Destroying the latest inaccurate New York Jets HIT PIECE from Bleacher Report!

Destroying the latest inaccurate New York Jets HIT PIECE from Bleacher Report!

the Jake asmin show will begin shortly thanks to all these great patreon members who help support the show get your super chats ready Jake will be here in just a moment if you love the New York Jets this is the place to be and now the Jake asmin show death taxes and inaccurate hit pieces from the national media about the New York Jets we’ll talk about the latest and expose the latest it’s the Jake asid show on a football Sunday let’s it and get it [Music] started man our jets are primed for a historic [Applause] season we bleed jet Green each and every day this is not the same old jet we have Aaron freaking Rogers we have Garrett Wilson let’s go we have gree Hall Please Subscribe and hit the like button below Super Chat baby cut the line we we have S Gardner we have quitted Williams the jet bandwagon is loaded now it’s time to talk All Things New York Jets it’s the Jake asmin show ah happy Sunday everybody hit the like button this is the only channel that is giving you daily Jets content we went live yesterday on a Saturday in June final day of June we’re going live on a Sunday spread the word to your fellow Jet fans and NFL fans that we talk Jets and NFL every day on this Channel appreciate everyone tuning in lot to get into I want to talk about a story that I saw on Bleacher Report earlier today I’m not even going to give the author’s name because he doesn’t deserve it when you’re this inaccurate with your assessment of a football team so in the story it essentially covers boom or bust best and worst case scenarios for a bunch of different NFL teams and Rogers of course because they need the clicks is the headliner that’s the image that’s the first thing you see when you click on the story and here’s a little excerpt from said story you ready for this boom with a statement to make Aaron Rogers has a season reminiscent of the ones Tom Brady put together when he jumped from the Patriots to the bucks at a somewhat similar age actually Brady was three years older than Aaron was he stays healthy and benefits from a tremendous defense and the Jets make a deep playoff run bust now 40 in coming off a major injury Rogers proves that he’s washed up and becomes a distraction as the Jets post a losing record for the nth consecutive year prediction quarterbacks don’t often excel at or Beyond 40 and there’s little reason to expect Rogers to Buck that Trend he hasn’t been a strong asset at quarterback since 2021 and it’s easy to question his focus and commitment the Jets will once again finish far out of contention in 2024 let’s clear up a couple things one this article is horse crap I mean let’s expose some of the inaccuracies in this story first things first the idea that Aaron roggers has not been an asset for a team since 20121 is a joke if Aaron roders duplicate his 2022 season in Green Bay now with the Jets the Jets the last two years would have been in the playoffs let’s start there so the idea that he hasn’t been an asset is horse C is horse crap was 2022 down for Rogers compared to his MVP seasons of 20 and 21 yeah but remember 2019 people said Aaron Rogers she’s starting to lose it you know what he did that year go look at Rogers 2019 stats and come back to me and then follow that year up with with back-to-back MVP Seasons so please the next inaccuracy in the story is well quarterbacks at age 40 there’s not a big track record of success there is if you’re an all-time great you ready for this list go look at Tom Brady’s numbers age 40 and on go look at Brett Fab’s age 40 season with the Vikings after he left the Jets go look at Drew Brees’s age 40 and age 41 season Drew Brees age 408 and3 record 74.3 completion percentage led the NFL 3,000 yards 27 touchdowns four interceptions Drew Breeze age 41 season nine and3 record completion percentage 70.5 24 touchdowns six interceptions when you’re an all-time great you could play into your 40s especially when you’re Aaron Rogers who other than Brady was the oldest to ever win an MVP during his 37 and 38 season we’re not that far removed from that Rogers injury also occurred in week one so he’s ready to roll with no restrictions whatsoever this entire off season so because it doesn’t fit the Bleacher Report narrative Aaron Rogers at age 40 he can’t be good but other Hall of Famers have all been good at age 40 Brady Breeze Favre Etc such nonsense and the other part of the story that is so stupid Oh Rogers is a big distraction we could question his commitment to the Jets man look at this hor [ __ ] sorry but it really annoyed me it’s easy to question his focus and commitment no it’s not no it’s not we’re questioning Aaron Rogers commitment when he’s been at everything for two years besides two pathless practices in June when he had been on every other voluntary workout when he flew cross country to be with the team all the time when he was voted by his own teammates the Dennis Bird Award winner we’re still doing this this is such a medad driven horse bleep piece that Bleacher Report should be ashamed that they published ashamed laughable with the amount of inaccuracies in this story w’t him give the author’s name doesn’t deserve it you could tell he just Googled Oh Aaron Rogers read what the group think is on the guy and threw that in there easy to question his commitment no it’s not you do announce a research