Beckett Sennecke, Cutter Gauthier & Pat Verbeek Talk | 2024 Summer Flock Party

Beckett Sennecke, Cutter Gauthier & Pat Verbeek Talk | 2024 Summer Flock Party

[Music] stage do that get kicked out [Music] so it’s working [Music] [Music] hi everyone Hi Rojo you like the whole logo you’re trying to be in huh my Sal my hockey is cool I smells [Music] behind the we are in hauna Center where ice usually [Music] is can you download go on the drive and go to download the thumbnail you all Miss [Music] somewhere why not [Music] [Music] an downlo yeah put on YouTube [Music] Studio [Music] Sal can’t do it actually on I I feel like [Music] live hi everyone Hi who hi rer hi Joshua hi [Music] John hi Sean you’re s but hi in the chat too he said something right here here what up okay hi Ricky hi Ben hi moral [Music] you see me a hi Andrew cck this no you have to go the YouTube [Music] Studio you might [Music] Des let’s get this [Music] started you know what it’s not just not talking this whole time man this guy has no need for an introduction we’ve been party in Vegas the last couple days ladies and Gentlemen Just F Make some noise for a mar H [Applause] PR do today how is everybody doing welcome to a clock party in a beautiful Sunday afternoon here in Southern California welcome to Orange County better know now is orange country Jojo Put Your Hands Together for he’s been doing throughout the course the JoJo though you absolute Li I didn’t see you it all in Las Vegas I know I know show because obviously you’re covering the draft St right and you covering wildwind can you please tell me what the hell you guys were doing out in veg well hey we decided you know we planned really far ahead and we decided on Friday morning to roll out for the draft yeah by the way no mascots allowed yeah but we said uhuh JoJo says let’s take wng on the road let’s take let’s take orang country after V and you give by a round of applause who was at the draft it was so much fun W so all of you have’t shower like me oh my gosh what experience it was out there we have draft picks we’re going to talk about the drafting at the sphere so it was uh truly a great experience nine draft picks picked over two days for the Anaheim Ducks uh JoJo again was out there with Wild Wing by the way I’m not done with you yet because I need you to follow JoJo on Instagram you can follow wildwing on Instagram because these guys did a tremendous job we got a lot of stuff still coming out right will absolutely you know for for us not being obviously from Vegas Vegas definitely welcomed us you know we been welcome you we we did we did I got to say I the ni very well good on you good on wild I hope everybody enjoyed the uh the draft out there especially in Duck stream over the last couple days uh but right now I know JoJo has mentioned a couple times but I hope I hope you’ve noticed something is very very different around War County because yes we’ve got old school is now new [Music] school as I mentioned we are Orange County but now more importantly we are orange country please take a look at the video we in to visit a place where the weather is warm our are anything but fair you’re an orange country some the soft beaches and wide blinding roads F Milt with worked our people bite back the S are right here we are entitled unified by a familiar Mark the defines our identity orange runs within the fabric of our DNA it is our spirit our heartbeat it’s time we stand faroud behind this orange curtain and show the world that behind every pretty facade is an ugly duck ready to defend its Nation we are the citizens of orange country This Is Our Land so come on in the waters froing Anaheim Ducks hockey let’s fly what do you think ladies and gentlemen I like side of the orang curtain ice cold I love that uh well listen we have a lot to talk about here this afternoon there is a new excitement here in Orange County to talk more about the refresh of our old school brand please put your hands together for the president of the Anaheim du Hockey Club Mr Aon wow fantastic look at it this is quite a crowd here uh uh first things first I want to say this as uh the most important thing that I could say is to say thank you um to everybody here um it’s not lost on us that uh it’s a beautiful day outside in Southern California you can be doing anything with your um Saturdays and Sundays and for you to take a time and join us here today we’re really really excited about that and the lifeblood of our organization and what we’re able to do every day it depends on everybody here um that continues to support us through this long Rebrand and to get where we want to get to and get ourselves back to a perennial playoff team um takes time it takes effort but it also takes commitment from the people that I’m looking at right now so thank you very much for everything you continue to [Applause] do I I love right here the first thing I see is welcome to Orange country fantastic uh we’re excited about that but but uh you know maybe I’ll I’ll rewind a little bit anybody watch the draft last couple days so you saw be Senators he surprised to see was getting them back there a moment ago I was like I’m going to tell everybody you’re surprised uh just how great the logo looked versus being drafted number three overall um but uh we got uh nine fantastic new players that were uh really fired up to get into the family um and uh we’ll have Pat come out here and talk a little bit about that in just a moment but you know let me go back just a little bit um and talk about that refresh that Rebrand um what a lot of people don’t know is how long that takes to do something like that this whole process on that was started over 2 years ago um and if any of you um have an understanding of our ownership which by this time I’m sure you do Henry and Susan Samuell have been phenomenal they see this organization yeah I agree best best owners in sports for sure um they see this franchise as a Community Asset and when we came to them and said look we’ve been doing a lot of listening um we’ve been seeing uh what people are are really leaning into and people really want to see that duck mask back they love it there’s a reverence for it and um straight away he said look this is a Community Asset what if this is what the what they want let’s let’s find a way to bring that back um and so uh you’re seeing this today which I think stole the look of the draft it