Reviewing the 2024 NHL Draft for the Colorado Avalanche | DNVR Avalanche Podcast

[Music] welcome in to the Toyota Lounge for the dnvr Avalanche podcast powered by your Front Range Toyota dealerships it is the draft recap show for the Colorado Avalanche maybe a little bit of uh development Camp chat too and if we’re lucky something might happen with free agents during the show probably not on that last one but we might get lucky we got all four of us here today to talk about the draft that was for the Colorado Avalanche uh the have selected nine players in the 2024 NHL drafts including three goenda thoughts feelings on the ABS draft as a whole like it don’t like it interesting boring what do you guys think mumbay um okay sure um I just published a piece on this like uh I don’t know like an hour and a half ago uh having slept on it not much thanks Frontier but having slept on it a little bit I think it’s kind of I I think I woke up today feeling a little more encouraged about it than I was immediately after the draft I think is so interesting because it’s like where you dream on guys as NHL players right like you it it’s like the the Avenue of looking at a teenager and going I project great things for you young man and instead of instead of the ABS just going out and being like well we’re going to try and take as many of these really high upside guys as we could possibly find they they kind of switched up the philosophy ignoring all the goalies for the moment but they kind of switched it up and they drafted like a mixture some some role players with differing skill sets instead of just going back to The Well of the same old crap that they’ve they’ve done for 10 plus years under mult multiple scouting directors and that to me I think is is what gives me the most encouragement of this there are some guys I like there are some guys that I’m not super fond of and there’s two guys that I know absolutely nothing about and it doesn’t seem like most people on the internet also know much about them it was it going through it this morning I think I feel maybe a little bit better and I understand why all the outlets that grade these things are like giving it a c c minus somewhere in there because there’s not a lot of upside in it yep their best their their highest pick is elen iakov and he at the moment is like if it all works out great he’s a platoon guy he’s a you know he’s going to split starts he’s not ever going to be a Frontline guy and I think that’s kind of a hard thing to swallow when you’re like all right we took the first goalie in the draft he’s 38th overall and blah blah blah blah blah and he might play 40 games a year for us someday I’m still a little mixed on it part of it is the concern around their capabilities developing the goal tender position and something that I want to know more about this upcoming week and getting to talk to more of the development staff and getting a clear idea of what the plan is who they’re going to lean on to work with a lot of these young goenda anytime soon so they’re going to go to their respective teams and start their development path there but eventually they’re going to be in the care of the as organization and that’s where I’m curious where that confidence that they can help foster three goal Tenders in the pipeline is coming from and I don’t want that to sound critical it’s a genuine question because that confidence must come from somewhere and I don’t doubt that it’s founded and that’s what a big goal of mine is going into this week is to try to understand what that process looks like moving forward who are the people that they’re leading on obviously the news of pav franos being brought into the fold in some capacity is a really big piece of news but it’s also HED Waters and I’m excited to see then what that means for the future of the go tenders from this draft specifically but the rest of it I think AJ makes a great Point there’s a little bit of variety in the type of player they’re getting I’m really high on Tory pittner I know he’s the the DU kid and a defenseman and those things are naturally things that I already appreciate but the more that I see from people who are familiar with him in juniors the more I get excited about what a smart hockey player they got I think that you know Chris McFarland and Company has been working on this draft very hard um and even though the director of amateur scouting moved on I think there were a lot of people behind the scenes working hard to prepare them for this draft so I don’t doubt that a lot of homework and research went into it and I think that’s how you get a player like pitner at the 180 fth pick it was just a really big draft too they took so many players it’s a lot to get your hands around um so I think that’s why also accounting for that we didn’t really sleep very much I still need a little bit of time to process the draft but I’m ultimately pretty positive about it I I liked it I I do because it was it’s so different than teams that are at the top of the draft you know what I mean like we talked about the expression remember last a couple weeks ago you want your table to be all the way in the corner right you know that means that you won the cup or you lost in the finals and and you don’t want to be picking early you know what I mean if you’re picking early things went south or you’re freaking genius and you make a heck of a try trade to to get those early picks and and the ABS we all know obviously they got depleted the last few years and it’s not just the ABS it’s every team that wins or wants to win or in that window to win and you’re going to lose some capital and um as far as klippenstein gone like you know like we talked about it’s all good it was all Mutual is moving on it wasn’t working out great awesome they had a plan in place and it’s not like um what’s his name was running the I’m having a blank right now for a second shoot um Paris what’s that Paris yeah yeah you know what I mean and that was the plan for the last few months it’s not like it was done like that morning like uh raise your hand who wants to run the draft yeah there was a plan in place Chris is a know that they didn’t do that Andrew kagano actually ran the draft you’re good come and sit you know you tart all right got a job for you um there was a plan and you know and it’s such important it’s so important it’s the blood to your veins right to your organization and we all know they needed to stock up again and and this is the typical draft that they stocked up on compared that to uh the San Jose or whoever you know what I mean they have guys that you know mlin can play there in a few months and you know the ABS that wasn’t the case it’s not what they stocked up on they stocked up on on future and they stocked up on we’ll have this conversation four or five years from now and say hey let’s look back at the 2024 draft to really see how it went you know and zers like he the earliest forward they got right you know cuz naak is a goalie so again he’s going where’s he going next year he’s not going in the NHL he’s not even going to go to college he’s going USHL right so there’s steps that they need to take and as part of the development so it it’s not a sexy draft like oh my god did you see Montreal and did you see San Jose well yeah no [ __ ] they had the picks and you know um so of course those are sexy AVS are we’ll see in four or five years now I like what they did and I remember having a conversation with was it biller or whoever but it’s at some point you got to stop giving up draft Capital to to go get you know keer uh uh Georgie uh you know all of a sudden you you got to develop your own at some point right you know what I mean and and we all know e this is is again it’s exactly what I’m trying to say usus was drafted when thir when third round third round yeah no no like five years ago now so goalies are 5 to seven years away USIS is what now 15 career games played like wo and I love USIS I’m not bash goalies take time so obviously they had a meeting they had a plan their pick at 24 is very simple that a pocket of three four guys call it what you want when that went South meaning that their three four guys that were comfortable at taking it at 24 were gone they went to their other plan which is okay let’s move back now and now we’re going to concentrate on some goalies and and whe again it’s not sexy because they’re freaking years away and then H who knows how good they’re going to be right now you now the work starts you mentioned pavl Francis you mentioned like there’s a lot of work a lot of nurturing to be done with goalies and and wherever they going to play you know obviously couple Europeans and we all know that it didn’t work out the last couple times like go I mean us this yes and then a couple kind of slipped through the cracks and you know uh now it’s it’s time to really focus and and teams are doing it like freaking Florida Panthers won the cup like they have a goalie Department with frair and Roberto Luongo and you know goalie coaches on the ice and it’s an important position and I think that was part of their plan as well you know and they fell to that I think they they accomplished their their plan right there on that on that it’s a start you know what I mean to be able to develop your own goali Le you got to draft them they sure drafted three but I know it’s boring and I’m looking at rudo and I’m texting him yesterday I’m like oh I got another one laugh out loud laugh out loud right I mean because it’s but at the end of the day sometimes you don’t like the direction of what teams are doing but there was a direction you see what I’m saying so it better have a direction than have none and