Building a DYNASTY with the Indianapolis Colts | Madden 24 Franchise

Building a DYNASTY with the Indianapolis Colts | Madden 24 Franchise

all right so getting started here today after a tough loss to Baltimore yesterday we are going to go into week four we’re going to play the Rams but first we have to negotiate we mess this part up with Pitman the first time so we’re going to go player friendly we’re going to give him 15.5 salary we’re going to give him 14 bonus okay we’re going to see if this rides we got them okay pit is back so 2024 cro is now at 11 million and honestly I think I wanted try to get a safety in free agency I might even try to make a trade for safety I’ve been thinking about because we need something in the secondary I think it’s safety um we need Improvement somewhere we know that after the season we’re in we’re going to be at a point where um quandre Diggs and Justin Simmons are available in free agency so that’s an Avenue we might be able to take so I think for [Music] now we’re not going to make an offer to Trey Surman we’re not going to make an offer to taquon um and I don’t think we’re going to do that um now accept option it doesn’t even give me the option to accept his option I don’t know quite why he’s here um but we’ll see what happens with quiddy at some point everybody else right now we’re just going to say um we’re moving on and we’ll see what happens in free agency again uh that 11 million in cap space like I really would try to at least like to see what’s out there in the trade market and see if I can find anything in trade market all right just got to beat the Rams get an achievement okay I just got to play better than I did yesterday I was playing like dookie yesterday like even made a couple of plays here and there on defense but right now I’m playing so bad on defense and pretty much every game was second game against the Texans had three interceptions held them to 14 points but the other two games given up a bunch of points so I gotta be able to figure that out throwing a lot of short passes so that’s what we’re going to do and on the offensive side what do we need need to do think medium passing I feel like with the offensive line I generally don’t get enough time to throw it deep a whole lot anyways so I think that’s probably the correct move there just win the turnover battle 350 yards 20 points or less yeah let’s just make it easy you know easy peasy all right let’s get this out of the way upgrade any players we need to upgrade and get into this game be interesting to see how this goes because again this season I’m playing last season’s real life schedule with last year’s rookies and the upcoming rookies both as rookies so you know this Rams team getting pretty good pukan Kua obviously you know one of the guys we’re going to have to watch out for but Cooper cup is an X Factor player and that could be a problem so nobody to upgrade let’s go get into this look at puka CO’s picture what uniforms do I want to rock Indiana kns that the way we’re going I think that’s the way I’ll just rock with it you know then the Rams they have so many options the gold boys kind of like that okay let’s get into it just need this one to be a good one smack for let me know how the volume is I was playing with the volume yesterday so know volume’s on point me and the game can you hear me well do I need to turn my mic up do I need to turn the game down everything okay trying to figure the streaming thing down you know all right Ashan almost broke one oh or he did break one yesterday got down to the 30 yard line so starting to figure out kick off this eliminate turn he two inters last we I can’t believe don’t generally run toses I don’t know if this going to go wellard you talk about this Rams defense they’re in the spot statistically you don’t want to against the number2 the league try to get something Che ideally open underneath yeah he is nice able to get up for a first down Aden Mitchell has 95 speed I did not touch his speed at all he has 95 speed which is great able to make some plays he also had the drop and we one that would have tied it up at the end of the game tight the game first and here let’s go now really just keep the balls don’t do anything crazy in this drive with some points hopefully touchdown come on JT I don’t know who number three is but he was coming he not letting JT get around that cor all right ideally galani Woods gets open here I don’t know if he will sure [Applause] did hard to stay in bounds Right Moving the ball getting a little tired let’s go run on the right side of the offensive line here nice JT Powers into the end zone let’s go the spin an a truck and the touchdown for Jonathan Taylor opening up this game that’s exactly what we needed right there exactly what we needed after the way the last game went against Baltimore like there we got an interception with Jud brce game was seven to six got an interception and then got stopped on the go line tried to run it four times with Jonathan tayor so it’s nice to be able to get in Rams defense not as relenting as the ball which I feel like is probably to be expected all right gay kicking it off they’re taking a knee I thought was bring that out shallow right there set see we can do on defense [Applause] getting out there making the making the tackle right there send a little Heat at them make them make a bad play maybe they’re running the ball they run right into it I had Stafford I can not [Music] believe that that just happened I can’t believe they didn’t let me take him down I thought I would have tripped his feet up right there feel like they’re probably going to run it that shotgun here yeah for Buckner making a huge play behind a yard right there get him behind the sticks second 11 that should help us throughout this drive here anything crazy cover three hard flat like to throw a short and see if we can bait him into it oh good tackle Rodney Thomas has been surprisingly good in this season his overall is like 73 why would I think he’s going