was phenomenal so so I was I happen to be um at our draft table the last couple days and I cannot tell you how many people unsolicited came up to our draft table and said your stuff looks butam that stuff is great so it is great we’re excited to it uh about two years ago we kind of looked into this um Jillian Samwell Henry and Susan’s daughter who uh works in the hockey operations Department in San Diego and has a phenomenal eye for for Logos and Building Things We got together with her we started um the work with the uh NHL um and Fanatics and we started sort of building this together um lots of talk about colors um we have great reverence for our original colors as I know everybody here does too but what we thought as we were going through and stared to talk about this that orange is very very symbolic of exactly where we play who we play for and what it is so so the color orange is something that we are really really proud of we want to make sure that we see that is not just um connectivity to Orange County the most obvious but it’s it’s the history of the place that we are it’s the Orange Groves that were here before it’s the orange sunsets that we see here in Southern California all the time it’s like we want to make sure that we’re representing something when we wear these proud colors so for us we’re really excited about moving that forward and kind of modernizing um that logo that blends our past and present I know uh the most uh I love that this is up here we kind of use this as a visual aid here but uh We’ve we brought that orange to the eye uh we kind of mve this uh eyebrow just a little bit deeper um to make it look a little bit uh meaner and tougher as we kind of go through modernize the sticks um so really really excited about the sticks real quick though yeah we have a couple Easter eggs in yeah Easter eggs uh the hidden the hidden gems yeah so um I can’t tell you I’m going to guess there was six different versions of this logo just on the tape of a stick alone we thought about this incessantly uh uh but but we want to make sure that double W’s are there for wild [Music] way you know of course we we couldn’t get it’s not like we couldn’t completely Shi over of course on the shoulder patches we still have to dloo talk little bit about and that and that that logo is very important to the family you of the samuelis you know when they came on again more social listening that at the time we actually um did hear that we wanted to make sure that this organization had a meanness and a toughness to it and might work work itself away from the Disney movie and move into something that looked a little more modern so that’s where the D C kind of came from uh we we did look to modernize and make that a little sleep or two and that will remain in a tertiary position um and and continue to have connectivity on our on our jersey kids and stuff like that so so that’s great um we’re that that uh uniform kid I don’t know if you’ve seen them all the the home one looks terrific but the away one looks just as nice absolutely who ex African New Jersey H folks it’s the color of the place we call home V are orange country all Cy team and you know why let’s look a little bit more on the Jersey put your P up to the video fors an icon our Mighty Beginnings embodied by a legendary Mark seen and reped around the world through the years is evolved and that evolution Contin bringing us to this moment a statement you’re entering orange country this season we carry ourselves with a new yet familiar Swag On The Ice a modern takee of our Mighty iconic logo together and last with the color of the place we call Home Orange a bold shade we wear with prop look closely it’s all in the detail crafted with intent seamlessly blending tradition and future sharper angles the Striking presence are Beacon of our ambition classic Black and Whites give sharp contast elegant gold accents complete our look after all what would Orange County be about its golden sandy beaches our past primary me has been refined finds a new home on our shoulders a sleeper more versatile look connects generations of fans and reminds us of our journey from our first face off to our future victories the typography is a nod to our community’s history crafted with inspiration from Orange County C and the Art Deco signatures of our city today we have not just unveiled a logo or a uniform we have unveiled a declaration a declaration to exellence to the unwavering passion of our game and to the unbreakable Bond we share as the citizens of orange country how great is that that that just gets me fired up you know what the the key also into orange country is for everybody in this room orange country is a place that we can call home but if but if you’re from the outside looking in Orange country is not necessarily going to be an easy night for you um and we want to make sure that everybody comes and has a sense of Pride and a Swagger around orange country and make sure that um if you’re not part of orange country you may not love it so much when you come into this house so you hear that D this season orange country now here’s the thing I know you probably watched that video many times I know I have I know you all seen the video right they came all the way out here from wherever they are to be here I think it’s time for you all to see the jerseys here in person we what what do you think so come on come on stage now got a couple models the oh Tak off it’s Carlson Leo Terry Leo and Terry J [Applause] [Music] let’s talk about it a little bit huh so so first of all fantastic I know everything that we’ve done here kind of uh combines the the classic look and the things that we like the duck build mask and everything but has modern features to it but I think just looks um just fantastic home man Road you guys are big sign these guys up so but uh just fantastic looking jerseys all around that gives the um the homage both to everything that everybody uh here knows about our organization um but love the classic striping that we wanted to keep in in through uh the bottom here but also making sure that we we didn’t get too um get too crazy with uh uh over modernizing it a little bit it’s starting to look like it’s a rollerblade Jersey or something along those side this this is an NHL hockey jersey a sweater that I think is going to uh have a classic look but one that really Blends in everything that uh says