Breaking News: Toronto Maple Leafs Sign Max Domi

Breaking News: Toronto Maple Leafs Sign Max Domi

we have big news out of Toronto Max doy is staying we’ll discuss his contract and what this means for the rest of the roster coming up next welcome back to another video here at Top Shelf hockey as I mentioned Max doy has come to terms with the Toronto Maple Leaves on a new contract extension uh he comes in at four years $3.75 million this seems like a pretty good compromise for both sides the last reports we had heard I believe was Elliot Freeman that said he thought it was going to be somewhere around four time 4 which even then I still think that’s pretty reasonable for the production and play you get at a doy he can play really anywhere in your top three lines uh very versatile player he can play center I think he’s better as a Winger good playmaking Winger typically is where you want him ideally probably on your second line uh in most cases but versatility what you get there of course um you know he’s uh long links to the Maple Leaves through the family through his dad and everything so I I knew he really really wanted to stay so I thought always thought it was more likely that he would stay more than berzi doesn’t mean berzi won’t uh this contract I would say is very fair like I said for what he brings um we knew DOI and berzi would both want term after signing one-year deals last year in free agency um at this point we can’t say that berzi won’t be back I think the odds are maybe a little bit greater that that he does hit the market possibly goes but I I don’t think this is a situation where it’s a sure thing I know the last we had seen I just noticed information from Darren Dreer of TSN saying that the Leafs are still negotiating with bruzi um I know he’s looking for term too there was reports uh saying that he would be willing to give a little bit on the dollar side of it if he gets the term that he wants so I think just like DOI he’s looking for security so I think he’s going to want four or five years as well um and will come down a little bit on price Maybe it’s four time 4 and2 maybe it’s 5times 4 and A2 I don’t sure what it’s going to be uh maybe it’s over five either way they have some flexibility here um it sounds like Timothy lren is not going to be back he’s an RFA with arbitration rights I believe they’re looking to move him uh so they are trying to sign Chris tanov as well we saw yesterday they acquired his rights from the Dallas Stars which they’re believed to be doing like a long-term deal which is I know a lot of other you know teams don’t seem to be too happy about cuz it’s believed that they’re going to give a somebody who’s entering their mid-30s possibly you know six sevene deal uh which you know is crazy to think he’s going to play that long but regardless of the fact they do seem to be down the path of getting him done uh said there’s still some hope for bruzi we don’t know yet of course we don’t really know what the plan is yet with Mitch mner if they do do a Marner trade that’s going to probably free up a lot of money depending on what the return is um we haven’t heard a lot about that from new information here in the last number of days just that some reporters were convinced that the Leafs really wanted to try to pull off a mner trade and well we don’t know yeah cuz it hasn’t happened so at this point he fully controls the situation if he wants to walk himself to free agency that’s his prerogative if they you know do decide they want to talk to about a new contract extension they can do that too uh obviously a lot of this lies in MERS camp and Court to make the decision so we’ll have to see on not so lots of other moving Parts here with Toronto they still need to backup goal tender or a tandem goal tender is what they’re looking for to work with Jose of wall um so we’ll have to see what they end up deciding but this doming contract very fair and gives them some good flexibility to fill out the rest of the roster regardless of what happens with any of their big ticket players like Marner so let me know your thoughts on this contract signing down in the comments we’ll discuss further lots more other news around the NHL including some buyouts still lots of rumors about trades so stay tuned there’s plenty of other content coming to the channel today as well thanks very much for watching I’ll catch you next time

Breaking News: Toronto Maple Leafs Sign Max Domi

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  1. Good contract, it's in the general area of what most Leaf fans would deem as fair and reasonable. The talk of trading Marner has cooled off considerably, and some are getting resigned to the possibility that Leafs rent him for one more season. The ongoing drama might heat up again in a couple of weeks after the UFA frenzy has calmed down.

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