to be good surprising last couple made a good tackle right there empty cover three Sky they have distance to make up oh one with the screen and is incompletely screen doesn’t even work for the computer in this game I’ve tried four different screens four half back scen and none of them have work and that one doesn’t work for stick great really just Nerf the play by making it not work oh about the cut back I thought I was going to get him there there was a lane need my uh my teammate to not be in the position that he was right there see what we can make happen play action to start my favorite plays Woods open I don’t need pman to be open’s wide open let’s go huge play let’s just go ahead and run the Jet Sweep same formation this time we’re actually running the Jet Sweep with ad he’s quick he’s agile was able to turn that corner right there which is good got up for a couple yards instead of only getting like a yard or two right there so we’ll take that run out pistol here right here I’m actually going to want Pitman to run slant and go to the opposite side of the field that out of here up there nice and easy nothing crazy C we this much better start than b e much better start shees actually playing well right now that’s new with home Colts possession as they’ve it third yard yeah nothing crazy just going to stay with the halfback week right here uh Zone week pick up this first down and is it touchdown touchdown JT let’s go Jonathan Taylor touchdown number two with the first half let’s [Applause] go it’s really the secret to these games so far like against Texans in week two Jonathan Taylor had like 193 yards and three touchdowns or something like that 168 yard to touchdown something he had a lot and we ended up winning that game so at this point I mean maybe it’s just some of the mistakes that I make in the passing game seems like if I ride Jonathan Taylor and have him be bcow and I’m able to get stuff going in the running game we’re going to be able to win games Anthony richon Mitchell like I want to be able to figure out gani wood has actually been our best unint being open in a lot of one tight end two wide receivers so we’re going cover two Inver but we’re going to be in the four four package so a little bit of a disadvantage but I’m just betting on them running the ball oh [Applause] man if I would went for the quarterback on that one I might have had him on that from the 33 now play fake St I’m on his ankles man zir going to get that sack at some point all I know is that right now we keep opening holes in our offensive line and I keep getting through we’re just going to go sting pinch here and bet on the fact that they’re going to try to run this ball no but we got the sack latu getting in there for the sack let’s go huge stop 14 nothing big time sack on Third and two let’s go dumped them back at the 20 yd line oh c in at 25 okay still should be good field position coming out of us Aston duan’s been good on the returns this year looks like we’ll be able to get a return oh man caught up too quick thought I was going to be able to run away from in there it’s too late turn it to the side of the field the other side of the field open if I was able to get there Zone week a little bit outside we’re actually going to go side swap that get the block up there bra Smith didn’t have as effective as blockers are anticipated there first read option of the game we’ll see what happens here pressed X too late that was my fault completely too late reacting to that on my fault on my part minim I think I know what I want to do try to get the crosses to work let put Putman on a go see what happens there let’s go you can always depend on AR to scramble for a little bit and get [Applause] yards nothing crazy I’m not trying to do anything crazy let’s do read option going the other way let’s see if this defense been bites on it so we’re handing off to JT making a move making a move first down 7 for 71 two touchdowns JT you know I switched some of the abilities on him um I put human joystick on him I assume I put jukebox on everything I put on honestly but he definitely has some abilities um we need to get I guess probably should be one you need him to get up to an X Factor and be an XA Factor player and be able to have that working for us then at some point work on somebody else you know like ad Mitchell or galani Woods right get other guys upgraded and a superstar X Factor need kylin to hold that for just a moment longer so I can turn around and get through that right okay’s see if we can get Josh Downs open here oh he was going to be I was going to be able to get him on the sideline just didn’t have the time third and 12 you don’t want to do anything but I think I like y Trail here right when I I wanted to step up and throw the ball right there and it took a little longer to develop right there galani in ended up being in the spot that I want I think I ended up missing somebody else on that play too I was one of those having your mind made up ahead of time sort of thing that’s all me 100% oh did I get [Applause] that like a what a 57 y I think it said let’s go man 17 nothing minute 13 left in this first half this is what I’m talking about now also coming into this the Rams are 0 and three so should I feel great about dominating I feel like we’re supposed to dominate him but again after the way the Baltimore Baltimore was tough having a stick in pocket finish that game out not ideal we got beat down what’s happening right now [Applause] great let that happen bro all right goad run TR start this and we’ll see what happens oh I thought he was throwing my way if he did I was jumping they’re going keep throwing his short so we’re going to go with the hard flat here see if we can force him and throw in an interception all over that we are all over that we’re not letting that happen it’s a big playing the game kind of want to Blitz I I think I am going to Blitz let’s go ahead do a bu slant I’ll take care of EJ speed try to keep anything covered in the middle hi just