New York Giants | TE Room Review

New York Giants | TE Room Review

[Music] hello and welcome to Big Dash nose big Dash knows what New York Giants football let’s go I had to take a little time off I know shame on me shame on me took some days off family vacation but guess what I’m back at it and it’s back to business had a little time to unwind vacation relaxation all of the good things and now we back at it talking New York Giants football and my and I’m I’m excited about it we got hard knocks two days away from the day I’m recording this two days away and training camp is right around the corner uh rookies report uh I believe it was the 16th 17th 16th something like that um but anyways right around the corner Giants football right around the corner so I’m excited about that but you see the thumbnail you see the thumbnail we’re going to be talking about the tight end room today whether you want to call it a a a preview a review whatever you want to call it we’re going to be talking about the Titans on the roster for the New York Giants and um first off let me say this and um everybody’s excited about the O Johnson understandably so potential is through the roof you can’t teach 66 260 lbs and run to 4540 you can’t teach that a lot of people are excited about the new shiny toy I’m excited uh you know for the new shiny toy but I will say this uh with all this excitement for Theo Johnson I feel me personally I feel like people are just you know throwing Daniel Bellinger to the side listen you guys know me I’m a big Daniel Bellinger fan um I’m always going to root for Daniel Bellinger and I’m going to tell you guys right now that to me there’s no question Daniel Bellinger is Titan number one he’s te one in my opinion I don’t think there’s anybody on the roster right now that’s better than him you might have some guys like Theo Johnson might end up being better than Daniel Bellinger but I’m talking about right now today tight end number one is Daniel Bellinger in my book let me know what you guys think about that in the comments down below if you agree if you if you don’t agree let me know in the comments down below but listen the way we did Daniel Bellinger when I say we I’m talking about the Giants I’m talking about the staff the strategy whoever whoever was in whoever was making the decisions like last year some of it was at a necessity but the way that Daniel Bellinger was used last year was a disservice now we already knew that you know his targets were going to go down with the addition of of of Darren Waller you know playing time you know snaps this all that stuff was was most likely going to go down I thought that you know we would see a lot of double tights but between Darren Waller not getting the targets that he should and not being healthy Daniel Bellinger having to stay in and Chip block and not getting the targets that he deserved either you know we had a down years in regards to the tight end room now Darren Waller still put up pretty good numbers for the amount of games that he played and the amount of targets that he had but he’s gone again and now I’m just talking about the guys that are on the roster So Daniel Bellinger Daniel Bellinger and here’s the thing I’m going to throw up the numbers between 2022 and 2023 and you’ll see exactly you know like the fall off when it came to Daniel Bellinger but when I say it was a fall off for Daniel Bellinger it wasn’t his fault in my opinion it wasn’t his fault because you know some of these numbers don’t lie but some of these numbers are a little bit hazy and then you you know you can take a deep dive into it so in 2023 actually let me let me go back in 2022 Daniel Bellinger had an overall grade of 61 again this is a guy that missed a lot of games because of the broken eye socket missed a lot of games but in the games that he played he had 33 targets 30 receptions 269 yards two touchdowns so he only he like 33 targets 30 receptions that’s pretty good that that tells me that his his his drop rate is not high he did have one drop and I believe that was the Minnesota game I remember might have been yelling at him when that happened or actually that might have been a fumble but um yeah 6 61 and then his receiving grade was 58.6 so and this and this was again 2022 broken eye socket didn’t get a lot you know missed a lot of games Giants still getting familiar with him but he still put up some decent numbers he averaged nine yards per catch and a passer rating you know when targeted was 12.8 12.8 uh passer rating when targeted so that’s that’s pretty good that’s actually pretty damn good you know for a rookie tight end a guy that was uh you know drafted in the fifth round so um and then you go and you jump to 2023 and watch how these numbers drop so his overall grade was 49.1 his uh receiving grade was 48.7 so overall grade drops receiving grade drops now when you look at the targets 28 targets 25 receptions so again 2022 33 targets 30 receptions and in 2023 28 targets 25 receptions 256 yards so the numbers the numbers as far as uh targets versus receptions are pretty similar the amount of yards pretty similar had no touchdowns in 2023 so for me these numbers tell me that the more you target Daniel Bellinger the more productive he’s going to be um his uh