[Oilers] The Oilers have placed goaltender Jack Campbell on unconditional waivers for the purpose of a buyout.

[Oilers] The Oilers have placed goaltender Jack Campbell on unconditional waivers for the purpose of a buyout.

  1. Damn. That’s unfortunate. Guess the oilers shouldn’t have jumped on that player lol

  2. I was calling that since last year. It’s the only way they can really improve for next season.

  3. That sucks and that’s a huge chunk of money that will remain on the cap even with the buyout.

  4. That was never going to be a good signing. Everyone knew it when it happened, and anyone who thought otherwise is delusional.

    Leafs made him look good with all’offense and so-so defensive play.

    Oilers made him look bad with all offense and no defense.

    Id still say sign him for low as a backup. Hes definitely a serviceable backup and think he has the capability to be decent if Woll goes down.

  5. Oilers fans were planning the parade each time they scooped up any ex-Leaf. Yet they would trash talk the Leafs due to having the same players that they scooped up before they joined their team 😂

  6. This signing probably costed the Oilers the cup. 1 goal away from wining it all. Imagine they weren’t wasting $5m on their AHL backup and instead had another $5m forward.

    Letting Campbell walk is far and away the best move Dubas made as GM.

  7. Campbell in Edmonton:

    – 41 GP
    – .885 Sv%
    – -21.9 GSAx

    We’re not fucking doing this again. No.

  8. Thank god we dodged that bullet. Loved Soupie but he was clearly only as good as his hot streak. Not sustainable. Oilers found out the hard way.

  9. I hate seeing this for Soup. But let’s be honest, we all knew it was coming as soon as he signed that contract. Hopefully he gets a gig somewhere as a 3rd or something, great guy to have around.

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