running in the seam on me that’s the danger you run when you’re trying to Blitz right that’s what I was afraid of but taking a chance right there only 20 seconds one time just go ahead cover three Sky keep everything in front of us taking their okay so probably going in at uh 173 take that field from the left this a 43 yd attempt yep 17 I think there’s a second left maybe we can get Ashton Duan to take one to the house real quick yeah we do get to see if we can make some magic happen T 257 kick that right to the middle oh my goodness it was there Indianapolis on top I thought we were about to do it all right bronks a lot to get here FKS get Drive in the field goal but outside of that played well um what do we need to do right now just keep running right I mean yeah we’re just going to keep running the ball um let’s go defend the medium pass on this so what I’m unclear of at this point what we pick in the weekly strategy do we keep those advantages also getting the halftime adjustments or switch I feel like probably switch so we’ll see how that works out feel good about where we’re at playing well right now go cover two invert just in case they want to do anything crazy we also in a formation that’s advantageous to what they’re trying to do to us here able to get him down exactly what we’re looking for Two Carries minus one yards at this point that’s great ended up getting him at the line of scrimmage exactly what we’re looking for there so let’s go nickle Go cover through from 25 they’ll fake the stord it’s caugh the [Applause] byson AC yeah that that was just smart on their part they got me on that well anticipating that once they went to throw the ball so as you watch me you’ll know I I like to run a lot of cover three thing is just in terms of Base at least in Playbook um it’s just kind of the best right for somebody that doesn’t make a whole bunch of adjustments right I’m not like top tier Madden player or anything I think mixing in a lot of cover three works a lot but you can also Blitz you can run some man presses lus man what are we doing I’m literally just getting Shrugged off here how am I not wrapping him up on I don’t know what that’s about man two two different people like bouncing off of them real quick [Applause] ah everything covered up everything about to be baited and there was one guy over pass rush just isn’t getting there which is you know that’s Colts football but we need that to change the pass rush has to get there um so maybe that that probably is the issue right before I started this game up I was talking about you maybe trading for safety probably still wouldn’t be the worst idea but I think maybe looking into would be the way to go now obviously latu as we build um is somebody that’s going to continue to get better on the opposite side of right getting somebody dominant or maybe the answer is just trying to control lot uh when I’m playing defense and you know which could be dangerous just let the defense do what defense is going to do computer L to and we’re able to get tackles for loss and we’re able to get sck right and get his tackle numbers up maybe that’s how we’re able to get him into a position where he can be a superstar ability I think as I’m sitting here thinking about it sitting here talking about it that’s probably third down stop by the defense here getting off the field driving on us a little bit there but stopped him at 36 yd line see if they’re going to be able to make this field goal and he did Squeeze that in 17 to6 getting the ball back for the first time in the second half what happens there’s been chances in this game for duing see if we can create something this one not on that one 43 tou um Try Power I know in years past power has been really good it looks like could be dangerous let’s flip sides here all over that either way I was running that they were all over [Applause] it kind of like a lot of these plays like there’s only six plays in this formation I like all so maybe ad Mitchell um the way this is set up maybe ad can get open real quick play it’s all we wanted don’t need anything crazy just get to the spot getting Pitman involved that’s one thing I really haven’t done a whole lot of uh in this season honestly he’s getting p a lot of Woods Taylor getting a decent amount of carries hasn’t been a whole lot of uh there was whole lot of P but would like to get him more involved at some point good again let’s have pman go to that side of the field don’t want everybody on this side of the field where got in front of that swatted it away I thought Mitchell was going to turn around and make the catch on that all right there’s still a lot of this Playbook that I haven’t really gotten to so let’s see play this works oo just didn’t have the time man that’s the story of pretty much any Drive doesn’t end with us scoring is just not having the time to make the plays that we need to now also getting away from the Run game right there I need to need to just stick with Jonathan Taylor like first and second down should be all Jonathan Taylor the first and 10 got 1 second left in third quarter almost made it to the fourth quarter there okay all right let’s try to get a user pick huh man I saw that coming I just didn’t have the time I like got stuck on somebody real quick had a quick there2 yard rushing for the Rams right now the RS they as theth and final quarter good spot to take a shot hey man am I shutting up now Stafford come here Juju with a nice tackle on the tight end let’s go man out of and as a result the drive continues score yeah so good with a field goal don’t necessarily need a touchdown back to back Goods can’t let him start getting back into the game we just let whe [Applause] rout n trap we’re bringing the heat we got to we got to make something happen y now stord let’s go stepped right in front of where he wanted to go with the ball latu gets another sack let’s go keep want to do this rinking [Music] stuff let’s go hard flat here make something happen jumping all over that take that all