or you hear from any of his teammates or coaches don’t fall for it do not fall for this nonsense from Bleacher Report and the other thing in this story that’s laughable the Jets are going to finish far away from contention they weren’t that far away last year from contention with Zack Wilson Tim Bole and Trevor Simeon playing quarterback for them I’m supposed to sit here and say they’re they’re far away now now from contention based on what they the worst quarterback room in the NFL last year they won seven games if they had average Quarterback play which by the way the last time Rogers played he was above average he wasn’t an MVP but he was above average but if they had Tyrod Taylor for a full year you don’t think they could have been a nine- win team last year even with the injuries to the o line really that was with a much more difficult schedule a year ago this year the schedule’s a lot easier so I mean where do we even begin with that horse crap in the story the funniest thing is I went and looked at some of the other teams here right I’m like huh for the sake of this conversation let’s look at the Falcons because they got a quarterback who’s coming off the same injury as Rogers you know what they wrote for the Falcons this guy well they were a quarterback away so now the Atlanta Falcons are definitely going to be a playoff team and people try and tell you there’s no bias against the Jets right the Atlanta Falcons are now a playoff team because they got a quarterback but the Jets aren’t really Kirk Cousins is nowhere near the level of player Aaron Rogers has been Kirk Cousins injury happened in the middle of the season and he’s already practicing to by the way so we’re we’re concerned about Aaron coming off the injury but we’re not concerned about Kirk there was no mention of concerns about Kirk Cousins in that piece I wonder why latest horse crack CP nonsense from this hit piece do not fall for it do not fall for it under any circumstance hit the like button if you’re just tuning in super chats will cut our line we’ll take some calls here on the gustbuster umbrella hotline Today’s Show is presented by my friends at Huga house Huga house just dropped 10 new hats including the four you see on the screen if you want to get any of the hats you see right there make sure you use promo code AS a checkout and you’ll get 15% off if you buy one hat with my code you’ll get the second hat if you want more than one at 30% off so check it out Huga go to the website this second use promo code asmin and get the hat that I’m wearing get the hat that Rogers is wearing save some money and check it out the new hats I will say are spectacular Huga promo code Asin checkout all right comments question super chats you guys know the drill little Sunday special here and before the show even began ladies and gentlemen Mike D’s Nuts has already made it rain with five channel memberships hey thank you these nuts for another gifted membership if you hear your name called you are a channel member Eric party Johnny Ace simple eat El Train Anderson Allan s jurista congratulations on being a channel member and I just saw this from Mike D’s Nuts as well he says I showed the wife the clip of leenie on the floor lol you gotta love it right you got to absolutely love it there’s nothing like a Mike D’s Nuts explosion right Lanie is this Mike D’s Nuts you bet your ass it is Hennessy Heisman with a super chat here we go Jake they’re going to be doing this all off season they love to hate us and I can’t wait to prove all the doubters run this year hash receipt amen let’s go love it absolutely love it now we just gave Mike D nuts his proper shout out for the five memberships I got to be up front with the as Maniacs we hit a threshold yesterday add a new emoji and I could not have been more excited about what our next Emoji was going to be it was going to be the butt on a stick Emoji in honor of Bobby midnight demanding Matt O’s butt on a stick we had this Emoji ready to roll the problem is when I uploaded it for channel members YouTube flagged it and said it was inappropriate now I completely disagree but I want everyone to know we tried to give you the butt on the stick Emoji the problem is once we couldn’t upload it yesterday the memberships that we had for the day yesterday people that had memberships purchased for a month it expired so now we’re below the membership threshold once again which is outrageous but I apparently now need another 41 more members to add another Emoji so that’s the problem we hit a threshold we had the Emoji ready and butt on the stick was not approved so now I need another 41 more members to now add another emoji that we thought we hit yesterday so thank you to Mike D nuts for giving us five we now only need 36 but I want to be upfront with the as Maniacs you guys are probably saying where’s the Emoji and I want you to know we tried but the butt on the stick Emoji was not allowed so I apologize to the as Maniacs just know we will keep working hard for you we will try and get you another emoji when we get 36 more members but YouTube is killing us folks no other way around it just a corrupt operation ladies and gentlemen joining us right now is someone who knows all about buts being on a stick well you know I need to find M he’s supposed to come on my show I want his butt on a [Music] stick hey you I think you should do big fella he should be next the big fella Emoji look if if we get a big fella Emoji made I’m in