it’s s to me like the ABS were well prepared for this draft um they they had they had plan they followed it and I think years from now you’ll be able to look back at it and say it was great or it didn’t work out I mean who knows I don’t know we we all know know here the course nobody actually knows exactly not even the ABS know how these prospects are going to develop even if they have their own ideas personally I did not like the draft very much at all and that is not to say that I didn’t like the players I think there are some players that are pretty darn interesting that the ABS took in this draft but conceptually how they approached it I get it the reserve list was super thin they look to add picks and add a bunch of guys to that roster but the ABS moved away from potential premium draft position to go out and draft guys that even after they traded down it still felt like it was a reach for some of the guys that they were taking and as far as a draft strategy is concerned I I feel a little bit lacking that the ABS didn’t come away from this draft with a true premium player we’re talking about Nabokov don’t get me wrong I I think certainly after sleeping on it for a couple days I think Nabokov is a pretty darn interesting Prospect for the ABS but it’s not anywhere near as interesting as some of the other guys at the top of this list or what was the draft list at the time that they could have taken a 24 and some of them were even there at 38 and it it makes makes me wonder about that approach for the EVS look I get it they didn’t swing on some of that high-end talent that they maybe could have and they that’s their approach they decided to change things up in that way okay fine I just don’t know that I really love that strictly looking at the numbers when you look at trying to fill out your your prospect pool with a bunch of guys instead of a couple of high-end ones you almost always add it up and your odds of getting a quality nhlr are going to come more aggressively from those higher end picks rather than a handful of of mid round or lower round or whatever you want to call it so it felt a little bit lacking to me the approach that Colorado took again this is not about the players they took it all we’ll get into all of them in a minute just their General strategy for this draft was not my favorite um uh I I’ll add to this like like Tiff you can rewind the tape like 4 minutes right I’m all the VHS T BR I I I I even looked at you when I said that right I said you might not have like the approach the ABS took right and again that’s that’s for us to discuss that’s why we’re here right I’m saying I didn’t mind it you’re saying you liked it that doesn’t mean I’m right and that doesn’t mean you’re right doesn’t mean I’m wrong doesn’t mean you’re wrong but but but what I liked and that’s what I meant by it is that they had a plan and and and they might not have taken the popular plan you know what I mean they took the plan that it was clearly about restocking the go the the the pipes right I mean it had to uh between the pipes and then but I agree what you’re saying I’m not arguing you at all you know I me I I I understand and that’s why you see some of those ratings you know what I mean of people saying oh it’s a C+ draft or whatever it is and and that’s okay you know what I mean like but I that’s I I don’t know if I’m making my point you know the way I was trying to say it it’s but that they obviously had a plan and they dropped down to their other part of their plan and and kudos to them because they had a direction it might not be the one you like you know what I mean they certainly weren’t doing it blind I’ll put it to you that way oh don’t don’t care some teams do anyway uh on that note before we get into the players we are brought to you by Toyota you can go get yourself one honestly wishing we rented a Toyota and drove home instead of the way we ended up getting home last night it would have been better than flying if it were up to us uh Toyota tons of different vehicles that fit anything you need whether you’re trying to sit all of us for a road trip you can get something like the 4Runner or the Rav 4 uh you can get yourself a truck if you’re hauling stuff like the tundra or the Tacoma you can get yourself 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had a great time out there if you watch the first day of our draft show you saw us broadcasting from cirka ahead of on top of Stadium swim which you can go check out they also have tons of other amazing amazing stuff including crazy Baja Blast drinks uh that are delicious of course there 7,000 ft Cino uh a three-story sports book all sorts of other amazing amenities when it comes to Circa Resorts and casino so if you are heading out to Vegas make sure you’re booking your stay with Circa for a fantastic time go over to Circas and use code dnvr 20 to get 20% off your experience with Circa they have over 500 different variety rooms with varieties of layouts and whatever you might need including art from local artists they also have the Legacy club which is way too fancy for us here at dmvr but you know if that’s your type of thing it’s a awesome Venue at the top of their building that’s got incredible views and all sorts of stuff so experience Stadium swim and watch your favorite teams at circuit Resort and Casino be sure to get that 20% off your stay with code dnvr 20 at Circus second period of the dnvr Avalanche podcast let’s get into some of the actual prospects taken for the ABS in this draft starting with their first pick Ilan iakov a goalie in the second round uh a guy who had a super strong year over in the KHL particularly the playoff run was fantastic from him AJ you kind of mentioned it before ceiling maybe not a starter at the NHL level but for a goenda guy with a bit of a quicker path yeah um you’d have to hope it’s a quicker path it’s his fourth time through the draft Yeah drafting a guy that’s 21 years old like oh he’s 21 he’s not that old it’s draft day on draft day he’s pretty old yeah that’s an old ass dude yeah fair enough no that’s a that’s a straight up old man in terms of a draft so that is a little bit different for you know when you look at like a like a unit where he played six games last year in the MHL yeah he’s a total wild abely no idea no idea what what you should like about Nabokov is that in the KHL he was exceptional y especially in the postseason where he won their MVP and back stopped his team to a championship like that’s an on Ice result that you could just point to and say guy’s pretty good mhm so that’s I I think that has to be the most encouraging part of this is that especially with goenda what they’re going to look like in 5 years more changes with the goenda 5year period than with any other position those guys everything about their game is going to is going to be different and if it’s not they’re not going to play very long and with the bov it’s the guy is he was so good at the end of the year I don’t love the fact that he’s 61 it’s just small for a golender it is gor is small for a goenda a golender yeah true exactly which one franos oh yeah yeah don’t we talk about uh Devin Levi and Dustin wolf and UC Soros it’s great that there are some of these guys but how many of them we’re we’re talking Five Guys you know like yeah there’s not a lot of them for sure it’s it’s just a it’s small for the position and when you talk we talk about forwards that score a lot of goals like a Max Swanson who goes in the seventh round it’s 5 fo8 that means that everything else about his game has to be excellent just to overcome that Y and the same is true for a goenda level it’s true if it was interesting that the conversation around goalies in this draft was so tepid and then on draft like 20 of them yeah teams just start hammering the position in rounds two and three yep so clearly they felt some kind of way about it and I I I when it comes to Nabokov in particular there’s a lot to like and I think that the frustration um over over the pick is more about who they left sitting there yeah than about the player himself agree but you have to like that the gender we talk about gender like it’s on the moon but it’s not that different from any other position you draft one highly you’re probably getting the most talented guy at that position you’re just trying to figure it out from there and they have not invested very many high picks ever in that position the couple of times they’ve done it they’ve done well sure I mean Mark Den was a longtime starter Peter budy and Calvin Pickard and eustus Onin in you know there’s some good ones there’s also the Spencer Martin in there yeah Spencer Martin and then the Trevor K who was like gigantic gigantic bus yeah so yeah like there’s hit and miss it’s it’s a draft of course but you’re not giving yourself a very good opportunity to develop a legit start unless you start investing some capital in the position they definitely did that and it’s to me I think it’s hard to argue with all right we think that the guy that just was the playoff MVP in the freaking KHL as a 20-year-old is the POS is the direction that we want to go in over trying to draft a guy that we hope could someday have a season as good as that at any level yeah well and thinking of it in terms of that’s the pick pick at 38 instead of 24 does make it feel a little bit different I think AJ’s point about the buzz around goenda it did feel like in school when you would put up folders when you were taking a test so you wouldn’t worry about what anyone else was doing and they couldn’t look off your paper it did feel like the ABS were only worried about the test that they were taking and not what the rest of