of the defense and Brian Flores and KOC have come together and made this plan with quacy and executed it this competitive rebuild it is now completed and now we get to see the fruition of all these things come into play so all the dead money all the stuff that we’re worried about this year let the results speak for themselves develop these guys and we’re going to see a new era in Vikings football the chapter has been you know laid out in front of us to say hey we could have a potential Patrick Mahomes like rise with a new chapter with JJ McCarthy at the helm patience I know Vikings fans have been patient for 60 plus years for a Super Bowl but patience a little bit more just wait a little bit longer Jordan how about you man any last takes any shout outs you’d love to give here on vent line yeah I guess I’d like to give a shout out to uh my uh uncle and Aunt Jack and Jerry growing up um they brought me and uh or F our families went to training camp every year and you know got a Randy Moss signature when I was just uh a child and you know get me you know uh indoctrinated into the purple lifestyle style here when I was nice and young so um you know got a shout out to them and um yeah just on the on being patient you know I I think we do got to be a little more patient I think uh I do think there’s a chance Sam darnold is going to be you know something for us if not you know um I think given JJ McCarthy a year to develop behind him is the right move so I do think it’s a year of patience for the Vikings but I think good things are coming in the future love it man take great takes boys James Jordan thank you awesome stuff here on Vikings vent line if anyone wants to join a future episode hit me up it’s Vikings ventline gmail.com appreciate everyone listening and watching purple daily daily Vikings entertainment we just want to see the Vikings win a Super Bowl before we die

Minnesota Vikings hottest takes regarding the 2024 results and more; What to expect from Brian Flores’ defense in 2024; Should the Vikings find a third wide receiver and more on Vikings Vent Line.

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  1. "MN Vikings 2024 results do not matter…"

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