this is going to take us into the future so really really good looking JS that’s right let me go ahead and ask these guys to turn around let go ahead and do you guys are models right that’s right let’s talk about the the number the F kids here out uh back and forth about the numbers and the different fonts and whatnot we don’t see the number four here but I will tell you this much uh when you see the number four appreciate it um because we must have had 15 different versions of the number four in this font kit um um basically on on how the bar comes across the number four but love these numbers um what what makes it easy on uh the fans themselves that can watch these pop and you can see these multicolor whatever you can see numbers and names or whatever from a long ways off a lot of times they get um lost in sort of the uh the coloring of the jerseys but what we wanted something was easy for fans to identify see exactly who their players are numbers and should see it from um from wherever you might sit at H Center every go ahead another round of applause for Mar folks you are the first to see you are the first to see the K in person right here at the cover back on guys get off the stage here let’s talk about you know obviously how good jerseys are going to live on the ice but how much better our show is going to be right here when I was talking a little bit about our owners uh we went to them and asked for a multi-million dollar upgrade of our inding entertainment um experience for his fans this year Jack multi-million upgrade so come on so you will see that this year they’re already hard of work at planning this out all of our production folks don’t want me to ruin everything cuz we want to have some surprise but let me let me tell you there’s going to be projection systems and systems that are better and cleaner than that then um has been produced in any indoor arena so far um in NBA or NHL so you will see that we will I can’t wait to get VI you these things and a few um special items that might be flying up above and around uh so so I don’t want to give too much away with but but what’s important is the meetings that we have call 100 days um both course of the summer um that we continue to run through we make sure that we’re thinking about the guest experience what how do we improve it how do we make our time at Honda Center better how do we make sure that you feel like whatever happens here on the ice you say you know what I had a phenomenal night tonight and I want to be back there and I want to experience that again so so we’re looking forward to that uh you will love it I know the planning is underway I know there’s also um other items like a uh full uh wi-fi system that’s coming in the building too that’s going to be make it make it easier for you to follow along on all everything we do but but suff to say the ingame entertainment will look dramatically different and much less year so look for that wild wi for Raptors we all want it and that kind of speaks a little bit more to you know the overall guest experience and what we’re doing here on the 100 acres that we’re calling OC by um I know you see the Big Crane that’s out here and starting to move things along working hardest and trust me everybody body wants that those parking structures to be done as fast as we can possibly get them um so we’re at a ton of parking meetings um every week to make sure that during this time um what we can do to make those parking um challenges and their challenges we understand that uh we’re not going to run from that and we’ll have to Pardon our dust a little bit here so uh just suffice it to say we are looking at every potential opportunity to make sure the Ingress and EG um out of this while we continue to make a phenomenal 100 acres that you will love um will be as best as we can possibly make it so uh thank you for you know sticking with us in that I know that there’s a little bit of of challenge uh we have to go a little bit leave your house a little bit earlier to get there but I can promise you this what’s going to be on the other side of this is going to be absolutely remarkable those plans and what ocv is going to come and I love seeing the crane out there and starting to move stuff around like to me it just fires me up because uh this is going to look dramatically different and it’s going to have for each and every one of us I’m here to enjoy um any game night any concert night anything that we have on this 100 Acre Camp campus it’s coming together um as quick as we can possibly get it so um just know that that guest experience is number one in our mind um and I’ll I’ll end how I started this just to say thank you um for everything that you continue to do and stick with us as we go through this and we want to make sure that we’re giving that back to you um so I know that there’s a lot you want to hear about as far as the draft have to see some of these new players and and uh tired of hearing the guy just drone on and on uh but let’s let’s get into that but thank you very much enjoy your day let’s get some of these seats full if you’re here and you want to be um part of us all year long or whatever these seats are tagged for a reason because we want to see you here each and every game at hondon so thank you very much we can’t wait to see you in the fall and enjoy your CL Round of Applause that’s [Applause] [Music] come back up hey get French get back Frenchie hey one more time for Aon te [Applause] huh it’s like wrapping my ears like here and WAP and WAP supposed to happen um no but so really quickly I want to ask you another show of hands who was in Vegas at spere Fantastic how many people have been to spere okay you got to go like I wanted to go a of the draft B at the draft but number two had to part of that experience at sphere number three can you imagine being picked starting your NHL career with your face up on 6,000 ft a video it was fantastic JoJo did you make it in W you couldn’t get in no no well I I was Walling outside I and I was like I have to check out this here I’m sorry what you do think of this year it was it was absolutely incredible and you know they say this might be the last drafted person for a while you know but but regardless like to to see it in that fashion was was incredible yeah incredible and let me tell you ladies and gentlemen the life blood of any organization who your mind League system and oh by