the league was going to be doing in this draft and their approach to it and that’s why I think it was a little bit ballsy for them to take a swing for the goenda is the eus on on and incomparable like anan’s 24 now with three full seasons in the AHL that puts him about 21 is he’s making that leap to North American ice that is very similar to the path that nabaka could be on like one more year in the KHL he comes over and he is starting on a very similar track as Eustace anonin who we consider a very young goal tender so this is maybe an older draft pick but on the goalie timeline I think that it’s very appropriate he’s still very young in his trajectory and what he’s doing in a pro league among men is impressive cuz he you know playoff MVP league rookie in his first full year in the KHL is impressive um and challenging to do and I think that it was just an interesting strategy it goes back to then the question of all right well once he does come over to North America what are the ABS going to do with him and that’s where I still have some questions but the thought process behind it does make a lot of sense and I’m kind of excited to see if this kind of ballsy move pays off for them well call go back call it the at 24 the three guys okay the pocket of three guys like we talked about clearly those guys were gone so now they’re like let’s go to our plan I I’m not going to say Plan B let’s go to our other plan that doesn’t include one of our guys that we like which is what drop back they knew exactly who their partner was going to be and we didn’t know why they were oh like oh they’re accumulating second round picks or whatever it is right and that was the reason we’re going to stock up on genders right because we’re going to go I don’t want to use the wor waste but we’re going to waste our picks on goalies meaning we’re going to we’re going to try to attack one now when I go to the bakov like I say it all the time I’ll say it again for me the draft should be old I you got to be old you should push it back to 19 or 20 I freaking hate kids are it’s not their fault kids develop at different ages and you know clearly the bov is probably a l Bloomer you know I mean sort of speak so and and you’re I agree with you yeah you’re old you’re you’re ancient you know what I mean that for for today’s draft but I always say you you got to age and this is a position especially goal tending defenseman and then forwards you know it takes the longest to develop and I can name you guys I don’t know why this name’s popping in my head but montal Canadian Zach fuk right second round or first round or a few years back and you know never really played in the NHL you know what I mean and then and then you look back there was a lot of goenda or that weren’t even drafted that have had careers and are still playing in the NHL so I hate the draft being so young because what it does and it’s a fair question mark a fair red flag oh why is he 21 and he’s been passed through you know I mean it’s not yours it’s everybody you know I mean like how come no one picked him well there’s so many places it’s a worldwide sport now I mean it’s it’s from everywhere now on the B off here’s what I’m going to tell you and I’m not going to say who because it’s not fair but watching the draft yesterday at that pick I was with non amateur Scout uh as guys because they’re all around obviously they’re at the table or or CAC on those guys but as soon as the pick was made Bing the text to the guy next to me was from a very freaking High Ang goie Guru around the league that’s not fair for me to say what a freaking pick and you can tell it’s like you bastards you know I mean you guys took our guy we were you know so you can look at who’s coming up after and then you can figure out who it is but I won’t say it but so it it is a highly touted guy you know what I mean and and like I said I like the fact that they had a direction you know what I mean and and it’s not the goalie dad talking and me I don’t care 61 I got to be honest with you like I’m I’m I’m I’m over the arguments of the 66 guy and and you’re right you’re right but you know why a goalie plays at 6 feet or 61 in the because they are much better than the guy at 6 at what they do right cuz what they’re lacking is that size thing usually the size guy he’s just better because he has size he’s not better at all the other parts of the game so theak up for me and I saw some clips there I I like it you know what I mean we’re going to get our KHL correspondent for sure to talk about him Bob our good old friend Bob to cuz he’ll be very familiar with them and um so I’m sure we’ll be able to follow along you know where what what the pl’s going to be and I’m and you make a pick like that you drop down to Megan’s point from 24 to 38 damn straight like they’re going to freaking have a plan to develop him and you can’t just pick a guy and then you hope that things go well right it’s a complex position he isn’t a complex when I mean like he’s playing in Russia he’s not playing in freaking Loveland down the street right so you and it doesn’t sound like he’s coming the lovelin down the street so you’re going to have to have a plan and it sounds like they’re going to keep path what whatever they’ve been doing right now and have a plan to to develop them look as far as the F’s draft strategy is concerned I don’t it’s not that much of a reach to talk me into Nabokov at 38 and and how they set that up where things start to really Branch out from the norm for me is the ABS move into the third round they end up taking William zers out of shatak uh a guy that most list had ranked in the fourth round or later and part of me gets it there’s some upside swing there you see a guy with Talent at that level of course you’re always going to have the questions of what does it look like against better competition ah it’s a guy that leaves me concerned because we’ve seen the ABS take these type of guys before in this range and they’ve really failed to really get anything out of these types of picks historically he reminds me a lot of Tyler whis yep just oh yeah small guy who just could not add weight he could never bulk up to where he needed to be yep you know good skater good playmaking lot of you know good hands like he was a talented player but he just could not get big enough to play the game that he needed to yep and I have this it’s the same concerns was Zellers the other concern being he’s currently injured so we won’t get to see him at Dev Camp which we might talk about that roster a little bit either today or tomorrow I think he’ll be there but you won’t see him on the he’ll be there but he won’t SK which is on a personal note for us sucks yeah he’s one of the guys I was really excited to see at Dev Camp yeah he was one of their certainly the most dynamic player that they drafted yesterday so not being able to see him is like all right that sucks it’s that was a sick team at Shad a couple years ago though they’re they’re sick celebrating him I mean freaking Frack they were sick just the shad way they they always have some sick players there’s no doubt about that for zelers in particular I I really just struggle with taking kids out of prep school and when you look at his path who he’s not even jumping to NCAA next year he’s going to do a year in the USHL first you’re talking about at minimum a guy that’s four years years away from being a professional hockey player let alone in the NHL and while that might be okay for a goalie you’re starting to get into a pretty long path for a forward at that point Y it’s going to take a while yeah patience patience if it works out they’ll be looking real smart yeah cuz it’s tough with the ab’s current window to imagine the fit much sooner with players yeah or already wow I just blank I’m blanking on his name he came over at the end of last year played Wing in a couple games in the playoffs kovalenko kovalenko thank you so much Evan sorry we’ve all seen a couple hundred names trying to dive through draft guides in the last two weeks so names are just not a thing for us yeah yeah they they’ve got some players they’re trying to graduate that they’ve invested some opportunity I’ll say cuz even outside of the coal link goes they still dipped into the college for agency pool and players like Poland Y and pavl and guys like Foody are still around still exists Steinberg’s in there too and he feels like he’s a little bit a ways but he’s at least a little ahead in his track in coming over now he’s with the Eagles that I feel like time is something that the ABS can afford to spare with these prospects and it’s been tough because with the crop of prospects before them like cow and Bowers it felt like okay they have time but when is it going to happen like they’re in year three now full year Pro and it just they haven’t made the jump so I want to be cautious in how I talk about yeah the ABS can afford to take some time as long as they’re counting on that with a player like zers which it seems like they have to cuz the path to the NHL would otherwise be pretty tricky for him yeah for sure if he can become a better equipped NHL player at the end of the 3 to four year out track that we’re looking at then it makes a little more sense than a player who’s vying for the NHL in two years but there just isn’t a spot for him I agree with that for sure it’s being frank about it I don’t know that I trust the Avalanche to get him where he needs to go on that long of a timeline the ABS have rarely found success with players that need those longer timelines to make it to the NHL like Alex bage case in point Eric you’re a prep school kid what do you think of it um I loved it um again you know on