yep yep and I liked what you had on before with the Gator’s voice you know what I heard I don’t think I know what you’re talking about I you know what I’m talking about you played it like five times what are you talking about Gator’s voice what do you mean Gator’s voice Gator’s not on the show right now no he was he was doing this commercial for you yeah hello and welcome to the Jake Gman show Green Room please be patient and look straightforward at all times being prepared as Jake may bring you on at any moment if in fact you have to leave or go to the bathroom please exit the chat and then return to the call and Jake will put you back in line please understand that if you arrive a little early you may not get called on first as Jake best the program depending on the topic at the time when you’re called on be sure to look straightforward put your hands on the desk look directly into the microphone smile and speak loudly so Jake and the audience can hear you also please refrain from using foul language as the Jake hasman show is a family show also unless your name is Bobby you must make sure to show your entire face otherwise please put your head down and only show the top of your hat and perhaps a little bit of your eyes in no if you’re on an Android phone you may exit at any time as those things are utter pieces of [ __ ] once again we appreciate your patience and please stay silent looking straightforward and be prepared as Jake could bring you in at any time one suggestion is to write down your thoughts so that when you are brought on the show you have everything in order love to hear what you have to say about the J put back New York Jets the Jasmin show thanks you and looks forward to your next Sy yeah that’s what I was saying that oh that’s what you meant yeah that was funny he when did he have time for doing that for you oh Bobby he has time for everything hey Bobby when’s your next show I’m not saying that I still have to tell my points oh okay Yankees are winning right now 4 Bobby I don’t need I don’t need the Bobby midnight score report I got both the Mets and the Yankees on right now in front me okay I’m sorry I did not well you got to assume that someone who loves sports is always following what’s happening don’t yell at me I’m try to be nice I’m not yelling at you yeah you are no tell me the SC I don’t need the the Bobby midnight sports report Bobby all right all right all right all right all right whose butt are we putting on a stick next nobody’s just oh I’m gonna drop it with man he I’m not worrying about it anymore it’s done okay that it’s done so yeah well um your answer to the question is right after yours let’s go I’ll see you there Bobby yeah okay bye well you know I’ve grown to Love My Buddy Alan but South has to go I threw him off my show um Bobby shout out to Bobby midnight one of the alltime greats folks hit the like button if you’re just tuning in folks Mike D’s Nuts is making it his job to get us to our latest membership threshold ladies and gentlemen the great Mike D nuts making it rain folks oh baby oh you believe it Ley C can you believe who this is is this Mike D’s Nuts hey thank you Mike D’s Nuts for another gifted me all right here we go folks if you hear the name called you know who to think Chris Daly gerbo photus Thomas class Marty McFly 029 to and Georgie you guys are all channel members we are not done not so Saye is also coming through for the people on this fine Sunday five more memberships have been gifted whoa money money money [Music] Mone all right here we go Taz tactics Matt leina Matt Shaw jigs 29 Cynthia W congrats to our latest member Cynthia W I believe was the Cynthia who attended our great Long Island Meetup last week so shout out to all our brand new channel members we’re getting closer to a new Emoji won’t be butt on the stick because YouTube’s no fun but we’ll come up with something YouTube is trying to censor me says you could debunk all the Jets news you want but it doesn’t change the fact that your jets are the biggest joke in the NFL yeah the Jets are really the biggest joke in the NFL the only joke I see is you buddy see you now look what you’ve done no more protection from the as Maniacs had to pull you out of the chat and cast you down with the sodomites some time in here we’ll feel like you’ve been run over by the lane train you understand me you catch my drift give them another 24 hours to think about it you know there’s a perfect thing we could add on to Future losers who get sent to the hole it’s another drop from someone who is full of great drops from now on when we send someone to the hole we will play this get in the hole see you comments question super chats will cut the line as we react to the latest garbage from Bleacher Report Jet fans how we feeling training camp will soon be in the same month we’re in today is the last day of June tomorrow is July 1 we’re getting closer Jets report to training camp on the 23rd first onfield practice is the 24th Addison says YouTube is protecting oi maybe they are maybe they are Christopher says who agrees Kurt Cousins is overrated I mean look is he a top 10 quarterback in the league no but he’s probably in that 12 to 15 range right he’s consistent so there’s something like that Benny says these folks want us to fail so bad I can’t wait to drink their tears all fall and winter long amen because literally the only thing they could say is oh you’re the Jets or oh Aaron’s not going to stay healthy I