the way the Anaheim Ducks were rated number one across the National Hockey go by hockey news and what happened in Vegas will only add to that and add separation between us and other organizations so without further Ado ladies and gentlemen look at the big screens as we take a look back at day one Vegas welcome to an NHL DRFT like no other the con for teenage dreams coming true the are proud to [Applause] anticipation it’s a big day number 23 [Applause] the all right ladies and gentlemen those are just two of nine picks over two days at the draft in Vegas so let’s uh continue this conversation but do it with an expert so without further Ado put your hands together for the general [Music] [Applause] [Music] manager all right sitting down on chairs no no chairs we’re being casual I guess we’re being casual [Music] with those shoes you like those shoes yeah joo’s got them too you know we’re trying to get you a pair yeah I have a pair all right thanks for learning I appreciate that hey uh listen you know Pat I think everyone I’m going to start this thing off so when you decide to pick somebody hopefully you don’t pick in the top five or top 10 for a long long time but when you decide to pick a top pick please do not let them know you’re going to draft it yeah because I you got the best reactional hockey yeah I guess uh well speaking to Becket after he goes well you guys didn’t talk to me said well we talked to you once we did we did talk to him once at the combine and then after I talked to him once that’s all I needed to know well it’s so funny cuz you’re the draft go to L A second talk to them me like 10 times maybe you don’t like me that much yeah no sometimes I don’t communicate all the time how much I really love people well we don’t communicate a lot either T hopefully you like me hey uh okay [Music] um I do want to ask you just let these folks know I mean what an exciting two days for this organization before you came out here did mention that duck rated by hockey news is the number one um you know rated M system in all hockey uh how did you add to that draft pool over the last two days kind of your overall thoughts well I’m really excited um we’ve added a bunch of different types of players to our group as that that’s people have seen Florida I don’t like to call myself a copycat but you know having played and on a team that’s won a championship uh as a player I know that the differ ingred different ingredients that you need to be able to win the different types of players um that you need to win and so I think we’ve added uh a little different flavor of every type of player that I think can build our depth when it comes to us winning a championship down the road so we we picked up n picks over two days including two the first round on Friday one of course being Becka that we just chattered about what went in what did you like about Becket that made him the right pick at number three well there’s there’s a lot of things actually um when we look at the organization we don’t have many rightand shots so that was a a key component but I think overall the thing that um that really separated himself from me and and and the rest of the group is obviously he’s when you see him he’s he’s 6 with3 um there’s a chance for him to grow really into his body to be you know a big heavy forward um he has off the chart skill um sense and uh skating ability already and he’s not even you know what in my opinion he’s become a man yet so um he’s he’s uh what I love about him is he’s going to be able play a game every every kind of different way so he can play a physical game he can play a skilled game and he can play a fast game so when I looked at all the components that he’s going to be able to play he’s going to be able to play any kind of game that’s on the ice and that’s what I love every time I talk to Martin Madden who of course lets you run the draft and get everything in place you know he says that you stick regardless of the Year regardless of who’s available we stick with who we are as an organization and you stick with the pillars that we usually go after and make that consistent can you kind of let this crowd know the different characteristics that the Anaheim Ducks want in the play well there I go through three so the first one is whether it’s competitiveness or drive if they don’t have that they can’t be on our list to be drafted um the second thing is um hockey sense and then the third is skating ability we think we can fix the skating ability but the first two you can’t fix it’s either in them or it’s not and so they have to have those two ingredients and if they have those two ingredients they get to proceed further okay so in the first round we had the third overall pick and the 31st overall pick um you threw a little bit of a curve ball you would package a couple picks to move up to number 23 to get Stan sober defenseman um by the way the second ever no reaching player to be drafted in the first round which is a pretty Co step um and he’ll be up here moment uh that being said what uh what Drew you to him his characteristics you know being a defenseman that could really help this team so we talked about being hard to play against okay he falls directly into that category um I would say he’s a taller probably at this point you know a better skater a little more Talent than a radical cudas but that’s the type of player he is W little fun conversation we’ll have with s up here he got a got a mixing things with rad with the World Championships but he’s he’s he he’s fearless and he’s been described as a wrecking ball why is that an important you know characteristic to have that will help this team moving forward well I think when we play the game of Haka I don’t like any of the other team feeling comfortable on the ice so he’s certainly not going all to be comfortable yes W I cannot wait for him to play with gra good that’s going to be incredible to uh to watch um as the draft got a little bit later we decided pick a couple Center so six forwards a couple defenseman but your centerman not the size that were used to seeing from a draft that you’re in charge of but they certainly brought some of those pillars that we’re talking about to the table ask the question again cuz that just FW right over have you seen my shoes um a couple of Center were being Alexander um guys that you picked up uh that are under the 6’4 6’3 characteristics