day we’re going to let the running back catch those all day here on Third and long one thing I think that’s safe to say defensively the tackling been really good because it’s all right third and 15 man we just got to keep everything in front of us here let’s go another sack latu having a massive game right now that’s exactly what we needed from La no I didn’t Oh I thought Julian was going to come up and make the pick so I didn’t go for the ball sorry it’s probably better not to make the interception he was making a good football play he was making a good football play defense with a huge stop man exactly what we needed to really put ourselves in position to just run this out still up two scores I thought I picked a run play Let’s go inside Zone were all over that I guess what is expect you know us to run the ball we’re in a running formation been running the read options maybe they think you holds him up it look like it did through there a little bit this off on third down today they’ve hit two for four th far here it’s third and three nice need to get fries in front of us just enough just enough football game here on EA Sports so the Colts in possession fo as we you what coup and Es if we can’t make something crazy happen we’re just going to get the ball pit oh no see trying to be cute man can’t even do the easy thing soon as I let that go I knew I messed up dude okay that’s all right still up two scores less than two minutes to go just making things harder than we need to at this point inter St two fi pretty good to the drive though good to the drive the UR to nice brover Stewart getting in there has a sack and a half right now let’s go I think lotu has two and a half able to get a lot of sacks okay we’re going to stay I thought about blitzing there but I just want to have more people in coverage more of a chance to be able to stop anything crazy from happening here and we just let that happen all right keeping him in the middle of the field but not going out of bounds which is okay we’ll take that higgy getting blown up right there all right we haven’t run man this whole game let’s see if we can run man and get something to happen here have EJ speed is my free guy I’ll helping coverage they throwing that out of the back endone and catch breath and let us exhale a little all right we’re going to run man again but this time not pressing keeping my eye on Cooper cup and he ran [Music] out I was waiting for him to cut in on that and he branched out everybody got bunched up on that that was that was an incredible play design honestly my whole defense like ran into each other down there c yeah that’s not happening sorry about it course [Applause] sick Josh down picking that one up easy peasy [Applause] L sque try to get some extra yards you know what I’m [Applause] saying and P sweep I haven’t seen this play yet let’s try to rock this play see what happens [Applause] tried to Juke inside but it didn’t give me the animation let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go as because we’ve seen a lot of football where coaches decide maybe they get a little greedy I don’t know if they’re doing it for stats or for what reason we’ve seen it Happ what was that ad [Applause] a little bit sloppy in the second half I don’t think we scored a single point this whole game also went by a lot quicker than the games before we’re at 45 minutes almost 46 minutes here on the stream usually we go over a little quicker 17 to 12 again ugly win completion percentage ended up going down being stupid in the second half scored no points in the second half’s got to be more consistent J 16 carries 116 yards not the greatest game but we come away with the win we end up two and two the Rams go to 0 and four at this point so I like that I’m getting better I’m not going to I was about to say that I like where I’m at I like that I’m getting better I’m figuring it out but of course as soon as I figure this one out man 25 is going to come out um di doesn’t really even play so it doesn’t matter um so we’ll see you know um I was talking about potentially looking into trades so that’s what I want to do and I don’t know who’s kicking it here in the Stream but maybe I could get your guys’ help we look through this um and try to figure out who we can uh go after you know all right so let’s go manage roster I assume it be Trade Center let’s go trade finder here so all right they made it where you can add more than three options in the past you could only add three options to all of this like three draft picks or three players or pi in draft players but now you got six I like that they upped it um so we want to look at um what would that be right end latu is our starting left end so let’s look through here try henriksson he’s 28 years old capit of 15 million we have 11 million next year but um Samson has 8 million I think a year so at that to it we’d be good with Trey Hendrickson that’d be an upgrade V not GNA be around long enough for me to want to do that no chance we get miles Garrett without you know what let’s go ahead and do it okay we’re going to give them they only gave Samson 79 overall okay so instead let’s give him quiddy what do they need they need quarterbacks they’re not going to take a 75 um don’t really have anything else I I want to give him so we’re going to go draft picks here we’ll give him first rounder in 2024 oh you can go up three years now instead of two that’s great news all right so first rounder next year third rounder next year first rounder the next year and a fifth rounder the next year they declin that okay so let’s go first third first third they still declin so let’s go second rounder in 2024 they still declined first second first second plus quiddy trade declined and a fifth hey you drive a hard bargain but you know what I want miles Garrett oh my goodness I still couldn’t get him they don’t want quitty it appears right first second and third plus the first and a second so let’s take quiddy out let’s put in another third round pick and they