believe a year ago the conversation in the NFL was Tua can’t stay healthy Lamar Jackson can’t stay healthy well guess what they were one of the only two quarterbacks in the league who actually played every game for their team to you to your league folks Jets Johnny says just went to the Panthers parade can’t imagine the Elion when the Jets finally win could you imagine could you imagine Tom RS and sodomites getting some fresh ass on a stick amen amen open phone lines if anyone wants in on the conversation we won’t go too long today not a whole lot happening but wanted to give you guys a Sunday show because the people in the Discord were demanding it it was outrageous I’ve never seen anything like it comments questions super chats we’ll continue to cut the line before you call in I once again want to issue a warning to all the mail callers on this show now that good looking chicks in that oh yeah baby things are about to get crazy here on the cheek has been sh calm your freaky down sometimes we try but that freaky just take us over give him some of your loving voice oh yeah High them kids again your damn freaking down sexy you got you got to chill man gotta chill man sea White Checks In is this the Olympian Shawn White you guys look similar let’s freaking go all the hate Super Bowl JS Jets Jets Jets amen Sean amen Scott says thank you for a Sunday show Scott I talked it over with my people I can’t go to Saratoga until we catch the robber Matthew right and I was nervous about Bree and I believe he played every game that’s true too he did he absolutely did no doubt ladies and gentlemen Mike D’s Nuts is back can you count the memberships I can one two three four five channel memberships coming in from none other than Mike D’s Nuts baby yeah hey thank you Mike nuts for another gifted membership when they write the history of the Jake asmin show on YouTube there’ll be an entire chapter for Mike D’s Nuts ladies and gentlemen call it out EV Doggy Dog jet guy NYC the Darth God Gilbert Farmer you guys are all channel members smash the de nuts Emoji in the chat because Mike Dez nuts has done it again by the way the de nuts Emoji is apparently appropriate for YouTube but butt on a stick isn’t are you kidding me what a joke is this Mike D’s Nuts you bet your ass it is ladies and gentlemen I want to also shout out the patreon if you want bonus content away from YouTube access to our Discord so you can find out when we’re going live access about members only meetups access about as Maniac events information about my merch store which will be coming this week we also dropped something in there yesterday shout out to Jake Asin show listener oued who has his own YouTube channel with like 100,000 subscribers he is giving away Jets autographed merchandise so patreon users found out how to win that merchandise before the general public so check it out jasman show if you want any of what I just talked about it’s just $5 a month for less than a cup of coffee for an entire month you get all those things I mentioned and you help support me thank you to all the patreon users we couldn’t deal without you infrared says funniest Emoji ever the fact that YouTube won’t allow it is outrageous Peter Castro judge 31 homers 82 rbi’s great start Peter a great start doesn’t encapsulate what judge is doing right now right a historic start he’s on Pace to hit over 62 home runs and driving like 170 RBI it’s insane and he didn’t hit for the first month crazy 82 RB and 31 home runs and we still got 15 days till the All-Star break that’s insane he might have 100 RBI at the All-Star break monster and love stto talking himself into the lineup today big game calls on the mound you’re trying to Salvage a split with Toronto love it and it’s not a coincidence Soo plays and then the Yankees score first for the first time in like you know seven games big statement Yanks up four nothing right now with Cole on the mount the in the uh bottom of the third love it super chat from Tyrone baby Tyrone yeah I hope Aaron and the Jets are hearing all this we’re going to win 15 games I’m so mad I want to play with the Jets go Jets hey that works for me Tyrone all right the Jets don’t have to search very far for motivation let’s see comments questions super chats we’ll do a little ask me anything as well on a lighter day doesn’t doesn’t just have to be jet related throw some questions out there and I’ll hit on whatever you guys want to discuss as long as it’s appropriate you know some of you have very Twisted Minds so once again warning ahead of time calm your freaky down all right especially you NY Jets Florida especially you Nick says table Setters are crucial yeah I mean look outside of the Yankees first three hitters they not had any Productions so it’s good to see DJ have a hit Torres had a big game two nights ago they got to get going ladies and gentlemen Mike D’s Nuts boom five channel memberships Mike who’s better than you nobody thank you m nuts for another gifted membership all right if you hear your name called you’re a member thanks to D nuts K Chris P deceptive MOS bear Joe price congratulations you guys are all channel members love to see it absolutely love it Peter says Jake what do you think about the Knicks I love what they’ve done this offseason I’m hoping that they could somehow find a way to keep hardenstein if he’s willing to take less but I I mean the Knicks are all in I love adding Bridges and not having to trade any of your core he fits perfectly