the flip side only reason I played again somebody’s going to write down besides my dad paying the coach for sure yeah that’s fine you know um Ah that’s okay I but you know what I was raised through this stuff it’s all good it’s fine no uh on a serious note um only reason I play cuz I did play Prep School hockey you know I it gave me time to to mature and to develop and and that’s why I always say that like it’s for me it’s so important like God we like guy didn’t get he got a late birthday he doesn’t get drafted at 17 and you know then obviously turns 810 you’re like oh it’s his second draft you’re not AJ not me anyone everyone like oh oh it’s like you’re old and it’s like oh my God you’re not you’re just starting and some guys we’re about to talk about this with Jake Fisher yeah yeah exactly that’s what I’m trying to say you know what I mean like it’s um I and that’s why again on the same type of you know kale ma coming back for I I don’t mind people taking their time because it takes time to become what you will be in the NHL you know what I mean m cini i again it’s not because I want to kick Megan’s ass with du and you know be I want Macklin to go back to be I’m just saying like there’s nothing wrong maybe he’ll Fair better the second time around huh it’s fine there’s nothing wrong with a dominating B leading I I I I’m I got no problem with that now if you get 500 points in 40 games yeah sure you know I mean it’s a little you know I’m using a stupid number but yeah but what do you have to prove well you can win you can go show that you can win there’s a way to win you’ll learn in in losing we all know that so for me there’s time and and not everyone is freaking Conor Bard that can play right away not everyone is you know McDavid or but unfortunately that’s what we look at but you’re looking at the not the norm you got to look at the norm you know what I mean like where’ they come from well and with Ze he’s going to a good program at North Dakota y one common threat of all the college kids that they take this year they’re all going to good programs true there’s not one of them that you’re looking at going oh God are you serious you’re going to Wisconsin like come on yeah think I gu going to Uno yeah but he’s different he’s different but because he’s aend he needs to play totally and that’s the whole thing it’s a different conversation for sure oh I think this we’ll talk we’ll talk about that in a second even I like that one when when it comes to zers though his path his path is he has to be a very good offensive player and in order for him to learn how to be the allaround offensive player he’s going to need to be he’s got to bulk up that’s going to take time that’s it it is going to take time and the argument could easily be made that they could have picked somebody else that’s a little bit you know has a has a better body for this similar skill set that you feel more comfortable with but they didn’t this is the kid that they took and at least it there’s no rush the avalanch are not in a rush with this and they can’t be in a rush with this draft class yep cuz that’s definitely year draft class this is uh this we didn’t know it at the time but it was only just beginning with zers yep with the we’ll see you in college hockey in two years yep a lot of patience in this draft for sure for the Abs if you’re looking to bulk up on your fantasy gaming make sure you get with Underdog fantasy they got a sitewide promo going on right and now you can go get in on UFC action uh for a ton of great deals when you play Underdog fantasy pick them all you have to do is choose an athlete of pretty much any sport Under the Sun they have a statistic higher or lower that’s it that’s all you think you know Sports go pick an athlete go pick 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call 18005224700 or visit MPC gambling. org and then when you make yourself a little bit of money it might be a great time to go out and get to Infinity Park in Glendale and have a great time out there at Infinity Park in fact why you say like Tony the Tiger great great great time uh I don’t know I I didn’t even eat frosted flakes as a kid so uh you can go out to Glendale you don’t even really need any money you can get in totally for free for some of their events on July 2nd at Infinity Park they’re having their July 4th celebration uh fireworks as well as a screening of the movie independent day at 700 p.m. oh [ __ ] yeah the movie holds up it does it’s pretty good not not too bad uh you can get out there uh main event gates open at 6:30 p.m. so be sure to arrive early to secure your spot you can sit pretty much anywhere on the lawn get out there enjoy yourself uh and then the fireworks follow up the movie at 9:30 p.m. so you going have a great time there with your family you can bring your kids you can hang out just to go have a good time have a great little uh picnic out there while enjoying yourself for the 4th of July capacity is limited uh only 4,000 people can sit in on the event so make sure you get yourself in there before they fill up over at Infinity Park third period of the dnvr Avalanche podcast you guys kind of already alluded to their fourth round pick Jake fiser one of a couple of kids they drafted that is heading to Du mhm fer is an interesting one he had a pretty solid year in Fargo he’s really good for the force actually y yeah he took on a lot of their heavy matchups uh he’s he’s already a pretty polished defensive Center mhm um you know we had sees on the show not that long ago this kid’s coming for his job so watch out yeah got to watch out whoa whoa got to watch out STS whoa but what do you like about Fischer and and I think it’s it it we’re going to have basically an identical conversation with we get to Max Curran because they’re they’re like very similar players except fiser is a goal scorer he’s got a really good shot that’s yeah he’s the goal scorer Curran’s a playmaker can’t have it all just stick them together welcome to ex if you mash them together you would have a very good potential for a second line Center who’s great defensively yeah but with fiser good size good physicality polished defensive game puts puts in the effort has good habits already and that is that is the trait that is prevalent across every one of the skaters that they drafted except for the last kid who I know nothing about and zear the habits that they have uh uh that a lot of these skaters have you you can see that what they really targeted starting with this pick in particular is translatable skills yep a guy that you you can say okay we are not getting an All-Star out of this he’s not going to go to an award show he’s not going on you know if he wants to I guess he could but he’s not going to be given one he’s not he might get a national title oh my God hey fair enough whoa whoa slow down with with seeds true but still I have a favorite son not him with fer it’s I I the ABS I went and looked it up this morning and I was shocked but also not shocked to find that the ABS have not developed they have not drafted and developed a depth Center who played for a decent amount of time in the NHL the last one was Cody McCormick Jesus who was drafted in 2001 Cody Mack this [ __ ] down here was still playing oh I I might have been in the training camp with Cody I was yeah like okay it has been it isia yeah yeah of course that’s what I was saying earlier I think they definitely had a plan on this draft it was it was goalies and it was depth guys exactly what you’re saying you know and here’s where it’s not sexy no it is not sexy and this is where I’m split on this plan on the one hand drafting a guy like this where if you project him out he probably ends up being your three 3C makes a ton of sense for Colorado organizationally one when he’s ready McKinnon’s going to still be here the 2C position it might not be Casey middle stat but when you look at what the ABS have done historically they weren’t willing to wait for Alex new hook to figure it out and figure out that 2C spot so it’s pretty likely that they’ll go out and solve that 2C spot elsewhere and then you have a prospect that can come in and fill that 3C or 4C position for you my problem being what AJ just said how many dudes have we watched seemingly look like they fit a grinder role in the ABS organization at the AHL level that just never really seemed to get that opportunity God I got to jump in again sorry if I’m cutting you off you know cuz it’s falling into place what I was trying to say earlier and gending they they’ve wasted Capital right you know with starting back to keer and then you know George and you know grow keer and I forgot about grow too sorry so at some point now look look at the fourth line Center just go back a couple years this year give and take TR trennon you know I I know he’s wasn’t a center but that was you know the year two years last year lar Zeller was supposed to I’m just saying I know and then the year before with the cup Sturm yep I’m just saying so now you’re you’re developing a pattern they had the cap space before that to go and give extra money to Pier Edward Belmar yeah and when they ran out of that space that cap space cuz the rest of their roster got more expensive they had to start trying to use draft picks to fill that spot they can’t get on pattern there and may you know like with this pick like you said develop him and then but there I’ll tell you one thing though it’s not just the organization because if the organization decides we’re going to develop this guy into a third fourth line CER a dep Center you know we had a guess on the show three days ago maybe it was you and you I believe Jay who did Pand was it the did