[Seravalli] If Kane makes it to market, sources say Habs are preparing a pitch for him.

[Seravalli] If Kane makes it to market, sources say Habs are preparing a pitch for him.

  1. Look what he did with Debrincat… He’s the perfect linemate for Caufield, LFG

  2. I mean Seravalli sucks and Kane will probably use us to get more $ elsewhere but it’d be fun

  3. I’m so down, I just hope that there isn’t a ton of term attached to it. One or two years would be perfect, our young players could learn a ton from him and we could flip him at the deadline to try and get him another cup.

  4. Let’s fucking go. Bring him here, he can lead the young guys.

    Two years, I think it’s perfect.

  5. The only benefit Kane has to play in MTL is the Mohanan special: get to chose where you end your year

  6. I think we are once again being used to drive up his next contract. He’s an american, why would he sign here?

  7. Why TF would we want Patrick Kane and why TF would he want to join the Habs? This makes zero sense. Don’t get me wrong – unbelievable player. But he’s cup chasing while he rides into the sunset of his career and he loves playing for big USA cities. Am I crazy?

  8. Kane or Stamkos would be perfect to help shepherd our young forwards through the rest of this rebuild. Make it so!

  9. It would be an easy pitch…. We get to offer him a ridiculous one year deal at like 8 million. He gets to work with St Louis and mentor our young forward and then we trade him to a contender and get a ransom back at the deadline if the Habs are not close to a playoffs spot

  10. I’m not sure that would be the best for us. It might make us too good, before we even have a goalie, which would hurt our drafting. That said, we have a lot of picks already.

  11. He’s holding all the cards, he could probably go to any team he wants.

    Let’s hope our pitch is good, he’s big show and it would be awesome to have him for a year or three.

  12. Doesn’t make sense for Patrick Kane, but makes a whole lot of sense for the young team.

  13. i could see him taking a team friendly contract and getting traded at the deadline to a contender for a 1st a la monahab

  14. I would really like this. Dude has won multiple cups, knows what it takes and has certainly grown up a lot. Would be a great teacher to the young core esp considering hes, I believe, played more games than any other player coming back from the hip resurfacing surgery.

  15. He can still produce, just can’t play 80+ games anymore.

    He was Hutson’s favorite player growing up.

    The upside for Kane in Montreal would be PP time and good minutes, which he likely wouldn’t get on a deep contending team. Then he could be moved with retention to a contender of his choice who didnt have the cap space to sign him.

    It’s free assets.

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