June 30, 1992- Lindros trade

The pic is self explanatory. That was everything the Nordiques got for Lindros. Just to recap:

Quebec- they immediately had their first 100 point season. Following a losing season, they then put up 65 points in 48 games, which is a 111 point pace. After moving to Colorado at the conclusion of 1995, they then won 2 Cups over the next 6 seasons. From 1996-2008, the fewest number of points in a season they recorded was 95.

Philly- starting in 1995, they started to have regular success. They did reach the Finals once but got swept embarrassingly with home ice by Detroit, scoring just 6 goals in the 4 games. They also choked away a 3-1 ECF lead in 2000 against the Devils with Lindros getting whatever brain he had left made into mashed potatoes in game 7 on a Scott Stevens open ice hit because skating with your head up is overrated.

No doubt Quebec/Colorado won this trade. Philly had a decent run from 1995-2000 but all they gave up turned out to not bring home what they wanted. It’s a shame since Lindros was a rare talent and could’ve been even better if not for his ego

  1. His concussions were a bigger problem than his ego. Although, you could argue his ego contributed to his concussions.

  2. Crazy deal, other than one player, Philly completely lost that trade, hard. They literally traded a cup contending core group for one guy.

  3. Say what you will about other stuff, but Lindros was a VERY good player when he actually was able to play.

  4. And one of those picks turned into Patrick Roy.

    I try to imagine that team if it hasn’t dumped Sundin for Clark.

  5. Let’s not forget they they lost Brind’Amour because of him too. Worked out great for the Canes but Lindros wasn’t with any of the guys traded for him.

  6. Eric Lindros’ issue wasn’t his ego, it was his concussion issues. When he was healthy, he was unstoppable.

  7. Lindros sure helped the Quebec Avalanche by refusing to even wear their jersey upon being drafted

  8. Everyone shits on this deal, but he single handedly pulled the Flyers out of the garbage dump they were in and it lasted for almost 30 years.

  9. How do you think it would have looked if the Rangers got the deal and dealt Tony Amonte, Alexis Kovalev, Sergei Nemchinov, James Patrick, Richter or Johnny V, undisclosed picks and $20M.

    Do the Rangers win it all more easily in 1994.

    The Rangers pick in ‘93 and ‘94 were terrible (Niklas Sundstrom and Dan Cloutier).

  10. This was a good trade for both sides.

    Philly gets unfairly shit on for it but that dude was damn near the face of the NHL for years. He’s one hell of a What If too

    I do appreciate the multiple championships that trade brought to my Avs though. The Butterfly Effect it had on Ray Bourque was beautiful

  11. Ive been a Lindros fan since he played for the Generals. For my money he was the best all around player to ever play the game when he was healthy. The Flyers definitely overpaid, but I wouldn’t be a Flyers fan if they didn’t.

  12. I’m not saying Lindros wasn’t expected to be amazing, like dude was basically the next Gretzky, but I still will never be convinced this wasn’t a great deal for Quebec (i mean obviously it turned out that way, but even at the time).

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