bandalo is a freaking Hobie Baker finalist he’s a freaking one of the all-time greats at beu um what do he do figures it out goes to freaking New Jersey Devils plays there a dozen years has a couple cups why he scored freaking five goals a year whatever it was and I’m bashing Pand for his production here but no he figured it out this is what they need me for this is what this team needs and I’m going to figure out a way to stay and have longevity in this league and I know I got a gazillion points in college but at the NHL I won’t so you have to know what you are R cor Corby I was going to say my buddy my brother-in-law Yeller Stefan y’s a 100 Point guy in the freaking ol got in the NHL scored five to 10 goals a year whatever but they’re essential guys in a piece of the puzzle but it’s on the kid too is Fisher that kid I don’t know I do the Abs do the work a little bit were they going to did they find out a little bit more about him before taking him for sure and then you’re like okay he’s going to be that guy cuz if you think you’re going in the NHL to be Sydney Crosby you won’t make it I haven’t seen this guy play enough Fisher to tell you that he won’t play any show but I can tell you he won’t be sending grosby no I can tell you that he’s going to be your guy that’s what I’m trying to say but I know you well enough to know you’re going to watch you’re going to watch this kid and you’re going to be all about it and the onus is on the kid to say okay this is what I’m going to be and I always tell you guys and God I hate used the name like olfson you know it’s an identity crisis if you have an identity crisis like you don’t know what you are play the top six game that needs to play a bottom six game to make the N it’s hard to figure out and it’s so and guess what let me tell you and I’m not bashing any kids if it was that easy everybody would have had a career in the NHL yeah it’s not easy so I’m not I don’t want people to think that what I’m saying is like I’m down planted so easy it’s not it’s not but you got to be willing to do it you got it’s got a click right here that you’re going to go and do it when you do it you have a career yeah I won’t I know we’re going long we haven’t even played the CAC interview so keep it we no rules today we can do what we want yeah there’s a shared value system with the type of player that Du wants in their program and the type of player that the AV is value he probably turned down you know what be probably turned him down then he decided to go to D I would say the for no I think there’s a shared value system there’s a lot lot of Codge invites on this campus from good programs I obviously have this bias what I’m saying here is it’s not just that the ABS are pulling from this same well because it’s convenient there’s a shared value system in the type of player that can impact a team help them win a National Title and can come to a Dev camp and make an impression like a Logan o Conor and so I think that Jason Poland Jason Poland I loved what he did with Western Michigan so I that’s a program that I also really admire so all I’m saying is there is a type of player they’re looking for this is a player that helped his team to a Clark Cup last year there’s a reason that they’re interested in him and it’s not just he’s down the street and it’s convenient though I’m sure that helps I’m sure it’s added bonus but there’s a shared value system in the type of player they’re looking for the character that they have look they’re the pile pipeline has becoming a real thing there’s a marriage because will butcher led into kind of Logan o Conor which led into sha baren which now leads into two new du kids and there are five posos at Dev Camp they are going to be at Dev camp this week five posos yep where your Terriers at huh well it’s normal there five PES they beat they beat the best team in college hockey the Boston University terrior so that’s why uh look I think up to this point in the draft you can make a semblance of sense for the AVS not going off the rails on their own strategy as opposed to other teams and then you get into the fifth round and the ABS go goalie goalie uh i g to mess up his first name I apologize laa cler I genuinely don’t know might be Luca Luca it’s it’s a weird way of pronouncing it he’s from Sher right but I you know he’s from Sher obviously taking the US path but yeah um he’s uh L L again it’s l I would think more but you know the parents I mean I’m not bashing his name I’m saying it’s a rare name even in French I it just yeah and then Ian un as the other the second goalie they take can I speedrun these two really quick do it just so we can kind of He’s supposed to be pretty good they they goalies we’ll see yep with clucher he was on the uh all rookie team for the USHL this year he’s the Chicago seal starter next season he will be going to uh University of Nebraska at Omaha in two years he’s got a net yep we’ve seen the other part of the the the equation that the ABS changed with their goal tending uh this year is that these guys have jobs clearcut jobs zov nonsense exactly because and it wasn’t just jigalov but you and some of this was injury related but um back in the day Maximillian pipo and uh sham shmakov both struggled to find could not find jobs it’s hard and that is a wasted pick immediately if a golender doesn’t have a job this kid at least has a place that he will play Y and he will be going to a college he will he has a place to play yep so that’s great we don’t really I there’s not a ton out there about him we will see I wasn’t trying to make fun of him when I put question marks for strength and weakness I just don’t know freaking young young talk and smack about you and know I think that’s a good program too it’s a fine program it’s just not on the level of a du or a Buu right yeah when you’re you need a net exactly but when you look at Megan when you look at all the other college kids that they drafted Michigan du like Noak like programs compar Uno is just not on that level yeah I’ll give that it’s it’s a job and that we’ll see I genuinely I don’t know enough about him same there’s just there was so little about him out there about goalies with with Ivan yunan this is your Dark Horse of the entire draft of this entire class he is your lotto ticket he is the guy that you have to be barely played this year so he barely played he has 15 MHL games under his belt 15 in two years and he just got drafted uh in the fifth round 130th or something and his thing is is he’s playing in an organization that one does a really good job of developing like that no 16 17y old guys are really getting in he should be he is at the moment slated to be the MHL full-time starter the number one guy so again has a job there’s a net but talent-wise goalie people love him yep and they think that one year from now he could jump up a bunch of spots in the rankings in this colender class he’s your diamond in the rough cool I’m good with this one I think that that covers that enough two guys will definitely see more of over the next 3 years and see where things are actually at but uh okay um next up I think probably two guys maybe even three guys in a row here that we’d really like to talk about a little bit first being the have third fifth round pick of this draft in Max Curran coming out of Tri Cities best card I love this card we had fun with this one the wrong Max yeah cuz this is when we were started we started hardcore campaigning for them to take Max Max your Max Max Max and cuz we wanted another golender and we were like okay take a take a take Max and then they took a Max it was just the wrong one only played 40 games this year but pretty easy to project as a strong playmaker so was finding his stride in the WHL got hurt yep and missed the rest of the season came back for u18s and just wasn’t great yep so did not have that recency bias of this guy’s really good showed a lot of good things a lot of the same conversation about uh fer applies to curan except curan is a much better playmaker much better hands both have skating problems um but both are good defensively they’re physical they they have good habits they take care of their own end and they’re both big big bodied centers they are centers they are guys who if they’re going to make it to the league it’s going to be on the back of their ability to play In Their Own Zone in the middle of the ice yep and my point with maturing and everything kid’s 17 years old 63 you know what that tells me just growing into his body like he just like he’s a kid 17 years old yep you know so so what what that kid is going to be at 22 it’s not what you’re seeing today you know what I mean like because he’s going to learn to use his body he’s going to learn to fill out his body he’s going to learn to play like with size and where even though that’s part of his game now he can develop into it like I said to you what are you you know I mean if that’s what oh I’m my God that’s using his size then then go and be perfect at it when you when you see a kid that is 63 170 or whatever it is and you go man that 170 is not going to he’s not going to be that number in a couple of years not a chance you know what I mean like the you want to see what his frame looks like and say all right is he going to is he going to max out at 17 180 or is he going to get to the like 200 190 195 where you’re like this this guy turned into a bull y cuz if curan if curan can fill out and get into the 195 range for my money they have to have a dude and when I think he’s a dude we always say like I always tell you guys getting drafted yeah great HOA yeah it’s great it’s awesome for the grandparents and the parents and you know and it’s it’s