passer rating when targeted in 2023 was uh 100 uh 104.8 again that’s down from 120 um 12.8 in 2022 and then his uh average yards uh per catch were 10 yards you know 10 yards per catch those are solid numbers when you think about it every time time this man caught the ball it was an average of 10 yards and he averaged about five yards after the catch um listen the thing is with the Titans and the New York Giants is these guys just need more targets more chances uh more opportunities to make plays that’s it the more you get these guys involved and I’m talking about Daniel Bellinger the more you get Daniel Bellinger involved the better it’s going to be for the quarterback he is the security blanket he is you know the safety for the tight end I’m sorry safety for the quarterback he’s a safety for Daniel Jones or whoever the quarterback is going to be whoever’s in there throwing the ball tight ends are safety blankets for all of these guys so for me when it comes down to Daniel Bellinger hopefully we can get him more targets we can get him more involved in the receiving game and I bet if we do that you’ll see those numbers go up you know throughout the season now talking about the guy that’s going to be tight into to now we can start talking about the rookie Theo Johnson I believe Theo Johnson is tight end number two now he was getting first team snaps during uh mini camp during um uh the OTAs fantastic they kept B Bellinger on the side I guess he was nicked up that’s what Brian dable said um but Daniel Bellinger did say he was healthy so they had a little bit of back and for not not a back and forth between them but it was a little bit of back and forth for on what we were being told Bellinger says he’s healthy uh DAV was saying you know he was a little nicked up or he had a little something going on but we’re on to Theo Johnson now Theo Theo Johnson is the epitome of what you want a tight end to look like he’s like the size of gronowski almost and he might be F actually he is faster than gronowski can he be gronowski that is who knows I don’t know you don’t know um it’s easy to say no he can’t be gronowski because gronowski is great was great but Theo Johnson has everything that you need all the tools are them the two boxes full when it comes to Theo Johnson same thing with Daniel Bellinger it’s about how you use the guy and it’s about how many targets can you get you know if he’s tied end two really how many targets can he realistically get are there going to be certain packages for Theo Johnson I don’t know we’ll see what happens we’ll get a little bit more of an idea once uh training C rolls around and once preseason starts because I believe all these guys are going to get a lot of snaps especially during preseason especially a guy like Theo Johnson um you’re going to want him to get a lot of snaps you know and get up to speed you know with real you know with real football but for me I’m very excited about Theo Johnson um just throwing up some of his stats so in 2022 his overall grade this is according to PFF was 70.8 he had 24 targets 20 receptions 328 yards he was averaging 16 yards per catch now when you look at it you know 24 targets for an entire season that’s not it doesn’t seem like a lot of targets especially when you go to 2023 and and it jumps up from 24 targets to 45 targets 34 receptions but still 341 yards and then averaging 10 uh 10 yards per catch now he did have seven touchdowns you know in 2023 for the for for Penn State and here’s the thing and he could have got he could have been used a lot more one of the knocks on Theo Johnson is we people didn’t see enough you know you you you had the Fantastic combine you know you got everybody checking you out but when they look at the Penn State tape you know there were flashes here and there but nothing was really consistent and for him to have the kind of numbers that he had in the combine Ras score all that stuff like that you expect or you would expect his numbers to be a little bit better but again sometimes numbers are deceiving because of usage strategy philosophy you know they wanted to play their games or set up their game plans you know that Theo Johnson for some reason wasn’t always a big part or big focal point of that offense and again we’re talking about potential and what he could do on the next level and I’m liking what I’m seeing with these two guys so when when it comes to Daniel Bellinger when it comes to Theo Johnson that’s to me that’s tight end one that’s tight end two and then this is when you get into the little murky area of who’s going to be the other two tight ends on the squad now listen some people might say we only keep three tight ends we saw what happened last year there’s injuries that happen there was was a point in time where we really didn’t have any tight end on this on the squad it was crazy it was crazy and even the year before that we had tight end going down left and right so for me you got to have at least four tight ends on this roster on the act of 53 when it comes to it when it comes to the season so now let’s talk about these other three guys now obviously we going to I mentioned Lawrence cager a little bit and for for me Lawrence cager was the perfect backup for Darren Waller same type of frame same