still declined it okay so question is what could we give them to make it happen I can’t believe they’re declining that that’s crazy [Music] bro Browns don’t need offensive lineman I don’t want quiddy pay I’m not giving up grower Stewart I’m just not doing that man really want to Miles scared I just don’t think we’re going to be able to do it man without giving up something that we really need you know I was about to give up everything I was about to give up the whole future right first three rounds of the next two years just can’t do it so we’ll see who we can get okay yeah if we don’t don’t get miles gar we’re not going to be able to get him either okay I think Aiden Hutchinson might be the one we go after as we look through the rest of these like Chase young is still so young seems like Chase Young’s been in the league for so long um at this point he’s what 25 years old so but even still ayen Hutchinson is the guy we’re looking at still all right Aiden Hutchinson plays for the Lions all right see if we can throw quiddy in this and then throw in a first for next year just to gauge where we’re at here all right not even close let’s go first third and first still not even close this is going to be because he’s younger I bet it’s going to be harder to get him yeah not even close to budging off Aiden Hutchinson right there so see my issue right now is because Sten doesn’t have all the things open right or or the uh we don’t have the player Personnel I think that falls under player Personnel you can do the things in the coaching attributes to be able to um you know have a better um when it comes to trades you know more influential in trades basically you have better odds of being able uh to have somebody be interested in making a trade and right now we really just don’t have things that teams are going to want I don’t know how to upgrade I don’t think we’re going to be able to get as much of an upgrade as we were going to have so as we look through like denil Hunter 28 years old he’s not that 30 uh decline yet he’s a superstar so he gets abilities just doesn’t have an X Factor so let’s see if we can trade within the division obviously we’re going to put quiddy in this again then we’re going to go back to draft picks now giving the Texans draft picks an ideal um but we’re going to see just how much okay okay so we’re gonna go first and third and then a second the next year what if we add a fourth next year and a fifth this year okay not quite not quite okay so that’s a first this year third this year we’ll just go first let’s just rip the Band-Aid off all right we made the upgrade so let’s go into the roster real quick uh let’s do this check in entire team earn 2500 XP W love to see it as we go in here let’s go to the depth chart pretty sure I can adjust people from here so first let’s go right in let’s put too hunter in here let’s go down here Rush Left End yes Rush right end and now denal Hunters where we need him to be um yeah I think we’re good all right and then need to go into denal Hunter so we already adjusted his abilities then we’re going to go over to Quinn Nelson here I have not touched him blockers with this ability frequently attempt and wi pull blocks we pull the guards a lot in what we do so we’re going to keep that on them nasty streak blocks with this ability will frequently attempt and win impact blocks against linebackers and defensive backs um which he needs because and when he’s pulling those are the guys he’s blocking so then as we look at this other one he has another ability slot which unlocks at 95 overall okay so looking at everything else um definitely don’t need screen protector I think all day is usually the one that a lot of people like to use right blockers with this ability will allow less frequent shed attempts by their block Target and I think um that’s probably going to be where we [Music] go need win any double team block threat [Music] detector during pre-play players will highlight any incoming blitzers but he can be Bluff that’s the thing with that ability not going to go with that reduce a rusher chances of using a quick block shed move so either secure protector or all day I think I think we’re going to go with all day here I want to go with all day once we get if we ever if we’re able to get him to 95 overall that’s where um we’ll go ahead put secure protector on them and then will’ll be super solid uh with Quint Nels but we’re not worried about big Q right now okay then you look at the rest of the lineup don’t know exactly how Pitman is in a super Superstar it’s kind of odd to me but whatever if they want to disrespect my guy like that I guess that’s their proga that’s what they’re going to do inside stuff um uses faster run shed moves against inside run plays that’s exactly what we’re looking for that’s why he gets the tackles for losses applies pressure from a greater distance which he does in real life as well when they’re engaged in a block I mean I feel like reach Elite is just so nice to have almost need to have with the way this game plays compared to past Madden you almost need to have that reach Elite right there um JuJu’s been playing nice hopefully he’s able to get some sort of like at least um Superstar I feel like has been really good Anthony Bron who we need to play better with haven’t been playing up the par with Anthony Richardson so I’m afraid he’s not going to be as good as we want him to be so Den Neil Hunter here coming from the outside position he has Swim Club but I feel like there’s going to be other things in here like Edge threat God I feel like Edge threat is a must have doesn’t spend any points during run plays we might keep that on them when pass blocks when they correctly use the guest play adjustment to predict a pass see I don’t really I don’t do run pass and or uh run front commit and pass commit you know I should probably learn how to use it but I don’t use it so we’ll go here real quick I think he’s he’s a speed rusher so Edge threat run stopper speeder through these