special for the kid you know what I mean but it’s special for the families Tony talked about that right but the work is just starting yeah you you haven’t started yet you know what I mean like and so great you know that’s why I saying this is the harsh me talking now great and they’re going to learn that in all the development camps this week around the league you know great yeah you got drafted all right nobody gives a [ __ ] anymore now it’s what do you do now to bring you to what you’re going to be y do you want to do it the answer is yes but are you about it like we talk about the ABS are about winning like are you about it you say you want to do it then go show us you want to do it so this is a kid that will fill out that will put in the work you know you’re hoping that’s why you drafted him well I want to give him some credit this is a player that has demonstrated future Forward Thinking to an NHL career in making the decision to come get adjusted to North American ice and juniors early so that adjustment doesn’t have to come later on and so this last year of Juniors who was his first year making that adjustment I think it was a strong gear that was hampered by injury for sure and beyond that then the commitment to his schoolwork came up as a really um important thing in his interview and so he was taking remote classes this La last year and stradling pretty rigorous coursework because he doesn’t want like it he wants to be a well-rounded person and not just a well-rounded player the one that speaks three languages we were talking about in the car he seems like a really impressive Young man and so I think that the types of decisions he’s made for his future at such a young age shows a guy who’s going to do everything it takes to get there one day an interesting comment in the Toyota chat here talking about Foody getting more looks on the fourth line I’m not trying to compare curan to Foodie in the sense that foody’s a great skater and curan is not but if you look at them both as playmaking centers which I know foody’s been playing on the wing some but what you have in Curran is a guy that can playmake but has the body type that makes a lot more sense for a bottom six role as compared to a Foody who’s always going to struggle with the physical side of that and with with Foody just using this as a quick comparison here um with Foody the question when he was drafted was always he plays too much on the perimeter yeah it’s still an aspect of his game that it has gotten much better over the last couple of years his willingness to get into the middle of the ice this isn’t a thing with curan and fiser both of these guys middle of the ice guys they understand you have to play in the middle of the ice and that’s again and and Megan I I love the point of he comes over here and he’s he’s taken his career very seriously and habits it’s a guy that just seems to get it and he’s good too like he’s he’s a good player there’s a lot of interesting intriguing tools here and where with foodie it’s always been is he going to be good enough offensively to be a top six player or is he going to learn to be a good enough Checker to be a bottom six player and with Curran you’re saying there’s enough skill there that he could be a maybe middle six guy if you get he probably should never be under second line yeah but age could maybe be a 3 4C for you but he has enough skill that you might be able to Dream On The 3C part of it whereas a guy like fiser you’re saying that’s going to be a 4C y but with Curran there’s multiple Avenues of success here it’s not super narrow with like was Jean Luke Foody and Oscar olison they’re having a hard time for that exact reason right now breaking in which is why the change in Philosophy for how they have approached this draft in particular I really like because these are projectable traits these are guys that can grow into guys that will make your roster and this is not something that they have done well at the draft in in recent years true the bnar would actually yeah in instead of signing Jason Poland you go and draft a young version of him and let him grow up in your system and not be like okay well at 24 years old you’ve got one year to try and do this for us you know it’s we’re going to draft and he’s going to grow and we’re going to be able to watch this guy’s game develop in front of us for the next couple of years get into our system and then grow with us uh we do have to keep it moving here six round pick the other du kid they take this time the only defenseman of the class for them and Tory pittner Megan I know you had the chance to talk to him build is one of the smartest kids in the class it’s true no I we have the interview we don’t have it right now to play okay I think we should listen to this guy talk I agree I think that would be the best that’ll just show it better than I can explain it hit it it’s pretty unbelievable I mean it’s uh it’s a great feeling in Colorado is great organization and especially down the road from Denver it’s going to be really really fun to go to a lot of games and and just see the the progression in in the team and in my game to hopefully one day one day be there so knowing that you going to Du were you maybe kind of hopeful that it’ be the S yeah I I talked to the fs um a little bit during the year um and and stayed in contact with with some of their Scouts so um every time they picked I was kind of on the edge of my seat but um happy to be here and and really excited what are the strengths of your game uh I’d say that my defending is probably my biggest strength I think that I can use my brain and and really just bait other players into plays that they don’t want to make and then close out and and really take away time and space and ultimately just be be a prick to play against I don’t know if I can say that on on this but um I think that I I can defend really well um I say my player comparable Shawn Marino and so his ability to play against those Topline guys and shut them down every night I mean you just saw them get traded so um obviously a really valuable piece in the NHL and he was a sixth round pick too so um really excited to hopefully continue that development path over at du to round out all the other areas of my game to be able to play in the NHL would say Denver such a good choice for you for college yeah um I’d say Obviously the coaching staff first of all DC is an unbelievable coach um and then just the proven tracker that they have at developing NHL defenseman like um being there every day like you see all the guys that come back and they want to be at du um and all the guys that they’ve sent to the NHL they still come back to train their with Matt Shaw the the strength coach uh skate on the ice like everyone there it’s kind of a A brotherhood and it’s a great system for for everyone to go through if they want to get to the NHL you had a chance to meet Jak F I’m actually roommates with fish at du we moved in on on Sunday and we’re roommates so it’s kind of cool that we both got picked here so have you talked to him since I guess I have I got to be honest I put my phone down after round three and kind of tried not to go on it but um um yeah no we’ll definitely talk I’ll I’ll see Fish uh Sunday when I land we probably have some studying to do for our geography class but um no it’ll be good um I know he was really excited um I’m really excited too so yeah you have you ever been to a Naas game uh I have not no but I heard that uh the DU guys go all the time especially with it being right downtown so really looking forward to to getting out there and and seeing ball arena live like I’ve driven past it a few times but uh just heading back to campus or went up but I’ll be really excited to get inside and see what it’s like how did Youngstown up here develop to get to this point and your two like yeah for sure I mean obviously it was great my first year um getting an experience winning a Clark Cup Championship there was was super cool for me and it was a great learning experience being able to be around great leaders like Shane lechance and Chase patella who got picked earlier today um so being able to be around that those kind of guys was was awesome for me and then my second year um kind of taking a step into a bigger role with the team um talking with Andy conto a lot um about my game working on different areas that I need to improve and and improving on my strengths too being being hard to play against so um I think that overall they helped me round out my game and I’m looking forward to keep rounding out that game at du what has been your Draft Day experience been like here at the sphere and this yeah yeah no um it was long woke up early uh couldn’t really sleep too much but uh woke up just kind of got a workout in to get moving you know have something to do uh then walked over here I’m staying at hotels it’s not too far so walked over um sat down after having some breakfast and and then kind of just watched the draft so it’s been pretty cool though I have my my family here so uh my agent as well one of my coaches so it’s been really nice to to have everyone here supporting me um I say that I love how they’re they’re pretty freeing with all their all their defenseman like even down the lineup you look uh Josh Manon still getting up in the play joining as a fourth man Sam Gerard obviously loves to do that they obviously have great defenseman like kale Mar and stuff running their power play um love being really active I think that that’s something that I’m looking to add more to my game too and so the freedom to do that in Colorado is something I’m really looking forward to especially at du as well having that