Alexander BL is how you say his name absolutely thank you for helping okay so he’s the only um small guy that we really drafted yday well I know Lucas came he’s 5’11 but he’s huge he a big k no I I think that uh so like what I mentioned before was uh elements so with with with Alex he he brings speed and same with Lucas okay they bring uh incredible speed they have a motor so there’s an energy about them and they have the hockey sense or the you know the hockey IQ that uh we really look for and so in in those instances we’ll kind of Overlook the size just a touch all right one thing that was said when you got up before you made the pick at number three talking about talk Scouts if you could let everyone know uh all of us had uh you know gc’s on our suits over the two days dedicated the draft to him if these folks aren’t necessarily familiar how who was he and how much did he mean to this organization so Glenn Cochran was U was a Amer Scout on our staff had been with the Anaheim Ducks for 17 years um he was uh one of the finest people [Music] that I’ve ever met off ice okay but on Ice he was one of the meanest nastiest players ever to play and so and see knowing him from playing against him in hockey versus how I met him off the ice was just older opposites but incredible individual he contributed immensely to our Amer staff influencing uh players from he oversaw the Western uh Hockey League um uh area for our hamiter scouting and so he was diagnosed with uh bone marrow cancer probably about a year and a half ago and he lost his life to it last fall and so he’s going to be a person that’s missed and um uh tremendously in our organization not only from his Good Humor his positivity and his um Great Character so uh you know that you know that’s why we dedicated the draft to him yeah thank thanks for letting everybody know about that [Music] apprciate another great moment that happened to S Maharaj he came out made the pick number 23 he just overcame pancreatic cancer I truly incredible he’s been able to do he just got [Applause] aomo he just got a promotion twoes yeah we brought uh so we yeah we we kind of uh ued them to director of bending um I changed his role just just essentially he’s not going to be involved in the day-to-day uh coaching with our Benders so he’s going to be more in The Scouting Department um you know and I mentioned on stage and know he has he’s been an incredible inspiration to our whole organization um certainly someone that uh has shown what courage is all about and then you know and I I think what’s really what really helped him fight this battle was his positive attitude I’m true I’m a True Believer in that sense that if you have you know a positive attitude you know the right things can happen and and the best things that can happen so you know from that aspect so I you know he’s been such a like an influence in in in our organization and so the two coaches okay so we got at Richard Clon who’s going to be a um our power play forward coach for this upcoming year we’ve also promoted uh Julian TRL uh to uh NHL player development which as you are probably well aware we have a lot of young players that are play in the NHL 20 years and younger um so they’re believe it or not even though they’re really good they have a lot to learn as those guys are backstairs listening anyway there’s four of them sitting back there so but anyway so we there’s a there’s just so much U um you know the NHL’s a tough League to play in and so we’re going to try and expedite their development curve straight up in uh and to where we can in the next couple years we can be really impactful where they can be impactful on the ice and help us contributing to a lot of Ls all right before I let you go um I do want to ask you big day tomorrow obviously develop Camp starts tomorrow but also free agency starts tomorrow if you can let all these fans know know they’re going be groing with TV sets what are the anah duck’s looking to do in the agency what what are some of the needs if well we’re what we’re looking to do and what’s going to really happen are two different things so what I’d like to be able to do is is add a uh top six forward and a top four defenseman that’s the goal you got get that I got to get the work you got put your hands together ladies and gentlemen for the G manager JoJo what me up all right how we doing on here so far yall to top of us here’s the thing all right we’re talking business and whatnot but if you don’t know me my name is DJ Jo I’m here for the fun I like to stuff away all right so who here first of all who here is going to the meeting GRE after the show by okay there’s a few of you but who here wants to [Applause] go thing we’re about halfway through I think we need to know get a little bit of a stretch all right so if you want to try and win I need you up on your feet right now I need you to stand up I need you up on feet who want to get [Applause] talking out t-shirts a t-shirt with the brand new logo I’ll take that so who [Applause] toir gots one of these t-shirts is plastered with stickers [Applause] yes open t-shir where are they where are they got anything over there no put it up in the air I think we got to win it right there right there right right there there we go that’s our winner right there Make some noise for we just want to to the be3 W he don’t even get to go to the man it’s all good that’s our winner we’re going to keep the show going they right oh Wing rocking it oh yeah Wing get it Wing get it we’ve seen the new logo we saw the new jerseys we had French and P talking about the strategy behind the draft what do you think comes next what do you think do next y who’s trying to see the draft pick right here in the [Applause] FL a all right ladies and gentlemen together for the future of your Anaheim [Applause] do keep the Applause St Sil 2 overall come on here keep you rolling 33rd overall last [Music] [Applause] year and finally colle [Applause] [Music] [Applause] love the standing overas we’re still standing for you guys look at that keep it going let go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go go all right W yeah that’s what’s going to happen when people come on the other side of the orange curtain am I right holy cow guys how you doing what’s going on kick those mics up uh so you guys may or may not know with these four young jum and across the street uh throwing out the first pitch