skill set more of the receiver type of tight end uh once Darren wer left to me it’s like okay what do you do with Lawrence cager are you going to have certain packages for Lawrence cager because now when you look at the tight end room the first two tight ends are both traditional tight ends they can give you uh they help you block and they can help you in the receiving game Lawrence C is not a blocker he might be willing but he is not a blocker I don’t think anybody’s going to argue that that point with anybody here um but Lawrence cager has shown in the past two seasons that there is some usefulness for Lawrence cager like he can get open you know there’s certain packages or certain routs that he can run that he becomes a matchup um problem for the defense now can he do that on a more at a more consistent basis he’s no Darren wer I’m not saying that at all but he is you know from that mold of the receiving tight end so it’s going it’s going to be I you know I’m leaning towards Lawrence C and making the squad um it makes sense for him to be the tight end number three but when I look at the first two guys again more traditional tight ends now let’s talk about some of the guys we picked up on free agency so we have you know Jack stall from the Philadelphia Eagles and Chris manherz from the Denver Broncos these guys are two traditional tight ends Chris manherz is a veteran um has a lot of snaps played a lot of ball um blocking tight end um between him and Jack stall I don’t know what’s going on because I haven’t heard much of of anybody’s name when it came to OTAs when they came to mini camp I don’t know what’s going on with man Herz or Jake or Jack stall but one of these guys in my opinion H you know they have to make the team so I’m not going to get into my who makes a 53 Point uh yet but it’s going to be a nice battle because I have three guys fighting for that last spot and that that’ll take me to the last guy the last tight end on on the roster and that’s Tyreek Jackson another guy that was put in the mold of a receiving Titan he played quarterback converted to Titan in um but the man hasn’t caught a pass in a in a real football game since 2021 healthy scratches all 2022 all 2023 healthy scratches I believe he played for the Eagles as well but what you what are we doing here what are we doing here you you got three Titans that that are most likely solidified and then you got another three tight ends that are fighting for one spot and you know what when it comes to competition I don’t know who’s going to be getting a lot of snaps between cuz everybody needs the snaps right now cuz nobody we have Daniel Bellinger third year guy you got uh Theo Johnson rookie you got Lawrence cager who’s who’s a little bit of a Jour a journeyman um but not a lot of experience either who who’s giving up snaps for the for the last three guys you know on the roster when it comes to the tight end room I don’t know and and how are these guys going to improve or show themselves or show their worth you know with within uh you know training camp or or the preseason I guess you know the end of those quarters half you know second half of the preseason games maybe Chris manherz can do something maybe they just going off of you know his history and and you know the veteran that he is but that’s going to be a you know a a pretty good competition to see um if you’re a New York Giants junkie and you’re worried about who plays tight end four um just like me I’m curious to see who who gets that spot but ultimately you know the first three spots in my opinion are solidified already with with Daniel Bellinger Theo Johnson and lens cager and again Theo Johnson and and Daniel Bellinger could be fighting for that tight end one spot but for me I already said it in in the beginning of the video tight M1 for me right now is still Daniel Bellinger we better do right by Daniel Bellinger so that’s going to be my video um just a a review of the tight end room I’m excited um can’t wait for training camp to begin can’t wait for Hard Knocks to begin as well and um yeah let me know what you guys think in the comments down below about the tight end room let me know if you got you know high hopes for these guys let me know if you’re a little you know on the fence but what we have here CU again when you look at these grades when you look at the PFF grades it’s nothing to smile about it’s nothing to smile about but again I think it’s all about how these guys are going to be used and if they’re used the correct way these guys can turn into some players um so that that’s going to be the video I want to thank everybody for vibing with me please like comment and subscribe and from one Giants fan to another this is big Dash No Big Blue Nation let’s go [Music]

New York Giants | TE Room Review

  1. I think we got 2 solid TEs now. Not sure how many 2 TE sets they're gonna run but I think they can def create mismatches with 3 wr 2 TE empty backfield or Robinson/Tracy/singletary etc in the backfield… Dangerous

  2. What's good Bruh? Good to see you back. I believe our TE room is Thorough and our RB room too. Love how the Oline/TE/RB are working together like our DLine/Edge are working together in practice. Special

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