freedom uh finding the middle on a lot of their breakouts not a lot of um off the glass plays or or up the wall they like to really possess the puck which I’m really looking forward to um being able to hold on the puck a little bit longer and find some middle support which I think will ultimately help my game uh break down the other opponent and just add another element will be really fun what player have you idolized as you come up through um it’s kind of been a lot of different ones but I really wanted to play defense cuz Nick lstm um when I was younger one of my one of my coaches um actually an kopitar’s brother Gasper Kopitar he was my uh coach my defense coach in La um when I played for the junior Kings when I was younger and uh he told me if you want to be a defenseman to watch Nick lstm so I found some YouTube video and and I think I’ve watched it like 400 times or something like that I’ve watched this NH L 36 like multiple times like just to to get me going or just to learn things from him like seeing his routines and so um kind of idolizing him growing up and then you know seeing the great person and defenseman he was really made me want to be a defenseman and and wanted to play hockey even more guys yeah thank you very much congratulations thank you look a defenseman that’s incredibly smart and reads the ice really well making the most puzzling face ever you were just blown away by the kid that’s all it’s true sorry no no go ahead I just we were looking at each other this kid’s going to be in the NHL one day it he just sees the game too well he understands and processes the game too well especially in an organization like the ABS where they require I don’t want to say speed but a certain pace of play yeah you can get to that pace with this as much as you can with the feet who wants to be more excited you or me which one of us wants to go first in this excitement level I want you to get excited okay everyone expects me to get excited this all right all right this is exactly what devontes was when he was drafted just a really smart exactly what he was willing to engage defensively he the same size he has the same skill set he has the same hockey brain all he has to do is continue to hone all he has to do is continue to hone that and he’s going to a program that fits he’s going to a program that is going to develop his his game the same way that that that Taves did the same thing in college hockey Tory pitner is going to be in the NHL someday can I be a little bit realistic about that hype really quick yeah I love the devontes comparison but if you get the New York Islanders version of devontes you hit a home run here here if you get the if you get the AVS version it’s the best pick in avalanche history if you get the last AHL season of Devon tav’s time is a as a sound tiger version yep you’re still getting an NHL cuz the Islanders took too long to call him up true like he is he’s so smart and he’s so good as a defenseman the way that he gaps up the way his physicality the way that he reads the ice he just he he’s a human eraser he just the puck comes near him it stops being near him and goes the other direction he’s not great in transition he doesn’t have very many Puck skills he’s a better shooter than he is passer he’s going to have to learn to play Under Pressure he’s going to have to make this the the the easy read him and every single defenseman in this range of draft but it’s he sees the ice really well yep and it’s the physical tools that have held him back the lack of size cuz you see the the top of the drafted defenseman it’s all the guys that can skate it’s all the guys that are 63 the guys that have 30 goals in a season stuff like that right this is the kind of guy though he falls every year in the draft but a really smart projectable shutdown third pairing defenseman that’s going to play on a PK and is just solid and reliable this is what Devon Taves was as a prospect so I I’m not saying he’s going to turn into Devon Taves in the NHL that’s insane but it is the same sty player you give him time and you you just let him go he’s going to be in the NHL I love that he opens with the attention he likes to pay to the defensive details how that is what he views as the strength of his game because I think the biggest area of growth for him is on the offensive side of the puck and there’s an interest in that and I like to hear him talk about how the way that Colorado likes to play is freeing in his opinion and he likeed to see the way that Josh Manson was able to lean into that side of his game here in Colorado and get up the ice and you can tell there’s an interest in him doing that and I think that that’s the path that awaits him through du is getting more opportunity to lean into the offensive side of his game and continue to iron out the defensive details too this is where I think Shan Baron grew a lot at du because he already had that offensive Instinct and is also a really smart player and was able to get stronger defensively this is already a very smart and strong defensive player now he can kind of also in a freeing way dabble and lean into the offensive side of his game I think a more well-rounded player comes out the other end and I just am so impressed by how smart he is also his mom posted a picture of him wearing an ab’s Jersey when he was a kid yeah you have to F it’s on Twitter meant to be on that one so cute yeah I don’t have a good feeling with that one Rea pittner I think no not pittner Jersey no yeah no I know Matt duchan had one too oh yeah well so did Jonathan Taves a lot of kids had ABS jerseys in the it turns out when you have multiple golden Aras man you’re just going to Patrick Kan was a big ABS fan yeah during saic forsberg that’s what those guys grew up on of course they just did it again now it’s just all McKinnon and Mars that’s just what happens when you’re a generally successful franchise yeah zukar we’re not going to see any of those we’re not going to see any of these kids wearing Paul stne jerseys yeah there it is it’s probably Paul da Jersey it might be it’s got the uniprint so looks like Ty my youngest there on the left yeah he does I do see it yeah do you have a better feeling now no I do I was only kiding was a jab at Maddie there uh we’ve already run long but the ABS do have two seventh round picks in this one Christian humph and Nikita PR chov when you put an h a c and an H together I’m not going to be able to to say his name right uh pav a guy out of Victorville in the queue he’s a junior player and that’s the list of things that I know about him he was a point per game player as a 20-year-old in the queue yep um when he got selected I uh I was sitting with I’m going to quiz you guys here the last Avalanche gender picked as high as naov um Mar the KN no that’s 25 either Spence or Martin Phil sve 38 uh wasn’t Pickard Pickard was a second wasn’t he he was but he was he in 4 yeah he was in the 40 Phil I was with Phil Phil is now a GM of the sherbrook uh team in the queue there and then with that kid got picked and I said you know you know him he’s like well yeah yeah he’s he’s a good player good offensive player good hands and exactly what you’re saying there great win a game and you again coming to North America from Russia and you know when he’s been here for 3 years y yep so like again a kid that comes across and is taking himself seriously and is trying trying to make this work for me this is a wait and see he’s at Dev Camp he’s going to be here this week he’s one of he’s going to be one of our guys to watch but we will seriously start to break into Dev Camp stuff on Tuesday after free agency and everything else is kind of washed out in that cycle we’ll really get into that but yeah he’s my guy I’m just we’re we’ll just see we’ll see uh and then the other one Christian Humphrey is a depth guy out of the the usn TDP look if you’re looking for a late round upside swing mining the depth of the usn TDP is just sensical dude I he got picked and I remember we were we were sitting there and I was like oh okay I’m about this he can’t skate it’s a big problem yep he plays with no Pace it’s like watching a turtle on the ice no Pace it’s not low Pace it’s no Pace it’s extremely deliberate he can’t skate that is a huge problem when I I think it’s probably why he’s here yeah and when you talk about translatable skills what do you do with the guy that has that kind of a pacing issue but he’s not big and strong and doesn’t have the kind of Park him in front of the and he well and he doesn’t have the kind of Puck protection like Nik kov plays at a deliberate Pace too yep but he’s so good with the puck on his stick that he makes the guy you like in Nashville that I like that can’t skate which one give me names he’s making like four million bucks a year now like kind of went through the ranks I’m drawing a total blank on this go keep going I’ll find them but what you love about Humphrey and why I don’t care about his problems here he’s the 215th pick yep and a genuine really really good playmaker sees the ice really well great hands great passing ability serious offensive upside serious offensive upside if he can sort out how to play if he can change his game and adapt it to a little bit more of a pro style and pick it up a little bit here he could be a top six player a top six player more like a second line guy you’re talking about a second line playmaking Wing kind of upside here he should not have lasted this long but he’s going to have to change his game and adapt it because the way that he’s going right now it’s it won’t it won’t fly it will not fly the skating has to get to a pass level like it can’t just be non-existent just as a as a