at the big end hopefully they can uh help the angels to s in a row and that’s another story from the day and kind of keeping an eye on that a little bit uh but who were the two that threw out the first pitch was it you Becket and Stan yeah where did it go where did it go did it go to the glove the strikes on yeah I was going to ask uh I was going to ask Pat to let him know that you had like a 95 M hour cutter you did no I told you he’s got the H again yeah all right you know what folks speaking of that without further Ado can you do me a favor and just look up the big screen real [Music] quick oh I I [Applause] I I’ve never I’ve never seen a draft pick say what the fudge before craziest thing um you know I’m going to start with you this is it was awesome right part of the draft being part of the draft is is the excitement being with the family friends and getting drafted but take me through that moment being called obviously you didn’t expect it I me call me Captain Obvious but what was going through your mind at that moment I mean I can’t really remember to be honest think get T about my face kind of shocked and uh but obviously just you get down there and you’re super excited and my my mom started crying right away my dad my sister so um I don’t really remember what I said exactly but I think you guys yeah how does it feel to be a mean I mean I said it probably 500 times but I’m not well it was funny because you know based off that reaction and everything it was very clear that Pat for did not tell you was going on so um that means he likes you just so you know he just told me that that he if he doesn’t talk to you he likes you um but that being said what’s it feel like to put on that that new Duck orang to be part of this organization I if I’m real I mean I think it looks pretty good too so yeah excited to be here ladies and gentlemen scan sober [Applause] Tonight piing Part myself go my S right is that okay yes D is perfect stand the man I I just kind of make myself up as I go so I hope that’s okay uh so I want to ask you I mentioned this the pth though uh two players from Norway were drafted the first round for the very first time in N history just being one of them right there how cool is represented like that at the yeah of course nor is not the biggest Hockey Conference so uh it’s good to get them on the map too and uh to be there with Michael my good friend it’s a it’s a big moment for us let me know one thing yes absolutely just cheer and clap anytime you want it doesn’t matter just keep going um you know what I want to ask you because you talked a little bit at the draft I had you know the pleasure of talking to both gentlemen which was a lot of fun and they was so cool guys I mean they raw emotion I me imagine I mean you know Becky came over and he’s just kind of doing this the whole time that we’re talking to him I mean and by the way scar why you do that um but yeah we’re talking to Stan a little bit and Wrecking Ball uh was a description that’s on his draft card and he loves to mix it up um but tell me about uh I asked so do you know who rco gutus is what rapco gutus I asked you about rco tell everybody about how you met rco at the World Championships yeah we’re playing against KCK the second year there um remember this big guy me guy and uh my teammate master gella I scrim there I was trying to get they’re like [ __ ] [Applause] you so St just a a quick heads off I do I do love the motion you have few kids in the audience so we on we’re on D stream and and St is going on a ring right this is exactly what he said as we’re sitting there loving it I’m going I like to apologize to all the fans out there that’s fantastic uh so yeah so so you said what you said what so you said those things that you said and what else happened after that have you get a scrum with them at all or no if I did you fight Radco uh I went to the locker room right off the that uh it was the end of the period so uh pretty quick off the ice there oh that’s fantastic well we’re glad to have both of you with us um and I’m rolling over here to Nico who was a pick of ours last year ni biic is with this I was some of the highlights he had a hat trick in the WHL the Thunderbirds and I love the announcer said ni my my yeah yeah that’s what it was go to when I score there you’re supposed to cheer when I said that got to get used to that we’re going to get used to that call a lot here at Honda Center uh ni what’s it been like for you know you’re overcoming you the B you’re back on the ice signed the deal with the goals have to play you know a few games there at the end the season what’s it been like with you with the S deck franchise yeah it’s been it’s been great um obviously yeah like you said I broke my ankle there early in the year so I had to overcome that and then uh yeah I got to go up with the gos the end year get some Pro experience so that that was huge for my development I think so yes absolutely so good to have you here as you noticed you know we talking about about size right all these guys are massive human beings and they’re only going to get bigger um but Nico when you get to see these guys on stage and you’ve been here for a year now and you get to see what the Ducks are doing and knowing already that they have the pipeline uh talk to the excitement about this organization and what’s in the future yeah it’s trending in the right direction for sure see a lot of young guys coming in and uh a lot of exciting prospects here so I think they’re building this thing in the right direction love it love it [Applause] um cter who the hell are you talking to you’re likeing right there that sign right there looks great over there Kelly sign I love that welome welcome Stan somebody get a ni sign for me please before we get out of um cutter what’s the what’s this been like for you so the cool thing about this is we just come from Vegas right um they were the family stand Cup champs we go to Vegas he gets to make his NHL debut with the anahim dots has an assist in Vegas final game of the year so that all happens I know I know that it’s finally Su maybe has something or not when you look back at that debut and everything can you tell everyone kind of the emotions you experienced about the you know the roope you were on just to get make your debut yeah it’s obviously something you dream of as a kid playing the National Hockey League and I was forunate enough