real quick I don’t think I would want something else other than Speedster I guess Under Pressure maybe all right you know what we’re actually G to do Under Pressure here and just have him be a rusher right we need him to be a rusher he’s going to have the under Rush Under Pressure ability coming off the side so him and the forest Buckner they get a little bit close to the quarterback uh they have a chance to throw them off more than our other rushers here latu is not even considered a rookie which is kind of odd e got some Thunder and some rain right now dog doesn’t like it all right so we’re gonna go ahead Advance this week here uh we’ll do the weekly strategy before we upgrade players so looks like they run the ball a lot so I think we’ll go defend the inside run on the defense they hav let up a single rushing touchdown huh and they let up some deep touchdowns Maybe um let’s go two passing touchdowns allow 20 or less 350 um win the turnover battle keep it simple all all right all right all right all right here we go got a bunch of people that need upgrades what do we want to do here he has the speed just look at it he has a star ability I was hoping he’d get Superstar but he gets a star that’s cool so looks like which I mean we don’t really have him working in short field too much deep route running is good speed is good [Music] so I think we’ll go physical probably well let’s see what is Juke was at change of Direction 87 spin move juke move so let’s go play maker here got a little bit of everything right there nice okay Juju get an [Music] upgrade let’s go manto man here he’s probably got another two games before he gets his ability you have Josh DS getting a little something something he’s in the slot so let’s get him the slot upgrade try Surman we’ll see what happens with him but just go ahead give him what he’s best at Nick cross go give some run support the rest of these just going to let them do whatever they want to do here all right we’ll go 10 to the dog real quick and then I’ll be back and we’ll play week five as well we’re going to keep on going all right so I’ll be right back for for e e e okay my apologies just got to make sure the dog’s all right you know Thunder gets to him makes him go crazy kind of laying down hanging off my girl guys his little toy his little bone I think Kobe’s gonna be all right all right let’s get into it did everything we needed to do let’s go smack them up coming up we’ll see the Workhorse Jonathan Taylor he had a nice effort a week ago with a pair of touchdowns it’s the Colts and the Titans 16 for 116 and two touchdowns let’s go Two Carries for 20 plus want to have a couple more of those but you know I just like if you’re thinking in reality how many of those really going to get and if I’m getting a bunch of will not returned as that will be aou so a new face back for the Titans in 2023 it’s the 24y rookie out of Kentucky Charles will L as all right we’re just going to take a chance at them running the ball they did run the ball and they still pick up five yards on it aain rushing lastek e and so we can pull off three and out and get them a little bit backed up here no get him at the line though thir four coming up [Applause] be a good spot to be able to get them off the field early I want to go with the ni trap here throw them off it’s going to put the numbers off for us but feel like he didn’t get there let’s go bad pass by Will Lis fourth and four getting off the field if that was a better throw there’s a chance that’s a touchdown come on Duan Duan taking it to the house Duan with the punt return touchdown to get this one started let’s go man huge play Ashton Duan pun return to the house the chances have been there all season long chances have been and we finally get one pun return unit coming up huge right there getting better at field goals have missed the field go in a little while what a huge play right there Ashton dlan it’s one of the best plays in football man a return touchdown one of the best plays in football Titans on the field for their Drive drive three and out second possession if they can get a little moment doing a little laggy thing again every time my game does the little laggy thing it’s a big play for the yeah the guy carry the boves it I think the line they might and take more satisfaction out of those runs than anybody else right without a doubt because DeAndre de I leue defens coordinators love the of sing off against a rookie quarterback cover in here what what was that because of I e e the pressure when those guys come at him try to do something [Applause] quick too much time man [Applause] before giving up any Y and all over that one I didn’t think he was actually going to throw that and even if he did I thought I was going to be able to get to that the reaction right there from speed was just non [Applause] nice nice nice nice taking a chance on them running the ball here feels like that’s probably what’s happening taon Lewis shedding the block getting the tackle love to see empty so let’s go dime here thir almost had will levies was actually a good quarterback maybe they’re able to get [Applause] that thought we were going to block that they are on the a couple yard deep he’ll bring it out of the oh I almost broke was going to be so close there wasn’t a little bit of hesitation on my part they’ll by ex of theft out of Florida Anthony Richardson PR he ended up throwing inter a but the team found a way to win he found a way to lean ons of the that carried them through all see we I think I’m just going to hand this one off it looks pretty favorable [Music] put together here sailing that one what is that tiitan they number3 against the r of the NFL thiss to and TOs putting him down let’s go galani making a [Applause] play the first quarter okay e all right let’s go got to make it 143 at the end of this drive Drive ideally of course holding the Titans without a score getting the ball back we can make this 21 to three going in halftime uh I’d be happy man that’ be good be