Friendly reminder we drafted the best defender in the draft two years in a row

I can honestly see us being a top 10 defense next year. Offensively? That's a completely different story though lol. We're not gonna be getting any elite buckets next year but there will for sure be some elite CLAMPS

  1. Gonna be tough to be a top 10 defense without a quality bench center, that absolutely needs to be addressed.

  2. I think Dunn was probably the best defender in the draft. Castle was the best defender who’s also a good overall basketball player.

  3. I said last year I’d draft Wemby #1 for defense alone. Not entirely sure I’d say the same for Castle at #4, but his other skills and IQ certainly do.

  4. I think the FO is on a “positional size” bender, valuing defensive versatility tremendously. That bit is smart imo.

    I also think Wright and the FO is undervaluing offense and specifically shooting, repeatedly gambling on theSpurs’ ability to fix & extend guys’ jump shot range. In this league, and given the track record (yes, I know Kawhi exists) I think this is a sub-optimal approach. Time will tell though.

    One bonus to drafting defense-first is that it tends to dodge the whole “I’m a superstar, and defensive effort is beneath me” mindset, which is good.

  5. This strategy of stockpiling long and versatile defenders while they load up on picks to eventually cash in on an offensive star is really smart. The only issue I can see is if Sochan and Castle both don’t develop a shot. If one or the other can become a good catch and shoot option, I think the plan will work out really well.

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