to have my whole family there and in warmups there’s a couple videos going around of me looking up in the crowd trying to find them and uh once I locked eyes with my mom I shed a tears so it was uh it was pretty special seeing my whole family there and just all the work and support they’ve done to uh me the situation I am and you know I’m super honored to be you know a dck now and it was [Applause] such that being said you go on the ice and you got guys like Trevor zis and Leo Carlson Jon McTavish uh Troy Terry I mean it goes on and on and on um for the Youth you know what are you what are you looking forward the most about being able to L it up and skate next to those guys yeah like like you said lots of Youth and it goes on and on so I mean the short time I was down here at the end of the year it was just super cool to get to know them you know obviously great guys off the ice and um you know they had lots of success in the last couple Seasons um playing for the Ducks and um like you said lots of excitement lots of Joy um you know I just can’t wait to get here in April and or not April uh September my and I don’t care what you’re going say we’re just glad you’re here yeah glad I get here and hopeing make a team from there and uh you know get to know those guys and you know have a great year you know I mentioned uh the 38 goals um you know in college and you leave the NCAA uh how do you feel that’s going to translate here with the Ducks the National Hockey going to interesting I like that um yeah I mean I think the second year was great for my development obviously going back with such a strong team and having a good run there um came up a little short but was just a great group of guys um fun ride that we had and you know the best part of us all was uh being able to come out here on a you know 5 or 6 hour flight and play my first game so um no I’m super excited I just can’t wait for the season so get here I’m thinking about it I can’t I am too this is think about what you know Becky I want to I want to go back to you real quickly when when you look at the Jersey a lot of you guys it’s funny we’re sitting there in Vegas going a lot of these guys you know B 2000s there’s no way they know about the the might next movies a lot of you guys do remember the mighty next movies right yeah I mean I haven’t seen in a while but I’m we’re not that um tell me about that that Jersey tell me about what you know what you like about it and kind of how excited you are to get that on the ice and on NHL ice yeah I mean you kind I like the gold one of highlights here and all the numers in the back you know um you know Stan when you look at the Jersey you know what do you like about it yeah of course is an incredible Jersey just look at it uh and the old black with the orange there and the gold details it’s it’s an incredible [Applause] Jess you know two when these guys everybody comes in and I love you’re all wearing shorts right that’s not the case in other areas um to be able Eco to wear flip-flops and shorts to the rink how cool is that yeah yeah it’s and it’s you know 80° outside and you come from a HW drink so it’s uh you know it’s a great lifestyle here in nor County I’m going go back here this is this is a whirlwind for these guys too when you think about it they had to be in Vegas family friends coming they just come from the combine now they go to development Camp then it’s uh rookie camp V it’s training camp and hopefully uh you know basically hopefully they show what they what they can and there’s a chance to to crack the roster um so Becka that being said how how are you dealing with the schedule that you’re on right now I know the development Camp starts tomorrow yeah I mean the last couple days have obviously been uh pretty hectic and a lot back and forth and flights and everything meetings uh Drive Hotel Vegas is pretty busy City obviously so um but coming here now I think uh after this we’re we’re done for the day so just got of relax sett the hotel and get ready for St how how supportive has your family been through all this um I know you had to travel a long way you know to be here how supportive have they been and and are you still are they still with you or who’s with you still yeah I got actually my dad and my past coaches over here so give me some sound [Applause] give a shout out yeah shout out to my dad Christian always been here for me love you uh K my my my coach and year check guy sick guy stand up being said you know what is it need need to have them with you here during this time and also be able to be part of this whole experience developing camp and and see you here on orang count yeah of course it means a lot uh they always been there for me um I got my friends uh at the at the draft there too so uh it was just a special moment for all of us and to share that with them was a really really cool thing you know this just in um C the first flight out to get here this morning y first right off to get here in the FL party see all you guys in person P since I have been here for a minute um tell me about Leo Carl Trevor zers these guys TR Terry and I know you got to meet him for a minute but what’s the communication been like since you got to make that day View and have you had some interaction with them this far over the summer yeah I texted a few of them uh text strer there a b bunch and then uh obviously Z he’s such a great and fun and hectic guy so um he talk to him a bunch and um they’re doing great just enjoying the summer ready to get get back and uh get hockey going but um Leo obviously being middle of nowhere in Sweden I don’t know what he over there hopefully he’s having a good time enjoying himself but like I said super excited to get back with the guys and you know start the season you know you mentioned Ryan strome um what did he say to you before you hit the ice in your debut yeah he told me he’s like you only ever worked your whole life to uh you know play in the NHL don’t eff it up so well you can have dancing yeah it was just it was just pretty funny like obviously you know work your whole life him great guys with that just you know put a smile on your face even more so um just a super great guy since I’ve been here cool uh ni we looking forward to development Camp kind of like what’s the mindset need to be for you to turn some more heads and uh you know continue your progression to this organization yeah