he’s exact what they needed I’m I’m a huge fan red John Jake do you line up your beard or is that natural I definitely you know groom it as far as lining it up with like a razor and trimming it and all that but the beard itself is natural if that’s what you’re asking I also as you guys know if you’ve been watching the show I use copper John’s beard products every day the beard bomb the beard oil after you shower the best in fact you’ll be hearing more about copper John soon three siblings Jake I have a question sir well typically you just ask it Dan says I survived the Jake asmin show live chat t-shirts needed should we get that in the merch store Dan someone make that design we’ll put it in the upcoming merch store if you guys have ideas for t-shirt designs and you want to contribute to the merch store the way to do it is the design something and email me in a highres image like a vector file and then I’ll work with my merch guy getting that in the store we are going to launch a merch store it’s been in the works uh I’m looking to probably launch it after the holiday weekend coming up so less than two weeks if you’re a patreon member you’re G to get a promo code that will give you a discount on a bunch of items in there as a thank you for supporting me Jay says would you ever do beat or work for the Jets if it was possible zero never no way I will never be a jet beat reporter that sounds like hell on Earth you lose your fandom you don’t get to be a fan if you’re a beat reporter that’s why I’ve always wanted to be a sports talk show host because you get to be a fan you get to Give opinions when you’re on the beat you you you’re supposed to be on bias you just cover the team that’s it snowball says loud fireworks or colorful fireworks or both um aren’t all fireworks loud snowballs they’re like that big of a delineation I don’t know I just want good fireworks if they’re colorful and loud to me that’s the best combination green and white Jake need a jake asano coffee mug it’s in the works that will be in the merch store what type of items do you want in the merch store I’m going to ask people in the Discord about this but I’ll ask people in the chat now too jqu says are Jake Pats game L5 Battle of the gingers you versus my son in an armed wrestling competition I’m going to pass on that I I feel like your son would win so congrats to him Henny are you going to any training camp practices I’ll be at a bunch of them absolutely Dan who’s December starting quarterback for the Steelers Falcons Vikings Broncos for the Steelers it’s still Russell Wilson for the Falcons it’s still Kirt cousins Vikings is JJ McCarthy Broncos it’s bonix unless there’s injuries obviously Connor wants to know would you start Jose and glacius or Jeff MC feeble didn’t McNeil have a big home run the other night we’re still down on mcneel maybe he’s breaking out of it uh I would start in glaas because he could sing jet Johnny says coffee mug sweater and a Mike D nuts Emoji sticker if we put on a shirt the Mike D nuts Emoji with people buy it if the answer is yes we could put that in the merch store Jake West Jake do you get press credentials to Camp if I want to yes but I’m gonna go as a fan for a lot of these I want to I want to meet my subscribers and we’ll do maybe a a meet and greet at a local local shop after restaurant bar it’s in the works jqu says canoby shorts that is without question an idea I had I also have an idea of just vman sleeping on a t-shirt Christopher says Jake who do you think is the most underrated quarterback in the NFL it’s a good question underrated quarterback in the NFL oh lindor’s got to make that play um let’s think underrated quarterback in the NFL I think it’s Matthew Stafford when healthy that guy always puts up numbers and he’s won a Super Bowl and I still feel like he’s kind of underrated Jets Johnny says calm your freaky Emoji shower curtain would be wild could you imagine oh my goodness calm your freaky down yeah Dan says Anthony rich he can’t be underrated that he’s played like four games Jordan love I we got to see a little more before we call him underrated we have a oneyear sample size with him I think the arrows clearly pointed up but I think people are really high on love I don’t think he’s underrated Scott says a Bobby midnight ball cap hey Bobby would you purchase a hat of your of your face on it yeah probably all right hey I wanted to tell you something remember that guy Georgie that got a membership you called out Georgie oh I remember I know him from the uh Sports Fury he come came I brought him over to your show well thanks for thanks for spreading the positive as Maniac agenda yeah he lives on the west coast like Addison does ah what’s his zip code I don’t know a zip code but they know we live him and his wife both are in the sports Fury AET how much money does he make per year before taxes I don’t know I just know him he comes to my chat he comes to sports fa chat that’s how I know him you have his social security number no no all right we’ll work on that you know I like the Yankees the Jets believe Jake and just a hat on Bobby Bobby seems down with the uh with the hat idea so we’ll work on that fpp says free South ass no I’m team Bobby you guys know this all right souths has to go to quote Bobby midnight hey Bobby souths has to go right’s what is that Thursday it’s a Thursday I will waater I will yeah later not hey Bobby okay bye Bobby you’re on the air Bobby Long Way To Go Bobby Bobby