as a raw tool it’s got to get better but the way he plays the game is going to have to get better yep he’s not going to be a center he’s purely a wing he’s going to have to learn the wing life but he’s a guy again habits he plays hard not going to confuse him with Teddy Stiga but he plays hard he puts the work in he’s he’s got good effort I would actually love to have Ryan come back on the show and talk about him yeah be fun because we’ll get a qu this week on him like you know or we’ll talk to him I bet he I bet even if we can can’t coordinate we’ll say what you know what he said Thomas Novak oh yeah I do love Tommy Novak yeah I know he’s a center and he’s not but I’m just saying like can’t skate yeah no one’s going to tell me that Novak skates he can’t skate but you know what I mean like smart with the PK and you know like you said yeah maybe yeah not like to Foley to Foley is a guy that plays at a certain pace he’s the best example he’s a great goal scorer Christian humph isn’t going to do that for you but as a as a elevates his line creates for others because everything that he does is about getting the puck into the middle of the ice not a perimeter guy he will do everything he can to try and get that in the most dangerous scoring areas of the ice which makes him very effective at what he does and he’s got great hands and vision it’s good combination of things he’s not a guy that’s going to hang out on the outside he just has to get the skating he’s got to develop something in transition can’t be a black hole in that regard certainly not the ABS organization in the modern NHL yeah you can’t play like that so he’s going to have to get that going but really really for 215th overall hell yeah yeah we’ll ask Ryan yep good good yeah should we just go live for another 5 hours to equal our flight delay or I don’t know what was the most frustrating part of that is it that when we finally landed then they didn’t have a crew for us so we spent another 25 minutes just sitting there no I think getting onto a plane and them telling us it was flight worthy but not flight worthy enough was the biggest frustration she she get she gets on there and she tells us to go get on the train and go across the airport with like some urgency and then we get there and the gate agents are screaming at everybody and yelling and all to San Francisco exactly the only only one boarding right now is to San Francisco and we’re like why are we here then yep it was a weird one total Fiasco we did we got vouchers we oh yeah free meal for 6 hours of our time oh did we get a flight one too okay 75 let me burn that wow wow so you get a free carry on you can’t use it for the add-ons oh you can’t oh no go just the flight but I mean you know and you have to take Frontier here again yeah that’s the problem um we did get one super chat here from Flats who says when should a team trade up or down in the draft in my opinion A Team should never trade up I don’t think that’s ever the right decision but disagree okay but it’s limited pretty darn limited like the ABS the ABS were about that close mhm to a deal with Chicago at 18 to go get Cole Eiserman I’m down with that because it becomes a sliding moment in avalanche history if they get that deal done and they move up and they take Cole Eiserman the rest of this draft class is completely different that’s definitely true and they have Cole Eiserman they have a premier goalscoring Prospect for the first time since moo yeah moo probably the last one and that obviously would be a little different and Eric could be really excited cuz it’s a beu guy and you know then well you know what like they’re uh you know I again people are going to hate me on the chat but Minnesota and then I’m I’m going to give a du kid credit but whatever um I’m kidding uh I think it’s a great move to move up to get zeve right you know what I mean by Min it’s it’s what was it one spot they moved one one spot so and one spot that might Define your your next 10 years you know I mean let me ask you this though what if they didn’t move up one spot does Philly even take zeve well I guess but this is a conversation you have with them and you can either I don’t call that lying I I don’t call that ly if Philly you told me you’ve told me the story buddy well I’m just saying I don’t call that lying it’s like it’s it’s just good order of business it’s just being dishonest it’s not lying no it’s not like it’s like it’s conversations that have happened in my personal life no but it’s not you’re not supposed to not lying it’s not public no it’s not public knowledge who you’re taking and you don’t have to disclose who you’re taking until you take the pixel but you can genuinely tell tell them that yeah I’m taking them okay I want them what is it going to cost me yeah and for me that’s just good business that’s not lying that’s not being dishonest and again I don’t know but then that’s called luck of the draw luck of the draw so if Philly mentally they weren’t going to take them then awesome they they got an asset you know for whatever it is that that was willing to was a third round pick to drop one spot but to me I love jet lenko but the difference between Z and lenko yikes pretty pretty yeah I mean for them is cutter gutier and Ryan Johansson’s so I don’t know if Philly would have been interested Philly didn’t want to touch that I that is such a bad reason to do business like that though I doubt it’s the sole reason to be honest with you I just they can’t you can’t operate like that I mean the way it played out it just seemed like Philly wasn’t taking Z no matter what but well and Brier came out today and was asked about it and said something about oh well we’ve got York and we’ve got Emil Andre and you know we’ve got all these small guys we weren’t going to take another one now he’s like six foot that’s that’s what everybody else was like what are you doing dude he’s not 5’7 you you passed up on Z because you have Cam York all right Danny B we’re beef just for a minute seriously though and I’m def we’re definitely beefing because now he’s in Minnesota Wild and I’m pissed about it it and it actually makes so much sense for him to be there it on the trade down side of it much like this Philly situation possibly if the guy at the top of your list you’re confident will be there at the spot you’re trading down to why not do it why not get more Assets Now in the ABS case if they had if they had ilov slated as their number one at pick 24 I would have some serious questions about their evaluations on that list yeah but no I think what they had is a pocket of like I said three guys and they were gone then there’s a pocket of you know 10 guys between 24 and 38 you know and they’re like ah but we’d rather go for the goalie at that time you know what I mean because we scared that again scared someone might take him and it sounded by that text message somebody was taking them well you can you can if Charlie ell or eigor chernishov is there and they take nabaka those guys I’m pissed like actual pissed but taking him over Andrew bosha where you’re like I still don’t like it but it’s less of a gap yeah because like what’s the value what’s the NHL value of Andrew Bosa potential third line wing for you versus a a back up to Tandem go yeah a tandem goenda go Tender Is the more valuable of the two yeah especially you know I love bosha but if Bosa becomes a Topline guy you made the wrong call if BOS never goes to the NHL right and you made the wrong you you made the right call in that case Nabokov if if Nabokov ends up becoming the next Ilia sokin who the hell is Andrew BOS exactly yep but that prediction is hard but that’s the that’s the value proposition that they made on with that pick yeah and I get that part of it I get it yep I I understand it even if I don’t like it at times I’d have been upset if they passed up on like a Charlie ell and because that’s that’s one where I’m like what are we doing here you’re talking about a top 4D at that point it’s just fit them really nice yeah Dominic binko uh we do have to get out of here for the day though we have gone quite along as it is already but we appreciate y’all tomorrow free agent frenzy we’re going live at 10:00 a.m. and we’ll be live through about just before two and then after that we’ll do a recap show of all of the stuff that went down a very leas for the ABS and if they did not we’ll just spend the whole day talking about the dev camp roster yeah a lot of people in here talking about qos and stuff we’ll spend a lot of the free agent show talking about the Q list correct lots and lots of guys as always happens has have hit the market yep that are very intriguing yep we’ll talk about it all tomorrow we’ll be live all day so every one of those Columbus guys yeah it’ll be a fun one please join us for that tomorrow for now though we are out of here we appreciate y’all and we will talk to you on the next one [Music] [Applause] we all sting like the mayor

With nine picks made there are a lot of guys to talk about for the Colorado Avalanche including Ivan Nabokov and multiple DU players.

First thoughts? – 1:00
Ilya Nabokov – 17:40
William Zellers – 29:00
Jake fisher – 40:00
Cloutier and Yunin – 49:50
Maxmilian Curran – 53:14
Tory Pitner – 1:01:00
Nikita Prishchepov – 1:12:00
Cristian Humpherys – 1:13:25
Wrapping up – 1:17:22

An ALLCITY Network Production




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  1. ha ha, eric is the only one with enthusiasm for this draft everyone else wearing their disappointment. avs have been garbage at drafting for the past 10 years so I wouldnt expect much regardless of who was drafted.

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