for sure I think uh you know it was a big goal of mine through you know this summer to get stronger so I you know I’ve done that to this point you know coming here and yeah make an impression uh you know hopefully hopefully you know gain more knowledge and and take that for we come main camp in the fall Stan so how do you make sure you don’t f it up tomorrow um I don’t know oh God this is fun how uh how physical are you going to be during development Camp I mean you got cutter in these guys you got Cutter’s not his set already yeah probably at at a gas level oh Bo what do you think about that I I going be too happy if I get hit in the middle of Sumer we’ll see you know be I’m going to end where I started with you um you know being able to you know go through what you did and be the third overall pick for this franchise and and get the standing ovation that this crowd gave you what are some of the emotions that I mean you still look like you did on Friday night just to let you know you are a duck now and you are [Applause] a yeah obviously it’s still pretty shell shock but um I’m happy to be here it’s unreal yeah all right ladies and gentlemen one more time stand nro get all [Applause] your JoJo you got a few last words oh by the way before you take over quickly I want to let everyone know we are here to support the Ducks team in the future but also today against exciting every single day uh that we we love your support and going through this time and a fun time exciting time for this organization part of today though is also being here to look at some different opportunities for you to sit and watch this team next year so if you are inclined and you see something we’d love to have you as part of our orange Alliance membership part of our season ticket holder membership we love your support and let’s make that happen see a sales rep the as we if you’re interested you want to be part of this you are already part of this because you’re here today so from the bottom of my heart I say thank you thank you for your support apprciate that’s right I see by 3:30 p.m. today if be upated by 3:30 today you get to meet the guys all right who’s trying to meet him let’s go now hey at this time let’s go ahead I need everyone if you’re not up on your feet right now I need you up on your feet all right we’re going to have a moment come on guys let’s get up here to the front of the stage look guys our first ever 2024 summer flock party did you have a good time [Applause] today on to of three I need one big but let’s go Ducks all right here we go in one two three let’s go you guys pretty loud exactly you can’t hear that that’s right so we’re going to try this one more time I want them to hear us across the street over Engle St where you guys need your first pitch all right so we’re going to do this right here we go in 1 2 3 let go [Applause] go more to the guys [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] go got back side [Applause] that’s why he’s got the wristband and you see that t-shirt hey if not we actually be leing out some names of winners for the Ria I’m leing off some Raff names you are all entered so if you’re leaving right now you might not want to because I’m literally going to name out some names for the raffle right here all right so let’s check it out again I’ll give away a few drives folks stick around giv it away six sets of wristbands not only that we’re giving away some Player sign signage right here hisor the first time that we’re putting these out the guys going to sign up so if you hear your name come on up to the stage as well as two season tickets over the T saers man so we give away some amazing stuff right now let’s go ahead and read off some things here we go oh man all right this is for the side this perfect okay so this is for the sign signage right here all right we have some sign it up and the guys going to sign in you’re going to be the first to have it I’m looking for alfredo oan Alfredo oan I got you come right up the stage vixit win looking for vixit got you come on up also looking for George magana I apologize I put your name here we go and John L okay so the bo win Alfredo big win George M and John MIT come on up to the stage right here where the power players are okay KNE and green passes here we go looking for Amber mowley Amber moley Lindy Lopez Jacob France Karen Chen Mike Walters ducks and Puck guy Mike Walter is a ducks and Puck person Ry L Lopez J CH Mike wter andt Campell for here we go and our win for two terce neighor season tickets membership going out to Andrew Grant Andrew if that is you you better save me a Seatle I come with you Andrew Grant if that is you come on up I’m going to repeat the time here we go for the these were Lally just here we go Alfredo George and John again fory ly Lopez Jacob B Ken CH Mike wter and Robert C and for the season tickets the ter Sabers Andrew Grant congratulations to all of our winners that’s going to wrap it up we’re be here for a little while if you want to go check out seats from the 200 300 all the way up to Fourth feel free to check them on out and if you Hey look it’s the people who are famous with the sign woo gosh look at that the famous people well I guess that does it bye see you guys bye we’ll take any videos of anything interesting but thank you for watching and go

Watch the 1st ever Summer Flock Party Live from Honda Center. Hear from Ducks prospects including Cutter Gauthier and the team’s first-round Draft picks (Beckett Sennecke & Stian Solberg) just days after the 2024 NHL Draft. As well as hear insights directly from General Manager, Pat Verbeek and Anaheim Ducks Hockey Club President Aaron Teats right after their return from Sphere. #nhl #hockey #anaheimducks

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  1. I’m excited for the ducks and I’m excited to see what this young core and if they could learn how to play together and they don’t let the Ego get the better out of them. They’re going to be so fantastic this team.

  2. I don’t think we will see either of the first round picks in the NHL this season, but I’m looking forward to seeing what happens this year anyway. And I agree with the guy yelling out to pick up Stamkos.

  3. thank you for sharing this. I was supposed to be there with my sister today, but we both tested positive for Covid so I'm glad I can watch it now

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