what souths has to go still right just want to clarify yes yes fpp you should shut your mouth all right we’ll keep that in mind well you know I have my own YouTube show if I’m awake I’m going live unless Jake has a show I’m I love it we’re if we’re still out on southest and that’s where I stand too Christopher CJ strad is overrated I don’t think he’s overrated he had a great rookie year now it’s see what he does for an encore when you’re expected to be that great now Cactus says free murdog what happened to murdog um let’s see comments questions super chats we’ll cut the line last chance to get in here we won’t go as long as normally do because it’s a Sunday it’s a little slow all that um Dan says question don’t don’t you want to see Doug Bryan Redemption game Barry Mr unlimited Pittsburgh would be a fun road trip Dan it’s just not on my list of games I’m going to and and look I I always want to beat the Steelers but it’s not even for the Doug Bryant game I mean one of the worst losses of my life as a sports fan is the 2010 AFC Championship game I have nightmares about the third and six rothberger to Antonio Brown completion I to this day I still can’t watch the highlights on that game it pains me too much David says will the merch also have Jets logos or jss logos we can’t put Jets logos on merch it’s illegal so we’ll have Jake asmin show logo and stuff or like this shirt was a prototype for the merch store when it was supposed to launch last year and then everything happened in Houston with me and I just put it on the back burner like we we’ll have cool shirts like this the victory Monday Garrett Wilson shirt I had we’ll have some logoed shirts snowball could we start a campaign to get gas to not to the Hall of Fame uh I I would love to see it snowball I mean I’ll do my part you know I thought Joe B had some great takes on this when we had him on the show he talked about how Cleco and Marty they gotta be spearheading it you know Jay says Jake not coming to Arizona for cards games is travesty I know man that was uh that was going to be one of the games we maybe we’re going to do the as Maniac event for but unfortunately I have a bachelor party that same weekend so I can’t do it Hennessy says I will be at the home opener Broncos game and hopefully Texans game hopefully Texans game hny you better be there man you better ladies and gentlemen become an as Maniac by hitting the join button Mike D’s Nuts is gifted 25 memberships pay it forward if you got one it’s just five bucks to gift a channel membership to someone jennergy with a merch suggestion shut your pyo shirt with Bobby needs to happen I like that love it Derek Hugh Antonio Brown equals bankruptcy Antonio Brown equals major issues Dan says I support the 4% shirt that’s pretty good hny says the plan is to be at the Texans game with my name of Jersey and mink coat costume love that that’s excellent Jay says I want a shirt with Jake’s face that just says tremendous under it now that’s a shirt that is a shirt Dave says Miami December 8th or bust I’ll be there Dave I’ll see you there we will be there and it will be real and it will be spectacular fpp says how about a shirt with an allen emoji on it you serious I’m not saying you’re not mentally ill for all I know you’re crazy as a loon come on fpp you’re better than that Christopher says Antonio Brown always breaks my heart screw him remember when the Jets forced him to quit football took off his shirt that was the last we saw of Antonio Brown in the NFL it’s final game against Zack Wilson in the New York Jets that day in a game that Zach actually played really well in at least I thought and the Jets blew it at the end Ranger fan 11 Bobby Midnight’s constant appearances are ruin your ruining your show bro I used to watch twice a day I haven’t watched you all week for the first time in three years I put you on today and he’s the first call well I’m sorry Ranger fan 11 but Bobby’s a part of the family and you know what it’s June find another Channel that’s giving you three hours a day of daily Jets talk but if that’s not good enough for you Ranger fan I’m sorry but I backed my guy Bobby just shut the [ __ ] up I did not ask for the dam opinion that came out of your ass so shut the [ __ ] up we’ll see you in five also very easy decision once I saw your name was Ranger fan 11 peace Sears writes and jets will continue to have HIIT pieces written about them until they make the playoffs winning soles all I’m sure they’ll move the go poost but that’s the only way you could start to change the perception win and they have the team to do it and now they have to do it that’s the bottom arm come on now all right huge Johnson says Rangers Fan 11 doesn’t rep us Rangers fans we love Bobby Nate says guys complaining about callers you don’t call in as Jake would say as you can only take the callers that are there right like right now nobody’s on hold right now so I read the comments we have callers on hold I go in order on who’s there Bobby’s not always the first call based on who’s there last says Yankees fire how about lasso for those in our Discord chat lass’s brother was at UFC 303 last night sitting right behind Aaron roders who was once again at another UFC event pretty cool David says how about Eli truthers who move the goal post once Rogers wins ring number two or Beyond anyone trying to say they would take Eli’s career over Rogers as a fool just not happening like I CJ strout is nuts for what he said jet Johnny