real good I’m try sticking knot again it didn’t work the first time I tried it but I do want to see if I can get it to work ad Maybe double covered on Thee Little inside Zone throw unsuccessful it’s third and I see you bud nice JT up the middle three carries 21 [Applause] y got the pistol formation here um I think I do want to run it to Pitman side just got a muscle in there there wasn’t a whole lot to get there let’s hit this cross not sure if we’ll have enough time for this no we didn’t he was wide open too man wide open Qui and that’s why they able to and as he Tri throw and an incom so they need yard third two for third easy little catch over to gani [Applause] tight got to break that tackle man he barely got his hands on this has been a pretty sizable Drive they’ve had some success finally the defensive coordinator success of his own I think he just simply said enough of that okay they the well we need toce the issue from end and that’s exactly what he did so maybe just moment can make happen sailed it again man playing that’s what we need for the defense to do their thing not I was getting it done on offense I just tried to throw it into a window that I mean was there it was going to be tight but it was definitely there let’s go that’s probably going to get overturned but at the moment it’s our ball that’s what I figured third down coming out of this formation so I’m not sure what to expect that’s outside good think [Applause] Le see uh Ashton dlan is our entire offense today Ashton Duan is amazing [Applause] okay this where we want ad toing he just stood still the defense goes for the ball and the offense just St talking it’s Pitman Pitman goes for the ball come on [Applause] all second and 10 here they’re in a running formation probably not running the ball hope that we be able to have coverage and we don’t come on dude gun empty so I want to send a blitz here want latu to do something at some point so it’s throw let’s go defensive line raking Havoc the blitz Kenny Moore coming in exactly what we needed to have happen a bunch on the side I would rather them have the bunch we just don’t go with that guy at all third and 10 out we’re just going to try to play man here I’m going to use EJ as a guy to kind of hold up they actually ran the ball right there I was even paying attention to what it was right he’s been ay man in this first as he it Tak at the 22 not quite the success we’re looking for there janor whatever inp theying carries over October he wasal lastely I don’t know if I’ve run this play yet I don’t know if this is about to work’s hes all right we going to try a screen will it work probably not but we’re going to try it we got it to work first screen of the Season that we’ve gotten to work and it happens in week [Applause] five 34 seconds two timeouts we’re at the 40 yd line pretty much let’s get ad going let’s get him on a slant no way dude I’ve tried to do that three three different times in the last game was zire Franklin and it didn’t let me do that I had him bro some room there to run I had it come on man three for 10 right now because I can’t get my offensive line to block for me having to make ridiculous decisions because my offensive line just can’t block for half a second you know it’s all I don’t need much time [Applause] [Music] little he’s wide open that’s happen of [Applause] so we’ve reach intermission here at a low scoring game 73 is our score as we’ll send you down to Orlando we check in with Jonathan Coachman for our EA Sports halime report coach okay Brandon thank you very much more from you two in just a bit but first let’s get everybody caught up with what’s going on around the NFL here in week five we’ll get started over at Mercedes well we’ll move right through the break then skipping halime and back to the field for the start of the second half welcome back Charles and I settled into the booth ready for quarter number three second make some stuff happen man theyve they as they come first it’s got to be Jonathan Taylor man nice little skip through the hole right there throw nice caugh nice nice they had the outside I tried to get him on the go and they got past the guy but there was a safety on top of Pitman and AD M right there option oh they had a guy assigned to7 coming in on the blitz course bro JT to save us right here nice what a play huge block Inside by Mo [Applause] I was just to May that I was hoping to set up the block right there get him stuck and then maybe go not I think ultimately he was forunate to get out of that the let’s go let’s go getting some yards right there for [Applause] a hand this one off JT is the guy he GNA keep running bro they can’t stop us can’t stop us running the ball this is where we take over probably drop back to pass we need be looking for running Lanes more until AR is able to have abilities on him going to we need running gun on so throw on the Run need our offensive line be better really what that com down to offensive line has to need to get the time to throw the ball no way they’re throwing a flag on that that was perfect timing wow perfect time perfect time all right whatever [ __ ] left yes sir lotu big tackle for loss making third and six right here third coming I know they’d love to off that no man [Applause] lovely good stop right there getting behind the chains second and 12 exactly what we needed started to build a little bit of momentum on this drive take some back able to do just that right there back here come here thought he was about to get away from him third and nine they’re going spread let’s see if this works no man just letting him sit there on the sideline manyi War practices we see that after practices as well they really tune it up don’t they they tune it up they know they for these situations first down and and that’s why able to in this of situ and he’ll be taken down after minim and that will us to the quarter number quarter have come and Indianapolis Titan foot as they begin theth quarter they’re going G Bunch let’s go cover the seam see