got the drink out of a mini Stanley Cup today I need a mini Lombardi We do have a Lombardi Emoji which is awesome which I love ladies and gentlemen Mike D’s Nuts is there anyone quite like Mike D’s Nuts the answer is of course not thank you nuts for gied membership let’s go five new members Carl Clark Jimbo jet Chris Moses Scott Atkins Donald Davis thank Mike D nuts pay it forward it’s just five bucks to give someone else a channel membership we should have enough now for a new Emoji which is tremendous considering our other Emoji was not allowed by YouTube which I mean how is this inappropriate come on you kidding me what a joke what a joke what should our next Emoji be someone design it and email me an emoji today asmin Jake at Gmail and if it’s good I’ll use it it just has to be sized one by one otherwise YouTube won’t use it it is the only way Dan says Jake did you see the alltime receiver list AB at number three come on look AB is in the top 10 all time maybe even top five if you look at his numbers and dominance the problem he’s going to have is he’s a nut he’s not Mike D’s Nuts he’s just a nut job he’s gonna have a real issue in that regard that’s a problem so I don’t know but you know if he if he just kept playing and kept his head straight he’d be in that conversation ladies and gentlemen joining us right now is someone who’s been hit in the head more than anyone ladies and gentlemen Gary boxing up next hello Gary what’s up Jake how are you how was uh the fight coverage Gary it was it was really good it was really really good um you didn’t watched the fight did you oh you had UFC last night right yeah I was watching UFC so I didn’t see any boxing it’s all good it’s all good um I wanted to say first I don’t know where this came but Antonio Brown AB is definitely a top five receiver of my lifetime I him at three or four but he’s definitely in the top five Antonio Brown was like 7-Eleven he was always open even if he wasn’t you can still throw it to him and he just catch it um but that’s not what I want to talk about I want talk about Aaron Rogers this is just lazy saying he’s not gonna be good because he’s 40 it’s like saying a college coach can’t coach in the pros it’s just lazy all the odds against you does it usually work out at 40 no but we’re not talking about a usual case here we’re talking about Aaron Rogers right like you just mention Drew Brees Tom Brady I think Warren Moon’s done it like there’s a plenty of guys who have done it it’s not unprecedented if you’re an alltime great there may be a drop off in your stats you might not be what you were when you were 28 or 31 but you can still be really really good and look I don’t I don’t think Rogers is gonna have an MVP season because I don’t think they’re gonna play that kind of offense the MVP is a statistical award and I think the Jets are gonna have a run heavy offense so he’s just not going to have the stats to be MVP but he’s still gonna have a great season he’s still gonna be a top five to 10 quarterback in the league like when you look at it at the end of the season you’re not going to be able to list up 10 quarterbacks who had better Seasons guys like Dak Prescott may have better stats but there’s no way you’re taking Dak Prescott over Aaron roggers you know what I’m saying yeah completely agree I mean look at the end of the day when you think about it like Aaron was already the second oldest person to ever win an MVP award a couple years ago ag37 ag3 like he’s he’s not your typical athlete he’s alltime greats are in different categories when it comes to aging and that’s what I’m saying so to compare him to your run-of-the-mill quarterback at 40 is ridiculous because there’s nothing that Rogers does that’s ever been run-of-the middle he’s always been exceptional so you can only really compare him to other exceptional quarterbacks and when you do that they can kind of play the 40 I mean there might be some decline but they can still do it and and look the the other thing with the article that annoyed me is oh he hasn’t been good since 2021 what are you talking about if Aaron Rogers put up his exact numbers in 2022 here in 2024 this Jets s might win the division with that type of production with the rest of the roster yeah because they’re just comparing that production 2022 against his production against Peak Rogers like oh we don’t need Peak Rogers what they don’t what they feel to recognize is you’re replacing maybe the worst starting quarterback ever with arguably the best starting quarterback ever it’s not a normal situation here right like you’re literally going from the worst to the best like think about that like that that is a crazy change that jet they’re gonna have in the quarterback room this year can they just win I I just I need to see winning football Gary I need it it’s GNA be winning football you know once we get to the playoffs it’s it’s one we got time they’re going to win this year they’re going to win 12 13 games no less than 11 from your lips to God’s ears appreciate you Jake Gary you have yourself a heck of a Sunday all right you too when are you and Allen getting together now that he’s not that far from you I’m GNA be G this weekend I’m going to Newark for the uh prenal center for the Shakur Stevenson fights I’ll get with them when I when I come back I can’t wait all right you guys could get together have a little gas station Pizza we can gas station Pizza is better than a Big Mac love it absolutely love it uh let’s see Mike D’s Nuts talking about Antonio Brown crazy part as his father was an alltime Albany Firebirds Legend touchdown Eddie Brown what a disgrace yeah I mean Antonio Brown has completely soiled his legacy we know he was a great player but he’s nuts like actual CTE in the brain is what we’re watching with AB Allan says had an argument the other night Dak vers Aaron let me guess the Cowboy fan took Dak Nate says Jay can you stay on until the Mets get a hit today are they being no hit right now I didn’t even realize I have the game on but it’s on mute I know they’re down 4 nothing in the bottom of this there’s your hit literally as I read the comment Brandon nmo just picked up a hit all right that’s the end of today’s show thanks everyone you said stay on till we get a hit right Brandon Nimo just got a hit of Seth Martinez to the Astros who I used to cover I’m rooing for the Mets today go out go Mets can’t stand the Astros you’re welcome Nate I didn’t even realize the Mets were being no hit to the the six what happened to Grimace the yesterday the Mets Bullpen blew it like old times is the Grim is here are over Met fans or we we’re confident The Comeback is coming today I don’t know anyway let’s see I just got a text from jet royalty Ira from Staten Island where they text you going to San Francisco I’m going to tell Ira I’m not we hopefully will be having a big meet up for that game big watch party details to come once it’s finalized um all right Dan says stay on until we win now are you nuts well you’re a Jet fan Dan so I know the answer to that one ladies and gentlemen we’ll stay on for at least a little while longer cuz I had names to read from henie who could this be the Mike D’s Nuts is this Mike D’s Nuts hey thank you these nuts for another gifted membership here we go H20 field Phil Justin joken Sergeant CVO Hunter Beckwith you guys are all channel members courtesy of the immortal the incomparable Mike D’s Nuts is this Mike D’s Nuts oh you bet it is lenie you bet it is nothing like seeing the de nuts Emoji fill up the chat yet YouTube said this was not allowed the butt on the stick Emoji what a disgrace Ray danger Super Chat immediately cuts the line some people need to keep Bobby Midnight’s name out of their mouth or else a amen or else we put you in the boxing ring with Gary [Music] amen ladies and gentlemen today’s Jake Asen show is presented by omage get yourself some fresh Jets gear ahead of the upcoming season by supporting our brand new sponsor look at the care package they sent me all these awesome shirts you can get the same ones or any of their great Shirts by using the link in the description or I’m going to make it easy folks get a shirt right now scan the QR code that easy takes you to their website their full catalog of items check it out homage has some of the coolest gear I’ve ever had for the Jets they have T-shirts shorts hoodies they have stuff for both men and women so if you’re a four Center I think omage is certainly something you’re G to love I just put the link once again in the live chat so check it out my favorite shirt is that Gotham City football one we just talking about the Super Bowl they got the 1968 Super Bowl champ shirt Broadway Joe awesome awesome gear from omage check it out it is a really really cool sports apparel company they have Jets gear they have everything but you guys love the Jets I love the Jets check it out over at omage all right comments questions super chats hit the like button before we get out of here 104 likes let’s get a couple more before we leave David says Ira from Staten Island can you get him on the show again I’m sure we could do the as Maniacs want to hear from Ira let’s see Allan said had dinner with a cowboy and a Jet fan both are studying sports broadcasting at Syracuse the Jet fan watches the show loves Bobby and hates me what a dope how do the feel to be known by someone you were having dinner with Alan David says I smashed the like button twice I appreciate that I don’t know if that unlikes the video if you do that though just make sure it doesn’t appreciate the support David you’re the man all right let’s wrap it appreciate all of you really fun show thanks to everyone who did call in thanks to Mike D nuts for making it worthwhile for everyone who did tuned in live because we gave out 35 memberships during the show Jet fans you guys truly are the absolute greatest and I love everything that you guys do uh for this channel so once again thank you all for watching enjoy the rest of your Sunday we are back tomorrow we’re going to be joined by Andrew fialo who’s got an unbelievable film study that I think will fire up this Jet fan base so I’m looking forward to all that once again my name is Jake asmin this has been the Jake asmin show Jets Jets Jets Jets it’s Brock P going to run for his life on the opener let go j e t s calm your freaky down but

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  1. forget this hack it's the ex players Jullian Edelman ripping Rodgers for not being a leader because of the 2 day minicamp crap. Everyone seems to forget the 33.7 million dollar pay cut Rodgers took after he got traded to the Jets. Rodgers is the 15th highest paid QB this year. I would like to hook Edelman and all the other detractors to a lie detector test and ask them how much money would they give back to their teams.. I say anything over 50 bucks and Edelman is failing.

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