what we can can do here nove [Applause] and gave DeAndre Hopkins a little pop right there still held on to it so at this point we’re looking for a goal line stand right giving up three points or giving up none we’re just looking to be able to hold him right here set up to throw here [Applause] NOP yeah that was a pick play that definitely could have been offensive pass interference but they don’t call that man you know attemp [Applause] important two points it gets him back a field goal I guess the coach looked at the twoo cheat sheet said go for it get it to a three-point game and they did threw him right in the way I thought he throw the block and he threw him right myad after a ag on keep Simple on this drive nothing crazy this fourth quarter y car real quick that’s okay hit with a read option see if they buy on a last time Corner came right in on that that one was tough I didn’t know if I should keep it or not I probably should have kept that one Quine get this one up no Brian Kelly couldn’t quite get there oh my gosh they gave me a first down I don’t know how that just happened mesh plays pretty much every formation actually held on to it all want in terms of passing is like cheap completions like that formation move over formation Rich some yards right there wasn’t really the plan but it was there might as well go pick up that first down we keep this going now at this point even if we don’t score we’re going to make the Titans Drive gani Woods doing his thing once again being a key contributor to the offense the option out of this formation probably just going to hand this one off it still went there there’s a huge hole but there was somebody right in it Point seating sides ints they’ as dagger really just looking for the drag route here inpe how bro I’m sitting here trying to get easy completions to make his completion percentage better and he can’t hit the easy throw like I made him I made him better so that I could have fun playing the game and he can’t even hit the short throws like what are we talking about whistles and we’re going to have another of play as they call the Timeout on defense with 15 ofi like do I like myself kicking go Le now you know what kick the exra point they’re going to win the game anyways so we’re just going to go for it and here’s a big one now trying to hold this lead they’re going to go for it here on fourth down see what we can make happen here just catch that and fall down let’s go what a massive play galani once again getting [Applause] open he’s been dominant this year man like our pass offense isn’t prolific by any means but galani has been really good [Applause] withit thir final as they’ll things over prior to this uping [Music] second him on a slant now it looks like he’ll throw here out to his left AR rushing touchdown game over today’s a w kind of day it’s a little rainy outside little stormy and poopy outside but hey guess what we’re GNA end up with two W’s today AR getting himself a little rushing touchdown real quick let’s go man had the extra point will aint 21-1 what a score I don’t know if that’s a scor gami or not there’s definitely a chance somebody ended up with that score at some point but 2111 might be a scor gami 25 yans by a minute 39 in third straight as they come first let’s go the for is Buckner with the [Applause] sack let’s go hit him right when the balls getting that’s what I did earlier with speed and flag I honestly thought I was about to get flag thrown on me on that turn 22 baby 22 why didn’t he go for the I knew that was coming I pressed triangle and everything over we go empty let’s go Julian Blackman with the pick Let’s Go [Applause] I just want to get his percentage up mane5 Richardson looking to throw it tried to get that over to theou comption percent I’m notle percentage for season is like 45% that’s hideous bro even when I like stuff that my guys don’t catch computer catches when I play against it like I just I don’t understand I don’t understand what I’m supposed to do differently by possession catch run like run after the catch obviously he’s a little more dangerous they’ll and thetion let’s [Applause] go not the way we drew it up but it worked can’t touch him this first got two wins in this stream we beat the Rams at home we beat the Titans at home 38.8% 16 offensively just trash 80 Mitchell donees touch the ball P doesn’t touch the ball like but I feel likeis back over my outside guys get double teamed so often like directly over top it’s not even they’re not hiding the computer is not at all hiding that they’re double teaming my outside guys they will line two guys up on top of my outside guys and I just can’t get him the ball yeah gotta work on the accuracy what they are plus three short shorts at 93 right now medium’s at 88 throw Power 99 he ain’t even close to his we got a few games until he’s going to get his Superstar ability or Star ability whatever it is you know whatever it ends up being you know what I’m trying to say I nothing to do right now let’s Advance the week see what we got cooking all right we play the Jaguars again um who we up 38 to8 we almost came back in week one this one’s is going to be in Jacksonville um yeah one of our receivers wants to talk about not getting the ball so we’ll take care of all that the next time we get together um it’s been great if you come by um anybody that stopped by if you watch this later appreciate you coming by if you’re watching this after the fact um appreciate you stopping by man uh having a good time with this and uh can’t wait till the new Madden comes out right that’s really what we’re waiting for can’t wait till the new cycle picks back up want to be able to talk about Colts football but there’s really nothing to talk about right now so we’ll get into it at some point but we’re going to keep doing this uh for the time being if anything comes up we’ll talk about it but in the meantime take care of yourself take care of each other and go Colts baby

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